HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-13, Page 70 n rb111'i, IVbNi.11,011 TIMES. JUNE' '1011, r ' 4'reNr?''"'•'3 , t tl'st of all tat ns;,a.into yQur.raom f fust were all to ua ttec(nttnt• fiaute.. i$tQ!�i7er avae. In i [(Q. om(I i , ed for 1 -would stay to you: 4My tall: Is wouh] have given the world to recover $ find get son2a water to wash this. vet, tiolsited,. Let us baa fist. that judge of tiro anonymous- iettce%� AnQ he had, whivii burtis 111:e fire." "'lieaceus! Are 3'ou -wounded?" r ' Instruction for it warmut of Ai•rer"•1."' cause tot' roo at. f "Y." i t Iltila souvenir of our } i'r°site+r started tip tritlt stt411iin I At that very hour At. Yordttr€t t4At1 a"r� a i es, It s r. � ., . IM VCASIA1.90+i.0 ; 'gland It:wltl. All, I tvi11 soon roach �' ' BY 1 h1w better" 4n(tnlld"t'S!" "'oil. 3'Un l:llatr--t5 it (lal:Rlbl°?'" ltns upon the most tl(lYtttttA$eeitH Alan j 4 Prosper, was surprised tit tine loot. of I ".}Yes, I Itnuw who gllvr the key, and to be adopted in pursuantg or itis. 41a,I + I3 a merciless raSO •on Ills friend's Pince as { I I:notw typo, told .the secret OLIN." ' coverics,, for lie hnd dlsrnrrerefl every, Gabor" . I lie calmly waslicil attd (irc.sell his Arra. "The key $night havk+ 1)(101) 5L aft- thing. Atldidg to. what Ire already knew '4( tm 11 vers. Ri t kit( word! -- the starry of .an old nurse of 1tAle. de 11t rsoi a 7wnast.YY�� dpi "1`oS�, Pt'akillCt', SeC will frit. ()tlr r ' �R o c enemies are wa-rued, anti' we mt2fit gotten, ez 1 )atCd" tin ' )1v t Ito 0 ; of an Old. servant b,.. "7'be word Von gave. `;oil have for- .Vorborie,theaf�dat•It ra S E 0 0 crush them with tiro rapidity of ll.- 1 bored,' i1'nn� 4:nnty that t�>rn�(luys 7 . h family undl the, dello5 ys lived; iq. tiro Oittmet'An tions of the 'rest, ll b tore the dohlpc"t,v You roc)!. Lagors tin(1 rrs4t husbtrudl and wire, -via attended M. +O�NOAOOSAN4�00<+000NONONAl0000.4040000�At"04"� I M. \rCrduret expressed himself in u : two other t'rit+Ads to stilt. with Jiule, 11 at his..country hausi�-depasi.. 0. S i0,°. F4 0� +° ��d° 3° 46.1. •��,��° �2'��3 jro.%, . � ' quick, Imperious tone. which Prosper = i " (1lpsy. Ninn was sod and repronebed 'tions writ hint by Dubois (1''anforlot)- • aid not understand. 'et wits tate best friend, monsieur, or lund("hlfil cry out: you rot, not being more devoted to with a good deal of Information ob- "Ab, you villain."' "I Ila -a easel(! A ntistal,e• I. have been ,gout• brother Gaston. I tt•Its this ad- � oil the �•rou>a^ tract.. It is an accident hc•t,•' t, � tattled !'rgtn the prefecture .qf PpUee, _.A � st TIser and. the confidant of his last Seeing Ills blow miss, the assassin liable to to happen. to Any utas, no that- les, 1 tottloulltor th(it. , he had worked up a complete clsa. ;wishes." dict not return to the attack, but made i t "But do you retueutlaor what you re. ` As be had predicted, he )ill(] been corn- ." Those fete words fell titre a cls of - rapidly off and d1sappeared in the tet haw itltdl111,t iia may rtes I have ` ! p " 1 taken the affect Poi• the entice. '1`Ilo `piled to her?" • pellet), to setirch into the distant Hast ,��•,��„��,��•,�-,�•,�•�, -thunder upon De Citunerau, He turn- ? Faubourg \igntnt :errs, I clay I was convinced that culpable re- II Prosper thought a moment. roe the !auses oP' the eritne of �rhivJr -ed deadly pale and recalled with his ' i'hllt tt its Ce t u.iniy Lagors, said alae I lattons existed. between Raoul ArYl •`\o." Prosper had boon the victim. hands stretched out before film, as It ; clown, land Clameran must be some rink, rauvei I thought 1 hCld t11e end "'\\well. Son snld to \.!na, 'Tort are +-^ •sbilakin; from a specter. tic tried to-t•hcro neat:" i i , of the thri.td that must Icad us to the. tza.usk in re ptottching the with not 1 CIL3PT1rP. ZII. answer. to protest. but the words froze I Ile began to sutler from his wound.• I LL45 Ile stood under ti as lam to examine truth. I should have Item. fused doubt- . thinking 110111 your �f r, n, 'sol• ;it this tin following is the statement � As I on his lips, t a p ful, 1t was tqo shni121e, too natural, C very nuttuaat your d (at, notate guards as ba wrote it out for the ben- "Cbnte, let us go." sa[d iafiors, who I it. It diel not appear to lie dangerous, I ""Do yoil suppose -Mule. Fativol to be my ctllQf't Bar('.'" st.l efit of the judge of instrues retained his equaanit(ity, but the arta was cut through to tine innocent?" I The truth suddenly burst upon Pros- ; .:'a tion, knowing that it would And lie dragged Chtmeran away, sup. bona. 110 tool, his handkerchief from � "Certainly not, but leer guilt Is not. Per. doubtless secure an indictment agaainst Has. completed his assortment of Porting him, for he staggered like a .is pocket and tore it Into roto• baudu such Its 1 supposed. i Imagined that. "'Tes. qh, .yes, I remember now:' .he ,the accused: .drunken mao and clung; to the walls to and tics. his arm tip with the dexterity Infatuated wlth 1t seductive adventur- 1 cruel. I "Two leagues from TArascon, on the ,prevent fulling, I of It surgeon. ( er, Mine. Fauvel had first bestowed I "Then you can easily understand the left haul, of the ithone, stood the Cha- Lill "Olt, be!" exclaimed the clown. ! "I Must be on the track of some ; upon film the name of one oP bar rola• I rest. One of the scoundrela went to i -eau of Clameran, here lived III Is}3 �•Fie 111111self was almost as much As• {gevat vNine, since these villains are, re- rives dtnd thou introduced ilim as her Nims. B'aucel axed (ampelied her to ! the old marquis and his two soris, Gats s •tonisbed as the POrgeniaster :Ind stood solved upon murder. Wlien such men ( uepliew. This wits :tit adroit strata- ,!I stool: still, watching the latter as he, (1u d: only [n danger of the police court tetii to gain hltu admission to her has- Lira up title husband's Rey. .fit a cat,- ` tort tuicl Louis, 1 near uc , UbE:r u:tst - slo«ly left the fount. It was with no they do not grutttitousi • risk the . 1 tare lie placed tho movable buttons on f the CountcsK de Ili Vorberic with one, Y 3 baud s !rouse. Sbe biegan by giving, ! the name of Glpstr :and -tole the 3330.. ' flaiigliter, Valentine, ;t lovely girl of ' .decided object in view that he bad chance of beings tried rot, murder," I film all the money she could dispose of, ` ,. detested Consisting of the following Varieties : ventured to use the Inst mysterlously rift could not stay where he was D f 000 Francs. And Jit(( lost nnlst eighteen, si, do C;iic, ti Il rbo hater her jewels, which, bo pawned. � have yielded to the most terriltla iia caturtess, snot 12rut, de lu Verbc2'je ,threatening words, but be finds been in- By endtu'!ug it great deal of pail) .lie Finally, having nothing. more to give, threats. The day After the t'ohbary execrated the lutirquis, It arts said •6ptted to do so by his wonderful in- ullgh on -w llt still use s arm, so lie' started she allowed him to steal the money the poor woman. hear 'dying,,und that tindt' K r' Ilcare to keep P er the reign at 11'. it La �� LINT � -stinct• which with him wits like the after enemy, taking ( r from her husband's safe, That is � it was she who, at tits risk of being � �'erberie bud betrayed the affection of—C'.�0MP�1'QN S EARLY _ 'scent of a bloodhound. i In the middle or the road and avoid all what I thought" I Involved, sent you tite I0,001 t'raucs." I a fair daughter or the Chauterans. This t fit, r "What can this mean?" he muttered_ dark corners. ' Although hey saw no � -And in this way everything was ex- ""jtut which was the tiller, Raoul or i misdeed led to a duel, which in turn led —Sil<L Zt1;R S ,WORTH, J' A `� .O�'A e"Why was he so frightened!., what ' oil(.-, tie was convinced that he was be- I plataed?" I Clameran? NVllat enables them to j to !titter hatred between rile two 'terrible memory have l awakened? L ing followed. When lie reached the I .•No• this diel not explain everything, i thus tyran i!ze over Mine. Fauvel? " IIou`c& "- AINT EL OF MIDNIGHT need not boast or my penetration or I I•,oulevard hiontnmrtre•,he crossed It 1i as 1 well knew sit the time. flow is And how does Madeleine come., to be "Gaston do Clnn.oran met Valentine r � ��� the subtlety of my plans. Thet'e is a dtiid as be did so c.Ititfilgtilshe(l two Clamerau's positron to ba accounted iuixed tip Ili the affair?" cls la Verberle tit tit evening entertain- —CANADA �'1 great master, who without ;any effort i saado;cs which he recognized. They Par under my -first ibeoly?" "These quetjons. my dear Prosper, f meat, and the two fell desperately iia —SMUT NOSE in an instant destroys till my chitnerus. •crossed the sntnP street -cion he cross I •`Clameran Is Lagors' accomplice." I cannot 3•et answer, therefore I am ' love. Gaston would often plunge into �tq7' lie is called c•hance." ( ed, a little higher tip. I "Ali. there is the mistake! I for a not yet ready to report on the case, I 1 the 11.110110 tit Clan'teratl laud rise out o, —BAILEY'SILE y 'S—Ttut to name His mind had wandered far from the "I have to deal -with desperate men," j lona; time belteved Lagors to be the oily ask you to wait ten days. and .if 1 the water at Verberle, where he would present 4ceflo when some one touched , he muttered. •'They do not even tape l principal person when, in fact, lie is I cannot Ili that time discover the $oli- I have a secret meotiva with Valentine. flim on the shoulder, recalling him. It ( the pains to conceal their pursuit of nothing. Yesterday lit a dispute be- � tion the mystery I will return and I In order to faellitate these meetings � I is Y p toe cF e y y � � � i°'�i � . ;-vas the man lit the Venetlan cloak. ine:' t -teen; thein the rorg;emaster said to go wltb you t° tell M. Patrig;ent all ',Gaston would place a light in his win• "q t ;l RK "•Are you satisfied. 1i. Vy-dluret l he I He continued his way up the boule- 111, Friend, 'Anel, above all things, illy � that we know:" do«• immediately before starting wlltcIl DENT SMA" 0. " Inquired. card (tad. without turning Ills bead, friend, I would advise you not to resist "Are you goln„ away?" I could be seen by Valentine tit her borne. t "Yes and no. monsieur till- count— I was sure that his enemies were thirty f me, for if .you do I willcrush you.' "In an hour I shall be on the road to I The two lovers, despairing of perniis• ` HITE CAi' DEN T—Its greatest Merit lies in, the fact tlo, becaw p t have not completely , feet behind him• i That explains all. The elegant La- Benue'alre. It was from that neigh- sloe to marry, kept till it secret Indian- mchicved the ob.1vet I hnd In view "'1 must get rid of them somehow," E gory Is not the lover of Bine. Fauvcl• boyhood that Clameran came Its well cy, -which led -to Valontine's becoming that it is a Strong,. rank grower, with a good many Stickers. It when i its1wil you to be admitted here i he said to himself. "I call neither re. I but the tool of Ciamerau. Besides, did as \tine. Pa.uvel, who was a Mile. fie a wife without the sanction of the tonight: yt•s, bernnse these two ruse:ls I turn home nor to the Archangel with pill• first'suppositious account for the lit Verberie" church or the law. will grow more bushels on poor, thin land thaTi any other kind ill a tm bellaved ill which dispels all these devils at my heels. They are i resigned obedience of Madeleine? It "Yes; I knew their families." "One evening Gaston went into a doubt." Collowing• Hie to find out where I lice is Clameran, and not Lagors, whom "I must go there to study them. Ncl- cafe for a cup of coffee. Litter. -chile in the world. It stands .the drOuth better than O other "And yet yon complain"— and who I am. if they discover that Itiadlelatno obeys." they Raoul not' Clameran can -escape playing billiards, hearing \ alentino's Varieties grown in the same country. •" t c.)r1 plain monsieur the I the clo wnAs Al.Verdurat and,that M. +• remonstrate. •kig m a ser/el-. m coupled >itli his -own to her dis- 1 d0 not ( 1 t - Prosper begat! t0 l j101ICe StlrwC]11:1t1Ce dill lr �, y h I name COt j St , -count. (.Ili thovolltl'ahv, I tNesm chance. Verdnret Is It. Lecocj. there Is tin end M, Verduret shrugged Ills shoulders. 1 But yon, • Prosper, must 'be prudent. I. tivalar, Ile demanded a retraction, be - or, rather. i'rovidectcc. «•itlrb hits ,ins-• to illy plans. They will escape abroad To convince Prospar he had only to °II Prout!se me to remain a prisoner here Came embroiled and killed two men. EARLY BUTLER DEET—The ears grrow to a good size revealctl to nu" till exist"nce or it se- � -with the money, and I shall be left to utter one -word. He bad simply to say I during my trip." IIe tial to the chat,a, where be con- cret that I did not before even sus• console+ myself with a wounded arm." that three hours ago Clamernn had all- .All that \l. Verduret asked Prosper ! few -ed to ]tis father hIs Intimacy with and no corn in cultivation will outshell it 7o lbs of ears have peat:." � The idea of It(toul and Clameran es- nonucect Ills conning marrIage with -willingly promised.� t � r Give or stx guests npflrnttehcd the caping so exasperated him that for an madoleine. But be olid not. a And he had the good sense to follow I (To be eondinietI.) shelled out 64.1 lbs J shelled corn, leavill� Onl} j1 lbs fOt' file count• lnterrupting< tlu1 slwAl ers, IIe instant he thought of having thorn ar- "Clameran" he continued—"Clame- the recommendations of Ills mentor. j -vent aft %witll them ul't"r giving the rested tit once. Thts twits easy, for he ran alone has Jlme. Fauvel Ili bis pow -During; M. vet'durct's absence he re- I -- -- - �-- -----_ - cobs. It has no equal. We have never had a complaint of clown ;t friendly nod. The hitror in- only had to rush upon them, cry for or. Now the question is what terrible malned shut up in the Archangel, not stantly tort -w nsJde it!:; Intimer and help• and they would all three be ar- secret is., the basis or hN mysterious . avail t'ppaafing'4:tthe�whido-ws. I Lame Bac 01116 corn. Withstands ClrOutll. started through tue crowd lit pclr.tuit rested Incl taken to the station. The power? I have positive proof that ' On the uinth day ,of bis voluntary 4r Herne. Fauvel. She had left the gal. police often resort to this ingenious they have not met since their e:tr1Y !seclusion Prosper began to Peal rest - In the Korpfing'. poli simple 1nreso a!' arresting; it 1131110- it and , ,„ CLC)I D'S EARLY DENT—Earliest of the heavy variet`tesr levy. Ile foundauvel. lies shad l t a sofa youth until fifteen months at loss and tit 10 o'clock at iAgbt set forth n �u in in it ani- factor rot, whom they nre on the look- AIme, Fanvel's reputation has always to take a wall:. iiia had a headache ,, r- rows In the large salon. e „ F out and whom they cannot set�e2 with- , r, There are ,,r�." t produces a lame amount of Early green fodder per acre, a mated conversation with Madeleine. been above the reach of slandie { and thought the air would do him hallpeople out tt warrant. The next day there is I Therefore Nye shall not know all till II good. a good average height, somewhat taller than rural thoroughbred. "Of course." muttered the clown. a general explanation. and the par- j we know Clameran's past. All. to- urate. Alexandre, 'who seemed to Sitio find it a 'they are talking over the scene. But ties, If Innocent. are dismissed,,. The I �gt': :what has become of Lagors :tad e Dnight when 1 mentioned his brother hat•e'some kno«•let"ge o, \I. `t erdllret's 'difficult task 1;; vc^- z � f and clown had sufficient proof to sustain (;;;ston's name be turned as w121te as affairs, bagbaci Prospar to reluain at 1 getting up ill ��� STAR LEA\MING--Ears are of good size, set tow down •Clamerau?" him In the arrest of Lagors. ITA could E if lie had seen a ghost. And then I re- i home. the niornincr, M soon saw them wandering among snow tha IctYar un(1 the mut[htted pi ay- i the tnbered that G;tston died audio ttiy "SVlt-it can I risk by taking a 'waik on Ceotult of a �t rJ nearly always two good ears on each Stahl ; deep grains, strong the groups- scattered about the room or boo%, be could reveal the existence' I }while lits brother Louis was making at this time in a quiet part of the r � � o goat lnl rOvetllen - on and eagerly Asking questions. + ' him a visit" city." be asked. "'I can certainly stroll terrible 1laitt e • vigorous growth, stalk ', leaf nutUre, c1 p of the p:t«ubrotce2s tickets to the "These honorable gantlem0i are try„ house at Vesinet, he could display his ?" g ata. sorC't1C5S ;"C y "Do you think he was murdered?" as far . s the botanical gardens with- r! Ing to find out who I am. Beep it up. tvotutdecl 11rm. Ijaoul would hC tom- "I think the then who tried to assns- out meeting :utq ora" e "eros'stlic-in illi y�/,! ti'` the old Leaning. ,my friends. Ask everybody" pelted to con'f'ess how and why he had ; striate me would do .anything. The Unfortunately lie did not strictly Pot- bi ttllCltaCiitll tt CI ,;}•1yy / Tiley soon gawp it up, hitt were so assumed the name of Lagors and to i robber my friend, h:is now become a low this programme, for, having reach- ili.•..iC., i'i,iu a� (f;�1 vt t EAR i They- soon and anxious to t atone in y' ttt � � � Ll B AILi:Y—:� favorite in Some sections, but not the i what end lie was p:Wstng himself oft' i ..tee; 3arr. detail,. =it is easily, explain- ad .the Orleans railwtiy station, lie jl ai Stf 111 t1.11 cl S ordey to reflect and deliberate that, for a relative of JI. Fauvel. 1 went into a etre nearby and called di,Cbtnioi•tiili' a best .in the market now, as it has been on the market some I (without wafting for supper, they tool: On the other hand, in acting thus i tior :i glass of beer. (tjlCPtbtibu. EvCP l tlOty ttrnwt iotas Uave of Dime. Fauvel and bel' niece, hastily he was insuring the safety of T tb Il- e so- baclk so bad ears ago with, n0 special merits. �o dt i..e jlfci:edi up a daily paper, The y g p saying they were going. The clown the principal villain. De Clatueratl. I t el ' � r• • < "' ' p �; Suit, unci nnt.ct the head oa Fashion- S•oi7.'d try to get otit Of bed yAti d sate -kern go up to the dressing room, ha proofs had he against hlm t Not s ta,.,t" 11b1e Gossip." ' sl^ued Jacques Durand, ' t c� T' take their cloaks. descend the grand s t ' atrtnos, scream with rite lzain I. Y. i.,.—This new corn has been grown in Wisconsin, one. IIe had strong suspicions, but no read the rollowing: I (;r, i't do iiluell Of a t: a3 08 \•TOil1 staircase and depart. �� facts. On reflection be decided that fa "� t- "It is announced that the niece of "I have nothing more to do hare," he �j ° ln+'@�, ,� c;artiu; eft witli a back as bad as Nebraska, 1lichigan, and is the best of all for � ilaae, and fod n he would act :tloue, as he had thus far t3�.: �l li^dscsids.le �,`;tt °lie of our most prominent bankers. \I. 1 y said. done. ttlltl would 'discover tba truth /`S.Fd , ,;t.. tal,ti-1.Gt tit for 111casttTe oitllei. M ryllf Andre Fauvel. will lie shortly mar- grower and matures early. And;' completely covering his dress or Itis suspicions. Having this v.r foo nn maks our bar- 3tk.' Well, all this be.cl:acllo and 11:it1 der corn, as it !lardy, a Vlgol'OUS p y tr-,. tied to Ai. la Marquis Louis de Clttme- `� c.l, 1 ! with a domino, be started for 1101110. , I Hexa ata tot'- as n ;n,vo , „ "t•"=., n decision, lira first stcjt to be taken was ala to tour,,: ce wtro ny t ),I ran. t:n.� t,...css ;ttt(1 .sorent ss comes The stock will grow to the height of I , feet when well cult He lit a cigar and,, walking up St. La- to get rid of his shadowers. Uo wall:• nsln, Ettit. .li.AkHar- ,� 'This news, coming upon him so tin-,. l.t+" tit>;3 the killacys alb alo., 90d dd rapidly up Sclutstotai, sleeping Oltt i noF. tail.- Vott can ,�i,�.,t zare street, crossed the Notro Dame de g =engtlieri its tyre-matceit "i , d' expectedly, proved to Prosper tale just- ! up, C tri t elo tlicir work ropea'1 ' ' ,,, I mat .vies ns loss to :t !�•t t ' propel � , 5, Voted. Don't fail t0 get it for the SLlO OY fodder; Call slid .Loretto and made for the Faubourg bgidlly; atnd, reaching rite square, he I r rdinarily vos:d, ��� uass of if. C'Crdtuet's calculations. r `a • -liar t ' ` i..dl son back o safici for it. Xontmartre. Suddenly as he entered ahraptly stopped. meeting. two ser- l '" zo Alas! Why did not this ccrtaINty in- ,1ttSt tt;S a bbl ot• ttvo of 13T. /see the size of cob. •Oilivier street n man emerged flom a geants of police, he asked some insi; , �°' s 4'(.,_ spire hint with absolute faith? Why � I-„tefiler's 1;r,cka,ehe iduq Tablets. itlace of concealment and rushed upon niticant questions. The maneuver lead b �'Lt �''1 1, KA did it not „ iv�e him courage to w^it, to t : ll lint ., cllang,,o you'll fud eoinin2, German. millet: him -with raised arta. Fortunately the the result hct expected. Raoul and n + ' do nothing'., lien. ]Cd by Matters of i clown had a Catiit.e' Instinct, which an. Clameran stood perP(+etl sttit abouts ()* d i t rtt1 "You'll b^ able IG S�irina Hiingarian. Seed. y � ei ° Ij mind, lie ileady saw Aladeleinc iuclis .abled hint to protect himself against twenty steps oft• not daring to all• i ”' i solubly unitod to this villain alio' ""Al"iy4711L' bed in file 1i1G1"�ilug� tiff Immediate danger and veep a'.sha r makee a poor ocking Aar• silver Mull BUckN h P tdtnce. 1'tcenty steps!- That -t as ns I mese like new, nl.tds or ^� thinking tbnt Al. Verduret would jeer. i civ= 1a LC_iC1iCt, atticlfeellcftLw.aCt1 Fat. ,watch about him. Ile had seen• or, notch start its the clown wanted. � pure, bcavy bodied oil, es 11a1ts retire too fate to pt,eceut it, de- ' a,td tit f3i' �roiir d:ii1� dtttiCs, •rather, divined, the man crouching in tVhlie ttlkin t with the sergeants he �( p`r�ha en liar,10 ^tit:• • tornnined at all risks to throvw Ian ob I I, .m r Sa\v LOg 14latlgle, the very choicest strains in rite market. the dart: shadow of A !louse and IlAtl had! pulled the ball of the door before I coil aver where q stacle it, the way or file m^ri-higo. lie s TZJC ° °� .rPt)F' T Mangle. g which they were standing, and its I W cane—alfa,-es. t,' o" Yellow ILltermediatC an le. put himself on guard, spreading out g, . collect ter pen and 1)ap^r, and, forget- r�s..j:.1'tva ��s,a,co:=«t„h S re -,St:1]tii: , a iris arms. This movement certainly the door was rade bytxrEr.1Z01icourety. ting; dint no situation call excuse the � +..tt,.,.sars. I,YbaeLwtistn:ibr `-vny. a sound apprised h[rtr that the -saved his life. Atizer more than Dain open. Lie stepped into the house. A I mean cowardice of all anollyluotis let- i vas r t;e. ztg psi lover and hole "os a IZOy11 Gjatli SUgftt Beet, tl-e largest, and (.arty harvested. .---••--� _ __.. tuiuute later the sergeants had passed I dull rrindin,, pain over my tic ue} (. At ter, disguising his hand, hC -wrote to 1i:::•;t I h tl headaches, and often I tars X ll kitld Of clover Seed yet til Ste?clt. " on, and Lagors and Clameran in their \J'• linuvel: (i]zsy, partacu1.%rl,Y if I had been stoo ung, r Dys� '� �� ttnu eau;; the boll. tVt2en aha potter Kidney Dear Sir lora consigned your crshtar to prison. Inial crsw A:x04` 1ing, then andtbet, Gut Se Q tSi. Crell'tUYV ni9d Lill�oa• ® ^ppcatedl, they asked tc110 it was that Fan did well, since yon %vote convinced or his t'. tty$:,,no,l)oitSliliiGut bene;5b tilllltegan Heart Trouble bud just gone In (INguised as n clown. � n dishoneny and faithlessncsz nut even if be stole nsln"r I'itchCt,'s Iiidney Tablets. Thoy go Mandscheuri &� ICy, , i "Sa boo tnrnes from your safe, does it follow that ri^'! to iho sUot rncl I foatid prompts re• They entered told that no masked person i Molders dens he able stale \tine. vauvw-i diamonds and patvnod `'' 4 - a .• � a Black and xulless Barley. hid catered and than nave aP the lodig• yj, t prem at nre flout -ole --'fete, where they now are? lfc f.@-1�°•l to before ewer cid Yate :ts tach y `Mr. George Webber, St. Georg( Street, a p•aillod as �»u are. in yanr place, i would not °O I -worrier sitLgdsG f n pis �oaC su.a rino r •Chatham, Ont„ states'—" I was very ner- ars hnd gone, out disguised that night. Are no he the suh;cet.of public scandal.- t would watch as tt1 h twa7 t0 try 60M."x' lg3\ Seed. •vows, troubled sortie w]tI1 my heart and "however;' added! the concierge, "I %' my wife and would be distrustful at handsome Dr. I?itclier's TImetacho Itiducy �cablcts suf[eredagreat deal from nervous dyspepsia ant not eery sttrC, for this liousa Lias a g•aspeet'C, cousins. sinr.ovir, I�wowd before, sianina the at•C 'it,. n, J.ox, nt allclru„;fists or by mail, - GrOUnd Meal. And indigestion. Dr. Chases Nervo hood It p para .t;e r or J) rt ar \.m”, stria o ilio request the i,,. c 1'rrcn:.,t C o.. Tc out o. Out. as prOVen a thorough Curb In my Case. act, door which tl ells oil St D0111s 1 o pec"ec Iwr of puifee to t the me some intortnatlon After having used it for some time I am St2'eet.it , eonccrnit:g the noble siarquisde Glatneran. X11 hinds Of turnip seed. pleased tasay that I am entirely restored "We are fooled," interrupted La- ersotis. A ratratu. i fillies GLE3r3i3fNG Del= (�S,' to health. The indigestion does not g;ors, ""and will never know -who the Prosper hastened off to post his let• —� trouble me, my nerves are strong and clown is.'' People Ili every -yolk of lite are troubled. tet. -I ern -lig^, that it vwot1131 not reach I .per (4tibb;lig rates witl2 difl`Crent T110 vigorous and the action of my heart is "Unless we learn it too soon for our ]Tare you a 13acicacttr? ;.If you have 1t m, l•anvel In tiine, he walked tip to nowspapers aro is follows— regular." _ own good," said Clameva-111 musingly. is tite fir;,t sign that the kgdnays and !tot Cardinal Lenloltre ,treat land put it y it'Il!le Lagors nncl rile for ,e . t' Tflnes noel Weekly Globe$1GCt i7 spepsla and heart trouble fiM L L% r u°nt1 " master w°rkiirg properly. in tliq tualn tostoflice, so as to be cor• 6Q nand in hand. When the blood is were fill] of anxiety the clown hutirie(i tail or Its speedy d'olivory.:• Times and ST(t;l;lw ;loll 1 "c ; An th11i and watery and the nerves Lire -weak A neglected ilaot.achr. l awls to ser]oils grimes and'F'amily Herald and up the boot: street ttud reached titO until then .he had, not ottibied the and oxhausted, cve'ry organ In tne°body Is Archangel hotel its the Clock struck '8, ""It' y Trouble. 2 tiVCel.iy Star 1 d1 liable to get slow and uncertain in action. t= had dropped ed tits action. 'Mut now he I l cool uartets for Itttre Seed. Check it in'tltne br taking p Y Til'ues:tnd'GTCekI aril 1 tri fl Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is rho mast pow- Prosper, wins rolls-v'ataniug• from his hail dttroplied the letter, •tvh li be heafd 3' :er£nl Chablose's Notder and is nerve restorative windrow, saw him In the distance and I it fall Into the bO;c it thousand sei'uplos Vines :Intl illofltieai Nvitnei s 1 00 that medical. scicnco has ever devised, It ran dowin to Open the door for hila and;DOAN PILLS came to him. Was it not wrong to act Times and Western AlfIvektiser I so KIDN y cures thoroughly and permanently by - . g y It Y led hhn up stairs Impatiently. ., . , . � " . . , - C , thus hurriedly? 'iVot2ld not this letter Times anti I!`ttr`nloys' �iltlwocato I S.i . - �., I� � � ', ,t� A. ,� A ,, . ,� �+, � reatorifithe to beaith and „ 1 'e ou earned?" lie said. '>T14Z GkEA"Ti,.X1D,,(1~it &P1.CfIt'E interfere with All ' VerdurOVA plans? Toronto , ail Star, � 80 » �. A. A. o�lr*`tD",A. A. ., A- ` AAA• > %Mutt 1 y 1 v%gor. 5o cents a box, at all daalota, oft ,What did yon find 'out? Did yoti sea They cure all kinds of �iidatt'y Troubles 'C,1Pon i'eticnlugf the Hotel his' doubts "+- • A. A. A. A. • .. ""` • �' .. Ttmtis au(l'1 Oro i a D y f�ln�n�� Adluanson, Bates & Co., Toronto, Madeleine? Were Raoul Andt'Clamoran frorf liackaelre t° Bright' Disease. wore changed! Into bitter regrets. 4o - 00 o Tunes and Daily Globe at the ball?"' SCo. a t bwe err r wi•ys sapb 'Dubois Wag waiting for hill). lie we could extend the list, but it ire _ nOt rAtcs ori uy Alow8pap et• or soft zinc. fig But M. Verduret vvae not #n filo nail- AI1'drsor5 'r hnd received al dispatch from bis pit- necesslity. `Vire call Rise y Dr. Chase".8 it of discussing 'private Affairs whero iron saying that rials busluoss was 11n= tagl2zina. ' 7f11D'oA1tt Iti3(if f2>'lE. GIy1� T'ii7e'CYSnC$, lq nl:htbCotCleld. 1512itit thAtliwould tttS1lfiti6llltttNerve k '?Veining tit 9 nYelbalc I% trill, LION w_._....u. .•. .,_5r d>, a,.li.- :esu.�:.a ,. ili�ii„ "�, ,.,:t.+r..::_,.Jea�w"i.ia'i1.a•�: ....�