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The Wingham Times, 1902-05-23, Page 4
I TIM WINGI1AA TIMES, MAT 12,31 1.902. Cif. The Clinton New ',ra of this `week and the Ross Goverameut. --Kincardine call boast of a few "long I ••A6lw0009,la•Ai l) j,, " "�O•flrta �o�t*s�tilr}i(0�6t!••��rit•••i••M•�•�t!••1?•t•A�ltlQiitr4f��•Qfl•(!( A*•! j will say :-•-'( If there is it Janus faced, Opposition was invited at this meeting termed" oidicials. The fist "on file list _... tt hypocrite in tho newspaperprofession,but no itrsou appeared on behalf of stands Dr, Do Witt 11, Martyu who has - -.-..n.. F� �A it s the editor of the 'WringllamAdvance, 1141:r. Uitchell. pl a(•ted in the honorable capacity of Sec,• JOHN. KERB - JAS, H. KERV 4 rfF Water 1 who is Buell a contemptible, Small- ` The meeting broke up with cheers for Treas, of the Bolla of Education fcr I POPULAR STORE 44 .411 1 scaled person, that even his. own party I Mr.. Cameron, Elon. 0. W. Ross and the nearly forty years. � PEOPLE'S I� friends have little use for hint, and less King. � � o®®AA40QgAgslislRAtAo•obi*•d¢te¢OOAoloe®twa�•c�ee�segtsa��meec�e�a���taae��ac••es•®•®o�ere [Y couflde.lce 1n hitt. In the last Dominion _ .. rs •• • campaign he resorted to tiro most b so :-tie Stork Na liets. M C�Ur x x(.eS and a lit Of OodS must be x'i ht ud is �l'olYl ' and unscrupulous methods to defeat Dr, • prices ' quality goods g , g 411 Ea^l1 out' gnaralrteed to Macdonald, a staunch prohibitionist,, and Toronto, May 20.—At tiro Western o • be absolutely perfect... showed himself to be absolutely devoid cattle yards to-aay the total receipts of 19 the amount of business coaling our way. of houar and principle. If he regarded live stock were in 116 carloads, ineluci- p • • prohibition as of ing 215 cattle 12I sheep and lambs IMUISIVII • I o primo importance 110 � ", p , ! had an opportunity to show it in that 421 hogs, 100 calves, and two dozen • We have just placed in Stock a package of Decorated, Opal, 13EA.X= BRU: II1:,s, .. campaign, but he proved his owit in. milelx caws, • fit Brill GLOVES y l iii incerity. Where wap i Turquoise, Coronation assortment; and also a package of • a * , CattsiAenc auc = c For good cattlo th4 umrkO was fairly • , his zeal for prohibition in the recent bye I steady but no higher, while for anything>7E God Liver Oil 1s the means e r tit,,1tl,l,r. S1II:GTING , I p y -1 t of life and enjoyment of life to I o Decorated Glassware. They are handsome goods, and the • S i ItINC�ES, Etc., Etc. election in West Huron? '? ifiith that but the best trade w its slow and quota- ' eminent prohibitionist, Jcseph Beck, tions hada downward tendency. Small thousands: men women and , a • Who stttfr was. steady and hogs unchauged. children. I � price is quite within the reach of all. Come in and see these In fact anything Ten want , as file Advance knows, is ® a in Rubber'Goods, we hat•c to -day working the liquor vote A record price for over twenty years When appetite fails, 1t re- • goods. a it at right prices. for Mitchell, and who batt - the was made for cattle in the market yes- stores it. When food is a - I warm support of the Advance. Be- terday, whoa exporters sold at `;0.715 per burden, it lifts the burden. i euuS0 the New Era refuses to endorse cwt.t , n Colin a���� I ��hcll�ouloseflesll,itbriil�s - the Conservative nominee in ilio present 7'11e follolvin ;aro the quotations: a • eampaigu, the Advance charges the t... E• the plumpness Decorated Opal DGlassware Shippers, per cwt... $ 6 25 $ G 25 ti'�Then work is hard and • • l member for West Huron with iusia- Do., light 4 60 5 00 • • THE DRUGGIST ! � r r dui is heav it makes life • ceiity, a charge that needs no refnta• Butcher, choice do..... 4 iu v GO Y Y� \Law ST ,,)=: Opp D--nk of Hamilton tion The attempt to run Mr. Mitchell Butcher, ordinary to but m r • as a temperance candidate is a dodge to Butcher, inferior ,, .... 3 00 00 he thin edge of thP. dozen Trays . each ...... _ .. Decorated s . . ........... . y • o s at a `'5 i ora d able et 7a • It is t �• 0 1 . , .. .... 35 8 -Inch Nappies ...... , .. 30 win Liberal votes, and no one knows Stockers ............. 3 00 4 00 me; the thick end is food. • e TO ADVERTISERS. this better than the Advauce editor, who sxcEr AND rAArl3s. z;'ecl� • 1 " Salads .3r> " • Sotice of changes must be left at thus becomes a party to the deception. He Choice eaves, per cwt,.. 3 75 4 GO But what is the use of food, w • Berl y Sets . . ............ . .90 : Yearling 1 Condiment Sets at. , • , , , ..... .25 (r- atlice not later than Saturday noon. would support his Satanic Majesty if Yearlings, cwt...... 4 DO 5 60 when you hate it, and can't di- • half gallon Ju„�. , .. , ..... 10 • 7'hc copy for changes must be left Glie party brought ]fine out, suer if a spring lambs, per cwt... 2 00 5 00 gest it? ® 1 Collar Boxes at 35 � �' 8 -inch Ovals ............ .20 not 1 ttc;r than Tnesda evening Bucks ............ ..... 3 25 3 75 y clearer ease of arrant hypocrisy re- nairEns AND CALVES. Scott's Emulsion of Cod ® 1 " Cuff Boxes (hisual advertisements accepted np yp y B • • d5 to uoju ,rhursclay of each week, wails than in the case of the Advance Cows, each ............ 23 00 50 00 • Pickle Dishes.... , . ..... a a Calves each <, 00 l0 00 Liver Oil is thefood that makes •' , Bores , , , , , , , , 35 editor, we would like to know it." @ 1 Handkerchief ^ dons, you forget your stomach. „ Choice hogs, per cwt... G 57 7 25 iP you nave not tried it, send for g 1 (dove Boxes ..... . ......... a5 a ESTAB1,1.SHED ISN. DECORATED JARDINIERES • I �������• Light hots, per cwt.... G 7a- 7 00 free sample, have, agreeable taste will • 1 " Fern Pots .................. .35 i 9 Heavy hos per cwt... 6 7.3 7 00 surorlse you. - pTi���i:�� S SIL . , , • 14. R. 1Vg><�li� �ll��� y g , P SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. • 1 " Plates ............... . ..... .25 > • . _ li 19 � �r 1:, dozen Decorat.ted Jardiniet•es, gild decors• • Sows, per cwt ......... 3 50 2 00 50c, and $1 Toronto a i druggists, w „ , , y - 15 cents each. .5•taL,S.......... I _ • i 00 r 1 Olive Dishes ?u tions on _ • w.i The Policy and Record of the Liberal FttIDA , AIAY 23, ?902. Administrrtion in Ontario for the ,•,, - Past so Years Ably Defended. ARE Y 0 D TIED p • - - � NH7111 Stirring sun Pi:wtic:tl Addresses by lir. TO QLD - TIME METHODS � Now Arrivals "Shoes • iR )*>.,. Hal(naa, ll. P., BIe•. ll. G. • Cameron, anit Lr. alae_ If so, isn't u utile to Cut the cord, and use up -to date , — aonala,,(x.P. I Prepared Paint, mixed by modern methods, :which is I a Veiling, in black and white with silk Mens Box Calf, est, soles � guaranteed to go farther, look better and last longer spot, and white with black spot, Women's Don;ola Kid, ext. soles, per yard ...................... •� __ The mass meeting held in the town than the oId time Lead and oil paint ? s P Yt ' ' .30 Women's Patent Leather Slipper, � Electors, vote for Hou. G. W. Ross hall. ori Wednesday evening in the inter- The •old methods must go ! ! ! tl Silk Piano Drapes at ........ . ..... 1,75 hisses' Patent Leather Slipper, � n;tii the most progressive Government'ests of M. G. Cameron, the Liberal can- HAS THE s Silk Ties for bees ................. .25 Children's Slippers in black and red. ("'Juada, has ever known by supporting I dictate, was a success and was very :veli READY - MIXED PA I flte under mentioned and all Liberal I attended. Tile meeting was a very order- I phoes, $1 a pr. cundi,tates• `ly cite neer the speakers received n It you have not used '• PRISSI BRAND" PAINTMAy MARKET : � Black Swiss Muslin, with silks spot.. , 25 Alen's11Iens and Women's dr :weather S � • AI. C•. CAMEROiti for W, est Hnrou. a�1:CrL IITSi.OP for East Huron. splendid hearing, Mr. D. Stewart was it now. It is absolutely the best Ready -Mixed Paint e,i•®rye®®®®a•af•00•®A•Cs®ctOnofl•OooeA00o0®sAe®®oa0®•®®•est®o•s•aA®•••®Q�®B•••®ot9•®•q 141. Y. mcLEAN for South Haron, the chairman. made. Every can Duaranteed to give perfect satisfaction m • 11.. E. T It,U.1Y for South Bruce. I The first speaker was R. Holmes, M. • JOHN t� ACD 0 QLD BLOCK • JOIiN BROWNfor North Perth. ; P., of Clinton, who in a splendid speech w JOHN KERR i JAS. H. KERR w discussed the financial and edit_ I`OR SALE Rl�i��( R� SMITH P ET D I C K Z W I N 0 H A M NOTES AND COMMENTS catioLal � ® • many A • ern ent should be returned omud called vote. for Cameron Hislop and Me- i q ®f8®O@m 1 OStBA Lean i, ti vote for good Government. Y ®t3OCA®@®OOCdE3®®@90®O®®Sl®®3¢7 (: {r®6®A6i@Gtti;AAi►e000•A6•®®®•AOC®®8iii .. . Help to return the Ross Government I upon the electors to cast their votes for : R*INGHAIY lIAItKET REPORTS on Thursday next by voting for Causer- i Mr. Cameron on the 29th inst. Mr. iT D E CORNER D 0 C T ®0 E 5 orrected every Thursday Merchant. 0'1, � Holmes has greatly improved as a plat. b F. J. Carr, Flour and Feed Merchant., The three Hurons should be in line 1 form speaker since his last viSlt to Wingliam, May 22, 1302. on tlur 29r1� and nota to send Cameron, Winghaul. - _ ..,._ - -. _ .,,. __. _._ __ 1 65 19 2 50 ars[J I The candidate M. Flour per 100 0 72 to 0 72 BUTTON BLOCK e S. G. Cameron was i Iii„c1p anal McLean to Toronto. , :Fall Wheat .......... , 4Tany of our county Opposition cou- the nett speaker and he was given roil - Spring Wheat • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 00 to 0 00 Thomas's E Oats...................... 0 35 to 0 40 te:upararies are talking a great cleat I lug cheer; when he rose to speak, ' 1 The NervesGarden , • 0 45 to 0 50 about the " machine " in the present j Ctuneron for the most part of his speech I Peas . .... .. 0 70 to 0 75 q� Peas ..................... iI�HHAIM! confined himself to personal matters and , drawer , , , , . , , , 0 09 to - - eiecti uu. Oar readers c.a not forget the ( Turkeys, 0 10 tactics used to elect J. G. Patterson in !proved to'the audience that..' many scan- Nervous energy, the one thing Geese, " ...... , ` • • • • 0 05 to 0 06 lacking in the majority of people, e d S Ducks, per pair .. .... 0 40 to 0 60 West Httrou some years ago. galena rumors that were afloat in differ- I . ::. , , , , , 0 iG to G 16 _ -�� i depends upon the proper nourish- Butter ...... . mut parts of the riding were fats© and . , 0 12 to 0 12 Que'ue� Itis a debt of over x22,000,000; ' ment of the brain and nervous sss- Eggs per cloz .. 00 to 2 00 l were used against him for the purpose Wood per cord .... -� - N.ova Scotia a debt of 5..,713,302; New ! tem. Unfortunately artificial stim- Plant Good Fresh - 111 of defeating him, Mr. Cameron said Ha er ton .............. ' 00 to10 00 Braasw!ck a debt of $1,731086, and i he had been more or less activelyen- ulants are resorted to and the result Seed and Satisfactory Potatoes per bushel ...... 0 40 to 0 40 British Columbia a debt of about $8, -is invariably a reaction, producing Results are Tallow per lb .......... -+ gaged in political campaigns for nearly .. 0 15 to 0 16 0.0,000. Ontario, with a larger popula- mental depression, (or blues) ivabili- Assured. Lard .. .... • • • tion than any of them, Inas a surplus of a quarter of a century, but he never in ty to sleep, weakness, headache, un- Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 05 to 0 OG all that time saw it campaign. conducted We have in Wool ....... , • • .. ..... , , 0 13 to 0 15 over %r2,500,903. Is it time for a l I necessary worry, and other well ? Stock a full line Live Hogs, per c:dt....... G 75 to 6 75 along the lines that the present Gaut- 0 30 to 0 40 Chauge7 i ` known symptoms of nervous disease. of Garden Chickens .......... .. . . I paign was being conducted by the Oppo• The Alliance is helping the Conserca-Bitten candidate. He dirt not know Mr. What is most needed and sought 'Seeds, pure and -- -- ---� T tive caudidatein West Huron to its ut• , by intelligent people is a nerve food fresh. w_ Remember, boys, the 24th of May will be a week Mitchell s policy iu thea holds igir. He o most because he is a temperance man. I (the speaker) had been boldin meet- and tonic combined. Such is Iron For Salo br "the - p ) g I from Saturday, and at Thomas's Bazaar will be The- I,ib:•ral candidate in South Huron,Tonic Pills. 25c a box, five for $1. Y� j lugs in different parts of the riding for ounce and package. 9 A L E � R;r. tticLeau, is lust as good It temper- i two weeks and he had yet to meet his honored member of. the IIouse of Com- need not Worry how we d0 SO. You Alice roan as Air. Mitchell. Is it be-: Opposition friend on the public plat- mons was the last speaker. He reviewed thetemperance question from the year take the benefit of our close buying Qook'13 cotton thly caug, he, is a Liberal that the Alliance form. He referred to Mr. ATicheil's 1863 down to the present time and by ' his argument showed that the Liberals , and rather ask others why they sell so A desirable Lot for a private residence ' is not helpiug Mr. McLean .-Clinton f signing the pledge of the Temperance A L. HAMILTON, high. See our large Stocks of n centre of town. Will be sold reason- to C Now Era. fi; {1{ Alliance, and asked the audience how ■ able. Apply Aq well as remembering Boss in this i they could expect any man to serve two �tiection it is just as well to remember masters as Mr. Mitchell could not serve vI �iI DRt�CGIST, ref 'ar INGHAM CoSeRS3 that the Ontario Government has stood i the Conservatives of West Huron, by resolntions iiad been passed favoring a Abner firmly akainst all shocks and assaults of ; whom he was nominated and also serve vote by the people on the question be- fore any lata* should be passed. The 13r, _ All kinds ®/ r +�' No. i and 2 aro sold in V4inLitain by A. L. I3nWlton Colin A• Campbell, R. A. Douglass Toryisut in general elections and it will' the temperance people. Mr. Cameron also mentioned the fact that ministers LOAN AND INSURANCE stand against anything in the coming stated, as he had stated at the nomina- ( of the gospel mould say nasty things ACW AGENT. t•lection. It is based on the solid rock■� tion that he was prepared to follow his I �... sass®cam "- - �,. of purity, honesty, eiliciency, economy deader,HonPG.W.Ross, inthe greatest and progress and the people want no i measure of rohibition that the honored � �0' CATV YOU SELF. S0 CHEAP ? T. J. MAGUIR•E change• leader of the Government would intro-' =--__._ ,,._ . _ .. T ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Mr. Cameron is a splendid speaker and his address here will be y� I tine means of-'Vinhing warty, votes for himself and the Rose Government. t Sight 2 ' 2it�e I Dr. Macdonald, At. P„ East Huron's) 't'htS question 1S t)feetl asked here. YOU Account 0Rents and Notes Coueeted. Cou- veyaneing d' one. oFrim—Over D. M. Gordon's store. RESIL'ENCE—Leopold street. ' Perfect. honored member of. the IIouse of Com- need not Worry how we d0 SO. You Perfect sight is deter. minod by a series ofRoot scienttrie testis. mons was the last speaker. He reviewed thetemperance question from the year take the benefit of our close buying Qook'13 cotton thly we render faulty eyes , perfect bi sctentilic• " ,• lly fitted glasse,i. 1863 down to the present time and by ' his argument showed that the Liberals , and rather ask others why they sell so used by ig successfully aced monthly by over 10,OOOLadies.Safe,efectual.Ladiesask Cotton Root rmo- apper had given the temperance people all they had for. He showed that high. See our large Stocks of T�yyaourdrugggistforCook•s imitationg ate dangero dangerous. ©t, No 1, $tls box gNo. f3,10 degrees stronger, Es per box. r. ever asked at i or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two Scent iY all the largo temperance eonventi0n9, stamps. Tito Cook Company Windsor Ont, IV Noe, 1 and 2 sold and recommended �y all resolntions iiad been passed favoring a responsible Druggists in Canada. vote by the people on the question be- fore any lata* should be passed. The 13r, _ All kinds ®/ r +�' No. i and 2 aro sold in V4inLitain by A. L. I3nWlton Colin A• Campbell, R. A. Douglass i also mentioned the fact that ministers and J. E �avig Druggists. of the gospel mould say nasty things ACW / abont politicians but they would say I vA H T JW Is easy to turn, means * , ! these things in a place where the mouth less friction, less frit. . of the politician was sealed and leo could The tion means less therefore not defend himself or give his - . wear, less clamor tl a grxestran. The 1)r. said that ot� si;le cf means legs expense the public platform :vas the place to chis- to keop in order, ��';�" �lEi _.For sale by ' case these questions ancf he 'would have rl rrft+�if ,6 01M4tiaim been much pleased to have seeti oppasi• II � �E� ����r ��T T�%� nS__ egator �►, GANNETT, '�' rrr tion at the meeting. Tlie lf}l, was in P :. &Iftio britt:. splendid faint and gave one of the best Furniture Healers and Undertakers speeeheb we ever heist:'d 111th deliver and Also Sewing Machines and all kinds of it should rho mrich good for Mr. C`mueroti •'ram Implements. y found a full line of Fire Works. See our window. RIBBONS Silk Ribbons, all shades, 4 inches wide, 18c a yard. Silk lbibbous, all shades, 4 inches wide, 20c a yard, UNDERWEAR Ladies' Vests with short sleeves for 5c. Ladies' Vests, lace trimmed, for 10c WALL PAPER American Wall Paper, the latest patterns, don't ,pay until you see our stock. PA PETERIES Fancy Papeteries, 24 sheets paper and 24 envelopes, in blue and cream, at 20c. HOSIERY Ladies' good black Cotton Hose, for loc. Ladies' black Caslimere Hose, extra quality, for 25c. BRUSHES Whitewash Brush for. 13c, Scrubbing Brush for 5c. Horse Bbush for 20c. Brooms for 15c. . CLOTHES LINES Wire Clothes Line, 100 feet long, for 33c. 50 ft, Clothes Line for 18c. Ootton Clothes Line loc. " " " loc. SHOE DRESSING Gilt Edge Shoo Dressing for 20c. Boston Oil Shoe Dressing for 9c. Quick Shine Shoo Dressing 10c. CHINA China Cups and Saucers for 10c. Cilium Plates for loc. China Salad Bowls 13c. GRANITEWARE Long Handle Bastiug Spoon for 7c. 3 pt. Seamless Granite Bowls for 14c, 1 qt. Granite Sanee Pans for 15c. Granite Wash basin for 17c. Granite Tea Steepers for 23c. GROCERIES Extracts, all flavors, for 5o. Saluron, 3 cans for 25c. Baking Powder, 2 lbs for 25c. Grand Mogul Tea at 25o, 30c and 405 a lb. Corn Starch at Oe a lb. TINWARE ?t: lb, package of Ammonia for Ga. 17 qt. Diali Pati for 856. JEWELRY qt. Milk Pan for loo. 6 qt. Milk Pail for 156. Stick fins foe` Joe, 10 qt. Milk Pail. for 176. Stick Pins for 50, 14 qt, Milk Pail for 20c, Ladies' Gobi kl<ato giiigg ago, Steel Prying Pans for 156 each. Rinp for 80o. A