HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-03, Page 4f t Water ties THE WINGHA11 TIMES. JULY The cotton-gxdtviug districts of central Asia is suffering from a plague of lec- tins. and the people are iiglitiui; the in- sects vigorously. Two men were Palled and fourteen heinred by the explosion of a military peeler magazine near ,nodded. Tllo ray ;t11kt;lact' was shaken, Johnston, II:.1),1re, G. Taylor, L. Step- FEWN T OSS henson, G. Thomas, L.1;Iielts, M. Cooke, i H. Huffman, Front Part II to Jr. II. itaoui VII to .Racist VI. To pass 180. I.atua New- - ton 273, Lillian Delaney 243, Lizzie Johns 239, Stanley t'nt:tl2 237, Nellie Covets 224, Di:'k Malin 218, Lillie Mout- I'.•6:'2t Olde.' guaranteed to gone,*21u, .at .niL CGut.s 212, Mabel be absolutely perfect... IIal2etrt 1105. 'Wilbert Sturdy 203, :1m,tin Taylor 201, Bobbie Vt t:l.h 201, Nortuan Watson ISO. I.ecotuui ndrd- ltol;tutl Iatnull, Annie Walker. Charlie :McLean. Diane VIII to VII. To remaiu in Tart I fir another month, at least. John UTY BRUSHES • • Allan, Olive Angus, Alice Bowl's, Effie BER GLOVES • . Bowers, Ernest I:.loaufield, Edgar Bar - E1 S:IEET1NCT. bee, John I;rectley, Edith Campbell, GES, Eto., Rte. George Constable, Eruest Diamond, Hazel Elliott, C1rTtene'v' Gray, Frank Galbraith, Gordon Gaunt tt, Freddie In fact airy siting yr u want in Rubber Goods, ave have Groves, Ilaroid Hitisclif.t, Earle Hall, it at right prices. Edua Jenkins, Earle Johns, arena b-'n- nedy, Harold Kerney, Earle, Millar, Gordon :4LcI•Bare, Nel en Reid, Kathleen a tinllivau, (''metiers Small, Veiuon Scott, O l n Aq Camplijo � Georgie Schaefer, C5ril Thomas, Maggie ' ;lliemscu. THE DRUGGIST etonetts. Tuesday of last week Mrs, M. M . l 1v Sxoi Opp. Bank of Hamilton. Cardiff left for a holiciay visit with re- Tuesday iu •Winnipeg and other points in Manitoba and the Wt'st. TO ADVERTISERS. Druggist A. A, Wheeler, of Detroit, is home ou a visit. He is a son of John otioe of changes must be left at this - Wheeler, 4th line. and is well pleased ()dice not litter that Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednsdav of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872. THE INii i THi IES. E. R.1?;1'. LIOTT. PIIRLT$iiER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1902. SUCCESSFUL PUPILS, The following is the result of the pro- motion examinations held in the public ,school at the close of the mid -summer term. The questions were prepared by the principal --the answered read and valued by the other members of the staff. More than, ninety per ceut of those examined ApaPupils absent on aceouut of sickness, ole other causes will receive due consi- deratioA at the beginning of the ternr. To pass req#ired one-third the marks on each subject and fifty per cent on the aggregate. Pupils enable to obtain fifty .per cent on the aggregate are considered weak and uufit to proceed to a higher the Commercial hotel. Mr. and Mrs. class. Besides these examinations 27 ?helm]. will reside iu Morris. are writing for the entrance, 9 for public The Court of Revisiou met as per ad- hool leaving and 7 for second class. journment on June 23rd, 1902. Memb- Sr. TIC to Jr. IV. Roam III to Room ers all present, The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. D. Geddes was entered as tenant of lot 3, Belgrave; Leonard Brown entered M. F. lots 53 and 54, con. 1; E. .foss, M. , Mattie Lang 685, George Gilchrist F. N?e: 21, con.9; D. Calvert, M.F. Ni 9, 1, Frank Kincaid 661, Bert Merrifield eau 2. On motion of Code and Taylor 657, Clare Adams 656, May Mason 655, Court of Revision was theu closed and Jennie Swale 0141, Edith Johnston 635, the assessment roll as revised and cor- Florence Vannormau 635, Howard rectect was established as the roll for r Campbell 633, Alva Walker 629, Rob the present year. Moved by Taylor, sec - King 625, Harry Lediet 617, Clarence onded by Jackson, that $12 be granted Wilson 616, Eva Cooke 614, Everett to be expended in grading on centre Glenn 608, Annme McLean 606, Alex. sideline, con. 6. Carried. Moved by- e-. ya BintouI 605, Dick Lloyd 604, Lillian Code, seconded by Shaw, that $25 be Ritchie 604, Ernest Aitcheson 603, Elliott expended on gravelling on side line be - with life in the City of the Straits. Wednesday eveuiug of last, week a very pretty wedding took place at the comfortable residence of Allan Speir, 4th lino, when his daughter, Miss Annie, became the bride of Harry Duncan, of the sante line, Rev. Johu Ross, of Brus- sels, tying the matrimonial knot, On May 29th Rev. Magnus Henderson, of I-erkton, N. W. T., a brother to Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., of Hensel', was united in marring() to Miss Jean McKay, of Deloraine, formerly of Morris. The bride is a sister to Mrs. Harry Jackson, of this township. Ceremony took place at the residence of Harry Coombs, Deloraine. Au intcrestiug event took place in St. Michael's church,Blyth, on Monday fore- noon June 23 when Miss Bridget Healey, daughter of Mr. Thomas Healey, of track, then to the woods, wrote the note Morris, became the bride of Mr. John and took the poison that ended his life. If this be true the body had been lying in the woods since the 22ud of January last, The Jody et oat Unknown Man Dia. covered In a Bush in Morris Town. On Friday afterno'ttt last two little girls were going through the bush on Reeve Isbistr tos fr.rm, ttu the second line of Motels, when they came upon the 1.^cly of a man, Thegirls went to Mr. Hopper's, where a barn-ra14n; %ITS progress and told what they had seen its the bush. Chief Vannornien happened to b0 at Mr. hopper's and Ise W.ttt to the l.asli, and after eousirier:tble hunting canto upon tlhe body. Dr. Tow- ler, the coroner, was noti;lad and went to the bush, and from, him we secured the following particulars •-.The body was found its Mr. Ishister'e bush, about 100 yawls north of the L, Il, <S 1;. railway trach. Tho body was that or middle -ager. elan, very much de- composed, it hexing been l ytug in the woods for live mouths. There was ons package of Paris green found loose near the body, as well as a pair of mitts and a felt hat. "CTndr:rlheath one arm was a small bundle, and file coroner found ou 'opening it that it contained a pair of old shoes, a lot of leaf tobacco, a quantity of cigar stabs, a railroad tie spike, a tin box eontaiuiug some tacks, some pieces of leather and two pieces of hard soap, Flour per 100 lbs.... 1 65 to 2 50 1111,10111•1111111,74,.....41...,...1011.!.{.11011111•11.11 Rheumatism No other disease makes one feel co o.'. It stiffens the Joints. produces lamensss, and makes every nhotwu painful, .It is sometimes so bad as wholly to disa- ble, anti it should never be neglected. . M. .1. McDonald, Trcntau, Ont„ first it • atter a severe attack of the grip; .eine, Mattie Turner, Bolivar, Mo.. had it so severely she eoulel not lift any,6hil:g and could scarcely 'get up or doma.s:airs; 1v, I$. Shepard, Sandy HIook, Conn., was laid Up with it; was cold even in Juiy, and could not dress himself. According to testimonials volnntncl'z• given, these sufferers were per:naneutiy relieved, as others have beer:, by Hood's Sa sapar Neff which corrects the acidity of the blood on which rheumatism depends and builds tip the whole system. 1100n's Pitts caro coustioatlon, !'rice 15 couts, WING1;L ax ULA]tiiET REPtrILT$ Wiugham, Jtily 2, 1902. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Carr . i Cassels. besides a second lot of Paris green. Fall 'Arheat These were wrapped in two nieces of Oat ing Wheat paper, ono of which was the Loudon Barley ,,,^ Advertiser, dated December 30th, 1901, -Peas and having on the address Iabel the name of Walter Fleming. The other paper weds part of the War Cry, dated December 28th, 1901. There was also in the vest pocket a sheet of note paper, Hay por ton..... ......... 9 00 to10 00 besides other :natter that was writteu on Potatoes, perbushel • 0 35 to 0 40 it was the following:, -,,r I am deter- Tallow per ib 0 05 to 0 06 mined to die by my own hand, M. Lard .. 0 15 to 0 15 Fitzpatrick, Quebec Province." No Dried Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 06 date was found on the a er. Siuce Fri- Wool ...... 0 13 to 0 15 P P Live Hogs, per Cu% ('h 50 to 6 50 day the coroner has heard that a roan !Chickens -... ...... 0 30 to 0 40 corresponding to the deceased was given a meal ou January 22nd at a house near where the body was found. He then s e asked for and obtained ft sheet of note i ;,�� pay you paper. The supposition is that the Weal.$, '' went from this house to the railroad ,.,0 75 to 0 70 0 00 to 0 00 .,,.,. 0 40 to 0 43 045 to 050 0 70 to 0 75 Turkeys, drawn.,,.,...., 0 09 to 0 10 Geese, " 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, per pair ... , Batter Eggs per dos Wood per cord 040 to 060 0 15 to 0 16 -..011.3 to 0 13 200 to 200 Phalen, a prosperous yonug farmer, also of Morris. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father McMeuaanin. Miss Harriet MoGanghey, of Clinton, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Thomas Healey, jr., assisted the groom. At the close of the marriage ceremony the happy couple and a few friends drove to Clinton where a sumptuous dinner awaited them at To pass 450. Bessie Marsales 739, john Murray 757, Pearl McPherson 724, ye Fry 698, Grace Adair 693, Earns- 'ffe Musgrove 601, Emily Constable BABY'S OWN TABLETS. To see are before !Aiding your Fire Iusnrauce. You can save rnoney by insuring in purely Canadian Stock Companies, out- side the combine. Farm loans at lowest rates. At home Friday afternoons and Saturdays. • Corner Minnie and Patrick streets, Wiu„ hare. Conic as a message of Erotic to all Tired and b e 1 i H and Worrledlirotl: V 111!!. VVV VVV ers. In homes where Baby's Own Tablets are used cross and fretful children are unknown. The little ones are ailing and these Tablets are the best medicine in the world for stomach, bowel and teething troubles. They will make your baby well and keep it well, and they are guaranteed to coutain no ingerdients than can harm the smallest, weakest infant. Mothers everywhere give these Tablets the hi_hest praise. Mrs. R. McMaster, Cookstown, Ont., says: -- "My baby was much troubled with constipation and indigestion, and was very restless and peevish at night. I gave her Baby's Own Tablets and she is now regular and rests well. I also find that the Tablets are a great help during the teething period." Children take these Tablets just as readily as candy and crushed to a powder they eau be given to the young- est, feeblest infant with none but good results. Sold by all dealers or sent post Fleming 601, John Mason 601, Charlie tween lots 5 and 6, con. 3. Carried. paid at 25 cents a hos by writing direct to the Dr. Williams Itledicine Co., Little 597, G4illie Lott 595, Roy Thomas Moved by Shaer, seconded by Jackson, Brockville, Ont., or SchenectadyN.Y. 585, Dell Bnrwash 585, Fay Patterson that Mr. Jas. Hall be granted $3.00 for , 584, May Lamont 578, Harr Beemer nnderbrnslring and piling brnsh and logs at west side of lot 22,'Ave Stock Markets. 571, Nordic Merrifield 569, Maurice J5 on 6th eon. Toronto, July 1.—At the Western Welsh 557, May Lloyd 539, Edith Rush line. Carried. Moved by Jackson, sec- 53$, onded by Code, that the council take no cattle market today the receipts were Jr. IiI to Sr. 111. Room IV to Room action in regard to opening aide line be- 81 carloads live stock. including 1,425 III. To pass 400. Beta Davidson 672, tween lots 25 and 20. con. 7 until the cattle, 687 sheep and Iambs, 550 hogs, cows• Parties interested 50 calves and su milch , Ethel Walsh 652, John Holmes 621, P };Lye a proper Marguerite Park 616, Mabel Chapman a outlet for the water. Carried. For good export and butcher battle elk, Mary meek 589, Beeville small 584, ? Accounts were ordered to be paid as the market was unchanged, but in Fred. ?;'crier 571, Ailie 141116 571, Fior- : follows : Wm. McCracken, repairing medium and common staff there was a 04 once Kerswell 570, Annie Griffin 569, culvert, e5,50; G. Maxwell, gravel, downward tendency. Charlie Johns 568, Lillie Young 560, ? $4.90; A. Proctor, gravel, $4.95; T. S. I 'Though prices for cattle iu Etgland Florence Constable 549, Willie Gannett' Brandon, gravel, $8.48; Beattie Bros., have a rather lower tendency, there was 587, Dorothy Cooper 532, Mand Venal- # gravel, $2.89; W. C. Wilson, gra, no change in export cattle here to -day, I aline 531, Annie Barber 520, Mayo anal- : vel $3,43; b. Walker, gravel, $6.00; A. which continued firm at from 35 to $ 6.75 dine 514, Howard Davidson 313, Janres 1 Shaw, gravel, $3 00; Geo. Turvey, the per cwt. for the best grades, and for so Welsh 508, James Woods 483, Mamie ' and repairing culvert, $1.00; Jas, light loads from 33 to $5.62; per cwt The amen demand d was goo and sales brisk, i Patterson 479 Maggie McLean 456 • Wightman, tile ditch, $2.00; R. Proctor Edna Diamond 447 Edna Dralnmoird' gaard fence at Godman bridge $24.40 • R i with an early clearance. o eeteeeepeeeeeiepmeeeeaactel►alteeacecaneeeeeeeeesteetee•eleeeO paaapeateecoeeetoetioeoceeooe • el o JOHN KERR a PEOPLE'S POLAR STORE JA3, f1. KERR 0 S►eoced9tri co G'F+E'''0000fef✓f8i 00000000L$.*iG'6,'00o.006,0'i "B6^d?+,1'c^+coe m�.'S;ocoe,'"13t%cee C'meeoc?ooccee©t 0 • 0 If you have not already bol.ght your supply of • w• 0 • q • • •• • • at et • 0 DO so now. Do not .,wait an.other day. We offer you •. • 0 ,First -Class ..'..•fruit at low prices.... • • 1 a3 ... -1:101re 1K, 1.1.4n._-1,..11.11.11M.P.M4/511 _.._+cw+m e t i)WW,()mesa...^..n.,.,..,n. q • a • o • • q Gods just ua0 stock •• • Paterson's Stuffed Cucumber Pickles, per bottle„ . ,25 • .2 Morton's (English) 141,ixed Pickles, per bottle ,25 • a ® Morton's (English) Chow Chow Pickles, per bottle .25 • English Spieed White Onion Pickles, per bottle ,1 5 Cl Pickled Olives, per bottle .. , . .15 •A • Pickled Walnuts, per bottle, ,25 o o - Lime Fruit Cordial, a delicious and cooling beverage, per bottle ••1J • • • • o • • • • • SOME LI ES RALE P ROE aro CLEAR ea • @ • 13 • • s •Shaving Brushes, - , regular price 25c, now .12;,. as • s " 20c, now .10- • •„ r 10e, now .05 .• te Ladies' Belt Buckles - ” 25a, now •12 it O e Wishbone Brooch Pins 25e, now .i21 • • Wire Hair Curlers, per dozen 10e, 114W .05 • 8 Waving Pins, per dozen - - 10e, now .05 • .All Side Combs at half price. • A few lines of Ladies' Belts at half price. • es er0 s s • Is it any wonder that the people of Tv€ inghan, and vicinity • naturally look to this Store for the GREATEST BARGAINS ? • • • • • • •, • • Q • • • • • 0 • • • ` ceeecteeeetneet7eetteosect•Est eeeseletteeeeeeeee eeeteeeeeectootwe eecteaceeeoteavaessae0 e8 11 JOHN KERR i • • MACDONALD BLOCKis• • �A.€. (CRR or• WINCH• AM • • • 000o0ocecta•ms•0000000co oose sire 000socooca••vosece•e®ahocao coeaeotsdaae meeeeeeeeeee,e e: LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. . T. �.:A�.���.� Coal alld ooh �SecaisACCOUNTAN REAL fiin UPHOLSTERED GOODS 1 'T, ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts itehts and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. I OFFICE—Over D. M. Gordon's store. RESIDENCE—Leopold street. • Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successtnlly used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Cott - pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pine and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. t or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, The cook Company Windsor, Ont. res far-Nos. ible Ilsnggists Std Canada.aended by all No.1. and. 2 are sold in Wingbam by 407:L. Hamilton, Colin A. Campbell, R. A. Douglass and J. E. Davis Druggists. U OIES i I f you wat a Buggy, come and see the most up to - date, most highly finished and high-grade Buggies in town. We have now on band a iarge stook of both Coal and Wood. Orders left with us will receive prompt attention. Flour and Feed This is the place to buy your Flour, Feed, Hay, Seeds, etc. We will be pleased to fill your orders. -Phone 32. tiff GA ►NErr CRSSECS & CARR ,.., . .:. .1.{ .f,.Y.,� ,, ., *.• . •� � :� `.,a;..�.t. ei •f••t•^Ffi• •Y• :..s..�x. »e•i •i •'1^•F• .••F• : •g'.;..,. ..;. ;.4,.;. � ,;..,� ■ r r Proctor, filling approach, The following are the quotations' 439, Jelin Delaney 434, Alfred Schaefer 1; PP oath, $2.00: G. W. ! 4.27, Edith Whyte 415. ` Itok8.on, gravel, . $4,10; T. •Itussel, 'shippeirs, per cwt TTLE. 5 50 Dept. V to rept. IV. Front Sr. It to gravel, $4.001 C. Pollard, gravel, $6.18; I Da-,2ight 4 '75 VIVI:ulna Johnston 532, Kenneth Mc. Tr. III. To pass 350. Than Lang 547, .,C. Pollard, tile and c$lvert,i.00; Win. Butcher, choice do 4 75 i Wells, repairing bridge, $2.05;R. Thuell, J3ntcher, ordinary to 1 good ' Botcher, inferior 3 75 4 50 Stockers. 3 00 s8Erz AND LAMBS, Choice ewes, per owl... 3 60 415, Harry. Rneeiman 411, Norman Wm. Jackson, building bridge, $35:00; Yearifngs, per civt..., ..500 Broadway 400, Gertie Kitson 96, Dora B.. Laidlaw, tile ditch, $4.50; I. Al- Snek9 lambs, each , .. 0 2 000 Kneothel 350. Recommended -Victor cock, covering °Overton 6th line at lot =nits AND CIA/NES. Wim. 22, $8.00; James Nichol, ditch, at lot 17 Cows, each 255 00 Kenzie 491,Willie Simmons 483 1t atie. gravel, $1.15; W. R. Kerr, part pay - Williamson 470, George Kargns 465, inept in printing contract, $10.00; school Tillie Paterson 442, Mabel Mcl)onatd sections No. 1, 9, 5, 7 and 10, use of 450, Ldna. Gannett 439, Tom. Murray school hoose at election, $4,00 each; Promoted from Jr. 11 to Sr. I1, at ou 0th con. line, $10.00; Jas. Brill, Calves, each culvert at lot 24 on 9th line, $$13.00; Jas, coos. Better when the meets were given. � choice ]togs, per etvl.. Note protnoted tram Dept. VI to kept. Thyne, gravel, $:1.10; A, Kerr, repairing Light hogs, per cwt..... I. 1l'. '4i anetone, E. roral*th, E. Conery, approach west 3rd line bridge, $11.50; Heavy* hogs, per cwt... R. Maguire, repairing approach to west SoWs. per cwt TetJ. E. Adair, E. Wood, Laura :Jtaga.. , 1*. Chrst, R. Flart w C, Page, B. bridge, $8.00. On motion of Taylor and apocUrson, ., irennedee G. '.eating,... Sims• the cotrno_l- •their. . adjourned to VW*, 0. Ruuahnnn, G. Matthews,. C. meet again on the 4th of A.ngust at ten �, J, t*howers, E. Artiioar, S. 'o'clock. 2.111. Cott, R. 'Whyte, M. Lediet, R. WM. Cranit, Clerk. , Letmnnrd. Resit, E. Sanderson, Melon The men who abducted two /Mien girl over heated, the drain on the system is psi*• !'I to Wit. V, but re. from Sault Ste. Marie, -Ont., and eon- severe ail ; the appetite is often lost. Jr rt weft 1d. g, M. versed theta to the Anirtrrteau tide tideillas Burdock Blood Bitters purifies ttttd in- , R. $hettheki- _ . Amour, been arrested. sir'Klima were re- vigorates the blood, tones np the system • 00***4 '. covered tut firs ems tea. and reatorea the Kort appetite. $ 6 75 650°b 4 5 60 4 40 1 5 400 00 ti 50 00 :;: 3 75 5 50 4 25 3 25 2 00 10 00 6 75 700 050 675 3 50 400 0 00 0 00 �'flBTritn to tido eiltroi the •ear' 45d. :S. fted riot sermon. Daring the hot season the blood gets 4. 4. • +SII^ I. , , This sale 13 genuine, a r an g n , 11d 'offers opportunity for securing great bargains, " 'Come. ' in. and see for yourselves. COM-MENCINC SATURDAY MAY 31 Our stock is much too large, and in order to reduce it we will for one month offer WATCHES - CLOCKS COLA RINGS JEWELRY SILVERWARE ETC., at greatly reduced prices. HALS:EY PARK JEWELER AND OPTICIAN +++++++4.44++++++++++++++ ++++ t•• ++++0 +++. : +++A For the next month we will make a special sale of all lines of Upholstered Goods. In Parlor -Suites, Odd Pieces and Chairs we have something that every home needs. See these goods before buying Furniture elsewhere. Watch this space next week for some- thing we have to say about Iron Beds. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture Dealers and 'Undertakers. Tho ;r as's Bazaar BUTTON �PIP6GHAM. CK RIBBONS We have received another shipment of 4.inch Taffeta Neck Ribbons, various shades, reg. 80c and 25c, our price .20 Baby Ribbons, all shades, a yard .01 FANS, 8 for 5o 3 palm -leaf Fans for . FRUIT JARS Pint Fruit Jars, each .06 Qaart Fruit Jars, each .0t Half -gallon Fruit Jars, each .. .08 Table Oicloth,all patterns, per yd .23 DRAPES A few Japanese Drapes left which we are selling at cost in order to clear out. Extracts, all flavors, per bottle .05 Machine did, per bottle k Turpentine, per bottle 08 Castor Oil, per bottle .08 Vaseline, e e, Per bottle „ .04 Mucilage, per bottle ,05 ' .05 IIA'MMOCKS A Rattlineck with fringe and pil. low for x 1.69 A good Blam,liock for .95. /tib'" `See Dors before yon buy. COMBS Circnlar Combe, each Circular Combs, each .10 VassarConibt, each _ .10 Vassar Combs, each - .15 Pontpadour Omaha, .15 Writing Tablet for .05 Writing Tablet for - .10 Writing Tablet for - .15 Writing Paper per Quire • ,05 Envelopes per Package - .05 Envelopes,per Package 2 for • .05 A Box of Paper and Envelopes for .05 HARDWARE. APair of Scissors for - .15 A Good Hammer for . .17 i< Dozen Knives and Forks for - .45 A Paring Knife for - .05 Bread Knife for Coat and Rat Rooks at .15 per d .15. ' 4 good Buggy Whip for . .10 Don't forget to see our bargains in Wall Paper. 'Wo are selling at cost to clear oat. SHOE bRtESSIN'G. Gilt Ede Shoo bottle. g Dressing at .20 per Tan Shoe Dressing et .10 per bottle Boston Oil Shoe Dressing regular price .10 per bottle now 3 bottles for 25e. HOSIEltY. Some splendid bargains in hosiery to fit amen, women and children. EM131t,0IbERY. 2 inch Embroidery for 06 4 inch Embroidery for `08