HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-13, Page 4r =' Sir Oliver.9owat, its 1894came Out Manager Bursts had his hands full in fi*l<Al(iHXA T MAIM= UIWOUTE !lAlAlAA�Cl4MOlt �RlQIOIFAiOC1oOCiMtiQO!!Ow!!!AlilN�l�O�101m�lAm•�!�! a�lw�A!«@�*MN of the elections with a majority of 8. keeping track of tate balls that were Corrected every Thursday afternoonftot • -... _: w Water Air. Hardy, in 1$98, reale bask with a landed outside the park-. by V. J. Carr, k'loar rtttd Feed Merchant. . JAS. H. KOO majority of 5. Mr. Rosa, ill 1902, Skates nearly beat out his flit; to third Wi4gham, June 12, 1002, JOHN KERR PEOPLE'S emerged witli 4 to the good. There is its the ninth,. which, hall lie aeconapliahed l±lour per 100 Lbs .. „, , , 1 05 to 2 5O POPULAR STORE Soule ground for the Torry complaint it, would have tied the game. k'all �1'lieat ..,...,, Q 77 to 0 77 .Bottles that the Government is au uucol= ort• With the'basos full in, the ninth, Bill Spring Wheat........,.,. 0 00 to 0 QO ably long time dying, tripped over the centre fielder's had and Outs, • , •: • • • • , • • • • • • , 0 3,5 to 0 40 • AAlA/AOOOONAOOr$!lQ130tD!!0!lCrEf gQeAQfi•Q(�OICIDA�9�91A®O©0+9G'Q1A4fi6mlOOr®t3!®OQA06�UOQOAQ�r1 leach one guarantee►l to The elections aro now over and we almost stretched it into a homer. Barley . , . , .. .. 0 4.5 to. Q GU be %Wulutely perfect. , . Peas .,,, d , . 0 00 to 0 75 Goo must compliment returtti ig officer Rob- The b boys wish to ratiirii their Turkeys, (lraWu ,,, 0 QJ to 0 10 - • ertson for the very efficient manner ill thanks to the members of the Town GCese, " , ,. 0 OG to 0 Ori •N,e Ill • Council far the use of the chairs which Ducks, per pair .... , .... 0 40 to 0 60 w wliich he clone his wort; in, 'Pest Huron. Butter ..... .... 0 15 to 0 15 • The re-count at Goderich showed that were takett to pari; from the to�vti Eggs per aloz ....... 0 13 to 0 18Iffi—: r hall. Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 00 `bZAUTY 13RLTSHES , . the election in, West Huron was well p • .. • • In, the fourth Ilnek collided with Hay per ton.... .. 'J OQ tole OQ • ' conducted and we understand that ( Potatoes, per bushel .. , . 0 85 to 0 40 it FIBBER GLOVES ' ' Jiui �e Doyle complimented Mr, Robert- Stokes oil base line, which preventedtlle i3UIiBER SHEETING. i' y P Tallow per ib ,. ,. •.. 0.05 to 0 06 • Handsome Colored Dress Muslins, in stripe, flower an spray. son au(l his deputy returning officers for pitcher from doing any more toiling, Lard • • ., , , 0 15 to 0 16 • SYRINGES, Etc., Etc. the and hist deputy. manner r in which fire work: He played short afterwards, Dried Apples per lb, ..... 0 0./ to 0 00 0 Dimity Muslin-, in shot and stripe, Swiss Muslin. BOOR Muslin, In, fact anything vcu svaut was done. The Goderich Star and other Doyle was called to the box, but not IVOOl .... .. .. ....... U 13 to 0 15 y g Conservative newspapers ers wade agreat being in shape, was a littlewi:d. Live Hogs, per. cwt.,...,. G 60 to G 50 w Swiss Muslin. Fine V�TIlitP Organdies. its Rubber' Goods, we have P p Chickens,,. „ ... 0 30 to 0 40 India Linen Lawn. Black it at right prices, noise because Mr. Robertson received • the appointment. The TIMES said at - - --- - -' -- T - 'rine Black Organdies. Fine all -wool Delaines• Linen Batiste: •.tvo btncic llYari;tlts. r the outset that the work would be care- Toronto June 10,—At the western {� cattle yards the recEipts today wereIt Will i�i White P. IC's, White and Colored Duck.61fully and honestly performed by icer. � 1L�uAo C J4 Carloads of live stock, cotnprinu)g a1w�� Robertson and such has been the cavo, 1.7.16 cattle 1.055 sheep and lambs 700 ;i and friend Mitchell of the Goderich Star + P • � THE DRUGGIST will now see that Mr. Robertson has hogs, 100 calves, and couple of dozen 'Po see me before plttciiig your performed his duties satisfactory. niilch cows. Fire Insurance, You can save D•'gw aTnRE: O,pp, Bank of Hamilton.ITThere was no quotable change in, the uiouey by insuring in purely « 1°° o �o��`T�I r r At This1. ``T ll round which v s a fairl o��So loan T e• � :i�S L11 �' �. � 1 IAV �7f��l�i�- market a , was y Canadian Stock Companies, out- good ut- • • q TO: ADVERTISERS• good one, side the combine, • • A Good Game of Baseball on Friday The following are the quotations: •offer- ` Cbtice of changes mast be left at this Last. CATTLE. We have gone carefully through our stock, and have decided to •. — • office not later than Saturday noon, Shippers, per cwt, , .... 5 25 6 50 several lines of goods to clear -at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. The copy for changes must be lett The game of baseball cit the park last Do., light...... , ..... 4 50 5 .,0 Butcher, choice do..... 4 75 G GO Abner 4 9 r , o .......... ..... 15 � rot litter than, Monday evening. Friday afternoon between Varsity team Butcher, ordinary dto • Mens four-in-hand Ties, colors, regular ..5c, for ...... Caanal advertisements accepted up ' 3 75 4 40 LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. • .. 1' r,•o tenon �Yedusdav of each week. of Toronto and the local club was not good .... ...... . .. T Men's Knot Ties, colors, regular 25e, for, ....... ...... ... ............. - as well patronized as it should have Butcher, inferior ...... 5 00 5 50 All -wool Carpets, I yard wide, goad colors, regular 80c, foV. - . .............. .60 been. The ganhe was very good all Stockers ............ . 2 OU 5 00 T. J. MAGUIRE s Union Carpets, 1 yard wide, goad cobra, regular 50c, for 38 - ESTABLISHED 1842, SUMP AND L IMS. • Union Carpets, 1 yard wide, good colors regular 40e, for .................. .30 � —� through, but a few wild plays made the Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 75 4 15 ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, • p • • , , • , , , • , , , . , , M • T �� ��� � scorn a large one. Stokes was doing Yearliugi?, per ccvt,..... 5 00 5 50 �TSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. • Union Carpets, 1 s, to wide, good colors, re�,uIar 300, for • •. • • - T E � � e good work in the box until the fourth spring hambs,per cwt... 2 00 5 00 � Ladies' Sailor Hats, to clear, regular 75c, for........ .... • • • • • • • • .50 (� 1. i*, ELI.xOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR innings when. he collided with one of Bucks, ......... . . ..... 3 25 3 50 • Ladies' Sailor Hats, colors, regular 40c, for ................ 2J • NULKERS AND CALVES. Accounts Bents and Notes Collected. Con- the players and this prevented him from Cows, each ..... , .... , . 25 00 50 00 veyaucing done, Children's Summer Blouse and Skirt, ren alar X1,00, for ..................... 75 FRIDAY, TUNE 13, :.902. doing further work as pAcher, Doyle Calves, each......... , .. 2 00 10 00 OFFI:CF—Over D. M. Gordon's store. a 20 dozen pairs Ladies' Cotton Hose, fast black, per pair 05 - . who then went to the box, was not in, HOGS. RESIDENCE—Le.ouold street. • "glen's Colored Cotton Hose, strong thread, regular 10c, for .................. .071 - THE P(?Lk"i'iGfil. SITUATION. good trim, and he was batted rather Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 75 7 CO Men's Colored Cambric Shirts, each ............. .39 - ...................... Light hogs, per cwt..., 6 60 6 75 COOVa Cotton Root Compound • � BIG BARGAINS IN BEADED BELTS. The political situation is not much hard. The local boys put up a good Heavy hogs, per c�vt, , . G 60 6 75 • Is successfully used monthly by over • hanged eep since Out• lust issue. Re-counts game' Manager Burns has the boys In Sows, per cwt . , ....... 3 50 4 00 30,o00Ladies. Safe; effectual. Ladies ask • cave bP.P.ti Itbl(T ill several ridings, but good trine and wo hope to report many Stags ..... . ....... . ... 0 00 2 00 your druggist for Cook's Catton Root Com- • pound. Take no of er• as all Mixtures, pills and • - victories for the boys before the season _ .. __ __.. — imitations are dangerous, Prlee, No, 1, ' Ir • - rhestandingoftlhe two parties Thas not closes. The score;— be ,Nmpaedon10 ieceiptofpgi ,$3p rbox.e nc Fancy Glass Pitchers, filled with Extract of Lemon, reg. 25c, for .16 � -xcii clean red. The London Dews, an Varsity— -A.B, R. H. P.O. A. E, stumps. 'rite Cook l'ompany Windsor, Ont. Your responsible .1��s�8-cent .. . ndepeitcTE trG paper, has the following Briggs, s s. & G 4 3 3 3 (i C�9-Nos. l and 2 sold ana recommended b all • - Y No, 1 and are sold in win haru b A. L. • Shoe Blacking, b Cary c� Son, England, pPl- tin, reg. SC, for .O f - Y F g„ p. ze•ponaible Druggists W Canada. • g y say: ='•I±'rout the results of there- Williams, p. & 1 b. 4 2 1 13 0 U f That Is what on, should breathe through , • - ,ounts so far, there is no reason to be- Parry, c....... ... 3 2 1 4 2 z _not year month. Haniitton, Colin A. Cantpbcll, g1z. A. Douglass Shoe Polish, splendid quality, regular Ioc bottle for ............ .08. •• neve that the Ross Government are Shea, lb. & D...... G 1 2 0 1 0 But there may be times when your ca- and J, E Davis Druegi ts. • • viable to be placed in the minority and as Buck, l.f.......... 6 1 1 0 0 1 • sass, C. f ....... ,. �: 1 1 2 0 0 tnrre is so bad yoncan't breathe through it. A a conssquerive the prospects of another NEedon, 2b........ 4 2 1 3 3 1 Breathing through rhe mouth 1s always G - election or to Change of Government in- McMillan, r. f..... 4 2 1 1 0 1 bad for the lungs, and it is especially so • - 4de.of four years vanish. It behooves Rayelle, 3b .....Y .. 2 4 1 1 3 1 when their- delicate tissues have been weak- •BI tR{ erred by the scrofulous condition of the • i! NAWARE, ETC• v all of its Hien, to se•tie down t0 business 39 19 12 27 12 6 blood on which catarrh depends. I f you w at a Buggy, and macre flay whilst the sun shines—for Wingbam A.B. R. H. P.O A. E. Alfred E. Yingse. Iloernerstown, Pa., • .^i come and see the most file eoulmercial sun is now shining upon Aiderson, a. f..... 5 2 3 1 0 0 suffered from catarrh for years. Isis head e®A®AQmm00AQ®OAmAC24IA®t40A0!®909AQC©@CAA©Q��Aa;3AAt8l101dl1D®�DO6mm0®®A®AJ®@®®O®@@ti&rtca r 3 Pearson, 2b....... 4 1 1 3 1 1 felt bad, there was a ringing inghis ears• up to - date most highly i� � + Ontario and upon the entire Dominion Hill, 3b ......... • G 2 4 2 3 1 and he could not breathe through one of + p®�g� {pp{���' ►��;, i his nostrils nor clear his head. • �{f(Cl�tl,b�� �,jd ��+;,V �9 JAS H KERR is it never shone before, We cannot Anderson, a...... G 2 2 11 1 0 Atter trying several catarrh specifics finished and high=grade • ;xpec;t that Food times will be -,vith us Skates, 1 p........ 5 1 0 8 1 1 from which he derived no benefit, he was . JOHN KERN sltvaps— let us make the most of it Stokes, p. & s.s.... 5 3 4 2 1 0 completely cured, according to his own Buggies in town• • H G H A Hammond, r. f..... 4 3 2 6 0 1 statement, by • • whilst we idly. Politics is all very well, Doyle, p. & s.s.....5 2 0 0 1 U r � �� �p��� • - — — — — — -- r illi! p -- — _ ..--AOAO®•!� lint few people �ettheirbreadandbntter©�� S Sarsaparilla lf6 —� " 1:Y t3© p p �t a. rut of i.G. We: Ito not believe it would Moore, 1. f. 0 2 3 0 1 1 This great medicine radically and per- • vAAmAOA +�•• - � ' . —■— A®A!A®A®G3A "®.. O4lQ?®A 46 18 le 27 9 5 manently cures catarrh by cleansing he of O a Ontario, of difference to the People .varsity,.. ..... .. 0 0 6 2 b 0 0 •i 0-19 blood and building up the whole system. � '• ' " .. C;l•Rii.ND `ItI�.U�`g R.AILVdAY SY'ST'EM _ 1f C)ntario, tvliether Mr. Whitney is Wingham .... 2 2 0 3 0 0 6 0 5•--18 steel)% PILLS are the favorite cathartic, vsa. , i ■ in Premier or whether Mr. Tioss holds ou SUMARY• S�.�c���DGOODS!, .o power; but the never -coding election Bases on balls, Varsity 12, Wingham, ant ai u, is sera to have a disastrous 2; two -base hits, Alderson. 2, Stokes, �•� jar ..... ,•. .. .:...•.... _ . Coal and Wood -ffeet upon business. It is not what you Hammond, Moore, 2, Biggs, Shea, ; ,would Tike to. see that should guide you Needon three -base hits, Hill; double " .cl your opinions—look at the straight double plays, Hill to Pearson, facts as they are. And there is nothing Biggs to Williams, Williams (unas For the next month we will make a i �o indicate another election or a change listed) : hit by pitcher, Pearson; ,:ti Gucerlimeiat," struck out, by Stokes, G, by Doyle, 5; by : We have now on band a 1W- special sale of all lines of Upholstered Shea, 2; passed ball, Anderson; Auder� large stock of both Coal and Wood. NOTES AND COMMENTS son; wild pitches, Doyle; time of game, Orders left with us will receive GOOdS. In Parlor Suites, Odd Pieces Reoonnt in North Grey leaves A, G. 2 hours; umpire, T. J. McLean, prompt attention. XCURASION McKay, Liberal, 5majority. OK THE DIAMOND. and Chairs We have something that lit the ptast seven years are have had The next game should be better pat - lit elections in, West Huron. ronized. every home needs. See these goods The re-count in North Perth leaves Anderson made a grand stand catch of r. Monteith, the Conservative with a a liner to centre. Feed �N -- 1�- before buying 'Ui'I11tYlre ilse�vhere. 2. Whatis the matter with having a ball Flour and - J game every week ? h6 re conal in Iiftitou has increased Umpire McLean understands his job /� i T /� y etch this space next week %r same - e majority of Mr. Barber, Liberal and we heard no complaints. j 1 �J A 106 to 22. Hammond and Moore batted well, � J US N � thing we have to say about Iran Beds. Int Centr21 e Sintcoe, a re -mount reduced having two base, hits to their credit. This is the place to buy your (3liaajority of Mr. Davidson, Liberal Anderson and Pearson had hard lack Flour, Feed, Hay, Seeds, etc. o n 50, to 44. batting, their drives going straight at We -will be pleased to fill your a 'Th* re-count in Welland is finished, the fielders. orders. aMr. Gitoss, Liberaal, being declared Old players say Hill's hit was the first 'Phone 82. alecteal bt 112. of itd kind since the early hays of base- �g Tftvre•countiil Fast Middlesex con- bail in Wingham. MINERVA ENCAMPMENT No. 47, I.O. ®. 'I'., ALfiv ER ���■�JTTON atsv Dr. D. Rutledge, Liberal, in his Owing to Eckhardt's injury at Ches- Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. by a ninjority of 21. ley, the management of tike visiting team asked Stokes to go with them and :�' With the appbiutment of Senator Winghat� has completed arrangements with the .. Jrll . ...... . finish the tour, but business arrange - 'host, flee ,liberal party lints now 39„yYol- CACI CASSILS1 ' :: _ a merits prevented his accepting the ober. G. T. R. to run a big Excursion to -..� - ---------�---' aawers Sn the Senate, which consists of a members, w�_ Mate newspapermen were elected in . ,L,,....................... .,o t,a 6UTT®N BLOCK •f •idt•:...`M>•-o•i i i -o•t•: :°rs F., •.�. Thomas's a z a�,��� .�� rec'eitt election. forth© Ontario Legis- •II,• imire. The Liberals have seven out of a lag.,., ,x . r,l t nine, viz.: Messrs. Pence, Kingston; ?,: raikitm. Brockville; Pattnllo, Wood- 2 I C �:V• ar WE RECEItiED A CRATE Old Fruit Jars'9iii///--; 4411 ■Sftatton, SpDinner Setts Pint � t 'Auld, Eg#er; Pettyliiects; y.V '1 1`r itt Jars, daolt 06 st. The two Conservative new, .;. Ci O � � � � C � N C SATURDAY M A i i3 � °P With a number of pieces broken, Quart Prnit Tars, each .. .. , .07 The �, which makes it impossible to com- Half•gatlon Fruit Jars, each , .08 oa f Iajo are J. P', Downey, Guelph, From the following places, on Saturday, June 2I5t, 1902, table lete ai sltes,, to pots ets They consist cups nd Half -gallon Buttteallon Butter r Crook s, each .08 a+tll� 11;ys9cr Clark, Kincttrdiue. The two - paper ttten who met defeat were •'r 3r saucers. sugars, side dillies, etc., ,• at the following fares : all at your own prices. A good three•strin T. lKaliean In South Iluroa and Jas. �• g Broom for.. .15 Our stock; ismuch too large, and in order to reduce it. +A good Whisk for............... .10 ' it in Westattron. ` g ✓ LcAvr, FAR LEAVE I�'ARE 5 Only Fancy Wall Papel Screens, A good Mop Stick for ...... , ... .10 a. rte -count of the ballots cast in ; . Nye will f x one month offer ;, worth $1.00, for ........... . .... .40 1 -lb Lotter Prints, each ...... , ..2Q W, rot Huron election began before •t, Kineardi.ne - 5.50 A.rI. X1.90 Belgrave 7.01 A.�t. $1.45 Bettor Ladles each � M .a Eddy's Tele k, ........ iQ 13onor Judge Doyle at Goderich slit ,u , Ripley 6 05 ” 1.80 Blyth 7,14 1.35 p Ione Matches, bolt .10 ar•a2r inoritiog, an4 Tasted all that WATCHES CLOCKS GOLD RINGS 1: y See our lino 1. 3,ammoarld$ .,. �. %: tucknow • 6,20 1.75 Londesboro - 7.22 " ' 1,35 Prices.... s. t.C3, 1.G9 and 1.9s thaw OQ _a. aaA Monday'. Ressr". C. Senget JEWELRY SILVERWARE ETC Wall Paper K '+ •i• ' Whitechurch • 6.33 " 1,60 Clinton 7.47 1.25 ' T. I& D,auoey al geared for theLib-, 50 " 1.55 nrueefield 8.05 't 1.20 Shall Wares your VDailPapor sec on, a beforou Want to save e yon ou •;est t witl Mews. P. I,. l3iaktdstll. and at greatly reduced rices. Y Winghatl► • d'• „ 6dozen Hooks and E es for 05 bu L QG Usys tM the ofdiose five . rliaid o. b p Wingham Jct. 6,52 " Kippers 8.15 1.20 100 Hair Pins ..... y y. 1 dozen Siyfes Pins .. 05 i+ Rolls to clear at litilf pxzce, wjwceA by the deputy returning 'T'hi's sale is genuine, and offers an opportunity for + emi(LI)R.EN over S and under l2, �1[ALF �AIIvE 1 dozen Drapery ring ..... , p� Vtra nllowrod for the ' f onserva- Tape Measures .... ........01 Tinware securing feat bargains. Come in and see for Thimbles, all sizes (ht iittft forty for fists Liberal g` " g + Lawrason's Powdered �....... .01 I -quart Dipper for ......... . . . . . .Ov f orleat, reducing the LiberAl's •� � 19, as deolatoil .,, the ro• i' yourselves. Returning, y at 5a the O package, or 6 for,...., ,2s mirror, and Lrnsl. Tray, With ' � Special Train leaves Sarnia at I b O cl pcl: I'.Taf. on Pint bottle by Liquid Ammonia mirror, for ,,,,,; , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1t1 md0itctifc, t 0 votelt. Mayor �� J23rd, g g r 3 for...........25 No. gteainers for ..... . .......80 1!O ttatard6daate,, fd daubC St �l o No, 0 Toa Kettle.,. rim¢ ► �1-tr of $I � � � � � � R K � elle rennin throe h t0 Klncar ine: at IOC each Daisy Xettleg • � 'Y7 JEWELER AND OPTICIAN . Orn axe h, cher packcage .......06 Tea Drawers , ..... • • :. , ...10 Everybody come oil the biggest and hest exct]Tsion of the year, ljakfng Powder, a lbs for 26 lulatbll Swe s ... Satmon, 3 eaglet fair. .. , ........25 Pie 'pins ... .. . ..05 i;. '�. eleM- ATHO i�bmmittee. 6 bars sweet lionise Son fur . • • • • • • •05 ... • . G C+ravy Strainers .... , ........... ,OfI I 4