HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-19, Page 4...r......_ VIE WING11AN TIMES. JUNH 19, 1902. Mr,Wlrit#IeldJerm u,nftha$laQvale APHORISMS, Walter Gordon, the inurderer await' �•�•iNOSMNi•••��••�(�!•MOw�l�it/iN�••M�H••��� ,��M�NM�IirR000" Water road, wha bad bpeur 1 far several days ,�--., • g execution. at Brandon, swallowed a 4 The 'man who procrastinate$ $trM9•, piece of a crockery flower pot, also a .....-. _ . .:fit •.___ s_.:�. _. with brain trouble, died on. Monday and glee with. ru(n, rusty nail that was mixed kit the earth, ��� ;IAS. H. EDD the funeral waa held from, the Meths d- An apt quotation I$ As ;oqd as Itt1 but they didu't kill hun. , s istchurchonWeclnes3ay, ortginalremar►.--JOhn6gn.. Anadvertisiii•; journal in answering PEOPLES POPULAR STORE -Jaof n Stunxtthe circular out quite a gash in. his Progress is the activity of today and :and ingai says: "Cq for co Q•NN0••i!s•rid••Ms���•�atle��0��0�•OOS�O.Ow�N�e•il �O�A�w•0 ��•lw�A••���•� foal on the circular lase: in this mill on -tine assurance of tomorrows-17merson. � y k"Y copy; To be vain of one's rani-, or place is to advertising in a country uewspapar is Monday. He was kicking some edgtugs •: be bsoiately rain feat. to out of his way and accidently kicked slow that. one is below It.—Stanlslau$.worth°o ©r�ikQly to, thaa in be seen city the saw. The desire of appearing clever often y Rey, Xr. McKelvie of Wroxeter prevents one becoming so.—Rochefpu• reader, the paper being stuallar, contain- i cauld, Ing less matter and being read with more . This store s i as n former years head- - - preached in. the Methodist church last God Is on the side of virtue, for who. deliberation." • Sabbath evening, quarters for • • ever dreads punishment suffers. it, and Mrs. West has `, turned home from - - — - -. - _...__ J1vUTY BRUSIRES . � � whoever deserves 1t dreads it: --Colton,. XUBl3 u GLOVgS . , Whitby, The mind that 1s much elevated and r r " ItUBBIM SHEETING. Mr. Joseph Pugh shipped a car of hogs Insolent with prosperity And cast down IJ c ro f u l a • SYRINGES,, Etc., Etc. on hioudey and Messrs, Duff and Stew- by adversity is generally abject and art received a car load of British Colum- base. What is commonly inherited to not . • •• bis shingles. Human nature is so constituted that scrofula but the ecrotuloua ttiaposltlpn. Fresh In fact anything Ten. want The Misses Plastow Of U.JGktOt1 at. all see and judge better in the affairs This is generally and chiefly, indicated by • in. Rubber Goods, we have tended -their brother's wedding last of other mea than in their own,—Ter- cutaneous eruptions; sometimes by pale- / it at right prices, ones. (leas, disease afflicted and general debility. r #'e s week. The disease ass and gins. l b Snyder, Our sincere titAuls are clue the person Despite all refinement, the light and Stra wher p habitual taking of God's name in vain Union St., Troy, Ohio, when she wat a or persons who were the means of see- eighteen years old, manifesting itself by a a l n At Campbell betrays a coarse and brutal will.—urng us the ituproved train. service Chapin, bunch In her neck, which caused great pain, which we began to enjoy this week and was lanced, and became a running tore. A Larwe Cover. It afflicted the daughter of sirs. J. H. • • which. rt hope will be continued to tis Jones, Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old, �� have made arrangements for a = henceforth. Wa call now go to Sting- `rns old hunters were swapping and developed so rapidly that when the ?H� DRUGGIST ham before dinner and return before yarns asci had got to quail. xati 18 she had eleven running.eores on her "Why." said one, "I remember a year neck and about her cars. ' ' NZV6 SToREs Opp, Bank of Hamilton. -supper, Previous to this a man or Y These sufferers were not benefited by supply of. fresh picked Strawberries = when. quasi were so thiel- that you • woman, kissed their loved ones all good- could et gi hk or ton at n shot with a l+rufessfonal treatment, but, as they volun- = • g & t:,rlly may, were completely cured by to be delivered to us daily during the - -- — •- - •-- bye when they started off to this four title." Sarsaparilla + l miles distant place, because they couldn't The other one sighed. Hood's J'QISQ arilla TO ADVERTISERS. A • possibly return to them before the next "What's the matter?" said the first.. This peculiar medicine .positively cot season we aim to give 1'otice of changes Hoist be left at this morning unless the walked. "I was thinking of my mail hunts. I recta the scrofulous disposition and rad;• • • • ottloe not later than' Saturday noon. Mr. George McDonald moved his driv- had a tine black horse that I, rode ev- caliy and permanently cures the disease. : The copy for changes must be left erywhere, and one day out hunting • • imt lister than Monday eveuiug. ing shed. to it more convenient situation • quail I saw a big covey on a low • (htti'ual advertivements accepted up . this week. branch of a tree, I threw the bridle 1VX_NG1IA11[ MARkET REPORTS 0 to Won. Wedusdav of each week. illi•, and Mrs. Robert McPherson vis•, rein over the end of the limb and took Wiugham,.June 18, 1902. Good �boxc s of ited the latter's old home at Moukton, a shot. Corrected Query Wednesday afttrnoon • iCSTABLIt;FIED 18T1. this week. "Several birds fell and the rest Sew i y Carr&,Cassels. • Mr. John Gardiner's cow was struck. away, Flour per 1001ba,., a .., . 1 GG to 2 b0 • '+ Fall Wheat- ....:......... 0 77 to 0 77 • i T ; by a special train on. Wednesday $foto- , "STeli, sir, there were so many quail Spring Wheat............ 0 QO to 0 00 ! • Ili wquAM TIDES. lug of last week and was so badly in.- on that litub that when they flew off it Oats,......... 3G to 0 40 P g • 'Large Berri*%;;�23 • r= K. P. to i�ioT'j•, PtJhl i6ti8lt A14i1 P2toPHnSTOR jured it had to be killed. sprang buck Into place and handed my Barley .... ..... ........ 0 4G to 0 50 horser • _ Mrs. Wm. Diamond, of Wingham.. Peas ..................... 0 • 0 70 to 0 7G Turkeys, drawn . , , , , , .... 0 09 to 0 10 Turn d the 5 to 0 THURSDAY, JUNE 19, '+_902, visited Wm. Grey Ts visitinhomas g uuL stowelltahl t the superioritylectrsof nature over art when Butter per p ....•........ 0 ,lb to 0 1G • week. A lecturer was once descant on per air 0 40 to 0 60 • g at a very moderate price. You will Miss Laura Snell went to Common an Irreverent listener in the audience Eggs per doz ,, , , , , ,,,, , , , 0 13 to 0 13 • NOTES AND COMMENTS ' fired that old question at him: Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 00 • Mich,, on Lriday. tubera she liar alit. - q Po per ton., a, , e ....... 5 to10 40 • find it to your advantage to deal with = I3ot1t life Hamilton seats in.. the Local "lice would you logk, sir, without y p • Legislature may be protested b the nation awaiting her. ?„ Potatoes,perbushel ..•,.. 0 3G to 0 4U P y 'Mrs. William Stewart visited her : four wig . Tallow per 1. . , • . , • ... , , • 0 15 to 0 15 • us. Kindly leave your orders earl • Liberals. daughter, Mrs. Martin Masters, of "Young man. instantly replied the Lard „ , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 1G to 0 16 � � s lecturer, potnting his finger at him; Dried Apples per lb,...... 0 05 to 0 OG • A genteriil meeting of the Ontario Lib- Corbetton last week. • , "You have furnished Ino un, apt Illus. Wool ............ ....... 0 13 to 0 1G - • • oral -Conservative Associn.tlon will be Mr. and !firs. Walter Burgess and tration for my argument. illy bald- Live Hogs, per cwt....... G 25 to 6 25 • we will advise you as to the best time � held in Toronto on June 25th, children, of Mitchell, visited at Mr. ness can be traced to the artificial hab• Chickens .......... ...... 0 30, to 0 40 0 The rumor is current that. the Con- Daniel Lewis' last week, its of our modern civilization, while servatives of West Huron intend to en- Fred Johnston, is house from school at the wig I am wearing"—bere he raised • to buy In large quantities. . .his' voice till the windows sbook—"is1 ter'aprotestagainst the election of M Erantford. �4 G.•Camerou• Mrr and Mrs. Thomas Conites anent made of natural halrrt will The audience testtfled its apprecia- Daring the absence of Hon. G. W. Tuesday with their , daughter, Mrs. tion of the otut b loud a lause and •D•OSOO•Am00•A00••O®06•i•!••a•O•lima•••O•A••OOOs•00••00000s••4,••O••A00000.0OO�OA • : •. •P y PP • • Ross and Hon. J. de Gibson in Great John. McIntosh, of Molesworth. the speaker was not interrupted again. To see me before placing your e• fl U U ®� ®� Q BLOCK, • Britain, it is understood that Hon. bits. Fnank Patterson of Wingham • /'It e� Richard Harcourt will be actin Rice and ince.. Fire Insurance. Yon cau save • • gpremipr, visited money by insuring in purely a JOHN[ KERR JAS, H. KERR � It is, estimated that :30,000 Americans Mrs. John Gardiner was taken sod- To most people rice is rice, but, not- • pt will settle in one section of the North denly ill, last week, but at present is withstanding this, there 1s a consider- Canadian Stock Companies, out- • W I i■ circ r H A M s able difference between the Chinese or side the combine. � Zesathis year, and that the total im- somewhat better. Japanese and the American article. tsOA•0.O@A®Q®O•A®OOOAOO.1D000 smlS6ssAmQ®6l000Os•Q®Om®ms©fOOO®a0ososOOs•®A•Osos•s••: migration to that country will reach Mrs. John McDonald of, Goderich, The former is darker in color and to no between 75,000 and 80,000. Mr. Will Gardiner of the same town and way compares with the latter In flavor Co, eMrs. FredMcCracken of Brussels; were or ner .� V � � ,,, Owing to the :ett;rning officer having + quality. OZ the American, how_ Coal and� ooSpecials in at their ds home last week, sammoued ever, there area number of grades of LOAN AND INSURANCL AGENT. U GOODS' made the retnru of the election in ,' Centra 33 -race before he properly should to the bedside of their mother. which that grown in the Carolinas is About forty guests -assembled at the considered the best. When purebas- til° re-count, which was to have taken a Ing, see that the T. J..MAGUIR•E " residence. of Mr. Magnus Spence, glottis, grains are large, � •. ... ...., . place at Walkerton on Friday, could not on. Wedueshay of last week to witness plump and unbroken. In washing be ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, egally be held. careful not to, break them between the INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. the marriage of Miss Mary Yorston, a •heads. '. M. G. Cameron, K, C,, M. P. P., ofWe have now on hand a niece of Mrs. Spence, to Dir. Samuel For the next month we will make a 4' Oderich has been appointed one of the Plastow, of Rocktou, near Galt. Rev. A Use For the ltiynhen, large stock of both Coal and Wood. mmission to revise and consolidate the A teacher lied lust i veu u lesson on Aeconnts Rents and Notes Collected. Con• SO. J. West, M. A., the brides pastor, g veyencingd'one. Orders left with us will receive special sale of all lines of Upholstered omittiotx statutes. The commission the hyphen, and thinking that his class OPFICL`—Over D. 3I. Gordon's store. prompt attention. performed the ceremony.. The bride _ +ill probably not meet at Ottawa until understood 1t now, lie wrote the. word P,ESIDEN0E—Lpouoldstreet. for Suites odd Pieces was daintily dressed in. white muslin Goods. In Psi b°tzt the 1st of September. "birds -nest" On the blackboard. "Now, n trimmed with lace and carried a, bo net t � -• Q bons, whY do we have a hyphen be- Cooks Cotton Root Compound, Aix appeal from the recount in South of roses,a !� . m The groo'f gift to her %vas a t:weeit birds and nest?" asked the Ie.successfully used monthly by over and Chap's we have something that Bruce: -was filed tit Osgoode Hall yester- gold watch and chain. Mr. and Mrs. teacher. � 10,00OLadies, Safe,effectual. Ladieshsk your druggist for Cook•$ Colton Root Ono - home by counsel representing Dr. F. Plastow left for their future home on Several Bands went up, and the round. Take no other, as ell Tliztures, pills and - every home needs. See these goods 4�tJvp, the Conservative candidate. Saturday and crrry with them many teacher pointed to a small boy who imitations aredangerous. Price•No,1,$1pper Mr. F, E. Truax, the Liberal member• wishes for their ha hoz, No, l Se degrees stof pric a perdtwoz. No.Flow a�d Feed happiness. seemed very anxious to answer. "For I etnnpmalThe Cook pCompany and Ont before buying Furniture elsewhere. altjct has a majority of 40. Dr. Clapp s i the birds to ,•o ar, on, was the reply. i -Nos. I and 2 sold ana recommended by all ); stptfeal is based on the fact that ballots tvaITEcitvRcx. responsible Druggists Lt Canada. in three polls had been numbered by the We are glad to be able to report that A Hard Problem. No. 1 and 2 are Watch 'c�tL'h this space next week for some- ptity ,returning officer ia a manner ltsold in Whigham by A. L. on, Colin A. Campbell, R. A. Douglass p Our old friend, Richard Pettypiece, is First Scientist—This 1� a puzzling � and J. E Davis Druggists. tractive of secrecy. able to be up and is on a fair way to re• case indeed. Bomb This is the place to buy your thing we have to say about Iron Peds, It is announced that W. R. Smith, the covery. Second Scientist—I should say so. sc� G G ®E V5 I Floor, Feed; Hay, Seeds, etc. Cl6nrvative candidate in Algoma, was Rev. A. T. and bars. Brown hav3 ar- ( Why, this would puzzle an amateur disqualified when he was elected last rived home from Conference and a visitscientist.--&gltimore American. We will be pleased to fill your = iatoutli, because at the time of his to Mr. Brown's parents. orders. - P _.ive Stock Markets. I f S•Cu w at a B uggy, election he was postmaster of Rydal One of those happy events which'(( , 'Phone 32. : Batik, in Algoma, according to a state- sometimes bappen, took place the other i Toronto, June 17.—ro-day the receipts come and See the most meat received in. Ottawa, where all day, when Mr. Fair, our popular teach. were 103 carloads of live stook, llamas- up to -date, most highly { WALKER U U�a BUTTON 'tli er arrived home with his wife. A large in. logs, cattle, 10,5 shoe and lambs, ' ta ixivcstigation was conducted ,SIr. Smi g + P, did Heft resign. before the electinri. This number of the people of •the section met 500 hogs, 140 calves, and i0 mild: cows. finished and high-grade Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. The market was a good one, and es- Bum ICS Iri tOWu. CARR CASSEIS,,' r0ffders ilio scat vacant according to the; them as they stepped off the train and bug � Liberal law advisers. t extended thein congratulations, Thepecially fur choice export settle; locally ti Tho Daily Newt?," London, Eng-'jevent was brought to a climax next day the demand was fair for choice stuff �� �� ��_ but slow for common cattle. . f'.: isxid, described life recent election is 1 when they arrived at the school, where The export trado was brisk, anis some i Oiltaxio as a contest between Sir Wil- � Miss Mary Troy was in charge, whan - �- ` R H ��O BLOCK : high •prices were registered; in a few `°•• ^ b �,� :•i•� •,�o'• :•e� o'••P•'o�r i•�• 1 •;• •;. ;,.;• i .o'••� i :• r�• :• : : z ❖ :: ! fi ;.•; .,o foci Laurier and hid. Whitney,ar and the ast to t rose in a body and proposed cases as much as $7 per cwt. was paid, i +ie o Tholmilass #' quite learnedly discussed the affair as a toast to the bride and groom, after l ° a �p A�p but this is an incident, not a represeata- (,` ?�IC9ICtliil. being a Dominion general election 1 It which lemonade and refreshments were r Q ilii ig quite natural f0 a journal ea utter- y live gaotaUon. Bat farmers in the , • ulearing served as a treat for the children. The t i ' ° C C IC11 RECEIVDD A Ct conixtry should notgo dotty oyer such a K [Iy uniufarmea about Canadian and lied .he school house turned into $fairy- ° a a RATE OF Fruit Jars quotation; and thiol. the all their stuff " o'- �� i colonial 8liairs geuttrally to 133 op,Yy A :1A114 with ferns,.-0111ts,'fiags •and bunt.. _ ; will fetch near such prices. Icor good s Dinner SeltS Phut Fruit ,?ars, each , . to tha idea of a. federated eiupire, � qt i ingr We •wi'th Mr. ,a7nd •bars. Fair. a tont; r� lsif r� ° OG to choice loads the ran�;n is from %.' Ira to •1r �+ AI I R SATURDAY MAY 3 I '•' With a number of pieces broken, Half•b Fruit Jars, each ., , .. .07 y, when it knows Bo little about ; and prosperous wedded life and that $6.50 per cwt. 1'or ligat sh:ppers the , •'r d• tllOn Plttit Jars, o......, ,OS Canada. shouid the " Daily New: " die^ their stay with us may be both pleasant price ranges from $4.50 to ,'G.i3O per clot.' rl, which mak, s it impossible of to cam- 1 -gallon Batter Crocks Gum OUr affairs. --•Insurance and Finance and profitable to themselves and us. There was a good demand at uuchan- 4�4 M _ table d sheslete sets. r)itea pots,ey st cups and Half -gallon Butter Crocks, each .08 �Shiti(itrlieIe. Mr. G. A. McIntosh is having his new god prices for good to chO.c Latch, n I + saucers, sug sugars, side dishes, etc., cattle but'oomtnon cattle were a stow } •;• y 1 A good three -Agin- Broom for.. .15 house rushed along and will soon be '1' _ , all at our own prices, The Ottawa Journil (Incl.) says: i .ale and necessarily weaker. .� Our stock is much too large, and in order t0 reduce it M a Tailing eleetion after elecrxon, and.' In all other lines of cattle there is uD .; g A good Whisk for.0 . ..... . . . . . .l0 .• lnovhng into it. �Ve extend a cordial r , • ' •'r •,. +welcome to Mr. McIntosh and family, i me, will fcr one month offer ;. 5 Only Palley Ryall Paper Screens, A good nf0p Sttoic for „•, ,10 cw sidatink the numb r of r�tctrninn t yr quotabi0 change. worth $1.00, for, , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , , , ,10 1 -lb Butter Prints, each..._.. . ,, 20 hers and other officials sirs„ell,' nitsl ; We like to see the right kind of people The following are the quotations: i � ,l, Butter .Ladles, each . 'a 10 s tbe comparatively fete cases in wiliell come to our town. People who have Ch2TLL,^ , A�'CHES OL®OKs �n1.® RI�lOS "• See our line of Hanimoci:s .,,, Eddy's Telephone Matches, box ,10 . ,, push alid go ahead- in them. Shippers, per cwt ......$ u CO $ G „i ; Prices , our lin, �LG:3; nihil cud y1.S. . d pati been shown ani tlt0 ( om- Do., li•+lit............ 4 n.0 u rG 4 Vaistively fete ballots that havo ixsen 3 The Epworth League purpose Bolding guteher,ehoice oto..... •� ",ii a o0, -;, JEWELRY SILVERWARE E ('C., ,1, Wall Paper � as a renult of a recount., it is but i a garden party at the home of Walter Butcher, ordinary y to •ir r Lott 'a0uuc3ar road, JnIT 4th. Come. l vud................ :3 ;5 1 a` Smal Wares If you want to save money mr. tlr�dr in the interests of the Province us a i y :r t 3 -, �U' :Y at greatly reduced prices. r` your Wall Paper see ours before you Hud enjoy Butcher, inferior ...... Rooks d •,• G dozen Roo £s aux Eyes for.... , , .05 bny, b vine to say that such crholcsaie ac- !' J y yourse vas. Stockets .... ...... :: 00 4 OU 00 � as the Toronto News mctl:e3 h We extend our congratulations to Mr. %=1.r Ain) L.V%Ibs. � :ii 'i 100 IRair Phis .. , . r s . p �.• s+ r 1 dozen Safety fins 0i 1,0Bolls to clear at half price. in IM ofily unfair and nnivafrautecl, lIlenry Godkin who is settling Zlown to Cncire i3rvcs, I,Or cwt...:3 ",.; 4 OU, •i- Ails sale is genuine, and offers an opportunity for •A 1 dozen Drapery Pins ...........0,i k , niml ied life. S"'carliu ;s, per cwt .. , ... u” G:) G 50 ! 'i• , r •` Tape Measures ........ . .. . .... .04 Tinware ttrlPi oaiciii t(ed tui ding rL ilitlt l,etlrl • , , , r '1• vs�ars wh° lh £P . ' (,lnitb a number took ill the exenrsioIl pritgIambs; der e,u t... (11) 4 50 , .,. securing great bargains. Conte 1n and stye for + Thimbles, all sizes . fair play. N° pap„ r t Y r Bucks..... ... ... ll (!(1 ., 25 i • Lawrasou'a POwdereci Amtinouim ,01 1 -quart Dipper for ... . ...........05 &sltti ssverc in ooindetunat!oil of ' t° Guelph frOrnn here, Thursday. ntrLl;ExsrAvn v tr, I s. ,; yourselve;t. at .;c a package, or G for ... , .. r2G Comb and Brush Tray, with wu (•0 n.0 0() , mirror, for i than. the Journal but Caws each .... , . r , .= Pint bottl0 of Li Did Ammonia °r • .10 ftsela impelled to rOtest Calves, each....... ... „ W 10 00 - q• at 10 eh, or 3 far......... ,�G NO, 1 Steamers for .............30 U r� E cea o Pe p $1'1t131t '1^oblf Oil l;lnilnerlt is good UOUS. Na To I�ettle.,, , , • , , ,,, .., ,40 fi�oe.zaAm�ar in rrhielx Conscrva- ; for man °r brant, Rhiievea pain, re- Oh°ic(t li(>Rs, per Owt... G o:, G '„i� ,' � Y P A'� R �, � vaic�s I�ettlea......... r..... r, . ,1�' ' ;duces swelling, nlltry., yzlfiatr,matiorl. Light hogs, per cwt. r . , G ; !f (1 s,dr - . • Corn Starch, par package .. a 03 Tea Drawers ..... . t xi wale fraud Cures Buts, burns, brass's, sprallu, stiff Heavy hogs, per cWt... el : ,i 6 (,)isr 1 tIEW E1. R AND OPTICIAN a . .. ' d, Raking; Powder, 2 lbs fbt w.; biatcli tiafos .0 a 1101tgiaaii(■t�sg known; Tritbi c^i nisi ta, rlrettm tlifrmt, efal. ovte, lx�r cwt ......... ''l 4 iii .� Salnnon, ;; •earls for.,.... r...2;• s' .r r ) I.x0 This... .................... .0,”, OtitO Soap for.... �v" Gravy Strafn0rs...,,, } A loge bot:l.,- for 6) cents. Staff ... . .. . .. . .. . .... U UO ;1 00 .r•prr4••i'•h•�•1•`i�+h�i•.. h �•k•�r:. •i•�' 1 +l 4 fi +� ••:• :•............ •i'�"i' : •F+t•'�•t�r3 ., .OG o,.. .v �• �G bars Sweet II