HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-23, Page 3( .� � 4 . v��u._`­_­_ _'T. 4. . - ­_- �-­� , -, - ­ I T-.1 1; - ­ 1­_.�,_. I 1. . I - 1-11---l-.1-1 I I I . JainesDrow, of 8trathroy, who diad THE TIME TO OUT HAY. NEW YORK FASHION$. - ut that placo, was Lorn in Ddvouslilm in __ - 1819. Ili 1817 lie wits intirri(d to Sris;aua Reasons, Why the Crop Should ,be No Hespeclor of Had 0olis. a Rogo-Contrasts in Drozl;.. Bq.vnlug, of $auglford, Doyouilill . H . ,% Ire, . o Out Early, Thoxellson has advaneael suftiolent- . . - w0'$4=cu:gber of the London, England, The alm of our, farm3r-,-, in, growing 0 lY for ilto felulrAina mind to Iri vo fixed police foa ,a for IS years, af torNy'ards was forage craps is of liroduc � i k . . i�m � nom Lan lk Hwy 'Hand- Itself on ."wil slivelal fancy ; this Your. TITE WINGRAR TIMES, MAY -23, 1, ­ . .� ... .1 .1 -1-11- 1.902, 1 ­, " � I . �. - . �, � , :. -, � - ,� � ­­.. -1 ­­­ I I , I , ,, I ! ­ . 1 A N�w crinary Qual-Antino Qfficor s ing vot for CAnAdot. — Dr, Arthur 0. Hopicin-v, ha,,% rccently , I , P inted, to rojimseut tile, Vot'. Ur FOUND IN HEALTH . rTH I e�,�Dl,uv� J, $TREK( I 1744(ij,j of the I)OW1410A DO- . -1 Partlacut Of Agriculture, in Groat Atli) FREEDOM FROM PAIN, I 110taill with head 1-q- .I. 1�1 a, oRstouls ollicer for four years. tile A ­% Uxtil, -1 Wig-' a (Illaut-4 it r _-, 1bonj4 Love b;-,= ill:) s-,q�­jIujl jklitl in came to Camilla ill 1,475, allil '401 tile jt)-*-�siblil, of thfa digVsLibl'a Lutrients in . , — it palatable to-viu. Tile tillp at which . va.sl; rariety rs to. coj_r,i .ohnIxi "'I'-' I'Vill-f 01111s.3,1awit fornil-ou Ittlie 11avtol- excopli.)a of eight ye-trs splint between, 11 g rLgLt crop 1-i harvost,7d may nffcct On kings, Prinesi Pwi . I 0 - � illaWriu), Owy,4-re tmbj�ufva ,.I study. 1 C53 4101 VveWjnf),s;i qf Llfo )Popeskil— L,)ndoa And l3rusiuls, has rosidecl in tile crup la threa Ivoy1j, viz.. in qualit- 1 I X 1. r �, lile 'c_ , i 4 . . flvtfilll.,�a ab,"UL tliq '. 1. Struthroy ever sinc.l. ltY (,f material barveii id, !I. thocom- deWs, the Noble and, th;l leadl;44 cliar.wL.- ,. 11. I " WJ1110"t It Life IM gin J134--stelivo I . _.�.__­__ I - p.-Mtjor, of the crop, and in the., palat. " __ 11ard to gji.lure, lblIItY of the fodder. A -d 'a geuaral v.-IflIa.,soinj r.ach a mr.rv,j or -ii jl.g.ee 11t,41th. is linturo's choicest gift to Inau I rula It li:l,j beor. found that �lldgr,�,iat� Wealthy as Well (IS . I inAlilm dirvelIcn, ot1j.-r,j1 sprjad, Ow'lit- and should be carefully gnarded, Ill I � �, , v.A amount of- 'dry matter,ja �%louroo �,-IV�ks (13I�,;l lijuitni -it dl,sLanc�.) at Lhc lie ilth is a sure si . -s . r , '. � �j _,TE . Otero forag.- orop,i a o allowc�j to �u � I . gn that the blood . I I _ back, sa its lalinaal; to; tak,.k tlit-t pjac2, eit ' . I - ., -c.-,p- - � A B, S__ G 11!=_ U, U __ I� mature and riln-ji. The c,,nly cN I on Rose of Low her insufficient, watery or impure, fez i ticku Ivi the glao,,i of clovers : 'tud oilwt of naiv dis,wirded wip­;. Apart train Most Of tile diseawa that aftlict mankind legumes, w113ro till leaveil rattle off ItuSfinass, Lila gnmt g1,,!;i1dftr4tiLi.0 is are traceable to this cause, R very, organ E 'ate, of (lie body rcquir(s rich, re . d . . axid are. lo -3t, 't,Rhor bofor.�; or during Is( blood to the procv,u,% Of ouring. i ' - . --- Irr,gi.h. Filrillenlats ii,rupor lool;. dis- - enable it to prop!wly perform its life sus. It (1:;vI4 uOt follow tbaE %%4.�n a thir-fally on front end5 whIch do act t ailli fig f ginctions, gild as the first i uthil a- . SEIURITY c,T-d �,"jtlt Litz skirt, bx,.t th,,r,�� cumcs (!on that . nature givos that all is 110t; well, I pfaitt. increaws in its yield Of dry, mat- u. laroa ar.d. n,.)t to, b.,. da,,pj.,�,,�d class, I the blood chould be cared for. Purgative � __ ter that its r.ULr1Llvo, valu. who, � r -Lent theliv;,olves with lesser medicines will not, do this -it is a tonio p:n-tior.-ttely increa.stad. I pa, in's kff� . Nioud -C Dr. Williams, P Qellu"One p,�:�i.slblo that changes in Oxture wid . . � le'.-at'll, that is needed, and ink . . I Numerom rtds of ribbon, floating pillsbavebeen proved, the world over, compasitio,.i. of the il-ry sit4ztanca may iri tho n1r, often li,rali'll th-3 approach A$% rw -7 offst,-v tha gr..,ater yield. The dry Is the Great Restorer of Health For of a fair or -it, but as th - J1 wiL3 it "last to surpitzs all other niedialnes in their (4� inatter of mature gra,-.,,.s cmtainj it toille s1ringthening and li�41th-rencvr- larger v,roporLion of crude fibre than the Ruler and His Humblest ',;3-11-30Y.'s" Wculla rity,l L. 1 i not. so J410141 I V 0a. r K 141V �r ! S__ c.-Atamed by oxLr . 5' 11,19 qualities. From one ond of the laud the iininaturo, TIL3 plant harilpm.; in subject. I cmlst'�, as Pluitcd to the other will be found grateful people trxturo and lo!%-�a in both pajutibij- . "I"O Of chiffon Or Lillie- caught ,it who cheerfully acknowledge that they - intvrval-s by ecricit,i fancle3 in tha C_ I I _r P*IIS ity and dlga��tib,J,Ly. it j..; thtirefole owe their g6od health to tills great inodi- Lfln L I sallg,�, or kindred fabrics, or ('gain a cine. Amongthese isMir.ElzearRobi- a usually aVisub-c, to begin c'utting hgt� Slc�Loss, disease and suffering respect widu fir.lsliad la,silk edg-d by 4 PhAlt- doux, a prominent Young man living itt a oil and - . curly, ajid wher3 thora, i -s large crap neither ruler tr subject, Thenot irig, doubla or othevwi�j.�, rankg 1jigh, h1ust BrIonr SiGnnturo of to, b,., gatlwrad work .should b -,,,gin high-borli, lime Lbeir trials and physical I &.Jerome,Que. Resays:—Forsonle varly in 0 I)t'.t 11AUL'A o:,nIplLiW it 13011 * rdaz that it', W Completed sufferings like those in humbler stations, , AT-' t4a �:alnc years I was a great sufferer from dyspep botorv. tha griv:ls sot&3 are v1pu onough Social stalicijug and wealth niaterial. Grval; pr -,!.&,e3 attach,-ts to sill. Aly appetite irregular find .�_� I cannot bar �Oft,;'mad�� exclusivity ir. crinke-1 silk everything I ate becaule to, i,�hell from tha head,% of tho JaLo the progress of disease when the com- felt like a weight oil iny leav,-, that flutinr with ewry breath. stoulftefl. remedies and _.- � �e:;�,�f;-4e, out grw,s. Chemical analy4is has men rules of health are violated. ' � ';l-rlj)rltY, hawevar, ura in -WO I tried several .41109K_5�1) ­ �,,Iiaivn that plants ars richer in pro- Impure blood and weak nerves are -6w jr- I was under the care of docrors but to Ito Ix.Al.cr lcr,own fabrid.., .such 114 thin Sco rggC.S!_­,,!0 Vlrep�.'er nc!ow. tein in tlIt, carll.�-r atug-?s of growth Yelponsible for ninny of the counno J it ,-,ilk, ellif4or., Lupo' net or lio�% and I avail and I grew worse as time went Oil. - - m fully i,,rown. c" near y diszwses of like, r47110 0XPOliencVg1 111Y81- . . - . . that. w1w I bo(lkino-very weak, grew thin, suffered I freqL-antly ill*. or ino-31, of th,gi favor- 11111C I Verl sznnU =1 ar cmsy � juatuiv. The chlof thiz.g with which I (-fail will tell you that men and 11 li from pains ill the stomach and . Woula i(t-,,i tire 1111144 Up h1i CLiablitation. ; i to Inue W �,,.X_ar. ovir f(-cd.,r,3 li!Lv,3 to oont2nd, is the with pure, clear coursing blood und w0l ,1,11, in was frequently Fgnzed with dizz IlM. . Welt of protein ill th.o. raticru iriltd-1 IT11 b:-(,.oxl nerves, can never become victims allagern--tnt ov.)n oil a xtil! day One day -it, friend told me of the case of a I FC11 NEADAUE., at tilevo n6c.�.w4orl-3s, wh-ir, worti. with lu."girl wholiall sufferedgreatly froin - ' - P A MP R Q , I . of our oommun fovding qtuffs, and I of i heuiratism, tieuralgia, liver troubles, 11 p,k1l"t RIM!) 4AU!r fittoidj I') au ul- . I , - LILay ,�,Jioujcl 1-cccgjjjj�, tho fact T 4JAn I E 48j Fen D112nitolls. that I (1.,-bit;ty, holld.tCh-jS Or S��'3pleqsaes.i. thill trouble, but who, through the use of by cutOng curly, th.iY ou MY3 still glummy !it a it shep, win- Dr. U`in.', rv.11-) gained � ESS n gat two I It follows therefore, that sufferers du�v tIl;lll act""ll U-i.i in NIT, Williams' Pink Pills had fnllyre .1 I TLE FF3-q t'11,10US'11� crarij Li� Thighly nitrogen .ul luddEik"Irrolli ally of tile ailillonts roferredto, (Wrs'many it fr,.shIr,,a,g1,l,.i NI -c -man gii,10. her health and strength, and [%'R ,FOR TOMPID LI . -iy only got ' 6 I . I ; I G whorc ill on.:,, by late out- hould a5 once tallo p; oper nionstir. a tu us ,,L,l�qz_14 t 0 Lon, ;�s an strongly advisild ino to try these pills. 1 V" 701 CC' NSTIPATION. . Un�,t% Cutting the first crop, cven cleanse tLo bloari and feed the weak ltcrw . as a locum I i ivms so eager to find it cure that .f. acted 11 I LL5. orivrL4 ledy, who ft.i.,." neJ vspim to 031 his advice and procured a supply. . P & , ! -(, the heads ar.3 f Lilly grOWr- Wi 1 - vous �ystvm with proppr iiourir,,b ine Lit. UTO u -in Q-'. YA r Ill' b , F at 4 , t . ;. . , FOR SALLOW SKIN. bef oi "I , L." ' tell(l to gilalvli.� a vigorous naw gro) 9 I t" I 'am the very first my condition ini- 1 ,70,11 711ECOMFLEMOU vill ' For tile happy gick301110isillnelit Of this firld avaistanc-t in getting nbont, inust 02ulity1=21"TeHAY . 11A_ u 11 (I i n this waY a - good crop, of rowan ' important work, Paillu's Celery Coln- h�- p,�rfcrm-.,-1 by ill-, 4t,:coaq, tl,j more i proved and tif ter using tile pills foil a .URE, , . N �_ , r.,� . , 1 � airy like 0013PIO Of montlis I was fully restored to Prici ^ el .1-bla 7�';Nea--O;V�---6, . i 25 C614312urcr-.7 1c.g. . V - I's IT.'etl � d. . pollild is ihe Only safe agent; tile 0110 ,,3o, )Nherl'inanipulation of a'f . urity Against - ad-cl to catch constant ­ .1l="-=7-ZM%-Zt:;,­ . . .. Tile two, crop,3 ar,,, more valuabl% greftl; specific; the only see parasol and widit liat in, health, aftcr having be( -n a t1flow Qle'L� U=A t1sroolully lov ft­.,diuj- duiry cows ill n j-41 m-.. - -i A �1, 'n ,"i- it'... . sufferer for four -ear. It is now over a I I& � � us. 9()'VV- 1-115 Official de,31944tlo Ay'll be "VeterinarY 'Quarantine ofn I 0"" ,- anabi, will a� . Zsn flcq � dfuotl, me th,, ,, , IV,$ PUrformed 148L .season by � Dr. J,. G. UVtherfor,d, noly vhl,�f V(�.Orlwuv Ad-6ser .to the Departill-131it of Agrj� culture.* Dr. 'Xiop, 1A-3, whill, 4 , � , ,sti I a . YOU.),-, man ha,,j bail a 'Wide exp�krle;ace, nat Only as 4 practical vetvrivarl-tu, biLtal-lo 41 the Narli.d. gluti�s cf)loctur. er, AlLUM aulleditor, If-, Nva,%i grad- llate I fr�aa Torola -try Cal - ,to Irettirin, 4-0, in ISDI with th-1 degree, of V. �% f..�1807 ba obtailled blis diploma, irt Ag- rlculturz� at the- 0.1taric! Agricultura! Collegi" (Ati,3,ph, 11-a ha,�,j also tjj,� de. . � I , gr,�! of B.. Agr,, froul. luw-t Agricul- tUrUl C01 0.70, of DX,X. from dio Vat, cri-l-1 rY Depax tm,--nt el tit,-, lowa state 0011CV, and of bf,D,V., (poat grad.) from Aj�cKillajy Cc 1,,ge, ohic,jgo, ., , Foe ,',-2v4('r 11 Y,3urS Dr. 11cpkini prae� " .aul t b . He, (I IiL-s prutv.s3ion. iiii M 0 9t,,ii,no wa,,i at a later glate, . appointW 1w.trile- tor in Animil 1-tw3bandry at,. tbo Ag� ricultural Co I .g.�, lfnjvar.j�ty of WL-1- CGT.1411. Tba pc.31tion ha resign -fl. to bveoutv Amoalat-,, RdiLor of tl..a Farm - em, Arlyce-ite, Wir,nipag, �%Jajj., j-,ltj, whiell: pap��r lie ramalvzdf ,until oul oil to. 10.3 pre,-svnt dutL2% Dr, 11aphins l", -'I's')- OW authar of "Vet3riu:try El,��mlint,%;" a manual for farawn-, and Agt-loulturul !�tu.dz,ut,,4, which h-ij bctm acooidud bj.-h pralso by leadlug aujil, Orlti`�, I'S it 'tr,latlsl� of gnaut valu,��'tu every atain 'irha li,is stock Itudar bi-i car�. Dr. H,j k' lt�j jeav�_q lit, m2 dial (.I,.; for, Grunt Britultil hift�rd.,r to In,, pr,�_ , par,�d fur this f,LqjsOn',i lillporta Liens of li'm stock. I11:3 addreas' andl. tb,� alon,,� ot n-tvigaliall on jh�,, St. 1,:jw- i rvu:-_% will '4.i 52 ,Kti E'Lit,-4cli 8,qnnr.�, 01:1r,gaw, �.,c3tlarvl. Tho tivi-lificat,,,; v -surd by hiiii: will be acc--pted by th-3 VnRcd Stater, allthoriti,n, in th3 sain., . way,w.t W(,-r�� Lbos3 issi-d by Dr. Ruth- erfoia 1:!,,,L s,iliso-. : F. W. 116D,-'-",01,-, I i Livc ht(;ck Conlmi-i�dOWr. I I W^ %a 471 Q. , ) .- one maturn crop oil account of tll�, Jn- I j . ,11 . U � spiiagglays, Paiilu'i) O,jIerY 0OUIPOUIld I Uln M�.Wi, ft ad-zlev-1 difClcultle,�,e A fly-niouablu woman on it windy day, I ear 4inco I used the pills and lit flint y Canadian Patents. . -,--.. � .­ - " ­ " -1 .. - - ­ ­ - .. crc-.,4i,,d proportion of protein. Tile guaranters a Derfect regularity of the , AN,iio cnd0ftVGr.'� to JiUlk, is! it mrious time I have elljoYed the best of health. I it. R. Dow,:;lLy, filLetrically orx=tcd I early cut hay .seunw m.:)r,j jil.11 fttah'clbo�wls, healthy P.ppAiro, sound slovp, obj�ct. Th,% e,oax wol-0.1 b.i la3 t-, bu t This I owo to tililt groatest of all medl. I dial-. anl master clock therefor; W. , Dizzy ? to, 4AOck, and weighi for, '%!'Light, mora Ontiesr.tic-Lory. 0 1 the, othir lit' n(I by good digestion, pur-j blood, sbruiig nerves brain,- full ror till, tallor suit 03.7 tli�� ind-pr-ndent 011"s , Dr. Willintias, Pink Pills, and I silail ahvms havo a to say oil I bl. F. Xelly,-doublu window and blind I fa,,jter�ers; W. J% B dwards, lccks Into ,cutting wo scwur,.- a 0Ln,3jd.,,,rab!y I'lud clear all of- which mean walkir.g !,kirt, either on,3 transform- . good word I their beliWif.11 nut I for 3 --A 'Then your liver isn't acting laegor (illatiLiLy (if enrli-o-hydrate-s, w.d robust henIth. Mc. B, Hutchins, ono of tha in).st ng hin.. -.v_-4 canlp,]�%t�-.Iy anl- rerAcring lliv v ir.dep.:ind-2lit of weat her ; Through their action oil the blood and � railway PurPo-,' ,e3; - Gaivin, nap- lr.ul machlne.-.l; J. po-al, ijggrinp, U. I well. You suffer from bilious- %%bich ar,3 valuablu for Zueding, und of crudo. fibre which is of low Itc.ding protainetit re.it estate in.ill in Aloutrenl, "Aboat ,so or es- eart. that gruniblirg m,,n ,nily f(�:�l : nerves, these pills cure such disenses as : rb enma ti sill, scintic-li, S,t, Vitus' dance, Wilklivzon, 5uli:y ploughs; W.Th..V_ . ,Aun, plogle-4a for ness, constipation. Ayer's value. For d,iiry says: five 3,eftrs ago I wroto YOU. it lot.t,3r ac,mowledglug tile wonderful I quite an ur.conifurtabO r3gartErlj the naw women's carcer, tvi !,I form�x (lays : . ingligi,stion, kiiney trogible, partial pare- : r,cullcring, shaet metal ve.,itxels herniatically tight, J. Tli-,rn- . I Pills act directly on the liver. cown and sheep, grass i,ha f effect yonrpLino's Calory Compound I)E0 iyh:�n lliAr Iannni,jatioji-3 for d-.�p3nd- lysis, etc. Be sure that you. get flip gen- 'Williams' Lon, nut look-.; 8,. G. IdeAlilldn, ClothU3 For 60 years they have been ,-bouia cut vityly, sinc.,j thes.. an' 1 ma I s da not relisbi h!ty tha t is ivoo I dy 7 upon me after I had it it it fair triat; - ill, ei I that it cured me cut T of nouralgin in rpe on tham li-td th,� greatest retv.ion. Il -fl,-,-, to -OuLflts, nine with the full nanio*Dr. Pink Pills for Pule People on every box i P111,3; L. NV,ettlaufer, p:m or rl!.�vcr bunchers or swalh.�rs; F. Carn't, ii.3s : i the Standard Family p,ll. alid h%viting in arorna as; is 010 case with iate out hay. �tor 1=3�%s uf-d y11 : the boad from which I had stiffured most match .0iort-skirted iin,l Bhewl,-jn rwirkit(Ily cril 0i,i li,vlpful If Your dealer (lops not Iceep theni they I will besent j for stove pip.�3; J. 'W. Juck, oil anni; ! L. F. Cutten, damp�,r-4 for sc. Small doses curc. PitLer,ing cattle. later cutting 1-3 it,,- . fearfully for over fifti en. Yours, aiiI als) ' t hat it cured me of rheninatisin ill IDY vr�lz�j% Jr, stitoli' �--1 cloth, with bitt finish, litt'a post onid ar50centsitboxor isix boxes for_P�� 60 bv addressing the Dr. stove pij.-..-,; , I J. B1. Darnim, washing ngachl=5; D. A,, d r2u x . - . . sists. 1,l,wn bio, aa thes-3 animal's subsist . ; litilbF. ILI fact it removed everj pain in ,11"Olt llrvitlln�a (f tli.-.iy (.n. tWoLt (tour L:i.it-j of. many kind�,, and Willis, , IL n is 1) .,�jieiucCo., Brockville, Ont. ... ' I,Ltmont, and G. L. Griffitb, lialLers; Wailti,ourm6usta�he or boardaboagitt.fill I browit orocit btack ? gan us" T. ,,,ntraicd fued , unit bay _,__ _ , " j.! : I I I . i wy body and. made tile feel 25 years might promunib!N tomp v T L r - t a ir, I 11a I A. Smith, car cGup-ling-3; 11'. A. Fritsch - I =Q10N4=W,..-.r� � I I I , ", , . ­ ..".1 11 1. ; . I , , I � � I 7 ,. , . ��., � . .11 ,., " OEM TAF Ot "' � 11 " . � � � NEW ,� � 1� . 1, I I , I . I I 8- P, RIX G, G, 0, 0 D , , . I . I'll � I 1 �4� . Are in. See oiar .114 . ; I I � $16, $18 AND'0920 � 6 U I T I N 0 8 ,x Before, where. .Also a special line of PANTINGS F-Av�%WY- thi aut in tb e ,, ing you w T o ing li- � - ail, r _, a - ca a -be I had ;and satisfactiou guaranteed. . I R. MAXWELL. Himi -Aitw T=oa, ­1� .- _. �.- _� . . ­ 1-1111. ..� BABY'$ OWN TABI,ETS. . I Tlze lRedicine In the World 11tir 00144ren of jill A;6. -s. Baby�s Own Tablets are good for children at all ages frong. thu tilliest, . weakest baby to tile well grown. 0131.,-1, ,, and a ce;rtain, cure for iud3gestion, suur stomaeli, colic, constipatioli, diarrhoea, reothin,g troaWes, aii(i 1hu utli(,,r mwor ailluents of children. Tlitirt, is no other medicine acts so rpoell-ily, su .-aft-ly and, so surely and they contain Dot -one pglrt� tole of tile opiatts found ill the ; O-calle(I "Boothing" Inedicilits. MIS, R. '14�. , Ness, BOrrie, Out., say.; : ­11irt-LU-Iiii. using Baby's.Own Tablets Wien zuy baby was teething. 110 was favoiis6, sle6plf.ss and -very cru. -S, V.11d suffered from iudigestiou. After ii*iti,, 0;e Tab- lets lie �egan to get butt,erculniost nt once, and slept b(tter al:d %iaa no luilger cross. I think the Tablels it flui. mede- ; clue for children and Imp thein oil hand all tile time." Thu Tabit ts aro rt adily , taken by all ebiltireu, and crushed to it powder, call ))a givell to tile very young- est baby with. it certainty of 6onefir. Sold, lis all druggiz,ts, Or wnt pi-st, paitl at :75 cents a Lax 01in at. to Dr. William's Medicine Cc , BroLliville. Unt., or Sche- nectady, N. Y. - U_ or 3 a ng , as oran.Msn younger. I hayo not had it return of iny Wulk.�r to clia,K,, har faith onil onto I Proccl-li of producin - nickel salts; L. BUCKINGHAM'S YEAr Pay. Ili tests made by Professors San- old conjplaint, and therefore have to ill,,, Uli of ��MrL wi,i.,3t girl,, I X. 8,31w,r, plano licti3OW3.. t- ! 50 CTI. 0. Dftua�ls's. 0. R. P D Mteers birn azid I-Linry in latt(ming stcers confirin ail tho statements I havi, oyeL I --,- I V. C.'s for Dead Heroes U. 8. Patent%- i HOW EACH W00 WAS SPENT IN I j . �'!'.' I with carly and IaLa out hay, it was made respecting your Compoand. 1 A hardship -which litus. Intlig (,xisterd U E, A. Barber, automatic firc proof 11901. . I ! fourd that late out hay gave the best . ' , door, etc.; A. D. Bentlay, ventilator .. r. . I - . rrnults. If cuttirg, is delay,.,d too' Inhumanity of -thL Doei-s. !-,I c,,,-,in--.�ctlz;n wi.li th�� awaTiling of I ls; D. Campl>all, a0i .Out of every $100 of rei-enuo the pro. I I . Reading In Bed. &Lrry McCoilibiti, of V,jl.,;ouvcr, 13. th-�, Vicivria. Cro_,a will shortly b.� r4e . ce. received . i Ir'119 tile steins, of Lim grass tecom-3 I , -tremover for boilar furnacos; 0. D1. vIll � tough and .stringy and tha sswa,ds seat- I Aleitiory rt%n,,j not to ,it tima when the C- Who, il W-fth tile; d.&U., ha's sullie- � innwe d j . . I I (kould. packag.,. carrier ; J. 2,Nlanzhall, $10.96 of it,was .spent, for education. Strike the Iron teelfrom the heads. Such ]lay has luxury,cf ruiding lit bed wu,B not'rall- tll!L�g to .-wy of Boar, orcv-lty in Th,,� I-lititerto EL man, wh,o had 10,,,t hi,l IiVN 1 =Ltrevs; B. Stroin.2, road grad -_z ; G. - , $20.6,11 of it was spent for tile nuainteu- 4 ability if ,,�d aut agaiw3c by, ono'�ajNtr3nts. Tho Vai.rzuu.vor Wgri.l. � little aroma ar.d. laok!S palat, . 111 lllet,0,17 )IOM0, ; , ; 11 Williams, fruit box or basket. I Though ail indefinite (jjSat3tVui13 CffCCt8' LO, thil cy,,,sight dated Mnrc�l (), lx�i ,%,tya: 'A party of , n, the -z zv=�y of Gonin gallant , � While it's Hot r_,A 0itriont.s. - . porR,-:m, ILfOrulation regarding any of these I ance of Public Institr.tions, quantity, the droma of grass has real wera, j)oxLrayzd in -it way that fright- 25U mvm wer�- ord.orotl out ,-.galwj� a I act haz Wo -a deprivzid Of the licialor I Patenus IV It 1>2 surptied flee of charge i $6.32 of it was spout for Public Works ' - numbe,r uf 113,cirs at daybr,ah, and I . ... is good advice. iraltul in rond,aring ]lay ,more palat- era -d. It 1�j, thirefoire, it relief to I due to birs naniv. because dead men by applyin- ta I lie abovv-namod 1 and Buildingg. able. When- th-, ,sun' dia,sipates the dvu,%� Ivho VD -d comfort in a 9 in s bome. . camaot b -N recommended for the ffitle I , ,00d KcUombla was thrown fro Ili fl I.M. ' 11 donv from the dying gra,qs in tb3 1110a.- [,,,Oak, and it couch, to It -now that, therc. llo wco,i ,cl. on by a doz.,n, Boars,. but . .NLtxini_,, Vallc�, St. Jerome, Que.- 1 $10.80 of it was spent for the AdmInis- � .4 dow wo Aetect the escaping aroma, i�� much tot be, Wald in -,favor of rea(Ing w -caped and *joine'd sonia of his Iron cro*.q "Coe, valor," I Lcck latch. ! I tration of Justice. L becau.w. the dew in rising, currb2s some lying down. kilty'. 11-i says: "Thoy li-ad it 13cor This ruli� was brok,in by Quzen I Alfred F. La'yeock, Moos3min, Assa. $4.9� of it was speat ft r Railway A -d , I I , of it into- tho, air. This ig ons reason Dr. Carl Seller,'Il 'ihe Soranton(Pa.) who iva,s ,shot thrill lung and- head. f Victoria in tivo case of Lieutenant -31a.diator. ! I . I i a id Aultuitles. . , - I . why hay should nob remain scafter,ad Trityum, r,ilays, "The recumbent pas- did what I could for him, Uut hit died 'Rob­rL, the -unij, acn oZ Lord Ro- Lowyn Frank Cutten, Boissevain, S-1.76 of it was.speDt in H-,spitals aud . Ovar thefield at night. C-rcenoolorgid t ur,u allo-wifs more rest of till the- bodily ill, my arnrs. 'I nexi� drvss.,.,.d'anuthcr Man. -Damper for stove pipc,s. � I sivtet,�Lnollin,� hay ig roa,ly the best, ;tt-rce,jurcis thar., 'Lho sitti.n.11 1)nsture, 13,cer ivith it bayonet wound in hi -j side. b�rm and fullowing this preoedeni. a J,�:eph Marle Damien Cyr, St<,. Rose Charities, � .: I SP mers will not over:ock avd tber.� is greater poasibility, of Nf-,.ct: I Zianl,:� acro,VA on.., of our.3 with pnistburnou.s. recommendation is to :b-, (Lavala) Que.-Washing machine. $6.96 of it Nvas spent in Civit Govern- : I �=(�hp= 7�1, ' 111-9 ighcxtly made admiassib1c, the nearest I ment. . .. gly small points as pro- rivAing and repair in that pc;ziltion. ZiX 113ICr., in; his leg, and half William Maloney, Winnip�g, Alan.- � ervingr Lho aroma and preventing Tlic,-.., whr> have, tried iO kr.oi� tha. trouavr�j shot a -way, I patchad him ' receiv, threshing machine. . 'L 7 bleaching. relativoa of the gallant dead _ I Gral .$3.33 of it was spent for legislation. I . bv.n-v.fits accruing, after it hard day',4 IT with Our captahi'-i field driussing 34, 'Olte's p, .S Benoit, Wit- $0.43 of it was spoilt for Colonization � . ___ . F. �V. HODSON, ! ,wll,,,, Surldenly it. ,�cL;ut cam�� along ,and to" in*,- the, ni:imoxiali of their lo ,11a, j6,ssa.-Grain. door. I .� . work, front 'the re,A possibli .1 ld . . � ... Live Stcok Commt�slor,or. doing ,I long night of reading, which tit(,, Call,Lulli that .1 largi�; numbar of hexaism. . Ilarold Wolferstani Ulggins, Alont- Roadis. at, V ­_ — _____ 9. e ' I., �: $4.43 of it was spent for charges Crown F"', th,-. liiv.,�s of bv.simss mak..-s almost an P�1(i,!l`,s wera corning. Av our party real, Que.-Coffee put. , uUmbirod 12 th:iy hadi to go. I Louis Pulloued, ArGOlft, A,isa.-Sn , "" . , L 1.14 Beivare of 0hinnents for Cnt-.trrlx that libitiolute, nV.iissl(y. one more fact is unl� The SufCcrIng gifJob. 'ill) Lands. I , . !.� f F�,! Colittiln, 111ferenry. Lo, thc orvditg1de, of thoiscor,ci. Whim- vOlvanteer-,d to romain with th2 Iftheagoiliesot Job wereanyworso book. C. I 1, /�,, I ever po,4sibli:l ive bring gravity ito play wounded man. Oar men had nosooner Wlite for a copy of "The Tnvent- $2,'.27 of it ,was spent for Repairs to as inercury will surely destroy the to, relieve congastion, espictilully that goi-c, taking my rifle Lind ammunition than the tortures of itchiDg piles from o ,,.�; 1�1,elp.11 . I �If sense of sinell and completely dprange map ot Europe in vain- for it place with them, . I p-aLt1n3 ,,I v. hil,c,, scurf on 'wbich so many people are now suffering r I I : Public Buildings. the whole systena. whon entering it reougglilzod. that, throwing tho head my -arm when -it B-cr ocluinalido ,swept be had inuoh to endure. The difference 1 $0.30 of it was spent foz Miscellaneous ] . Take . through the nincous surfaces, Such .-Aightly bxick beyomnd the p.�rponwcu- do -wit, Z,n me. Th,ey knock�-d, me down, is that there is no reaEon for Any one to A I 0 ` articles should never be used except oil lar brings gravity into' play to e atrippLd ma and nearly broke my ribs endure the miseries of piles fat uc b T-112%) D' -$P1e0u8`ot1u`i'tLjv,s spent for Drainage D,- ' " over'- in with their rifles. .Six of theiv rals- (lay. Dr. Chase's Ointment lie � Burdock Blood 'B"Itters proscriptions from reT)utftb',o physicians, the vicin2i -which am pr'incilially Deptv s cu�ed. I eA bentures, ate. . ; , " as tile glamagG they will do is tell fold filled by prolan1:,­_,d eye -work, but why ,cii their riflt',1 to Q00t, me, but the tons of thousands of cases and is absol- I D I j�j N' U40 D b' 'Vote for Cameron. I � This Sprin to the good you can possibly derive from 06.) i!u no -t cairriod ,tf,i its 1c.gical cull- commandant stappNi thieni. Thny also utely guaranteed to cure each and every I YE, . . � I - . � I . - I �0 them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, inanit. chi-4ou ip. it lalyilLery. It is plain stripped the wound,,.d nian and then case Of Piles. 00 cmts at all dealers or facturod by F. J. Cheney & Oo.,,Toledo, thilt placing, the head back'in it 'horl- rola, away, taking. my pony, watch, by mail froing. Adamson, Bates & Co., -k I . I ----- - Wul ... r�i� z -4 I . is better advice. O., contains lie mercury, and, is zontal poi,,itionso absolutely mle,ots, t)�O clothes, money, and asmall k2ep,salw. Toronto. Afe U Id " � � taken internally, acting directly upon Nvh,il - pf obl_�.m of a relief ol. couge-it ion X lia d. Tha day was weA and shiv- I - '' __ M - .-, , , 1 Fu I � During the winter, heavy rich the blood and mucous surfaces of the by gravity—and it I.,48ilchi it very im- crin.gly coil, but id about two hours' IN MEMORIAM. I " I g. 0 , � foods are necessary to keep the bodY SYSteir - Ill buying Hall's Catarrh Cure partuy.L problem — that it: 0.,ji,crus tinio it Cape cart oam�,. tqpick-me up. Success fit home dyeing depends alto. I I be su e you get the gennine. It is -,trLj.tg,, that peupla with iveak oyes do The 131-,tini cam3 again and- stripp.,:id The following lines are front the pen gether upon the quality of the d)ms you j . � . '. - warm. When the spring comes, taken bitrrnally, and made ill Toledo, Rat habitually practice reading in 11 thc orrlerly (11nd Crc-z too) who drove. of Mrs. P. Walls, an old resident of , E) the system is clo- ed up with heav Ohio, by F - J. Cheney & Ca. Testi. reoulubmt pwition., will, ill-. licad it. We,pilt thel woundpd. man in and select for the -work of coloring. Diamond 0 = y mollials free. rah,ed oLlysci much as is neocssary to WMA oll and met our- S'A.C. doctor, Tnruberry, but now residing near' .'Listo., Dyes are acknowledged to be tile best in ! _. .. I sluggish blood; you fc(.,l tired, Sold by Duggists, price 75 . Ike th�, , the worl(j, as far its brilliaucy and I . 11 . c. par bottle. m c pilrzitiort perfectly comfort- with a mar. of ourfaquad. WRILL an ex- wel. They refer to Mrs. D. Hangh and strou& able. Such ailvica darrisd. out IvUh s Grilitiore, two of her old nth of color tire concerned. Opinions of Leading Pliy.ilttians. , weary and listless and that all- Hall's F amily Pills are the best. plo,31vc bullet lit his ch-cist. They Air. Thos. Theyalways do perfect work, and I linve used Sfroi='i; Pile 1*oaiedy in rav absolitte care as to light and thaPposi- robbed the dying man of"his clotlics, neighbors, who were laid away to rest Dover disappoint the most exactin, prn<Aico, and would @xcPrful'v*rv(,oigLnl(,rd It gone, 110-aIIII)itioll feeling takes ,tion al� the book, would' in ease of a taking also his horse, saddle, ate., two in Witigham. cemetery a short time ago. dyer. Dianiond Dyes are sold at 10 call ' to Olt, general Imblie as oil(, cif'the best; renit d- : thousand busy poopic, add largely to pool- mulo.- and madicineg. Then only ts lei for piles on the inarlivt ,. Ittiowing It's toni- per package, the same price that many position 2iinkes ine niort, inclilivet io TO(011i-1, possession, of you. If you take Advertis! ng Canad-a. : t1w number of bour,j which reading lef L ui th,�, Cap-, ca.r Lf af ter a lot of OIL where are they gone people pay for imitation and adulterated niolid it a,; n. tirst,e;am ivilge-iV for pil(.4. . 'ers 'rand Trunk Railway�i' trawl- � c,olild be, indulged in without detri- Those loved ones of ours ? JOHN & BLOCK, .-U.tl)., -ulting FIlyslelfill. Burdock Blood Bitt it Will The G I bother." � . 11 dyes. The most progressive druggists London inil. to lir.g pleture exhibit which iis meeting m,.-rA to th.o. cyeya or g,inoral health." _. ___77 They are vanished away ft;id dealers will sell no other dyes but regulate your systelli, Put YOU in with'such a favorable roceptiotj in all __ Like the beautiful flowers. PrIce$1.09. :V,or.�-.il,-bycltuggi.,t.4,oi-l�,yiii-tit _' ABlarvellonfi Madichie. the Diamond. because the inferior dyes oil receipt of 1)rivv, . condition and malkeyou feel brig)1t, ilic, citic:s in which 'it is boingi display- I.E. STRONG, Manufachizing Chriggist, ed, i.s also, rew,lving eulogistic, ivords' Trutli is flighty. Oil did. we but think cause so much grurnbling au,l loss of' I -'.Iyla - � Havingadirect and combinedaiction Lot* on, Ontarlo. happyand vigorous. . L on both the liver and kidneys, D Thn thiiev.-as to near, materials L 11 .. L - ­ ol' prati%3 in the p�;ss of the souther ,,,,,, r, Do not accept imitations or substitutes I - I— ­ _­.-----"— � , h We'd part with a friend , I ­_ ar.d IrAddle Stat". The 84pringfield I Chase's Kidney Liver Pills �'vill ve- So cherished, so dear. from any dealer no matter how strougly (Ohio) Sur. of April 22nd, inspeaking Gore Bay, Manitoulin Id., Ont. ly cure ,nally complicated ailments . May 2nd, 1894. lie may recommend them. The poor .." . ,� ; . I . . i this collection says: "The exhibit which cannot be reached by any other - But the secret was hidden dyes are sold simply becarise they pay A h , - 1i I I . STRONG A14D VIGOROUS. c',Aablishes a precedent in railroad MaOLOod Aledicine Co., 11111 niedicillo, and lience,its extraordinary From mortal dim eyes, large profits. See that the name adver�iiing, Possessing sufficient Goderieh, Ont. success and popularity. Biliousness, And registered above "Diamond" is on each packageyon buy. — N I - , - , - ' nwrit In Itself ,to, jrstifyl anyon-n in F or nearly one year I was in terrible '10 c tit a I �'Z` diseaEg', deran* By Him that's all wise. Send Po,;tal Card with your add.tess IDNEY PILL -_ � �11 * Every Organ of the Body Toned taking the time, . to make an inspection "' r 0 P' it " to .o�bl 1.0 I distress, could not sleep auytilglib with gind 5 I woni.d.often get ol. 8 a Now we are I to The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited (It it." The. Spriregfiel& 'Gaz3tto' in I .1no 8 inneh t, 0 looking in vain CURF. a d. and go k1gi y thoro, . � Vol, I U rated by nervousness. r laptly and O_Om0 by - p and invigo 1) hir 0 il For their dear loving form 200 Mountain St ,'Montreal, P. Q,fol � . p -t would stop, cease tj �, ,, ! onminer,ting upon thia exhibit says: 0 erless. My heal I's g ... t family In. wi�io- '10 PI . . "It-, is oll,�, of tho finesit exhibits of NV And our heartaffilled. with anguish Diamond Dye.)Hn.t. and Do�igns. I ; to bea�, and so of ten I thought I would dose, 25 ceni a a box. . A, - go, .. .. � art over givon in this city." while (lie. Whenthe coldness passado 'in- . . Feel slid and forlorn. L I LAMEBACK � . . I I . NHEUMATIGML ; all the newspap3rs, in the other cities koart would palpitate and tile blooyd Tile low kindly words I t t b i ario profuo,,� iN their, favorabI6, would rush to my head. Then I would Big Tunnels of the Future. We regret to to be called upin to I � vis te�d , And the comforting deed DIA13STES i b commi%ts ve,gacdlug the dhiplay. think I woulcl choko to death. I tried Av artiolo in the) ]?all �,falt Gazette - That brought cousolation. I chronicle the demise of Donald D., tbir(I BRIOH-, -8 DIStASS . The collectiou *4a,3 lineii tihown. this medical aid ancl persevered in different on tbe Simplon tunnel suggesw, spac- In time of great need. . son of John and Mary Lftniont) old and � your lit fifte= different wties, and treatments, but got nobouefit. Agood ulation- on 'the great, tunnolsi still to bIZZINt8S ikNo ALL I "I 0 Oh when will we get - well known residents of the 7th coil. of ! I I A I tip to, the prewnt timo nearly 40,000 friend advisea me to get some of your bit, made. ono. %hicit, involve,% great Snell loved ones again Grey. The sad event took place on Sate I KIDINIFY & URINA0 I p'i�oplc lljjV-,j VIONVO'l the ditplay.i it meffietne. I am happy to state that I ' I OlSgAfte is 6wo of Lh(�L best adverti8onigents that did got your System Renovator, ,which � rnglil�rlh a'ffleu1t'0!" was lately To soothe all our sorrow ­ . 11 Islin t n Ligby the AUStrian VaTlia- urday morning, May 11th. In Decent- AN' CUR96 ov . To lessen our paio, I I Car.ada has over had for her,itiminor did me a world of good, and I am sure mont. Itt will pie'reo the Alps between her of last year a cancer made its - I ,L . . I I appear I I rmorts, land it is c�iecicd that the your Protein Rostirgain. saved my life, the, Vorarlberg a-n'd Trle,sto,, and. with Now the dark clouds of mourning auce on his lower lip and tile young man L I .1 I MN � resultH will justify all the good words It it had not been for it I wotild. be dead %14 approaches will cost not less than Hong over our head ,went to Toronto tot an operation which " �" 1. I , ._*. , I that have b,corisokon, 'of it. A beavy or out of iny itailld before this. I would .41 ',000,000 (35,000,000), Another project For the dear one8 the loved ones, .1. - , I.L. - — . 4iflux of touriQtp into Canada tho adtVise 4" lie who has like trouble or Of greater importaiw3, though it has In their dallit slient bed. was supposed to remove the trouble but A comit.A- season is assured. Tile exhibit troubles 406glvo thobe remedies a fair not- yet; got further thin being talked unfortunately as in other cases the dis- . I . . . is composed ,of Over 100, large photo. trial. Anyone wishing to hear from me abou t, is foe it tunnel under the Grim- But in that bright morning MAS. 1. STEr,V98, t' dgett'j" I `� , graphic vlow,,,i 40 x *60 int addi. canwritotome. I will only be 'too Ilad .%el Pass. This, indeed, may lie ,rc- Wiien jesus tippears; . easo assorted itself again and working to , 'N' t, L Wri teS. Ott, Ian. t,k toft : , cht�g, in . Ij&_ Mr. IV, N7. mayors, Xing St. B., borl.1,00 Lion, to ont, .Of t)j(j finest collections to give thorn, fill partioultlirs, &a., IiC6iit galrded. A,g the iftevitablo ,supplement To heal 01 out sorrows his throat resulted in his death. Mr. ,1 4 5P P Ojai., Eitys - ',I aliffeted for five yeilre of stuffed and mounted fish, includ. My case. I -am thankful, I 'never can to the Mrapleu, 'Which it will 'couple To dry all -our tears, Larnout spent some time In 1dallifobi I In the fall of i8" 1, was bbd - ", *Ah pitIpittlitlop, abortness of biFbatho ing ,spucimcus of the,L gamey spooles of forget yotl� and if ever I or any one be- with tile B4triese. Ob-orlaiid, enabling = I .1 � We% moet thelat With Ann%, litat year and wag in Port Arthur Hospi- With It SeYerd 'PAI'd ift thl't - �h. ., "L I � Aleeplessnest and pigizi in the beart, but , t1le fir'ny tribe native to, tile Canadian. -longing to Ina, should need. ,your. fdrl,1 traval alma9t !ill ,L. _briv� line, from 00- I , ,-,Tliu4o,16vqo&*ou6i,ofbttttg,. , - I Aip, buf W .'A ON 1'r � angi box bf Milburn's )[1dart arga x6fte JVL Where to wrjte� Vtl'ft ,Abbut t*d months. 04ifling at 'eould'9diii-L,al� gtdt % t waters, and int'Luding moskitionge, kno . IaLs to lAilgin. It tsl liounil, to; cOme. they'll burst through the oarth 0 1 - I � .- 11 I 1pille coinpletely r6rAdvad till these did, rortnito on 16a way homo lie arrived. at Add it gave rde gr 'pain 1116 Mm � , I blaek bass, pike-perdh (Dore) brook MRS. xr,tsox sTowr'. tbar,Rolto, iji glao tioupm, but- it 'wIll, Lft the beautful flowets. ' . 01. b"4 ` , tressing symgt6mill- I h0d 100t suf6r'" trout la,nd lo-,,ke,.l sillmon atid. oth, MadLecaVs Remodiesi establisheil Ill, probably b6 the last big tuhAQ inf,our th6 ptirental residence In this toWnship *bouf. I took ous �� ,Or DbAws, I , An6a taking t 6m, ilitid 11OW Aeop *011 96nd , its, n oyie, saft es t !then W6111 walk with them ever iswellylle , as! Ivell as repro ductio%, 1, 1988,atetheoftly inaffichilos inOauaah days. At all eve tg � rch . th aboutthe first of Uterch Where he re- klilney 1`111s soA - , ,00arplelo :� " stronsind vigovous", of many of the wotiderful engl te Ing *hieh have been jold on their Weiritl 6f a jl�a,S'61ft jyPe. Ith"is lor.gl beeh, Wet thoi heiL"nly, 'Plain I . tf - i " I I NO theftiltrand Avith6*6 advertising. Address MaoLeod wh6rp thi pr6sent 6'kigolaciet of t"Affic gut never, oh neverl. " Milburn a llroiiri Atka Uwf 1`1110 atiro f t.3 that am le'eated Oro wained tip to his doath. ffe was 33 years tuftd.. I MWO 2 �T *U dwavelt 6*161118 hoift *60 haso, *01% r bligbly,ostoomed. Vilth It, AN . i Tratik ftltoml it thel WAY! Of tIdtifto,119 Mgbdidln(l CO., GO61rich, Ont- r y,' avot1ror. . D6 parted ttgain. ago ftild I �, _�11 � I to M_ I w".. a Ito wy *�% . _ ., � I �ft,. - . ' jr".b " L. , . �L , � L * �, - I t, . � . I . * , : ­ . � I I . .r 24.�W,; .4� - ,�vz, 0 .. V�Z�59 __ ,- .1 , ., 'A , V__ ___ - , I � . I - , ! . , ­� ,NW4, I . . : " V, I I - Q;-- L - __ --,;-V--- I - : � 11W IN ",""I'll, 11 ........... I I I _-1, W, I , �__ . ,� I mwlppp�