HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-06, Page 4THE WINNGITAX T1914,'89 JUE 6, 1902,
ww"No VOW— TItursda of lust, week was. 4889. So
AU; (11 Of this Weel; at Duncan Waylor's. EL�.ECTIQN FIGURES. that our readers way be able to milk
0er XcDoalild,, with. his, pug of
coilip"16�114,wo givo the 1110jorldos i
in previous
v.4lig frulaers Oro busy this we
the mind
a new root Oil N. Hayde0l baril, I Tll� following are the official 11gures. JOHN KERR
which was unroofed the day of the for West Huron us deolpred by Mr. Will, Deceinber, 1001,
tin, Is I 'arrow Beek
er $to g ooffier, on Mon- G
;Iber o,,,,,1,,er,11uridu,
(From Another Correspondent.) 7 Goderjoh .............. 180
of this
A iiew attraction ill Xarnesto%vu, the G , Tp...,,..... -
Cameron lklitchell, Ashf
Misses Conibes have pnrc , A it, new Asb1leJ4 No 1, ......... rA3 86 leld ....... ........ 01)
wheel,West WaWilliesh ...... 9
2 .......... r)G 81 East Wawauosh ....... 78
E=h ouo guarautped to I 'worth friends oil f3unday last, 4� 27 76 Colborne. ......... 36 0, K C 0 0•
Mi" Mary Sitapsou is visiting relatives Winglialit ............. - 72
5 ........ 1 91 17
I* aboolately. perfect... inTorollto, this NNT61C. Cli uton ............... 79
Mr. Win. Wrialit called on Mole$- a .......... 1w 0-�
t 0.. 1 so 22 Hullett 1,16
Mr. $audy 4=1 Misa Maggio Wrigh 7 .......... 76 118
visited their sister, .9 S., Sitnpwn Blyth ........ ........:23 T.%. Tllo
Of 134thO this week, 430 074 432
45 4t) I
Mrs, P. Scott visited friends !u, Moles- Blyth No. 1...., ..... Majority for Garrow, Hot Weather Hot Weather
worth this Week. , 1 2 .......... 50, 45 March, 1898.
R GLOVES - - Garrow Beek
95 04 Goderich.... •
. 17
Clinton No. I.......... 64 58 08 G• roceries Dry Goods
Toronto, Jane S. -At the western
cattle yards tot -day the receipts oo 60 BlytIt .................. 1(10
amQuilte4to 100 carloads of live stock, 3-1 62
including 1,842 citttle. 705 sheep tin(! 4 .......... 43. 61 Nvilighaill ............. - 12•
To keep comfortable and cool, buy Groceries
11a f80- fflkytbing 'FLU want Ashfield .............. 61 MEN'S UNDERWEAR -
is, 702 hogs, IOQ calves, and 25. - - already We have a
lubber Goods we have 141111 �68 24, Oolboi ............ - 36 y prepared for table use,
it tit right prices, milch caws. West Wilwatiosh.....__ - splendid assortment, Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, each 25
To -day 24 railway carp, carrying 528 Colborne No, i.. 90 65 East Witwituosh ...... 61 Fancy Cotton Shirts and Drawers,each 25
borseL4,"woru utiloatied, here; yesterday 2. ....... S6 49 - co
(Monday) 500 horses mare in; they were 71 92 Gd�lerich Tp.... Cook meat, per Ib o ......... ..... .20 Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers . 60 •
all stalled in the new section of the mur- 4. ....... 64 40 Hallett • Potted Ham, per tin .......... . 05 and .10 Fancy Stripe Union 14 .50
71-lofin A. Campbell ket. - - 191 103 •Putted Tongue, per tin ...... . 05 and .10 64 .45 •
Themarket was an nil -round good • 251 246•
oue.pricesfor cattle and small stall Goderich No. 62 76 Majority for Beck, 2. Mr. Darrow • Potted Chicken, Turkey, Beef 0
There was a recount and 61
THE DRUGGIST were well maintained, choice exporters 2, ....... 67 71 was elected by a. majority of 1. • and Duck, per tin ................ .05•
Opp�. Bank of Hamilton. being, it anything, it little higher. Hogs 3 ... W 00 December, 18D8. Jull 0
were weaker. Everything sold off 4, 76 46 Darrow Beek Game, Ham and Tongue, per tin .... .15
r.early. a 52 48 Goderich .............. 66 Potted Cottage Loaf, per tin ........ .15 Ribbed •Vests, sleeveless, each ........ .05
TO ADVERTISERS. The following are the quotations: 6, ....... 87 00 Clinton •................ 22 Ribbed Vests, white and cream, with
CA!rTLL. 7.. , ..... 48 26 Blyth .................. 16 Potted Ham Loaf, per tin .......... .15 or without, sleeves, each ............ .1Q
, ....
,Totioe of Ox-Ritgesiiiust be left at this Shippers, per owt ...... $ 5 25, 6 50 - Whigham.........- 72
le not later Saturday noon. Do., light ............ 4 60 5 W 454 802 Ashfield ............... 71 Canne-1 Corned Beef, I. -lb tins. Fancy Vests, ribbed or vlain, with or
Of1k Butcher, choice do ..... 4 75 5 00 Goderich tp. No. I_.. 40 97 Canned Smoked Sliced Beef, without sleeves... .15,.20,.25 and 30 0
The copy. for changes must be left Colbornd .............. - 80 0
All I teber, ordinary to, 2 ..... 36 60 Kippered Herring, per tin .......... .10
]opt Inter than Xuesdaj evening. BU West Wawatiosh...... 3
Casual advertisements accepted up good. ............... 3 7r) 4 60 41 69 East Wawanosh ....... 54 - Misses' and Children's Underwear, all sizes, •
to noon, Thlirsdtrr of each -week. Butcher, inferior ...... 5 00 5 30 - Goderich Tp ........... - 130 Herring in Tomato Sauce ........... .10 at very moderate prices.
Stockers ..... ........ 2 00 5 00 107 22a Hallett • ................ 04 -
Hallett No. 5 .......... 3o 31 Kippered Chickens (147ish) 3 for...... .25 •0
ESTAIElLISTNED 16741. Choice ewes, per owt. ., 3 25 3 75 6 .......... "o 27 21186 241 • Canned Finnan Haddle, per tin ...... .10 a
Yearlings, per owt ...... 400 5 50 7... ...... _ 48 so Majority • for Garrow, 54. Canned Fresh Iferring-, per tin... .... .10 CLEARING SALE OF LADIES' SAILOR HATS
Spring lambs, per cwt. 2 00 4 00 1. . .50
Tim. WiNato Tom* Bucks. ..... 3 25 8 75 148 94 The following are the official figures • Canned Sardines, in oil, in mustard, in 75c Hats for .....................
3: R- 9LT4I0TTVU'R)r,19ffN1t AND PROPROOTOB 1%EIL1%_.=S AND CALVES. E. Wawanosh No. n 47 for East Huron, as declared by Sheriff 50e Hats for ...................... .38
Cows, each ....... 25 00 5000 2.... 72 63 tomato sauce, per in ............ 05
Reynolds, returning officer-- 40c Hats for ...................... '10
J oo 1000 3 .... 58 41 - .15•
Calves, each,... Hislop Spotton • French Sardines, regular 25c, now .. 25a Hats for ...................... .15 0
FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1902. HOGS, 4 .... 56 88 Grey No •I ..... ........ 50 49 and .15
Choice hogs, per owt... 6 75 6 87;9 Canned Salmon, .10, 12 .1,
2 .............. 58 20
Light hogs, per cwt.... 6 50 6 62�'L_1' 259 1191) 3 .............. go 32 • Canned Lunch Tongue. •
NOTE -:S, AND OOMMENTS Heavy- hogs, per cwt. 6 50 6 021� W. Wawanosh No. I....57 65 4 ............. 76 35 • AIEWS SUAIMER VESTS •
t, 4 bO 2._41 73 Canned Chicken, boneless.
NVQst Ruron is still in the Liberal col- Sows, per owl ......... 3 50 5 ............. 85 52 a 0
Stags.. , ....... ........ 0 00 2 00 3,...34 60 6 .............. 75 51 0 Fr d .10 Alen's Fancy Vests, reg. 81, for., . 75 •
-1 ... 67 47 7. ............. 87' 0 en Mustard .......... .05 an Alen's Fancy Vests, re-. 82, for.... 1*50 •
The city wee) will have loads of Brnssels No. I .......... 79,f' 29• Catcup, pint bottle, each ............. .10 lien's Fancy Worsted" Vests, regular
;)Qlltical new,., this 2 ......... 51 34 best Canadian Pickles, per quart .... .15
$3,50, for ...* ....... 3.00 0
All the Cabinet, Ministers arere-elected 254 283 8 ..03 17 C1
Torpid Liver Wingliam No. 36 03 Alixed Pickles, in bottles............ .10 •
�vltlx increiced majorities. Hallett No. I ......... 62 'o Alen's Wool, Tweed and Serge Vests.. 1.00
Is sometimes responsible for difficult dl- 2 ....... 43 43 2 ...... ...... 83 45 Pickled Onions, Walnuts, etc.
'01+ is the favorite 3.5 743 31
Aroli i1j$A" ia East
gestion. that is, DYSPEPSM 3 ............ 27
Hnrou. We were pleased to report his 4 ....... 67 115 4 ........ . _f&_ 33 Marmalade, plot jars .10 Al
When It 19, EN'S STRAW FIATS -1t plu0tieu,
headache, dizziness, constipation, Morris No. I ............ 71 Jam -Peach, Plum, Raspberry, Straw.
181 294 2 ............ 67 41 berry,Orange, etc . .............. .10 Common Straw Hats, .05, .10,.15 and .20
haye made a mis- What •fits of despondency, •
b RECAPrrUL&TION1. 3 ............ 47 49 •
Whan it z4erred to the Ti=s as its Cameron ...... ................ .24 3 4 ............ 49 47 • Splendid assortment of Fancy Biscuits Fancy Straw Hats...... ,25, .50 and .75 0
W What fears of imaginary evils, conduce
"n 11 cotcw-�) with the distress after eating, the sourness Mitchell .......................... 2438 5 ............ 52 .51 ........... 10 to .40 Boys'Fancy Straw Hats ...... . 25 to .50
de, . r if ibe Gorrie correspondent, I of the stomach, the bad taste In the mouth, (3. .6. 72 •at; per lb, from
Majority for Cameron ......
if the A-Vilighaln. Advance heard any- and so forth, to make the life of the sul- Wroxeter No.
11 MA'ToitlTm S. No. I... . : -95
ierer scarcely worth living I Howiek 1 749
thlllg drop in East Huron. Cameron Mitchell 2 61 85 0 •
J, W. Munro, I lip Libei al M. P. P. - Dyspepsia resulted from torpid liver in Ashfield I ........... 65 -
the case of Mrs. Jones, 2320 N. 12th St., Blyth ............. 1, - 8 ............ 58 •102 0
fleet for !�ortlt Reafrew died on(idenly 4 ....... .... 69 94•MACDONALD BLOCK
Philadelphia, Pa., who was a great sufferer.' Clinton., , , , , , , , , , • . , 27 -
ti,i 5 ............. 01 73 JOHN KERR JAS. H. KERR
Saturday worning.
Her statement made in her 77th year is Colborne ............ 5 - 55 5g O
W I N 0 H A M
We would have been pleased to have that she was completely cured of it and all Goderich ........... 62 Turaborry No. 1.... .... �ii� 0 1 ; I
-ceported the eloction. of M. Y. McLean Its attendant aches and pains, ai�,others Goderich Tp........- 119 2• , • , , • • , 84 48
for South Hnrow--• 9!�., MoLoraft made 1, have been, by a f
f Hallett .... ........ rA - 3.... I ", 64 54East Wawanosh .... 70 - 4 .... 59 57 •
Igd Hood'sSarsaparilla West Wawauosh,,..- 29
Mr. Calueron'S, Official Majority in That acts on all the digestive organs, Wingliam. ........... - 113 McKillop No. I ... ..... 'Tr 156 WINGHA" N MARKET REPORTS
-arts dyspepsia, and give permanent vigor - 2.. , * * * , * * ro 3Q
. �t Huron is 23. The proper returns ( whole system. _ --- ..j , 3 ......... 68 911y Thursday afternoon
effort) not sent in (tout No. 3, West Wa- and tone to the 284 261 4 ........... 79 Corrected every Peed Merchant. BUTTON BLOCK
Majority for Comer 23. - 64 by F. J. Carr, Flour and r Ah
A"nwsh. In this division a majority -was The total vote in December, 2299 1834 Wingliam, June 5, 19021.
ol,., �w ; Thol"11a s Uanar
poriett for Mr. Cameron when it 1901, was 4986 and the total vote on Majority for Hislop 405. Flour per 100 lbs.......... 1 65 to 2 60
hould have beenf6r Mitchell. Fall Wheat .............. 0 72 to 0 72
There ltr.we be fbw changes in the Coal and Wood E M Spring Wheat ............ 0 00 to 0 00
T, en
�)olitical situation since our last issue. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYS Oats, ..................... 0 35 to 0 40
Barley .... ..... ........ 0 45 to 0 50
Cho Liberals have a majority of four Peas ............... o 70 to o 75
Some of the inGulbors have. been Turkeys, drawn...... .... 0 09 to 0 10
h!otedliT.sery narrow majorities, In Geese, 94 ............ 0 05 to 0 06
We have now on band a HAMMOCKS.
Nrorth Perth, Mr. Monteitlf Con is Ducks, per pair .......... 0 40 to 0 60 CHAIR SEATS.
lected over Mr. Brown, Lib. by a large stock of both Coal and Wood. Butter ...... .... ........ 0 15 to 0 15 -Mend your own chairs." well varii- A good hammock for..... ....950
Orders left with us will receive Eggs per doz ............. 0 13 to 0 13 ished perforated chair bottoms in
�Uftjority of 2. -Ili Centre Bruce H. Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 00 three sizes. CHINA.
Con. has -a, majority of 4. In prompt attention. Hay per ton... , ...... .... 9 00 tOI0 00 3 for .......................... 25c- ChivacnPsand saucers, -whiteand
_Tortli Grey. A. G. Mer, -ay Lib.. has a Potatoes, perbushel ...... 0 40 to 0 40 1 pink. gold edge.
Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 06
M. S. Regular price 250 15c
jorits Pf 10i and, in Lennox, I Lard ...... ........ 0 15 to 0 15 WALL ' !PAPER. Bread and butter plates at 10c each.
We have 1000 rolls wall paper, which China cream pitchers for ...... 15c
,,...dadble, Lib , bas a majority of Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 05 to 0 00
ilitouiln,'which. was not rep Wool ................... 0 13 to 0 15 we are selling at half price in order Toilet sets reg. price $2.50 for $1.98.
reported in
XCU14510 N 6 50 to clear out.
)uT lao,, issue, has returned a Conserva- Live Hogs, per •cwt ....... 0 50 t,
ire. Be-comits will be demanaed in a Chickens .......... ...... 0 80 to 0 40 A 15c roll ..... .............. 8c
-idin& flourauld Feed A. 30c roll for .................. HARDWARE.
kuniberofthe i nswhere the major- .150
C5 lvassrtl[rll.
A 12c roll for ................... oc JA good hammer for ............. 17o
Flue stoppers, painted and decor-
GRANITEWARE. ated at ..... .............. 8c each.
JAMESTOWN. 2 padirages of carpet tacks for ... 50
Xis%XeNjairof Crpnbrook was visit- This is the place to buy your It will Yay yoU See our -window for graniteware Coat and hat hooks per dozen .... 150
:rig her friend Marjorie Stracbm, F bargains.
Flour, Feed, Hay, Seeds, etc. 0 Tea pots regular price 35c for. .. 10c SOAPS.
X61111 ali&Nelhe Millar Went Saliday A T U D y
'We will be pleased to fill your K To see me before placing your Coffee pots regular price 35c for 10
,-,tt ("orrie With their aunt, Mrs. George c
Fire Insurance. Yoxi can save Wash. basins regular price 25c for Ioc Baby's Own soap regular price 30c
ov. orders. 2 1 money' by insuring in purely Tea drawers regular price 25c for loo box, now for .................... 25c
elawl Bros, are bnsy replastering i U7 .0i Soothing Cream soap -regular 25c
itt. Millar's •
house on the B. hae Turn- 'Phone 32. Canadian Stock Companies, out- Pudding dishes regular price 25c
X2for ............................. 100 box for ......................... 20c
side the combine. Master Mechanic soap regular 100
'6'Millar oil the D. line Turnberry
Xcy I - _.. J' "Purchases to the amount of boo will for ............... I ....... 7c
cyst 4t valuable, cow the other day. ! entitle you to any granite article in Genniao Brown Windsor soap regul-
&nt* talk'-- of Xktrnestown Sunday fl our window for 10c.11 ar 5c a calre 3 for ............... 10G
bool hol(ling a picnic in Alex. Bryan's MINERVA ENCAMPMENT No. 47, Z. 0. 0. F.,
Ii. am Silly i at. Everypetsonwillbe Abner Co "See our window." "Saturday Bargaius only."
CARH & SILS1, Wingham, has completed arrangements with the AGENT-.
mishig Como oil onWednes- LOAN AND INSURANCE
G. T. R. to run,.,a big Excursion to::�� Jam
1ped.ftl learjnSade
rn 5()wr stock is much too large, and in order to reduce it
q -*e will for rifle month offer
This sale is
genuine, and offers an
opportunity for
great bargains.
in and
see for
'L 8 E Y
Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con -
5,k: A N A veyancing done.
OFFICE -Over D. M. Gordon's store.
RESIDENCE-Looi3old street. This question is often asked here, 'You
From the following places, on Saturday, June 21�t, 1902, fftCook's Cotton Root Compound need not worry how we do so. You
Llyb? over
at the following fares ogy'.g. afe,.ffeggl� ad'e'sask take the benefit of our close buyifig
Z'our druggist fot Cook% 0tion,11opt Com�
itenoot et,as all mixtures, pills and
FA tions are dangeroua. PrIee, No. 1, 41 Apr and rather ask others why they sell so
LEAvr. FA -RE, Lr!,Avr, RE box,, Ne.2,10 degrees Atronger,$Pper box. o.
I or 2. mailed on receipt of 'price and two 8 -cent
9. The Cook Compituy Windsor, ort.
Poll. 1 hnd 2 sold ana redoftimended by all
Xineardine 5.50 A.M. $1.90 Belgrave 7.01 A. -St. 81.45 scam high. See our large stocks of
Ripley 605 11 1.80 Blyth 7.14 1,85 responsible Druggists In Canaft,
Lueknow 6,20 1, 1.75 Londesboro 7.22 05 No. 1 and 2 are sold in Wins�am by A. L.
Hamilton Colin A. 0 aipbell, A. Douglass
Whitechurch 6,33 1.60 Clinton 7.41 1.25 and.T. H bavig Druggilsts. All kinds of iff AV
Wingham 6-.50 1.55 Brucefteld 8.05 1.20
Wingham. Set. 6.52 Xippen 8.15 1.20 BUGG I ES
CHTLOREN over 5 and niWer• 12, It -ALP JVAIM : UFURNI�"UR E
If you wat a Buggy
Returning, Special Train leaves Sarnia at to o'clock ]P.M. on come and see the most
June 23rd, running through to Kincardine. come -date, most highly
finished and high-grade WALKER 19)?OSAr &
Fwerybody come on the biggest and best excursion or the year. Buggies in towit. urrom
FurnitUre Dealers ald 1ndOrtakersWftA�NETCommifteeW o