HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-06, Page 8ifri1 ��r �c xrl ar �l�tr , JUNE 6, 1902. Itx.xrCur7e.—Tu tliin0 uu at June lint, the O wife of wet. "M 5! t04011 deur _late, . U Asr�►!1Ytv.,,.tttHuwick ua Dit►Y '„rlhid.tlLu�wlle : • or txt or6u A�tttou a run RiTCHI-E CAMPBELL M: � ]+t►y tar It► li(ttw(t ty uu X.y Ith, th(.+ wlfa vk xCtl.1,(twry: a deurt,later ( 1tt,uult.--It1 Iityttt oat ilia,: 18th, fire u'1fo of J. H. iilGor; g cLtuglrto y ,t,�rilxrall 4%t. A. R. San, th'a, Chishalln 131t1ek >+I. Saxe �� Son' 1Vitolesltle Ready -to. Ht.(.t.r.ttsov Iurr.+xn At the m;ntsc xCu r ,. . ; e<mondrine, vt:1x1•t, lllsr, b, itey. N hl,aty, i3 A.,� 11 stir Clothing—part of the eG7,(9(?0.00 stock—only two ��ettrs in business} �1M[`Itt' c o s''r u 'Summ'er sale U4tlt /1f Norris to11141,llipG bSlrS Jaltttlltl xt'oltllld, i,l Montreal, Ewerything 119vk,, at the following prices -1 C AumsTiloso.•-lnt+eafortli on Dingy „6th, Ise• LOT NO. 1--.24 pairs Men's Pants, rpgnlnr prlee ,�'k, M. Saxe & g� Friday, bine I1I(CunAtevu, Ix•ivvtxl wife of hoht. Arm. � , , M +cru'► . vC Alurrla tuwnalxrIt, aged , 4 ,Taro oud �,un a, prll;t+ ti{�aludG uta! CuitllaetltloU +1.50, our price $0. j •tnt(,ntl,8. LO1' IJ0. 13--'14 Pruits and Vests ra' rlar rice AG HON11 xtt,—In Turnberp., on Junes 'nd, Eliza• , xl. p , Saxe & Sot1's On Friday CC1Qrnin June 6th, we hear (antg1111 wifu of St nt. Hon til:, aged �'' p['iCri $u ; our price - • r 3,99 Tears an" 1 uwntit• LOT NO. 3-•-30 Odd Vests, reg $1.50, Saxe's price $1.•.5, our price t:. ( vs'ili eemmence our l.e)'1' NO. 4—Pants, rtgular d (;0, Saxe's price 31 �5. our privy .Na �. MISS QlI� 5 si:eeial sale of Sutarnter Goods, �� � �I � � LUT 1\'tl.5-21 Iieat y Serge I� trfcl.er Pttuts, regolFLr price $1.50, ' ... .. _ A. T. t1. S , ,S'axe's price .1A .3, ourprice - 1110 us�INS LO NO, (i-1,3 Loge I,xtra Idol Sorge and Worsted Itnicker . Teacher of Prnno, Thevey :uta l'lct(>liet ,ftm�„c Suits, reg rice ~7.00 tiaxa's nice $01,00 our price iltethol, tiiniptc:\ au,tl Kioleigarten. b` P price , i l?Ca 5.00 Pupils prepared for Conservatory emantina. LOT NO. i --5 Serge and, Worsted Coats, Vests, Odd Coats, at lr price rives. We have an extra large Stock of Alns;hns which v011 be 'LOT NO, 4-13 ' ory fine Mou's•Ddlored Suits, regular $15,00, l;Jt:fr+ 01 ata price during the next 30 days, j1.U, our privy ;10.00, 1TO RENT. LOT N.C. 9-1`3 Henle; Heavy Tweed Suite;, regular $11.00, Saxe GOC Embroidered Mullins for • - 50 The trttctersigped lits two acres of hand to price G 10 00, our price - - - 1.00 95C Etuhroidered Muslins for - - .35 r(•nt iu lie, Will, am rrutvlt 1?lot. ltp(ut the LOT 1x O. 10-8 Odd Tweed Sock Coats, men's sizes, reg. price 47 4liC lallrett BtltiF tH - - ill premises is a gvod ]louse, ,*Iticlt haw bwa re• c(•ntly bricicd and as In good shape. Also it $5.00, Saxe's price $4, our prive • 3.00 'a0c Satin Striped Organdies, . 3O goodorc lard. rl'his Placou•ill by reared reason + Youth's Tweed, g BOO Striped llirnities, • . .25 $ able, Apply to L01 1�0. 11—tt 1'ot1t11 a Odd Coats, splendid 1t►eed, web, price Wo Foulards, - Xi A. KELT,Y, Winghant P,Q. $4.t,0, Saxe's price $ 3,00, our priell - - 2.50 len Falicy M.uslins .10 LOT NO. 1°-1.1 Men's Spring or Fall Overcoats, re r price All other lines at the sante reductiuus. A, n"� $7.00, Saxe's price $5.00, our price - 3199 L• arse assortment to choose from. N 1�,,/ Tilk, Ike that the blunivi LACE CURTAINS � tendtoi�lc:LoPtile Co o otet a Concrete idY`� 1l wn tIl��ttthet Your choice of the, two best mattes of C1 ]ng• in Montreal, viz; Saxe P L1�CE CViY i tryllYslhinr a>zas{nttc•ratree. & Son and Shorey, at the ace here you et new roods, lid t tss(�s the 'tl catits , P g � thereof ttpou thep fes a ttt ; thereon A few broken lines in Lace Curtains left, which we are � and to I. 0 oflt(dIt by. willing to sacrifice. Notice the following reductions : t• The (,ytimat�, a lta p osed tvorlt to �4�y111 1[, „x' , of o'ltieh;l , , is tv tr ided out of the ' 0 general funds tlu+ Nuui 1 ality. 35c Lace Curtains for - - °5 d A Court o evision will h , teld on Tue• itlay, ti 50c 64 - - .3 .3 the lith It of Tnne, A.D. NO2, t 8 o'clock 1-. nt. 1 He Is Z $1.15, aG • , � . b',a 0 at the CI 's Office, in the sand butt for the 1.20 ' - - - - 1.00 posed t, hcttuts. complaint ac agt s fro pro- alte A r_ t� pus(Yl bsev4llt,niY, or accuracy of t frontage ' tv 1.55 mea. re Interested to any ether compin t t,ond ti e' ���� 1.50 +` j0 pry ns interevtrd may d(,tre to ke, fad ti bich w] ell tY bn law cognizable by the Court �. ated, Clerk's OtHce, Svinglwnt, June A, Iw2. 1: These prices are good till all the lines are cleared out, � J. B. FERGllso,t, Clerk. Coale early and get the befit that is going, Who i5 NOTr�E TO CREDITORS. Notie, i,, hereby given pursuant to R. S. O., Satisfied. �+ 1887, Chap. 199, Nee, 88, that all p sons having _ .RITDH E CAMPBELL, olainisa••ainAthe estate of Jo Dimeut,Wit ■ 1 ■ of theTotvnthip of Tu it 'r in the County of Huron, farmer, decensrc ..tit died on or ' t atbout•tho lith clay o Dlay, aro requir(A to ~�„ :°' �=% •.. Successors to M. N. Mcindoo r Rend by post prepai or deliver to R. Van - stone Solicitor 1'or a xecutors, on or before ti the 5111 flay of Jt A. D, 1x02, their names, every day addresse9 and dere ttrtionsnndit full statement •y of particulars oft hatr claims and the natured some made to order devotees yield to the hard sense f � rue security (if any)held by them duly certlied ti and that after the said d ty the Executors wilt Ml*Wt LOCALS.- The T=rs to January 1st, 1903, for proceedncito distribute p ribute theentest t tiof tile il de vied ,+� proposition in our stock of ving 50c. regard only to the claims of wlriglr they shall ��, ••. theft have notice, ' Sh ®rey S •--Great growing weather this weal... -Tiro street in front of Dr. Chisholm's Dated this 6th dap of June, A. D. 180,1.. ry hew residence is being put in good shape' . R. VANSTONE, ti t,dr>` Gaels received a car load g P Q P Win! linin P. Q }. this week, The old open drain on this j Solicitor far 011 I Executors. of bailed hay last week P ti • • street had been an eye sure for some Ready Tailored Clothing. ' -Huron county council is in session ti time. NOTICE TO CR09TORS, y at Godtirich this week. ..s —Tile :Gast Huron Farmers' Excur- Notice is hereby given ursunnt to R. S. o., `- —Regular monthly meeting of rile p Fabric style, fit and tailoring guaranteed. Why s Sitrlt CO rile E\prrinl(;titai farm at Guelph 11897, Chap.•1°0, S(c 38, that all persons having y r y r t School Boal'd Cn Tuesday evEning ]text. claims against the estate of GporgeHoury late• twill be run on, ThursdiLy, June 19th, of the Tatvllsltip of East tie awanosh tat the ” should a sensible man not profit by it ? --Remember C. 0. F. excursion U We have not yet learnec't, bice fare front I County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died � on or nbout the thirtieth day of April A. D. These goods are always on hand at Owen Sound on Wednesday of nest Wingham. 180., are, re(ittired to send by p1toet prennid or to c week. deliver to B. Vanstone, Sotto Or for the Execu- tars, on or before the 25th clay of Juuc.A. D. —D. E.1C2t Donald of town shipped a NO%', their names, addresses and descriptions I wa-1,fanylYilrfiliGmis attendedthefoot car load of cattle frvnl Fortttvich to To antt n frill aouat re ofthseenit Smithii p11 bloCk, @� ��9rai1 galue in Elusseis yesterday After- 'aims andthenature of t, -asecurity ofany}ll1�e®®99isrUutO GL Tuesday. W, N . Z'au Stone edbytheduly certified alnd that'aftet• rite S Won, aid clay the Executors relit noc((d to ctistrih• shipped &car lurid of lw's front Winn to tine assets of the deceased nmoug the «-T11C �itTlllIA311 `I.'lAI1nF I1as put in a - 17am t0 `I'R2•t)LttO On MOuday. parties entitled thereto, having retard vnly to - d, the claims of which they Quill then have notice. I2C±i5' power press and enlarged its pages.., . Dated this 28th day of May, A. D. 1101. We wish :Bro. Elliott, success.—BrnS k' `-The repairs' to Messrs. Lott R. ir�xs�uvE, MISS p � I tivinghamP.O. o!r+�� BAXTER C �i�lt (3�1�1 eels post, Sturdy's livery baro have been corn- j Solicitor for the Executors O pleted and this firer have note ailditional DRESS (qt•�{t MANTLE ���O��R —A. R. Smith of the Chisholm block i room for their rigs. A number of new a •, 637 9.f MA — Iras a new allvt. in .this issue. Ile l A�.Iss ����'� 0�T'Os>a Any person re it anything in the u rigs have been rece>_ttiy added to this Cement bttilc' ' announces a big sale of clotidua. Read � .liar su . s SiclewaLts, his advt. well-equipped livery. UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAT0. SUITS A SPECIALTY. Cisterns, ": os, Foundntiou. r Floors, should tiny prices. Work gn eed. —The public schools will close for the —We omitted in our last issue a report Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth Apprentices Wanted, Cal t residence, Leopold st., `Vingham. ltolitla s on June 25th and will re -open iston g K- Ipoe to Macdonalddoor south of block. ool u>;e Shop n oltt September and?. . • were osh, 1 beer roil Victoria dabse Win- P P _ • - :.=- ---�.•:�,��,._��.. -_ .._. R. y p West cud of Patrick St. WIC( iIA1I CIiAS. BARBS •--H. P Tk is having a special clearing � Main was succcisfcl iu both gases, z�in- Gale of 1 watches, clocks, etc. It will•, r1�� ©®®S4,ti� s�,,�mi�l,®�Ji�✓2b„a gy,®,t�,tb �. play you. to read his adv'. in this issue. ding d fi1sG lrtatrll by � polars and the. second by �' points. f P —The building recently occupiedbyWW i WHITE 81 AR A. Julius its a restaurant is being fitted � —tire cting on Court of Revision up and will in future be used a billiard held anieetinb on Friday evening. '`rhe ! case of the Bell Telephbue Co's assess-' and pool room. 1 hent teas disco.sed. This Case and the • ' l essrs. Cochraue R• Johnston of the other appeals against the assessment Wingbam marble works, received a car I 1. y will be dealt with alt aundjuurned meet-! load of , •mite• :and a car load of free } ing oil lioilday Evening, June 10th. " Stolle this week. —Several inowbers of the wingliam i too -4115;; club went to Clinton yesterday afternoon and heel a practice game with ; H ru" t3 i".,, K �f ,'�+� ► �� 4"�! w 6i 1? the club in that place. -- 1;essrs. CaniVbell & Whitlock of the and people agree that Scott's l�mul- � � TURN :- 'YYiarton Canadian )lave dissolved part- DF— T R i 1 , (;sign of"eocl-liver oil is the best thing �_ t (�� tnctrship, and kir. Whitlock will continuers the publication of tbal paper. to take for "don't feel well and i - &On't r:no Yv why," especially babies —they like it—nm.l, and women � .• � w. a d Tea - i.9O V don't i:lind it, but 'bal.'',es actually - 71 '. •{ r4hs ti tS {`�a' 1 enjoy it, tic" vet r,tCe Dl •7P t R x v+',i' a .AND rev IT. i�"SiiS+6! R l ', 15 i1Rakr n r(dt �iPu, 4+ m uCt)tT G pbYf ,4w a,.+; n,zlra, TORONTO. - •i .. r a? � ,, ��'tr ew d: •M7f-r.� reel -..•,x � •Ii..7ieA t1a.'tN.bML,. �.. '.,tp •...Y.Uk .i. ;l •i •'a ° 1f youwant the hest cools Ilene. We] "'...• '... .. -::w c s .4 '` n., �'�,�: f ..pvv.- 1%' ;!2tN.N'e, Illid lu Years experience se11111G• -.-_.._.�___ ,. w .:� fixe 3'.;. 'Y.'dt'r+4 stili (iflffees. A few' years ago WC f\ b dixt stat handle Tea In lead, narlcets. iV e , _., „R; - a t -{ tF '.,ra`}�'.3 ruis,i5'lI(7t,\ai liQ,�(.1'�d"llitt35 �• ' .i : bought bulk oil its merits, and oil will �---ZIP� � t y •rk�' d kG-- ae emit t.lie Tea ten years ago was better _ - t •r .t" L„ ,. xk� �.;,;; nt,�.hrt,,,.Y ,S'y"., ?'��'2" :�+`w' 4haLn what on get to -da in packages. 3' � yr P aye I r `\ '=� •. ,' �. �;.. ,. course if you tval;t pacnalge'Ccas we s H the hest oil 011( market- saladlt find 4'•t4kvtua ,��. t ' BUTif yon want better' Tea than any you get ill packagces, buy OUR I � rIC TEA. Your nioney back if not i .�>�t+tief'.actary. 1 co;sxtfaal coiul►aaQt Gatulrrfat o --•Our ke. Japan is worth 10c today T. P. WITH, SCICNTIFI Ev6 SPECIALIST l 7 hfs Season fife Completed on ,lune 14th 1 New Steel Steanlvr. Capacity „000 People 1 , Our 2trt I31ark Gannet be beaten far <a: ,. ,ae N,.tv v�rr ,1't,1L lelpl,is, nd Toronto j aC@. ' Qpti�ul (' 1(egns. —Our 40c Indo - Ceylon is the best CaU car' d veil yourself of hii , s WILL LEAVE GODERICH A`t' 8.80 A. m. ' odic the mlarket. 'Try it once. valuable ser i s, as this is a, rare 1 icy e 8 th 40; Coffee is the smoothest IVt e seed, ty to ve your eyes proper: � "v7e%dilesday, ttaa U. ly tested, free f charge, No guess' Lit, workbnt a scientific certainty." Difflo F, I ctytt on BERRY SET'S. cultcases a.ccuratelyfitted.A Ari, WORK otrARANTEZ►D, Due at Bort Huron noon, betrdit 4.30 m. .A,7s�i3 .T',d1 tiDl<NI>:;1� awl itavor cell at yrlvete %*V of p• * • Returrlirlg, leave Detroit -Thursday, Juno 19th, 1.00 p, tn., arrive Codefth 9.80 P. M. BE s, Het:asalsonddc'dnlnraoSR.-yortluentofnrti- Friday, June 20th', elt 8.00 a..rn. atte+rtl time, Iegve for Detroit. fseiatleyestohtsstock, WilIbc•at Fare Cn1D Way VJith•ba a e, $1.00. ope'SM, TvGalin At, Cam ball's Drug Stare, Special Train front Stratford, 11Aitohisll, Dublinr Seaforth and Clinton* 1 Band Moonlight Excursion at QUl-dericho Tuesday gvl gy 8 0"0, loak, 2610 ONE D.&Y ONLY. C. F. 819)C.,MAN, `prattlic Manager 'B.+rH. Ayer, Adv. and Excursion AgerIit l om ental. Thursday, June 19th. ��(i► wi,� �.,.►.+d►.i►�i�.�.�►�L.w►�,�+►.,y►�.►�,�a,t.w►.u,� I Save Your Books By having a good place to put thein. You'll save yourself worry, too. We have a line of Bookcases from which You will be able to select one that is not expensive , buc which will look well and serve you satis- factorily, Is sometimes almost as difficult as naming the baby You'll And the task very easy if you bring the pieturo 0 us, and try We )noulding and mats here, We have so many varieties of mouldings, that a satisfactory* selection is quickly made. The beauty of the picture is often the result of the framing of it, It's no trick nor joke to put on the right frame. We do it rigbt, for we know how. That's why our frames are so popular. BALL. 13"AS., Furniture Dealers I>i1:SID]:ACL Pa.TI2Ia1: ST, S Gracey's former residence, • where night caIN will receive And Undertakers Prot. pt attention, JUST ARRIVED A very large consignment of SCREEN DOORS andi SCREEN WINDOWS. We have 17 different styles and sizes in doors. Also 9 different styles. and sizes in windows. And in price and quality they are very low. Those interested in building Wire Fence will do well to,, call on us, as we have all kinds of Wire on hand at prices. that are right. We have the celebrated " Ellwood Special' Woven Wire Fence," 5o -in high, at a very low price.. Call and see our stock. SMITH & PETH IDK, If you want a Bicycle, see what we can do for you. 4 Are not nearly so interesting to you as the Results of our shrewd huying last week. Ever on the alert for bargains, with ready cash in hand, it is truly wonderful the snaps we pick up, and we pass them on to you in the same way. We were fortunate in securing a• full range of Parasols and Umbrellas 25% below regular prices. You will be surprised and delighted to find what title qualities of sill- and pretty stylish handles are to be had 1 in ,Ghe $1.25, 51,35 and $1.50 ranges. All these sunshades are fitted with Patent Runners, by deans of which Parasols are raised and lowered much easier than the old style. IWHITE LAWN BLOUSES are the correct thing for the warm weather. See the splendid line we sell at $1,00, with pretty insertion and lots of fine tucking. The better ones at $1,35, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.25 are made of finer lawn, with finer insertion and tucking, and are guaran- teed perfect fitters. f� LADIES' HOSIERY—One of the nicest lines we have has Cashmere feet j and lisle thread tt.ps. Pretty bard to get a better line for 25c. If ft you wish to be cool, buy a pair of the Lace I+'ront Uose at 25e. 1 Silk Embroidered Hose from 45e to 75e, They are extra swell, Fast Black Hose at lOc a pair. OUR` WBITEWEAR DEPARTMENT is being generously patronized.i this spring; must be some good reasons for it. Better come in, and I see these well•inade, well -finished garments that are attracting so ! many customers, The quality, style, finish and price of these goods ', Fill please and satisfy you. n TI3E 1VARM. WEATHER makes one think of cooler UNDERWEAR. . We have a splendid assortment of Vests at 35c, 30e, 25c, 20c, 15c and for 2,r - 2 .. re. Nice styles and flue qualities at reasonable prices make these goods deservedly popular. ! VERY STYLISII DRESS GOODS, MUSLiNS AND FANCY SILKS have arrived this week. If you want up to -date goods at moderate prices come to Gordon's, No trouble to show goods, ,Come with the i crowds on Saturday for bargains. You may as well save money as - your neighbor. y prices for matter & eggs, D. M. Gordon. 8110001 Importer L a , w.G • � M