HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-23, Page 5E. 4 �a .} EVEN` $ OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS! Crowd er's X What W1dea\varse Times Correspondents Comraunzeato -- Other � `j Items Cli ed :from O lit ' Clipped Our I'tr$Gl;att�e9, � y'!4�•- t '. l Tailored 'Stewart, u OUR IMPROVEMEP4TS• _• k ; Mr, Robt. Stetvttxt until cocci/t) ?' x1119 f011gwin; l;itrcl wvrda frOtl) our e2; : ; 1 s •t lr principal of Goaerich Mxlel shoal, is eltungos a 1 uthi rs are appreciated by j he editor c,f I he Ti=8 , visiting his ol•l lwiue j11 131ueval, , 1\1r, i Stewart will resu'ao ilia studies at IIatmil ou, May 9, 190:3. Q 1 s ? I' ® i n I Dear Sir, -We £;re ill receipt of rt copy g @@��rr J� Ciueeu s University. Mrs• Stewart is C1 �• of he «) )••haul hues of this date anct also visiting Bluevale fri +nils• must cuugratnitte you oil the .evidence h l` Iicv. QVrllia'u LaoO'.s of Alauitobi Cin- of the prosperity evinced b your neces ; ^ s + {' �< y fC cl ,*;vim +� �, `; � •o fereuce, who isvisiting Bluevale fria11(l;, illy of eulargeutcnt, trace ior,vOur aster• � =..n. •F: > '� , - preached in the Methodist chure!i last prise in meet) Ig I he itt?c•ds of your read- f / I Despite i , , read- ers. Wo siuctrcly w ucire the nitrile up \ adverse woollen market conditions Crowder's '1' Sabbath evening y p 1 SPECIAL A f �`�i � �� , •'r c' and )ncckiauu,al es,snilenc:e of our i );:) xt, warranted Clothes exhibit more than usual exclusiveness of Mr. and Mrs. John 1?atters)u, of and tvi,h you the success you deserve 't• �� ;. Molesworth, visited relatives here this Yours truly, 1• fabric and fashion, and our customers are assured that they will +, Bcx'zzx, CiIL[tES CO. get the very latest in styles. In perhaps no other make Of tvAlrs. Jotiu Garcliuer is ill. Toronto, Utly 10, 1+903, Clothing is there so large a proportion of hand r D )ac• sir,--.t(loty IItO TU C01)grat11ldteCarpeft, a !� g �, p 1 lin w orl.ma-[ship ��, The Presbyterian Iuanse has bacu You On the tali tinct signs of prosperity y, lit y 1 1 y •: ,�/ ,, and careful attention to details essential to individualizing .;. newly shiltglod• r•reviiilua; in the rz,tz; of Aaay 9tlr �_ p• ., A , Deady -to -wear Clothing guaranteed to fit. -0 Mrs, Adam Cle-bora of tie Bluevale Your newspaper is both newsy aMll Nvel!AND f 5 °t � E?+ J .;. road is so far recovoretl as to be able to priuce£l. As a very Old frir,v(1 ur' your �O U t4� AT _. Sec other people's `'s Suits at to then sae ours at situp. (Intended ll ;- to rho rr(o,t,teasoct to see hitt � 35C Union Car ' lr T p $ , $�• respected1 Yu11lslrnit pet for 25c On the morning of friday, Yray J.h, Ii• h, DONOt•A , + L , f 1 Children's 3-pjeee Suits, Coronation, Detroit, Russian Blouse, _ 3 pieces good Union Carpet, new patterns and cnioriugF, one yard •;• ,l' 1 re ular $5 and $6 sale rice....... a. occurred the dental of John Dinient, sr., Manager U<ucnda 1 rtprr Cr) tcide good to wear, reg. nrice'.35c, our ei<al rice - 25 I ,; , p . , .......... 4.OU who was one of the best known men in Toronto, May 10, 190, i ' g pe p r (y l��; Boys 2•pjece Suits, all wool, sale prie . . ............... 1.95 this vicinity. Mr. Diment had been suf- Dear ?fir, -Wo have rn eived a copy 500 Tapestry Oar et for 4:03 d• _ T ;:: I ferivg very severely for some weeks -,with of your )ssuo of thu lath, and congraia• (a T•� i onths Suits, in tweeds, black an blue all wool serges, etc, late yon on its 1411pror err appearaxc•e• Nice new pattern Tanestry Carpet, good colors, will wear well, regu- + �= = � � it disease of the heist, so that wheat he . , I i - worth .,,8, sale price...... 6.00 The press seems to work w(1), lust[ we lar vulu0 tJc, on sale lit - - - .40 = was merciful[ released from ro• y p pain his trust felt will have no difficulty l 1 f ant}. _15-. Japan Matting for 1 u;/2C Men's Suits, all wool, in twee s, serges, etc., worth $10, sale 7.00 death was not unexpected. The do ►cin,[ with it, smut that ant ul) )row, .g+ ceased was born 80 years ago, at Bavard, paper' will be apprceiate d by your read - c• o urs and ad(1 to your subscription li.t. Good strong .japan Matting, new pattern, cuttou warp, regular +:• Devonshire, England. In 1832) he emi- rice 150, sole nice - L0t OvercoRtS 4 only 1• nglish W •peord Coats, worth $11, sale price 49.00 g lours tray, p I 1_t •; grated to Canada and settled at Wilmot. Tot,oa•ro Tvt>r Foux:oit CO. I 50c Union Carpet of '.- C • p g 5 only cam le 0 ereoats, latest styles, silk facings and + From there he moved to Turaberry, in Tile Winglla)u Tlxrs bus installed it ' F � � w plain w t th 10.00, sale price ................ 7.25 + 1899, where he had resided ever since, new pre: s Emil enlarged front it six t,) a = 50 yards Union Carpot, )rice clew pattern, good colorings, one yard - mac• retiring from hard work some years ago. seven 0011111111 paper, both of which iudi wide, regular 500, special p: ice .40 •1• p cite prosperity. Congratulations. - 9 Warm Weather Clothing Just to hand -Summer Salts, latest cut, narrow ants, all sizes, ..• He was for some years director of tine 25C Dutch i`�C�1p Carpet ler 20C Iy dlf fi Clothing p Cliutell News -Record. tc n ' colors grey stripe and biscuit stripe coat and pants, Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company, Tile Wingham Titin:•; comes to hand ':r vest black and white, complete outfit ................................................ $6.50 and also occupied the position of cOun- (Ilia woelc cnhtrgetl from It six cu1111'In 3 pieces nicer new pattern R,•versibin Dateh ]Ieinp Carpet, Oile yftr(1 cilIor for Turaberry. Besides his widow, to a seven c01nut11 lift1wr and is now «'r(!e, regular v.tiuu �3c, un lain ac - .20 •max♦°• he leaves a family of seven children, printed oil a new prrrsrrccel)tly pile•-' a 25v ,Tl� wI1 1Vfal;tIl2 for 203 Summer Suits, $$8.25 ;t• John soca Hears of Bluevale ; williain, 0based in Toronto. -Trutt �Nttler. A p g i• Here's a winner, and bought specially : 6 only Young Alen's Summer Suits dark Preen '•• of Winghfr-m ;Mrs.. Thompson, of Park- The \Vwghatn 7'Iv r5 appearerl last One piece heavy Japatt Matting, new patiren, one yard tvi40, regular ;. ' e p y g ' .§. o -,- P,_,_,, week in enlarged forul. Editor Elliott value 25c, sale p,ico _ _ - _ N0 •t• all wool imported cheviot with neat stripe, pants narrow width, long Iegs ;vest black �. hill ; Mrs. Coupes, of Blnevalc ; Eliza, • has installed a nex press and usadu - .„ z: and white, washable. This is a cracker for the money ........................ $825 at home, and Mrs. 'Treble, of MauitObti, other improvements that tho `.Cru 's rosy 5®,', �':IjD3Stry trJta,Ir for 03 ' The. Yuseral on Sunday afternoon was be light up to date.- SeaforthExpositor. a r •t• 27•iueh Tapestry Stair Carpet, nine ii.Jtern and co:ors, reg. a0a, now 40 i• Special Young* Alen s Pants, latest cut, narrow leg, short or long, per part•............ Q1.85 .i. very largely* attended, people from all I Tile Wingham. Trims has b(on c11- 1 .+�. larged and is now printed cu a I1VW n Y , \i Rite Ducl? Trousers latest belt attachment .................................... 1.00 over the two townships being present. ��� �%OO� Gar �t far % 5C 1 M - ' " ( pre s, Tile ri.)trs is one of the best 1 p 4. Boys' Summer Wash Coats, all slzts, blue and white stripe, price .................... .50 The service was held ili the Methodist newspapers in Huron county, amd. re- i All -wool two-ply Carpet, choice pattern, 1 yd wide, reg 9J:•, on sale at .75 Men's Summer Wash Coats, all sizes, nice dark color ................. . ....... . .... .90 ,� church, the Ruv. F. Swami officiat- I eeiv0s a very liberal patronage:•-l-tipley - H •; Espress. I ,t, ,,, ing, the remains were interred is the l Special Blue black and moleskin Overalls ..........:....................... 69 ?t Bl11ttvalo cemetery. Amon r those ties• rile Wingham TrurS has beNn en- i �i•• i b I lar f cl f"colo G to 'i 0olnurus. Tho TlsnTs NEW LACE CURTAINS ' ' ' Canadian Tweed Pants, all sizes, the general store $1.25• kind for...... .90 M ent were Air. tinct Airs, will, Dime it, of is Uriwfnl of news eve ry week linea i, A fine ra.ngc, Of pattfras to ill x,se from, all siz s, rim}s thus: 25p A 2,5 pairs Tweed Pants, all sizes, worth $1.50, CrowdeC'S price.......... 1,10 + Wilmot ; Mr. and Mrs. Gvorgu Tttuu)p• 1 ancon;; our )nowt valued exchange:;. It 33c, 50c, 73o, 81.00, •„1.2.i, }'2.00, 2.25, $2.50, $3 00, f4. 0, X5.00, etc. Hllllauaua e�lt 16 only Black Rubber Coats, with cape, worth $2.£5, sale price ........ 1.95 � s.tv, of Parkhill ;:tars. Crole, of H-trris- f is it crodit to its pubhshor an d t•he - +. Men's Rubber Coats, sizes 36 to 48, good heavy weight, worth 86.00, for.. 3,50 ton ; Mr. auc[ Mrs. el?ouzie, of Harris. people of Wiughaur llisirics.-iuhesley• -1• E Til i t,e. Ho Ea C'G rt- ODD TROUSERS -Present stock 400 pairs, prices ...903 to 3,75 + ton ;Air, and Mrs. J, ticluto;h, ofMoles- p ' ...,� � •. � '' The bVinghttlu Tl�tcs appears this worth ; Mr. J. Ansley, of Wingham, week ei lar *ed frons a 6 column ti page = FliRNISN11�iGS FIT FOR A KING, AT POPULAR PRIGS and AlrTBodding, u; Ethel. ` i e i;rE'y` sbeeleprttiir tt e o£f ee a); €inosite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid fur Produce ;+ Salem Shirts anti Waists, nice colon, soft and hard bosoms, 81.00 and $1,25 � miss „o,tes' Voice or•e.r)tp I11t},rgr"ed• the last issue announces that an electric Nobby young men wear Salem Shirts, plain white pleated fronts, $1 and 1,25 •t• A startling inipim-etnent is noticeable d • t l These «• c' , motor will be:t(l,.t.(i o Che )lout. .;. , g in Miss• Jones' singiiig. Her voice is are tangible signs of prosperity and we .i. f` Boys Blouse Shirt Waists, something up to date, just in . .40 and .50 .i I - 1 ?" Hot Weather Neckwear a nice assortment tubular goods just arrived .25 •i stronger, and sonnets clearer and sweeter I wish the l,ropliotor continued success.— .;. t _ + •;r Ihau before using Catarrhozoue, which Ingersoll Chronicle. Coronation Ties, latest colors .............................. .25 and .50 :a a wcuderful aid to singers, speakers ..i. , '(J � , ;� We sell everything a man wears, except Shoes. and ministers. Catanh,z•w, Inhaler OFFICIAL FIGURES. .1• i :• insures absolute frecdor_t from colds, Alan • of our rea(lers have asked us On r Crowder is agent in Wingham for Austrian Collars. �L coughs and catarrh, clears the nose and to public the mcai,nities given by the N N 0"` r „ Belts in all the latest styles ......... ...... ......... .25, ,35 and .50 throat, and prev.nts hoauseucsa and (liitereuL numicin pities ill tb�e prevlu11s �r p Nct -• huskiness. Gatarrhuzore vlakes the ciactions in West lluron. V110 herewith r �SA�E 5MIR�T5 STOPPED IN TRANSIT -Silk Undershirts and Drawers for men and 1 ' youths, colors pink, blue, black, white and tan, worth $1 a garment for 50 + voice brilliant l i endurin , and is un• give the oflicisl ,tile rides given by each + _�� ,,, commonly well recouswendetl by Prinla • urturi0ipulity in the riding :•- , ' g Dquuas, members of parliament, law - In ^T, 1901. �. In Shirts we are the workingman s friend. In Underwear we are selling at about ordinary cost. •f 1 \ RREN�. f• o yers, doctors an•I thousands that use it (iATrOty Dec]: 4 •+t• HAT DEPARTMENT—Soft and Hard Felt Hats, all sizes, 3 colors, worth 1$1.75, sale 81.25. J. daily. Better try Gat:ur Druggists, Price � Croderich .... .........130 -1 --- ✓,. ,+. ,1.00; trial size 23.. Druggists, or N. Go(lerich Tp ..... ... - JS ,. Imported Buckley Hats just in -We have just received a shipment of the latest styles a• U. Polson & Co., Kingston Out. ! e�-hfe1:1...... .... .. 6) - \ � 7 eco, \� .- :\Iy old customers are loakinn in Hats made by Buckley & Sons, London, Eng., usually sold by other merchants + Hamilton's Pills Cure' Constipation. ` West Wawanush ..... b at 6,3.00, Crowder's price .......................... ..................... 2 50 -- • • • . • - to me to get soiuethtng good .i. ' �+� I LastWawanoslr, 7S -•i• •+� WILOXETEIL I Colborne .............. ::6 — + Watch our a.dv. in the Wingham Times if you want to save money. Even if you live 25 miles Robt. Scott, of Kincardine, formerly Wing,hain. , , .... • ..... 72 in iht 4.rl' nt011............... 19 awn from Win ham it will ay you to come to see as and et our prices. ,. of Wroxeter, is cal iu.; orders for ours• Hallett.... • ........... 0 - I 'F' i. Butter olid Eggs taken as Cash. g p cryatocl;. ..a—-.°�1`�T`�' Blyth, ...... . Air. 1+'rack Edwards has received an _.. --- �' The ��% CO., • invitation to the wedding of Miss Rulm, 43'2 163 •�i• fi jt O+ R. H. �� ♦ ♦ qP a li �t @ •' who resides near Gowaustown, who is Ala3erity for March, NJO. .�, g g March, IS93, lin(- for them. I am pleased to tell them and everybody to be married to Mr. Zurbrigg of the 3rd Garrmv I3„ek COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S OLD STAND + concession of Howick. Goderich........... _ � ; intt-res[ed that I am stocking up with the very best this ,;.,+.t + + ,, ,x, + • + + p, J J J + J. • J �,fq.t • L ,+• t, ,, q '4 It is rumored that we may see home Clirltotl ......... I .... ) )b' f fi,••,•Q••.�' .� {+F� § i•bz•F•.... ✓✓i i•is i+.•iJr:. s Y•o• +;+:.d•3+. ri e. t � •i•II••+ro ♦ .+:o•t,d•II t i rsti•., bi+:•�o f . Blyth .1(i f C tttla(la Of OUCS Call pr6duce- and no other country Cast • granolithic sidewalks laid in t le village I \Vit,ghaur. , - 12 this year. Ashheld........ ..... GL - I nmkv better'. cvESTrILLn. aloltltis. EAST tvAwA�osll. Messrs. Jos. Cowau and Fobt. Miller Colborne ............ - 36 I The residence of Mr. McDowell, West- We are sorry to record the decease of Albert McDowell, formerly a popular were in Gorrie on Wednesday last. West Wawanosh...... -- Anlon� the nO0�1S I purpose ll,iticllttl7 are included field, was all animated scene on Wednes- Miss Minnie, daughter of Geo. Kelly, teacher of this townhsi but who has Mr. Robt. Black is buildinga temper East Tvawauos........ - 7th line which sad event occurred on p' p Hallett T 125 Ith. p,........ -day afternoon of last week when about been attending Detroit Medical School Ery dam. Muir Bros. have the job. Hallett...............44 - � famous a hundred guests assembled to witness Thursday morning of last week. Do- for a couple of years, has passed his final ( Miss Maggie -Robertson, who has a — the marriage of Kenneth Cameron, of ceased had been ill for some months, the examination, taken his degree, and lo- situation in the vicinity cf Kingston is 1 191 193 I Majority for Beck, N N10XftR%q Lucknow, brother of J. H. Cameron, of ailment being Pernicious Anaemia. She cated in the town of Pigeon, Huron expected home in a few weeks. There was a recount and Mr. Gariowff Brussels, and Miss Josephine McDowell. was about 20 years of age. county, Michigan. He came home this Miss Jessie Robertson is staying with was elected by a majority of 1. Th 100 act farm f Robert i r lack n li B. lin f D(ce)nbc•r, 1593. . Rev. John Kennedy, B. D., of Auburn, e e o ober , Tiruell, week to attend the marriage of sus sister, ! her sister, Mrs. B o the e o Garrmv rock .�... ,..._._-. .. _` tied the ruiptual bow. Congratulations lot 18, C,tli line, has been bought by Jos. which took place on Wednesday. How i Turnberry. Mrs. Black has been on the Goderich. . ............ 66 - -:over, the company was seated to well- Smith, jr., at 83,500. The purchaser socn he will follow his sister's good sick list for sometime. 22 - y p i P g Clinton ................ ti ou caro in and see samll.es now ready, you laden tables and ample justice was done will get possession after Mr. T.huel bar- example we don't know, but presume it Mr. Wm. Muir is laid up wittu all at- Blyth .... ........... • ..16 - vests this year's crop. tack of lenresy. Wingbam... - 7:2 1w] I Certa111'y be very favorably impressed. If flu see • to the good things provided. Many, will be before long. A g }• costly and useful were the wedding Assessor Robinson has completed Mr. Kirby and son were the l:uests of Ashfiehl .............. 71 �) j th, •m you will want them and if you 1ru before seeing Mr. McGrath on Sunday. Colborne ... 3• , , j y gifts bespeaking the popularity of the A Sure Cara for Constipation, his worst for this year and lens returned West Vdawanosh...... 3 - , principals, All enjoyable evening ill Some remedies cure this aistressing his roll to P. Porterfield, township clerk. Mrs. Kirby of Belmoro called on Mrs. East \Vti�}.alliall v, .:. , 04 - i the ni • you will be vel y sorry, for .I can tell you they music, story song and speechafying was complaint in a day, some in a month, The following particulars are taken J. Brethauer on Tuesday. G:oileri( ii} TP;':...'­ I �t30R ) A spent when talo company separated with but Nerviline never fails to cure in a from the roll :-children between 5 and Mr. Geo. Simmons and family of the . „ _, 54-��f•<. S\well' g0orl5. many good wishes for Mr. Cameron and few miun'tea• Just ten drops of Nervi- 16, 466 ; between 5 and 21, 631; No. Belmore gravel road were the guests of 286 2.11 his bride. aine in nd away goes het dysentery, cured to of acres assessable, 41,733 ; clearedhind, his brother, Mr. John Simmons, at liajority for Garrow, •15. Then I handle the renowned Woodstock ��rag0115, etc., -_•_•_: �- stay cured. Nervilivealso.curescramps, 30,133; wood land, 3,670; swamp, Brussels on Sunday. _-- COCl<shutt, Brantford, Plow Goods, Percival Blow Goods, colic, pain in the stomach, and sick marsh or waste land, 7,930 ; value of Mr. S. B. MCKelvle was at Chesley • headache. It has five times the strength real property, $1,440,"r30 ; value of per- on Monday oil business. 1 ? p it y B bell & Son's, St. George, Cutting Boxes, which are n s yy� /y and curative properties of ordinary conal property, $1,900 ; total value of Mr. Sohn Wendt, our jeweller, was r Y tiY' Aklz G to //hat ism remedies, and should be in every house- si% e u so well and favorably known ill this vicinity. f hold. Better buy a 25c bottle and try it. real and personal property, $1,442,fi30 ; at Mildmay ort Monday alter witnessed � � � [ 26 other disease manes one feel so old. Nerviline is all right. male persons from 21 to t10, 427, a de- the auction sale of a goldheadecl cane, Tho matrons of the Edi. It stiffens the joints, produces lameness. Hamilton's Pills for the Liver. crease of 3 No. of dogs, 200 ; No. of Mr. R. E. Truax, ex -U. P.,P , was the sen Orphanageat Lowell, " It would take too much space to enumerate ever\'thttl ," and makes every motion painful. bitches 19 ; total population, 1670, )) It is sometimes so bad as wbolly to dtsa- -" au. increase of 12 ; No, of catttle, 5,12;2, ptirchasar, but Dr. Clapp s bidtling was Alas , U.S.A.,rvrote they 6 , ' a decrease of 135 ; No. of sheep, 193fi, a good. had a siege of whooping• I kt ep ill stock. Suffice it t0 Shy that I purpose harl(11'rng ble, Jr. it should never t neglected. d it 4tAnftcsTowx. decrease of 260 : No. of hogs, 2689, an A number A: our citiz tris attended the COu` h in their institution. �•,..• nothing but the best goods I Carl get hold of, and would esteems to a severe atd, Trenton, t Ont., ; ' Mrs. Wilson of Bluevale was visiting increase of 248 , No. of barns, 1190: a ragular meeting of the Presbytery- of Tlley said that every Case decrease of 83 • No. of births 48 an in. Maitland and the omens F. M. So• was promptly relieved by � apo- it a favor t0 have the pleasure of Showing customers and alter a severe attack of the grip; 'Tits, Miss Ella Scott over Sunday. ,, Hattie Terrier, Bolivar, bio., had it so Mr, Alexander Scott of Tnrnberry Crease of 14 No. of deaths, 13, the �\' ceverei she could not lift anything and saints as last year ; acres of orchard and ciety at Molesworth on Tuesday., Cresolene. Its value iti coughs and frit,nds through my stock, which will be found up-to-date in y was the guest of Miss Maggio Casemore garden, 597 ; acres of fall wheat, 2,064, Mr, W. 0. Hazlewood and Rev. all(! colds was so great they always kept I could scarcety get up or down stairs; W. �. Shepard, Sandy 1160k, Conn., ryas laid of Bluevale. a decrease of 451 steaut boilers, 11, an Mrs. McKelvey attended the District it ready for use. You amort how Its every line. AL p increase omale There are in the toren• meeting of the Methodist church in used, don't you ? 'Tis heated by a , + a with it, *;as cold even in July,, and Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson of Brussels are sir sevena e ersons over 80 y could moll dress himself; visitors at Mrs, Wallace's. p' p years vaporizer and you inhale it. «%rite I n Buggies, as usual, I have purch$,:�, F ree car 10aiS of age. The oldest gentleman in tile, wiughant oil Tnesday. ,, y from the best makers, and if yoOneu According to testimonials voluntarily Frank Wright left for Muskoka on township is Henry Wightnrati, con 7„ Alar el attended meeting of nuc us for a heel. that tells all about `<t.. given, these sufferers were permanently , y W''ac tit a bulggY tart" Or .relieved, as others helve been, by Wednesday morning with Jas, Balt to aged 85. citizans twos held on Monday* evening to vano•Cresolene is seed ty grngetets everytvhcre, ; r f eel tan baric. " `the Vaporizer and Lamp, which siio,lld last a life t' tor ioo or one for an other" rice you will find it here. ood s Sarsaparilla p cijsenss tale advisability of having some r Y p time, mrd n bottle of 'Gresolenc coml+tac, ¢r go• ; J t Mr. and Mrs. Cutt and Mr. and Mrs. sta_ s the Cori 11 braneli of at chartered batik opened ill 'tiara atipplirs of Cresolene t5 cents and 3o terit4 which Corrects the actdlty Of the blood Holt atteritled the wedding of iJtltvard r K ri . Illustrated bodklet contAinina hhystelans' testi . ' nlsiah theumatitsm depetidb and builds g the Village. Reeve M nre and W. B. trionlah free upon rt nest tro•Catssortsa* Co+, ; '1'H n OLD STAND T T-1 r *Ri µ*n alai �. works 6W the Court. r90 r1litou St., Nety York, U.S.A. ap the *thole system. Johnston and Miss Annie sparhn$ in MoKorchex were appoiuted to intervie;}' ;-AAA THE WINCI'IL-01 31AY 1902. Slim P, CROWIFWDER IS THE LEMER IN LOW PRICES 1 No St ro Ift ,,+,,+�, �,.p Sa; ✓ •tJ+. + ✓ Ju ✓y.:*. Pa ✓.Jot,+, + / • ,r4✓♦+✓.J J.J...t. , + .O+Q✓a + • �. r. a r..0 . a•w•u'n4✓, � ✓. ✓..*n+.r+.+�..� ✓.. .. __... ......_ _ T The�kSmall proft�l SXOliTilPR ighbors Leadin News From Jnr Laxative uto ne•Quinine Tablets cure a cold to hecolnnv nded. and sold by A. L. Flaynateu, ^�vobTr rircp gtttttj ton�tipatlorl. price n teas. Howiek on Wear:esdny. ane div No Qure,no Pay. Priee ;25 cents. the blinkers on the subject druggist, Whrgbaln, ear tae Market.. i t Y .,. � 3fi._.L•..� .. .. � _ _i� t_•6, � _ -- — _. _v.�.._ — ._,�W�n., ,_. .....e4 _..