The Wingham Times, 1902-05-30, Page 2!1,r (f' \t*\ (/ 1` F ]Y,�� !\ MAI
`(r j} ,(�#(J�
T• •b R t�. I,T I.,. 1,�U4 r,F,IM lii.,'i <1 ). to ' 4 YM!
row tents
1MT,A1g11,it8F=)ttltlg. C;�E^>tt;��, FOi3 Pt?f, HT KILLED �X k,«K�NiNG� - _: , _ ,,' TOWN DIREGfOff, ,ESTttI3f :s�l,a� 1812 r Patents
� �i fi�j z.•tnri Guertin, Il•.`lc-ail, Quo,, Draft
-� BAPTIST CHunoir- Sabbath porFices at i[ U A �1'llane�. o
1i 1
f► levy and Girl struck se rouelou rates- m mild 7 p tit, Sunday School at IS I'Ul3LIS1IEp (vier sr.t 121, x+tis 1,G tcplr?cis, Mantra
'a. k Ri S IOTT. F'rtsi.tartrtt ANTI Fieol"islsTut, I)• p,triow.-it .c€ Agriev-1tute, C W11va a ,�� `k:80 1) nu Uenertli prayer lneetiug
GroRR la,awu.v at Toronto bar T •Q.:� /.. real, .« tie., II5'drucarbax bunt..
7Cli: first nzizi ctl c sllfct�+tic:, of dairy 1�Lod, �tid - a ouWednesdayoV0Ull1g8. R@V.J•J, S S- EVERY FRIDAY MC?RNt.NG
�.: .. � .� ••••AT-• Gla. 1i. it;tuns Cit, Jahr., ;V.l:l., skirt
FlttDeiY, lkt; 1 tel}, 1902. zxp.,•rt, r.ndtr I)olalaion Govorniamt torsou,B.Ar.,pastor- W.J.Clitipulan, '
Itr•fric:s, which took. plac:" 11, O,tawa Feuclon T`ttlls, 1\Tay .",:i. --During q -. �J
Superintendent. Fite TIMQS OIIICQ, Deaver Sloolt and trau,ier llati;ez.
+�* thunderstorm which passed over limn» �.stos, Quo., sclt-
, II7ob
an 1, vvas foil MlY
iOU I NQi QL.QVC-:R HAY , • , i village about 0.80 ItLsfi. evening little at i1 a to and 7 p ut. Sunday School at rocking cradle..
p. zit c. by tits lloaor tble ill•-) Miu.ster ;Lennie and Jaulf@ Sznith, ag0c1 about !. ?i 2:30 p m. Epworth League every b2ou-
- - -- �- .f .Agriculture. aLd usonduete4 und w I.'1: and 10 yearn respectively, chilli _ � da eveziin Genorttl prayer meethlT; Tsaus or SIInsamn Ov-$13dpet•annual in �r.ited l,tntt;s,--
" - Y g' aclvunco 61.50 if tial so std, Nc1pap(
x . '' a t e f'cctr•, a€ li d ren Of Mr, Thomas Smith of this �ik .,t) an Wednesday eveninns. Rev. Richard , p r <li: eon bicssra. Leclerc, 'I rtrzntilay and
»n a recent article I called atten- tlry dilectle'4. € h of i 4 , t , ttnu(µltill till arrears tiro paid, exceptattho Machine
n 1rtm2nt vva.s the aractical outr.::nts
place, were killed. The girl inns gain(•; ,w �•( Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sul)- option of the publisher, Laluaiiertt, Molr.treal, (Ise.,
ti.,rt to tic desirability of cutting hay 1` I out to a neighbor's for milk, and as erintendent. AUvlatTrszgG RATfss• -- Legal and other for wirirl; ,sheet metal articles.
tic a eamparatively early •stage of inn. ct€ n movement inaugurated by lilt. she wont out filo dosis tine little bro- '' FliRS1t1•TER;eN L1,lltlllon-'-Sitllbath ser- casual aclvertiseinerits8operNan>itarzellint for Plantreal, Que..
tl.rity, Ir. this cOnnucLiOri it inay b0 J. A. Ruddick, dile£ of the dairying tti0r fallovy0d abant two, yetis lac- vices at I1 e. m and 7 1n. Sunda flsertioortton,0eper line for cacisubscntutttt Ttobt. C. W.Ilcin,s,
: o e Exam division, with the approval of Pro- idRd her, whets Ii htttin struck and p y Insertion.
# intereat to have sox, not s Solicol at 2:30 p m, General prayor Advertisements lit local columns are charged (;afcty' ]catch. pccket,
killed bath instantly 'w thin three ' meeting on Wednesday evenili s Rev, lOcts.per lino for first. Insertion, uneLucents I3^rjamin Strain:, Gourccl:, Out.,
that well known farmer and Institute €Q,mor J. W. Itobertson, thet DOM111- ' �' „ g ' per (meter emelt subsequot ,insertion.
yards of ilio door. A. Petrie, pastor( alndi� . auperfitten• Advertisements of Lost, retina, Stra rd, rated i;xritler,
shaker, b r, Glendenning' of Manilla, men Conatui,5sloner bf Agriculture :end i bonitos riieworus' rremises Struck, 5�pstz� dent. ' I,'i+rmsfarsalaortaatent,andsimittlr #1. 111" Daniel Campbell, Vairvilie, N. M.
Oat- in regard tot his experience with Dairying, to bring daixyme, into Linc � Hamilton, ATay 33.-A severe oleo- N � �� ST. PAUL'S CHURCH FPISCOPAT.-Sab- first month uttd Go cents for each so Sequent
;t t:aty inti of caxia„ clever hay. ,Mr. vvitlr a vxcty to ,such eo'welldation of CTS G� Tl` tuantli, ash remover for honor furnaces,
p trical storlu structs the city s tori ly Abath services at 11 a m find 7 p ni. San- CONTnAC7. RATsit-The following table shows l3rrita for it copy of the 'tlxvcuitor's
lxter,cl:nnin9 says that he prafexs to their work a,s',sh�ll tenth to the, gra- before 0 o'a}vete c,nci dict considcr:Lblt ON
s4�l) clay school at 2.80pm. General prayer our rates for the insertion of udvortisoments
cut clover hay when it is till full bloom duction of uniform, tirade;; of excel- damage, Li 1ltning sttucic one of tile N IF86 v1, v EVS! meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, for specified poriods., ��-
d:r ttlzeni the biassom contains the -lerce in chee:.ct andL hillier making, .so storehouses of the hand Piro Works ' Wm, Lowe, incuinbout. F, Shore S. S. steel. 1xR. duo. ago, 1Mn
i ' ' one Column.,...,..,.$tt0.00 $115,00 $15,60 torn
Company an the Dundas mail, esus- i �/ �� Superintendent. Half Coilmut......,,.. 8,8.00 18.00 10,00 4.00 ItottnroOfOintments tor Catarruthatt
;realest amount of honey. Cut in the os to insure the l)ricos obtain- ing an explosion. No one teas hurt c G He I � COT;CtR1♦QATION,tL t7#TURCII,--Sabb3tlt cduarterCotumn .,... 18.00 10,00 6.00 2.00
..r 4outala meiwury.
morning after the, date is off, that able. in the best paying markets in the fortunately. The city fire department �`1 ���l.1� services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Sunday Advertisenie is without specific directions
was summoned but the ea11 %vas mat L EFRXTUAU�Y• School at Min. Midweek meeting'on will beinsertm till forbid and charg(daccotd• as inerctiry v; ill surely destroy the
t: }helm. is cut it thcl forenoon may; be world. t r , ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid sense of i mon null completely dt'range
salt ^d Ftp immediately after the neon T]iroughout the ponvc ntion emphasis responded to as the place 1s beyond tit. 5 Wednesday evenings at o'clock. Garin for in advance, the whole spettim wholt entering it
the city lim.ts, d t, S (^y Wilson, B.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor, Tne Jon DEPARTMCNT is stocked with an Ghron h the lnucous roil fAces. Suo)L
a G(j Q p0 �� SA%YATION AR12Y—Strvice at 7 and 11 extensive assortment of nn requisitesfor print• g
flour. mild pLtt in aCC]i3. Th(, mower wa,er laid tYTt tl.0 fact th'rt ]ri `dnit'yiag J'ltu Stasis at Toronto, t� �+� r' ing, affording facilities not equalled in the articles -should hover be aced c?sept out
hanidl tial ba run Inter than fent 1,$ it every otliar nada")try hanoyty „ _ . �'i �V a m and 3 arms'( 8 p til on Sunday, and countyror tutning ont first class work. Large frota
o'clock p.m., and put into cooks ';1 ilia bast p:llcy." 1F ark r:tilt^r tha
t � veyt o� ei Toronto last sevens Bt � every evening during the weelt at 8 type and a rope ate cuts for alistyles of Post �� �liotlaoi b you
(!al will icons hto efrom .
before, this dew #ails. This hay should th to words ch ir:tcterizcl the prce:od- ing waa one of the most destructive OVERCOMES o'clock tit the ba$ acks. ors, Hand ills, etc., and the latest st les of 6
PA'i'I / . choice fancy type for the finer cla4ses oi'Tprintr to lite good sou eau possibly derive from
pi;t into the barn next day, and Lr.N;.j, and the result of the doliber:t- that has visited tills part of the pro- iST Post the
In '1liacdOriald Block, Ing.H. them. Hall's Catarrh C ilre, runiizt-
„ vine for many a year. Cousiderable p Q Offitco hours from 8 a m to 0:30 p m. Prouurietorand Pub Publisher factored by,F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
w:41 tramped into the mows. this rior.,i has been s--,mm-.d up in fourteen ITUAI. Peter Fisher, ,
damage was done to property, sever- 09RNlANENTI.Y, ,postmaster. t�, Contains no mercury, and, is can be continued from day tc(clae .•,•, (::liars, LL=' lrg of c of title►,: al buildings being badly wrecked, one MroLuNics' IYs=un-Library and taken internally, netigg directly spoil
t:;itii all is .stored in the barns. Three of cho:se., f,:ctot - bo 1Vitliani Parker aged
had * C-0. �!''C J P. iiENNEDY M. Dr. M. C' P. S. O tho blood anci mucous surfaces of the
'.avow tile. grol:piro y, S r� �0 1J free reading room in the Tovv, Hall, ! . (Menibor of }lie British Medical Associa• ,
Ihltt~r , m"t be hornet in mind in cur- ie:a rr rl crcam3ries, each groan ccn- his thigh broken and two horses ` i $ BZN �%� 1 # will be open every afternoon from, 2 to tion.) , Gold Meuauist in Medicine. S ectal system. In busing Hall's Catarrh Cure
in^• ha b till% method, -i :ist1nC cf from 14 to 20 factories, 1.e- ' were reported to have been (filled,- i E�l�`� ft i E,� 5.45 ololook andevelyeVouing from 7 to en. Office h ours -disease. p Women ped �3lild be sure you 3;6G the g@utiine. It is
y y The storm, which was accompanied vv HRS 9:30 o'clock. Miss Awtill e, Robertson, taken internally, titin made iu Toledo,
I first.- Do�'not out the; grass until a:vrtlin r to the ex)gcncia3 of lcc:•tlity, by a, heavy downpour of rain, struck ` ' Ohio, by F. J. Clietiey & Ca, Testi-
} C to Lc under the Fupervigion of a cam- BUY THE GEN ^MAN FQ BY librarian, moulnis free.
it • in the morning. the city a few minutes before ? R. MACDONALD,
P. -Do not allow the fresh cut iy.•tt"ni instructor, the manaii•'nin-int o'clock, but was of short duration.
�-•• TOWN COi1NCIT.--1{.,Yanstano, Mayer; Said by Dn iFtc, rice 750. ►
A 10 AR+'��'� �g�7 Wm, Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- tl s p,r )ottIe.
Narrow escaped 1,t ere reported from at il,� li @ ` t"......•entra street Hall's Faintly Pills tiro the best.
t:1,y to leo on the ground ov r, night, of tl-,ape groups too be centraliz,.d und- �.. ) A. J.
J J, Elliott,EllicttW. N. Van. For- -
cslidd•rd to dc,v or, rain. various parts of the city, the greater fRa.Nc vallo A. J. Irwin Canueiliors• J. B. Fer-
rcue ar,ihor[ty in eaell provinea. danger being from falling trees and '90 kY �t<f �PHcAc. fro, 'if Nv �� salon, C18rk and Tr@fisurer, William
�ingtinm, ` Ontario.
Third,- If any hay ,should. get wet Ta ft,cure a rapid lmprovehmt, in store signs. - FOR SALE BY ALL ORUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.PER BQTTU`, Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col -
,with rain, Iet it ;stand In the decks.. IW ciuAltion of ih:s glilk deliver -ad to
1:ut}i thoroughly, dry before taken to >t'ur. COL1)JilArr !"1tLa114"R5, - lector. Board ureots first Monday even- DR. AGNEVS%, Ir.� tiny opinion the most admirable
g g else. ^:, factories and ir•:ameries, Ill ing in each month at 8o'clock, quality
tli:; barn. , , --t Physician, Surgeon, etc. 4 ) 'in u intim lg manminess. The)
:rrfe•rru°: :sdvocatod for farnu,srs ,� Tour in iCntrinad Tynt wilt Adycrrtae SCHOOL BOARD: H. Kerr, (chairman), Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' moT.iy rnun )makes no parade of hi:9
Last seas: n Mr. Gleudanning put up sans in Our dair • sclicals shart ecuts's [S �� Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. T. prugStorc, Night calls answered at the office. ^u )erlorlL •-he does the right because
76 to 8() tonsofhay In this way, 5, b • •silent t: ospdsatEtte Cuunrrie•' -�, 1 5
y, or t,.Ik3, foliotvcd 5 pructioal wort: London. May ?S.^ -The colonial Fre- ��`t" � ' �1 :'"'` la ) ��j?% �'' 1� ' i Aomutlt' Wm' Moore, 'L'hos, Bell, Win.
Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wnt. 7�, VANSTONE, it ill right. tie; is thorough, int all raparts that it camel out of the �n the txst methods vi producing and units will tin the guests of the DIt. '); t Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. 1�, ti�"henever there is work to
iaxw•i, in the`finagt. condition he ever •i;.•pr iUr milk from they bonding )i of ITarrowby at Sandown Hall, Stat- Meetings seeondTuesday evening ineach BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. be, done, he is there in the Lhick of it,
city. It was as green+ hs when, put 1I1e este to delivery. ii.. rhe factor•, Ifordshire, towards the end of their �l month. PrivatonuiuCompanyfwidstoloantttlowest shou1dor to shoulder with his fellows,
p1,( PUBLIC SCHOOL TnACIIEns.-A. FI. sato of interest. No eontmiasio.teliarged. art•
provincial tour, ►S 9� Ll 1,L1 ga es, town anci farm propert Bought and ready and twilling to taktj the heavy
i. �o tli, baro, and the }cave;, and Blasi 1 leis vice,s followed by a resolut Ion, They will Commence their journey �� � Musgrove, Principal, E, C. COultes, sol , Office, Beaver Bloc . Whig�ium.
,sere all attach3dl to the stalks. It. €livor of tha compulsory licensing � round the Provitices on Juno 1(i, and a Aliselieynoids, 1yliss Farquharson, Miss enol.
V. t:Z,p tired to have dried out without of cacturie, to striae at.d irtes-Ii%va t.l.e i will visit :Leeds, Liverpool, 11.anrlics- 0 Cornyu, Miss McLean., Miss Matheson It-, is the man Ave in thea emergencies
ni :elz haating, as all of the alsike ter, Birmingham, Glasgow and Ildin- It is eat'1>', quite early, to Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. J' A. MORTON,
t;esl. health az,ct sanitary cart}i(ir,nt. t burgh, where the w3TI be feasted, of life: instinctively y make vvu.y for;
-~ - L m.r.,satn•a tvera p;nk, and the red clover ^ y talk. of sPt'in . goods. But Ji $OAItD Or HEALTII--Mayor Vau>,tone, BARRISTER, &o., our very contact tviLh him, lifts us
!':r id..sure 1,'h, carryings out, of these shown over manufactories and called ) (chairman), C. J. Reaching, Thos Greg- i.1 :: sozns were from a pink to I. }fight ww;t imp,orLant dutics the dairy in. upon to speak about their colonies. the 17 your
til n1, read,' t0 €' Winghnm, Out. alravc our troubles, grid spurs, its to
::;rPssr calor. 1f any steals heat had ytrut•,nrs would be <,.uthetl v1, itn I l: I They will be dtitertained at a ban- tinte comer tYtlnts 're b the cry, y; r, J,eR. J. B. Ferguson, Seo-
u'vel•i ad in the mote the blc.asomw^ , quet., probably at the Guildhall, at � [flue comes. We're bound � rotary; Dr, J, R. Macdonald, Medical acts• endeavor. Il+a ha;: the courage
p y Health Officer. E. L. Dioxi'NSON DmiLI:Y Hounm of Iti;i convictions and a pride In his
reqs:;itt: auchorrty a.s dairy in�piu+.yrs which Mr. Chamberlain has promised to he in the forefront. IC
:s;.ui1 undoubtedly have keen of n odn -integrity; lie is straightforward
Ill,, c. .
of +L:• additional, work lr:sir.;.r to preside, and at which Cabinet �'Ve are determined to win � �1 u n 8
dark brown color. No ,signs of mould DICKINSON & HOLMES and true to his heart's cors• shainia-ad
Wero Visible and the hay tsas ver cov.^red by n fee ohargaut 1q an each Ministers and ex -Cabinet 1�Iinistors �? vont• lailorinm account on Ma , '
y Lic:u,a� issa^c1,. will be present to do them honor. � + , PIANO AND THEORY. BARUISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. preteuw- are hateful to him.
free from dust. Nosalt, lime or, oth- They will also be invited to, a col- sheer nlertt. )✓very ;;aro _ r.
i1n:,lhcr resolution Isceks to ;niece +,, Maai:Y Ta LOAN. Ito 15 courteous 1,0 All ,yam3n -- not'
er prcm.rvative was used. t onial ball in London, to 11 trip up meat we turn oat is a stroll„ ¢ MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.N.
I e.!,ptusibillty for "coils" upon 1,113 the river with a call at Taplow Court yi Ove�rce: Meyer Block, Wlnfiham. only to, those het may inset in society,,
Tivh of the maty; in which the hay ;11:rsc or butter ruakcr only tthen as the guests of lir. vV. Ii. Grenfell, bid for business. Its aisle and member of the Associated Musicians of
0 0- I -its troiltmanshi its fit Ontario, ispprepnredto receivealimited num but to those of his own household. IIs
v: as stared Lire .,2x..5 ft., with al., aver- and to the principal Landoll theatres p tier of pupills for instructtan on Piano and 1n A RTi3UR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. treats them fairly and on a level nn
tl,y c:ti. b proved ;n be 1,h result p Theory. t�
depth of 30 feet, of hay. These f with, social receptions on the stage ---its SniSl -all appeal t0 S ecinlattentiou given to pupils preparing
;;f his teglicaencs of incbility,au :tgrna- l � p p p p g Doctor ofDont,ilSnrgeryoftho•Penncytvania rational beings, passess3d of °onmman•
lnotvs tiro tight floored with doubly after the porforinanc 4. the OUd taste and ambitions : for examinations, Dental Oulloge and Licexitiate of the Royal
meta to this effect being made be- j 4 of the careful dresser, I Residence -opposite( L, 0. Church, Wingham• Cono eafDental Stu •eons of Ontario, Office 'Serle; not craature3 tvhosa hinds and
ir.cii beards over basement stabies.An- t,te:n tiro niak4rs anti emplayeea on ' 815LI. ritual 1,L i�Dc�tr a'U ur•,ATM. 31 � over Post Office, Winb�Itam. heart are fitted only for ,silly seati-
otlwr mow is 21a36 fe..t, with a depth - Office cloyed ovet;v WkInesday afteraoon mer,'tal'[ty- t s
formol supplied by the +movincial de- ;�) /,, I 1 dining Juno July and August.
,.f about 24 feet, and the floor on the f t � ' a. A. iretisoo. rravler For a Toronto � i!, j!''!! '° Elliott;Ilk, hills that inward tact of good-
s.• pdrt.menL't of agriculture. 1 .� ?I, rui���l�q�l�lll��%III •t'"• EtS.
round. r•irm, liillutt ac PetrrLwo. /I ' i' �� . , • V' V. T. IiOLLOWAY D. breeding ,vliiCh enables him 1,a; adapt
Tit. outsides a£ all the mows are of The corferenca emphasized the im-Eo g /,� ll' Honorary Graduate of �T , D.S., ___
} ri1 b 1,v' portuzcc of perfect cold :storage, for Peterboro, piny 23. -Dir. A. A. 9 , L.D.S.
Sr p ;Ibl�� a� t +. ^ ; Ontario Veterinary, Now methodL.D.S.
for painless es- himex:lf to all circumstances. Bel is A
r cards without batten's, with Denson, travoler for the firm of I'. 1 ! r p �' �f ill" �' i' t;ollege.
dairy produce bcung,provided by rail „ In the Shaw Block +'�''i "° ty�f; ? Office and Innrmary Faction. NoCactline. jtisL master or a loyal seryant,accord-
el'ACkS betwo;n the boards averaging IV. 1 etrie, Tor'ont'o, met death Tues- t 4I, Writer of Victoria nud Special attentiou to the care and regulation . t;
of children's teeth. Moderato prices and all ing to hi,. station; ever ready to lend
und( stcamship Ccmp.lnics, bath when , day night by fttllittg from a window �h,, ,.' 1; +w,•' S?�Dfinnie Sts. Wingiiani. tyoi9ccarafmltyandskilfuUyperformecl. Oillct M
in sheat three nights of an inch,• just waitili�r for and in actual transit. 1 on the second story of the National &�i d_1,1 4 h�U^ Day and night calls in Beaver Block, Wingham. a helping Band or spe,ik n kind ,ward
sueh as are usually found in the ordi- i y � ¢ 1 romptlyatconnectio
- hotel, breal,iog his neck, DTr, Iles- is ra,.1• Ui�i• f. i 1 ,• �,y1• "'+•. );1,, pTelophonocondedtion. PcOftiao etosocl ovmy Wednesday aftornoou and uol too fine fol;, iIii;y Xoughi and.
She use of tits fermentation test and '
nary barn. Tho sides of the mows tson came to 1'sterboro and retired in during Jimc,JulyendAugust• tumble world, but 'taking thingst ars
next the drive floors! ware open, The the acidlmeter by dhacnc awl, outer his usual good. health. About one
• they come and making the hast of
11,:5• which c°ris.,sted of red clover, makees ryas strim.-ly advocated, and I o"clock yesterday morning the night-J
�M /i pL1 r
.1,t^els 3 sada little timothy, was equ- it tvas decided to requ3,st provincial watchman heard the crash anandgoing /1 M eJ OHN RITOHIE, them. Such a man earns 1,h° love and
departments of agriculture to furnish round to tke yard discovered the GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, iespaet of all; he ill a manly man, a
ally g•:od in all peirts of thel mows. ]kir alkali solutions of the proper strength body of Mr. Menson in his night robe. . artioiost daanyo to lis oxo of shoe or other wingllam, Out. gentleman in the broadest and best
I ("•le .rlenning says that hu knows of Dr. Gray, coroner, tvas at once not �y a 1321 d �a1� � cerise of 't113 wart(. -Hiss ;yin A. b'eaa-
t.:tce other farmers, who have follow- at njintnal oust. Ta secure, uniform- i fitted and after c:alllinin the body Diamond It tisethesnmeforsnloin heTruEs. Our largo
b" circulation tells and it will bestranga indeed if 7o$N oURIiiE, Wr.raBAM, ONT.
sd tL•ia system for several ears with tty in tho strength of the alkaline ,so- decided that till .inquest u•as unneces- oudonot otacustomer. Wecnn'tgunrantee U tort
roti -1 suceeas, au l it would seem well lutian used in the acidimeter it was ' sary. AIr. Dengoll was a harried of
Canada. n (� aI
decided that the stretgth of the so- Wan, about 03 years of age, andhis di •
worthy of trial by our farmers gerar- wit* reeides at hlitchel), Out.
^Il lution so used should be equivalent to the advantages of this in the year t8S4,
business has experienced a
dy advancement until the
ent day.
ur stock of Diamonds,
Jewelry and Silverware
triversally conceded to be
in Canada, and our
for fair treatment
patrons is such as to
mand confidence...
ur handsomely illustrated
will bring you in
with our present stock
a copy of this, will be
erfully forwarded you upon
tell, grammtNs of lactic acid in a litre
distilled 121st ten
ruot-licd of curing clover are, -1 -The
of ,tater, aur] a tier
cant piNettc should be used do meas-
various rrenbaferias v1,Iu lett I;:t;e t1,,
4:1yi1;r of time between cutting and
are the samples. ,
lattifr 11,.
rt•crrn • In the barn •� 2-
e , Thew fact that?
:11 of the leavers• and blossoms, which
The conference unanimously held
1\eI! fork, 11iay 'Tei.•-•1'he (Icnr:ral
Assembly of the Presbyterian Chi,reh
p res
sra the most valuable portion; of the
that the condemnation of otlmturer or
yd,., rday ldol,tt•d the report of Lilo
pla>rt, are left on the hay, instead of
'starters" is due to their, improper
(•01111nittee on Creed Revision, 111alk
3>;ir,g last in thet fieldtas is often the
ttse' and .s7 it wa4 recommended that
iu:r changes in the confession of faith.
was k,10ticall-V
is t1
case ,vheYs the ordinary manner, of
chucv3 and butter makers should make
:this action, tthicll
utt;:illlllotts, tans taken after little or
the I
c r1Lg is followed. 3 -The hay is
then:selvas thoroughly acquainted
no do::ato, The changes proposed will
in them—cloth that wears
mueh cleaner and brighter than when
with the scientific basis of the use of
go now to the various presbyt.rtes
rep utation
i cz.rod i& the old way.
a culture or fermentation ,starter, „
for ratification.
Of our
bccaus in butter' making, while a
gaol culture• is advantageous at all
President Lotthrr in %L retoraliorq.
7.ive Stock Camm€ssiorex.
tim % it is especially necessary in
St. Petorsburg, i11•ay 23. -President
tvirter and in conueot.dn with pustur-
Loubot arrlved here yesterday horn-
ing from Tsurskoe-Selo and was ac-
cat alogue
Rev. T. Davidson of leaves in
ized cream. t Unly good cultures
corosed ular
ton c11
June fur a two mouths' trip to Auld
should be used at any time, and theses
r aseptic lin 'President Was
In -o* ix wed sails from Montreal on the
wquiru frequently renewing. rhe
- welcollied at the station by the
:?chit of J:iue. Walter Nichol of Knox ciauss in this resolution redo(,*-
Mayor of tit. i'ctcrsburg, who oder-
hint the custoillary bread and salt
:.liege, Toronto, will take his work for
It.zM3 that these £rash cultures should
and heartily bade lulu 1ve)coort DT.
four Sabbaths and Ror. E. H. Savers,
be Zvrovided at nominal cast by the
Lonhet iii reply a:L I entertained
of Z;rucefieldt, will m1, der ate the other
provincial departments o£ agriculture
no doubt Of tits cordiality of his re-
r. supplies.
until their more general use warrants
ception in any part of Russia, as he
their ,supply by Canadian merchants,
knew the hearts of Russia and Tr.tnco
Vonge and Adelaide Sts.,
Tho indefiniteness of the term "fin- beat 111 t.uiison. We prepay "horses
i.)utltmg the clay''resident of Czar and retarid Monty if.destrild.
ib 0 - tis azt :qual:ity" as .'! butlor on placod ,a wreath On ilia tomb of Czar '
_ �i .sliver,:: called for a Vronounctd defini. Ali�xaz:d.r Ill. uni 0111110 lis visit
are ' � '� t�i� tits; .of lite phrasb, and the cdinv0n- egpocial)y memorable by giving 100,-
_..4, a1 OpO francs (S2Q000) to the eharmeq
Tt is a serious matter to neglect consti- tior. t resolved that this standard of 4£. 'retersl)urg, Cronstudt enc! Pe•
�iatiou. You stay, do so for a it me, only should be fixed by, the Montreal Pro- tet lief,
to Sud• thatour health has been under- ' duen Merchants' Association, ,
y 8elort JP". '�T00ala Phosp�lbaina,
folded by bodily derangements of the most The imprtrvrmarit of the, exterior of (lilts :lotn„tn aittrrtea.
faEal kind. You should have a movement ehec., r factories and creameries lvsxs T,ondoii, Afay . $.--M)ss 1osophine The Great Ttnglish Remedy.
of that bowels every day. Tc accomplish I1alnrari, forinerly of Indianapolis, ' !� gold and recommended by b
x- �tkEs, uvbid concentrated foods, use veget. "Arougly advocated as conducive to / druggists In Oanada. Only tel
lea stud fruits freely, and take one of bro, santttttian, anti. patronage,
who Yves attce engaged to harry .'tilt,- ec ek megie tie teed t discovered. S
. nor Marconi of wireless {elegraf,hy 1jtickagds pu4trill eff to care a
d ' % bases ltiidney-LiverP'illsWore retiritig and it was considered desirable that forms of Seival Werknegs till effects f abu,
levo o1, ilirert times A week, fit' oftener if fame, and Eugene iloross of Buda orereessr k6tital_ worry, iErtcessiye us- of T
mired, psr iZC,s b:: offered for. these structures petit, 11ungary, were lntirrieil yestor- baddo, opium or stimulants,, Mailed on .eceii
o da at St, (fiery Abbott's d�it[1rClt, of price, one hcka sl,ttiik,lfi, Oilbru912101
lir, Chadeslfidney-liver Trills are (tot erre. eating prettiest external appear day tit pPamplets fredtoan agdress,
t in the resenae
4" lin ordinat'y cathartic. They have st antes, the itxstructor being setected to 1�casin>gton, lits City, The �lvood CemparyrWivsdsorfOn
sireclfic and Combined action Ott the kid- f of the bride s lnoth0r itnd prievarul
y•, tbwys, tiver and bowels, and consequently awrrd the rewards. frituda.-
'. atq a mstipstticn and the accompanying The subject of freight charges cattle
clarsrng*ntatrts thoroughly acid well, by .r. for ,short but sharp treatment, and Judge c3iven r.«at r.
r"oviag tilt ceases. Ottawa, may W. -Mr. Justice Aob'-
gor tfat iniortltatloll of these Who 11rd r'esttlted In this resaiution,• , ; i ertson of Toronto, who has been lir
t it yeti itathiliar With th6 peculiar merits "`t411arcas excewlVc freight charges pool' he<h fOr same tlnla past, has
Wood's PliospI
A.:odine Is sold lit 'Wingham by
Cam1�,bell A. L, Hablilton, Ii, A.
Douglass, and,T. E. Bovis, DfugAists.
Con _
that Sou will sen because you may nsk more LICENSED AUCTIONEER.
for ilio article or stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the Tn= and try tills Sales of Farin Stock and L'arm Implements a
plan of disposing of your stock and other specialty.
articles. ' All orders left at Tun Trims offico promptly
attended to. Terms reasonable.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
o mminations.
of London Conservatory of music will be pre-
pared after Oct. 1st to receive a hinited mint-
her or pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence -opposite R.C. Church, Wingliam.
Good heath is impossible
Without regular action of the bowels.
Laxa-Liver Pills regulate, the bowels,
cure constipation, dyspepsia., biliousness,
sick headache, and all affections of the
organs of digestion, Price 25 cents. All
Place the vast facilities of the
'telephone System at the
disposal of everyone,
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Biu
Are convenient for the use of
ylo f the art' at eaahod on
short notice. prices,
BOOxBtNnrNe.•-we are pleased to announce
that any Books or bYngazines pert with us for
There is s noted difference
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
Binding will have our prompt attention
ding in any style will be given on
in the style and fit of Pants we
aappphcYtitln to
THE TIMES ow pion,
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the. low price
Palmerston .- 0.53 a.m.,..,m.
and better quality of cloth put
London 6.50 a.m.... 8.10p.m.
Ilindardtne 11.10 nm .. 8.10 P.M..,. 8.88p.m.
in them—cloth that wears
]iinenrdirie 640am .8.65n.m,.,. 8.10 p.m
London 11.10
See Our new goods and prices.,...
... a.m7.,M p.m
Palmerston ...... 2.46 pan.
8.88 p.mGEO. A. SCiCB, Agent, Wingham.'TVxiP}VANADIAb
k•nLR Q�
TXAvn rok
m.Ajtj Toronto and East ... ,. 6.57 n.m,... 8.23
Toeswater ...• . 1.17 p•h....10.4sp,m.
Rubber Tile
for all kinds of
Veoswater ,...667am..,.A2Y,p.m.
Toronto had East .... 117p,m..,.10.48p.m.
Cd Y'a"•ARIO'
Dunlops T3icycle Tires !
Pneumatic Carriage Tires IT P
Solid llubber Carriage Tires
tnvali`d Chair Tires