HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-06-06, Page 2.. 1
T 7- r-V,T7,42
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IV' , **TAJX4"XD IOL .1 on I, Compo4tioul -,with Junior 04moo." G. -rl - D10.1r, Ot Vrtiflliell;. gave a, paptr exp"ses in coulneittion. with our meeting. TOWN DIREWfORY11 N:5111"11:89sp 1672 CURIOUS FACTS.,
I The ability to exproi.s Quelellf NT011 W lilt Ott 1, Notioll, Builders." 1 -Tr. 131air, .ul. The report was AdQp , ted oil motion (f
I � ' Ta Wmanv Tins ,O- Central" ti.l...010119 office in New,
11 � OhN, 1) : .
I 141vortaut mattor "d tuo, t%*i:ht;r though in the profession of law, tboughti XerArs. Hardoy And Nvwters� BAPTIST caulitou-Sabixth F.'a,vicos at
I .
. . .. t 1TWINQUIATims. i Jiuvald karivo to iustm-li aud traits 1).;Lpilil his 14vtossion oull the tetkuhilig profes- UOYall, by Mr. UefrAt 8000114011 UY Ur- 11 ant And 7 lit. $4aday $01wol at IR-I?U=I*1iZP rt city averagoi .1,,)6,000 calls A, day.
� M.4 il. %6LIMT. Puwa"xx Alm PmorRuvlva I be 2;80 11 In. 00nertil prayer liluedug
'.W,- . tli4t, 04%'y Way bli 4WO tQ k4r4kk V1101V 4tou had ii, great tical in couinton, Bull SCOM that. a lialkay. Vote of 013111m � o4wo(likesdayovoillugs. 1wv,j..1.Put. CYCRY FRIDAY MORNING The Tsallg-Po River ill China . :UQW0
ituolidulKingoodplolUL44164. aoaq- tbat the chief Aim of bath limte for a -Wt. 00%lation of
.. � .losious is toudewd, to t1w. llruvs4-4 teachers f(.r terson,13.4.',jiastor, W.T.Chalimau,S-8. The 0 -AIAI,- havilreol miles tit
I FAIWAX, J(TNXB Vt. ,wti. r I _ Times
I I . jug - th,eir exoelleut eattrodutuout on Thurs- Suporwitoudent. ,� Moot Beaver Moak 10,000 feet.
��_ - v1skm wo w1alial, Ot j, cotilimAdous. -to do, what they ctin toward ills iaali� � ,
, "& 1, day . . Man ,41
on the b4twLward, guu tboit� uprrectiog of station buildere� Cecil rNllodoo vrive � ovouiag And to thoso who im kindly , oipioroixuttoix-sitbbfttitservic(,s NNIENQUAIM, ONTARIQ, The (OSV Of firing a sluty 0 shot fronto
gtilomand7pia. Sundu76chooInt -
I I East Hum, Teat hns, Von. `on
itA bpel.uukr, ioauvca�atou And sou- held 01) as an example (it % true uAtitD,1 Assisted lit 014 eutormiuluelm . &.10-inctiLgall Would pay =private soldier
V 2-.801)ui. EpworthLeaguouver7Xon- '.
I toiu:o countrileuvo. builder, The w4lia ClAt pixtiot the Moved by Mr. Mav;rovo, seconded by day evening. Gonergl prayor laeothig Ti.lausovSX711.1,('111,ivwti)x-$I 34.1%vannitmin for Ave years.
vention, the Air, Scott, tha=t ,*vd adjourn to Aneet, ut on, Weftesdgy 0-venings. Ftey. Richard advolict,isl.rAlitxi(st,4oljjkid, NopaperdlHeoll
ire #ro the poople of , Horses, giraffos and astri3lies havo the
I Ui. cameron thought that pupils British Emp. U tinued t a tall orrvars are paid, ciet-pt att the
should bu r%:LJukrt;d to. 1-*r0uUi;%3 bl,0404, , 4 every mail is it ;p Ur, (14111014 tit the call of the Executive. Hobbs, pastor. Dr. TiQWlOr,6-S-OUp- opt4on,of the publitdivr. .
Umpire alt Executive. orintoll. _Ouk Toll i 1. I JP I Ite nt ler lArge4t eyes of 1411d auillials.
. Tile regnlar —all%- i , esi .-God Savo tile itia'. , custull u .e,tisnavats pot oll arleliturfor An otllcial report gives the estitliated
, . inal ineOixig of the truia Lbt� buawarkk oathoro xu thu worats 1310 FMYS, that the r )onstbilhy for - . PRLsnyTSaX.&x Caunou-Sabboth ser- . w J 0 4
their own the proper building and mouldlug of - I . lie I per J r radii bwquenl
!,list Iluvoit Ttat-hurti' Ass ixtution was UE tut) Uuthur as WWI us, in . . � I vices at �,l a 111 una 7 V in. Sunday AH r I. X. Roldit;onal cost vocespary" to cwu�lo.t""
these bricks rests, upon the Houle, tllw School at, 2:30. p pt. General piuyer ( Q. I I .0 n; reeharg(ld ys its 04,050,000, .
I 'ru. � 1. * I r $trs J118vi-tioll, anil 0, volts Siberian ra"I'Wit .
Melo ia tho 1, s�vla Pubite e0imil jou wurt's. School And the Qliurch,, Whitt are cv. 110 to
sday evolibigs. Il. . T h
I the, � BADTISH SUMMER meeting oin Wedue, 10 11 soilla Itw-rtiall,
Thursday will Vritlay, Of last week. Ur Hartlt�y thought that the blao:k- ; D. Foriie, pastor and S `. 6uW.ii IfIgreat O)Iil turned our atmospliere
I , - a best woys of preparing oulldren to f it!. lteii' Advertirenionts of Last,. round, Strayed, I
V41;t Fes-ioll opt' (it, 1'.) O'elock. A.m. I I b0"Ai LAMIldbu Wi0a uluiQ4l; uliolly in '� DYSPEPSIA,! dent. IlParraH tot- Hit lit or to 1hint and Hindlar � I -W for to liqtiid air it would make it 9041 80 feet
I the, presitivi r, Will. W- �. i illo curruUtIVIA fit litizzukes 14 IslNeoll aud fat the duties of life*,, 141irstgetasmuch I $T, p.4LuL,s oxmitcu, Li riscopAt,-Sab- 111'st saunth w1kil Do conts,ittr alell t � u rface of the whole globe.
I atters, coudact � 1111�elln"'llt deep, over the s
I itig the olieldlig P\eret;es. I smishitle .%11(1 Joy into their lives it', pus- . . — bE � . mont-11. - w. . 110 .
ith services At 11 4 in tilid 7 p. Al. �;uu-
�hd� Ulu pupil .slivu.1a be Previewed. as . Ct)xTttA.mRA,Tzs-Tltofollo�viiigt.ib)osbo q During tile year 1001 I asteroids
I ible; seexidly, instil in.0 the Itu"Vil QT 0 da} School -Gonortilprayer our ratvs tot- tho imertion at uolvViniWe'lavilts
M al 0 tile , Rey. for siludilml puriods:- discovered, A111 but one �u f theist at
'rile following colalu,tt(le.i NVU0 all' maQU mi pubbiblv truilL heAriug l4%;4,rLUO,D oaruestuot.-a Auld oucoutago vaoh. of thout - PIALT OR L,AKFA FO odul; oil Wednesday 0A � were d 0
1 poilittA : W\11ruthblijils. i Win. Lowe, incaulbetit, irShtro, S. S. SPAOU. i irit, ano. s go. i pro Heidleburg, by phet-og,rapby. This
. % to have a -definite tdul,, thiroltly, teach . ' One. Coinjun .......... inoxit *w,w lib.00. Pre whole nawber. ch%rted up to
I . G
I Program Ciiiiiiiittee.-Ceniercu,'.N4',It- T11w sitbjeot of 11 Agriculture 11 was pupils to have a, spirit of self-s4ovIflee ; : •is Doing The ood Superintendent. Xatfcoltulin .......... 8.5.W ism 10.60 4xq brings, the
I.. . , CONQII�hGA!171ONAL blnu=.-Sabbatli Quin'tercohnun ..... Is.(* 10.00 6.W 2.00 1173. 1
.glas mill. D-111soll. - Scolday AdvertIsemosts, NN-it-liont s1weitle directions
: . filt, Dor I treatud uy Chas. 14. Leppard, ul! B101ts� fourthly,, the pupil seotgol. be trained to: Work _eor ThQt1S,%adS. services at a a ,it and I p ill.
I . . I -ted till fornid. ani chargecl aecor(l- Blatly Bc.iri In Is -)noentra-
lt4.,;o)utj)at4 Cloitim"ttto,-Loug, Mos- worth. He poiated, out the nemssity of take his p�aeo in tho gilbat worlishop Of - School at 13 in. Midweek 11100tilig Olt will ba inset . tile Brit! h (%
, . Wellnesdav evening$ at 8 o'clock. Gavin inglf". TrUT181(illb adVertitlements mullb 110 paid
I grove alld Roblv, .__� toael,iag w-rivulture iLt the Public, the world for it advaneo, . tic,, eavulis aro staolyiug wedicine, law
, L, Pupils shoplol be given the The 1410111 r-0011. IL'Or '%Ve1A1C Weary Wil , S,'S, Supt.; A. E .Prior, pastor- Tar, Xon X)ArAwx, ,sT is stocked it civil eugineerhig, ..
. 1,,,ppurtit1;4 Calantittee-Bails- and 0-, , I Stow. ,!LU . d 80)1 V), n
Schools, on accouixt, of its practical bot'0- knowledge and training tipcossary to - . 11-ith it alit
.1018. 'And 11 extensive as"urtment at all reollaAres for pri
I I � $ALvATxox Altux-Strvice at 7 in Affording I-Apluti(w not citultilt,ol In t
Ilardor. fit to lit. -Orly 5�1� Ot tile beholars Zhut at� mako thow. competent to make use . 'TZ Mixedi ramily bathing will be pormit�
r,•i — �.
, 'A'no Svcrc-tar:� t1 --,(,a 'road the mitilltes. I . . I a m and Sand 8 p m. on eaufty, and co6ty for turning alit Arab claRs work. Large
I Summer
.dyspepsia �J)fi baubles
go L e - at 8 1 ,AV A)r the first time at the
tents tho Pubho Schools,, that f4rLuiug ,of the resources of wealth in oat, Do, very evening during the ,week typeando ropr a to cuts for Atli styltw of Post- tea this year .
o,, 1,u,if. Int(qjug (),A motiou, of Robb uld 3F,119, oto., nud the latest styles Of "
I '. must include Xleruorolog,T, Zoology, Bot, 111i4iull. 14 Ltd(litiou tO these Wo should echoles-linty 1d111 ty jb a, f o r the finer a hw es o f it rin t, Qeruian watpritig places oil the Baltic,
I . , cum.mon Nvith )rQU11L' dud old 'are quick- o'clock at the barracks.
. _Lil 11,tiley tile minutes. were adopted, lany, Agricultural Chemistry, Geology encourage our pupils to WTritriodo n4c). Ir banished, ��hl�n it diet, of delicious PosT Orrior.-Iu Macdonald Block. Ing, M", Iron finger posts bearing the names of
' H, B. ELL1011
11if-first paper was one given by A. I Arohitt:crure and polttiepi economy. toad of patriotio sougs. Teach pupils it Mail; Breakfast Ifood le. adopted for a OMco, hours from 8 a, in to 0 : 80 1) m.
, - I ill;
,. "", ,%,**t1thj,l-a1, jl(�Ie4ij.jg with the I,Penda- . ft,mr weeks. Wook, and woney stottlaolis Peter Pisher, postmaster. . rropriotor and 1hibil.-ber all four tborou,n x%res aro now being
I - ITUat A-— icalLare has existed since Carli- poskilbit) -to have a clear vision. One of erected at the street corners in Berlin.
I .1r will find Milk BklikfttAt ,Vt Qt)d SOOZ121116" XVCIUWIOS) INSTITUTE-Libro , E .
. Mr. Wetheral est times,aud expenenco lilt* front timo the greatest reasons )vhy tile likett of tile .It Hall, J.,P. i. -wero no forualo And chile
11 luil Ilt p(.1111laimlaip *1 � iry and :R,WNBIh, x.o.. !QIP r. S. O ,
. e present day to time improved tilt, und comrorshig. This true health food free reading, room in the Tow. ( letabov of the British Atedleal Alwocia- In 1845 t.here
I staraj� the writing of t1i , lirocesses and the British Buipire *tire so hitellectual and is a grand promoter of physical strength: Will be open every nftGrnoctu from. 2 to Zion,) Gold Weaallbit in Medicine. 6 c"'I'll laborers in the,marble industry UL.
'. I
%vai detor%ioratkl, tber being 1110"e imstrarac'uts. in asv, but only Tecelitly take such it high interest in public -affairs, It nourishes. Cho tierviis, tissues and blood - 45 ol clock and every evening from 7 to attention paid to disenoem of Woulon arid Mud
. . . I � fiz - -7 to 9 1), 34. onstltuto12,4 per
. �-mil,.*.,L,rs than -it uiry titne ill tile past. I f Tlfo best pbysiciaus recommend it, Slee 9:80 o'clock, Miss Millie' Robertson, 701). 0ffI4L10Jl0UrW-1tQ-4P,c1., , "
h has the nucessity for baiiug the coca- is because of the laws tied liberty 0 }aur ;, -Dear, librarian. . . teat. of the force.
Titin is peconuted ver mainly throl".1 farmer on 'ph s=eal And of t,111vt L�Imp I . 11 ; R. MACDONALD, utribute $500
1 patiou of the . ,Ire, . P I 'N - I TOWN COUXCIL-1�- Vansto,10, Mayor, D . New Zealand is to cc, .
negivet in tisuellirg tht; 'Subject, There other science lootm even partially Mr. Blair's ilddrrss Was. Nye Win, Holmes;, Thos. Woll, I�obt. Me- toward the equipalient of the Morning
. .
. 'Is liwe,efl.ulte tataullart'll to go, b*y, no re.91- i ision is made Wt 11 received Robbers br4tally tortured Win. Jadoo, J J E)Iiott, W. F. 17auSto1w, . Centres Street . ,
,.,ty.,ty, ItoullifulTulty in the methods OfxaColuizedAnd appreciated by the teflobers. Eal-dwitta, a -%Nvaltby faxmar oi': An- A Y lrwi�, Coanoillois; J, B, Far- the'relief ship, for the Antarctic espedi-
. to theoretical A- icalrmro .xu4 t . W Ingham, Ontario.
* , 'r O -day 4:, M" I
ten0l'.111 this illiportaut subject. This A. H. *X11s9rQvU conducted the "OPOLI t-,naia, Con.n., in ardor' to ke him A. " tido on board the DiscoveLy.
: only the neat are obtained by I, lk-ason, Clerk. and Tren%urer; 'William
11 oil writing is a Parliament" ul which the folio 'jug c.c.int-3% whera*hll money was hidden, Clegg;, Assessor, Wm- Robortsou,"Col- � ,
, ,;�! go NY .
, to bu deplark"I 81= a pravtical union of intellect and. bat coaly smured $18. 1 - On health groutiols, an. order forbid-
� - of time, not only ilk the. schools, intellect .,& questions were discussed: . lector, Board meets first Monday even DR. AGNF-W, I ding the wrapping up of food stuffs in
1 143vlll�_ 0 musule, The relation existing between . . . illig ill each mouth at 8 o'clock.
� ilat lit all tilt. proressions. Good writ' I ' Physician, Surgeon, ete. old now,paporshas just been issced by
r 449 the Animal and plant lift) wits then div- (it), Is vertical writilig: better than the Sonom BoXIM-H. Kerr, (oht&rnan), Office-Macolumild Block, ovfNr J. U, Davq�' tlie perfect of P aiihtere.
. hit,-. three pritim xequi,sitos-Legibillty; ; neep8sary' system it displaced? Mr. Musgrove I cussed, the Uatur4 conditions Thos Abralumi, J. T. Rffliott, T. J.
! 01tifixtuily to llygitwie coullitions; and declared himself in favor of the slant. :" & muth, Win. Moore, Tbos. Bell, Win,
Drugstoro. Night calls nuawarod tit theoftleo. The Spanish Government is organizing
. r 1111.11 tion of tile �i, t f., 1�; f�, 6 1 .13%. . N. Griffln. Secretary, Wm. -
� . , - . �-311 11 fs;,A,M6M�Mllm f% lie ,
� rap!Aty, The of these must be soil necessary for the propagation of the (b� Wotildou.-isoliclaitiligsoliaolt;tictiulls is, . Button, *C, Ferguson.It, VANSTONE. a labor department, which will advise
;Lt.,;roullir olwerved, otherwise curvature . be an improveitioutO Mr. Robb thought I t Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. F
, * different kinds of grains and the pro- - 0 Meetings second Tuesday evening in each BAR-371STER. SOLICITOR, ETC,' ministers'on, industrial matters. five
i of t-1,,(. 'I. .
. f;1v,,(., will rLsul-t. The, cesses. used. Taa olijtoreat kinds of it Nvort1d. There �.. month. . . Private ana Company funds to Iona at lowest women will have places on the Dew
� I . wQuId,bet 4uemrd �It � gaffs No commbt�toncliargvd. ort- .
I Or 613(tt "Y.Qtem is Illost poritic- graded school for the towuship or part
I .. I s, town and farm pr I,t,y N
� soils, cause of barrenness and the pro- I . I G -J. V " fl f. PUBLTO SCUOOL TnAMMS.-A. H. )light I:Wd body.
, ;tiil.q is, thj4. J.r. is a more relio of uta to Nvlii(;Ii the pupils would . I Oilica, .,.uver Black. nglian .
I 0 1 q 13 S"; Musgrove, Principal, R. C. coultos, .9.ard 14L I
- cosses used fur the restoratiou of fertil- ill 4 1 . 7 X At the proseat ratio of progress 70
� 1,arbatilliv. a C'4ftuglug to the system Of I I , MissRoynolds, Bliss Farquharson, Miss I
, * ity, uta., were dwelt on At cuusidqrable 1 be CIJUVOY(ld ill carriages. Eacl14980tiull I Cornyu, Bliss MaLtian, Miss Matheson years will ellipse before Ponippil, is one-
4.,ur:i,t-re,,*)r.;. The vertleul system he wouldappohitit.vo trustees as members t A. MO11TON, .
. .
V length. Reasons assigned for teaching �l; is early, qu�ite early, to Miss. Reid, and Bliss Cummings. J. droly ltucovervol. It is. thonght that 0.9
� i;ottleuttea t,uperlor to the slaut. It up- these facts in Public Sohoole, were :- of the Township Board. This sytem is P talk of spring goods. But %_ BOARD or Hr,ALTII-MaYor Vaustone, 'BARRISTER, &0,, Itnuoli of ireasare remains,as has been
� proselies itiigo ilearly the three requi- It mattes the boys more 'Interested in in vogue U1 Atitud patts of the lJniled & we have m*add ready to - . (chairman), O. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
, Winghani, Ont. exhumed,
, , .tjlAl s of good petliaguship. E rou by te � States and Canada and is proving very 0 ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Fergemson, See- - . 0, r
i , ,the farm. to which many of them return I - raeet your wants' when the % .
t hil'itr welhod po(;r v�rlting sometimealand . . ,rotary; Dr. J: A. Macdonald, Medical . . , Pertnissiou has tit 16tigth boon given by
V I-'," Irt-�-,,,-ni,�'i',-iaT)c)orteacli- gives Owat it testa for readlug, Agri- satisfactory, time evivea. We're bound J / Health Officer. I B. L. Diom-moN Durtmw Hownu, the German authorities for womeu to at-
. .
-14 I . .. grammar be taught to forefront,
Ing va th,�) part; of flaose entrusted with I ,
cultural journals uud literature inteu I ded (c) Should formal . to be in the forefi , - .% . tend political ineetiugs. They must sit
for the farming commultity. third book pupils? untabor of the We Are determined to win - . DICKINSON & HOLMES in special plaois, however, and make no
- *
tho work. One ot the tl�.Jfects, back- - I -4 � ! �
ha -sol writ'inz,,xulty be corrected by ia- The next: paper given was by Miss teaullors discussed this aix.d all were of 6; your tallorin& account on BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. speeches.
. . . was (-, r merit. " 'Every gar. PIANO AND THEORY.
* Cleo- the opinion that it should not. The I , sheer Blo"my ,1,0 Lo,tN. Ali. it result of experiments with a new
4 perfect ,vertical" He. Her subject I
� ,t�,tuw:u , on li, p � he illus. subject is beyond tile capacity of third 4, inent we tarn out is a strong . RISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M.
. itimr, detat wittl the points of superiority; graPhy with Class " which E . .*,*; f osmics: Ineyer Black, Wingliam. secret explosive, the ItalMll Government
trated by an imaginary trip down the book pupils. Better results would be f bid for business. Its style. % and member of tho Associated MaAffins a
wh vertival popsPsses over the i ' 11 6n member
ire - , I Tim- * ' has decided to mauufacturo a. slew type
�Ivh the -stou to Bloat- obtaiLted fropa ,,pending the time on niansbip—its fit - t race"'ealinni': and in ARMTJR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
3 fur
" a 0" Pit'
P instruction
- _ .1 *i' or
* ta, i
t is It . I
.� —ii work ar I
W T .� '�p of caution for garrison artillery and coast;
- -nicerilou, aud hu cousidered one . .y.
t�.4� 01 St. Lmvrence front King Theory.
t tit.
Tllwou to be the fact that the Romau real, uOt-ing the various places' and composickon and literature. I —its firash—all appeal to f for
St'.. at a to_ given
to piil�il. preparing el'otring Dp' or a' D 'Va "' defence. 0
. . the good taste and ambitions . ....inati.... Wt I Dental The I the Thousand (6) Is too Much time Put on arithmetic - I. aaI .... ". "011. _R .1
letters. wore written vertically. Th Points Of Interest, such as . balletic -efal dresser. I It a 0 it-U-C.Chrr.h , .g tam. 0.11. .or D, ojc,i A contract. for the building of a sugar
icitters are more isolated on: account of islands, the rapids and the cauals; also in public schools? The teachers were %* of the cat I %_ . over Post offi '
the detusiotts produced by slanting p, I mentioning the towns along the -liver. divided in their opinions. Thp arith- I 011loic closed over Wednesday after400n mill by the state of Arkansas has been
. lir- . 0.1-11 during June, July and August. 14 signified and ratified by tire State peni-
le Her lesson ,was energetic, interesting mottle should be more 'sttitable for the % !11 , I& I X . I
Alel Kaes. Th.•y arra thus more legible � I . r . lt�jl 1!111! !,X& ,,�.N s). 4). Him) V. S. . teutiary board and by the Governor.
e' . t- and instructive. I requirements of after life. . 1�111i';'!' I , I I
. L IR 11 BY - - W' HOLLOWAY,D.D.S., W_
The in urablo dispases sometimes result- I , � �'J� 11I)i � I I Honornrr Graduate of .T. HOLL AY 2 "
rltmxy XORNING ars (e) Shou]�! pupils be required to replace % �_ i J,jilill [11'' ,,, i Ontario 'Veterinary - . . � - Among the 50,000 Welsh speaking in,
- , . V- New method for pninlet 31 �A
, - L r, 9 i 11 LDS.
C, ,On 4 40" E' I_�
� .,
�i ;,46, from noucoliforillity to the proper sion, . I I A�',',�i�, I, f � ,
, � "I I ". ... � ,
property they destroy, - In the Shaw Block t" I ., 01, -y traction. No Cocaine. 9L@L.L. habitants in London there 1b a move -
n conditions may be overcome by Jas. T. Dodds, Delegate to the S71h- ,, 1, accidently -4-2, 'fill 00: and Infirmai _
I �il �... I I rorner of Victoria and ,in rego loil meat on foot to hold 'a great Eisteddfod
11 , '
adoptj= "out system at the, I &unuta CouveDtion of the Ontario Edu illtOlIdOnallY? T It , T'lq ' '
the verti C I � Minnie Sts. Wingliam. 'P I'd" te ��J..nd alt
" cc 'a the
, - - I , Ity, � 'Erf, I , . Day and night calls for_ OM.. and Gorsedd O� the bagels oil Primrose
, ""!""'� M-11;1 it -r .
or ?Ihil r '. N
dark. As to the third requisite -rapid- I presented his re- be a lesson to them. ih consequences, 6' 6 -, .. , '"i "'.it 'lly' d',kill it, V.
.,.�, Pr
I .I 1(�]��� Telolionecomnecti znoon
I *11111!"., I ... ;,Ml - I DITIPtlY attended t .1 en 'Fit.. Hill or some other eminence near the
cational Association " I R111 fl, , I n ". Sing -ian,� �
Concise ac. teach, them to respect, the rights � ': �11-�1.1115 oil. Ko cloReit every Wo-drivaliny'afte
ttX-n Ws . I : , -�Y, 0 -� .� -%% f, t f" t f; - . a
I . it of tht) 1 -WO sFsttials Will un-' per* which wits a full and. oil I I . during �uue, July and August. . metropolis on June 26.
.lilt,stionably prom the vertical is super- count of the proceedings of the Associa- I others and to know something of the It I . - The village church at upleathaw,
i6r in this respect to the slant. Besides Zion. . . value of property. i t�l I JOHN r,ITOM, I
, po��,$essjug flipse qualities in it. greater ' h, FARMFERS' North Yorkshire, is. claimed to be the
Tilt, next paper was a highly interest- (f) Should a teacher aTb a libbby odt- M"_ .. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, smallest in England, It meastires 17 -
ttp-g�ree than. the. other system, the. vert!- lug one, a lecture on the structure of side of school work? He should, bat , I . and anyone having live .stock or oth6r Wingliam, Ont, feet d inches by 13 felat. The church .
cal is. tile more beautiful. This is On the human heart by C. A. Toole, M. it should be one that would have some - i - articles they, ii-Ish. to dis se of, should advAr- .
. . � I - tine the same fat- sale in Loa Tilms. Car large . dates back 900 years. Some of the
. . �
`":COuuZ`f thO -j'110c'ty Of the Outline' D. The lecture was made instructive bearing. on 'his school ,work. If he 7n 1� � circulation tells and it will be strange indeed If JOHN CURRIE, W=GnAx, msT. tombstones in the graveyard are dated
A - were pursuing sonin coame of studv i d"% I I On do not qatacustornar. Wecan'tiguarantee
It. s also more definite, the papila know- I ,
and interesting by the illustrative draw t- , FqJ LAr Timt on Nvi I sell beamuto you may ask more I
I 11, uig the vertical mode of druwittg better in,, which I LICENSED AUCTIONEER. 1550.
I s the doctor had put on the would give him sympt6ithy for his , for t ic article at stock than it is Nvorth. Bond
than, tl�o slanting, 0 . your advertisement to tour
and try this Sales of r arm Stock and farm Implements a The Persian Governinelib has agreed to
2 board and by exhibiting a cow's heart to pupils in their struggles. I n ol disposing of your stock and other spectolty. �
- view icleti. . All orders left at Mix Tixm office promptly the COnStr,110tiOn Of all overland wire
I J. J. Badley took tile opposite the audience. In this way he showed The last paper to be given was one by - Lovely .Plrut L attended to. ' Terms rVsonablei.
, , - from India to Teheran," in order to ro-
4fud endeavored to, bhow the slant comprising W. R 9ir. lkly
I -
method is r.uperior to the vertical. To I plainly the various sections ., R. Lougi�'outitled "A INrew 0 " i 9-1 ti , heie the Jask cablorfind serve as it feeder
shorthund writers the vertical chmrac- it., and the minute valves. guardiug these riculnutior Public Schools." Mr. Lough I Diamunds. - . E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN for the Indo-European Bub. .
soctions. His lecture, it is safe to say, - was of the opinion t3lat our curriculum . .1 z,.
.ors tire more difficult to make than any I cleured uZ many diflicalties over which is capable of improvement. There is a . . I When on a diamond buying trip to ; Public 1. WINGHAU I - . .
other. if it is true in one it should be many members of the teaching profes- great wascopf time in teaching certain the cutters at Amsterdam, we fieve" TEACFIER OF VOICE CULTURE. I
-al position is ' , �
I true lit both. The vertical , I forget stjrp�v (Iurg�ivcs well with I ��, I
.. sion have, doubtless, puzzled hour after subjects, time which might be 4evoted to . I
� not na easy one,, all the weight resting . 1� repared for Conservatory of Music I
0 . . , O=tp ,
hour. I Coother suit more pracitioil ones. We I lons. IF - ..-��
on the writing arm; besides the attorapts - . 1. - four "special" sizes, viz-' . A . .
i I i The newly elected president, Mr.*; itre �a too great ,a hurry. We could For onir $._3 DI--nd Rinsr. � I I
after it perfect vertical usually results I Welt, then took the chair and called up- spend the time chat is usaidly spent Ott For our $so Diamoad Bing, I ���Gphu'llhe . M, t
in backband IvAting, , For out $7,. Dlainnnot Rlu* - V1 . � "'i . Ji
I on the retiring president, Mr. Watters, axit,limetio during the first few years, For our $Iya I)ianioud Ring. OLIN AND GUITARI, , 1, ,
� D. Itobb, I. P. 6., thought that the . . MISS CARRIE MOORE . J ., 7
9 system. its voVe in England, 15 degrees I foo � Lis address., Mr. Watters thanked more valuably by devotinglit to reading, tlleqc diamonds must , I - " N
. I Every Otte of of London Conservatory of musia, wilt be pre, .1 .
to tile right„ to be d better method than
the Association for the honor of acting 1 spelling, writing and language lessons. . be of aticlf .1 ,qt),Ll'tY that tile most - 4ter Oct.' iso to receive a limited tit 11 , X. _�
t, gh , .. "'111 and -
as president but thoqght as there were We would need more variety, and at not find a, fault, for 0, i t:1 Pupils toy instruction on violin un' � - i
�n ther, 4nd is gradually gaining grou_ I critical call I Stations Guitar, I
I - I Carefully prepared papers to cc. least three times the quality- of lessons lit . Diattiond' Ring from ' *
,. Ili his �piuiou the vertical was easier - enough care I I special " . Residence-oppoalte R. C. Chureb, wingliam. -� 1!��__ I
cupy the whole time of the convention oar readers. War would, have much , R rtes must be of "first quality " - .. 11 .
, -
I * i'aught awl gave better results. it Would Lot be wisp for him1to take up better writers, readers atldfoomposi I /, . Place the vast facilities of the . ;1�
� tion8. - always. '"�'NGI i - . I
�N J. H. Cameron cc � I - -
I usidered the Spen- -, Telephone System at , *---- . �
il time in giving an address. During the iiestyeari we might introduce . 2,, Send for our Iting CatalOguc- the JOB PR' .-odic*
. tic-Aaa to to the most beautiful, but Inspector Robb was the next speaker. the bimplo rules in arithmetic paying
J disposal of everyone. Including Boolts, ramphints, ,posters, Bill
t1dat rbu vertical gives better results, I His .subject . paying DIAMOND HALL. � Heads, Circulars, &c., &a., axeeuted in the best
I I., was entitled 11 Nature much attention to language still. 'the 1 Established ift-4. Are convenient for the ,use of style of the art, tit moderate prices, and On
I I . J
,.1jis pupils writo the vertical ' - short notice.
, '. I -gubseribers, BOOKIIINDWO.-We are pleased to mitioun
; . Studies in Public Schools." After afew next year more difficult and complex I . non ce There is a noted difference
, .t.�%ti,y lit! had ever setm writing by the I . ,ha Books or Wilgavines left with its for.
1, 1preliminary remarks Mr. Robb into problems could be introduced, also,, - JD Bit', will hare our prom b attention
. ,o,rL;,cr method. * AV Prices
R! be given on
k. � . duced his subject by mentioning some of technical grammar. He advocated chi - -) The Bell; Telellhone Co. of Canada . r Binding Ili any style w in the style and fit of Pants we
�Nlj,s.Uallautyna . thenI rea(I her paper the results we might expect from. the,adoption. of the simple and beautiful it . yooge and Adelald,istll.. 1. . LIMITED application to ME TIMES O.VrICE, make that. always brings poo-
L I . I . I ,. teaching Of this new subject. The habit pas;sages from scripture as opening and 0 . Wilightim.
. . . .
..", 11
" . of observing would be opluivated, child. closing exercises, Physiology might be - I � ple back for *another pair. .
I. "*�
, ft I I .. r ,
I I ren it great deal more about taught indirectly from. selpetions in the -_ I I I .. � ., . �1. ...� I RAILWAY TIME TABLE S.
. I
I � .
, ,
- pf- As, .
". ad A A . ; I - Then there is the low price'
, P -1 I Objects than -they desMOftsent. rftllor, whild, g4909tuptly could be taken .
.�. I � f_*iIIAND TRUNK InAn;vv,ky Sys TD, X.
, . 'CIO """' .. kX TRAINS LEAVE ron and better lq�ality of cloth put
i_: Indiges, * IM, Jt this, subject received proper attAntion in .connection with literature lessons; I I -
much of the inherent cruelty of the boy! using the globe, map and chart, to illus- � I I � . Palm r4on ....... � ...... O.M mm._ 8.50a.m . -
. " . Lond(0'31 _ " . . 0.60 a.m.... 8.10P,m:
I . . . . 'M6'A,;�::: 8.10 P -m-- 8,88p.m. .
I F would disappear. Instead there Would trate the various Phenomena. Interest- . . Xinetivdin(t.. in them—cloth that wears
! .. Mr. Jas. M161-fath, �t Invernes% Street, .. ARM" 11RO,V I
Stnitfoid, out., state's; -11 My digestive - be 10VO and kindness toward all animals. itig stories should abound in the readers. I ---' Itincitrollne....6.49a,iin.. 8.r)a.m_.. 8.10 P.M See our new goods and: prices.
I , . � . 0111gans were tntirely derange,l, my appetite I we ought Gereforb to create an inter- 'The promotion exathinations evil Would JWoft. AJW. 'Tod's 1%osphading, I I London .......... ....... Ii 10 a.m.... ,1.55 p.m ,,
1� . . Palmerston .............
WOA pqor, I was ruts down lit health and cat in this study. Por this purpose wet be done away with, and thus good effl- . I V 02-titt 3911i#14h ReMddil- :P� 182.45 P.m.. . •
8198 P -
i Z GRO. A. STOKE , Agent, Wingfia,L'n
baldTe attacks of dizziness oardver- ,21 Said and teco5noviended by lilt — .
.-VOWIttailaches. ThouseofDroChase,s, could use tho lessons about Hatare in the citut pupils would be the result. Attigglattl in Cahadt. only rel!. 44-D U-NI-dop I ANADIAX kACE6110 RAILWAY. WEBSTER & .009
1, readers, the Dandelion, the tivek aud. Theliee.-troas, real! the financial re- - I able medlb!M6 discovered. Six � .� . C TWILINS LISATE ron
Nerve'Food haa,tutirily cured nit, as my read( . i Toronto arid East......., 6.51 a.m._ $.% p.m.
diesstiott is very much intproved. the .. kaget guarahtted to auto 011 4
the Rabin good illustrations, Mr.. port allowing a balance onbandof$4,90. �msofsexua w6rittless,tLileffects ofabase All kinds of Teeswator .............. fal pxa....Ill4a p.m,
I , ,
headaches have left me and nibappetiteis Robb gave some interesting information On motion of Messrs. Lough and Mus. _lir excesst mental Wovr.vg Ex6essive unA of To- i AURt" Mom , - ...
-- red gop& I can recommend r. Chaset bacco. Oplum or Stimulants. Mailed on .ecelpt Rubber TlreL 'Veo'swilter... ..0,57a.m.... 13.25p.m. I 11 + to VEAUS'
., . XWV0 roca mast heartily, knowing it to gl3oat these little animals of the feather. grove the report Wits adot)ted. fpri06,onG1rkvr$l,st1r.$6. omtomplaw, Toronto and East .. .... I IT p.m.. .. 10.93 p.m. I
ft, Agent, Winghem, r1XP E F1 I S N C E
i(xittfacuft, Pam blets free to an address. J. H. 1110E)tEl I
, , ,b* sm aceptionsilly good medicine." (,,it world; The grovvth of a mosoltifte, The committati,on. resolutions reported - to Thd ,I 1001111-1111y, NUMok, out. for all kinds of I . , .. I
I I .
I I BeI14 slightly laxative Dr. Chate# might be plainlY and Si MPIS' shown by do follows.,— *o4a rhothbdine is Acid in Wfughnin. by Vehicles. I * ,
. Weroe trood regulates the action of 66 j the placing AWAY for some days of a cup is That at hearty vote OE thanks be : Colin A. L. Hamilton, U. A. A
, I Douglass, , Com
"I' A.
bunlipMeyclo Tim% - I
i excretory organs and through its restora- old VE 'Davis„b;is, DraggWis. I
4 tics fildn't;fica on the,perift and 3buseles of rain water, allowing the children to tendered to this follmving-.— . 1. - I .; --1 .. -1.1 _ 1-1 41 - . . . 1?neuinatio catTiage Tires
� wiiltras the healthful And vigorous tetion, observe the Various Phelldmenit, that Etc- (a) The trtlAsela Public School Board Solid Rubber Carriage Tires IT P 'A Y S '
of the ras*ttory and digestive systems, our. W.e could bring out intorestitig for the else of th6 sah6ol. I TRADC MAKS
if you are waskesed by ovaviork, worry and valifts,ble facta from other lessons (b) To the totiring offteers for their vef;v Iro CONSVI91"WIMES. TAvillid Chair Tires altellu"s
I � ' Thx6,. for Baby Carriage.% i -
Or, die*"*, this Kmt food cure Is bound to -ed to ; colayRia"to U
I As 1% r"ComiVe it tilt.n the reader. zit geography All ton- la.to I Auydnn S�ndtng it sitach and deseriptlon Inar
. . '0110,16 program glid their effioie Tho undostsigbed having bteft r"tot I . '
Im of bS=6 t to you. Ddy hoalth by aim oring for TL'0 ADV q -
,4,le meft". after muff I The Dunlop Tire Co., LIMitCd ERTISE - til6ki.T mo.cirtAin (Vur op�tnlan TrOO Whether "
luras nwftv bests approstheiL so cents a necting facts of interest could be Ined- � In office. mvernlyeiits,% thaAaverelatittrAffeetioli, And I invent
16ii It t)rotbablyrntontoblo. 'Controu=1
. 0
thAtdrftddligeti.qu('4)iiAiiilipti,611#ishi2xdoUsto lrdkofflro. � tionsottlet (1101111ditntid.11andbobkonPa
blot, *t MAI dogarl� or Edtitaudou, BAtes & Itioned, Thecommoanamos otploints, (c). To all Who haVe taken paid in the niftke knoivit. to his fellow aliffevets the Ifteath I sent free. 11rifletit it ency lot, seourinUM(latil.
- To thosewho desire It, he U-111 cheer- : IN hrit ' L Patentlit takaft,t9rouith Mann a. re"Ift
11 -1 Q., ToMto. I birds,and ivnimals, could be 'taught eithet I proceedings of meetings Of ottil'a, sPecull fWkoi, vithout clinrgo, in tho
. fully send (free of charge) a opg of the pya. _I
. % they %vill . nd it care for " .
� indirectly, d1lowing the put and who have contributed so largely Parlption W,A, whic [ Our I ja F, "
',.W, I directly or Arg . ConoftinIA16110 Atlthni!4 Crittalel,h, Urtanold. 'frildothark " I . ,$d0flfiC AMetkaft.
to discover its, ranch a% possible of the in. to theit isadcoss, especially C. Us and all. throat and 1"&, Niftladids- He I .
, , -19 to holwk *11
.1 t, -bese I 01 rpt will ll 6*edy, "It is I A'figdso�J-v 111grood wet'Mr. t9dat
- . , � fook
� I . 0 formation for bitugelf. It is nOOW*9tY TO01t, M.D., still Mr, In, air. iii-inhyal --- it, T ollov;1ti2tig t� ot culitomb any met( wittito Aurnat. karint. ,*
1. a preftription, :p:cur F011111Y4111havide4lom
I t thIS by telling and fffng_ L r11 11 , mid rwir Va. I � I .41vir C,
it vit 0 " ll %rtrer be inAtticto'A which will cost t #ft libtl PVJD. .-L., I I , I I --- I
I al UU to, Surplemen R. That this trea, All other
!W101111iii "T WHO AMI, tvw, rv. I' J, 1, - 2018toladw2j,
, I I v York, Now Yqv
A erve FO' trating. to pay dolegouls Otpetisoi and 'r A 0 A. WIL, ON, Brooklyn, M ; 0110411 ME' S 10 * I NO latit. & S o:t.,W0A!hh1Jlt0a, 0.
. -
• �
Lt.�.,.. 1111e,,4A-�,1.. _. -��_ . , I .. . 'A .�. .��- - , � 46 . �.�&d..__ .,-:_-1.1 . i."A'.;._' .-
�1:1. At I-, .
� I