HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-03, Page 61a WiNGEf >t MIES, ELY 31 1902i
4 .L_ 'ees + C if
400 Eyes in
hitt+ euheeitt lie ()sou, a former welt ammo reach the. iliseusect voltam. Of the ow.
f wu
Ls From the
Sanctum Mai
tag Perxgruph-s treat our exchange*
- --
,.,....,+.+.,.,+N .
..,.M..M.... «... ...... o+..
Tn.I'!tzl'ipiut war Itis tette' tit's Unit {!{
ad `.3t*•tai it 4.444 of ; :0,311:1+1 to 'lLtd
yy,,lYlilbtirrt'ti Lazan".Ltvt"r' Pills rte.:ultth:1
dtk. b4 AA 1.1S. d'ltr 1•,,1th< ttni•, de.11011Si't,
IlriliieKlNt't't('., t.i''k kttea•'a''' t awl nit alit e-
t/hetet of the dt'gteis of tiilj'<,ut t.
V. A Hove, of Ill etil, h le a titre
yfssar•oitl 'f•ir~jey t;tt:.' the: a; : a •)- -I L to
three ()elven a+eeiettiv. The little be.
*mestere fii.l of life awl very frisks-
M:arlciet Oierk P. Clasp of Ira ;~'ton
left hest week t'e r la tato cllttn its visl
wi h hie suss Jolat rat State, heat. Ile
haat mit sore hie sou fur U3 )541153. .
Children Ory for
Mise Kate llicOrtuuuuto d ivahtter of
Dr. Mt Criennon of X 'p1Py, has the dis-
tinetion of being the first lady 1'l Cane
sada to take the dogma: (F.uu 13) 13 wile•
her of Pharmacy.
A pretty wet}ciit>g teat: p'av'e at tee.
Boake of'r'htts. Harrison, (todteraili tewet-
Slaip (intim 18th last., when his dr11541
era :'mica wtls uuitt•d iu nearri tga to
George Procter of Fluilueeville, Rev.
JohnhloN-eii e.erforuting the eerenemy.
,3'uselth 0.'(rifliu of Gotl: rich, gover-
31or of the Haran County alit, 'out Hiss
Rle,auor M.ery •bSistersuu, daughter ut
the have Farr k ef.ester.-,:n, e;£ D.tnd:ue
were u arrietl ou Wed e:dity , Jams 3-itki
in St. Atilt tiettue's church., Dau lila, by
Mgr. E. I. ileuetri.
Children Cry 'nor
A Western Fio :air.
The Regina papers speak liig;hly of the' bX' local applications as they moot
peafni ea Cannot be erect
.' rxisls (Ih e'unttlr3 in the Huruuile. whose (letrtltooeaxredaooup.e There is only . one y to Dare d"lttuess,.
and tliltt ret by l'ollNlitLltiouu•1 ratne
UE ttcd State's 1t1t1 taatuacia. It con* u.X weeks ago. 441he Wetit" says: yeas. Deaiut'ss ii cansetl Uv 1411 inflamed eon-
tritflou'ai tuflatamation of t i'o 03'04- //eery Bement game west femn Seefotth, clition of the uiurous listing of the Eus•,
those l flamed
yut have a rambling soand ur
rat hr (.'vr•e'scharr'h (etel.lri'•ll, Jennies Pinke.3e, front tits led ' u :u 1 i ,.
stusV pitmeent of 1Sbd stud. Iueviuusfr lull>e=t•tHt.t bettrilt eau when it is eu-
s peen. oxlle4l Malden Tube Vi this tube is in -
0-t Weil' estluy lamming, June «nth, ento>rg cattle. tlr.at 1 1 t(
P Out., to this place in ectal. Among
(l :uk, the wt•El known capitnlrrt, lvllh iepj't•er t:,c a of lila !Iv. 7 be diveale 7
e.1r31 ul,ily 4t few relnafu In Re)..Lult to, ' direly closets, deafness is tli., result, and
• ttenri'er1 tn. Miss Minnie Alexandra hall, quite w dgly distributed, ,rr,it whtlo It tiny. Shortly after his arrival: here ltd attics* tho inflammation .cen be tnhuu
<t wet clan liter t 1`'11r. Il. S . X:1►11-
seem -Es et ell steisoca le the your, it begt.au this I)rtlotle tt of Ilea prufrseiun. In
oitt end this tube rr+rtoroii to its normal
d ti colpiitioti, hearing will be clestruyea for -
Mtn. 'Thos. A. Welker of Clinton re-
volved a telegram ou Monday, Juno .3rd
-frown (aren'iuu, North Dakota, a.l\prisittg
her of the death of her yututgent sitter,
ltt(ra Aluert• til iottt, The deemed \tIts
titlrty-iciu years of age and a rl:tul;bter
of the btte Geo. Hancly of C1elton, Mrs.
Elliott wets a former reeideut of feeder.
ich tvwuship.
The house of Mr. Jacob Gotlfried,
Shiplta,•, wast lie St'"n& of ant ittteresrittg
June ever/ding en Wedueeday /Ws June,
whedi Iris, daughter Adeline was teivt:n in
Marriage to ;Mr. Enoch Erb of Teeswtat-
er. Ti]e rerent'u1y wits performed by
Bev. H. Irvine, Lietow 1. at 4 o'clock in
thetttteratuoa1 in the presence uf over le0
invited guests.
Milbuvtt's Heart and, Nerve Pills
core a)itl-niia, itrrwr,nt(uE`ttte, sit•epl s.-
ele a. weakness, ptlpttatutn, tbvoi.hina:,
faint spell',.dizemess, Or any eoterliti'i
a 1 blood, dis-
British Troop 011 Linl `lent is good'
ff-0i' duan or tweet. Relieve; pain, tee
'leu•' . se''lrlt'g, alleys ii ftatoit•t'tiOU.
t'ttrfes tens, Mune. breis S, spitting, rent
j luta biter of tlteet•tS,. rht'ul]tattsui, ere.
A Mtge battle fur 50 coutS.
A. tI!litet but pretty weedding took place
at the resi,t•eutet of Mrs. Shannon, of
Clinton 7.'har:lay, Tunte'e0th, when I er
it st tiaug;ttteelt. Miss Afana!et lefatit.e,.
was milted iu merrilere to gr. W. Brad.
sti' " Sinyth. of Detroit, the silken Isnot
bele-•, tied by Rev, G W. Howson.
Bev. A.. W. Dever, wh•x was station-
ed at Welton last year, has not bueeet
able to attend to his. w ret for several
morons on ntecunut of illness. Elis
heli( ), however, has very much int -
pawed and he will bo sta tilted at
Hinge:eke next year.
Mr. R. 0. C. Trttinal'le, twiiuj er and,
part proprietor of the electric light
works i xt t r, Ontario, died in that
town Thtu'sday of peritonitis, following
upon appeucdicitis. Mr. Trernuine was
? years of ttgo, unmarried, and a
, g;nvie:at•te of the Sc!lenee School of Toron-
to � uiveesiiy.
A s tooliniatrers, who has a edread of
o'ut•1egi'as diseaties, scut a child pante
the other day because her neither \�a:;
ill. The next murttieg the little girl
precenited herself et school with her
little goal se Melee by the :trim'• and
said : " Wese gat a baby at our house,
but annals ways I was to tell you it's
not witching."
Children are often attacked suddenly
by palm ul end ilaug"ruus Colic, Cra)upe,
Diarruoea, Dysentery. Ohul.eru :viurbus,
Cholera I'et'uutuut, eau. Dr. Fowler's
Extraur of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
mid rite rare wheel should els%aye, be
kept in the home.
ie more oloeeel3' .obetn'wed ther'ttt;i Lite 18$7 oto terri cries was given rdepxesente..
sutttittgr months \\bile cattle are on 1 two in the Hewes of Coutwuits, rat
nu:turt,. as tluat u::1 Itells% from i about the sttilie time the Nit tlttvtts,G tv:►,t
ala net increase t11t trt'ilattott Of tits•- divided into t i i tl districts, tied M' r.
l .., vt ltllvt_ s�i a
••w test.
s a
.••t •a \\< f
Vie , for 1
t.ru. ie d 13"iusuil was apirttll►ted sheriff the
b�, the v titer It, this ,ata(:," says`, N. S. jadioni distrit t of Weston). Assiuiboia,
aleyes of the tetteeaz Experiment. 1 This 1lobieiUn. he kaki petit the time ut
"ut. sates that time teas sl)t'cati rupia- as death,. with ()much ototlit to hitu$elr.
ly. r.I:u is law quite common. 'lite • 1'tr. Betteoil tools h. deep intureat iu the
disease seeme to utaack y0te eatl'1e aII'.tirs oX the tout, trntl for the fart
t•illlter titan old. but tattle`, of tall :ales u uul>er 01' yetsre was cllairtutut of the
w;11 take it, sial it seen].:, to• affect old ieeetiutl, behoei board, Iii polities he wits
cettlo more :severely Liens calves' IL tl, Ut. w' 'ative, :hitt had the noun' s,f
docs! taut affect x1.1101 animals than • :wing the first president of the first Cow
ea tti:2' ' Sirt'ative Assoeiittive that \t'as organized
ever; mine enacts cut of ten are eats .i
by ettitnrrh, wide!' se nothing but an iu•
fleeted Condition of the ivnouns. eurt'uous.
'Wo \vial give (JIlo Rewired Dollials-for
any case of Peafucss (must-l1bvt attt.rrh)
that ounuot bt' owed by liallls Catarrh
Cure,. Send for t irenlars; free.
OFIENEY CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by firm/gists, 7.1u, •
Hall's Family Pilis are the beat.
A very quiet wetlttlug was. solemized
by Rev-. Howson at the Wesley Meth-
odist parsonage of Clinton friday even-
iug, ,ane ;;0ch, the - contracting parties
b<iug Oliutons South. Aft Ica bero, Mr,
Ben Webb (now of Oshawa) and Miss
he• causo of the disease has sot ,
hem di:c )verse, although it is bcliuv- rtelnua. He WAS a. staunch l ug1ish Elizabeth Eason, oY• Seaforth. We wish
1X oh*wenuntl, 1(114 tool( an active interteet
cal to be dud to a ;Or .I, ilio al"ti r iu the management ut the affairs oY Si. these nutel>,joy and niatrirttoaial bliss
ite \\•hath the disease. its spread from 1' cul e
4,14• He leaves d4 widow, A 3'oung gentlemen pnroltaserl a bottle
tree animal to 'mother is little under..
throe 1l't't)ahtel's mat three evua, who of effervescent salla at a drug store rec.
slued, although ill{: era believed, to -
have the sywputhy of a large community eptly and after returning house and
pia) a> lurpertsnt past. Teta dLeease iu tit•�t, u.,tt.vetut)it,"
however, spreads 'tiurtng the winter
when tilers are no flies. abot:t. Direct Home Again From The East.
cot tact seen]'- to he a means ofg
ep . ,doe- the dieoase. 'Titcy am(0114- Atter au aLi euc:ts of five inontlie, Mr'
the di:oa a must lite- y Myrica of Pvrie B os,, Toronto,
has returned. from a tour of the wurldl,
aud of course, as usual, i inclined to
think there is no }gine like`home. 1)ur-
call agg,revata it, but t
be. iutrid<-ced into a,- locality by an
it:f e:tea animal. , •
The tit.st symptom usually noticed
is a profuee disoharge.4 of tears crone •lug; this Littre he visited Jap.u1,
owe ee e, running down over the face. China, aud Iudia, returniug by way ut
lYret at.d dirt cfter., Millen to the Burope. He reports not only huviug
moist. heir and a dir•y Streak is oh- Ina to vary satt:•teutery puruhuses iu the
./tee. ed, especially in white-faced cat- ease, nut: tele() having established st'100
Id, ext( nding £rom the inner corner vete satisfactory e,ouuectious. The firer
t ,
cort.er of 'the eye downward acmes the e:bject of Urs tap was, of course, the
/IAA. The disease usually begins in I India, intu•ket for pearls, sapphires aud.
owe dye and Toter attacks the other !rubies, l:.er. etyiie reports Laving
eye. In -onto cases both: eyes may be mode some satisfactory purchases of
a=ttl,cked at the salve time. Associat- { semi goods, wuioh are now en route,
and tGrt`ntrt}4 and is a• positive caro for
ed with the discharge, of tsars is a aud tau expeetee almost any day. *1\'tl)yti:ir indig.-sti:)tl,404.0. 100.ptick-
eyelids, which aro Amongst Mese are sense goods such us wee, 1St. lbe nr et les. for :.au, ben,
fiLYL•11111�, of they
nearly clQased, partly *Cron). tll< ,-\:sell- out: would tuluk only New York or Lou- wtie by ALL 'OLLOOEIIS.
At the recent session of the Bruce ire, but principally Lo keep the. light dun would attempt. They Meanie For sale in Winghunt by :AMES Dic13:ELVIE,
Oonnty Council the equalization of the TIMES 'CLUBBiNG OFFERS.
reading the directions found that they
should be taken in tepid %s'a.ter. He im-
mediately/ hitched up and hurl it c. back.
to the store and asked the druggist for a
quart of tepid water.. The druggist iu
his usual pleusant unrluner picked up a
bottle, filled it with pure water, handed
it to the oustoulei, cautioning hint to
warm it a little. before using, charged
him•e3 centlt, aud took a snapshot of him
as he passed out of tl]e door.
A Wonderful Preparation
teP•okcn Cereal gotten," pure, whole,
,unit`. tion'i•+}ting. highly recommended
of lending felt.}'Stylet:;. Hoek° is ogtua1
t" 41) . cur74•te. Ina. 0111y (Costs } the prier
anti is used at mutts instead of pad sou•
MIS t•"n5 anti entl'3t . By * I)nstant• nae:
RO1!OO Celle NAL CO1'1.'1le will give
von who. vigor, vitality, energy. health
ft out the eye, a,s bright, light .-cons to sz )use hue speoimuns of pearl neoklau,e,
ince cease .the, pain. 'T'ng, frcnt part of ranging iu piece trout 8100 to 1125,000.
county was fixed at $23,952,0ir. This is-- tit, ct:hall becomes milky 'white in lip awo puree:tsed in tedium -eat a n`uneber 1 it tt )
1lppearat.ct•, add cue repot usually rod 1 of parcels of rubies and sapphirSS, 1100 I newspavers mils follows :—
c.t,s' (,yes and ether premises sways. Titnesand 'tVeekly Globe• $1 (10
la .lagan ne intrad some ver/ inter- Tinges and Weekly Moil 1 75
esttne hues of brouiu'cr. fwd potteries, ,Times aud Family Herald and
w111uu he expeots will sleet wicll great Weekly Star, 1 75
Y \ or. 1L.iturutue by way uf Lniupe hu Tithes and Weekly Sun • .1 75
Tates and Montreal 'Witness 1 GO
visited the usual art eevties; securing at- Tiumes and Western Advertiser 1 50
- Amsterdam a very complete line of dia. Tunes and Farmers' Advocate 1 85
Pout heart failure. He retnrued from r.�ot rnal condition, a \Bite speck Xe- rllvuuS. He expresses hituself as •beiug ,TImes and Toronto Daily Star 2 50
tiie west a!,out three weeks ago, nccum- n, ins GO the eyelid for some tittle as Iua.:tt better pleased with his selecdous
ponied by his wife, and roc'. alt house- } (ar showire where the abbess ox- than' on auy pruvioua occaaiuu, aud
keeping;aridhadveeniuBeaitin;;:benhth Isle d. In, a fe\vl ceases this alicoss Ouugiet ewituavery tree Imuli, la view
rfaling heal' iilip,)we a t b not , ra ever since. Deceased was bvru in Scot • \ccakcr r_ the front of the eye to such of the brigut prospects • Canada is now
rest la uer\'es or weak heart.
laud, being a fine s:ieaimd a of ttie hardly ar. extent that it buxsis tend allows „llxY3 iuo'
#i lar,;tily attended.. au,d fashiotnable Scot, awl was for many years a highly the eat,tents of the erate, r chamber --®---
wedding took ptitce on t�svludselay even. I'es,)eeted resident of Clanton before go- of Glx c`ye to eh site• :i fcewi of the Should React Thiert.Folicies;.
ing;, June %'nth, •at the hao.lsnu)e rest- lug eve st, e)u, era \\in+ r:, aha ,c; e bi:rsls \viii goal The trouble that retail nlprclunits
det>ee ,If Mr. John Sproule, Britton. r Doti tent Season. az-d the animal will recover the eight; taruut h the Proviuce have had with iu-
Their daughter, Mary .1ltexaudri•i. was Darin,"tills bot reason the blood gets but in a majority, of fila case,- the suraltcee cuuepauies, due to disputes re -
the happy bride and Mr. J. P. Walter, over .ten sed, the drain on the system is arsimal will be permanently blind in g aiding the polteies evhen a fire oucurs,
of Walter Bros., Lieto\vel, the bridle- severe 'inti the antidote' is often lost. thea eye. A I::w c,t,*5 aro reported h ai lr't in tile, eahelisalo. drygouds see -
groom.. The cersmnuc wits perfor]uced L'urflctclt Elou'� Bitters purities ttnrl•ti \'vi crt3 both 03'3 S have blast ape the. tion of the Toronto Board of Trade send.
DIA UUt a cirenlar 10 retail merchants
pointing out those clauses in an ;nsur-
an to . polioy tjwat a merchant should
e er s c,.urc.i, et erica., \was 1 s
of the wedging of Miss ' Mary Lennon the ewer:: tiulo Lho it.Lii:mruati n may particularly 1e u1. villa circular re-
t••. b<> so Is'\^era as to cause a temr
��' � ��,� � � .;� „ Griffin, eldest dzu;;lrtcr of JoS. Griiliel, ,
as realuctioo of $e 7.000 fr nn laet year and '
Our Cl 1 binM rates with different
is coutl.ose3 entirely of personal prop. or cop)tel colored. • At this point an
erty. The levy fur 1902 will Le $37,031, abces� or small • At this usually
81, uec, ssiratiug a levy of ode aud ")5• forms :u.d looks to boa reddisblfles ly
100 mills. 'illii; is a :eight increase over
mr>.ss. It breaks be discharges a
1901. swell urnour.t of Pus or matter that
On T' urs,lay morning oelast week, at swell^(, with the teats. As the era -
mar Mr.Alex,Mullis urat)p,,d dead weepma,• recovers' and the. eye resumes its
on the lawn beneath at neatly decorated vl;;uratts tho b<o.Xl, Lancs up t,LO sy s E
and restores the lust appetite. at]rmal was pernnanently blind in baht
arch by 2Zev. H. Irvine. eyes. Dari:,g the acute (stages• of the
. _ „ On Tt'tesday morning, June 2dt•11, St. dt�a if • if botk eyed, are affected at
t.,rhii ren Cry for Peter's G i ' the -cone •
11:rs. Richard Skimp, an aged inmate governor of the Huron Conuty jail, to i s}I,• at till, an it isa^.c)ssary, to feed ants, who through overconficuee or lack
' Jo'' ``'' O'Loughliu of Detroit, Mich. { and \wider thmo to p.mv,:nt thein from
of the Perth comity Hcu.e of R„efc • re to
l?ora •y re mires that in view of the many total
1 blindness, the animals being unable to and partial losses sustained by merch-
Stratford, jurapetl from an' upper win-
dow Friday utoraing of Inst week, and
The marriage ceremony was perrormecl : of knowledge, violate conditions ens.
f t*. .\\1ty rapidly in fict;h. If the
bodied its their insurance Policies, the
by Rev. rather West and was wituorsed' ai ,maBlas the di; t:a� ;n 'au : OL' to 1 The TIMES nuc. 'Weekly Globe to new
by a large c )n ;regatiou. div Roods section has consider ed it neces• subscribers till January 1st, 1903, for 8:m
-e•r Y 'UrD•3 ,_^,wet 3SOC- r
Times and Daily Globe 4 25
We could extend the list, but it is not
necessary. We can give you clubbing
rates on any newspaper or magazine.
45 cents
•—" err. ""A"9^".'.•..• gip.
' :
{1":� Nt; tiiry .. ,•y, gr .int 1 St't�-' . 4 �`•
.,, .. .Naa.�.att9rk1�ilic'�.'.��-^^�-�'=.;� � ..t�,ia�L2i7��.
What is
Castoria is for Infants and Children, Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drop*
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Detain,.
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of'
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Peverish--
ncss, easterly, cures Diarrhma and Wind Colic. Castoria.
relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and.
Flatulency. easterly, assimilates the Food, regulates .
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's.;
F:utaccsa—Tial Xgther's 3.?tie»tel,
"Cnstorla is an excellent medicine for to Castoria Is so well adapted to chitdreir
children. Mothers hare repeatedly told mC that I recommend it es superior to any pre-
er its good effect upon their children." scription known tome."
Det. G. C. Os000D, Lowell, Mass. It. A. Aaeaaa, .\I. D. �rooklynn '. Y.
jy YiE••>
FaFkirEtA'1`IZIMo '°=1..•+3`s' '.F:t raWC4a=iii'. " t":5W?iFe_..-r.� 10110 .0**g�lt
The LIMES \-ill he sent to new sub-
soribers till the 1st of January, 1903, 1
for 50c.
75 , cents
when found, was dead. No bowel were Zerni th..ro is Oft:a .a Saty to issue the circular. The latter, •
broken, but sire was killed by the l'hoek. The •Presb'teriau General Acst:tubly ! lined with it ; and 111 prises ically 11.11. aftsr advising merchants to road their
Tl:t. nraalnals uetsv to rt:minate, ' p ,limes and comply rigidly with con-
ditions, remarks upon the fact that •
while the statutory conditions in all
policies are alike, the variatious, which
are printed in red,,, are not al-
ways alike. It is these variatious The TIMES and Family Herald and
Weekly Star to now subscribers till
nlerehuuts are advised to story careful- January 1st, 1903, for 85o, Two prem-
mitted to rt referendum of 50 Presby- while at Ixtstur,, n r :e r. , 1y, and some of the points neon evhieh inti pictures with the Star.
teries, 40 of which voted in favor of the away i flesh. Sita:. pi actic�,ly no the insared inn not be informed are
reduction. an}maie die of tails dmeas and cnly a y Papers sent anyivhorn in Canaria or
1 few eat, permanently aif-ctted as. to drawn attention to, Ivor the procedure the United States - for the above
•sight, that araeat st 1L•stj is ie. the after tilt fire the following advice is an)ounts. SUBSCrIBE NOW.
Health for "Women shrinkage el flash that eollo\v:r the at- given: should yoti utlfurtunately have •
" Few tbings aro mom important to a trci, of (lir, doses ,• : , <u: steel: or premises destroyed or iu-
community duan the health of its if passible the r) n t' h :tad 1 pre- y' P 3
woman. If strong is the frame of the vented 1'y k:eir n . •nt• et '1: autinials ;lured by fire or its results, damaged by
a\wity Yr^m the herlll:,v- hil.r• t10 s:nol:o or water, make no admissions,
b eeaseehs sive, jarred:meta awengt;t a sign no papers, nor enter into any ar-
beve -. c1 cattle, by ioearating lee ralsg,eiueuts with any
leoleti:.g the tdicet: d irnimal.s ns person claiming to
Boer, ns; the lent eynnptrms a shown, roprestat the companies, but endeavor
at once to obtain Someone who is gttali-
fled to act for you in ac(justing your
less, awl place your affairs entirely in (
Deceased h. b no health fix I decided t i tI ' d f 't cr„'ch'
some time, and, beiug slightly ;fitly rraaged , membership. Formerly the Assnu)bly amt. eye,: classd cah<.0 cane all signs of
has been under restraint, but in the tear.- has been compoeed of one Clergyman in seeere suf1C,ring. – Balch, Cow.e} .e.sual-
por ry absence of her husband elm went • four with a Inymnn for every clergy- ly tall a\\•ity in the aliment of, milk toe;
to her death its stated. ertetc:d, ar ill, ':.wc:1 e oa.sL+s it 1!iu.y be
' man; henceforth the percentage will be ytoppe. entirclq. Owens; to a e;er:�ueg
>;n.ekttche, swelling; of fret and atilt• one cit>r ryntiut in .is with correspen(- cat'. tar• a':yas, tee:ether :. Owing.
Dain, the
les, puffing under cares, frequent thirst, ire; Wets. The question had been alb- aenirtal; ds not nr. well, exlrtlally
scanty. elourly, highly teemed urine and
1 a r suit fall
all urinary' trophies lead to Bright's dia.
ease. dropsy, diabetes, t.tt. Donis Kid-
ney Pills are a sure pure.
The sudden death of Mrs. Abse-rler
Pentland, of Dungannon, which occur-
red at the residence of her son-in-law,
Mr. T. Cr. Anderson, -of Lacknow, early mother seed a proverb, tiro sons will give
Saturday morning, June 2I, was greatly laws to the people." Dr. Chase's Nerve
regretted by a large circle of friends and Pixel is especially woman's medicine.
acquaintances. The deceased lady had 13y its nctiute on the blood and nerves
been iu poor health with heart trouble= it govt's strc'n;,th and vigor to the delicate the. disc; ;wa carp le cheat>ed. It is not
for -Date time past anti was suddenly f< tuuii!ie or;ul:s anti ensures their practicr,ble to attempt to treat a large
' rtgtulttr a1;c1 licaltiift, fnnetiou3. d raurlbee of animal:. unleue ie...e eaeioe
stricken with heart failure- lairs. Pent, gives e.olor to the weak, and. a rounded },•,, c•sp:r;ally valuable t cat :ar:f'cr froui
land was one of the oldest settlers of furut to the titin aud angular. the d ,r,.:t,ss it a scveie form. , When his hands."
West Wawanosh, and was ,greatly 011
it. t : o-, Nellie; 1.:v tr tt urs animal it !1.'i,e question of the cane nation of j� 1�
teemed by all who knewFhca. Deceased ()u tV ut►Palley Innr'iitrg, Jun•n25th, thcr'cd o crc h1yL w\ashed~ir.f,taoldble orc.crn on the part of the retail ttado.
was a 'onsistaut alrai lifelong, member the spirit of Mrs. Ilober t Mc wrru„htou, *teeter, all t ecrcticr y removed. and a which was recently dealt with by tho
1. r old and n1ur,Ii higher esteemed resf- v • t • tratnsi e - I section is er stallized in at1-
C'cease had. been in poor el a< ,t,, ass o up 011. one.third o its
: - --- . .
1 deranged, :an: St ands about .heir• ears lopped
75 cents
r;f the Dungannon Di et!]t•dt,t church, auent of Brussels took its flight. De- eioruLion of boric neid, L\ cn y i dry goo , y
dr s ]vs! l in an of nc:, of wager. t>hould other circular • sent cut to the retail
r• ccnserl was born in St. Andrews, Que.. b • •'orti,d. A. fe\ • air cps ef Ilarlerrl
Mary lilar.I enzke, relict of the. Neto bed 1'rovanct=, and when a child re• 1 li'tl' ointment In:d, iw in nt;rchants, in which it is pointed out
Donald 11toDonald, who predeceased her moved
by nearly four years, died in Landon on
June 18th. The deceased was born in
Ross -shire, Scotland, in 1851, and when
eleven years of age came to this country
with her parents. She was a ntember acres of land, lot 3, cons. 10 and 11, lie cold 'two terland kept over'tJ o eye§are is nothing short of impending; disaster
and e. liberal supporter of the South Title• Mg on the latter for some years and hav- u•�eful le redueing tea taloa yeation. whizh justifies cancellation of orders.
Deed with her relatives
to Mc•Nab fit; one Part of finely r lv r:zect iodo- that the wholesale trade are desirous of
to nship, Itanfrew Go., evl)ere she vias fees% meat testae,. patio e,". fr:.c1] lard rt•rov:ltg an abuse .'which. has beou the
married to her aged partner over fifty' er t•aselnte, can be applied directly to •:ease of much friction in the past.
years ago. They cane to Grey town- the eyceball. by pitting it cat tht�' leeAde
shit; shortly atter this and took up 200' of eyelid, ani gently rabbin•g it Wlititt•ti ee excuse there may be for re.
t' : fie e. (' c'hs wet with turning orders the circular reads, there
Iota vongrg egatien until the sad circum- ing soled Ids farm took op their horse en 1'r, etieaily all atitnale make a good
stances, about a year ago, iu the myst- the 10th. Here they resided for about rtcevery in from three to four weeks.
cries of divine providence, which final. nine years, since when they retired and ISt k ComnHODt_t1Y,
y Live Steri; Go>iinii;gstrner,
proved. fatal. Iter sun on carth went went to Brussels. Mr. McNaughton,
dowfx under a clone, but it is hoped to . who is in his 89tH year, one son, Dr,
rise where there are no afflictions. She- Joint A., of Brussels, two daughters. Gesa:neesstnria alwn;;s a. ,•, :...- 31n et::rt for their Children while teething, with
leaves three sons and three daughters to Mrs. John Loivo of Grey, and Miss 1 el Clms. rt. P1..tchet. . porfect success. It soothes the child,
mecum her loss. Her remains were Lizzie, tat lime, are the survivors of the' wind colic, and is. the best remedy for
Salm to Lucknow station, and thence to wife and mother. The subject of this: t- ear II, t,•' was :)lei:. Sae I,,,v: t,cr (rerr,°w. diarehmt. It is pleasant to the taste.
>t c late home. The funeral to i inlelss notice was a faithful member of the •Whe.n she tuns a Child, elle cried for ceetwi,.. , SW
t ld•
y "lrttelgtt druggists a c every
� a part
ottlo f be
• v nets nos r,7t a e. a are y
roc pear :Sixty rears.
An Old and Well• tied itontetly-Mrs
Winslow's;;oothingSyrnpp� has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
softens the genie, allays nil pain, cares
v ,
e. Presbyterian church, s
eteeteetery ewes largely attended, the, ser- Prt,yby t c ,'evil to tree Wife • wee, she tte�came Dries,
she clime to f n::tnr: ai i 1 I bl X3 t4 oil as1;,
vibes Wag conducted by Rey. A, Mc- 1 and indulgent mother aud one of the 1 whettslichad ch:.'.reu,s:rt,.:' i1tet.aC.t.,toria. ; for Mrs Winsloav s thing Syrup, and
iu the absence of her own pastor, kindest of neighbors.
take no other kind.
Are in. See our
$16) $18 AND $20
Before buying else- -
where. Also a special -
line of PMI 'fl lOS. Every.
thing you want in the Wrngham,
Tailoring line can be
had and satisfaction
Bill Heads, Statements
Envelopes, Memo
Heads, Note Heads,
Letter Heads, Wedding,
Invitations, Visiting
Cards, Shipping Tags,
Circulars, Business
- Cards, Dodgers, Posters, .
Books or anything in
the printing line, leave
your order at the
Need home office. We are
constantly adding the
newest faces of type,
have good workmen,
and we can satisfy you
with our Printing as
regards quality and
• •
• - Ontario)