HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-06, Page 5,t rrTrrTT+►fTrrTTTTTTXTTITV x::�.►T, TTr i''ITITTTT�1lTTTTT��TT�RTT_ '1_'/XT M_ .... :,:: 1Ni,IR1lYAl.4. 1IR. 1902, :,. .. .:..... .., . ,... ».yn� EST Yitrxux. . _ t. 0 V-.orr. 1gu lrgodCoul£ll pct as y Court of 1%evistol ,. �._. - - - �e�+►' kBse,►r,YaUR MONEY SACK IF YOU WANT IT lrulint•riday,itltzeaidplO for xeneral business on Us of a lar,%Q number of friends gad llelbhwmsfixative 1141i1lere bing no a'aitIe alt cal tly. Ia 1i1r.uca,kay. 1?rw, 254+044. Sl - The _ Leadlfll st g I,,, - � L hors, clos?d, A cc►uimallicatiou wos read _, _ ._.:_ .. ..•_:. .._ :. �s._. The sacraumnt of the LOrd'a1 stip- X1'0311 Pi-oadfoot 4 Hays re tile. Yonvolo - PAST !Yr V.►1 iYh�r Gro r.derr s Great Gut- Price , .per was dispensed. ill the Presb�*Gcxitia• drain, �.he Cleric was cr4ere,3 to Tlie council luta on May 20th as a ,� w . ,•..;;,�E ,-�..-w: _ . ♦ + ohilrelt last Sabbath. A preparatory answer. Dr. ,Gose and J.3%. %. Roberts. Court of Revision ff•.11d ?appeal. Memb• ! (� • " p, �+ sermon was preached on Friday moluing,' risked that tb0 wont Olt Duligunnon ors all present,. whitewear V O !r i to Sale will be con- .4 by Roy. M. N. Malcolm of Teeswater. 4min be attended to as soon as posstble, liavitig each severally sabscfibed toTlie y�,,rw- people of � �" ' Clieclss w01 o isssuetl for: Will. Bray, for the declaration or a`llrinatiou required • , church intend. hold ,ag;ta garden party. oulvert al�ct hauling .talo, $#,00; H. by statute, the Bret appeal browlit le'ffre : tinned till batur'da June 15 � 20th of .Tune. ♦ ora talo " , noel Ryau, w'ollz on coli 0,. fF1.G0: J. Sheriff, the tonct was that of Matthew Lackbact, � E, Miss Ruby Date returned to St Cath- xepairiug bridge, con 1.4, GQO.; P. Welsh, Int 2,), caul 2, who complained that he. Special's , crines •oil ]lianduy, repairing bridge con. 0, 60c.; A. Re- wa€r too b�gh assee4ed, also, that in his Our stock is complete ever tbi a ' a sate e e t Shoes 4 Mr. Charles. Herbert had his len badly Rubitasotz xepairiva bill cOn. 4 ` ' .00 o inion tt,e asReas>aua. of tl,e h. Ie /y�f 1 r �� I ' DO : . rin Y.. nfi .. to n W- xc Q '4 bruised'b•.ralu rolling oil , c gr t o c ;=rl" ,;;rt., .h � W > p nt v o and during the next fow days, till ,June 1d., we Intend to dQ ft � R g E, Jolanstau, tea n,� u grader $40.00: t wnship was improperly•done, u ��t, ,�cr� ��.an�� �� ���� t iu • in, the mill arca 9110 da last week, s • �► large business in Ready Tailored Clothing, and will put before f, y y 1Y, A. Wilson, a t,ea{eor, ?j00, Council ]14ovecl by Mr. Beecroft, .seconded by� on snaps in lien's Ytiut s' rind ova' Suits that will buck u 1 Miss Jessie Robertson of Wroxeter ad'onrlbvd to rucat on Thursday Ord Mr. Doble, that the clatter comp l iced /. Y Q ,. h Boys' i a l p 4, a a y d pry YCon't 4 visited Miss Ruby' Dull' last week, at 10.o' clock. of re. towuship assesstneut, l,a laid over asci*ir+>f, ?its°1„,°++ ='cr';'� Excelled our statement. No odds and ends here of lust year's goods-- � - � � r, r. � � everything bran. new, No moth-eaten stock,, no mistakes, no Miss Lottie Code of Trowbridge isyie• W. S. XzCRO$Tm. till ndxt meetiu Of the coul,Cil. Cal• misfits, but up-to date goods to bebought at less than adds and ? iting her sister, Mrs. A, Kersey Jack-on gtied, ends in other stores. y 1 These three words exacta express the general n of Morris. IigSv to ileuutil tale lroni ,lexlon,. Mr:. LOekhirt s local assessment was , I� 4 Miss Mary Thornton of Wiagham isTo bave,n iioft,, smooth skin, free from reduced $600; OlJtliloll Of those. tit ho have Seen our stock of I resitting with her graud parents, Mr, eruptions and piulples, the blond must Sampson Carter, .owner 5,32 I�'.2,z lot 1 f ' " ► HERE TS A PLXER-14on1 $o s' Snits, iilc►lifax and Can- Ladies ,� hite�� ear and Shirt 1V: fists,. 10. y y , and Mrs, John Gardiner, bo healthy and pure. 1+errozone 81 con, 8 complained that the assess= 10. adiau Tweed, sl::fis 22 to 27, worth $2.50, sale at Crowder's $1.09 invigorates eaifeebled blood unit claanses ' ' p 19-Bays' all-wool 2-piece Suits, worth $3.25, sale 2,25 Miss Hood, Airs. John Gannett and itof allimpnritits and poisous; it brings lneut of his pro?erty was too high, Ret• BIG ASSORTMEN r 1 LOW 'PRIQE$ I j Children's Wash Suits; 2 pieces, at - .50, .75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1,50 Mr. Will Patterson attended the Sunday color tO. the Jips and ulie(iks, brilliancy to duced $100, Robt, ,Qorr:e, sr„ Jo. eph J• i►. 11 Men's and Youths' black and blue Sorge Suits, sizes 30 to 44, 7.00 school convention in Brussels on Friday talo eyes, whitons the teeth and swveteus Kerr, '.Phos, Leaver, Juhu Bentley auci CORSET-COVERS, nicely made Youths' last, thobreath. Nu tools coiiipares with James Howatt each a ,do• stguolt sYiY, )r a' a and 17 Men's and Youths all-woo! Tweed Suits, worth • 8,00, sale 0 60 b $ rerrozoiia iu rapid actio3.lz►act purivaneuC trimmed in the lest styles, made to fit and F► 10 pairs Tweed Pants for igen, worth $1.25, sale • ,90 : Mr. Alexai,dor Craig returns to Te„1ie• results. Try it. Price 50c. at drub>g�stb, Councillor Wm. `Debra at Iiia own xe• _" y. ^ gR. Heavy Overalls, in black, blue and moleskin stripe, sale ,69 cauiuig, this week. or Polson Co,,. X111,1,180LA, Out. •bold quest to b, charged oil the roll for au- wear tii'ell, at 15c, 20C,. 2.5c- 0,5c, 5oc, .65c, R 4 only Black Rubbor Coats, sale price - - - 1.75 4 Mr. and Mrs, Hood of Sunshine visit. by A. L. Hamilton. other do,,. The Court then closed to be der at -.,5e., Dr. Hamilton's Palls Cara Headach^_. ° 75c. See our lei r'�► ed their daughter, Miss l#ood, on Mou- reg net a ii,u 04 Tuesday, 17th r f ► Just a few Grey Box Back Rubber Goats left at - - 3.50 p� g y,. } i® day' LLT. June (7uncil resun,ed. Monte$ a£ task !A "�� LADIES' WHITE SKIRTS in :great ,I g 1 i 1 .1 liluuiiln, Oil Wednesday evening, May 31st, j , tucked, ► GROWDER � LEADS IN LOW PRIGES .. , , meeting read, and after an aminated t ' variety, with deep embroidery, On Wednesday, , May 20th, George over 100 guests assembled at Mr. Hainil- s , : 4 Henderson and Miss Jean Ireland, well ton's beautiful 'resiclenco to witness the discussion over the shute (i1, tale matter - dust frill, fine cambric, well made, at 75c, 4 , of the proposad new bridge on river,. � t $1.00 $1,25, $2, '$2 50.. See Our special .1 known residents of the 3rd line were marriage of Robt• G. Way and Miss t' SATURDAY SPEGIALS in the GENTS FURNISH- .4 united in marriage at the manse, Eg ,Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr, John cons. 0 and 7) were coufiruled, � ' $1.25 Cluality*, selling now for $1. i t7 NGS DEPARTMENT _-q�:-•• 4 moudville, by Rev. Mr. Slaty. They Hamilton. At five o'clock to the straius Tenders for the erection of thiti bridge were received as follows :—Mitchell , , NIGHT i► 0 dozen Men's Shirts and Drawers, summer weight, worth 45c each, returned to the home of the groom that of the wedc. ing ,parch playe 1 by Miss L A D I E : C O W N S, wt th ♦, g _ , Bridge and Iron Works C,Y., for caper- - price an Saturday, only .25 I evening. Their many friends wish Laird of Corrie the bridal part)• appeared etruetur3 $3,030;. Hamilton Bridge Co.,?� good Nide skirts, tucked 'ores, with 'fine • COLORED SHIRTS •— 4 dozen Men's Colored Shirts all sizes them many ,years of bappiness. on the lawn, tl a bride leaning =acefally g y is - ' ' 4 ,, Hamilton, for superstructure, $4,490; � embroidery. Food quality of cambric, made worth 050, Saturday special, choice .40 Caroline Lawrence, relict of the late oil her fathers arm. She was becom- y 9 y I Chiries Wheeler, died at the residence !ugly attired in cream Lustra trimmed Router Bridge Co., Kincardine, for to wear well, at 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25. See r ► .4 ' y su erstiucture $l 375, Do in* ► 45e Mercerized Colored Soli tie 4 of her son on the 4th line, cu Monday, with satin and pearl, wore a bridal veil p our trade winner at 7:-,c, ren ular $ r. r , 4 Bricl a Co. Moutraal were aske.l to'lk 0} dozen Meu's Sol: in assorted colors; most of theseare mercerized 4 May 20th. She was in her 84th year. and carried'u, bougnct of cream carna tender, but declined, having; too much a , ► and well wortli 400, 45c to 60c a pair, Saturday, choice .25 4 On Monday, May Nth, Isabella Me- tions. She was assisted by Miss Edna LADIES' DRAWERS, "ell made ► - 4 oil Maud this season alraudy. Gaorgo r, f. ► 4 Cutcheou, beloved wife of Robert Arra- Akins of Orange Hill, cousin of the i w strong, 4thliue Morris Murray, Seaforth, concrete work, $u".20 trimmed with deep embroidery, and , C SALEM BRAND SHIRTS AND WAISTS g, , ,passed away to groom, who lo0ltetl her best iu a co$tume per cubit: yard; F. Gutterid saitfortl, �, tuck "CL 2 "c ^OC, ^l !, a her reward the home of her of white'muslin Waimea with lace and + J > o o5c, 40c, 50c, SUrpriS- u 4 ' concrete wont W5 per cubic cud. ,\ t All the latest patterns and colorings in Salem .1 daughter, Mrs. W.;Hartiy, of Soatorth, ribbon and carried a boquet of piult car- ' p y inn Value at ^ "C. A ,lz to See them, to i Shirts guaranteed to wear and wash and Moved by Mr. Carr, seconded b Mr. _ c `'� !t Shirts, g e aged. 74 years and 4 mouths. Some nations. Tho roo:u was attetulad by Mr. that this council soca , y fit. $1.00 and $1.25 4 Dobie, p• the toad- 71 I 4 time ago Mr. and Afro. Armstrong, hav- John Hamilton, brother of the bride. = T Iu Working Men's Shirts we are right in it. A 4 er of the Mitohell Bri,ige w Iron works LA D I ; S' WAISTS in the latest New T'orlc II xlr. 4 ing rented their farm, decides to ansate a Two nice little lassies, Hazel, sister of Co. for building the im erstructare of astyles,, ► ;•; ., special purchase at your command, choice .4G 4 g A O en back or front lots of work can them, and. ► tiF �i a i t, visit with their elii3drau and other tela- the bride, and Bassie Gowdy, niece ofp , 14 bridge over the Maitland river, anus. 0 w I J , 4 lives in North and South Dakota and the groom, each dressed �rl,ita n,usliu r trimmed will embroidery and lace insertion. 'Prices 4 3 7, providing; they furnish t,00a i f HATS—HARD AND SOFT FELL 4 Nebraska, where they spent a good and carrying a boquet of whito carra• sad• snfficiEut secnrit for the 7 range thus ' 50c, 65c,, 75c, $ r, $1.2 j, $1. j0, t.75, All leading shapes, both English cool American share of a year. At the latter place Mrs, !tions. Rev. Mr: Marshall, B. A, B. y 4 $2, $2.5o, etc. Ask Co s+.e our doil'tr 1}tle, ti befits R + due fulfillment of their contract __ �S�ALE �SNIRTS` in kapok, grey, fawn and biscuit color, at 4 Armstrong, who had not been in t►uy performed the ceremony and was assist- `� ( 1 45c, 75c, $1.00, $1,25, $1,50, $1.75, $2.00 to $3.00 too robust health provions, took cold ed by Rov. Mr. Stowzrt of Bolmre, satisfactory to Reeve Currie and, a them all -t . a . Co. commissioner Aus'ey, who aie - ' and was quite poorly so it was decided ! Cong;ratnlatiuus aver the many guests F I I,', I-' ! FIRE ! Sale of damaged Prints now +.)in �' P-4 she would be taken home but on reach•'' repaired to the spacious dining room, empowered: to wait on said company g• 10 4 and make all necessaryarrangements ., Otl. They 111uSt be SOId quick, a ► ®W ®� V ® ing Seaforth she got so much worse that where tables loaded with the most apps- I arrangements L 'r ° ..� R. H. ' 4 after several months trying illness her'. tizing viands were at their dispo4al and lvith them; and also that we accept the �j D� Mens Outfitters. WINGHAM 4 P y everyone tenser of F. Gntterid�•e, Seatorth for t )I g . o �, ' •` . ' 4 spirit was beckoned awn as stated at which eve one ate with avidity. ° ! ► 4 concrete work, building piers and abut- .�, (� t Colin A. Campbell's old stand. j3utterand Eggstaken ascash 4 above. Dropsy and other complications: In a room upstairs many admiring eyes Opoosile Bank of Hamilton Highni pries p sD '1 was the cause of death. Deceased was' feasted on the beautiful array of pros- moots, c c,, at the rate of 85 per cubic old fir CiI�IlGri AAk4AAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAhAAA AAAAAkAAAk4see�,, AkAAAAkAAA yard; and also further that Mr. Ansley - ,.r,�� F.,-�s= r.ua. 4�"�:etsw, w°- 4µ�r�-_.s.:.�,,, +. w.-•= �us:s.�� born in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, and., ents•�vhictz showed the good will auci � � be employed as inspector of tha con- • ♦ came to Canada with her parents ' when wishes o: all�or the bride. Conspicu- r ►♦♦♦♦000000.000.00000.00.0000000000♦0000.0000000♦10 strnetioii of said bridge, to be paid at + ♦ a child. Over 50 years ago she was max- ! ons amoug tho" number was a handsome ♦ the rate of 02 it day for his services. O For th 0 tied to her uoNv bereft partner auci they natant suite, the gift of her tour 'Wroth- + ,, ke • came frim west Gwiltinbury township ers. An interesting program Nt•as thea Caaried. 4 4 a • The Reeve reported that since last '�"""� ,�`'� . ® ♦ to Morris -in 1854, tatting up the • fine furnished by the guests which produced y vnfi ANNOUN b ♦ council meeting he had arranged witl, , , • ,` ♦ '3L farm on tvhloh they coutiuuously xea3id• much merriment amoug old noel young � ix �?+ . ar Charles Riutoul to operate the \ 0 ed, then a bush lot. Their children alike. The young; couple have settica p � Ig "g 0 ♦ „ road grader this season at the rate of •.'. \ ,�,7ia? ♦ • are:—Francis (deceased) James, Robert,' in their future lio:no at Yamtauin $7.50 a day. Lately however, Mr. Rin- ♦ = Wm. J„ David and Thomas, all in and it is the wish of their many friends tool had refused to work the grader for 0 Mrs W. J. Harty, that their onrney together through life b North Dakota; , 3', j g g ♦ that amount of money. The Reeve was � �_ fair � ♦ 'GOLDEN TRAY or BUTTER BEANS � Seaforth; Mrs. Aitk,ns, North Dakota; ' way be one of happiness. � �' ♦ MENT therefora authorized to see Mr. Rintoul ♦ and Mrs. Rands, Tripp, South Dakota. 4 g : �� 1 and make further satisfactory arrange r ,' In two-lb cans, beautiful goods, that make = , LigLtninglicniedyforCraruts• lei old customers are lookinc you think they are just picked off the vines. 0 The Day of Miracles not fast, Soule people have cramps pretty of tel,, menta with flim if lie could. y a + ♦ „ others only ilo%v and again, But when The treasurer reported cash on hand to me to get something good. ♦ AToronto Star renorteriuvestii;atecI on do bavethem it's a• mighty quick at dato $508.54. 4 cans for 2be. * the case of Mr. Geo. Warner, and found relief you want. Pulson's Nerviline is in the ♦ that after thirteen years of almost total as sure as dearli to relieve cramps in five B'y'law No. 0, 1902, ratifying the an-RECEPTION WAFERS ♦ deafness, lie had been cured by inhal-, seconds—it's iustnutaucons,. just a few pointment of pathmasters, ponudkeepers ' � "i c^" r f ♦ ing; Catarrhozone' drops of wat,or and the pain is gone. Buy and fence viewers for the current year, - •' •�� - �•� �i. -4. s1A $ Nice crisp tasty Biscuits put up ill boxes ♦ This proves that whru Catarrhozone a bottle of Nerviliue to-day, and hes it y. regulate"- ,o, ' ' ' ' ♦ treatment is employed, impaired hear- P auci e by-law 7 to order and re, n handy: Nety ane is a costs 25 ]louse- theretluu of all road lists on or before _ m - ♦ just the thing for lunch. ♦ ,int; and deafness can be cured. Catarrh• hold necessit •ii,tl only casts 25 cE,nts. + ozone always brings quick relief, and is Dr. Hamilton'siMandrake Pills care the 1st clay of Saptembar nett, both line for them. I am pleased to tell them and everybody 10c per box. ♦ warranted to give lasting satisfaction. Constipation. duly react and passed. ♦0 All sufferers from Impaired Hearing, — James Martin, sr., was appointed interested that I and stocking up with the very best this Deafness, Head Noises and Ringing in ♦ TABLE JELLY' j the Ears are advised to inhale Catarrh- �V1tOxftTitu pathmnstex for road division �o. us in Canada of ours can produce — and no other countrycaTl t .0 0 ozone and derive the great benefit it is The Sporting; Committee have decided place of Win, Martin, We have it in all flavors, raspberry, + capable of affording'. Price $1,00, small to hold a celebration bore on Dominion I The following debentures were passed make- better. l ;0 ♦ size 25c. Druggist or N. C. Polson & Day• and signed, viz-:— strawberry, lemon, orange, etc., etc. • Co., Kingston, Out. Those desiring tomato tants or house , r 4 Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. r p Will Robinson, services as assessor, Among the goods I purpose. handling are included ♦ 10c per package ♦ . plants should call early at J. Brethau- 11;02, -$50'; John Beecroft, repairing cul- r ROLGRAVE, er's. a vert and sideline; 30 and 31, con. 0, $1; the famous ♦ Wm. Geddes, Mrs. McKenzie and F• V. Dickson was at Stratford last Jas. McGill, jr., repairing wash out n.ud AT T' John Armstrong have erected a new week attending court. furnishing plank, lot 30; 4 and 5, 81,50; � t� d.1. + wire fence in front of their places which . Mr, and Mrs, Henry Armstrongwere ! Win. Love, balance of account for ser - o f I , x i c. e� I + • at Newbridge last Thursday. c e g I Nom it ars 8 .: .� g vices len leu,l as messenger small o� ! N'S 0 greatly improves the appearance of their g p ♦ Mr. J. Brethauer was at Brussels on i cases, 1.902, $N T ; Dr. J. McAsh, Bel" :4 places and street.. .. g +'r1tVe paynit'.nt of has account stn£tll .)ox _� �"•� _ � ""'� t ►.M....404....... ........ b..........0............ ♦ Mr. Sproat is htiv,ng;bhis house shiug• Tuesday attending the annual meeting j c , , > *, Ri 1 t cases, rad v bit ,12.50Charles �iutonl, Sharp- led drop in find see samples Ilow ready, you ._ of the ]cast Huron I?aru,ers Institute. � 1; •. I f you 1 .. led this week. (sun,• grader bits, ,, Z 50. }' R. Black expects to have the tempor- The council then adjourned till Tnes- Rev. Mr. Little of Toronto occupied i be very favorabl itn r 'the pulpit in the Presbyterian chorea, , ar dam completed b the enol of this clay, I T th June nest. "1x111 certainly y y p o,'syed, , j oC1 see, y� � t y y �. �'' 'y ` Y E 0.1 V�®R weel'., and t110n tiVa.lt l� ill 1J0 CUlll- P. �OliTL1iF1Y:LD. C1CPlt. last Siibbath. meueed. oil the permanent darn. tllenl yell will want t11C'tll, and if you biiy 13 fore seeing a Rev. Mr. Hastie returned holue with Mr, Beckett of Sinicou has accepted,a t you -will be very, is�y, fir I ca,ti tel you the' 4.41,_.... . his bride from the Old Coantry on situmioti with Mr. John Douglas. �a y,, , l `111 4V : Tuesday. He Was met at the station by T Hemphill & Son shipped a car load are S✓ Stye 1 400clS. 9 `' ;v the elders and driven to his home of peas to Liverpool last week _ = 1 S. B, McKelvle is buying wool.. Garden r A , n per for the Aid coupleanda. Tuesday. Smith was in Brussels ou ��a� rsi•ws �r+Y��� f � , i � � , c'r The 1 �i �irv�i,s Then I handle, the renowned Woodstock Wagons, ons et p y . I have used Ayer s �Ia rVigar Cockshutt Brantford Plow Goods Percival Plow Good' pleasant time was spent. His man Air. Hairts, si., has ino�ecl to Grorrie, Nervous energy, the one thing ;friends are pleased to sou him home into the Smith residerwo. I `� ' ' > Goods, r lacking in the majority of people, Mr, h Grahame Belmore called oii for aver thirty years. Ithaskept. , "` Boxes which are Seed.5again Froin his watery journey. y y p B Bell Sons t. GEOrrye CUttin0depends upon the proper nourish-J. Brethauer on Wedntsaa . m seal free from dandruli and i B. � George, a � Mr. Dave Geddes of Liiiiailt County is Reeve MunrO slipped ata the counter has prevented my hair from turn- favorably so well and kin thiicinit xment of the brain and nervous sys- visiting in and around the village this in his store on Saturday last and fell ing gray."—Airs. F. A. Soule,nown s' vicinity. tem. Unfortunately artificial slim- Plant Good Fresh week. There are now five' of the old backward, hurting his back. It is ex- Billings, Mont caeca he will be around again in a f:"etv �_ : i tilants tare resorted to and the result Seed and, Satisfactory Geddes familyin the neighborhood p € I t Zvou.d take tea much space to enumerate everything • producing g ds,vs, ,s,ii,variably a reaction, p t; Results are Wiliam Geddes, Morris aged 81 Dau, Mr. Fyri ht Ins a^tor for the Berlin Third 'l5 this peculiar ' ,. , g , R p � _ I keep 111 stock. Suffice 1t to say that I purpose halldlirlg mental depression, (or blues) inabili- Assured. Geddes Lanark Count aged 70' Mar- fire Insurance Co„ stated that the w,r- �, � y, >� , thing about .Ayers air = ty to sleep, Wealtuess, headache, un• We have in gavot Gadder, br Mrs. la2orrow, aged 77; ing; of the electric light was originally • nothing but the bust goods I earl get bald of, and we?Qltl eSteCllt ' necessary worry, and otlzor well ,� very carelessly clone, and does ilOt come Vi or--it is a hair food , Stock a full David Geddes, aged c5t John up to the requirements of the Under- not a dyc. Your hair does' = it a favor to 'have the pleasttl'e 'Of showing customers Arid itnown symptomsaPnervousdisease. of Garden Geddes, Bluevalq, aged 7`2. writers' Association. Mr. Reis, who turn black '��i'hatis.m�ost needed and sought Seeds, pare and Brnost Geddes is laid up this Week recently purchased the plant,. contem• riot suddenly i friends through my stock, which will be found up-to-date rill.' by intelligent apeople is a nerve food fresh. wilit the measles. ' plates overhauling the line to iiieet the look. dead and lif lots. ! , I and, tonic combined. Such is Iron Por sale by the lair. Will. Bone of Rockwood spent r(llev, Mr. of t of ey tie theon. '` But raduall the' old Collor eve- 71tie, ' lY ev. Mr. Mc1'�elvey Heil the nuptial ' "' Tonio Pills. 25'0 a box, five for $1, deuce and package. e. Sunday in the village. r knot between Mr. !,Cotton of Hahaas Haid 1 C0111e3 back,—all t110 rich, , In I3uggies, as usual, I bane purchased three car load:% (Jur hatcher killed a heifer this week ,Miss Sharpie, of the a resi en a oiviC` a dark Color It used to have. 14 months old, Which dressed 470.lbs of gn CVednesday at the residence of the from the best makers, and -if you. want a buggy for $60 'or one Dor, bride. = The hairstaps fallIng, too. > Rev. Mr, MclColtey left for Sarni% oil $146 ik uttlt. rAll dratilsts, for ti5t�, 'or one for any Otlitrt" price, "012 will iltitl lir tlel"e„ HAM �� j� John Fells sold tL two•year•oi l colt to Thursdajr to attend COu%tepee, lairs. y;;, • y p � �r �f n . 'r' u , Joseph Miller last week for $110. M'oltelvey will visit with Mrs+ Mundell tr gnus drag int .cannot ,iu ply YOU, ,.... _ _ . The boys nave or ttnls t1 a baseball ht namb i y g fly'Ir�5mibTiaf;Brhaisselgs�vtill�oc0upy the R eouiiiwtttb. s�N�'r ss a give `r�°IL 'i�I.� .�`�`,�ND WINQNAMM team, mud they intelid to atyournoare t ,If , OIUOIST y give tow'(`)'of l the league teams ii chalTeiige, dad* ilea. ,. _ i.ett,3ttaeb. Near the tlta>"ket..... ri • ROS& ' Y pulpit in the MethOdiet O.,ure3i oil 'Sut1• a c,�.x�;1�Cb.,T.o - r tri w r ,::� !\.1�,# a d.9 Lr �'ro.d ,s•cr,.. x ., A.,�...