The Wingham Times, 1902-07-03, Page 7r7,,pirce,,,,erele..,,,,,,...........„.,-___
Phrit,ed, b.y.F4te
Author of "Parted at the Altar," "Lovely Maiden,"
"Florabel's Lover," "Ione," Etc., Etc.
ellAlnlat 1.
TIIEnimorwon, 11tyterE11IOUS STRAN(11.01,
wonder if it is true that coming
'events est their (lurk, grlut shadows on 1
.before? have had such a strango f ne• I
•hoding of impending evil all day. long,
as night draws nearer, my helm '
. .A, •nirlish ligure spilogs op from !
.grows hertvwr 1114(1 heavier."
tlio white sands as she utters the words l'
,and turns awny irtho the sea wit1,4 ;
',shudder, walking hurr,edly up the steep,
itarrow, irregular path that leads 1, tne
:Arched entrance ot Black -Tor Light, I
The warm September afteraotta 11 I
drawing to a dose. The lurid rays of
the settitig sun glint • with a tottell or I
gold the picturesque Florida coast, the
motionless sea, ond the light•house that
rises like a towerilift inottument in gray
stone out of •the curling waves whielt
surround it, aud the narrow shop or
fertile island, dotted -with dense th.ekes
. of palU4 and 1i11 -blasted orange traes,
oon »thicit it stands.
The twat, for this semon Of th • ye r,
has been almost Intoletable and itignt ..s
ccUig 'on Sullen suhriness„ 10,w
bours no breath of air has stirred the
leaves or the trees, or broken the calm
. of the parole sett.
It is the dead ettim wthich, in tropieal
*lands, precedes the hurricane of the
. September tempest.
'rile slini figure, flitting up the path,
:oinks dowa on the worn door -sill of the
light -house, anxiously watching the
dark, warning clouds that creed over
.the sky an advance of late on -coming
"The storm will break before hfark
returns from Rooky Ihtint," she mot-
omurs. "Whot can detain hint? lle
should hove been here by nowt."
hiven os she spoke, a few rain -drops
osplas.hed upon her upturmot face.
"It's coirtiog," she cried, in anight,
:straindog her eyes toward the • distant
line of shore. "The terrible storm! Gad
watch over'..\thrk, and speed his boat
4 safe home.:"
As she gazed, the gloaming deepened
into inky alatkness, and the storm bo•
slender palms bent to and fro :Ik••
reeds before the wind. Lightn ng flaso d
aud terrific erashes of thund,r
?mingled »Ith the thrrent cf rain, lashrog
.the angry tom into turimient waves tam:
Tose mountain high, heating, with wi d,
mad fury and mighty roar against th
„inmregnable melts of the cid g 8L1, ligi.t-
Mark Sefton, the keeper of the l'ght.
?had gone to Itoelty Point eaoly to a
mornitg, and all the way the parii.o.;
words of his pretty young wile 14 mottol
him, try ns hood as he would t) lo ge.
"Don't go. Mark," she imd pleaded.
•ettrnestly. "I feel sure something w 11
:happen before you Minn. 1. bar0 -
"Nouseese," he had .cut hi, with a
hearty, cheery lough. "Don't be foolish
and whiinsival. Neila. Nothilig is goin4
to happen. Nothing mild happen. I
Shall be haek before the storm pc ,s 10,
and in time to light up."
Durkness had crept on, the .stotin had
inn*, but where was Mark?
Suddenly Noll :4 itomonhered the light.
She had quite forgotten it. Great 11 o-
ven: what if any ship wtto ont in that
gulf of 1,1eeklies:4 without that loacon
lat to guide her?
With Iv:need feet .Nella sped up the
spiral stairway that .1va to op...summit
of the great lower. A moment more
and a broad glare of light shot mit f con
the great lamp, sending a ruddy Wow
over the vortex of.seething .watets 1.11 it
ittsheil the walls • of the old light -house
till it trembled nml rocked on its foon•
"Heaven grant that no vessel is 0 it
-.breasting the ,l'earful storm -to hava
need or the, signal In the tower to warn
her oft the. dangerous reefs."
Ilarkl what was it that sounded tiver
• the fierce roar of the maddened elene
. and the 5111 111., pierving cries of the
.storm -driven sea -gulls?
Nella the thou strained her ears to listen.
The &aunt was repeated in quick sae-
-cession. Suddenly the hoorible truth
(burst upon her. The temp had nean
lighted' too late. A ship is in distieso.
111 the inky darkness she htts dliftetl on
the fatal welts, and is .signaling tor
Boom! booml boom! peal the ,minute
Nella Sefton. clinging to the roils of
the spiral stairway, watches the Itorrihle
scene from tho lower. ns the blinding
hashes of lightniug reveal it to her ga.,e,
in. terror, too :melt. for wortla
Twonty Years
of itohlNg Pales
Mr, Alex, McLaughlin, thirty years
resident of Dowmanville, Ont., writes t--
" For twenty twig years I suffered from
itching pileS, and only porsOnS who have
been troubled with that annoyingdiseaso
can intagine what I endured during that
time. Abent seven years ago I asked a
druggist if he had abything to c tire MC.
Ho said that Dr. Chaseis.Oietnient was
tioSt fare:ably Apolteni of, and 011 his
reeommendatiort I took a box.
"After three applications 1 elt better,
Etta by tho time 1 had used ono box/ was
Ott a fair way to recovery. Iicontinued the
treatment until thoroughly cured, and as
that NVES teven years ago, and I have not
suffered any since, I ten firmly convinced
that the ointment made a parted Cure.
"I Consider D. Chase's ,Ointmett tin
invatuable treatment for piles, in My
Cata/ think the cure was rmearitabile what
yell Censider that 1 ant getting up in yeare
and had been so long a sufferer front this
disease." 6o tents a box at all dealers, or
Edmanson,13ateo &Co., Toronto.
Dr • ill Chase s
Atli*. * • ' , . '
In the meteoilit ,light she se:s the ghhit
ship strike the fatal rook, and Mirk
forms casgng themselves hito the 300.1l.
0114 whitipool. Then darkress reigns,
"Mark,' she 'moons, "God save 3,0ll
fimo being on the tom too.bight!"
Another nosh. nod she sees a (brit ob-
ject one instant high on the mad waves.
then hurled heinotth them. II: is 1. moult
with a dark figure (dinging to it. Ills
white face was -turned to her for on •
awful instnut null the wildest ery thtt
ever fell front human lips burst !rem
Nella Sefton's. She had seen and re-
13414: 111 this appalling incxnent her dtt• •
leg moron° did not forsake her, In that
ghoul° she had realized his peril, and
she knew the only means pf saving him
would he to fling him eh- lif000nw.
11: he were to 01180 it, that meant death
-death in the hotrible sea she had al-
ways dreaded sa moth: but, ali! she
most not tlinik of time now.
Down the soiral stairway Nella flew
like a show -adroit swallow, mat of thh
light•house, and out on the sands, The
flying sproy dashed 10 her face, tool th.•
fierce tempest almost !hurled her from
her feet, but she scarcely heeded tit'
A. moment more, that seemed the
length of eternity, and she had tilifatiod
the to eat coil of rope which was made
fast at one end of the iron ring emb
bed in the solid rock.
And over the wild fury of the storm,
the man clingiug to the plank heord heo
"'rhe rope, Mark! Catch the rope!"
()nee, twice it eluded his frantic gonso.
Again at was hurled out over the monho
bah waves. Oh, God! would he reach
it, or miss it? Nella could only fall on
her knees and pray. A. breathless mo.
ment of horrible .stispense. God had
answered Nella's prayer. Mark had
seized the life -rope in his strong right
Terror lent strength to Nella's slender
mins. Bracing herself firmly against
the projecting rook, she succeeded in
drawing Mark to the shore.
.AS his feet touched' the sand and he
clambered up on it with her aid,she
discovered it was not a plank to whielt
he clung, hut the h0c13., of a womah.
A moment more and he had staggnItel,
panting mul exhausted, Into the living
room, followed by Nella, and had
his dripping burden down upon the old
chintz -covered settee.
"Never mind me. Do what you Lean
for them, Nelia," he sold. 'There's two
of 'ton. I pielted them up in the water,
just before my boat struck the rocks,
and threw us into the waves."
As she spate, he threw back the dark
cloak which enveloped the iniconseloos
figure, end Nella -saw a tiny infant,
which the woman held clutched tightly
1 in her arms. . .
.11114: 14: -was 4104: 1.110 sight, of the 01131 1,
pitiful os the seem0 was, that brought
that stattied cry to Nella Sefton's lips.
It was a face as gloriously beantitul
baud saved ttt the perilous risk of losing
hs own.
ti was a fore as gloriously beautifol
as 0 poet's dream, or artist's ideal: pallid
:IR 001)1)1)'. framed in a mass of dark
curling hair, lying in short (duster, over
her 14rmr, from whieh the \voter (M)oed
in tiny pools; cee-l»ows dark roil ;to-
feetly :1111'. 1)11 tied lasheit long' and s'llten,
cowling like fringes over the perfect
romided chooks-a dintiOed eillin and
lips that seemed too delientosly curr.ol
nod 1))')))) (('114)14 to hare 'ever been in -
0. -A(0 with the breath of life.
A strange. subtle, limey, jealous pang;
shot through N011)1 '1) heart os she gazed.
`I'lle rapt adiatratichrlo Mork's eyes palo-
NI 'Iter-sIte mild not tell why.
BM there 1V118 210 111111' to ivaite pro -
('100)) moments, stowilug there idly, gaz-
ing ht the helpless creatures.
Heedless that she herself woo dtelleh•
ed. Nolla sent Mark from the room, and
set abont restoring the waifs. ,
ln a trice she had divested them of
tneii• clothing, wrapped 2.11 Nn in 0.'11
w(mlen blankets, earl, with Mark's he P,
bine them tn her own chamber, where
her own slittilluming, fair-haired baby --
little Verily -lay.
And there, a few moments later, under
the influmice of the powerful 8104111011h4
WhiCal 111141 1201211 atiministert•tl-the 1.1(211,1-
01111 young stratna‘r 0111t110li her great,
dark. velvety ryes; end they .11411ed
wonderingly 1104: 31110 Nelles, but up into
Olories face.
"\V bore am 14 aml where as hal y?"
she inurnmred, fae.11y,
"Dere is the 1io10 4,11(•: you ara both
Nate 1111tI sound. and in good hinds, ' itt•-
somided Mark, elo al ily, as he plated tne
littIo (Me in her mins.
At that lustant memory •sorgiol back
ogain to her own hohowrouglit lnotin,
'011, 1 remote bi 1i-1. remember all,'
oho cried, with a wailing iihriek...
"The votage on sidoluntril, the itoo.t.
the fatal otteks. the , it tigg.imo 121 1.110 0.1111
sea with baby. Why did ;1,011 1411111 we."
she (Tied out, sharply, "whon I want.,1
10 nittelt to die?-oniy to ',di. and 4.1111
it nit. II(•aven lumws it would have
la•e1t best for baby, too. if we had died
Othether in tho olives."
Ono smolt hand earessed the baby's
hoe. while pashitoutte salts shook her
frame. A benutiful, white, shapey hand
it was, lot which a 1r-ed.:3i14 ring shono.
"Do Dot talk like that, door holy,"
00(41 Nellit, notast. "That: God that
p)11 mut your baby were rescued, and
Ow, sa re."
"The world narrowed dawn to a g:11Y0.
baby," 4...11e moaned, paying uo It..0,1 to
Nelia's winds. "Life is too hard nod
(4 4103, I thould not begrudge you 1,' 41?
poor, hopless existence; but, oh, it v, oold
have been better for both yen ond 100 if
I We had died."
I"She is delirious, poor thing.° said
Mark; "vve millet get the .doetor ftom
ltoeky Point to-Morrolr."
The beautiful stranger turned her fto.e
to the wall, find' (hiring all the bine
hours of that terrible night, while the
hurricane .raged outside, she never
ept"ike-never itioved-the great. dna,
1 burning eyes never left the small oh,-
. titre of the "Seviour on the cross" luttg.
Mg there.
"tiietit't,11e bolto. live 1'm .'14!1 11, , ter -
„ • . .
arnetar ird4uoto,e, plum;
'hp utile Mite, pityingly, front 010
mother's unresisting arms, 'Ali, it Olin*
ed oot; [as little life hung on sueh
Slender thread. 14: Ions 01411041 nod Intl/
drowned from the terrible expostore.
n glad loom was born of this..
darksome eight, The gale bad substl, d.
The waves lay smiling., dimpled, t•atto,
motor, Ow golden rays or the rising snit,
without it sign te 'mark the spot tylenoi
ton b. 44 few short hours before, so .111_'.ny
*40)418 111(41 I:well hurled rothlese.y :Aito
As toorefog brako the begueirol app•
ef 1411'W rapidly worse. arol Merit. Sefton,
set out Itereledly to Boeky Vo:nt ror 41.
• IOU 1l10108143 useless:" she tem -
Inured,. eletging to Nan's hand, tool
turning those strangely barniug,
01114, eyes upon .14e1' Otte,. "1 sholl die
)%"t 11114 the hour. Somethiog in my heart
tells nie so." .
A. 1 errArleeonvidsion elm!: i'oir
as she 51112110. 1V1146,11 1110,.1 t 11(m•
ed by a 'second mid a third, And looklog
at the white, stall: thee, Nona saw thot
the shadow of death »oto indeed c.ct p-
ing over it
()h. the Mekering Iltorto 1 f •
itjght but last until the (hetes arrival:
But ,t was not to- he.
The etranger priaw worse so rapidly
that Nettles alarm increased with ich
Pil'''.3ily1r4liirleimis(".*t out!" she gaseteL
speaking with difficulty, "Ittit, ohl 1
001111144: die with the dark, horrible
I haw to tell, untold, I conjure you,
for the love of Heaven, to listen (.1. s ly
to what I have to say. I2 is the straogo
est, most nitifol confesshm that was to er
toned fro114 human lips."
Nella started. back with a low cry, a
todd, tangible thought shaping atse 11 In
Mr mind. Was this ,beautiful young
ereeture a fugitive from justico? Ah. no!
It etuhl oot be thot this lovely, girlish
face could over have been darkened by
the shadow ot a crime. ,
Then iustinctively Nellas'. eyes wan-
dered front the baby's face to the wed-
ding ring the stranger wore.
"It is not that," murmured the stricken
lady, her dark, burning eyes following
the other's gaze and interpreting her
thoughts aright. .
"What I have to tell you my husband,
who as dead, never knew. Would pot
my might nt!;.ver know!" she motile 1
out sharply. "lt nuty be kept from her
for long years; but on her eighteenth
birthday -hark youl-on that fatal day.
it will burst forth 1111011 the ihocked and
sturtled woeld like a skeletou stalking
forth from, the chortle! house. And then
-oh, God, help my little babt, with
sueh .horrible sword hauging over her
innocent, unconscious head -I dare not
think what will happen then.
"And yet I could not rest in my grave
-I dare not -with this secret weighing
down my soul. I dare not: Yot iL
more bitter than death to reveal it.
"Rut promise me first," she went on,
husloidy, "that you will take my Title
babe and care for it as your own. Theo
I will tell you all. •
"Promise me!" she wailed out, in on
agony of outreaty. "I cannot leave baby
41.1.1 111.01)0 in the bitter world. 1 am dy ng:
Aly moment's are fleeting! For the Itve
Qt' Heaven, speak quickly!"
NVHS aal so sudden. Nan. rouid scar-
cely realize what wors,transpiring. liow
emrld she refuse so vital a reemest, with
those entreating, burning. eyes searchoig
her very soul?
It scorned to Nella, when she looked
• back to that weird scene in the long,
bitter years which followed, that she
had been in a strange dream.
"1 promise 3'011, holy," site answered, -
slowly; and no worning came to her of
all that would come horn this fatal pro
mise. "lf you die I will keep your MAIO
Mild, tied roar it with my own and care
for it as my own. And 1114 1 deal by
her, so may Heaven deal hy me," she
added, solemnly.
"God bless you! You have made
death easier to Never forget your
promise. Remember 2.1111 listen:Our lingoes
Wive heard it, and receirded it un there!
"Be kind to her, she is so -little, so
feeble, so helpless! Tell her nbont me
when she grows up, tinehew young 1
VV.; tot die.. lintotiett. deotle would, haye
/Won w421001114, tO, 2110 12' it tont lett top t • .ejt to., yettoo 4:1 0 nor"; 54111 igqpily
for tier, beeanse I dreaded Jeer i1',1 her 0'1' %)':, ihr Witt 40 $031111.1. ana ilW105 VW
hem, Tell her how I loved her and 11 st III ,1144. tif,lBJIM'S" .1,4 witielkhr4: 40 il (0'
held tier close in my :trine, until my heart 1 hellion .
," .
grew eoid ond her face faded film) me -Murk was in desPair, Yet how 0014111
g(yIng tleo. You, will net fol.get?" 1 he 4e011.1 1i&'14:11 41those soft, white some
.hsof, sod :semi, breaeing down elm. elinoteig tob,
iteek, awl the 14 '5 merry,
' illet0)3tl?lgel;ffu'IllilItiIlggis(li'Ilil(1,1('111:liiiligl)Itf11L11giilvist4'41dtokt(4i htttavshlegltliis1;tf1tliy11e1.ostdlit,eet4)10:1'Yillgtti It;711E11-
P14)1('te$t'T:1tliimtl°rg't.'tualr up ntohis,
11ie.lii.;Ies(11ginotliei•bisstl the "I have no trouble whatever win
tiny, rosebud face, ull tho passion mil , Vierite," he deelitec(1; "Intt „ten), 'Utile. e•-•.,
what to, 11044:10704 IMMO 14111 2 to do wit't
tinge's)), of love leonine in her dyieg yt.u?"
"Let me bola ply baby close le tit • "Thke nte 0W113' from school; 1 lotow
nuns while 1 tell you oil," shO whiseereds enough 41,1wati$," She the:tared, "and I t
faintly. "Look the door, and 001110 001422 4 1110 14:10V 1 1101404TM 141111111 12410.1tS 110:0 It!
It is the, most einfill atory that ever ttea, 1'0 rallior lead Shrikespotte, lir la
In every town
and villatre
may be had,
▪ • o the
enolon,, chOo,.
310ao that makes your
ticiv horses glad,
night in the small of the back.
DO you ever ticts4 pain there?
I/ eo. do you btu+ what it rrteario 7
tt le tt Backache
A sore sign of Kist,ey Trouble.
Don't neglect it. It top 14: 111 time.
If you don't, sericets Xidney Troubles
are sure to folitov. A
cure Deekrtche, Lam Dark, Diabetes,
Dropgy" and all Kicifiey and Madder
Orleo 54o. a 1,�,(o' 3 for :$1.23. all dealorit.
Toronto, Ont.
04411<001-1 a 31)44)11111 tile, and, mud
wonder it there Ispewit, to b., found titt
the wide milt, ond justice in Heaven,
on stet by this eterfession that this
babe must never love, for she 11111414: 1)474441'
sl,(4t sweet *romances us Itonleo mot
Juliet in it, or thrilling adventureh 421e
the Aralhan Nights, anti-"
"Bosh! 104811 1" eut la Mork, with. tt
441114114,r. "You, 5101lt141 thiok morh ir!
(.411e41.44g a convent t•iiiii himgieing ar:er
As this startling 4014)4:4 11t tell toot) the Vglit Plea:nil ter of this 'world,"
her lips a violent spasm shook Iwo "route lle hod rentendomed s1a111e:113' the..
again,. and Iter featetes grew lird kin • fottli segtenco, that had not ovaurred to
eyes vanity and mutely tonight Nei o't. I.' 44 il to spool:hi:tit the towels olled away
stetted up from the 0(1)1011 with a hey; km tor ...) Mt' yours: "She must 1)01"?•
of frenzy on her ghostly fact,_• its new love, for she must 1)04'j54 thorny." 11o•
lloiv she triedto beat bitek the ware 00 Ills 141,4„ ,
og death for -one brier moment. ifirw tow "A. eitil tort. belveill Ila, leo ha! 'This
Itutttetiog soul elmeeto its tenement 412 IS lea!lY tro 1111:chl"
clay, to do the .1i...tiding air her won. tie., A, lir; le tenet. Mat, as n lily lett% Ita.1
teoreee tolsousti, 1.11;04! the 110)41,4 (471 onto do Wit suddenly over his mo tied
her stiffeodeg lips hi a bitter wail; the a Raney, gay young ')'o.(' tailed out
clerk wave <111 (1011111 Onkel 0101' boa Tim elnelly 121 h's ear;
140C1t t 2V1401 Wag to bring a wood
of woe to so mealy !hoes was (t)sti ed "1l31 000-1. br' n nun; 1 ivelOt be a nee;
remain tturevenied until the fatitt doy hh, 1)4)41 ,,t' hionsur,s; 1 (mid- net•ce
she .had foretold. be a num"
Shit had folim 1)1(011 upon hor tO
dend-With the phut., frail hobo cla p. "There's on ese fpf rZtra Kyr-
close to her pldseless heart. '1032,' de0I;11041 l'111.0;;12, ol 41101; 11,,,r,
With 111 sobbing erY Natit el: tho te school auy mere. I warn vou end
child from those stiffening arms, j)'0)4.g
11111 a littio erib ta an adjoining r rho,
close to her 0011 44IV011;41; babe, weep 114
tears over it as only tender 11.01W0.1
11101 tan weep.
"Boor, desolate little baby!" sho solo.
"I'.00 sleep all unconieliins of rite
bitter bereavement that has fat 012 ors':
you, You bate: !apt the Inoo frtmel tee
wide vaold held for you -nor ter
young mother!"
As she led the two balns Wee 117 :leo
-the fair one, the other dark -they
orened their eyes wide with wondar.
gezed at each ether,
God help poor Nolla! How little slei
dreamed bow bitterly the paths f 11,744
two were to cross In the after vears. II
KM,: rt. 3011. 1 511113 41111 a 1V113* 114: 4320
41111qS, 31021 Ill'plli HS Wv:I
thiul: of shutt'arc op 0 8117.ark in tlor
four wells of a cal., 11A to stmt me oo
in the four walls or a $r.lva 1-1 own."
"W.hat nal pow 114(1114 4' .say to bring'.
01- h‘oi Mono 311 d'sernee. 1,114eitor ite
vo:d. Abrulltly. "1:(qm.1:11)(.1. 1.1131) 14 114!
1 we:40:th Cute; and now Yon hAve eX•
1':) 044(11 every hoarding -school in all
6t;'1:1°:;:"14t fissured she has betu rxpee7i144
me." deelar.eil 1'1414410, ceroubtcourly,
"Thety deye is my iimit in any seeo ii:
erd es .for lielog in (1. )14Q, Viat'e n•th-
Ito Lew, duet think 0, th0. old cat %mew-
ing ns up to our (Amulet. y at elalit
todeak, stoup, tied ('ve)). light 10 be 03r.
8114. 0011141, 3111V0 read the future, bee onn f.7.'ir.3 11; 1.,8"..„ 1:1 1.-0,1! b1‘11,1 1.1,,raf, the ij x..
luntrt Would have broken thco 11101 .:iit 3.1 oraotto Moo : i :.:!:. Linol ch ..t11-..
-- Eve ot that, l'in uot smly (hot .1 p 3
CHAPTER II. . n, 8311(11/3.11 1.; 181113o11 311 11111(1aul0e44 tea. 9,-.0
that at midnight every girl in the s to tl
THE FAIn 1.04 10 GIRL 1 (4 WHOM LOVE "4 LO) erg.: out to tho mothilit lawn. OM we
111t A SEALED LOOK. . Lind a :hot 304‘ time, so what does it 11)414-
1)r, 'Thornilyke's presence was of little to. if 1 am kilt home in 41121gra'•0 1.01'
IIV:131 when. he reached the light -house Warning it our mid carry:lig it through?"
with Mark Sefton an hour 1414:4 1-. "liut the ruhs: of the lust:tall .n
'"I'lle strange lady ia past all mid. s't'';' should be respected and-" .
said Nella, loadiug the way into the to.- "hlittilesecksr broke in the incorolgi•
•ing room; "but 1 should like you to milt hie* wilful bennty. "When ow has lo
at the child, if you will." live by rule it is time to We. Ain no:
Both babes lay side by side. Nollo 4..hyo too freehont-gayety-lire;" and she
pityingly raised the dark -eyed babe en 1 stretched out her beautiful whit.. arms
pineed it in tiln. dottor's arms. as thorigh she would fain lly away.
"it's so fragile; de you think it w II -Whet am I to du with this. beatilifsl
live, sir?" wild bird?" ;honest Mark thought, 1)1
"Yes," he Said. fdritell-, "with pr mei. pursled bewshhost.ent . too goat for
iturSin.,01" adding under Ms breath, '45 he werds.
studied the wt.0 little pink haud inteot-
ly he hold M his own; "perhaps it would
be better for her if she did not."
N ella's quick ear had caught the
words. no.sibly seud her. What. sitoidd be (30 e
"What do pm see in the babe'e hanl with her now?
that should make you thi:lik that?' elm .111 at mice her woman's wit came to
cried, with a Shudder. ' bpi 1)'(11('. Why not send 111811 the g ill
Ile pointtsl to two lines like the veets to seeml Chi:et:nog with her old fr.enti.
of a, roseleaf in the tiny palm. 11 1 8. Chester, in Washiesson?
"Thooe ate imecienuen." be 111151101 0 1, DJ 1•0'. Chostur VMS 12 14011.1t :1•'14 114.1.01 but
thoughtfully. "Not one child in t •11 fel. all :::.1. Ille ;oils was r.. :4a):::018 inte
thousand lino them. Heaven, forbid that :Mewl cr re Shstims.
they should." '1(11)0 1. gt 1, I - a'',':13.31'.'k Sefton leid
"Why?" asked Nella, turtling pale. sooth hor oolv pot. a b..h.h.5 jai o:
'I'lley potlend a strange des:Mo. I do ton: ho'o. O: thl drroynino. nod 'ho laity .
riot like to prophesy. hot I t 1! yea tit:it owed eim a titOt 41) gest .1...» whi h sho
the child lying hero trill have an eIs- told los: el:' coald 14.1•01. l•t. 1 ttlit 11.
1.111ard3nary lire-ait:muter:Oil desi ty. 1 ot tit a rerton o:-'! Ini,,w-eve.:. ite.:-:•,,
am no ever to peer frier) the Var 0(1 IV. Wkoto .her :al 1,0:0:011:.,2 20 1110 re,It•
mysteries of the future -no man has t,':---f_ltat the 4.:"1/i5 would be warette r e
• that nower-but this i's no mere toiattoe 'levee. la his teeetr he hed franitty
. .retieed lid of Ltoeue s etrit. 44018141012.. of imagintotion; it is reading arioilit the
lines of true science as 1 Mid them here. roonestino that the knowlelge that sit..
A great genius catoies the stalk) me 1:, 1,1:18 Hot nitt dilid should tot )210 diVlil,:. il
oit his rave. No 'hateful retwor of ha- to 11er as yet --not uatil some Man E '1-
11)4:11 nattn•e tails to detract. the 11101-1 tier feture eltould le, settled: fin th o'
face of. artist and putt when 0111 Mt,i.ti n'On stift14' Inilzzled 118 to tile 111(0111 144
them, ox the noble brow of it o;reat og nhost. :4:titling words:
soldier. As some people make a Btu**. "She 1111:st never love, fur she 'Mist
02 human faess:. so 1 have made It stints . never marrY."
of human Lands, and I itod plahtly f.sve and marriageseetnel only a fit'
enough just what 1 hav0. to.(1 you Writ- ting 18)11.11 for the girt's blight life.
ten upon tills one. lies, hanging over n'here wits great consternat on at the
tide little head is tt black shadow. Ilea. light -house when 311's• Clu'stnes relPo'
von grant Unit it may not obscure the Walt teetived and its coutents , matte
known to the two girls.
sunshine of 11o1- 1 il7e."
.11ark Belton listened in wonder to the Ultlene was wild with delieht, and
strange story Nella told hint aftee tee Voilee ger:me front her chair with a
doctor took his departutte nor t.1 I hz, 111040%111i htew1v,s 11\1(11kt:ring her arms DI 0:110 1)...r
demur when she informed him of elle .
vow she had made the dello; mother to ' "We have always been at homo on
rear the child 118 .11e1 01111, (2111180110ft, 11)1111111111," .8110 Enid. "I fin
A. 1)011:(111ininn1in, eftlit0111,31ig a litle not think the day would be a happy ooe
more than a thousand dollars, was fonmi for rne away from tem."
upon thedead woman's person. This "1 ennnot 'always expect to have y'm
1\ elle. solemnly declared, 1411,441(1 go for ihntle,Ilingw(lIchte 111111en.': 'Mrs. Sefton ratewered.
every eent. hoed, the other on the dark one. "It 18
tl lovingly on the g 'Witt
the education of the child she had lege--
The matiage ling she had woin had best that you should see a little of the
the name Uldelie engraved in it; mil by \yolk': yes. only just, your father says."
this tonne the child Was chtistened- Litiene soon,overeo me iter sister's setup -
eidetic Sefton, And both Mare sod les. pieturtng' to her what life must be
t sNQlti`titil3
angl4:11:i st°thit.3l oid
0.1: etlti:iittle waeif ettete likin the great nerthern city; :rid at
flaxen -haired Vol -Ile, their 014411 lux (t length Vellie looked r0 to the
visit with almost as initeh enthusiasin
S ixteen yeare passed by, bringing little us rillme.
At. last the der. rolled 111:0111n1 Oh
ehanife to the inhabitants of the i-ola 02
island of Innek-Tor Light -House, save 41'1:10111110V, 'Were to :take their depaiture,
to expond the two enfants into wondr- Marklifid hia. Wife .acoolilliaillea thelti
Ously beautiful yollim girls. over to the wharf at Itocky roillt Ind
shine; And ridene-a 11, Low shall 1
g.,Iden slut
wilds. .
' °nem Ittiel°t18a1,
there put them Of charge of the cap'.:011
0.111011ilterriw(1,11.1 which they 1)0110 to
Vert's! 1V118 11111• Of 111(4', With tender,
deep, blue ('314.411, turd hair like
41114111•01118 to. desculhe the dell:, w As the Northern Queen steattied away
ens, .glowing b.ettity .of timed, ss 15 210140? from .the,doek. and the two slim 111411, 47,
a story! fler faee wits dark. pitman.. ' their
101h111014 over the rail of the deck 1)14.111(14the 310170)4 gill iehote, life held so trog'e ,
a '43. dimpled, with rounded cheeks .
&too .ffistaitee.. lust In the blue line of the
handlierehiefe. failed 4(11:13' in the
curved lips se, 01111144041 as ow heart ,,-f 11101i2011. Nan: turned to her husband
tt glowing. wild ('('14(1340(7111 (holt, velvet-. with a startled err.,
Oriental eyes', ',shaded by the longest :Aid "Ohl alark!" she eobbed-holding oet
darkest of bodies; h low broad brow, her arme to the smilitto treftcherous set
Crowned with 1(1)4)8 of cal:ling 101-0 1». k :, . -"it filmost seems as though I had loot
sane)", <1101 41)4 month, that seemed mtnie
darker than. a raven's 01111110, and . 1 ‘, my derlings forever -that, the grew,
yewieng see had swollowed them ap,
ealY for (rippling laughtee. anti that I shall never behold their filers
Verlie Wasr of it relief, retiting tem- rigtiiii!"
perament„ sweet and good. Ilileitio-gnit, \Vero het' Words prophetic?
restless, legit:nit 'prink, was full of As the Atore Im., grey; thm foid nubs -
of the lightohouse. No human beim.: \''erlie sank down in the wettest
fitilltst nt once the torment and (1) 114, • tiuet.
0)4:114! hold in 14)11(30011011 1111' fiery, ria- . seat, tiobbitet 48 though her tender Itedtt
would break.
null lice. 444(0(144 were as oltangetul. as 11::‘,17.11Y, 'what a .simpleton atoll are., Vet'
tinned 043)11114: of the wilful little beauty.
April storms and sunshine. .. ' would think to see you and hear you
eried 1)1(10114, impatiently. "One
without number, hat '41)0 310)434: snee,;:ei. that lehelY .e1C1 :
take on, that it was ,a, hardship to leave
14he had been Sent to boeirding-selionie.:
.0a in. staying ft month at any one of wish I might never see the horrid old,
plate. Par my part, I
them. Mark Sefton Was 411W44141 sea for ' grit$' liglit41011040 Again, -And htvor negtr'
itt.itrgrbehaett, .end '(4:149stways at the moaning sea dashing against toe
151)4)4415, Aly heart Irill break when I
"We, ttre. govt., sit* WI . not 14, 1341)144,t(4: (')1) Wk.- in .21.1'
Airs. Sefton was quile :is distreeed
and bewildered as her linsbood hod bee.
Whoa thdelte 111121 sent honw in 0 su.•;:ve
tram ten hist sehool to which they c ']d
.Quetnantit's wear, Toe broken down,
seanIS ripped, hooks broken off,, beds
run over, paper stiffeners, ready for the
ash barrel. No, wonder they were not
worthy of a name, Next time try 4
-"Sovereign". Tbey'll atar44
dissoting.. they AM not
"surface" shoes but are
perfect in ihose hidden: .parts
which .really are the found-
ation of good shoemaking
0.00, $4,00, $5..00.
Sold 111 Wirgharn by W. j„ Greer.
A very largo consignment of SCREEN DOORS and
We have 1.7 different t..tyles and sizes in door,:.
Also 9 different styles and sizes in wi-,dot's.
And in price and quality they are very low.
Those interested in building Wire Fence wi 1 do well to
call on us, as vve hake all kinds of Wire on hand at prices
that are right. We have the celebrated 4‘ Ellwoo.! Special
Woven Wire Fence, ' 50 -in high, at a very iv.' price.
Call and see our stuck.
SPiliTli & PET' !Cit
If you want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you. ,
FAMILY Doctors are all. right as general practitioners,
but they are not specialists. The seaum Organs com-
prise the most intricate and important system in the
human body and require the most skillful treetment.
You might as well expect v. blacksmith to repal- pur'-;
watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints.
We have maclea specialty of these diseases for over 30
years, have invested ten 4 of thousands 0< dollars and have
every facility knows to medical science to cure them.. t.
Evers: case is taken with, a positive guarantee of
No cure -Ito Pay.
BLOOD POISO'N-Whether inherited or acquired,,
is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated. from.
Me system so no danger of return. Hundreds of ckses as 25 years ago and no return; best evideace of a .
ZVOS D'2"!'-adother complications,
act:us': as en.issions, draius in the urine, varicocele, sexual
weakness, etc., arc cured '07 0411' N ext. 'Wet boo Trawl. -
moot lower a positive guarantee -NO CURF.--SCI PAY.
Consultation Free. Books Free. Write for question bleu& for e
private Home Treatment. Everything confidential.
IA? ,s'omla'r DFX.DiRCLIT.
14'! :§1.751_1,13MTWAWITSNER-Wir-'
prt gni •
g,lsa,ik.....t. .it•oosooirs o
iif.,f iyfr•
oil '
eta rif."
Citiene." ce'e•I' her sieter1 re
erottchfully. "how eau you say 8.4. trIen
that dear olil h1 :o) home bolas ;111
loie on eitetit-irmenta and totem"
"I know," "still 1 can't
hely detestine the weird pleLe 1
wondcr who lvill Niue to the 1111:•11 to
meet ns, VcrVe," she went on, ha.4i.y
changing her conversation. "Vol I -now
lye ale to go by steamer as far es Ila
more only, then take the cars fur Wssi-
"Perhaps Mrs. Chester's sen -but no;
1 lind forgotten. He is olg in Europe," le -
plied Verne.
"Mrs. Chester's son!" echoed Vide. e.
at:Inlet. "Wily 1 didn't know site had a
"I think I heard mamma snehor Colt,
but the conversation between her 44 41
9)(ipa broke off abruptly as 2 47112.0,1 (1 th
"Off in Elnrcloo. Oh. that se-ono:A f r
our being 'permitted to come," dee arel
Chiene, with a shrub of her pretty
sboulders. "WO should 11011r no-,
messed the th-te.hold of' the 'Castle
Ihnigerons' ar the young man had beon
at bome. for," she tieuIttl, 1111 31 a gay
laugh, "matmnst and .paea seem to look
mien young 111011 1114 ogres. I wowier
Heaven holn her: The dark (Inv etime
all too soon When she knew Why.
ClIAPTIM. 111.
"'MIME'S 310111t343 RALE SO FWEE'r I.I7E
It was evening when the steatOor
reached Baltimore; but, tnuelt to tile tito
may of both 1.1ntaat and V0111... tho-e
1140 1)10 one at the wharf to meet them.
It is beyood words to ilesmibe tho (oh
sternation of the ttvo girls upon fluditto
themselves ahnie in a large chy, a;
the shadows of night drawing on.
"Oh, l'Idene, unat shall we do?" sail
Write, faintly: "I feel so frightened, 1
• wish We had not row,"
"1'llere is 0114 1410 thing to he a ,n
sald the onntsinental thieue, "end tont
is to inquire where the rialit detioL is,
tout get there the best Way 11117 eila Una
'A'vas crowded With .1.11.1
usnal bustling throng, rushing hithor
and thither in wild 4701111144111 1. and 1 .1 -
Ilene gaited 11rolla in liewildernient,
wondering to whian she should addr,ise
• bier inquiry: every 0110 000110 11 111 10
71)1101,3 011
. t I tould not help 4)44er-
11,17, jel 47:4
,,,,tooe • • eogeo,..
rad been watening rnem for Inc
last ten minutes. "I am going to the de-
pt:t in question. I sh,mid he dOiighted
in be ng of service to You bY shewMg
Yon tee Ivey."
Roth girls glanced up with start of
snrptote an(1, saw, bowing, law begtem
them, a very him:Is-mite yoeng man.
11180 tui it,tittttl 2.4 knant
that Vitt 114)14(34 1,140 stlitagt.1 8 0011 0 '41a3
tan ilit-31y to Iti!...•001•, 11 geattenan,
the olittneow 8.1'., i1),.4 name 14.1,1
.11 ivt.'; old b., so kind as
to shlov the way. 1142 810,111.1 10. 1-:1"31
1.12.11ittil1, 111114'. t1," 11111:4,(1 \"01 1 toodest
iv. 1
). slow smile flitted teross his date. 1
ewisit.eit owe.
is not very far: stid. we . t et
a haelt," he eaid, offeting one stem to,
t. blow, the ti.her 4.4 her ow:qv:kis I
i Lea vi or,, them ot 811' end or the ji 4.11'
01:11, lin orossed over to the 11 co inti.ot,i
ood, aqui. a few utimeots eoloquy w tit;
tie, (14 :over, reinritts1 for them and .0: 14-1
(114(1)1 (1 then) lo tat.
l'Ideoe fest, then Veell'e, and was ab
to follow himself, '(4.10)1 a 41141111 ng e1e.14:1
14413 )p0114'1.
inQtant two blue-emvt-d
denizens of the 11(t11ets sprang forward,
• 0111) at 'the 1101 1.8.$' heads, the ether 11) 4:1).?
Stranger's side, and 111 11 tn.:1114110g a 11.151'
of steel ittavelets adorned his 'White,'
v$i1)1111(811004154 ecreare front I
140131 i'Llene Mad Vern:. as they beheld
ir eseart struggling desierately in the
40-1118 02 11, burly policeman, and heard I
the officer say:
"We have been settrelVint for raa
malty a day, my fine fellow. 2 out
1:4 110 cont.tilas!)
(4: 14 4111,,,, 114 111411703" dff,
4:01130)2 1k1 .11L y of fat in tut,. tl tily ft 0,7`,.
• Iv,113;,174.711t,110f,w:Itent1.,itt,,,i,sv11::s1s,111,31tneinli
ptore t
es Clio;,(Oo Ointioent,is e cut a az
(1,))). ansoluiet or 4,120,4
i To- peeve to Ton 4: 1411 Tie.
anti every feeet te itchli:..... '
the manufacturers have tinatelec, .1 t, , er .1.
tireotiale In the doily 'errs's (mil col: -...m......• 1,,,, •
bora %tot they tItir.k o^ it, Yt.1.-,'In 1., it i.' A ,
)4't tvoltrrannor hatIt if liet, era- 1. , lee 1 ,a... ,...
all dealers or Teneaxsotollaot . A Sii 4:T/22T4/.,..,..., I i
t:f r**0 h laSOIS 0 11 tt t Tin C in t