HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-19, Page 7T I i I, Q' I AT# N f l l All T f II ER, ,I� F,' (t0 'i ag *'rtes inn 1ittlR sant at Tarascon kwenty. 'i'r'e fetter had tt: terrible e#lec� �♦ � ; years ago, your woupy safe would not Al„ F alivel opened lits tngll abs tuotnink. �7 /q - $EN ibtt unrelplh 1t Cltlmtlrtlfl 4R have iicen robbed three weeks. alio. I after it Wit" posted, the fatal missive , "Valentine (le lei Yerberle is punished tell Rita Ills hands. Feicetved that its~,opl da Lit, l PM was the only" ebstaele ba ; l Ruslow, In I$OG for the murder committed for taon►ethiui about the wilting strusk twceu biut and ldadelehue, be' love of her;in 1840, 4Nothint Is. peg. him ax izecnilar, It liras evidently, a poria ti?at. the oiistttCle nitpttld be ze- i �� �� � ye►e.e► lected or foigotten, L.lsten. dlegulseei band, and, although, oaths is but a Atop ii3t tkol bucket sailAS, � And tie related till that he bad dis• to the filet of Ills being a 1011110 air., mttvod,. i i •` tutlaas swt► ssavi tttaake tt �ews(� J! t ' j'+ 'Emile covered, Teferyin1 to a volutuiuous lie ileus In the habit of recelThig no, The slime day bis pitual was lilt e ! et As ca� a you cmr Utial le4a b ' maltuscl vthtch 'tie had prepared, 1110118 c0isununic+ikions. villa partteular Raoul vas walking out e V # n it . t"ilultxm ani unless Vali S C� b4.ar i With nanny notes and authenticated letter tilled hiui wlth Ali indefinite pre g t I you plcaa%o yact, is evo about;' >sotdnt lit be was ctgpped at tt , RelTy .. lonely by three men, who liked o Amount of newt: er Adv, Proofs attached. sentiment of evil. T p k t>p the4lect:ittncy. ,'1 wonder hoax you discovered all ham what o'clock It was, Wbtle:• look, i c�aald znak+r ., \\'Iib art tnbllu;, hand anti aheolute Patrons arc Qur greatest ad I � �� i these Infamies," said Prosper when he certainty that lie was tiboi0l; to learn ink at his watch the. zu.tltatia .fell upon � r � hint suddenly. "7 Gdium, era ter cart. Iienety tater eelt,Ren '"° f had tluished. some net In q`slunity, lie broke the seal By his sidliful blows, for'lie bad be. Ill ttentiou, to, (let, I'erfactlatt i 7'"t. F The tat man smiled. W hen I under. and, op ) g .ae eo Erse fe i aper, etas co rotie ent in b xin In En land cOnrpos,±claftletaiix, lteuceaatrreceartt..,. take a task,"' lie said, '"I devote my shocked. by the following wor0o; me P i boxing a; ioN � nte> t1it+E rcroism bitoelt to yds„.•: ^en,nrYner rn.•tr' ftp r tn[; ger' engagement wits Prosper, ane whole attention to It. .Now. make t Rear sir -You conshrnrd your cashier to priunn. IlaOul made lits epemies� tale t0 their 'l trey etre set 011th" i0iocs-cxgeal2w ixt seCur d his ) - You dfd well, Elnre you were cmnineed of 4d, heels, Fie continued hits wa1L home, �` :Qa nuraiicir primtat, rofKiiily just a l�r :marry her. His father urged nim to S promise to tale upon him• note of tills: When a malt of ordinary 'tW . r self the sole responsibilitydlFbancnty and fall111rrsnraa, Out oven it ha stale determined to be hereafter, well argued n. ' more style -probably just a little more cow%rt ,c,'tr, fly front tine consequences of the mur. of the rue- inteillgence, concentrates Itis thoughts s:,u,ato frano from your Fora dims it tallow that . turf.. , and energles a ton tip attatulneu of he also stale aline. •auvel' diamonds when be rent out at nlslim co never turitig, r1dadagxatnl; scrutonizttY; (lire in ittaititifttm- dors he lead committed and. having no 7 1 t i k t for 1+n instant suspected ilia accampllGe>< �., turini;, arxade iN 811 the popular leathers, iight*r '.lieanwhlle Gaston Hnd made ator- ' an object, he 1s certain to attain that Title was a stroke of lightning to a of Navin = instlnateel the assault, heavy soles. ].•or Lailies or (rents price t,r,4t►, it,t)Q money to give Lim, supplied him with „ or t�,Qtt alwa s 6tgtti ed on tits.€ale:, ,tiro frtattly jewels, AIeauwhtie the po, tong In South Americo and returned to object, Besides that, I have my otvtt man! whose life, htthe'rto had. been (tit ! Iiut tYto da�8 aftcravard, at a Cate 1' lice were coming to arrest him, and it I'ranet. Flo still the memory of hie method of working tip a case. To he unbroken chain of prosperity, wito ` which he frequented, a vulgar looking was talTnuge'd that tine gates should be youthful misfortunes he resolved to sure, one needs some light to guide one e()Ilid recall the past without ore bitter ! man, a stranger to hint, after tryltlg to .suddenly opened, it servant should flee . engage In business and bought ani trop in a dark affair like tills, but the tire regret, without remembering tiny nor- f provoke a quarrel, finally threw it card Sold in Wit ha•m by 11'. J. 01;-"r. s In one direction, Louis in another and nuQ r Atilt fat Oloron. Louis, hearing of lit$ in Clnmeran's eye when I pronounceow deep enough to bring forth a tear. i in his face, saying its owner was ready � 1 arrival, went to Oloron and greeted the name of Gaston Ignite(( my lantern. what, itis %tit'( beet>ivc him, Anc1, •�tltus misleading rite police give Gasta - ' ! to grant him satisfaction, Raoul rust- :ilii opportunity to esca ne. Gaston r arruou • all men, to choose one vile ' '� biro with every pretense of afiectioi+� I }'rgrn that moment 1 walked straight PP Y 1 t, ted toward the rnan to thrash him lvith ievould have got away had not Louis Louis tool; up his quarters %with his ! to the solution of the mystery as to u euotigli to rob her of hey jewels find ' his, lists, but his friends held him back. purposely tripped and fatten. Tire po- brother, who soon sickened and dlea ; beacon light:' f'gece livr to be his net•otupliee in the I A•Vcry well, then. You will hear from `•�� l'rosper's tool; showed that he wnuhl ruin of. an inuorent young roan', For ! me tomorrow," lie said to his assailant. itis U 8 T A t! ! 1 V E 0 'lice, thus discovering the ruse, pushed under very suspicious etrcutnstance>rt, � , on after Gaston, who, to sage himself, leaving Ills fortune to Louis. ']ft:e to know the secret of his proteef- ,lid not, the ataouytnous letter assert •,Wait at your hotel until I send two The •• or's penetration find at slime time tills to be the filet aud. tell hire. hove to �_ jumped into the Rhone. 1'he current Louis now turned his attention to I friends to you. was at the nine so swollen that his forcing Madeleine to marry him. Xie be more thoroughly convinced that coavincp hin+xpir qr its truth? • As soon at; the stranger had Hone Pursuers gave him up as drowned. agreed to settle a large income upon what be heard was nil true:—that his A1.. Fauvel dewrmined to shote the Raoul recovered from his excitement Escaping almost certain death, Gas. Raoul if he would extort money from j and began to wonder what could have Avery lars;e consignment of SCREEN 17UOAtS :IRS �� Innocence world be more clearly pcov- tetter to his r;Ift•. > 1totl, who before leaving the chateau Arne. Irauvpl in sutticlent quantity to ed • "lint suppose h by true!" be matter- been the motive for the insult. Pick- SCREEN WINDOWS. bad placed the signal for Valentine fu embarrass her. Raoul consented and I "Now, confess." cried Al, Verduret, ed to himself. "tiupposp I have been int; tip the trim's card, he read: We have 17 different styles and sizes in doors. Acis window, reached La Verberie and lived recklessly onthe means furnished , "you would give anything fit the world miserably doped! By confiding In my '"W, 11, Ii, ,lac-obson, formerly Garl- } :had an interview with his beloved. Site by the woman who supposed she was i to find out how arrived at the truth!" wife. 1 shall put her on her guard 111141baldlan volunteer, ex -officer of the Ar. Also 9 diff-4rent styles and sizers in wi"'.CIt]WS, * informed -him that she would soon be. his mother. Finally, having no more "I admit it, for it Is marvelous," lose all chance of discovering tate my of the South (Italy, America), 30 And in price and quality they are very IOW. Come it mother. Before parting; he to give him, site was persutided to sur- I Ai. Vertlliet enjoy ed Prosper's bewil- truth," Locale rstrvet.fp r • left with her the jewels given hila by reader her diamonds, a present from I dermcnt. To be sure, he was neither a there was one simple mpanit of vert- •,Oh,,. ha thon;,ht, "here is a big mitt- Those interested in building tiV1re Fence will do vd'i'-l•l to .his father, then fled the country, going her husband oil the day be became i good. judge nor it dlstingutslied lima. fication. the letter said the diamonds tory man who can, whip everybody!" P -to South America. That night tine old north a million. When Mme. Fauvel's I tear; but admiration is always flatter, had been powt►ed• Raoul had seen enough of the world Callon us, as we- have all kinds of Wire On hand at prices -marquis died, Louis. assumin„ that his jewel& were gone, Bias}elelne's were i lug, no matter (thence it comes. it it lied to this instnnee. he would to understand these heroes who cover that ate r.ight.,,,We have the celebrated " Ellwood .-SSpecial -elder brother had been drowned, tool( given tip. All were pawned by Raoul. "Well," lie replied, "•I will explain my treat It with the scorn it deserved. If, their visiting Bards with titles, -the title and the estate. He left Cla• "Louis. de Cl.iltneran was not satisfied system, Titers' is nothing marvelous on the other hand. It should prove to Call n `Tire Fence, j0 -in llgh, at a verp?, ItptiV I)C1Ce. meran Immediately and began a life to marry Madeleine while her heart about it. We worked together to final be true- But, since the insult had been offered B in the pressure of others, early the next Cell and See Otlr StUCI:. full of Sgnom[ny, I was given to another. He determined ! the solution of the problem. You know Breakfast was announced. At table morning Ragttl sent two of his friends "Valentine confessed her condition to ruin Prosper, that she might lose tier ! my reasous for suspecting Clameran At. Fauvel talked incessantly, A0.118 to to +nuke arrangements for it duel. IIe :.to her mother, %vlto tool: her to Eng- respect and her love for him. One ! land a Land in the robbery. As soon as escape any questions from his wife. gave them AI, .iat-obson's nddress and S f1d IT H v. r E T ICA land, where sbe provided for - her ! night at a supper at which Raoul and 1 1 had acquired this certainty my task who, he sate, was uneasy rat the ;Iglit told them to report at the hotel du rr .daughter's secret accouehement pallor Prosper were present Raoul heard was easy. What did I .do? 1 placed of his pale face, 14111 011 the time ire Louvre, where- he proposed to sleep. the care of a physician and a maid, Prosper, under the influence of wine, trustworthy people to watch the par- .(vas talkb+g he tens carain;• over fit his At halt' past 8 In the moruing Ills "e. if you want a Bicycle, see what we Cern do for )rou. 1lilhonne. A son was born, which the, name the word (Gipsy) that would un. 'ties in whom I was most interested. mind expedients for getting his wife odds arrived. 'Al..iac•oh,on had select. -countess Immediately sent ttway to be ; lock the safe to Al- Fauvel's bank. Funferlot as Joseph Dubois took out or the house Ion;; onough for Ialnt ell the sword and would, light that very "I adopted by a farmer. • Subsequently ; This he communicated to Clameran, charm of Clameran, and Nina* Gipsy to sonreh her bureau without her per- hour in the wootis of Vlaceones. Alme, do la Verborte pursunded her ialso telling him that when Al. Fauvel ` never lost sigbt of Mine. Fauvel and ceivitig him. At tart he asked lime. "Let us be off!" c•ric>d Raoul gayly, r -daughter to -attempt to forget the past, (vent out he always lett the key to the ber niece. I-auvpl if she were going out before "11 accept the geutlenian's conditions." GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY S Y S T E M, to consider it burled its oblivion and to i safe in the drawer of his secretary in I "I understand it all now," said 1pros- dinner. After it minute's fencing; i',. -tool was ,marry. A young engineer, Al. Andrei his chamber. ` per. "telt," said she.. "The weather in slightly wounded In the right shoulder. :h'auvel. spent some time at I3euuc;afre, i "Clameran then arranged that 300; I "And what have you been doing dur- dreadful, but Madeleine find i must do "I,be "ex•oft((er of the south- 'wished to ;where thoy lived, :and fell in love with , 000 francs should be kept In the bank- I Ing my absence, my young friend?" some shopping."�� continue the voinbaat, but Raoul's see- ''Valentine, who, urged by tier mother, I over night ready for him to draw In asked AI. Verduret :after a pause. "At what hour shall you go? ends declared that honor was sntis• :accepted ills atteukions and finally liar- I the morning. That night Raoul, hav- At this questlon Prosper 'blushed. "inimealatc ly niter breakfast:" tie(] find that they bad no intention �� "yt ";�� .;• vied him, JI. Pauvel aftertt:ud be• I Ing been coached for the part by Cia. "Alas," be stammered; "I read inn He drr•ty a tont breath, its iP relieved of impertltn;; their friend's life again. carne the fatuous Paris bunker. The meran, went to Alme. Fauvel, told her ; newspaper thflt Clameran was about to of it great weigdit. 111 :I short ',lune he '1 he ex-oftitwr was obliged to ac - •countess died in 1859. that he was ruined afnd Faust have a ' marry Madeleine, and I acted like a would know the truth. quipscc. Raoul wenn borne dell.-Upd "Louis de Clameran, after an absence i large sum of money at once, threaten. i fool!" . After awhile' he heard the enrriage at having pxcnped trill) nothing more :from home of eighteen years, returned, t ing that if be did not get it be would I "What did you do?" inquired Verdu• roll away with his %vire and Fiver. ' serious than it little loss of blood and blow out his brains. He told her tilt :ret uncasil Surrybrg Into Baine, Fanvel's room, he resolved to keep clear of ani xo called and from BLihonncythe maid gvho lead u ; y' opened the drawer or the chiffonier (lariboldintis In the future. In fw,t. a been with Valentine.nt the time of her I she must give him the key to the safe, "I wrote an anonymous letter to A1. i confinement, learned that his brother which he would open, take what he Fauvel Informing him that his wife where she kept her jewels. 'rbe hoses night's refl(Ttion hull convinced hlai C U R --510N had not been ,druwncci, that Valentine needed and restore on the morrow. i )vats In love with Raoul"— 1coutatnigg superb sets of jewelry that C:btmeran etas tate instigator of the Bail hada son by Gaston anti that she I Aline. Fauvel, in terror lest he sUould ! 111. Verduret brought leis clinched last 'whtcli tae find presented to her were two attenipis to 1:111 him. Alms). F-lu- had subsequently married Al. Fauvel. Commit suicide and thinking that he down upon the table. gone) The an oftyntous letter had told cel haciug told I+Im what conditions Impoverished by his excesses and un- did not know the word which, with the "Stupidl" he exclaimed. "You have the truth! Bladelpine placed on her consent to A ke was necessary to open the safe, ruined everything!" Perhaps Valentine had put her dna marriage, Raoul instantly saw the :able n laud +a use ti honestly, Louis else y' �' mouds in Atadeleine's room. great interest Clameran would have in (ermined to use this Information for I in order to gain time, gave him the key. I He arose from his seat and strode up Without sto )plug to consider the in -recalled a thousand -the purpose of extorting money from ! Raoul went down the stairway, Mme. and down the room„ oblivious of the f his reutovaL Bei1e rte". ON lime. b'auvcl. Goin * to Parts, he call• l:'auvel. following him tri agony. Raoul lodgers below, whose windows shook delicacy of what he was about to do he little rvnuat is and scents of the last .ed upon tier and gate tier to under - opened the safe and took the money in- with every angry stamp of his foot. hurried into the young girl's room and fete days, and oil skillfully questioning stand that tie knew of her, -past. Iit I tended to be paid Clameran in the , Prosper remained silent as long as pulled open one drawer after another, the marquis his suspicions changed purpose be 1 He slid not find Baine, hauvel's ilia- into certainty. This conviction that A T �`h order to better serve his morning. Aims. Fattest, astonished ' he could and then uneasily said: llU li,.,j� t told her that her son by Gaston was that be bad succeeded, begged him to j "I am afraid 1 have embarrassed mends. flat SIadeleltie's seven or eight the mail whom he has} so materially its. l living, that he had been brought tip in ! shut the safe, Clinging to his arm and you very much, monsieur." bosplt, nfso euapty. xisted in ills criminal plans wars so ` London, that his father had been there I endeavoring to pull him away. The t "Yes, you have dreadfully embar• ; was site, ton, an accomplice? This basely ungrateful as to turn against :and found him, that Gaston bad died In i key was dragged from tate lock and, I rassed me. What am 1 e I to do? Shall I a blew broke down his courage• him inspired In Raoul a resolution to 1 0 poverty and had asked him (Louis) to 1 slipping along the glossy varnish, made hasten matters or - wait? And I am M. P.1five) well knew that the fact of take speedy vengeance upon his trench- - rench• :apply to her for means for the initiate. a long, deep scratch. ! bound by a sacred promise. We had the diamonds being stolen was 'lot sof• Brous nccomplice and at the same time mance of their son Raoul. Aline. Pau- I Tile next day, after the robbery was ' better go and advise with the judge of tic•ievt grollutl upon which to bring an. Iusurp Ills own safety. He was per- discovered and Clameran bad been aid instruction. He con assist me. Come accusatiagainst the accomlicessanded that on gpthat by openly siding with vel at once gave Louis the jewels Gas.aP �' • the amount due Lim he welt to lime. with me." Happily lie Could procure other proof, Atadeieh)e and her nunt he could save tin had left with her at their last In- I , ,terview to be used for Raoul. Louis I Fauvel and to Madeleine and told them'. .ss,A.L V rdttrctbadaatici-: _ •,> rose [Ile began by calling his valet and rYt• them from (lameran's clutches. ]lily >r3oon introduced a young man to her that Raoul had secured the wort] nee. I dering him to bring him every letter !ng fully resolved upon tills, he aerobe MINERVA ENCAMP1 E 'T No. 47, 1• Q. 0. F., -who personated her son and received essary to open the safe from Prosper, i that should come to the house. Ile (To be continued.) ,. who was to share in the plunder. Cla• then wrote to a notary at St. Remy from ilei large sums, which the two 1 ,,..;��,gava :� ,,. �.. �,. to send hili a tele^•ram coutaiuhl • au- thentic ,villains divided. All this Alme. Fauvel i meran, affecting to make a noble saerl• 6 r ��'inohaln has completed arrangements With the Lice for the two women, offered to re. I theistic iufett'inati0n about rile Ltrgors �����UP SO 4'tf��. PEOPLE .kept a secret from her busband. Fl- ( I fatuity and especially about Raoul. i, fir , Bally Clameran, in order to facilitate :3e�ore thestobutmone through em o n: � ARC GLAD I u t i.tL G. T. R. to run a big Excu.5ion to t Theiaeply was as follows: ' ,his plans, demanded that. sbe receive p g i Milani, into her house. Alme. Fauvel sor. c hidden motive, declined the offer. ; The f agms ore very poor, and no one snows The public Would Doubt Only For "Madeleine, believing that she and, 'z' any member o[ the family n:unud Raoul. cmc. n r .had a cousin living at St. Remy of the 5 aloes short roads. Lagors had no Fon, only two daughters. • Local Testimony Freely Offered name of Lagors, and Clameran, partly Alme. Fauvel would eventually get rid . i g the Every Where .by persuasion, partly by intimidation, i of tele extortionists and vindicate Pros- -which ; The next day, among lniut, was ttone in Priteher'sµCeBackache 1• t induced Atme. L`auvol to announce her per, asked her uncle for 10,000 francs,'N 3t,4>a its valet brow h.supposed son as tier nephew, Raoul de ! to be used for a charitable purpose ,�; bearing the postmark of Vesinet. IIe Kidney Tablets are ,- and sent the amount to Prosper, with opened the envelope with great care Known. Lagors. . This was done, and Raoul, ; I'aud read: --45 — ihaving constant access to Aime. Fau- I a letter made tip oL \voids cut out of $d light loads. ' pear Aunt—it Is indispensable that I see you Airs. E. Davidson, Patrick St., `1`•Ving vel, soon extorted a small fortune, prayer book. I today. Come to me. I will explain why I give )tam, says—"Kicluoy trouble and back - ,which he squandered. I "Aline. Fauvel and Madeleine, owing you this trouble instead of calling on you. ache Is something I have suffered from "Louis de Clameran now conceived , to the extortions to which they had IrAae c, for four years or niore. I do not know ;the idea of marrying Aiadeleine, wit)r i been subjected, became urgently press. 1 "I have them now!" cried V.. I auwol, what caused it only that it was severe whom be had falloW violently in love. ! ed by tradesmen And others to whom . trembling with satisfaction tit the near and resisted treatment. I heard of Dr. -To force her to break with Prosper he I they owed' money and bad nothing on : ood for everything , y I'rotn rile following a , t , w , prospect of vengeance. Pitchers Baouiche lCdw - Tablets and + g places Ori Satureay, rune Ise 1902, used the power he possessed over Mine. i wiileb to keep up their position to soct- ? that runs on wheels. : I Eager to lose no time, lie ojnened a trot as bottle tit Colin Campbc 11 b drug at the following fares: Fauvel. Madeleine discovered het ; ety. They remained secluded for s drawer, tool, out t revolver and e.. store and carr he o t'uily say L l ur, theist, i I diel stat alio the a�utira bot ]ins fouticl uunVs situation and in order to avert time, but were lit last obliged to appear i Sold Evorywhero. lued the hammer to see it it was in or- the relief I wawted. They. actcd pertly, a catastrophe consented to give up in public at the Jandidier ball, Aiade• ; dep. lie Imagined himself alone, but n +uxl rapidly • They are eent:tiuly n good Lc=1\.� FARE ! LlaSrrl'Altn Prosper,"whom she loved, and marry i lelue went to Vesinet to ask Raoul to i do IvylXPEatrwr. nm CO. r vigilant eye Was wateliing his trove- inedioiue.". Y ra ran whom.she detested. Break- t return some of the money and jewels ? >!sR - - �y�••-_•• - r-,} meuts. Gipsy, under strict instructions Airs. J. Grgt•Ps, corner'Victoria, and I incare3rt]e - .n.50 a.XI. X1,90; T3t'1l;r+Lve - 7,01, ,t.Bf, X1,95 G'ig c . ' they incl given ham. Ou tilts occasion from \I.'`erc]uret, Stiatigned herself at Leopold St., Wingliam, mys,—"'Some- _ she was followed by M. Verduret and ".„ Ripley - 605 1.b0'. Illyth - 7,11 135 F , Y, }� ,tine keyhole of the study door and saw tirnotkzp:I.,litul ids a•n attack of aunt- 1 R Prosper. Aiadeleines effort was fruit- a+Y,•k; F""7�, Alt that occurred. 11. Fauvel laid the bag0, tIldpt'flI \vls`giiifo"severe.. X ia.y Lucicno%V<Q t, 1.75 1; 1JfintlrSUot'n V r,+)) tt ^r� .kidney' ®1SOage ! > pistol on. the m:tntcipiece :tmd leseit}ed its oeig,tttft't .4, cold,?rjt•1fi,,$et letlAu tba- : ;.• :t . e. less, though she final', forced Raoul; 1`VhiteCfititeil &;3$ I.GO, Clitlotln 9,17 It'T► y sit'alluPtlney.ba01;, 5 netgiibOr told aur. t` by threats of exposure to surrender 5=' the letter, which bt. "then placed where - t, r .� ; ' some of the pawn tickets. (� ' + the letters were usually left,. not wish- of 17r. Pitcher's I3;act:acatY Kidney Tab- Hingham G :i0 1 5v f3ruct'field 5.05 1,NtF ��� ��Q°i�r�`:�� i lets and Igot, a, bottle at Colin Camp `Vin ham Jet. - 6.62 " Rippen - 5.15 At last Clameran and Raoul found q. lug his wife to lcnoty that it hall passed boll's drag store. I took but one-half t; Mr. John Gohe, en who is in the Fish in the clown tit the Jandtd}er ball an : .t through his hands. Ile leas Duly ab- file bottle and the trouldeY .ard pnin was t 4 'Business al port Hope, states: -"In nay ; "Only zvb0 possessed the secret of I sent but two minutes; but, inspired by i;aito. I have hnd no trouble since, This CIIaL©i 1fG:0T over ti zi(1 titltliCi ] `2, F]<,til.lb� 16~tr� ESE businees I do s great deal of driving over ' their villainies and ti iecl to murder > 9 , the inruhneuce of the-- clanger, Gipsy I tlrrulr slnoultl convince anyone of their bad roads and the constant jar of%the tither r,' I darted into the Study, rushed to the worricoyu0c to bo:.,, Or f, boxes tor w.�ib, n.t -~Y along with eyposuretoall sorof % t; him, ! ? mantel and rapidly extracted the balls i' a brought on kidney disease. I %vas in all'dtligg ie;ts, or sent by utail by addrel;- , sniserable health and suffered a great Ileal , OIIAPTDR XIII. I from t} a 1t:Coh'er, back. 1 heard of ! tiC>I are the facts drat, ivtth ' - "There!" sbe murmured. "This peril *ins the Dr, Zinn Pitcher Co., Toronto, with sharp pains in my ba ; Ont. EettlYllin�, r , leave--, ro'clock Dr. Chase's ludney-Liver Pills acid de• , an almost incredible talent ; : is, for the present, averted, and \i. a 1 �er<luret wh0inn I stall warn throtrgr TIMES C1.f:CJ13F34NG ()T;F�RS. rutl,e'2�rcrunt 1c.a�E.a 3rt11gi. dt I7 P.\i. til: .tided to try them. Before I had used all I for Investtg align, had Been k[ ]}Ilia through Yll t0 Kincardine. . r•% ,of the first box I felt better and three collected and prepared by the Cavaillon, Will now perbaps have time i boxes have ctltirely Cured lie. I am very fat man tvltlr itis jovial face Who had to prevent :t murder. (her clubbing; rates lvith. different glad of an opportunity to recommendave taken Prosper ile jo his faceew on, had She descended to the bawl: and sent 'tri%vspaners are ant follows. - Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for I Ever bod conte on the biggest anti best excursion Of the j'Cati; proven their � wondeRal control over kid• Verduret, the etcrk with a message, telling him Times and •c' 10okly Globo $t ('i0 y ,Fey disease. ]Leaching farts At 0 o'clock: in the to leave it with Mille. Alexandre for Tinges aurl `yVoeltly 1Alai1 _ 1 75 to tivas:e money anis ' evening, not by the Loops route, as he i � •� i U. Verduret, An Inoue tater Anne. Faau- Times and ratmily Ilttrald and J. I'�T�,O1Vi�.t�I3, CU�►;fYt'��ie3. It seems unwisevel ordered bet- carriage and event out, M7,0e1t1;1 Star 1 ;ii R. tuft 'tato risk of experimenting with ne%v 'Fad said, but by the Orleans train, hr. i h , nd 'Giles and WeoldytSiin 1 ria ri remedies when you knovy Verduret hutTled to the Archangel, Ir id a sato and permanent cora for alk. Al.l P ed li took a hacltney. coat � rMontreal. witness 160 ..... ' ,w fanglcd, untried Times ria 1� that Dr, Chasa's Xidney-Liver Pills will where hes found Prosper Impatiently it,dacyane! 131atider Troubles. followed Ler, •-• � - _... --.•• .. _ . %curt) you. Ott(, pin a 'floss, 25c, a box, at expecting hila- "Great heawensl" cried 1VIna to bet. Tautes and Westorn Advertiser 1 ri0 s11 dealers, of I; imanson, rates do Co,t n 0 about ib Lear i#bmc rich else'' esti. "'IL Vii, Verduret tloEti not reaeL t����e Y n11ti I�itarmETs° vitt r0�at0 1 $Jnow AN& Toronto. 7tou r �� ., i 'l`rtnts and Tor0ilto Daily' Stat' d 1~,0 velopments, to said to Prosper. ant is thea 'iit�st sign of Xidtyt y' It-oublio. tbet* in thne, Virile, VAIlVel and Raoul Times atm Pay Globe 4 20The �� osc0 how fair biit'1: tfitb thC*'tlast,tsne itis loon t neglect ttk CheckrtaniinYe�t (care koi3tl �' it 9ali ' Seriou's trouble will follow if you don't' Ccs ftryl. l t+ttentt th�O list, but it b not 11rr ��9 1�i �t to sect: for the primary cai'�e bt n ( Cute yow- fael=he by taii'11i�' lleceagftry. We cat3 pies you cln1Y11itig crlule. All things are linked together , r ates ion Italy ne'wspaixr of tnnagaMne, • .. 1 111 vvbrld bt otrl's lt' tiaston ala ! _. _ . Tar• Tf`tit�, l�r�45Lc K1dn 3 der Pill' !Clttitiolztfl.li:YtLritrt taiwati;et rtwit oL.tobf•.I DLJ+tit1 b MABI rl";N vitllnri.