HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-10, Page 1!Ir,.."797''',Inr.IERRIF,771711117 VOL XXN.1,-Nth 158L A.,GTeat i Dissoiutiou BALE 1 FOR CAStl. ONLY This is. no fake. It is a genuine sale, and we are positive we can save you money on everything you buy. A few Bargains: Men's Dongola Boots - Regular $8.25, sale price $2.40 Mea's Box Calf Boots - Regular $3,75. sale price $2.90 A' 8,25, 2.40 " 3.00, " 2.25 2,50, " 1.90 Ladies' Dong. Boots, button- • Regular $3.00, sale price $2.25 2.15 " 2.50, " 1.85 " ° 2.00, " 1.50 Children's Shoes - Regular $1,40sale pride. $1.10 Children's Shoes, button - Regular $1.25. sale price ed.00 " 1.25, ' .85 Men's Colored Shirts - Reinder $1.25, sale price $1.00 " 1.00, Men's White Shirts- Regular $1.00, sale price .80 Neckwear - Regular .50, sale price .38 e As to elothiug, now is the time 'to purcheseas we can save- ezda from $4 to $5 on a suit of . , Store for sale. Apply to J. J. Hamm. Ruth •86 Son la i. MARRIAGE LICENSES • Issued by Fax.3rx .t,mensots, No. 23 Vietoria street. Winghani. Ont. No witnesses required. GROCERIES A complete line of the best Groceries and Canned Goods that money Can buy. We sell at the lowest pdssible prices. Weston's 13reetl, Toronto, for sale. JOHN GRAY, Josephine street, north. DOMINION BANK Capital $2,500,000 Reserve $2,500,000 WINCHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business Trans- acted. b'arniers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on same. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada. United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed ou deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 8Oth June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Mana• ger. B, Vanstono, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Four specials While they L • # WINGIIAM, ONTARIO* THUM Wear ftteete'S Shoes, • For views 'Rod Artustrelig New C ub House. VirOrkmen lav been busy for several days during the st week, Making ire, peoventents at t e bowling gee u on the park, and tins sfeek the carpenters are busy ereeeing tl e club house. 25c. a so meets July and August elemang sale, Table sets, 6 pieoes,80, 25 and 20c. =slim for 10e. Fancy Glass Zutter dishes 10e. eaeli Water glasses per dozen 25 cents. Just Opened:Package faney water sete, eight pieces, everyone different, The - price will make them sell fast. Como early and get firshoice at 1 A. hiChiS011 Groceries and °rookery. 30SUPTIIN1 ST. Gentlemen Or have thiu hal Doreneveud at Bri day, July 25, and ho are Bald , should call on Prof. 'Ism& hotel on m his wonderful de- vices in Toupees aid Wigs worn on over 05,000 heads. Ex stretion free. hotel. Don't fai tion, petentecl al LY 10, 1902. group try Closing Offices Early. AS will be seen f m all advt. iu an. otbereolumn, the 1 wyers of Winghata have deolded to el e their offices during July and August tt 2 p, m. on Satur- days and at & p. in on other days of e Week. Returning Trom. 'Dakota. 'ob. Armstrotr . 3, P,, of Settforth, a user weU'knvn resident of '31orrfs mishit) was ting with old friends u town on Mo dlay2' M. Armstrong leaves shortly to risiO With his sons in Dakota and we ore informed that his 'sous will return 'row Dakota and reside ou the old bora etoad lo Motels town- ship. They fin; there is Po place like Ontario, eSpecieely WIngliam and viciu -ty, All departments contain many lines roduce4 to lese thou cost during Xing'e and iertinetit gienswant. Ql reargut to see his new liven - over the World. Buy Corsete, Belts, Dome, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves at Kiug's clearing, sale. Belts front 8c up. , WI101IAL jf The IrIn Works, Phone No-. 59. Mr. 3. 3. Ounhingham, one of t e I' company, who ha - works was ni tow week. Ho was Real Estate Topics thi.s ot The increasing number of farms and ONV21 PrOPertieS that are ere being recorded fo sale this office is evidence of the fact Unit be party who, is anxious to sell, has learned wit •4 thin ey are ost likely to have their Obje accomplished. We are alsoreceiving a few farms that are listed elsewhere in town and since they have received no attention whatever, ere now placed wi th tlf4. We are preparing a large list of properties for advertising for sale this coining fall,so now hi the timo to enter your property so that you nut'' receive full benefit of the advertising. You will find our rates the lowest and whilo this is true, wt, guarantee to satisfy you in the mith. or exchange, or we will ,charge notldng whatever. Our insurance department of the work is rapidly increasing in extent and favor for no other reason than results of the feet that we represeo t none but the best companies. We guarantee to quote as low a. rate for life insurenee as any (antimony doing business on sound principles, end whin:nit undoubted se curity, not forgetting the imonerable options, so also in the fire and accident insurance our rates 11,1.0 as low es is consistent with security and thorough management. We guarantee prompt nttentiou to the eolleo., tion of rents mal accounts. Money to loan. T. J. titeetttIRE, ij Beal Estate Ant Wilco over.D. M.Gordon's shwa, Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve $1,600,000.00. PreRitlent-/IMS STUART., Viee-president-A. G. RANO'. 131BEOTOBS JohnOrootor, Gro. Beech, V2111.• thcn, M.P. A. T. Weed, M. 1'., A. B.Lee (Toronto). General Manager -3. VOUNSULT.., 'keine* Bank -Maws 10 to it; Saturday, 10 to 1. Detiosits of 51 and urnkf'dsreceived. In- teiest alloWed, ntid. e0t1h) ted en the /30tIt 'comber ani East May far ' year and added to 601161a1 DePOSitil alsO retsdred at careen' Attie of interest. , • Stifle on. (rent Brittsta sail the 'United Stites sought teasel& Oravellers a e that t.1%e k Vane them rue ts Isvg: r ett of Betionel Pro idea ited, A. • • *tab. C64bo.. 0 , r treat ., laid * WvitUt Ottrtt11004135, Age* 11/0X1XitifOlt, Selleitar, •e purchased the 'ir for a few days th making arrangement for the work in cennection with build- ing of additions t the build'n is and also making alteratice i in the present build- ings. Work on ae alterations will be. commenced as teen its possible. Mr. Cunningham will be here to reside per- aneutly in about two weeks. • Fon SALE -House and lot ("Edward street. "Will be sold reasonable anti on easy terms of payment, as I intend leaving Wiugham. Joie.; Muneay. , ProngeMe at Church. fri the Methodist Chu ell ell Sunday even - hit members of bighorn L. 0. L..‘ 4 vieitiug brethr to the number of ver one hundred, arched in a body to Mg Wt. grOV• Hobbs preeched a splendid sermon t tat was appropriate to the oecattiln. A 14111ber of the Wing - ham Orangeifiett wove over to Laeltnew on. Sunday aftern n and attended ser - ,ice in • the ll,ge iodist cherch there. ver one hunclie; Orangemen were in e procession : ivad Rev, Mr, Harris °ached a splem ttl sermon., Rev. W. we of this etcya preached to the I :. nen at elgrave on Sunday . • PASTUI3E-Good pasture land to rent, can take n number of cattle, high and low land, good grass and good water , Apply to MURRAY WILSON, Wingham P.O. ter1100 Shoe I3argaies.-4ne at 900.. $1,45 for 70c $1.0 do. $1.50 for 12 yds. for $1,00 540. o ANNA Co. tome. .& grand bar to wash, 120 of hsly elebratione. Saturday of this 4eek will be the i2th of Julyond oelebro OM Will 43e held at Brussels, GoeIo4 and Gerrie. No doubt a large nunlber of People from this section will isit these different Places. The Win' aux lodge will go to Brussels. ExcurstoIl Receipts, Mr. R, Deugl e, Bivancial Secre- tary of Court Itft1and, C. O. r„ has received a check cbeckffroni the G. T. R. for $10.3.55, as the C rt's share of the re- ceipts of the res nt C. 0. V, excursion to Owen Senn Tho Court has ap- plied for the pri ilege of runuing an ex, cersien to Mani lton in June, 1003, when Crowder Ot. fre payi, g 1'. pet Ile, for roll batter. 1c. par 1 r tub butt- er and 140. ref A: for es. Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, Ontario. Footb'II Games. ..The final gates .n the Western Foot - !No official anon ball Intermediate .aague championship yet been teeth/. the High Court f Foresters mewtTat itY• Those holding key suite will please brine their lack. 1,..1••••••••••••••,.. 's 12 pat. a , Guaranteed .1,1.NDIA. ea CO, Very TJdi Flax. We were showsj this week, several stocks of flax tliatl measured 4 feet, 2 inches. These sto ice were pulled front a 20 -acre field of 4x on Mr Jas. Angus" . ,ajts, barley and all • s will have an abundance of len th of straw this ye • .TULY BA.ItGAINS. - ratting Company are Waists for 85c eaoh. Wingham in 75e shirt WOO 5e a lb. Turnberry ters' Lists. The voters jests f r the municipality West Her ,n Protested. of the Township f Turnberry were The election of M. G. Cameron, the printed at the •.s office this week. oniber for West -liven has been pro- The number of per ;ons qualified to serve t sted. The necee .ary papers were filed as juriors is 889. The list contains a Mouday of this veelt. The petitioner total of 702 voters There are 557 voters James Mitchell, ho defeated Censer- for both munie-pal and legislative rive candidate,e o, in addition to the assembly elections 101 voters for mettle - slue ellurgeR of 0 rraPtion• gaits tor a ipal eletions only 40.4a 44 voters who are sorutiuy of the bnjlots, and claims the ntitled to vote zt elections to the seat. This matte on r parlor and try G. V. XING. did not come as a legislative aseemeey only. The list was • surprise to the L berets, es they had. frist posted at C erk Bugess office in •. been told by Con ryatives that a pro- Bluevale on July 3th. test would be ente ed. I Black dress goods, new and up to date - Coronatio selling at cost, dining Xing's July and) Xing Edward wi August sale. Aug. 11 and Aug. been so rapid and above dectisiott wa 1 cement of the fact has The School Bo 1 owever. The pageant - Tuesday evening. • 1 ti sr,r and the ceremony at not present thenise I • ey will be much cur- , ficient number n original plan. Their 1 form a qtterume u iye from Buckingham 1The Principal's re of the King. I be crowned between 5, 1.4h3 recovery has satisfactory that the arrived Mondey. P.incipal Wertrpleyed at 13e nit on Monday, The teame represent id . were Listowel, ! t tong 1 le 1. Yes i is Hot. ,Brussels, -Galt 11)5 Brautford. The ! Westminster Ab , rst game was leetween Listowel and I tailed from the uSSele, in whim Brussels mem de- i 3 tedby tteecore of 3 to. 1. Tbe next Palaee to the ali-ety through the Mall to I Dent- BoYe me was betweet Brantford and Galt. Whitehall, and hence to the abbey, the i 1 a. ;k. le4 sante route as 1 .1teu at the opening. of parliament. 26 . thie . &nee t-4,;eatio, out .-: ahead a Sleeve; 2 to . In the final ga.me , 4 15 tweet i st ev al and Galt, 5 21 0 latter were tl e winners in a score of Photos at half ori -0. Monday w s the civic holiday in Star Photo Statile. vessels mid a pedal trail was rug Former erlie and return, and s Accompanied their The Brussels P aline death of a.yoflflg) lv a residua of th The intense he on Saturday last, registrations of di the tentperatilrelll The hot wave has • • - will 1 of summer set in hen,4 according to the f 'ereut thermometers tip -past 85 degrees.. nice continued and we are now inal *ng tip for the cool b great heat, ou Su iday the attendancsat the church servic -.vas gretitly reduced and the services vere considerably short- / from Ertissels to ened. The gene al move of the poop e many Mressalit A hotel doll, good business for sale dim e Y P • football boys to trade, live village. Also a large amount pf Who Wants alarm ?I we of Juno: In 'consequence Of the, I have ()ger 4,tect acres of choice farlands for mole, in 50. t5, 100, 150 and 200 acres lots in Kinloss, Greenock.. Bruce, Rincardino, inron and Ashfield TOwnships. Good lands with good buiklingato be sold cheap 08 easy - rms. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in on- nection ) doing a good business, for sale elm . has been in the e tioa of shad s s Also a wagon top. A general store with large „ ing July at 7 Gneeneet. 8 34 ' 23 48 106 silent Dead, 'PRO3 st thus refers to the Third Sr. to Fours 42 dy, who was fortner- Third jr. to Third r 29 s town:-" Thursday Second sr. to Thin . .... 15 Report. d did not meet on The members did es in time, so a Bur - being present to meeting was held. ort was as follows: ii 1 Total Al g. 38 51 36 25 41 36 4 40 31 48 46 80 364 2:3 49 7 e 49 3 54 56 9 52 94 3 409 TIONS. money to loan at a per cent. bor further par. ft of les week Nellie Viola Part II to Second _ . . tieulars aPply to , 20c. to 25e. prize butter; 'We offer T. A. MeBBNZIE, : for the best 3 tubs or boxes of butter Insurance .Agent. yolvreod.. ; delivered dining July, 5c., 4c., and Se., i respectively over higheet market price. Ggo. E. XING. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's atIvertisement. Campbell's Headaghe Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Garden P A garden part auspices of E. -no the manse grou ing of next weel will furnish t1 served from Proceeds town ty at Belgrave. will be held under the church, Belgrave, on ds on Thursday even- . The Lucknow band music. Refreshments 37). Admission 15 cents. cl organ fund. Farm for sale at a bargain. Apply to D. Stewart. Died in Mrs. Wm. Fiek Tamlyn of this t iu Cobourg on underwent an 0 in that place. of Cobourg years and was 7.eld in very high esteem. Mrs. Field vi sited with her sister here for three mon -hs last smuttier and made many friends here who will hear of her death with r gret. Mrs. Tan3lyn attend ) ed the funei I, at Cobourg, Cenourg. , Bider of NO. (Dr.) vn died at her home une''20th, MrS. Field elation at the hospital he had been a resident for upwards of fifty Von SAT:E.-House and lot on Vra os Street. For particulars apply to H. HamiltOte sr. A *ingha Boy's Success. r. Geo. E. A ley, who has been at- tending the Cana1a Business College at Methane for s me motitliti, returned home on Tueeda night of last week. The TIMES is pie uted to note this young tuan's success in the rodent examinations at the College. to Paiied with honors hi till subjects ud was the Winner of the gold medal for Atieral proficiency, Since comino One GoitgO lai)S teoektod word, that he s :mired the bigheat xss sable marks on the continetolal laNt animations ht the Same College. This young roan be congratulated on biti ettccess. Our Ne -Doctor.' In speaking of ,he removal of Dr. Bethune from Sea orth to Wingham, the Expositor says: Dr. Bethune, whqj practised here f r a number 'Of year and who recent)... disposed of his praotic to D. H. Ross, agt..Ls'eideci to locete ii Wingham and 1 't this week to restu e .practice. The ctor is no stranger o the people of inghant. and vicini Y, having praetis 1 there some years a o, and we are s re his old friends t re will welcom back the genial doe .r. Wo regret hi- removal from Seater 1, but trust tha his old friends in Win limit will use right, and that he wi find Winglia a quite. as congenial and profitable a teem to practise in as Sea - forth." Moeinv To Lo.a.x.-Money to loan on notes, and notes diseeunted reasoft- able rates. Money advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notee and. accounts colleeted. Oifice-BeaverBlock, Wing - ham ROBT. MOISIBOO. About Ele The Winghtun installed scene for places in town weeks. The mete first time clueing What we can learn the company are With the result ected tem. Iii some cas ties -are only payi the meter system t ing under the flat has been prating i the power Wiese a that the balance of been installtd. in every place wIte As soon as en the pewee hettlee are' ee aitrvite will eo night service will to those who are dwellings. • :131i e tric Lights, ectkic Light Co. Mee ineters in different wring the past few s were read for the hie week and from the forty patrons of 1111Wlyeentjeletll every ease a saving er the fiat rate syte s we know that par- tg about half under what they were usY- te. The dompety two new boileritat this is the reason ho meters have not ors will be installed the lights aro used. nprovements at the pleted all night moved. The Alr itgreat coinventento the lights in their -partie's indebted to me mutt settle their accounts ite once by either cash or note. Ant leaving Wing - ham and must have prompt .settlenient. Jolts Mui a. ernoo 16 Part I. to Part IL 30 Mercer, \\ He of N mum McLeod, passed away from time 'at the 1101118 of her t- . 132 mother, Brussels, at the early ago of 23 At Easter. ..... ...., 99 4 :3 tiths a ttl. 19 days 'She lied ! . I ., . t, bem ill since Be nary last, her ailment•I Independe It Oddfellows. eing of a puli4onary character. De - At the regular meeting of Maitland 1�iased was bor and Y., ,Lodge, I. 0. 0. ..4'. held on Thursday IC., N evening of last ereeke Mr. A. Maguire, I i hard and 1'.. D. D. G. M,, of 1ussels, paid the lodge I Z1101t1)8 old she an official visit a d installed the follow- ! to mada tau N.G.inc ing officersD :-P. ., . Lougheed; G.gted ne and Wil John Pattison;"..G., ; .G., F. G. Spar ° russels. T Reco•Sec., J. JI Groves; Flu. -Sec., 1 Wa married to T. J. Elliott; reas,, Wm. Robert- or years ag son; Warden, Thos. Netterfleld; i th ee years oh ' Con„ A. Gregor,'; LG., W. ;:Hangh; III s' 8. a Su) i R.S.N.G„ Alex, .1 . Alderson; L.S.N.G., -8 by trade, Walter Bell; R.S. ., A. Cosens; L.S.S., 1 M. MT:nigh ; ReS.t .G., W. Lloyd; L.S.- ! k •as a bright 4 V.G.,W. T. Hall ' The financial state- 'P Anything you can Mention in Our entior the pas year for this lodge' $15,000 (try goods stock will be sacrificed Was also presented at this meeting. For t daring King's July aud August sale. ' I the year ending June 30th, 'Maitland t lodge has paid ver $300.00 in sick, i , ciThe Upper Lak and the "Soo." widows and fune al beilefin3. The year I Mr. R. Holmes] as just retiwned from just closed was i4 very .snecessful one 1 a tour of the 1.7ppee• Lakes. On a fishing and several new m mbers were initiated. I tip up the New Algoma Central and The lodge now 1 as on. han&enearlyefludson Bay raileoad now opening ep 84,000 in its iscluo, ,-4414. eJ At the close it4.eme of the finest tourist resorts in the o ' !•• ,:eticeeting, 5110 metnbors went to tet-eeld, he succeed 5 in lauding the larg- Scott'a restaurant 5d e(11Yd ,10eine ge4e.Vn• ,01 est black bass secured with hook end strawberries.„: :Ili this connection I and line. Its wei zht was over 6 lbs, and the 'Thildigifig ' froti Saturday's Globe i it measured 18 inches long, by 14 inches vill be of interest to Oddfellows and in girth. He rtports also fine trout thers:-"Congrat ations are being ex- ! fishing there. A great building boom is t tided to Mr. J. Z. , Grand Secret- i now ou at the "leo," buildings going a of Independent jrder of Oddfellows, ; up in all direetices and new lots survey- rn at liftfoilt011 o the 4th of July, ed 5 miles ont hi • the country. A des - '836. Elected. Grai a Secretary of the . etiptive article ma -Algoma and the Oen- order in August, 18 .6, -he leas held the ! adieu "Soo" will appear in the cOlumns pesitioa ever sine, ; nee)ing in all these ' of the nuns nekb week. Those intend - years the lave ftUd. e ;teem. of the brother- in taking a trip there Caa obtain full hood. In 1870 at tlya desire of the Grand teirtienlars and ell information with Lodge Mr. Xing r melted to Toronto, folders, through t ekets, etc, by apply - resided, His life Jug to Holmes & dohnes, Railway and Week has been in Ithe interest of this Steamship ticket *ents ma general 0 - •the furniture btPusteoviliolceenotf$GmmiefitY SeWileretettirriyhtehearSe8nNthveet(el te'ettitnogrye, itiltien"str°Pe :t().ske but fifteen lodges n Ontario, with a con- 4( trihuting niemb ship of 641. To•day 1 . Trunks e. -e, 1 , Lc there are 200 I es, with 26.000 mem- . Oiling I.: . ..r. gams in Stre e*11 ta Summer Cloth - bens and hives di betide amounting to mg. Come in vi li • e money and see Ono aml a guar er million dollars. In what yott ca110 • • . Stteinner teeth 1893the sum of $1,2311 was iota out in 'frbW 5°C- t<1 11 '. 1A$114.4: 41 CO' aramowatami.**....141•In ' • in Savannah, Wayne was the daughter of ary Mercer. When 2 carne with, her parents liyed at Tiverton, Kin- gham before coming to e subject of this notice Normau McLeod nearly and leaves a little son to the care of her mother, le. Deceased was a tailor- ed a good education and oung woman. where he has sine benefits and rtidef. m 1901 the large sum of $82,864. 7 WAS paid out for the -The Toms odice is the place to get same Obleets.” neat job printing. 231 Keep your eye on our bargains. You will always find the price interestiug during King's July and .August sale. ...Dan. Patch t e Winner. In the matched ace between Dan Patch • and Harold H. at Windsor on Tuesday, the hors s got away evenly after the third se re, with Harold H. leading at the qua ter. There 1)an Patch overtook and led y an open length all the way round, wi ning the first heat in a pull. The secon heat was Dan's race from start to • fin h. The track was heavy and the best ime was 2.06. The defeat of Harold . is certainly a dis- appointment, inas confidently expect side of the line, the would go tinder th wire in the lead. $1 A YEA.R IN ADNANC/ COME TO. • DOUGLASS The Druggist for your Bluestone Paris Green Hellebore And all Insecticides Office C. N. W. Telegraph The Road To Success Is easy for those who are equipped for the proper transuctien of business affairs. Those Who get their educao don where attention is given to dee tails and Simple inethOrls will have the a dvantae.e of others, We have in- ' formation fin- you if you are interested Forest City Business College Y, M.O. A. Building; LondOn, Ont. • J. W. WESTERVELT„ Principal. • • Business tducation leadsto + 4. 4. Provided yOuaet a strictly first-class + • Business Educatioi stfeb as can be • had. in the well-known ▪ Central Business College, STNATFORD, ONT. 4. , You risk nothing by attendiirg. this + College. This is the School whole • graduates are in strong (lemma . 4' ▪ teachers in business colleges and as :4. bookkeepers and stenographers for sl• prominent business firms. 4, Write for catalogue. •1• W. .1. ELLIOTT. Principal, ++++4.4-:•++++44.4-0.4÷44++++.1-1•4: The MILES to January ist, 1903, for 450. Moxny TO Lcax at 4ie per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A. Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. Men and boys' suits will be sold at prices that will pay you to investigate during King's July and *August sale. TO oimn A corm TN ONE 1,A1' Taike Laxative (Brom° LOUbtine Tablets. Al '1111.‘ Intis'orveer'tsliigtnilfietigran fe 11:C11'71115x tiSo uchasith enth adbeein 1, at leasts - the Canadian pacer wint-UM4. ,- HLeading Shoe Store Harolc Harold H., the f pacer, was sold Monday morning Winnipeg. It evil faction to the o11owera -of Canadian harness horses, an &Harold H. in particu- lar, to know that the Wonderful horse which has made so great a mune for hunself atul Omuta is to be kept in the country. Mr. $w trtz, the former owner of the horse, decfln.is to mako nubile the terms of the sal,- but it is said to be well onto the fiv u figure mark. While Harold 14. was being raced over the Grand Circuit ] st year, a gentleman in Memp nia e Mr. Swarhi an offer of $6.00k for the hors?. Harold H. was uncovei r. howdU, of Illenheini. Tin doctor always bad a •-h- dhad t good one in his isy. It hits alevays been t ui doctor's at bill= to have a. 'top notcher," but 4tor Harold H. reached a mark of 2.10 tii dootor gave up hope Of ever seeitigbi4 go any faster, believing , that Mark to Ibe his limit. Ile then old. the home Mt Swartz for $700, "1"'' dud it is need es to say, has been sorry ever since. H. Sold. mous little Canadian ' a t t the Windsor track ' c , McLaren Bros., of be a source of satis- For Greer's i3ic Mid- , Summer Sale of , Boots and # Shoes, when bargains will abound in every line, Sale to start on Tuesday, July t5th. 1 ... X. a .