HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-07-03, Page 2THE 11'TNGil ill TIMES, JULY i►,
�'Y'A.IiI.ISIiF,D lt�•J.
'T,1'lrni)$IU:It 4N1r letnYet terms
IlHe'D AV, JULY 3, 19 al.
Nor the ten •enunths of rites pvt sent
Pei year, Canada's total fercign
Ala was ;333,023,140, an iecreatr.e of
'i6,817,£+3,,:, compared, with I901.
;113''0 lattice by the statistical year book
in 1$01 there were 4,528,000 regis-
ltd letters mailed, of which only 184
fed to reachtheir < stin do . The
enc le a n h
Taber of letters and postcards mailed
--`'Co meds last year was 218,402,000; iu
seat Britaain, 2,74,1,600,000.
.According to the first orop bulletin
setuon for Manitoba, issued recent -
the increases! acreage over 1-x14 year
At wheat ill ;;6,105; in pats, 8;3,100; iu
Maley, i S,7Si, and in. flax, 20,222. The
*alincreased t r
i cr axed aerea;;ounder;;ra u crops
ItS 2:33,149. The aggregate total under
• crops in Manitoba. this year is $,1t:9,-
A new temptation is uow offered to
Ate dishonest. A chemist has tietermin-
that the average human body contaius
three pounds and thir;-a a ounces of cal -
vim. Calcium is apexed to be worth
$00 an ounce. Thns there is many a
poor soul going about with insufficient
foal and clothing who has $15,000 worth
of .material in him if he would only go
.ho the chenristee retert.
The report of the Ontario • bureau of
sm#nes shows that for the first thrc e
•'idstrntim of this year the aggregate valve
easf the mineral productiou of the pro-
tvIuco was $1,254,685, as against $824,076
tfe+r the met quarter of 1901, an increase
m!. ►? per cent. The gains are: Gold,
47'13,548; silver, $-1,954; nickel,'$355,498;
Dopper, $121,540: arsenic, $':,238. The
decreases are: Iron ore, 835,353; leg
iron, 340,821. •
The Manitoba immi_ration retutms
far !stag• sbaw 10,652 new settlers
registered, and it is estimated that there
s enough unregistered to mak(' a
total of 13.000. The immigration
officials say that the figures for every
mouth of. this year are doable, or nearly
+double,. those of Iaastyear. The leadii g
i aationahties were: Gale:Luis, 3,011;
English, 1,436; Am*rieans, 1,14e; Ger-
taus, 1,242; Cauadiaus.1,105; return%d
Canadians 275; Scotch 589; Norr.t_ians
ud0, Irish 201; Italians 201. Almost
:wary country in Europe is represented
in smaller numbers.
The British war authoritities are
eatly surprised by the fact that no
ss than 18,500 Boers have surrendered
lance peace was declared. Before the
r ended the number of fighting Boers
placed at about half that figure.
A.0 -told the Beets must have placed,
1693 the Conservative majority was 1 Good Health Rules. p�. h
8,2293 votes end eighteen seats, t tt l� ° � 1;9 � .�v
Iu the recent Provincial elections the i Get away frena seta
l,,iberals were in as minority of about ! Rillety-nine per cent of all the ailtuents
4,000 votes, largely accounted; for by the i of mankind are purely iluagivauy;
, broughtimagination.
of Children.
Conservative prepondertanen iu the clay Or me by i,uagin oiler! There .are
of Toronto, where the unit of represeu- ; Pain Will exist in the world as long us - Manymothers
ration is the largest iu the Proviuco, i mortals and bulldogs keep alive; blessing Dr.
Pitche>.• and
his wonderful
ney Tablets.
This remedy
has proved b"Q
successful :r
s • tl fol
that serious
Me Ltbernl tuajorhy, under the =cam-; tend everybody c; as have lots of it if
,talk: s, is not an tlnotufaiy, solid certain- " they Imo a tuiud ti.
ty shows no snub elispurity between the Ic cannot be mo•• wnizecl;
number of votesi1 and the number of You cannot get tuonopoly on pain
seats as four out ijf iIve Dominion elec- any more that' you au tnouolrolize love.
tions reveal. a Bahr aud love areas free as the air;
T'liey aro limited ly to your capacity
A FREE BOO,IC ON FORTUNE to receive them , •
And your capacity is limited entirely aillietio U of
TE LING. byyour own freer ill.
\ Ctrs 1 th t
\ 1 4
You Cart have as iuucli of either us
A Fascinating Study which Affords you want, niothers re- -
4 t 'Dice to know cr`�•'1'li
endless Amusement.1
Ifyour !ulna la: centred. eye-,, ,
co kced ou self,and !r.s�
of a positive ��
you cannot get br� vud your own narrow 1
Your address, along wigs a two•cent sphere; tt cure. Tho Table have a strength-
Ifstamp to pay postage, and a stateuaeuc your though; are not permitted to ening and tonic influence ou the
owe fauns y, weak urinary organs of children
of where you sate; this advertiseuaeut gety front 3' r belly, bed and book- 5f
will bring you by return mail a copy of case; and enable them to retain their
You mat be i;e of man ailrueuts water Naturally,
one of toe noel, lent t;lrestiug little books y y f
r Dont let out child grow 11
( Y A
that laziness is hk'lY to.
that has. appeared fair many a mouth.
�t . with this weakness blighting his
It'Antraws, iu concise fore', a com-
plete If you labor un Sr the delusion that life. Have the trouble Curet in
treatise on i r fortune tell- health ceu be attai ed tierough tl a efts -
e palm st y, 1 a i
ing by the teacup dominoes and Bards, crass of drugs; y time before it does permanent in -
If you believe that mind has no con -1 jury to the health.
and the true tuterprineeion of dreams.
By a careful ant, thorough study of trot over matter; TUI. DiFFIC i.TY REMOVED.
Yen will find yourself a slave to nppe- Mrs. W. M. Glou r, Pearl Street, Brock -
this little book ye can acquire tau ac -*e
vibe, Ont•, says : Ono of my chilcren
cgmplishmeut whi enables you to en- tit}, pain aud the apothecary shop, that had been suffi in from sluggish kid-
ullronia pains are the result of ohrouic 'i •1 is lsackaehe
tertciu year trieteds in a most novel { T Heys read about r.� tc ec
way, ream s you much sought rafter at
se lie 'less and the ignorance of the laws Kidney Tablets, a d procured a bottle
aeries and social rtheriu ;s anti Carouses of health and love. from F. R. Curry's drug store. They re-
p moved the whole difficulty promptly.
in those around y' that you posses the You cermet act tie hog and aspect to That depressing p in over the kidneys
mysterious and oc ult powers which aro develop into au tlugct ; sto J,ne•i, dizziness . d headaches ceased,
attributed to all w o tell fortune:.
You cannot takeytur mind away from ane there was a, g oral invigorating of
selfJ the system Therenis no question regard-
ifyou g b
The Mesdo Foetune-teller, Palmist do not put` it upon others; ing `the merits of these Tablets for the
aud dream book is composed of 48 large And you cannot pint it upon others if back and kidneys."
pages, and besides all the subjects men- yon measure the t Dela and all that ; Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tahlett
therein is by thoughts of "how will it aro 50e. a Box, at all druggists or by mail,
boned above contains i.uteresting vain- 'Glut Da. ante Pxrcir>x Co., Toronto, Oat.
able information regarding Dr. Chase's
ehYont caunot be \vele." i if you do not act
famous Family Remedies, and state-
ments from scores of people from all well.
A "waitina" man i4 a lazy man.
Pains us come t
oho who ..
t o \wait.
p .eta of tu.ivaaa, who have bean cared
of serious Laud ehrc sic diseases by their
use. •
Aud a lazy man dogs not deserve any -
It is truly remark tale lucw the fame thing better than pail ,
of Dr. Chase's Remedies has spread Ditto woman.
abr ,.ed until the old countries of Eu -
you want to live without pains;
rope as well as the far-off colonies of Do not take it into your company, and
Spatia Africa and Australia are ordering it will not go with you into the company
these great medic:met. It is only a few of others.
days ago siuce we received an order Forget that it exists.
from Belgiumfor Dr.•Chase's Ointment, If you world be painless;
and still more recently came a letter Act like our \witlhont pain.
from France, the very home of the most If you would avoid giving tethers pain
modern and advanced medical men and do not recognize any iu yourself nor in
s Amine investigators. The writer them.
stated that it ,was in vain that he had Almost anybody can be healthy;
searched for a taeatmeut for kidney di- If they work mud live conscientiously
sease and backache that could be tom- to this end. .
Open air exercise and plenty of pure
water, outside and in, will revolutionize
the life of any sickliug;
If the mind is kept correspondingly
And right here is the secret;
A clean mind.
pared to Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills.
The Mystio Fortune-teller will prove
interesting to you, and will be sent free
if you mention where? yon saw this ad-
vertisement, and a iclose a two -cent
stamp to pay postage. Write your
name and address plainly, and address
Eatuanson, (,Bates S Co.,Toronto. Take it away from body and put it to
t. and last, about 100,000 men in Hoe. week upou everything bigger.
e number of colonials who took part Something higher than appetite;
the war Ware. 30,030—about 7,000 rnbeeSuicids in Goderich Township. Something nobler than passion;
ala the number of •uritis!! troops under A distressing circimstance occurred Something sweeter than faults;
ellington at Waterloo. Although the on rho Bahconcession, Gotlerrch town- In yourself and in others..
country is settling down, there has been !ship, ou Jane 22nd, When Walter Rutley Pat it to work spot the goodness of
ease little skirmish m Cape Colony sine t t throatlife; +off
took his own life by slashing his'
tissues was declared; in thin three British from ear to ear with a razor. Tlie=juga- The goodness of Go
tlti.taera was killed. The goodness of eve
filar vein and the oesophagus were en- -''-C° man lives with
' tirelv severed. He formerly workers at
C. Baker's, but last winter bought a . In hun.
en—l. POPULAR VOTE. . gramophone, and went around the coati- No animal or iusect lives that has not
i.7rader any system of representat15nby I try with it, but his success was not a bright spot on it sats ewhere.
censt.itue11Ci8S a popular :ne jority will ; gratifying. Tiais spring he took a sitna- Look for it.
tat some goodness
net infallibly represent a Parliamentary I tion at Centralia, but not liking it there Forget the evil of to -day when the
majority. The Dra:::ford Expositor !he :wrote to Joseph Coup, who was one • sun goes down.
points out, for iusttuee, that the C ne. d of the executors of rhe estate of the Make every day a ginning of some-
servative party hes been usnnlly repro- ' mother of the deceased, to came and thing better in your otvn life;
genteel at Ottawa oat of all proportion to take hires repay. Mr. Copp found he Aud in vour life towards others.
its strength in Ontario. In the election !wanted to come back to Mr. Baker's, Yesterday may have been your best;
of 1.'.h2, immediately after the gerryman_ R where he enjoyed his work and the But do not live upon yesterdays.
der, the Liberals were in a cut.ri:y of 1 home, and brought hint accordingly. Make every day •a record breaker.
3,121 votes in this province, but 5.1 Con- I He was faithful in his work and could Don't tail after yourself;
tlervative members were elected aid 1 always be depended on, but having been Don't tail after Somebody else;
only ei Liberals. In 18S7 the Conserve.- in the asylum twice, was a little dis-
Don't ask anybody to tail after yon.
tives had a majority of only -!gars of the 1 posed to act queer. Sunday morning he • The best in others may.not be as good
popular vote in Outario, but secured a . kept =blew his hands together as if as the best in you;
majority of 19 seats. In 1091 the Con- 'kept something was wrong, and left the And what is year best may fall far
ttervatives in Ontario pciatd 15:;,172. house about 10 o'clock; he dill not turn short of the best tai somebody else.
votes end the Liberals 184,036, the form -1 up at dinner time, but this was nothing Do not limit yourself in well doing;
mer getting, 48 seats rad the latter 44.' unusual on Sunday, and nothing more If it is good to be so good it is better
In I89e the Liberals again hail a pope.- i was seen of him until'abont 4 o'clock in to be better. c
lar majority, this time 3,637 votes, ands the afternoon when he was found in the • The best to -day tis what counts;
got a majority of two at Ottawa. Itn !stable dens!, with the razor tightly Not the good or dead of yesterday.
!clutched in his hand. The ma:les about As you build up the mind you improve •
the health.
The Caine of
Woman's Ms
In almost every case where woman
suffers from ills peceliarly feminine the
•,use is to be found in a ar a:mime and
exlraasted condition of the system. The
parses are depleted and the blood thin
and watery. If medicines have failed to
cure, it is because the wrong treatment
has been used,
Mrs, Henry Clark, Port hope, Ont.,
stater:—.*7 have used seven boxes of 1)r.
Cla*se't Nerve rood for nervousness and
a completely run down system, and can
heartily recommend it as a wonderfully
effective treatment. Before using this
remedy I had been in veryear he :nth for
snare months.I seemed to have no
.nares){•) or ambition, felt tired and listless
gnat of the tithe, and could scarcely drag
earyself about the house. I tax weak,
imitable and nervous, could act steep
mei tett discouraged .about tny
Dr. Chess's Ntxae food hall
arra f t
iaamisa Dens'v
my soma mom and given
OfeitkrI esldorre tt rigor,
oasesa !tetras, tt aft doeitrrs, or Esti.
Lwow & Co., Teseat s
the stable would indicate that his dying
straggles had been terrific. Tho coroner
was notified, but upon investigation be • Canadian Cattle Lead.
decided that an iuvesgatiou was nunecs-
ssry*. 'tilts actio_c was that of ail insane t A slgntf cftnt victory for the Canadian
man, as there was nothing whatever to i bred, shorthorn heifers was scored at
cause the act otherwise.the auction sale of pborthorns at Chicago
I a few days ago, u which three well-
- — - ' known Canadian fereeders participated.
hi the Si. vir Clod~
i$E5`tgg6lif,.s6F,t i EfsiStUff6f66 4E&
9� Ih Van
It is early, q ite early, to
talk of spring &odds. But
we have mat ready to
meet your wa s when the
titne comes. re're bound
to he in the for front.
We are detelnined to win
your tailoring account on
sheer merit. Every gar.
mens we turn o t is a strong
bid for basin . Its style
—its workm ship—its fit
—ita finish l appeal to
the good taste and ambitions
of the careful dresser.
In ctrl' llndsomely illus-
trated cat ogue you will
find full Ii es and prices
of al! tha is newest in
wedding "'rings, bridal
presents, ridestliaids'
favor$, we ding invita-
tions, etc. t
A copy of ibis catalogue
will be cheierfully sent
you upon aipeication.
Ryrie Bros.,
Vongc and Adelaide Sta.,
A Useful Book. I Hou. John Drydu sold 16 Canadian -
The Caa•arin, Year Book for 1302 Beim. after. 'wooers Pi10f3pi10tn @
,pub -I tired animals fern an average of $59v,
lisped by Alfred Hewitt, 61 Nictori41,000
The eat Estglish ►
a I his highest being ? 1,000 and his lowest% . k'2 • a SoJ I� nr comme em ybrniii
street, s ;;est been issued. It contains beinb $r.00. T imported females t - Able m cine diseovcre Sin
a beet of facts valuable for reference,; `! . _ . ri
sold by Messrs. 'l'6". C. Ewarcls & Co. of packages guaranteed to care all
\stills 1 comparatively small compass. !of Rockland, which included many ma- cr es Sex al Week PgsFxeeesfectsof femme
Among the strong fenturi:s are the tariff : ture COWS with ca ves by their side:, aver- b+tec:o. opiuffi or Btimnr��yants, Mailed bn•.t�tgret,
of price, Dae aokaae F1 j tele, F5. Oats uUi:Xarae,
To -
of t us€crus raid execs', a list of the his. !aged .' S0 and hose of Ho etxtoittcurt pPain hent free to any adaresa.
torica1 happenings fn Canada dowel to `Cochrane of .tiillhurst, Quebec,, $551, The SVood tC ajiranye \tlnaeor,oni"
• April 33 last, list of;,postoirices, Senate aItwas found there was a great demand i r-11iino6 . cain'''b,1I, A gold Hampto , R. Ay
and Iiousc' of Commons, militia list, a for Superior. Shorthorn bulls, Mr. Cosh• Douglass, ane B. Davi , Druggists.
sporting rrecords of nil sorts, list of banks a rano selling two fn' tty good animals for
' and their branches, list of officers of the $2,010 and $1,560' respectively. In all TO CONS ill"JC>i VEs.
various Provincial Governments, estate-; there were 8•'• eatile sold by the three 'hr under ii ac 1 hosing been rostered
their total receipts health 1.y tsitnpte means, after putfarirt g ti)r
$525 arvr:r.Iyrar gleztsevareluna11'Mrt ilj and
a -.ra o of . ,,,.a. Xi'on.
1; •Q
•or. wr
tea,. rc:td dt. caves e. esu ons. anticus
tl s o
1 , t
take lcfr ten n I irlt stn err. hr mean
�. n o t lis o !f s t s
sdt.d himself sef
DI?Ilt of lomiuiou 'finances, a diary of Canadian breeders,
.:the Boer tar. fish and gauge IONS, is des- + being $43,205, an
etil.tive article o f :1dwfounaliand, poet- d Mr. I)rs•den exprc as well
lati0!I of C':tuada sand Canadian Bitics, n plearieed with the stile, which, he said, fully s •ind (freeee r f eliarrJ ee it rept of thepre.ee-
Tlaerr are s'estt ifcorns Of photo eugrav , seriiition a:ed, which tht•will $ran a rune far
•wars a deeded sauces.
Inas of t.;a:►lar,ian 11tAt * sen, firltxteiera Consnmptienl, throat
sn ►s Cotter,* Isrovoehl-
' '' tilt void: all throat and lungk Malxmlket. Ha
hi 1 eufferPre will Iry Mr reaped/. an it in
/'81w i�iFR� +1J i,ipal.eP1S.nevi axx others who home
Nerv—is said !the pertele of flare.*. Iles voleus., Sartlse pe dae't Atsabs E xt
to ow *etc& woes rear als1 Ttt► 9r,> ins
aria �.illsr�
dwell Ohm apreeccription,
BAP =ST Cannon—Sabbath s'er'vices at
11 a an aud 7 p in. Sunday Solwol at
2:80 p Ilk. Gbnei al prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pat-
tersou,13.A•,pastor. W.JzChapluau, S.S.
ME•1'uopIsT Cannon --Sabbath services
at 11 a n and 7 p m. Sunday School at
2:30 p in. l p\worth League every Mon-
day evening:. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p iu. Sunday
School at 2:30 p tri. General prayer
meeting ou Wednesday evenings. Rev.
o, pastor and 5 ". auperinton-
batic services at 11 a sic and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p M. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S.
CONGREGATIONAL Ornnton. =Sabbath
services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 12 m. Midweek meetingou
Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin
Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor,
SALVATION An/yr—Service at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFICE -In ',Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8i a m to 6:80 p m.
Peter Fisher, postma •tor.
MECrLINIcs' INST TE—Library and
free reedingroom the Town Hall,
will be opeevery afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock and every eveningfrom 7 to
9:80 o'clock. ss Millie obertson,
Tow CoU orL—R. Ironstone, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, Thos. Boll, Robt. Mc-
Indoo, 3 J. Elliott, W. P. V auStono,
A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and; Treasurer; . William
°leg,;, Assessor, 'Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday eveu-
iug in each month at 8 o'clock.
SoreooL BoAR13,-1•-H. Kerr, (chairman),
Thos. Abraham, : J. J. Elliott, J. J.
Homuth, Wm. Mdore, Thos. Bell, Wm.
Button,0.N. r%1. Secretary,
Roberton; TreasurerJ. B. uson.
Meetings second Tuesday
evening in each
mouth. 1
A. H
Musgrove, Principal, E. C. Coultes,
Miss Reynolds, Mise. Farquharson, Mise
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Mist Cununiugs.
BOARD OF HEALTH—Mayor Vaustone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory,'Dr. Kennedy, .T. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer.
and member of the Astociatad Musicians of
Ontario, is prepnred to teceive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Pinno and in
Special attention given to pupfis preparing
for examinations,
Rei.idence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
Honorary Graduate of
Ontario 'Veterinary
Office and Infirmary
corner of Victoria and
Minnie Sts. Wingham.
Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
Telephone connection.
and anyone ha ng live stock or other
articles they wish to spose of, should adver-
tise the same for sale ithe Trarzs. Our large
circulation tells and itr 11 be strange indeed if
you do not get aemitomr. We can't guarantee
that you will sell beca ce you may ask more
for the article or stock /than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TruEs and try this
plan of disposing of wour stock and other
a i
Place the vast facilities of the
Telephcn a System at the
disposal bf everyone.
Are convenit=unt for the use of
The Hell Telephone Co. of Canada
All kinds of
Rtubber 4Ti>i ec
for all kinds of
Dunlop Bfeyclefteres
Pneumatics Cariiag Tires
Solid Puller Carriage 'Tires
Invalid Chair' Tiles
Tires kr 1'al.y Csarriages.
The DunlopTir i
�Co., ]`~!mired
Tlle Times Office, Beaver Block
TERM er Stnrsontrriorc—$l 3d pep annum in
advance, $1.50 if nut so paid. No paper diseon
tinned till ell arrears are paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
AnvinnIsrNa RATES. — Legal and ether
commit ativertis'inents 80 CV Noapariel lint. for
first insertion, 8o per lino for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are cluarged
10 Cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, strayed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and simibar $1.00 for
first month and 50 cents for each subsequent
CI RATES—Thefallowingtalrlesho:vs
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specifcxi periods:
SPACE. 1 YR. 0110. 8 go. I NO
One Column $110.00 $35,00 $I5.W rate
Half Colonial. 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.ta1
Quarter Colman 18.00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Advertisements without specific, c, directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly, Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
Tin Jou DErAnmaxiu T is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
countyfor turning out that class work, Large
type and appropriate cuts fcr all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc., and tae latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer classes of print-
Proprietor and Publisher
TP. KENNEDY, M.D.. M. C. P. S. O
• (Member of the British Medical Asset -lo-
tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention rutin, to diseases of Women and Child
sen. (Met, boars -1 to 4 p. in, : 7 to 0 p. m.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
Privateana Company fiords to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission chargee.. ort -
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingluam.
Wingham, Ont.
Dinner Homes
OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office dosed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, Jnly and August.
Ire TI DOLLLOWAY, D.D.S., r -g : �,*q►
New method for painless ex- tet: d�•.i
traction. No Cocaine. .L t -
Special attention to the care and regulation.
of children's troth. Moderatorice;q and all
work carefully and sldlfully perforated. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office elostd every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
Wingham, Ont.
JOHN CURRIE, WrsCnAar, Ozer.
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a
' y.
All orders left at Tern Tines office promptly
attended to. Terms reasonable.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory of Music, will he pre,
pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction ou Violin and
Guitar. -
Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
&ceitbHaCrcua, &. ,, (xeutd n he at
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice. 1
BOOKnI:r'nING.—\Veare pleased to announce
that any Books or Mntazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Priees for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
London 6.50 mai.... 8.10p.m.
Toronto & East 0 a.m0.53 a.m.... 8.05a.m.
Elncardine..11.10 0.2n1.40 p -m..., 8.88p.1n.
1{ineardine ....0.50 a.m0.00 a.m.... 8.05 p.m.
London 11.10 n.rn.... 7.55 p.m.
Palmerston 11.10 a.m.
Toronto a East 1.40 p.rn,... 8.33 p.ln,
GEO. A, STOKES, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East 0.57 am.... 8,53 pan.
Tees:vater . 1.17 pan ....10.43 p.m.
Teeswater.. 6.57 am853 p.m.
Toronto and East 117 p.m....10.48 p.m,
J. H. BEEFIER, Agent, Wingham.
Leiter From Mr, W. J. Gam
$iO,O-a0 Needed to Maintain the
Free Hospital for Consumptives,
An Urgent Call. for Help.
Tho fvilowiaeg letter, above Lb) sig-
entrit sf 'Or, W. J. Gage, chairman."
of the National Sanitarium Assccia--
tiorr, is. being as:.ni; out to rite publics
act' catiies ite ova explanation anal
importuece..t11r, 'Gage Isays,—,
"On behalf of tint trn 1ee,s cif the
Natlonai Sanitarium Anst.•oiation 1
wast: Lo ,sincerely thank the many,
freezes int all partes of the Dominion
wht have so generously responded'
to the appeal of the: Association fort
ft cds to equip antic maintain the Free
Itonpite' for Consumptives at Mus-;
kokn — the amount.. tat far 'receivedt
nearly S4UUU, An i ,
$le,OUG wus nude foe -the parpase of
eerapiniant and maintenance of the
ler eHanel ospltal,and' al though only about
itnnlc'cequa.rterel of this amount, up to
that prt�f_ent, has been secured, we be-
gttx. to rcceivc patients tri April, the
a1'nlieatiails for admission becoming so;
urgent. It costs, ovcr•$3 a,' week to
r_roantuin each patient, This inelndes4
beard, rr,edieal attendance, nursing,
etc. Accommodation wilt be provided
for (me hundred patients, which will.
.neax. ail Gntiay for maintenance talon°
of more than $30,000 yearly. The
building is the gift of two Toronto
ell izfaus. You 91avra generously prc-
leac:d Lac money to furnish, the equip.
leers.': ie sr endowment. -The Trus-
tees Test solely on the big -heartedness
of the •Canadian public to provide.
money for thea maintenance of •100
naticr,ts yearly, and in thi.e faith thcya
are receiving patients, ,allowing no
Ifleetly ecnsumptive to rax debarred
..dmisraion, however poor las or her
eircum'tanees, who can meet the
medical requirements of the in stitu-
tiun. Appiieations for admission aro
not Isinrply pressing but absolutely
aita leasing, showing the import Ince
at the work and empha,sizing, what
wit believe t.cl bathe cape, thatthee
i(,' the: greatest dharitT before Ills
C,ax.ndian pr: op]o to -day. It iisl the.
only lass Hospital for Consumptives
it. Canada—other hospitals, and even
private homes, refusing accommoda-
(Lioz for those ,suffering from this
dread diica.se. erehe letters that we'
are reeeivir.g dai
1y give evidence of
Inc. terrible mete there ip for• •jttit
Ft:cil are institution. The Trustees
Lave, faith that the people of this
prosperous Dominion will furnish the
Association with the, required amount
to meet every call upon it—that none
may bo turned away—and in this spir-
it the doors have been opened and the
work er being carried, on." . C
Subecriptiona may be sent to Hon.
Sir Win R. Meredith, Et„ Chief Jus-
i.ce, 4 Lamport Ave., Toronto; W. T.
Gege, Esq., 54 Front' street west, To -
:onto, or to the National Trust Co.,
I inlited, Treasurer, 22 Kir„g street
cast, Toronto.
Fr.tit Frospect
Canadian) Grocer: The latest .re-
pnrt,s from the fruit.' districts indi••
cats favorable prospects. The crop
ire western Ontario len,•- suffered little
damage' from feast.. The yield pert
acre will be average, but the, acreage
well be much larger. ,1 a, ,
All senall fruits, especially straw-
berr:ere r,r,d raspberries, owing. to• the
late raite.s, promise an abendancr.
Cu treat.? promise ;t fair return,
Brom reports reeesived from nee: area
rar:ging from 13ronte to St. Catha-
r:res, and on to Niagara, thie year is
expected to to a reeved one. The
pance crop is especially Promising. ; if
Jin: dcas not furnisL cold rain* a
l:.rge crop will bet gathered. Every
line o2 ire it will yield a good( average
erect thole aro excellent prospects of a.
fairly steady and remunerative m3r-
ket. for the: grower. I
Increased acreage between Oakville
red Hamilton has thkt year been giv-
er.' to strawberries, ,
L .lies and peaches here-
after will 'be largely cultivated ire
that. district. Tlaa dealers are optim-
• istic regareiree the outlook. •
There is a noted difference
in the style' -and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in thein—cloth that wears
See our new goods and prices.
wLfr iZ i',.etat lea Y=Art Se
TR Agit MARtt$
dOPY Rt CNTit dto.
Anyone sending a n".:brei. anti rtnycrfpttmt trots+
repekly nlrertrtln one opinion freo Whether an
invention i:iprobablyltntentnbic. C'ommunietr
tion. strletty mnfidentlal. ltanabenk on Parente,
eentfre�* tllrlt',tnrrencrforsc'rnrIn tent.,
Patent. taken ttiirnatnh Munn CO. meaty
-*pointtiotite,witheutcame, mire
.Scientilic MmQrkanrf
Kiientzmnelr nla%traited went,. .Bast
%ht .tone any !"llntrno J.TArnsil,'I
I - ate? must Ices, Fe eoei by at merry
C' VetI3roi