HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-23, Page 8t- Auct;oncersard, Ppdiars. I CHURCH. NOTES. • '? , a 4''4 k ! R a► '' ' "!' '! r We!lave reaelvcd from Win. flubues, i# 'file annual self-denial wook of the „ y . <, ti •, ` ` h County `reasul eircalar giving the Stllvatiou Army will t'egiti oil .3aoday, : vd e►. r 1 list of licensed al ctiglicel,i and licemed may ;33, and egad Ou Saturday, blay 31. ; E.t*t*,`_ w i p i lE1 r >!1 al pedlars for the county of Huron. 117he Rev. D. 1'erriu llreachod it, 'I.ign l'res ' f list is as follows: bytvriau churvll at Brantford on Sunday r {{ in P C(B ,T l,D T NAlaliS :►atlressc(1 to the runder-it Licpusell uvtiJalci rs. - 7l,olnas Gain• hast, taltili tlt•, pleo,t of Rev. W. A. J, signal, and endorsed "Ttauler for }?cit _ dry, Jola:i Currit-, Jas. 4tlei:icy, ''.k3." ktaltin,wllu picac•he,i uuniversur)rmr• until %le4day.OrdJ11310ne t.intutsively.forl ,1 Shutt, henry 7:t rrauce, Thos. C7auwron, neons ill the P t-sbyteriati churvll perp. the creation of a Potit eines, at rhinion ont., I ZAK ,• according to tin3tsaitt) speeiflcation a+seen! i r t s and d o l i a r C 0John Clill, Helly Bro:t D, Jos' -ph Gawan. a the Ueparlkmeat of Pul,lie W ;8, Ottown, I! i a'f. P,, M, C Arles, p. Fl. Wilson, A. il. • I Nv. 3a,nea Iltltl:i ton, fOrtnurl} pastor a td oil alylietWoll to the Mael,lt . at1 &Honey f of tilt Ying13nu1 Baptist churvll has o,l7lilt,oa•. 0 Gorman `1. hoiltas Brown, Joh:3 Kn( a, • `,fenders will not be eor h red Ila1C:X+ )ad (i ' 0 tt'nllNr.'d Ills rtSil;ttati0u as Ittu,tOr Of the on the form supe] c(1, a t tgne(l tvitlt the D. Dickinson, Q. II. Kerry fleld, Jas. ! , actual signatutesOf the 1 alnum-tou l:aptist church. AIr. Main- Ilenderso3l David tiand( r -();i, 1:(itv:nd An accepted <h( lit nit a ebattered battle, Futt preached iiia ftmisvell sermons on mynble to the ordt th0 Mini.,ter of Public ' = oga j• + j ; 13osseacborry, 13. S. l,';if:lip s, Cr.CBartuu, i EvoC1;N, ec nal to t( 1 cr cent. t10p, e,s of flit' "+t '' nudity , t fly $tit. amount o tender, must nec•nitlpaliv each ten• rl)1!}n le'E' k,l:lwP, 01) S111e Illi: crest C. Hamilton, J. W. J. lit.It-rc?" der. 7yheehk•(fuawillIto forfettedif the patty n Pilfli wii de. Til^ 1'(„ltl:ir lilfetir of fife PCNsby tens decliuc the contract m• rail to cowpAlett fire = (f1rrE rl 111 1`•til l)%lttl. AS a ]Packer, p p; - waricconttnetk(t tar, and will Itoretuiru'ditt - h U d ,, u • ,., s(• of ;1 Atl..tl1, and tiro alzaaal incetiil”, of Coss, of nnn•nccert:utceof tender. Liceu4ed 1 <(llnr5 -h t,a. la.,t,q:kah.,ti, , 3 ., •' r()(kt1Ci: (!lir S} 1C'.Il kld StnCl Af Sain lac, Henry Hayden, Jas, W. Ci.b. tl:e ivnit'n's Foreign Ali. Iouttry, SOC- tlulieD nirtnor i it (lot's othind itself toncacptl 1S1111tgS we will Sell son, J. B. Haruwell, Jas. T. l;r :;, Julan { i(ty in culiuectinn vti.11 this PrtS y tens By o dcr• 1Ye have agreed to handle a certain number of Iron Beds during the { ' w, iv h9ld tit Moleswurth oil Tu(sday of 1'I(l,b, G1aLINVcr A. McKay, Jacub Yalf,•, NY. K. «hair; . ; sceretnry. summer Ind fall, and by (doing so recc;ive i]• special dfsecunt. litre of fln-, all silk Ties, in the W. J. AUiller, Gco. Beatty, J• 11. Joints,) this t eNl,. Several c1t legates rE;ru in Departmentttawa, l eth ma y,'leoa, particular! well mcde of lett design and well Pba Beds are y pretty 1; ripgs and patterns. in black, AnthOtiy MuDoualcl, titi'. J.11icCraci-en, ! at,erdaLu a front Wingilam, Ws Newspapers inserting this adwrtksement finished ; bail bearing castors, vvhil h is a goat saving to your carpet. 71 plain, white and fitney c();t)rs, on Salcurday for 40 . L. Prey, T1lnmas LAligttu, Geo. i hone to !live t, report ok the nic etiilgs nut uiiniilt or it from rite Do Partuteiitstvill The trade already done this season is a proof that the goods aro as Fzench, (l. 1 + McPhee, 'U'. ti'1 a;lace, for our next issue. ---- - represented and what you require. See nur String and Ilow Ties, the latest patterns filbert Sing, W. W. Treleaven, Fred `rile annual (EstEct ineeting of the f'zN T o>li u 3QL , Wiro Mattresses Gu Iron frames, ,attached, which makes the bed. shown, 5peciii for •25 > 0 Gossman, f led Morg n, W. J. Sander• Wingbaal district of the Methodist ivermin-proof, The Springs are guaranteed not to sag. (% sou, WaItEx Tunes, D. q'Cr ennui, L. church was belt! in the church here ou sz,nALEDTBxpEnsaaaressaito"Inspectorm Prices, $4.50, 6600, 8f3.2a, $9.00, $11.00, 8.18.00. 1 0 Gibson, P )bt. Nowell. tti ednesday of this keel:. The annual t of Penitentinries, uttawi anti eudorx'd I Dresser and Stated it -on bed '' l '• Tonder for suitttiler', will h:r received until , i w 1 .00 i in@ellna Of ih3 YOiileli'ti Afi6£lUUAry btottaay, loth of Jim(,, Inclusive, from artlos ; V "c1U'ttGe7 x'haHtnt'y nr aiatvtlnl; Tlre(tncas titiClery Of tan salrie (li.tl'iet \vas I1Nhl On ae.+irott•( of eontractfug for supplic:v, for tit(,: g -„_ Is told by impure bland, I-oordi-es•' 1 iL+cnlyearlf7trt•11:U3, for the following iustitu•? f, ` tion, shi,;,iah Beer a (1 tit(d ltcrvea. It i etlnes(ta} tend T lulsdity, frith a public tion, nnniely :- I L @ it ld 00. Seine spec.10. lines in Collars, ail shapes and sizes, is a warning of very serious trouble i uleetin; oil Wednesday evelling. We St Vincent de Paul Il vnitentinry. I • '... . t 0- ahead, and should prompt seuAbie people, s Are not Milo to give a report of these ins- Dureheaster Penitentiary. R>;SIDF QCE—PAT1iICIi ST. t frons IAI to 17 your ch -ice of the stock: for ._3 I MnnftobaPenitentiary. D{ , c i + • to take a bracing tonic like 1 errozuue, ' Itortalit 1, 0t;tigs in this issue. British Colombia Penitentiary. s. GraceY's former residence, an energetic invigoraut and rebuilder. llr•rina Jnil whore night calls will receive fj i' pappetite', y , `• ` , , ,, , ' tar >arate tenders will be received for each of I u t.au. And Undertaker P promote good digestion and sound slt e , a pioneer Blethudlnt minister, jogged b: - NEW . pt anon t Ferrozotlo will •ry o you a shag is edne5da of this week Rev. R. Paul Prfuec Albert .1nit, prwn - a p p , a al, the ollawu, class •s of sttppllea :— ( 1t will feed An.i t,,lergizo tha 011feebletl p f F1Our tGan,waiau soon Bakers.)- l„ S a past his ;:,th milestone iu ti toy health. g - - d ' 1„ organs, strengtheq the lie vu incl viral t IV 4 s ud mutton c froslti. forces and regulate thehrarl;. Ferrozone \c `t Sabbath hu will preach at PtinOvllie ll. 1''Orat;('• changes that tired feeling into ('1 q:T, ' indicatlil that 311 bgtil tnllltl slid slid ' ' s' ('<aal tnntltrncite and bitntninous). g y , 5. Corgltvooa. Alen's i l(,C Frel`eh (rinp;lt:itn Netlfkre Shirts, strength and ambition, and clues it liti is vi•rorutts. Mr. Pahl leas a Ellie vOr• 0• Groceries. r 0e, ' ” 0 7. Coal Oil lin barrclsb t, fait range cf bia.('s, sl eels! on Saturday for •00 quickly. lavin eonly leklrozOna; it's thand e den in (:unnection vr•it:l rictutia Cullrge, 8. Dry (?oods. i l.ie hOniO On Pliticess at1COt in this t]Acc, 0• Dru s and Medlciney. dtsx r1ltri`rn: i best tonic 1nadN. !'rice bOc. per box, or! 1 f.). I,ont ier nndflnctings. 1 _ - 10 dezen ( f the famens Irish Linen Shift%, in 0 , N g„ , * ' and is alt inPefatignble wother both in 1t. Ilardtt:tre, Tinware, Paints, etc. Q r (i 1 axes &:r .-• Gt), lit iu•uoai t. , ur it. i•. 12. T,umber. u t the 13€lttrlsgtnest c•f cotters and patterns, r. Polson & Co. Kiugston, Out, Sold (it! and out of Clic church. Ilt., is a univor- Details of information as to forst of con. sl'eei:l salt' ql1 fiitturday at - X1.00 ¢i A, L. Hamilton's. trnet,togethcrwitit forms of tonder, will be i gal fart rite Ovv 11: ; t0 alis geniality.— from-h••d an apItlicntions to tho '1'l'ardma of H I it I a n Hitmi;tolt s MIS Cure Constipation. , P the various Instituttons. - lirllSHll , Oft, 10 t I All supplies are subjrat to the approval of _.__....,_...- _. PERSONALS. . ( Rev. J. M. Aull, of Palmerston, was tit(, Warden or Jailer. ....,, _._..__. .. _ __.....__. All tenders submitted must• specify clent, y Mr. C. Zilliax of Brussels was in towel uuallimously c lceted Aloderatcr of the the in.titutiou, or institutions, which it is p3,ro- ipissed to oupl)lya, and must boar the endorsatiou on Wednesday, vnc(l of 7.ormto mid Kingston, on Of tit leapt t%% arespunsiblesureties. • 0 Mr. A. E. Lloyd is away oil a busi- Molulay eight, May 12, He said in re- Papers inserting this ndvertisement without Prohibition is the great issue at; tllc present time. Some We still have a goad assortment of Dress anthority from the King's Printer will not be cess trip on the upper lakes. turrim- thaieks for Ills election as Mod- pard therefor. Goods, I Tuskins, Prints, I .mbroiderit s, Lawns, l DOUt+I,as WtiOX..T. people have gone so far as to say that we "should be prohibited l UVIr- Richard H011nes, barrister vias iu 1 erator,t that ,luriltt; Ills 34 •cars in the (;EO. W. DAwSU1.. l 1 a y 1 Organdies, Carpets, I..ace Curtains, Linoleums, Toronto for a levy days this wetk. I mini try he had built five churches, I3ft- Inspectors of Penitenttari(:,. „ Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. I y , . _ 1 ed two debts and burned down a inanFe DepYirtntent of Jns,tiee,, `^ from selling Ready -Made Clothing at such sacrifice prices. AIr. Jas. McGivai of C1)es e3 cal cd on Ottawa, clay L , inog) 3t. t „ and a church. The periods of his groat- Win ham fPienc.s on ,.aturday lust. B e that as it may, the gain is ours. This week we have We have a nice fresh stock: of eneral Groceries a est difficulties were how(ver, the bright - 4 3 y Morris Ross Of Gaelp)1 visited at his' est periods in his ministerial career.HURON COUNTY CO Cid! hand no,v. Give us a call. home in town fora few days this week. I the biggest snaps in Suits ti 'e have ever offered. The makers' Air. Geo. Thomson of Gcderi(h was ;:u1tN. - 11riCe for these was $IO, There are just I5 of these suits, , Tlta summer Ye•tiNil Of a Council of tit(, calling ou 01(1 Win ;Laid frie 11 On DIcIii;Nru„—Iu Tnrnberry, on Dlay Oth, the County of Huron tri 1, told in tlio council Pei . R (1 Friday. wife Of lit. It. J. 21e.1i -lizio, it dtiughter. chamber itt thOToty oacii. on flu• ' pill' IT un Si r;' k y I Cot,E-111 on May ;tit, tilt, wilt• of Alf. _ • That's the vials trouble—quantity too small. Made from the ' ”' s Mr. Robb. Cornyn was visiting vv itll C:u1o; a dauglttc•r. relatives and friends ill town for a fevv ,• XcGnar,ou -In W, T. Plot, on May:list, tete First Tuesday Ill jlllle NeXt choicest Tweeds, in light and dare: shades. The patterns are Successors yi+} ° H. W11 t 1 ¢ wife of 11nit SIc(rregor; a con. commencing at 3 o'clock p. in. k:c){3itliJJi1lJ i 11 , t)• 13ty ,k{.s Q days this week. AI i It]3Ili1) W. LANE, Gl(nlc, Miss Forbes, 'liringbam, was file guest , Dated at Goderieh this :;1st (lay of May 11102. very satisfying—, enough kinds to !!lest all good tastes. Suits Itsx : (a-BOvvu.t -:lt the r( aiaence cP Dins, -3s . w of Mrs. P. J. Livingston this eek.— W. Bradford, Tee4irater on blay 7th, by.ttev. r Listowel Banner. Mr. Malcolm,Mr.John houniatoIfissSdogo-ie WALKER BROS. & BUTTON are silk and linen sewn throughout. While they last on Bowman, truth of Kincardine. Mrs. Margaret Kelly, of Clinton, left CAirs,xox--1(ScDoi"ri.—At the reAdonceof UNDERTAKERS, WiNGHAiV1. Sr tLlyda -la' ^ Ist you may buy one of these $Io Sults for Wirigllatu Ou AiOuda per C. P. R. for tit(- brido's parents, Westfleld, oil May loth by y, y J , Monday I Rev. Johu Kennedy, R D. of Auburn, 'Sir. MINOR LOCALS. The Timrs 500 to January 1st, 7303 Renuettt Cameron of Luctmovr to bliss Jose• Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth Rogers Piles, B. o. $6.i 5• You may as well save $ ^ 2 as our neighbor. Miss May Robertson has returned phinc biuDo:ve11. door south of School Souse, Shop op• J 5 y -Tile cement foundation for Mrs. D. 3' DxasD posits Macdonald block. T)ucknow will celebrate on Monday ATclnues' neve house cn JChu street is ' home after a mouth's visit with relatives -- ---- - --_- •-- ----- •. __ _ XvICAY—In Winnipeg on ;slay 15111, Gearat, A! next. completed. and friends at Luc], ((' MoKa•v, formerly of N ingh;.m, in his Lith Pii i S S D E l I p S n rl R yI N G , r O Air. and Airs, D. McLean of Hensalll , rEiJti fJ L i8 iii Fill, 3l7 -Mens fast black Cotton I-Iose regular price 0c, --There will be n celebration, in' rot- ycnt'• ' -A number of Wingharnites intended , )fCGAv1N-Iii Berlin, un Diay loth, John lie- Saturday 2 pairs for .......................... 25 eter on Dominion Day. were the guests of Mr. and Airs. T. H. (.twin, broti,••r of Thomas Mconvin of Wing- I A. T. C. X. the West Huron nomination proceedings ham, aged 4S year.•, 5 months and 11 days• Teacher of Piano, Z7ieory and Fletchor Music -1148n'9 featherwEi lit Straw IitttS good value at 5t`hC —'Many from Brussels will attend the Ross for a couple of clays this week. 1 Method, simplex and Kindergarten. ` ( g , at Dungannon yesterday. Iilmcootts--In Teeswater, ou May 0th, Roberti ru lbs prepared for Conservator examina• bay them on SiltUCda 'Si'ingilam races on ; atrirday. Airs. D. Anderson and family, who Mseoc lw, in his w2ndyear• tions.p 1 p y y y for ..................... .25 -John McRae, of Calross delivered in recently moved to town from last Hownss-lu Kinloss, on May loth, John l, --t3e fleet!! !:fres will be held on Tues- Hodgins+, aged ; , years, ! -Diens .Linen Collars, a11 the latest styles, regular price day rnd Wednesday, :June 17th and 15th. titi'iugbattl lest week, a Shorthorn bull, 7 Wavvanosh, have this week moved co TlT0=1-soN-In Brussels, on May 13t1p James ; , " , , TO D p 20c,. Saturday 2 for .......... ........... 25 year and 11 mouths old, which weighed Hespeler. E. ThompSan, aged 30 yen:•+. s ■ ---Rpgulitr meeiiiig of Winghatu Couu- 1353 pounds. ` I,AxasT-In Grey, on May 10th, Donald D. The under si ted has ttvo acres of land to --Men's Colored Shirts, with two separate stand-up Monday P Mr. and Mrs. C. Dallas went to Lon- Lamont aged 33years. rant in the Ingham Town Piot. Upon Tlie p p ell, C2.0, C. P. on y2onday evening next. 'p turned down collars s ectal on Saturday ........ .60 —The members of the WinghAm social i don on Saturday. Mrs Dallas will spend KI-MLY—In Morris, on biayStlt, Jennie, da ugh• premises is a good house, which has been re• ( 11 -All places of business will be scared club and lady friends hold a very success. I a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. I ter of (4en_Kelfy, in her20th scary- go do chard. Thia pnd lace ll be reniteit eason -Men's Summer Suits, made of splendid wearing linen, iii %i7ingl:am on Saturday - Victoria Hamlin. Mr. Dallas returned home on ! able. Applyto latest style and nice! finished makers' fol hop in the council chamber on Fri. I A. KELLY, Winghmn P.O, 3 } , 'liters price ,,3.50, Day.day evening last. Monday. ! C°ti ell Blll dlii . Sato, day buy them at ............ • ........... 1.75 —01•alige. celebrations will be hold at jE Bliss Holmes accompanied her fatber, . Brussels, Goderieh and Gorrie on the i -The railways announce cheap rates R. Holmes, M. P., to Wingham. on Sired- MISS BAXTER —Men's Natural Wool Underwear is the nicest for sam- 1 Any persou requiring anything in the i mer wear. This°line is beautifully finished and is' I,2tit of July. for Victoria Day. Single care, good II uesday evening and white in town loin. cin on the 23rd and 24th t a Cpinent buil,(ling line, Foundations s Sidewalks, ! DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER A ii Eo Y our now su)tsrrfbers to the TI11Ed , going : aur! return- ,and Miss Holmes were noesis t t the Cisterns, Silos, li n, such as 'or Floors:! Zlfl l 1. F , it`t.11 2 t, On Saturday at..... 1,4ti I ing on the 26th. I home of Mr. D. M. Gordon. should „et my prices. Work guaranteed. I alwa s sold at ' .25 a suit, this onti er. to East Wuwanosu. i)nr • a r Mrs. R. A. Kerr and family and Miss , Call at residence, Leopold st,, Wiughtim , list continues to !;row. No statement has yet come from the SUITS A SPLbIALTY. Una Robertson were in Toronto a few' CHAS. BARF3X. : Mr. Gao. A, Stokes, G. T. R. AgNnt, Grand Trunk authorities as co the i Store closed on Saturday, iVZa 24th -Victoria Da days during the week. W IXe in Tor- I Apprentices Wanted, y, y Q y Tor - lag moved into the house recently va• ;Changes Contemplated in the train ser- GortErtren, 2t1tcl ay,10o::. West end of Patrick St. WI '(i1TA?i. Conte with the crowds on Saturday, May J I st.• vice centering at Palmerston. onto Mrs. Kerr met her husband, who To Wv. ROUN MN, ESQ., tilted by Air, John Gnirk, g T Itoturrriti + Officer, Wes neon i was in Toronto from Seattle, Wash., for r i ti -Willglham baseball club is advertised -Dr. Macdonald, 31. P. was at Hen, a few days. Air. herr returned to Se Provinch 1 Election, glum, Ont. ! ' to play with Brussels at the celebration ;sail yesterday sari spoke at the South 1 Attie where he is eu a eel in develo Ing , Druel ern; I ]tet• y •darn noel ap pintCement jin Lucknow on Monda neat. s Huron nomination in the interest of M. I 8 g P a snnnu•1 Sloane, of tl . awn of Goac etc t, in • a Monday some gold mines. i the Province of On ..in, l I t flnancinl, ( F. McI,2all the Liberal candiclate. j n •eat far me •nt the pr(•sent electron, under -Ln ecllan ;e has a neve vt'ap of spssi- I ; Airs. S. A. ATaanire au(1 family left ou "011"don I sE ction 107 of Tha Ontario Elecflnn Act." ; At WIDTGHAD3 CEMENT TILE WOItKs CAMERON, ling the name of our townsman, Air. J. j - Wingbam junior football club went ; Monday for their new home in Niug- A ennclidnte at the said election. I Josephine St., North. T. Swarts. This is the new way, ' to Teeswater on Tuesday evening and' barn, where Mr. Maguire has a position Dined Im"Or `et'. ,5'`CI1wA1t2.' 1 NOTICE p Parties re( tiirin Gement or Limo should ,t were defeated by the juniors of that I in the Tlaf> s. Both Air. alul Mrs. Ma- D i l L TO CREDITORS. DftS, +alveus n enll We ar ysening at a very low .place by a score of 3 to 1, , guire took an active part in church , - Price nitd tett keep on Oran al%vlass brands of _ l ement and Lime,so you can nitvnys rely on j , Notice is hereby given pursuant ton. S. O•, ; getting a first-class article, Victoria Satllkda—Turnberry Township Council will; work, and will be much missed by the 180j, C]lap, 129. See. L3, that nit persons having F. GUTTEUIDGE. MAY 249 1 meet as a Court of Revision and for j Methodist hod?, more especially by the Allister late the Testate rn hip oP T unbcrr,31:11,101 in I general busines at the Clerk's office, !choir, of which Airs, Maguire was a Qi a u otr a otHitttthi'6tii dn5 of Alsiltl'A,1) ' + THIS STORE and all other I Bluevale, on Monday neat. member. Their many friends here will 100::, are required to sena ))y post prepaid or to ♦ ° • loyal Stores will be ... be leased to hear of their success.- deliver to It. ti anstone, Solicitor for the Acs ♦ . y P A. D., ratan, on or before the Ord any de scriJune, Coal a 1d cod + • : p p , r++ -Joe Ardeil, a former Winghamite, ,Grand Valley Star and S idette. ni D. 11s02, their names, addresses O d and desert -1 L O S G D' ALL Q A had the nail knocked off one of his fill- I JU WN t tions and a full statement of particulars of I --- -- — - their claims and the list -v oP the security tit ; gers while playing ball on the park at' any► held by them dulycertiRed,nnd that after ( ♦ ... ,.. -- ins the. said any tlu• ndintniutrator vvi11 proceed to g t Brussels one evening last week. distribute the• assets of tho deeeased among .we will las., a few dollars by doing so, ; the parties entitiod thereto hnvinttre and only'; ♦ open ' t it would be showing' poor loyalty if • The East Huron teachers met in con. , to the claims of which sic shad t ten have We have now on hand a + ventiolf at Brussels on Thursday and ' r notice. '►' backed down on that account. l w , u 1l' 1 i t ` Dated this i large stock of both Coal and Wood. + betve been kept very busy this last Friday of this wee!,, and ,he West + th, and are novo prepared to handle 1 Huron teachers at Goderieh on the same "- '- wht((hsnt P. fs Orders left with us will receive. + ♦. crowds than ever. t tq y - solicitorPOrtheAdministrator.t ONE PACXAGE OE -CHINA TEA SETTS Idays. i I suffered tarribl 1•.d wase .• - , prompt attention, + axe pleased to notice haw thepeople i tremely weak for 12 years The + 160 acres of unbroken prairie land, four _ + consisting of the following : { wingham and surrounding country i = doctor..aid Sft1t bloa8c g , `.t "L e + to all up-to-date store. We will miles from a railway station in Mani. ' turningto water. At Ia.,t I trWl 5 ver tor always keep ill the lead, and i toba, for sale or exchange for town ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was soon 12 Cupq 2 Cake Plates 1 Cream the finest and newest thins in feeling alt r; ht again." k property.. Apply to A, Dulmage, real ,, he O.IAIES will be seat to neve sub ♦ 12 Saucers 1 Tea Pot 1 fowl nesa--Groceries and Crockery. Mr., J. : Fiala, 13adlyme, Ct. i estate agent, wingham. ,,,, crlbers till the 1st of January, lOb3, + 12 Tel, Plates 1 Sugar - t . y ti Flour aFeed _ g + ••-11ir. Robt. Johnston had the nlisfor- Nomatter how ton ou I or (i0e. - R ed loam •--Bologna tune to have a rusty nail ran into one of + !lays been ill nor hog! a cents x 1" Ok $4 9J &t plains , Balianas ' g (` f 85 cents , laic feet on 1♦ ridav evening last. He went - poorly you may be today, ♦ wn'Ons - -0ranlges Out in the Sara titter Clark and stepped on t : q► - taee lea---Oreen Cabbage the frail, Ayers Sarsapar111a is tli The TIMES and Weekly Globe to neve This is the place to bay, your GLASSWARE I beat medicine you van, • subscribers till January Ist, 1903, for 860 i ' ' • -•° ' Pox S lcr•, (;ilsar.••-•A comfortable slid 'lotxr, Feel, Yiay, Seeds, etc. See our vnint ow of )"'easy G'tlasswaire, t,ny article in it for iJe ' l convenient dwelling with good garden take forurifyin 111dtre11- a Yye will be le :of Dinner Slats . pleased to fill your and stable in the village of Belgrave. Aching the Wool, - .- orders. TOILET • p Apply ' 8a ' OIL SETTS ♦ .. app ars tett can ; it is to your 1. rAj salt ltrchaser. g ly+ to'>~. Don't doubt it, put your . t irhone 8. J. ria nine ltttal Estate A eat, wing• 'giti0)lo #i'oSt itI it, # 11'ow = The TIJiES an('C I'awily herald and + We have them in all the new shapes and decorations, halo. IaWtly everything 01S& = Weekly Star to !few enbmAbers till OHOPEI' S -•-•Arran ements are min made, for 40 s ►ark. All drrltelsu.. _ January tat, 1003, for 8Go, Two prom• "` ~ the Biatri t meeting of the Rctytal'Tem• . ll.ltrp eli eoeto r ltUt2,e itcinkl °f A7ez'e _ ium pietareil with the ,Sitar'. A a ii" f plats o4 Temperances which is to be field a ai. lir aiwtncfne ° "gaioivb" a i :ra"n°a Papers' Hent anywhere fa Canatclaor GHippi r ilk Wiugliarit in the near fnttIV0. The win ait.eea., the 'United Stated for the above APR CASSILS1 ; a. o, wr*it co., Lewetl, ifAer. anlountt>, f3YTBSCR113B 1vbW. Firw -won s mtCl etuiiid. (late of meeting Iran ilei stet been est. ♦ 1♦5?!i 4 1 ♦ ► i1 N♦ ♦i1 v 0 4 r