HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-03, Page 8ITO IE & CAMPBELL Surafzmir aefe bell going O,a 5 Sevt ral cases of new good' just arrived and t are opened out on our counters now. This will make o:lr SuarTutr S ilea still mire interesting. New Muslins, L:inen'a, Dim;ties, Prints, Cham- altbrays, W rapper Good:,. Cotton Shirting];, Oxford 7 1 Shirtiilgs, Ci.ttonades, Tickings Factor h Cottons,, i WI he Cottons, Shaker and Outing 'Flannels, Men's Suitings, ?antings, t. 0 Specials ter the Weekes--- t 3G Pieces, extra Heavy Shaker Flannel, with width, extra 16' Pieces Heavy Shaker Phone], extra wide, good quality, regular price Se„ special G c, gond gnalIrv, good value! 3t 10e. special sale price Sc. 50 Remnants of Prints, from 2 to 5 yards in each, best quality and gond washers sale pt lee, . , . 10c. $ 40 Remnants of Jluslins, Linens, Organdies, Dimities, Foul, Ards, Fancy Lawns t r , from 2 to 8 yds, in 0 in tech end, Suitable lengths for Waists or Hisses' Dresses . 25e. 0 TCWWE & CAMPBELL S ELL Successors 10 dish c co $ Dmfs' is = nishin s In our Gents' Furnishing Department we have some. thing special to offer in the line of Paintings. 0 15 pieces Pftntina, Farley Beiw trp stt•ipee ; we will have these grids made up for you in the best and latest fP sale. Tale a look in the winduw laid satisfy your. telt as to their extra value. Reguixr Prices 85 00, 0,5.50 and 5G.25 for.. , ....... 4.15, $4 75, & $5.25. We are paling the Highest prices for Butter and eggs. s I.% 4. 1•a. >t arvi,wk, -a-ter, 0,7;,. MINOR LOCALS. --The Thies of tee is the place to get your job printing. —Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, B.:0. S.,, on. Monday evening next. —Forepaugh and; Sells Eros.' circus will be iu Stratford on July 15th. —The month of .June was an easy one for the man who waters the streets. —Culross council minutes ani other news itezns crowded oat of this issue. —Dr. A. J. Irwin lit s bca+utified his One residence with a fresh coat of paint. Regular monthly meeting- of the Town Council on Monday evening next. —The L. 0. L. Excursion to Sarnia will take place (in Saturday, August 23rd. —The .bricklayers are veneering •the house for Dr. Chislulm. on Patrick ttreet, The School Board will hold its regu- lar monthly meeting.:en.SCuesia,y eve.;+. 'ing next. —Cement builders should read the advb iu• another column, '*Tenders wanted." -The Liberals have filed a petition against the return of Hugh Clark in Centre Brice. —Wit Button has commenced work on the laudation for his new residence on Patrick street. —A. number of Wingbamites attend- ed the Listowel races on Thursday and ]friday of last week. —Judge Masson of Goderich, who is in poor health, has been granted three mouths' hate of absence. —More cold weather and rain doing June this year than we have had in that month for twent. -riv n y e years. Braakiast food Heathuariors We 1 nothingbut e ethe best therefor , e earsntee g everything we sell. Malta Vita Breakfast Food (the new- est one), per package - .15 Life (',hips, new package .12 Force (one of the best) •.15 Grape -Nuts (one of the staple foods) .15 The above four are ad ready to eat and can be used in many' ways for short cakes, desserts and lunches, as well as far breakfast. Those requiring some cooking are Health of Wheat, per package ` - .20 eaith Breakfast l! sod, lv Malt Breakfast Rood, .16 Swiss Breakfast Food, .15 Tillson s pan -dried Flaked Oats, the best on the market, requires less cooking than the ordinary kind, Ill* for - - .23TillsOtt. ' . s Gold Bast Cornmeal, 811s flu Phated Wheat, large thin flakes, 7 lbs .2 ) Dry our Coffees. There are none WI', Per lb, • .• %.30 and .40 Tim Stogy ad Crockery Store ij�" '• 1 141.1ro'}F. TUE 1tr1.irtl.JLA 1�J.il ilt sJ l`1 • PKR5Q Ai-$, Wo tilt:hl] be• gh2d to }u+vt+ eontributiotts tc this colonel iro21. any. of oto t eaders. df Jutt bene wx4lt0nb w' put p&*e 6• u ktwa. y rul'setf, (trop ix2 anis tell us, or send us a auto to that ulYret. Mayor Vanstone was in 7.'oronto for a couple of days: this week.. 111r. E. L. Diekinson oP Gaclerich was. visiting in. town over Suziday, • Mr. and Mrs, G. 0. Manners spent Sund;ly with, relatives at Dungeauou, Mr. Thos. Bell is oa: ti builuoss trip, to Chicago taxa Grand Itatr,tia this weal.;. Miss, Estella Griffen pas•1„ d net e nations iu harmony. et Goderiva. W fix honors, Mr. Thos. KeGavin. w. s. at Mildmay on. Friday lust I.tteuding his n2atei's funeral, Mrs. Stevenson, of A''orwioa was. virlitiue. with 1.er daughter, Mrs. Jas. Mc$eivle, Mr. W. 5. Robertson, of the Depait- went of the Iuter2:,r at Ott.t,, t is 1104.0 On Visit. Mr, J. G.. Ward, of Dungannon, Si a, visiting. wait i1 iughaau friends for a few days this week.. Mrs. 11Te11 P. IIaiues, of Owen Sound is v;.iciug with her i,area ts, Mr. auu Mrs .kteut. Aikens. Peroy Greer of the Dominion Bank is spending a couple of weeks ludidays at ].hs home xa x'eterburo. • ()cry Bordeu left oa Saturday last fcr Toroucu, where lie t+ill spend the z.ult days at his uncle's home. Rev. Mr. Su,uli, the new'Presbyteliau minister tit Ani.uru, Was a guest 01 Air. L. MuLean on Friday last. John Hastings, of the Palmerston Speetttor, formerly of the Tiouts staff, was visitiug iu towu for a fo ,v days, this week. Mr. Thos.. Jenkins of the Dlnevale roaciWiis in Loudon a couple of days last week. He was aeeonzpanie;l home by his son, George. .bout 1,5(0 Can tdians sailed from. South Afiiea on June 27th and 2,000 sailed for ',me on July 2nd. —The ei oni,lg ohapt'rs of our now Starr, "Parctd. by Pate" will be found. onanother page of this issue. - Miss Jessie and Bert. J. Fowler spent a few days with friends iu Winght m last week mud returned home on Mou- day.—Teeswater News, Jas. Fyte and slaughter of Snow Flake, Mantoba, and Miss Bessie Munn, of I#ensall, who have been visiting at r Johu Kerr's, returned to their homes to. — A number c,f the Teesswater Sons of Scotland attended the fuueral of N. A. Farquharson on Saturday last. w —Harry Cern, sou of 1?. J. Carr is ill at the hospital at the Soo. 'We are please,' to learn that he i9 recovering. — Several new names added to the ' Times sulissoriptiou list this week. Four . new navies yesterday. Oar list is grow- ing. —Wiugham and Listowel played base- ball at Listowel on Thursday morning of last week. ticore, 5 to 4 in favor of Winghanh. —A list of the names of the lucky pupils in the recent promotion examina- tions will be found in. another column of this issue. day.. Rev. R. Hobbs, H. Park and Juo Kerr were fu London on Monday and Tuesday attending the Prohibition convention. Mr. Kerr also visited with his father :fur a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson, and Miss Nettie Maxwell, of Toronto. are visiting with relatives and friends in Wingham and vicinity 'This week. Mrs, Nichol- son and children will visit for a few weeks. Mrs. Win. Drummond, who has been at Graveuhnrst for some time, returned home on Friday last. Mrs. Drum- mond's many friends will hope that she may -have permanent beuelit from her stay at Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. John Stein have re- -A petition iias;been filed against the . turned home after a few weeks' visit return i.t I38hliy.• Ellber, , Conservative 1 \with relatives and friends at Pine -River; moinber for Soiitit Haien. . The petition- (Kincardine, Ripley-, Lucknow, St. er is Mr. Y. McLean. Helens aud Fordyce. They report haw- --Last Sunday was quarterly review ing hada pleasant drive and found all day in the Wingham Methodist Sunday their friends enjoying good health. Scheele A very interesting service was held aud it was largely attended.,CHURCH NOTES. —Mr. A. J. Nicholls is main. ig a great. The English Salvation Army raised improwetuent to his bakery building.` $250,000 during the recent self-denial He will raise the building half a story week. atul is having it veneered with brick. Rev. W. Lowe .will preach to the —The editor of the Tr1Es bas been Orangemen at .Eelgave on Sunday after - favored with a complimentary ticket noon next. to the Huron 01(1 Boys' reception to Rev. John 'Webster, one of the pion - be held iu Seaforth on Saturday of this per ministers of the Methodist church, week. • died at his home iu Tara on Monday. —A i:Arden party will be held on He was 79 years of age. the rectory grounds this (Thursday) Rev. Mr. Smith of Kincardine preached in the Winghani evening. A good programme aud au Methodist Church on abundance of refreshments. All are Sunday last. Rev, R. Hobbs was 'preach. welcome. ing anniversary services on t:10 Bethel circuit. —John Currie. auctioneer, who has On cuuday last Rev. W. Lowe, been serionsly iii for three weeks, does officiated at Christ church, Port Albert not improve but continne9 to grow weaker. .er. His friends is haver little ve tt e Y hope for his recovery. at 11 a. m., and at St. Paul's in Dun- gannon n no at 3 p. m.Rev M. M. Goldbery conducted the services in St. Paul's —T. Leckie, who has been connected church here. with the Clinton New Era for some Rev. John Ross, of Brussels leaves years has received d ati appointment ent ti e this week to✓>1P end a few months 1n railway mail service, and ( leaee L. Muskoka. His Health has not been good Fisher succeeds him as assistant editor of late and his many friends will hope of the New Era. Ito see him return home mticlh unproved - br. Tara) n has made agreat im- f Mr. McLeod, a student, will supply Mr. ' y .! , i pavement in; the appearance of hes Ross pulpit in the meantime. property on the corner of Victoria and The Lueknow Sentiuel in speaking of Josephine streets. The old plank walk the sermon preached by Rev. W. Lowe ! has been removed and the spacebetween of this town to the Masons of that place, the building and the sidewalk has teen a couple of weeks ago, says ; —"The , nicely filled with earth. Rev. Win, Lowe, of Winghanl, wha is al prominent and enthusiastic Mason, i i cos i d the.pulpit and sermon A baby carriage was upset on the o p e his was 0rfllfa railway platform. and a two. one of the flnest disootirses o,1 Masonry, , year-old child fell ander a train and had its aims, °Weds and teachings, that has Its aril. cut off. ever been delivered in the village. ]tie ? Mrs, Rice, mother of Fred, Lee Rice is au able and impressive ' maker, sial a a front Ch his splendid address was "reatly p goher tooy to with Minister in. _. sip recfated, sot only b1* the nientbers of 1 paign, Ii1.,. plead with the Minister � . .. as of Justice son's the Masonic lodge, bait by an present. J arise that .her sons life may be __..,...,.._ } spared. • ,.14 . .. floor below the !Artist re sbytertnn nit nm", Ilfiiburn'sd r 1902, Highest Price. For Tiih Bullar aN�� Eggs! Fur the neicw 30 days, where stcek of Rady +'�%•f'i'R!�«*�"'O a 'R.'a«i '��'fi"i"f''i'1't'e f A f s •e i •:"••1"1'!'✓f"!'.•,r«« f • e. * t'•r'PA ! f's'0`7. tut • ,;. •i" n there is the newest and. most Complete ;Io -war Clothing, Frflhhgs • -• .;A in town, It is tet A. R. SMITH'S. ��CiYYWiiWiWINE VihWihYtiliYrY>MrINIM rM'�J�4ih'�t�HYNitiY1�.1t�fNrW4'�t,�Nii�iYtNYr IWI i►WVt�1h'�i'NJJ►'YYtf .1�i 1 p. Metes Clothi lg Information... When we tell you that -Shorey Ready Tailored Clothing sold by tis is better this spring than ever be- fore, we mean that there is an im- provement—that good as it was before —that it is this year still better. That it is the kind that looks right and wears right. Every new and fashionable thing for spring or summer wear is ready for you to see. Don't forget — a guarantee card goes with each garment—and money back if you want it. Youths' Clothing 11,'IMM41,MA,Wnnt111RPRARIAP Boys' Clothing, Whet �tf the news shall we tell you ? It's out•of the question to print is all. The great bargains in the new M. l:axe•t�.. Son Clothing de• serve more frtquent mention. Too busy to give quotations, but the sale goes morally on. Nlvel;y garment is new, If you want new, superfine odd ,Pants, beautiful' Colors and Patterns, call,on us for variety. Our new suits.eiiahie >Is, the way we bought them, to keep out of the price•cutting scrambles and still we are able to sell the lowest. A. P BUSINESS Gonstata�.9y - It�creasgr��. This week we are placing hi stock something very handsome in Bed Room Suites, double swell, A/•cu Oak, Dressers and Stands polished, heavy hand carving on Beds. By taking a.. nuliiber of the Suites we can sell them at $19,50, $ G, $27 and $, 2, Also a few very pretty Ash Suites, with British Bevel Mirrors, at $r3.00 and $22.0o We made a big bit on Medium -price Suites, Took the balance of the factory's stock -9 Suits in all— which we will clear at $17,00, These Suites are good value at $19.3o. For Mattresses and Springs see what we have. BALL BROS., RES1PENCE—PAT1IIClt Sr. , F lriiitu7 o Dealers 1 .i. S. tirarey's former residence, •� where night mills will receive prompt attention. And Undertakers ;.:,., -:' 1'vI• 3r•: •: •:: � i""i..;".y": •f S'•i• « ° } f .;..y ;..;s. ;..p.p.;. ;..;. , `.;.✓o F :..;. ; q..l. a ;..g.;,,g a We will not be undersold ! ! 1 We are determined to make The Wingham Trading Company, Limited, noted for selling the best goods for the least money of any house in this or any town in Huron county. OUR BLACK SERGiS are pronounced by customers• to be the best value they have seen. Our 8 and 10 cent Dress and Waist Muslins are wonder- ful values, loo dozen Ladies' and Children's Hose. A nice Seam- less Hose at Ioc. a pair. 5c.• will buy a pair of Men's Seamless Socks at this cheap, store. lac. a yd will buy a nice Table Linen. Sale of CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, LACE CUR- TAINS, CLOTHING, BOOTS C SHOES, in full blast. mi, Cil! Wigtham aim bighorn Ti CompanyLimited. I Children. are often attacked suddenly by paint al and clang( rens Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea.. Dysentery. Cholera Morbus, Cholera Ititantuin, eta. Dr. Fowler's Extraot of Wild Strawberry is a. prompt aat1 MUC ]:are which should .always be kept in the house. •. • Imprisoned in a Well. Joshua Sanford, a well digger, was imprisoned in a well on a faro. near Pans for nearly a hundred hours, and was released on Saturday evening hast. The Well he was working in caved in aud he was fifty_ feet under bricks aud sand. He could tap oil au iron pipe and let the people. knew that he was alive. A second well was dug along side the old one and a tanner made, through which Sandford twits resoned. The res- cue of Sam -Third wee:accomplished in the preseaeo of fatly 1,000 people. tiO h;S. T.1011v Y- r c East Wotwanosh, on June 2tst the wife of 7. B.Mornay, of twins—eon alai daughter. Etr,r ot1(t1i—At 'Westfield, on Juno 22nd, the wile of Jwtph A.'Silluugh; a daughter. 1[AI.Ii>tli e 13'mLD—RrsH—At the residence of the bride's mother, Wingham, on 'rinia'dny, Juno 20, 1902, by 120r.7. J. Patte2:sen, B.A., I'lr. Thomas Field to Miss Ida Maud oldest daughter of tizo late `Viltiam 1.usli;abotlz or Wingham. SmaVrt•.Y—Jones—In St. Stephen's rhumb, Toronto, on Juno 10th b liov. J. A. Brouelaall, J.T Gordon Stanley, of Toronto to Miss Alice J. ohns, formerly or Wingham. McpAnDlu—Axivs—At the residence of the bride's patents, Howlett, an 7ni1e 20th. by Bev. A Miss to Miss Ednit Akins. DtA-.rcAls—Spi.rtt--At the residence of the bride's parents, on June 25th, by Iter. John Ross, B. .A., Harty Duncan, to Bliss Annie, daughter of Allan Speir, both of *orris. • tit 1—•AL tharesidence of the t. x tt E , o CFA 9 L bride's mother on Tune 25th, by Rev. A. Bic• i a ( . ridoai to Bt i J. Io Tent daiuglltc of Ml:s Win, McEb;oy,'of Blytlt. P.ttA1A VS=Hear r T' kt St. Miehnel's cluireh, Biyth, on June ;,'3rd, by Rev. Father JeMena- ntu1, john Platten, to Bridget, daughter of Thomas Healey, all of Merritt. ()ntnt• e—t1��Ar.X1tt--At the residence of the bride's mother, on ,Tune 124th, by Iiev, A. Me. Lean. Dail. Geddes, of Belgrave to Nellie, daughter of Mrs..ki'nneis Stalkers of Siyth. r-tnQt t#nnsos—Ta Winghstn, on Tune £fth, Norman A. Farelttherson, ageti 21) years, 10 months alta 20 days, 'F 'itn wt9—Iii,Winglianr, on iune 25th, Helen Gray, rvifo of W. a (3. Wright, hge d 29 years and 0 months. Mc`''Anali�oa—ln Brussels, en .:'Tune 2.1.12, Edea Marion McIntyre, wife of Robi•4t Bio• 2 in ntlts and 10 dam. , Naughton, aged e,a$2o �(at tion e 1.� b g y .a ENDERS WANTED T I� en, Jutmston McI'adden, of Welsel :Ceizders will be received 1iy t.'tnd'raigniti uptoc.,fln,'ktiff(. h.25t1i•:gorJulyne,s. fur the,.unulrof Want• 'nt c• d toe erection of (*merit foundation Wets d laying it r.•inent • Mort0Tf To Lo.(�r �loney ttf loatx do i $laevnle; the, work tot (umploted by ()et0,a eine anaemia Heart and Novo 1'I1Is a notes, ease )totes viseoUllte at reason- • 1sa',190`.2• 'Teas barn r'an b«r scion »iidtrll iitforhn• nervousness. sleeplose. table rates, Mon advanced on iuort.. ,,tion re(inii'i l eau be got from the Bet. W. d. ss f iratioli tha<•obbilt with rivi� a of ill at the or an der not iiceeshrthril aa* - 'We t ori the premises. iesittt apelle, dizziness, 01' any condition Will of any yeas'. ]totes and accounts{ eepted. arising from impoverished blood,, die. collected, O1 oo- Leaver /goah, Wing. 1 4OUN nun t. '�7 tf comm titeo, ordered nerves or weak heart. ,, hair noir". Matinee. Bal� Jane ilea, X*OL tress, �venkne , palpitation, f !i', t; s+ p Ft paying Th 11111,08t .teny Successors to T. A. MILLS. Stcgo tette Col1igh and works off the Coni. Laxative Broino•QuinineTablets cure a cold In one day. No Oure,no Pay. Price 25 cents. • M18,8 BAXTER DRESS AND MANTLE •r AKER SUITS A SPECIALTY. Apprentices Wanted. West end of Patrick St. . WING11&11. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAht. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. MISS DfIA SPARING A. T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Pletcher Music Method, Simplex and 1iindergarte». Pupils prepared for Conservatory examine - tions. TENDE Sealed tenders signed up to noon for the erection o� Section No. 9, specifications cat the undersigned. not:nee .aril es. yu S WANTED. ll be received by the under - ,n Saturday, July 5th, 1903, a frame woodshed at School tat auoy iv 1 ' .1 '4 t tt . Ilan and be seen at the residence2 The lowest or any tender e ted, JOHN ELLIOTT, Ju., Winghlun P. O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant E. S. O . 1897, Chap. 129, See. Us. that all i sons having claims against the Estate of xeor'rto Payne, -ft� 1� sons County y sed, t'hu ieoil late of the Town of Winghe of Huron, Gentleman, deer or about the 17th at w of�tugust, A. D., 1901, ire reci.tired to sin . hy avt are aicl or to li rerouted e a p P tae vortoR,Yen.t nl • .r l o }S ic{ 1 fir t d the 1J. r - ct u 1 for on oi• brforu h t• t .L�i ca o: August, est 1 Ya A. D., their 1t:6'. t �i une�s n tosses, and descriptions y't a 1 , , ( 4Crl tit i1ti W . and tt full statement of p:irtiattltuw oY Their e1abns and tiro naturo of tete seen ity t if tmy ) heli by them dttly crrtiftrd, end that atter the said day theExecuter will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, llnyhtg regard only to the claims of which he shall tics have notice. Dated this 2nd day of .Tnly A. D., 1902. E. V ANr1NIS, WinghTO;nn 1'. 0., Solicitor for the Executor. • NOTICE T CREDITORS. Notice is he^eier ^i ea in pflrsOnnre of the wttitute in that behalf, het all creditors having (delta against th,a•,•sta ." or armies Millman, late of t110 Taws OV wilt 11,101, In the County of t k3f [ :. de r. d o e Hero2 u .1 ( tali. lied oft n r 1 r th lltli day of Mey, A. D. 1 • ,are t'itl1.tired tcs�end by , Post or to deliver to ector'T9tou1hh Millman. Temple Building, T (Into. Otto of the Exec, a named n 'r luf, cl r bifor,. the 20th day Wi July, 1902 =the it mimes It and address with hill artictualsof their r t lei platin, I rind the nature of ter seetu'ity, if env, hold by .i 1be n, and that aftelt he snit] a2012i of ,Tiny thtr l.kecutors of seta\ ill,whoso niuneis appear hereunder Will pros ed to distribute the assets of the snit( dooms(' having regard only to the olabria of which piece Bila 11re't1 racoihcvi, sad Abid Execut(Ira wilt _ot 1/0 liable tar • any porsoit or tie 'sones whole e' inns 011471 not have been re- mewed before that -te. »etect aft the (li{i■.nf Toronto trio 9th day of *out!, •A, D.,1 • Rathtea T2P i E"trotatots Weekly Icore N asrs DRESS Goons Nothing nicer in Dress Goods for the summer than Voiles and Buntings. Make These stylish goods up over colored linings with applique and silk trimmingsand you have a, very swell costume suitable for any oecasion. Very special at 75e and $1.00 a yard. We have boughtyery Largely of Black Taffeta Silks this season. This lovely silk is very popular for skirts and dresses. It has a. very fine finish and is a close weave. While it lasts you may buy it at he very low price of - 30c a yard,. CORSETS. We only handle Crompton's perfect fitting Corsets. Every pair is. guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. (.these Corsets. are made of fine sateens and Coutils ; straight front, bias cut, gored hip and bust, suitable for medium, short and long figures, the latest designs, in colors white, fawn and drab, sizes 18 to 30.. Very special at• % ▪ 50c, 75c and $1,00. HOSIERY Women's Hose, cashmere feet and plain lisle tops, the very nicest. hose for the hot weather. Extra value at - 25e, WIlmen's Fancy Lace Hose, a veru desirable line for warm, weather, will keep the feet kool. Special at 25c. We sell Blaek Cat 1 ose*-they wear like leather. Better buy a pair for your boy. 1 • WHITE�VE R A We are offering very special iu'iueements in our Whitewear' department The cool weather hits been it drawback to the sale of white goods, so we cut the price in all lines to tempt youto buy. See the splendid at - e ld lineof WhiteSkirts7 5e and i Pw .00' A good assortment of Corset Covers at - 20e, 25e and 40e. A big range of Night Gowns at - 75c, $1.00 and p1.25.. These garments are made by the Allan Mfg Co., of Toronto, and you w111 find nice fine workrk onthem all, with th €col q u al - ties of lawn and embroidery. It will pay you to buy these goods at the reduced rate. MUSLIN Oar stock is too large, so we plunge the "cut•rate knife" in and offer yon -pretty Muslins, Dimities, Piques, for - 121e a yard. 'These are nice stylish t{ � e nese tylhsh efft,c,ts and male pretty sum -mer dresses and shirt waists. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS Never leave we had so large a range cf Parasols and L tnbrellas, and never Wore have we marked them so cheap, They are made oftaffeta silks with a niee 'assortment of stylish handles and steel rods. They' were marked earlier ai season at. 's •in the x..,00, brit now yoti may buythein for �i.35, See the nice Parasols with the very pretty handles and close rolling eov,0rs that we sell at • • • 90e. CARPETS We ire offering big bargains In Cttrpets. If you need a Carpet, buy now. • We sell LionWand' Clothing for boys! Trouser; have double seats end knees* xc; l IUCt S ie Olt TRADE!.