The Wingham Times, 1902-07-03, Page 5see It'VVYVVVer'erffe'rrYVVVVVYYVVVer ITYVVer/V7VVVVirifeelYreerVVVY'l :11 COME WHEREYOU GET MOST FOR YOUR. MONEY 111,,,prt,VS 4 4 -.1 '1.7 t • ovvd e r s .., , 9 . ..., .... ff.- fr :Olt :r:f: -1 o 1::Trie. , ,.-....•,:::".....,-,...,..- '''-'''7 eel. ,e7,- .., 4 -41 ,.'se. i,...p. ol 4 ' ;J: A, -4 . ... -4 .. 41 .. 1 . ;.,!,.;)),..:;),"' 't. N;;; qiiiN) c.,,,. • /..,..1 ,.., ,, i iN Nt' (1 ,151. (:.: A.. A1,4 .. 'f'!1,‘1.',ipl!•%!"•17.i.i.: ' .‘144 i'l I. sii' 5 A L E '2%:-'t \',).•T'''..-:-,---,,,fV-,.•.,..i',.,1.'1,.:1..\\ :. ,.: ,., ,,, .r.,..,.• rkt.' 1 20 per Celli off regular price rifr.:`'.----.-:-.ii 1:- f tes Lee :1 .,...,, sts - p>. 4 4 4 1 A 1 4 4 1 - 4 1 4 .4 4 4 4 a ..14 4 44 *1 -4 .4 -4 a 41 41 41 41 41 .4 4 41 41 .4 4 1 1111 - 4( 41 4 4 4 41 1 4 4 , ..4 D Go. WINGHAM Colin A. Compbell's old stand- Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. t;.• AIAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAA 404404.4.4406.440.4.0004.04400.04400.04.440e4144,44004.4414.40 4 - • • • • .1 Soffnelhing sse:w iii2 • I I TB EATINGlIAM TITER. JULY , • 1902. .••••••••••-••••••••••••• ••••m•••••••. my.* . •.1•-•••• *V.*** . •••••••••••••• -ftwor.....9•-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , n 4 arxzwaxonxio..,„,. RJrn tsar rag HAWS Ur--Pn_man 'Uneari M114.ral'igIThe Leading :Store • .$414 A CASE OF Sr. VITUS' DsleIZOS i -rnm".""" EVERIet OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, con NOT elE CORM •;.1 Stifl Urowile. I J LI, Trade with us continues to increase, and justly so, for we • N. advertise only what we can positively do. We are fast r becoming known in Wingham as leaders in the clothing and outfitting business. We are showing netvgoods each F.. week. It's a marvel to many and a worry to competitors how we do it, but we do. We have set a pace that we can keep up to the fish. Every day and every week you p>. b* • will find the same low prices. If youhave not already It bought your Summer Suit from us it will pay you to call it and examine our stock, which is not " just as good," but a LITTLE -BETTER. The fir, style, cut, quality and price tell the 'tale. let. It is impossible to quote all prices, but remember what we IL- have done before iS 20 per cent. less till August 1st. • • - YOUR MONEY BACK FOR THE ASKING Full rang Boys',. Youths' and Men's Suits at all prices, • to suit all purses, large or small. • E20 cents on the dollar off any pair of Boys', Youths' or t Men's Pants in the store. . o. .. See others' Suits at $zo.00. Then see ours at $7.00. p. 1.- N. 1. The R. H. 620 JO. tp, Men's Outfitters. CENTS FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT The Latest Neckwear, The Swellest Hat, The Newest Shirts and . New York Belts AT POPULAR PRICES • + • + it • + . .r ifvti. ...:. ii: - '- ••• :, + . ..t, i.-, • eiee, et + et, 0:4 • t"*# 10 S ees . ,f .114f,10-3' 14 ',. ,A..." • -4* 0 + • 4 ., • 4* • + • + • * , Victoria Table Sets, consisting of Covered • • + Sugar, Covered Butter, Cream Jug and • + • + . Spoon Holder... a : FOR 45 CENTS. a + 4 • e • + e + Fruit Sets consisting of one Fruit Bowl and • + • + Six Glass Nappies . 4. o • FOR 4o CENTS. e + : • + Table Tumblers a Great Bargain Just the • 4. • + Thing for this Season of the Year • • 35 CENTS PER DOZEN. AT G FIN'S what wicteawalo Tunes oorrespoudente Clommur.icate - Other Called One Day and VOInta it,110 VOTSCO Xruointr ;mit Lea.ro ea What Or. %%3U1. u»' Znic3iUsIlea tineetedell Where - Wiser Atethciaes IMO Failed. Iteraa Clitepoel From Ours, lexobeengos, "WIJITM`It 'V II itt.d"rit. ,T210- sufferer frotia St. Vitus' dance,. 'Mr. A. Ilattry is vetlew at vessent. Loy. Wm. Poottall 1 clt ate even ea 0, mild female. mach. te be plate!, ' II is et -arming -from a peralytie strolie, of Myth Mellower. (*here% cm. Sunday but when the ilieeat6 arso.nloh au Mr. Arthur Kew, of ?Whole:pithy is lust, whets pro:tolled kis farewell Ker. vete(t turta the pedant, le usually tie ntep- lees ati all MUM, Li s tO be weteasal visitine raider the eareutal roof. mon. A fareWell etiterteiatneet fle • - 11 o Mmn \SI4.4....10. trae las ee rs. Jaee..McOlenaglatHaheld in n. Mr. Harry the oh arcFay rideveuingfl ele,ate,e ee tietnerva 4.41(1 roust by ,zz 411,1 eliss One, are vieithig friends iu last. A reeeptioll was Wagered. tO the treatedhr tottelt them, ains and or tpur. Olevt lend this week. new pestor, Rev. John Holmes, mat bis • posy there DO other usedielee less! Rev. A. 1. Brown preached his faro- family the slime ev4nime. worid itetri Su speedily as Dr. *Williams Vink 14411S. Peoaf or. this ma:eine:a. is • well hernion in the Methodist eharch Ste An •lrew's 011111.0111 (3312310(1110, tonna in the mire of Mast Louise Lure, M as 1111 ' •' •' • du14 - SnatIn gold El Suny last. The new pester, IZev. C. 0. Cain, will preach on Sueday uext. Ur. Robt. Ferree lost a Valuable colt last week. Don't forget the Epworth League garden party ou the parsonage lawn on. Friday ermite; of this week. Music famished by Luckaow band, aud a good programme. Refreshments served frota 0 to S o'eleck. 1- . Bir.tottAVE. never presented a more beaettful appear- nem, whose liouset re at Pout:bees Mills, auce that, on Wednesday evening, Julie Oita, who wits cured. Ly Ilierle pills atter e two doctors bad Mittel to benefit her in ilth, wheu Mr. Oh:tries Alexander Watt the Leta. The yuatiglatty's mother tea. wa-M s arried° to Miss Mabel Agees the every of her •daughter•s illness as fia- Graaey„ daughter of ltev. Henry Gracey, lows:. --1 do not think it polish:de any - of elm could be enlisted with I. more severei and niece of Mr. Samuel Gracey Blyth. form. of St. Vices' dance them that wince atteekect my daughter, Louise. tler A qtriest wedding toolc plaeo at the (U1$ aull legs would twiteh awl jerk, residence of Mrs. Wm.. Mefirey at high her fru was drown anti finally tier left when. side became numb as though paralyzed. 1100:1 011 Wednesday ot last week, Two demurs uttended her, out weer when. her daughter, limy .1., was united treatment uot may eat nut belp ber in marriage to Mr. W. 0. Walsh of will grew steadily Worso. liar toupio Tho members of L. 0. L. No. 402 Londoit. The ceremony was perforated bet:must swollen, her speeele thick alai in - e ce %1l1 attend divine service in Trinity by Rev. A. McLean in the presence of dames:a and ehould leither it. Still church on Sunday next. Rev. W. Lowe the relatives of the COutracting nodes. ntionrnsgtaludhsetrilill. nfelle; hold any will preach a spec:MI.80=0u. The bride was becomingly attired in 'to watt% her the time situ: 11s.1,eeeteetttLetr3.: A pretty wedding took place at the a white orgaudydrest )Vtth lace trituna ehe mid injure herself. The lust ewe I home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Fran- ings, weariug voil end orange blossmas tor who attended her told me she would cis Stalker, Queen street, Blyth at high and carrying a boaquet of roses. The uoieLe(r goetvbetter, and. was theu I de. Y Dr, Williams' Palk Pills. noon on Tuesday, June 24. Tho con- bride entered the parlor leaning on the After she had taken two boxeswe could tractiug parties were Mr. Dan Geddes, arm of her brother, 1ir. G. R. Barrick, see an improvement in ber eousittion. merchant-tailorot Belgrave, and Miss to the -strains of Mendelseohn's wedding Her appetite improved, she could sleep Nellie Stalker. Rev. A. McLean tied march, played by Miss Annie Walsh, the nuptial knot. The pride was assist- sister of the gioom. Presents were re- ed by Miss Lizzie Laidlaw of Morris, ceived from Chicago, Woodstock, To- bher .ocalled while passing and anted tter aud the groom by Mr. Jas. Stalker of route, Loudon-, Lucknow, Belgrave, For. get Stratford, brother of the bride. The dyce, Hepworth and Blyth. After lunehtoonions. ThiLIT11=1= bride was prettily. attired in a dress of was served the happy couple left ou the it was Dr. Williams' Pink Phis Coat was white maple trimmed with yaleueiennes erten:00a train for their home in Lon- auxin her and he said, "well, I tun sate care her." Silo tiled in tat eight or ten I better mei tee spasms were less severe. From that OU there was a marked. Ina provetnent M her condition mat one day the doctor who had said she could nue Prised, but continue the mils, they will and chiffon and carried a bouquet of don, amid showers of rice and goad J white roses. The bridesmaid's dress wishes of all their friends. boxes and is uory as healthy a girl as yott was white organdy trimmed with ap- - They Take Weeks. had a symptem of the trouble." plique aud pink muslin, and carried a , bouquet of pink roses. Tho 'lowly wedd- Ordinary remedies sometimes tako If yon are weak or ailing; if your ! ed couple took the 8.85 traits amidekrelievelce.cases that Catarrh- nerves are tired and jaded, or your blood e loczoenes et • even e s at o showers of rice and best wishes for a INHALE 0A.T.4.1.1tOOZONE five minutes houeymoon trip to Berlin, Galt and To- four times a day and it cures stubborn will find anywhere, and she has trot same route. coughs. CATARRIXOZONE five nunutes The Canso of Dyspeptic raillS, every hour and we guarantee it will cure case of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Improperly digested food usually any f Asthma. Lung- or Throat Trouble, Deaf - is out of condition, Tom will be wise to use 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills, which are an nufailing cure for all blood aud nerve troubles. But be sure and got the geu- nine, with the full name "Dr. Willielus' Piuk Pills for Pale People" on the wrap- per around every box. Sold by all meta. e cine dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents e forms ,., ness. It is you pleasent aud convenient abox. or six boxes for $2.50 by writing , distention of the stotnitch and pressure . *, h to use, quick to relieve, and certaiu direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine agile s 1 ' . as the hereafter to cure. Large size, 0o., Brockville, Ont. pain and distress, but Nerviline will complete, price el1.00; small size 25o. - relieve the distention, dispel the gas, rind - D euro the dyspeptic pains very quickly. ruggistsiter Poison Co., Kingston. Out. Poison's Nerviline is really an excellent' remedy for Dyepepsia Indigestion, Cramps, Summer Complitiut aud all Stomach and Bowel Troubles. No - hOttSel101d is complete without Nerviline. Try a 25c. bottle. Tulteretnnetvs The committee and all those interest - in the measure social at Holmes school house should bo gratified at the result of their work. The wenther was fine and it served to attract a large crowd. It was somewhat amusing to see the gray haired men and women, Dr. Hanlimn's Pills cnre headache. EAST WA WANOSE. Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Stein, of the WRONMTED.. gravel road spent a few days this week William Rutherford is laid up with a with. relatives atm friends at Pine 0. Goodfellow, who has been working I B4-Mveil.... John Webster has returned home sprained ankitee. on a boat at Wiarto n returned home from Moosejaw, N. W. T. Monday evening. Miss Lizzie Wellwood, who formerly Mrs. John Gibson of Church st. end taught in S. S.. No. 12, but recently Mrs. Slug, of Gorrie, loft for Loudon teaching in New York, is home for the on Monday, to visit their sick brother, holida3-s. John Willis, who has undergone au op - oration and is not expected to live. seMr. LANOSIDE. Fryfoglo of Belmere was in tOwtt Coronation Day passed off quietly. OF r -til( I• 4 04 VI i-szN isarl• (I . July brings us to the. time of year when all :Summer Goods must be cleared out regardless of price, and to make a speedy clearance of all lines, we have cut the prices away down so as to sell out every dollar's worth and carry nothing over. ?lease read our list of reduced prices W.W.MCWOW.1111MIOfira.r.p....111.11 Paney stored Muslim; fast colors, new patterns, regular value no, elcoxing sale --11 . - • price . . r, piecea white check and striped Swiss Muslin, regular price 10.,, clearing sale .n9 - price .'"- _ - - .UU Ono piece whito Pique, wide, with red polka dot, regular value 15a, clearing, We f n ,,,. .1 U price - - . Ladles' White rrillelfikil'O. triZfli 8, 40, 42, with144.w•h frill, nieclv titeltril awl 1. rtn. trimmed with insertion and embroidery, dust frill, regular 0..25, TO cher at pieces Panev shined awl figured Mustin, in the slew colors, good waShers, regular price 20d, to titer at - corset Covers, nicely made awl, trimmed with embroidery, good value at 135e, .5 clearing price Ono dozen Parasols with steel rod. and ivory handles, fast black coverings, good - 0 0 value at $1.25, sale price . Ladies' Linen Blouses, tuelced, and trimmed with lace insertion, regular price I 'qr. $1.50, to CUM' at • 1* 4 Ladies' White Cotton DITill-0144, nienly made and trimmed, good quality' cotton, regular value 85c, clearing opt at , - .25 5 pieces fancy striped Chambray, fast colors, wide,'regular value 20 cents, to I r clear at - - - . 1 0 Ladies' Gingham rind Chambrai 'Waists, trimmed with insertion, regular value i nil $1.2.5 to $1.50, sale price - t *tit, Ladies' 1Vhitit, Cambria Night Gowns, nicely trimmed, full length, wide skirt, 35 regular value 51.00, to (dear at - - Ladies' White Straw Sailor Rifts, latest style, black or white silk bands, regular Ert price Ole to 75e, they go at Ai/ U tidies' Oxford Shoes, in tan or black, new styles, good value at .$1.25, ...to clear i nn , out at . . - i .trtU Gond Eimmaer Corsets, Ladies' Vests Wrappers Corset Covers .221 .01 .75 .15 Fine fast black Cotton Ease, - .10 Gingham., fast colors •.05 Underskirts .75 H. IE.. ISARD Go. Oposite Ban k of Eigliest prise paid for Produce , , I • Oft tretartatau. eral-of Miss Janet Chisholm of Walktr- Mrs, John Burgess, Miss Nellie Bnr- ton. - gess and Walter Bargees visited rela- The Misses Graiagers of Brussels and I Lives in 'Woodstock this week. • Miss Jeau Thompssu visited friends lit I Mr. and Mrs. Robert McPherson have Ayton this week. el returned from a visit to Moncton. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Jacklin, who have Mrs, John Robertson, of Wroxeter, beeu residents for some . thne on the 5th . youths and maideus, down to the Muoh to our regret a very dietigeable and Mrs. Robert Black aud children con. of Grey have moved to Mrs. Jim:k- en Monday on business. Jock - little wee tots, march to the measur- ing stand, where they received tickets for their tea. The catering WAS done in first-class style, aud reflected great credit on those who had the work in hand. After tea, which was served out- side, a short programme was rendered, consisting of solos, choruees, a witty speech from Mr. W. Fyfe. Some recitations by Mr. Rolland Gordon were given in good style and appreciated by the audience. A large number were not able to get inside and some of the young juveniles amused themselves by putting in some music nob in the pro - Goderich for Dominion Day. • The 'Union Sunday school at Victoria opinion as to whether the Berlin organ -Senior IV. f Win. Kennedy; Jr. IV., Mr. William Stewart, who has been hall held their picnic in A. Bryan's bush a. now organ. There is a difference of or the Esty organ. of Toronto should be David Keunecty and Lizzie Hethering- building at Bowling Green, near Grand on the lst of July. . ' Mr. Davia Breckenridge, sr., hes re- put in. The congregation will vote on ton (equal.) Robert MoIntres, Lavine Valley, was home for the first. the question as to -will boSmith; Senior III., John McDonald, Miss Alice Duff is home for the holi- shrionvstedenhtiss. barn aud male other int- mo- wcorgan , - gram e, but the chairman, Mr. JohnWatson Smith, Harry Nixon; Junior days. p * Robe. Gibsou and family of Kleiuburg III., Jennie McDonald, Wilbert Wraith, , Misses Cera Messer aud'Eva Duff visit- . The Misses Marge Strachan and M. • Kerr, in a few stern words put a quietus purchased. • on their efforts, and they behaved fairly Mary McMillan, Lawson Smith, Willie led in Listowel and Brussels this week. I Taylor anti Miss Geuieve returned from l well for the crowded state of the house. are visiting in town. - Fraser, Annie Phillips Joe Smith, .Too The house of Mr. George, Tuevey of 1 Essex last Saturday. * The handsome sum of $25.50 was realizae) • McMillan; Form II., Tommy McInnes, the second line of Morris was burned to Mr. John Mitchell and Lyght Elliot ed, which will be applied to the expensest e John' Wendt and his father of MildGeo. Town and Thos. Rae were at John McMillan' , i Robert Adair, Harry the ground early on Thursday morning ' of Molessvoreh spent Sunday at Jes. m of the Sunday school. may were at Southampton fishing last week. They caught some fine bass. HetheringtonJohn Fraser; Part II., of last week awl. the family had very Simpsons', I From the report of the secretary of Annie MOIttlieS, Cassie McDonald, little time to eseape. It is supposed to Miss Kate Henderson of Galt is vielt- + Union Sunday school, which meets in Listowel last week'. Maggie McMillan, Janette, Gillies; have StaSted fratn the kitchen. Mr. ing her friend, Miss Jessie Strachan. • Strome to drill nu artist= well. • R. B. Harris has let a contract to Sol, Miss L. Ewing, of Teeswater is the rain. put a daniper on the garden party. Consequently it was postponed, so the of treat is in store yet visited in Brussels last week. s o.ne at Morrisban Mr.eire n . Messrs. William Gardiner and John intends baying anothe,r farm again.4 McDonald, of Goderich, visited at Mr. before fall. , et e guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Allen, the C. P. R. station. Miss Annie McKinnon left on Tuesday John. Gardiaer's over Sunday. Quite a number of our sports took h • s for Bolton, Out., where she will remain Mm Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Nicholson ancl the eootball atch down at Forrestrille Miss Sarah Allen and her sister, Mrs. McIntyre of Cleveland aro home visit- some few months. and Miss Nettie Maxwell, of Toronto, between the home team and Molesworth. • ing their sick mother. Below is given the report of the bi- spent several clays this week visitiug iu Forrestville won by 3 to 0. Master Fred, second son of Francis U. Tho members of the Presbyterian monthly examination held in the U.S.S. Winghata and on Bluevale read. church here have made some improve- Na 0, Sinless, for the months of May A car of hogs was shipped on Monday. Wright, has gone to the hospital ia Tor-. - s raents in their church and are putting in and June. The names of the pupils in Mr. Harry islcHaedy was home from onto to be treated. various classes appear in order of merit: Mrs. Allen, sr., of llowick st. is ser - *1444+++++++++4++++++++++++4•444.•++++++++++++++44445+I , S. S. No. 61 we learn the following par. iously ill, however, wo hope soon to hear Senior Part I., Evaline Gillies, Ethel a - 29th: -Pupils ettrolled, 102; teachers of her recovery. McDonald, ,Duncan Kennedy, Aleitha ___ _ deniers for the quarter ending June Our eitizeus called a meeting on Satur- Gillies;Stnilth,Jimmie) McIntosh, Marion .....- e _a.. --....-- -----.----- and officers10; average attendance, 80. 'Part IL, Sydney McInnes, day evening last and a committee was appointed to ask for subscriptions for Hugh eic.Millan, Lizzie McIntosh, til - at School meets very Sabbath afternoon • _.... -------------- _.. _______ a , __ s Mr. White. It is said a nico purse of lian Gannt, Hugh Adair, Maggie at 3 o'clock. Visetors welcome. . - - - • • .--eseaseteeeteeeee'eteeeeeessee$ ' money was handed to him. Gillies, Ruby Nixon, John Adair; Ayer- _ . . age at tenclance during the month, 34. ... . . _ . . . THE CORNER DRUG STORE t1,-,1, q ,n, 4.-1 1 14 .4....4" f4.4.: IC e . eveameaseerAeresiscactemeesestes=rearee- Pi "1 Wive used Ayer's HeirVigor tor a great many years, and al - 1 though r am pest eighty years of p, age, yet I have not a gray hair in 4 ity head." Cco. Yellott) Towson, Md. .4 "W mean all that rich, dark color your hair used 3 tO have. If it's gray now, The Nerves Nervous energy, the one thing lacking in the majority of people, depends upon the proper nourish- ment of the brain and nervous sys- tem. Unfortunately artificial stim- ulants are resorted to and the result is invariably a reaction, producing mental depression, (or blues) inabili- ty to sleep, weakness, headache, un- necessary worry, and other well known symptoms of nervous disease. What is most needed and sought by intelligent people is a nerve food and. tonic combined. Such is Iron Tonle Pills. 25c a box, five for $1. Garden Seeds Plant Good Fresh Seed and. Satisfactory Results are Assured. We have in Stock a full line of Gardbn Seeds, pure and fresh. • For sale by the • ounce and package. A1 L. 1411111106k: read a letter from the general hospital digestion and undisturbed njetteritSrPeserefeel at Toronto. On Motion of Smith and tl `t lit and strength lost by exeessrve no matter; for Ayer's i Nyman, it was decided to sign the papers living Very quickly, Ferrozone will do Hair Vigor alwa s y re- for the expense of R. White, who is witi,osotirm8t,bileymosdiortys2i.16,0 Price 500. stores color to gr7 hair.. i blind and is being removed to the hospie gists, or Poison Co., Kingston'Ant tp. glefd. hair grow very eavy and . . Mrs. Rathbern of Duluth, daughter of . r -1'7 M. L noun% Tdablkot, air - John Kuutson iS visiting at tho latter's . , a • • ...-....- .reva a . place. • Miss Jean Gibson of Goderich is the The Penalty oC a rest Lite. guest of of her sister, Mrs. F. V. Dick- Is pard for by an irritable condition of son of Howick street. body and mind, by exhausted energy, Mts. Alex. Campbell of London is via... poor digestion, unstrung wryest andsbrok- If yeti must and will live the Ring at her mother's, Mrs. Leckie on nlitliegepp.ace, better keep in mind the Centre St. - suetaiuitig powers of Ferrozone, a Mr, Monro, reeve, called a meeting of wonderful tonic and reconstructor. the council on Monday evening. Coun- Ferrozone is a blood maker, a nerve ail met in his office on Centre se. HO itstrourn,glitTelktaeshaeartort ds ibraill invig". by A. L. Hamilton. ometimes it ma es the tal. We hope soon tO hear of his re - Dr Hathilton's Pins Cure Hi3adache. h - covery. Miss Maggie Robertson, daughter of fp • Turvey was awakened by his son asking Mr. awe Miss Small of Listowel were for a •drink, as no doubt tho smoke had visitors at; Dancau Taylor's on Sunday. made the child thirsty, and found that Miss Wilsou of Pelee Island is visiting part of the hoose wason fire and the stair- her uncle Duncan Taylor. way impassible with smoke. Mrs. Dougal Strachan from Orangeville Turvey was let down from the window spent Sunday ander the parental roof. by a sheet and she caught her three Mrs. Emmett and Will, of Molesworth, children as Mr.Tnrvey threw them toher. were visiting at Sas. Wright's last week. In:dropping to the ground Mr, Turvey Geeeteltarere had tho misfortune t`G. Ititiuied.'wrefoot.sabedly thet hro wilt in giYritin his foot while playing feothalI, unable to t.S15 it 'fee a couple of weeks, The Misses Coembes and Sosepli &Mee Nothing whatever was saved except a , to Centralia last Satardity to Visit their aunt, AIrs. Ilcsery, over July 1st. pair of trousers containing a consider- -able sum of money, the family having neighbor'shaind -The Temperance Legislative Learealet tt oh e fitn ankieghttheircclothes.- tehveasy. t ol i ra . y,ittro insurance on the house, 13111 his loss is a • was organized by the prohitionists meet. heavy one as he hsd only mo OU the ing at Loudon, Ont. conteets, which were quite valuable. ea • . • He will rebuild as soon es possible. A dead Dian as fennel in Reeve Is - Ulster's besh, Mor u', on Friday hist by hT,' 4 ... , .':: , tiffilit some girls goinir through it in search of wild strawberries. He had: columitte4 to fight consumption, with Stott'9, Weide by taking Fir:is green. Emulsion of cod-iivo oil, iS kit* JAMESTOWN. Ion i; and it stops a mg _ John nobertson, whie has been. g The mosquito eggs rae, s sa " Will Met wen, who is attending bui- 1, t *ye., dni!eisiii- '• 4011 couut3f. returned hOme on Sat urday. cording to the 'warmth of the weather. aaiS UrttlOr the Tarenta1 Xoof. of t ie hair, too. - on an invalid at Harrowsmith, Aadi ng- hatched, in from four to seven days, ac- nest college at Owen Senn& ie spending ' , • . J. e.A.Intrt co.. Lowell, xuls. &dm Sanderson and familv are visit- Calladiall was libthe tor of memorials over the graves of deceased her brother, G. McDonald. on the ThosubscrIptions lasted of the erection MrS. Johan= of Torant ') is Vsitilig. soldierS in South Attica boundaxy. If yeti! 411110f:1A cannot et.t)ply -yen. Miss M. Miller, who Is her bralier's 1 sond us on* dollar and we rrM expreos _. bookkeepet iu Teeeeteet eou a bottle. Ie intro and cite the nalne °Y°Ur Itearett express °face. Address, the holidays. ttr George Itytilop attended the fttilo ing his father, Postmaitet Sanders( amount to $8,114. in advance. Xi it threatetia, you CM resist ; and you may ceitettorat Don't be afraid ; be brave. 2,4 , • . • • tackle it ; don't waste ....e iiios sissitsi.t Mai vs* re. *sir& abvise. emrsitisva. Itrit40111i' 1A,Lid $9*...s;_ atrunists.