HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-13, Page 54
13, 19020
r. 81111 Mrs. A. ilii, lial
T Smog
TUESDAYITh. Al slim Pri
SPL ����1®U��RADVICEI 31 "'w'" ties and
datioliter, Mr. still Mrs. Edw(Ird ble pha Sepator, Des
Quillau, nad Ue"."rp. llxl��iilrd 1$nd Evan
2*1 S.&LE, NOW ON OF --
TO WRAK, NERVOUS AND EASILY , 114tws lot; flit 11'ridity I Lot cill li, i1ris-Ing he Loading Store
TIRED WQXElf. trip. They i-iten(i to vat with mentis Air. BawtinbIrper Did lie', Write
Crowder's ill Uotowel. Arthur, (1rulld Testimonial Credited lo�'Htrn
stt000l* of Oslo W11911111ad
.d illul JLfootoll(i J�topolv.wett AxAlti, Z tional Separator Co,
Tailored and stroligth. 1111411JI,-VATA.K. it�'r
,,Voa Ilk 04) Stiffer, Valley and Oraugevilloo Oy the Agent of the Na -
From the Situ. ortinguylthl, (hlb. Tile garflon iwrty ingdor tlio;tuspices
0.0clarer Tile Alpha to be the Oci;tl
It is it 9004 illittlyyears sitioct the good, of the yoolig 11vople of the Presbyterian
Clothing wrougat by Dr, Wilint.1114 Vint; PxIls wa, I i church will be beld tit Friday of ne4t - lylachine—Re soll: rf 1he Te.st,
.4 first recorded in. tais cuiams of ale Sail,
but daring that period the oteri week, June 2011), ill Mr, Barr Dinlelit's
Saturday, Uonglay and Tuesday are to I%
-4 Of the Medicine has inoreawdiEs rvingta. Bluevalu rued. A progunnive In r(oply tro it, letrerovvit lift, sgautfure
be our Banner Sale Days—it quality and tion and every day adds to the number will be presotgull and a b:lnq will bo in apil. ])lit ported, to lifive btotl wrilrelk tov AT ISARD & 0%
price will do it. We lead; Others follow. of those Who ILAY0 101111d health NILQugh attendance. ALL. Oujoyu�be Oulu is ex- 11,111, and ollblished ill the Bee Of pof•kpt
a few ivords to tell you(tel
Just what POP All; the use of these fRUL011r) Pills, Minty ILL (hito, 0,1111rishill 111%l-titiner, Of kX011,
A this town have froull spulcoll OL the flyu, Oat,, 2nukes the iullv000lng state.
going to (in. Having trade a special per. J beilefil; they have derived front the title Mr. John, Bargoss, high auditor for
of New Goods for east), we are �4 of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to rhuhu Catialliall Order (4 1?,,j (..ste; so is in Ow
,ell Can't be, WNW
Ilellfryll, May 31, 100").
going to offer them for sale on Soturday, till I;her is added in the porlson of Miss StkiLd this
Monday and Tuesday at a very I Victoria Widths. 'Volt rdpurcurlufthe aigllCoart, .-Upba Do Lay Co.
small ♦'d as are 11,160 M"St'llp Win. J. Johnston uIld De
-4 Sul' who had heard of her care, Miss it- Sirs,—The Alpha separator
margin.. Eaeh lot will be on tables for .4 Widdis said: 8-Marill, 'y I uo, accordbil; tf) volliest
edri ituo Thutnas Stewart, reprtst)utaf;iVcs ijf %iqli(ill I p,11-1.11s;q These I hree Words exactly e> - press the general
your Inspection, cauge very igglich. run (Iowa; I telt ligod Court Den I glap. oil April J Sth has provel I i - L.'"if a superior Opinion of those Nx-ho Ivive seen our st(ick of
till the time, my blood was Novatery and I Mr. Whitfield Jerillyn, who was, crit- letachillo to Lha National for Now Coll,
was in what the physicians called Lial, ican mllich were, enrt,.rcld lit Ladies' Whitiewear and Shirt; Waists.
TABLE NO, I lr%l Ainot A
4 anaemic condition. I wits always weary iUlL0Y ill, is slightly improved, 4 lwnlvim I alm► 11111,Nt Ofty that 1110 1
27 pairs MeulR Pants. all sizes, worth Tile ngs of tile Ohritqiali Eudou, National agejit,,
41 -4 and worn out, not able Do (to allythilIg meed liallf) isstled u, t.-ireulur, BIG ASSORTMENT 1 LOW PRICES, I
1 $1,35 to $1.00,, Saturday, Monday A and yet not sick enough to be in boa. yor Society held alter (lie Sunday even• reforriog to the contest which cclitaills
and Tuesday, choice for ......... $1.00 ♦MV lit'
14 airl; bothered me with its collbt.lut ing r-ervives evils but buspelldk(t during rreot stut,sitients.
1. -0 palpitation, brought about by my the Ali I I d 4,sl t -a to s Ly to tiny dairy CORSET COVERS, nicely made and
Crewe weakness, 0 sulUttlur but will bu regitaltia ia Sol). wish '111
TABLE NO. 2 .4 T)1Y uppetice failed 11113 to 11 VllaFie a crt-ani sepkirulor Z
rs I tember. ill" lintr wrong iix pnr- -immed in the best styles, Made to fit and
.4 and I was gradually growing wu u. that lit, will do notl ti
17 Men's and Youths' Suits, in black .4 had heard auct read of Dr, . Williams' Rev. W. J. lViest, M. A. will attenrl Oblising gilt Alpha i-opanItor as it JAI)- wear iv
and blue serge and all -wool tweeds, C. 1, at I ic, 20c, 25c 135c, 5oc, 65c,
itw Pink Pilh,, and decided to give them it, the General A oiluilibly ia Tor dilues it touch suloot-114:11' erl"Aill, illi(!
b. 4 onto I. kis Ste our le.der aC 2 -C,
regular $8 to $9 a suit, Saturday to `4 trial. After using tuotu It sburi; Little it thoretoro inlikes little Y5c-
.4 It lititter loutte-,
Tuesday sale priee ................ $6.89 decided change was gluticealil week find will ahlo V16if, in Whitby.
.4 b kludlit is and ir. also sh-fins el )Sor Own the oilier
-d no oxiltggeratiou to say that I felt nki, all Mrs. Joint Burgess, Ulm Rubel Olivor, tillo,chilles enterod in the test. I L . . . . . . at
'4 entirely different person. MyUppotite Miss Mary Ming find ochots %yeut on tit(, 'It floes 'lot, whip tho crealli Up to Bileb LADIES' w H IT E sx i R1,s in girell
BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN AS CASH returned and with it good blUUd and 0 0 F, exlursilia to Owen 8unita oil a terriblo ratu its those 111001int-A (10, variety, With deep embroidcry, tuclk(ed,
tj stroDug nerves. I call cou4ciential)y say * ' imikitig ol, Anvigerolus font flit. 3-illInt-1
I. Wedue4day. Ve , _ at
for . Williams' Pink Pills that Che calves I would ])ot. have 1101101T, the dust frill, fine cambric, well made, 7rc,
did nioncoregood than I call tell, Tv On acliouli 0 of Ur. West's absence no Alpha separator did I ilou Illikof it the $1,25, $2, $2 50- See 01-M SPecial
Contains 13 BOYS' and Youths' Suits, in tweeds and serges, all sizes, all wouk, nervous, easily tired, rundown, services will be held in the Pres bytLriall betst niaotline,
Nvilwi Oct other agetits.
regular $5 9. suit., Saturday to Tuesday, choice _ ................ $8,50 WOU10111 I Say by alk-nieftLIS give Dr• church next Sabbath offered Into theirs for $,lb to &2o 110814 $1.25 qUality, selling nv%v for $1.
Williams' Milk Pills it trial and you kvillliouey than the Alpha T-vople. Pit yon
I ABnE NO. 4 -4 be delighted with the resuit.- Miss Mitchell of Wingliam, visited at. !nay jud'u wit h 'riaclauel was my LADIE.S' NIGHT GOWNS, With
4 only Men's Corot Coats, sizes (One each) 87, 39, 40, 42, travellers' 1 It is because these pills make rich, red Mr. Somerville's lust week. clinipe.
samples, down -to -date styles, reg. $10 it coat, Saturday to Monday $6.50 A blood that they cure shun troubles its, Dir, Will. Scinterville is recoverill."
►If anyone donlits this stateinglut they good wide skrts, tLICkt-,d )okes, with fine
-4 anaeugia, shortness of breath, lieudache,may write to mo for farther partienliti-j.
4 only Men's Bisenit Color Covet Coats, 'sizes (one each) 36, 88, 39, 40, 14 palpitation of the heart, rhonalatism, from his severe illiviss. embroidery, good quality
ip. of cambric, made
regular $12 it coat, Saturday to Tuesday ..... .................... $8.50 -4 erysipelas, St, Vitus' dance, and the to wear well, at 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25- S(:c
-4 f"110tiOnal ailinAlits that make the lives A True �Nvrve'rkoaicl. DECLARATION.
► TABLE NO. 5 4 of so inany women it source of constant (Will get, lot s our trade winner at 7sc, regrular $ i.0 nitiolt directly upon the lit the matter of certairi mitt of the
12 pairs Boys, Odd Pants, all sizes, -4 misery. The genuitio pills always hear nerves its upon Ulu dilroqive fulled Alpha o -ronin W,11111,11tor, 1, 011tiveltill
pills and the allundailt forallition. if r,(t, Bawflifilhinier, of thn towiisuip of worth 75o, Saturday only... .55 .4 the fall name, "Dr. WiLlialus, Pink LADIES' DRAWERS, well. made 1--
J for Pale Peop)e,ll Oil the wrapper on virabying blood. Nerves can't b) 1111 - 4
t. fed oil in the County of Hnro)), fiormer. do i-ol.
► V. trimmed with deep embroider\? and !,,j;
Got Crowder Price on Overalls every box. Suld by all dealers or sent medicine. They can however, be eillilly fleehl�o r1lat. it vottillit statt'llient , I C
I T, to by mail al; 50 cents a box or six boxes for restored mid strengthened W LWAroodlitted OHIO is behiR cirillated h.v the National tuck -d. 25c, -0c, 35c, 40c, 50c- Aq
►and Working- Pants 1.00, by uddreessitig t1w Dr. �Villiuttkisl food. Tile nkarvelons. action (if Ferroy, Cream Separator poop)(i to the efff-ot. Surpris-
Medicilie Ou., Brockville, Out. one atises from its action aver tile that, the said t -est whioh wils Illade oil the Ask to see them.
I digestive and assinlillitivu processes. ]Bill of April at n131 place was unfair i ncy value at c.
WU0XJLTLR. When you'take Ferrownto the blood is and 1111111ot till tile NatiOutil Cream separ
Ito. .4 ows rich ntor and, which stIttl3tilonf. 1111loports to 1N.
CENTS FLI Fa HISH INC PEPARTMENT 1 Dir. Goo. W. Cline of Wigggbam was purified, strengthened, and gr LADIES' WAISTS in the 1,1test t!%v York
.10, .4 in the village on Tuesday. and red. Then you grow vigorclas, have been signed by nifl, was never so
10-- Bi., cut in Shirts on Saturday—all prices. - healthy aDd beautiful. for %coik 111ado or t•firlled by- 1110,111d i.% it, I'llet nn- styles, open back or front, lots - of Avory on thein, and
-4 Russell Harris, of the B. line called o
10. In Shirts for the worlidtitz man we have .4 because you have the stron2th to do it. lace insertion.
Ili- I true'. I lZieve 61 U -sr. thon made to trimmed with embroidery and ]a Prices
ON. just received a new batch, sizes 1.0 to .4 Wroxeter friends on Tuesday. No tonic for the brabi, blood or nerves 1 llflv(' been a fair one. inirl -mls in no wife 1 7*�'
Ito- e '4 Teeswater football club play range thus : 50c, 65c,
16g-, choice ....................... .45 -4 ed friend- compares with Furrozwie. Prictl Wo., It I e.ffeoted by ii-onall hole in thli "Ki%tional 755c, $1, $1-25, $f-50,
4 Druggisi-4, or Poison & Co.. Ringston, shilikiner. that, WFos so completely cov- :e our dollar line, it beats
111o. See our win'dow for the latest in 1"lannei Out. Sold by A. L. Hamilton• ered by the rnhher that you could not e.
VA, ur boys On Saturday. $2, $2.50, etc. Ask to so
0 - Teckwear, etc. -1 SYCO)glle"1310tc"oVii,nilfa0vor of Wroxeter. Hatuil to tile; Fills are Effective. 1!)Io%v through it. That I was iievpr► ther�i all
so t Suits, N 4
4 Mii. Barber of Gorrie called oil Mrs. lirt.-atatied with it ruit, or It -,cal proeped- FI R E ! F I RE 1 Sale of damaged Prints now going
►Jugs-4 Brethauer oil Tuesday.
o fill dild by the Alplia egout or
'd R. B. Harris and family, of Turnberry 01-1URCH NOTES. Company. wi iijulY and freely paid on. They must be sold quick.
The P.. GROWDER Go. '4 have moved into the house r Rev. W. J. Abbey, of Brusvils, a for the - 1plia separator and Lout quite
Illo- recently pur. ; sati'lled that it is not only thot eqnloil, but &
lo. Men's Outfitters. WINGHAM chased from Mr. Harris' father. graduate of Heron Collego and former when the question of clo,�c t-icit
w I nillint" is
Colin A. Campbell's old strand. Butter and Eggs tallen as cash .4 Walter Davidson of Morris was in 1 Loudoner, has been extended it uuani- considered, is,irl a intioll 111 -her class
than I Ito National. 0 1 F r 0 U
'4 town on Tuesday, mons call by: the congregation of St. 1kQP8oSh1'8 Bank. of Hamillon Highest price paid fdr
,AAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA,&AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ' is church, Gait. I wish to iwolia state that the state,
Homphill & Son have,brected it cable John
. . ..... itietit over my liame is outdrely untrue
o from their oatmeal mill to their store. Rev. D. ?,4rrJc is, in. Toronto tills -andwaa inarlti without niv ktiowleilgo for I
* house and will run the elevator in the week attending file meeting of the Gen- constant, as I signed. no siuh paper as is!
Tha pulpit in the Fres- circIll"..ted. ifowxctc.
* storehouse by power from the oatmeal oral Assembly.
♦S a §31 a f AN- in a e Vf in And I makro this Qnlemn decleration, On Wednesday evening of last week
♦mill. byteriau chur,Q), oil Sunday next will 1* colisciPWif,usl
y behilving it: to bo true at the residence oflUrs. 11tunall, Sharp- The nonnoil met as a C:lart of 3evi-
J. Brethaner was in Wingliam' on occupied by 1 6v. Mr. Little of Toronto- and liumviniz it is of the7ramn force, and in oil the 0. line, Hoovielt, a pretty sion oII tile us,;es
♦ I i smout cru Ma v 26til.
♦Monday and called oil Town Clerk 1'er- effee-t as it made ander coil 1i gind by vir- I wedding took place, the oecitdou built,, ',%jellIbers all
AF AM W192011, tue of the Cauada, Eviflclnee.&ot, 1893. 1
gusoll. -HEALTH FOR, LITTLE ONES. the marriage of her daughter, Em mill to Pre8flut all t sabscrilviZ
• 10HURCITILT, BowTniNgxi-,Na-.t,. the oath required by statute. AppEIVIS
Reeve Munro being confuted to his Declared before wil, at the township of Mr. Arthur S. Tolton, of Ktiusas City, were disposed of as follows 0 vs i_.
+ , v .: Id.,
.+.♦ house, the council held, its regular meet- nabel; ONvori Talolet,; 71I.t1clo ClInoirf,11 Well R.111M, ill the Counly of Pti-th, tI& 4th formerly of Brant Township. The veru- N1. Cardiff, reduced $200 Oil S. pt,
+ ing at his residence oil Monday evening, and Keep T1116111. Well. dAy of Julle, in flit; year nf our Lord, inouy was performed by Rev- I- &- Me- coll. 5; A. Roe, reduced $1W on X, pr.
+ If your children are subj(-,ot to colic, 901 Ti-Tos. VVLT.AirroN. Kelvey in the presence Of Over Sixty 4, con. 1; J. and ,T, Millti ei)tered G*Nllner
The council lowered the assessment; oil indigestion orally stontacli. trouble; if Commissioner, &-c. I
Table Sets, consisting of Covered I relatives and friends of the young gi,;
Victoria T the Walker House to $750. The Walker they art) &roubled with eciisUpati.,0111 12, coil. G; Thos. Mill -1r eatered,ten-
T ♦House -will have no license fo thi diarrhoea, or ally of the ills that afflict RESULT OF TEST.
+ Sugar, Covered Butter, Cream Jug and couple. Miss Naomi Pointon of Harris- alit 8- 1�1' 22, Coll. e;; Jas. Nesbitt enteric:
ton, cousin of the bride played the wedd-
+ Mr. Munro of Milverton visited -,vt little ones, give them Baby's Own I To whom it may concern -.
♦ Spoon Holder. Tablets. This medicine will give relief owner.N. !,-' 4, coil. 8; M.� 1,T101101 entc--_
+ his brother, Reeve gularo this week Tnis is to certif`V that I tested the ing march. The bride was assisted by ed telialit N. �9 26, coil. 5, John. Wigttt-
rightaway, making sound, refreshing cream and -ldui iiii1ir from till) three
+ I s -
+ FOR 45 CENTS. # Mr. Duff of Belmore was in town sleep possible, It will put children on separators named below with all due har sister, Miss llarAet Sbarpiti, and nagg ecgrer(�d tenant W, lit., 1, cou. 0,
+ ♦ Tuesday. the highroad to health at once. It is fairness to each with the Babcock til,;ter, , the groom by his brother, Chas. D. Tol- A. Tikvlar entered toolint . S. 1%1. 13, cola.
+ Mrs. John Laniontly and daughter of doing this to -day for thonsands Of on the evening of the 18th of April, 10 . 0 ton, of Gerrie. The bride stud brides. 5 , George Lft
+ d
children in all parts of the country. with this result : wrenne ent6rif]. F.
maid were neatly attired in attility white 1, coil, 5; Russtll
Fruit Sets consisting of one Fruit Bowl and • Belmore visited with Wroxeter friends N[rs. R. L. McFarlane, Bristol, Quo,, Separator. No. Bottle. Crca Shim 111111C. muslin. After congritt-alations had Xj :�,I, con. 9. 01, motion of Code aue
+ Fear entered F. S. S,
+ Six Glass Nappies • last week. says:—" I take pleasure in testifying to I—NatfolAill 9 1.14.4 fa mr, .17 fat;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston of Grey the merits of Baby's Own Tablets. I 2—_&nif-J'C1tn 11 16.4 11 .041. - been extended those present sat down to Shaw, t,
+• were calling oil friends here on Tuesday. have used them for niy baby since. slick 3—Alpha 1) 8?18 11 .03 11 a sunclovilous wedding supper. The
FOR •40 CENTS. i Court of Revision then 0.,
s journed to Meet Again on June 23rd at
0 Mr. Johnston purchased a now buggy
was "'roe months old aii(I previous to Wu. D. COUSLEY, bride was the
+ using then! she wits a delicate child. recipient of a large numb- 10 o'clunk, a. ni,
:+ while in town. Silo is iio%v (111ito tile reverse, as silo is Stratford, Ont. or of handsome unit useful pret�ents.
Table Tumblers a Great Bargain just the Mr. Armstrong was in Brussels on plump, healthy and strong. I think Council business then proceede�-.
+ After sponding a couple of weeks' honey -
Thing for this Season of the Year Wednesday. Baby's Own Tablets the best medicine MinutEb Of last InectingrocAd And passtred.
I moon viqiti ag friends lit different Places A petiti.)n was presented by W. A.
• in the world for little ones." These i William and Harvey Watson left oil! •-
Mrs. R. X. Runic was in NVILighant on in Ontario they will leave for their new ton and others asking to have sidelinrt�
0 Tablets are good for chililrell. of all Wednesday for Maglistique, Iliuhigan.
35 CENTS PER DOZEN. • Sunday and brought home her son, Ed- ages and diss'olvtolinwater or crashed home in Kansas City. The best wishes between lots 25 and 26, con. 7, opened,
die, who had been staying witil. his to a powdar they can lie given with Mr. Watson has rented his house here of their many friends will go with them
absolute mitery to the yontigest, weakest it Taylor said pe�
pros life. titian was laid over to be considefed a-
• grandmother for some time. and the rest of the family intend going forti, happpy and pt On motion of Shaw an
♦ baby. Guaranteed to colitaitt 11 to 1 to Michigan in the near future.
The track at the park should be fixed 00 1 next collitell meeting. 'on motion
+ or harmlid drugs, Sold by till flepllill�rs The cougregatiou of the English
+ 0:
mom up now, so that it would be in good at 25a a box, or send postpaid by writing Tile Cause of Deatruess Code and Jacksort, the. Veevo -,var in-
+ AT ku 4 1 church have erected it new fence in front I
+ + shape for the lat of July. direct to the Dr. Williams' Aledichle
+ R I r + of the church. which adds greatly to the Deafness and impaircod hearing are due structeci to havo V orbes, bridge put i--
+ Jos. Cowan, out village clerk eou- Co., Brockvillet Out., or Schenectady, almost entirely to catarrhal inflaiiiinatioll proper atat-� of ropair. On motion of
+ N.Y. I appearance of tho place.
+ ++ templates taking it trip to Manitoba in lof the enstitchilta tubes. Pbrujauent
+ Mr. and Mrs. William. Geddes are Tis- cure Jackson lind. Shaw Mr. Taylor was ir�_
► ......... ......... ...... 44+ the near future, narauttied to all who inl)ale
The cold weather has given local SCHOOL BOARD, idug ill Owen Souncl tills week. Cacal!rllhozono its directed. Thisveget. lit-rilc ted to liavti bridges oil 4th and $ tit
The b6ys in this locality are preparing able autiseptic is inhaled at the mouth, lint's put in a propor State of repair, also
gardeners plenty of work in covering up Regular and monthly meeting of the 11 11 after traversing all the till- ptls.wges to,have necessary filling done at Sur:- them from freez- School Doard was held on Tuesday of the respiratory organs is exhalt,it
tomato plants to h for a big da•y oil the 203th. All kinds of 11 1
--Chairman I eradicates evening. Members present y games and liberal prizes are offered. through the nostrils; - it coillpleteiv shine brid,;e, On Inotioll Of Shaw atg�.
TnUmE CORNER DRUG TOR •+ ing. Everybody come and give the burg a big I L dicates catarrh from any part, ()r the Godo tho sung, of g�lzo wits granted f(-,,
Xbrp and Messrs. Ilonglith, Abraham, 1 day, system, clears tile ears, nose ita(l. tbroftt 0xP011dif-ave Oil east and west boundaries
Griffin and Moore. Miuntos of last land- allays fifflagailiation, coligost' '
imean Geddes at aud, $30 V-101 01, X61th. And South begun('- were readand approved. Mrs. 10, D4s. Morrow, I !:111C r,-qreuQ&, For Deaf Lss,, Earacxv'i
have Mid a
The principal for the month
il "!11" fig
N s
of May vas read as follows o 13�s.b, 1;�o m" 011ths left, turrli, A,,thw:1 and Bronchitis' meawai 'Pitties 'Ji ell lln e(luivale#t- Oil motlor,
r '.Mr. Shaw wwGardem.Mr. 4 CkIA, for their homes in Lanark county On science call device nothing as benellicial as of Taylor and ja(..ksollThe Nerv,�xsDept. Boys Girls Total Avg theyillagqtor ii; Catarthovone. coullAtto '01itlit toy instructed to intetviefov the operator i;,,
Monday. I
la&b 32 88 50 4D two inoliths, use, Price $1.00;
I have used your Nai M trial •sizo �5c. Druggists, or N. 0. re and to use of team on road grader.
Nervous energy, the one thing r Vigor 2 17 25 42 1 V i %
lacIring in the majority of people, for five years and am greatly 8 27 23 60 48 The death of Me. Tattles 11. Benson, Polson & Co. I Mugstoll, Ont. —Ocolints 'were Ordered to be lyxid as fol.
Seeds i plonsed with it, It Certainly ra- 4 17 28 45 42 Hailliltogils Pills.,kre Birect've, 10% s: D0.2 & Stowurt, flooring Bodme.,
depends lipen the proper nourish- Stores the original color to Arty 5 22 3.1 50 151 sheriff of West Assitiabilia, took place 'T brilge, S45.;10;
. " 1 50 Sunday as a result of 11 raralytic stroke "To,", Walwoil, assassorli'l
utoat of the brain and nervous sys- ItR 0 —Wts. a 35 22 57 Uloltlt;15,
'lirsoft W I Salary buililing
It , lk. ps 7 23 2D 0 413
tem. Unfortunately artificial storm- Plant Good Fresh Ect"tiltic enny,NtwPortl4nd,?v1e. 8 48 4G .04 81 sovertamontlis ago. Deceased went to, O.1 the after000n of We(luesday, 'T1111" $3; J4.40. Al"LiuMillan, work on rock,�.,
ulants are resorted to and the result Seed and Satisfactory the ;vest in the earlyeighties from Se' a' 4th 1111 interesting event took place at Nv. Marl-, Part solar .J
81.0 40A;
Ayer's Hair Vigor has 201 410 403 forth- the home of 11r, And Mrs. Charles Jas, Scott, rcpairill ulv, to
is invariably it readdoh, producing Results are I go er P
Mental depression, (or blues) indbili- Assured. beon restoring color 70 1 1
I Respectfully submitted Ritelligi, Morris, when their second SnAth, putting ill enIvert,
ty to sleep, weakness, headae-ho, un- We have in A. It. Mrs-mloyr, -3-0; 1. 1"
gray hair for -rift years, laughter, U 112,61letl), vas uulled in the Metatigblin, plow
hecoasalry worry, and other %volt Stock a full line Principal bonds of inatriniony to Will. H. Gilles. tVln. w brokell on road$IA4.
and •it riever fa% to do -1 .Abraham.-Hoinuth.—That the Pr Cochrane, t-,learing out; ditet:,
known symptoms Of nevvfts disease. of Gorden
(I sought this work, either'. ciPal's report be accepted as read.— Ore of Itiploy, soil of Mr. Wag. Gil- Iwo-00tiH. nolle, plittlog plank on oul.
What iamost licelled an Seeds, pure and lospie, of Searorth, Promptly at 4 Vert, 25c. The council then adjorl"Wil
by intelligent people is it nerve food fresh. . Yott can rely upon it carried. tl0 t8caPitig the getilig Of consdulp- o'clock,. to tile strticiggs of the wedding to meet after Court of Itovisicla an Tttue
and tonic combined. Such is Iron for ste )ping your heir Griffin-.11olhuth—That the teachers' I
ri or sale by the 15 alid, oilleers' salaries be pidi and that tioll; kill thein With healt1l. Health Match* the bride and grooru, took their 23rd next.
f Tonic Pills. 250 itbox, five ford. ounee. and package, frons i (Gg, for keeping places toell0ath it floral arch, and Rev. sc�JJV,, cl Wholitheir tvotk is completed, the chair I
your egri, and for only means of killing them., Mt. Rosa, of Brussels, performed tho
111-1,0-d.00rotilry issue drdovs for the lg your
eeretnony. The bride was becomingly
making your hair grow. Zune slc6ttls t. mfulsion. of cod-liver 04 Stitt, and —Thovo will, be li;Wiall ex
$1.00 a Wild. At! grolk!Afs. Board, then adjounod. dressed ill a litown travelling oftoug" to
_ .1 Ig'' -.1 earned White carhations. After ado. %,flitobil, and the North NV exit on. alle 3
It lout drligglit,&-oontlot 0groly yotio tvillgiveyou that Health, it OW4 wn,
An La HAMILT Nq kend Its cho do Ar still we will faxprkiss lightful repast i sorvod, the happy [incl 24 tina IttlY 1Mh goofl to. return
you a bottle. I'd sure and Itiv6 "the Iftstab —Thos. Maid of UntoWel hag boon tip- thlllg �%ill- young couple took- the OVA-11illig train
tivolnontbo. The r,%Iei r tipr#tum
NG A Addrefill I
DRUG a J. C. ATER CO., r.&ftll,XoIsA: ollet4b volosil P'nott 6amliLt X016 Veit tel
Pointed btdliff of the Sixth Divigion, & 66*rfot 4*41t000tle're. f6i, thOr b?)m iti. b )10Yi followed by, tickets v ivy frobi $IS to tio,gloo 0&
... ........ . Court; of ftth. t*. M4 $t4o,- till dtlittift the gitioaviihos of their many' ttiellas. destinati)n.