The Wingham Times, 1902-05-23, Page 27
r11 %t T�I�t� ��? NGIl���1f 1`{ II Si 1 '"ail tJQy,
WTA-�8,;IidH 11 lb-",,. 111c-;itattC1. in coutributing tht'ir quota A Tor contemporary coin liths that A FEW THINGS. i ) i ST4BL:i3Ir4D,1872 THE RECORD OF THE LIBERAL.
n I y p p ' �'O�VN �I1��aC�`Q�.�Y. GOVERNMENT.
l,; 1 to 11w advazccmvnt of the Province. Ontarita spendeouly "5:00,600 oil agricul- Wtlat has the ,"Agricultural Depart- �+ �' %gp� u � r , '
I lvh 'thrl' that uota comes in the,sha.1v tural eclucatioll and ex aexitneutation. iue of Ou#ario clvuo iu the last teal 13APTWr Cltunix-•-Sabbath sorvicea at Tim T1 Ll1fillo Tins (In the ?+:latter of Agriaalt4 �)
�" "� 1• 1 l i l ut 11 a lu soil 7 1) xu, Sunday School at IS PUBLISHER
'4- IL f.d OTT.. CTitlasTlEn,,,npAarruxTau ; of yr terprfsa or ill the% ,shap:i of a rea- 'That's rico : Only a year qr s0 age the years ? Fleru aro a fevv "gluts "toil 11 a l an, General)in. )gayer meeting It crcat,d a D,!p;artuv u' gri-
0 *L TU
'. i0.- . . , :triable* contribution of their profits Tory Organs and speakers were shr(%k- there are )tan
•'` 1 y' a1iA'Veditesclayeveiiiutisl Rev. J. J.P14G• EYERY FRIDAY MORNiN.G culture, adzninistercd in tarn by sot-
V,R,W.A-T. at.A ),,, 1902. if or public purpows. 'Phis attempt nig, against the agricultural collego be It has enlarged the courso of study in tersou,B.A•,pastor, W,J.Chapulau, S.S. -Al- va,,sivr 1)raoLlG•41 farinars. t
; to curry favor 'where iQ. favor is cause it did not pity its own way, and tile. Collette and far4aa. Strpaiitltoucleiit. The, Times. Oiilco, Beaver 131ge1c It exp: N 364,000 ou Agricul-
THE e,ju,ght is another proof of that timid" contending that, every dollar spent over Conducted for Ave }ears courses of lit- Afar'rRoiaxsTCiityitou-Sabbatllse*ilces WINQUAM, ONTARIO. "lira ill 1901. ,
E TORY MACHINE. � .. • , , I .. at 11amand7pm. $nullity School at Xi has c+. :+nt^d p5142'1'i a rT-
Ity it, leadership which has. charaett 1- the receipts from the farm and the e�- structloai by means of travelling dairies, 2;80 pin, Epworth. League every Mon- xp 1 tin ' ,-, n Ag
'S' e have heard so atuMi in the Oppos- i ized Mr. Whitney throughout his perimental work was a loss to the ca1u1• Established dairy schools at Guelph, Ela ovquing. Golleral ars or xlleohn • TSRus oa Sxrnscxtxrmtax-sl 0a pernnnnm in culture, sine,: 1871.). ; ,
itic,u tiarl.Ts about the neat -"lino that we i wilolo career." •-•- Ilremlec R .ss tit try, y ou Wednesday evenings.
y d advmtcc, $1,60 it not 80 paid, No paper di' It has hauded over, ,0°1.,933,785 to 4791
y Stxtrtlarog and Kingston, y oveiuu �s itavl Richard tinue,ti till all arrears are paid, except at the
glut' 11er4;,villi a FrSu satnplrsgf itis work � ,Dundas« Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup• option of the publisher. Agricultural and Ilortioultural ,So -
1 Hou. Geo. E. Foster is raovr lecturing Distributed reports aticl bulletins with oriutendont.
So -
of "illi �l"Ar\ in:lGklll:e ;•^-• 4 •-.•-----� .-�•-..-..•__,—__. A'4iVk141CxB1N4 RATFiS. +•- .1.,egA1 and Ot11aI' OlOtle.9 .$i11.3 187'w. �" I 4
Ia Furth iAli,ldlcs.'s i.ta 1891 the Lib- ou liolitical Cgrrrl�,atiou. l�Mr. Ie�sker was respect to Irgriculttrre. PAr,snyTmuAN CHuxtoir—Sabbath ser- firstinsertion, advertisements
&, er liln P Nonpasubsequenr It has asuisted the Frui • Growers'
i i TMF ABSt1RDiTY OF THE CRY for litany' years a well of a Cxoveru• Estabiished Mariners Institutes and vices at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday insertion, per got- well subsequent Fruit 3
seal Esso .ld its pact a majority ITS TIME FOR: A CHANGE." '
, F.• •, � Inent \1'11fC11 proiitocl, eilar1110aa31jr by Women's Institutes, School at 2:30 p m. General praj•Ol AdyertlaMneiltH in loettlGOlumnslLreallttrged Dall'yl]1Cn's, H.txs�3, µheCp And Swine
(if three, 'Lill) o,ticial figures of, The Xlamiltoll ITe a I Q + tablislred all [x endive a stew of nieetingonWeduesdagevetliugs. Rev. 10cts,pc�llnalLot first iusertion,ana5ccnts I34eGd.t^', ]>ttultrY, Ilcekcep r.s' and
tl,+ rt t.]rlliis^' ofil; qr av t Hn t -h- r ld, (Ind,) the _ Open bribexy suet general polltiGal crook• Ds. t y „ per line f i e c 1 bubseciuent insertion.
0 8 Oral Les the Couservative or at' a eriiucutal fruit Lt ti)us, D. Ferric, pastor sols aupernrtgn- Advertisements of Lost, round, Strayed, i'lr+tolilalagtcul A:,scoiatian9, and the
ins a maj,rity of two. Iii the middle 1, L, r ,, y glltess. For such pra!ticeb lie had no a'P dent. � F`lumsfor Salo ortoRent, and similar $1.0 for Ontario I'lxWrimantal Union, to the
X tim-. for a char ua g ,ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL--•Sab• month and 60 cents for each subsequent yr ,1 „
Of t4 pit,. ,uatkcd for .1r, Taylor, ilio" "If the Govrrlman d v. a _e , word of dtsapprovalsa lent as Ills own Conducted Tuvcst atolas into the de- first,
see t, waA re k x to party benefited, Such partial teachers horuin; of cattle, tuberculosis and scale bath services at 11 a in and 7 p In. Stuff 113Coxmasca RAmi s-Tl,efollowin •table chows cxLeill of „a1w, U4 during Lha ,sauna
Liberal caucl,date, vvtre fuuiul t! e to• `abilit exorg and ' ublio spirit', or g insects in fruit, da School at 2:30 in. General prayer our rates for tho insertion of advertisements p`il..d. ' ,
gether nrtrked, for both caudidates the y' gY of political righteousness ness cannot expect y , p p Y
+ the Opposition were .st,ronger in these to pIuf3aenco publ;o opinion.--Toroutq Conducted instructions of fa4•Iners suet meeting an'i'Peclnesdt�* evening. Rev. for specified periods;- It lla,s carried an' the most ticcess»
{extra inflrl,s 1laviva been tuacta after the rLsl)acts, this cry, 'Ti's time far a Globa. fruit growers in spraying, Wm, Lovve, incumbent, I'. Shore, S, S. One Column.::....,..��oai Quo, quo. 1qn rp fol ilg4'1CUltur;41 Ccllo;a in America
e1e•Ctiou. Clt :i:g. ,' "scold pcabubly be patent Established a pioneer Yarm in Algoliaa. Superintendent. v HalfCcMumu ,...... 8a.00 $18.00 10.00 to
with an attend loos of 509 durin64 the
In South Grey, D.-. Landerkla's ilia- vnaugh of itself to reit Mr. Whitneyif. �Vltitrry conil)tain3 of the Appointed a Good Roads' commission,- CONORF.GATIONAL C.Hur,cu.-Sabbath ' tta - ("I Column ..... 18.00 10,00 0.00 2.00 college titrm, ,September, 1001, to
nrfr was „!ti but on a recount it was 1 y Govexr ment 'giving away `principal- p services at 11 a ill and 7 p m. Sunday Advertisements without specific directions , r,
O y �> ill Ml. I -As place• But, it, TS Bard i ie err. School at 12th. Midweek meetiri -on will be inserted till forbid an chargcdaccord- April, 100. uovexlty par cent.. of
vroved that 26 of his ballets were taken for the kions'," cr' ic•' t ,a to pulp compar-ie.�, Xf -Chis for- Wednesday evenings at8 o'clock. Gavin for In adv tl nce ]ltAdvertisentents must be paid its graduates, so far as traced, are
it. sof the Ross Inaugurated the uicst successfula
out and 2G ballots marked for his gppon- t;overx,ment to cony nc3 the people were true, which # i id rat, for the arses' fair in America, filo Fat Stock Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E, Prior, pastor, Tint Toll DpPARTursT is stocked vi itll an engaged in agriculture. • ' ,
e. t substituted. Goveillment has not given away a S.+LVATION ARMY—StrviCo at 7 and 11 eatonsivoassortwent of all requisites for print- ThC (Jello "3 has carried on, a ex -
til it Lila province is , suffcrina from and Diliry Show held annually at ing, affording facilities not equalled in the D
In Muskoka and Party ,sound, in lull a . , , foot of land to any, pulp company, it u , a m and 3 and 8 p m oil Suncla', and county for turning out first class wort". Large tellsive s,.,r1CS of field and feeding ex-
n, + tole• av t i nine nt or hat a Ghan o Guel h acid a stock sale fur Dasteru t
wholt ollitt subdivisions here disen- 8 should make litt'.e difference tui Mr• p every evening during the wee - at 8 type and s. uoprlate cuts for Itllstyles of Fust-
' p g would be sure to bripg happy results. ,.1 Ontario. o'oloolr at the barracks. ens, Hand ills, etc., and the latest styyles of 11Crilnents.
frallclli`edltlldtlleGalltOnts Of two hal- Aral. further, the Influence of the VWliltn,y for he da'w3 mot think i`'ty Ontario's system of �FArmers' Iusti- POST OFFIOE-Ill Macdonald Block, lugoicofancy type for the fir.erclasses ofprintr Travelling dairiep wore ,sent
lot boxes, containing Liberal majorities, cry I% weaken3d 'b • he` fact that al- Ontario worth very much when ho tutes Id recognized Its oult of the best in Office hours from 8 d' in to 0:30 in. H. et ELLIOTTdPiLb through 'the Province for .several
y ,`- - cor.;siders the "land of the stunted " Peter Fisher, postmaster. p Proprietor and Publisher years. t
uc a burned, though Ontario ha,, b..e'n und.,r Lib- the world. �
I 1 South Woutworth, 1501, more bat- ; eral rule for more than; 30 years, Popular" an appraprlate name for it. Ontario is all right. Vola for Cameron. XnaH`t•NIOs' INSTITUTE—Library and j' P. QENNEDY M. L,. M. O. P. S. O Three dairy ,schools havoc Olnoc been `
lots were found lir the boa than were the rseord a3 that'rule, hay been,, up- on' thing h,4s hien very ecnspicu- - _ _ free reacting room in the Town Hall, tie tMemberofiheBritisll Medical Associa- established, attended thus far by
lt'or Umar Sixty 'ears. will be open every a3ternoonf from 2 to tion.) Gold Meaallist in Medicine. Special 1,616 p^x,son,s.
reeortle.l in the pull books. eri the whole, free from) ,scandal and au s `by Its abscne • ins this c i, cioral y 5:45 o'clock and ever even) from 7 to attention paid to diseases of Women and Vhild c .
th Ontario in 1800 21 ballots s ,„ ren. Office hours—i to 4 p. nl.: 7 to a p. m. '
In No, , , � marked by gaud ,statesmanship, Icon- campaign, ass oat exchange, and AuOlclancl Well-TriecRemody-Mrs 9:30 o'clock, .Miss Millie Robertson, •'
L'tftecn !'suit I<apsrimental Sta-
ivarkedfor Graham, Liberal, were taken ams• and public spirit. c It would, be 'that is -thea customary foreast of VWinslow's I thingS,yru hasbeenused librarian, - tions+ are being maintained.
I for over sixty years bym onsof mothers , R. MACDONALD, ,
Tram the ettvelc+ped before tdiC recount, tiny Sara change, if, it werei certain Lin' Gc!n:.servativG °'eakrinc-01 wiih for their olITlttren whit eetiring, with TowN CovNOIL-Iti, Vaustono, Mayor; n I ractieal instruction in fruit .spxay-
aud ,31 atarkod for Graham's opponent 1 that changa mould ` mean improve- which the Telly papars as a -rule perfect success. It soot es the child, Wm. Holmes, r Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- Centre Street ing ha,s 11,011 lvidely given; t a
vv4 rq. substituted. Iudoo, J J. Liliott, W. I . VauStone, Valuable. bulTrti 1
m,rt, but there axe a good many hav, favoired their readers prior to softens the guins, allays all pain, cures A. J. Irwin Councillors; J. B. Fer- > ng have been rub-
, v, inglutm, Ontario.
I3 Lneelll in, 1890, 500 ballots were nnn-p:lrti4ans who unlit be hard: to 413•^ir periodical defeats. And per- wind colic, and is the best remedy for guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William li:sl,ed; bNrcrvo different reports are
3 r%I1ted far fraudulent use. Over 3G0 of coz vinoc on this point,l. p, g diarrhoea.
It pleasant to itis taste. ,
,+ ha � this Ls wisd lm, far a fine, at Sold by druggists. in ever Clegg, Wm. Robertson, Col• i;,sue i annually,
Y y pat'" Of the % r ^
Otenl were .supplied to. depaty returning The absurdity of the. cryis marl- the Opposition, ra.aka, cannot fail to world: TAircut five cents a bottlo. Its lector. Board meots first Monday even- DR. AGNE W, It collects and.Publishes valuable
O;li•yers, soil Iu4r11 were used. �1 numb impress can the cab-zerver the fact that valno is incalculable. Be sure you ask Illi,* in each mouth at S o'clock. Physician Surgeon, etc. stati.stiwi
} fest it tiffs face of th ,splendldi rec- P g (Agricultural and inuni-
er of shad characters were appointed excepting iha 3 11:r, F and 1 for Airs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and Sgs00L BOARD. -H. �$3err, (chairman), Office—Macdonald Block, over T. E. Davis' cipal.
y p end the Ttc1 s Vaver>:meut is making. pe' p -'y' las take no other kind. Thos. Abraham, J. A Elliott, J. J. ,Drug Store. Night calls answered at tile ) r I
deputy returning officers and instructed The Liberal Government -has renew_ sibiy Mr. Whitney himself, there is Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. 131,000 attended 730 meetings, 1900-1,
by au American named Quackenbush ed its youth under Hon, George W n'aL au individual compa•ient to fill Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Will, VANSTONE, o! 98 Farmers' and, 53 Women.r� Insti-
how to substitute Xt'kert ballets for progressive a ministerial p13itioa... , ¢ Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. F;. tute,5.
3 i It•ass and it is more ra ressive to- , � s j j,11.-t;i$..1%11,)�) j.. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.
tilusq luarl.ed far Gibson, Liberal. i day than it ever, was. In years gone Talking about nlal l%' g a change, mouth. Privatoaua Company f4,nds to loan at lowest It provided cheap money for lila
In ll one
u x,%%eund, a inje oder 40 hal- by much of th=a time; Of the admin- there lisps Well a thanhe. InsLead of � 4 POBLIO SonooL TEAOimms.-A. H. rate ofinterest. Nocommissioncharged. ort. drainage, by farmers. , i
lots ill one los v�erC t:unlert:d vvich. ) • Mus p , gaqes, totvil and farm 1>roporty bought and It established ti I'ionaer T_�ar '
i istration 'vas occupied in protecting AMotivat sail illercdith tom Lending for , giovo, Princi al, D C. Coultes, sold. OIIice,BeaverBloclr..Wlugham, , m4 In
Iu aoutli Ontltrw, iu 1598, money ' Ch<+ pro, lose fear attacks on it,s heel_ corlroi off public affairs, li sixty. I'rG- Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Rainy River District, which. ha,s, been
y Miss 11ticLean Miss Matliosou `
#latwcitl like nater, goer $7,C60 beim; tags -naw it is dcvotin most, of its mien is navv oppascs� by :4 new leader ' � Vp
�) Coru n, , A. MORTON, a great fiuecess. ' ,. 3
6n Miss Reid' and Bliss Cummings. J. It has fostered Chs dairy industry,
SlietlG t0 clefaaG Hall. Jahn Dry(icll "tills to devvlOplll'nT that 11e1'itage, of ti:G opposition. Tlla chasiges 11aVC) BOARD (1P HEALTH—Mayor VanFt0110, BARRISTER, &c.,
gaveWint1jast ex..I. P., coufLuke to ba -v To disultis the Ross , Governmant beer- great. Mr. Ross has introduced a) 1� until the value of ell-,cw
r ,;,t he g c It is early, quite e�irly, to (chairman), C. J. Readulr, Thos Greg- win halo produced
gave ltiG l�ast i1,.�0 to one Luka to buy riav,r would ba as bad ,buslness tae- Gr-etgatic, nck%v ideas in goof• Govern- T ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Sec- g out. in 1900 reached $13 000,000 and of
z) talk of spring goods, But y Y Ferguson,b ,
votes for Calder " His evidence is the . Lias on the nicest unknown in the Maws .Meredith retary; Dr. J. R. .Macdonald, Medical creamery butter near. >
part of "the people ars t- we have made ready to Y la^provente
lnost glaring piece of eorruptiou I ever would be the dismissal of the man- patiod, and for which pr,blie opinion meet your wants when the }3ealth Officer. E. L. Dxctcrlrsox DtmnEYllontlRs It i.3 assisting in the im1)rovement
heard -O" said one of the trial judges. ag•:r of an industry, t',hd, had, after wa,a tiler unprepared. The change, time comes. 'We're bound of Fall F airs by providingi funds for
The above are some of the glaring ex. iJl 3� QICEti�SO� & I�OLI��S expert
}'ears of Barest Work, wilt; it up' to Lao is .sliovvri in -'the case of sir. liar- to be in the forefront. judges. ;
aml,les ia. Outaiiu alone. The colossal n. magnificent p' -� BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc.
property and was ax-' ter, tylia, from. being' the lieutenant of � We are to win ) PIANO AND ` HEORY. It has assisted in developing a
frauds in Manitoba in the Dominion tending it by leaps and, bounds, Sir W. R. M.redith and hij successor tilt your tailoring' account on me MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. MO1,T•.Y TO LOAN. profitable trade with other Provinces
general electious in 1896 could be ade- rarely because !le had been long in it. the party leadership, is naw, an in- a OrrxcH: Meyer Block, Winghum. stock.
j sheer merit. Bvery gar- and member of the Associated Musicians of iii, pure-bred
tluately* describe d ilia seri li story Duly. , '" Ontario, is prepared. to receive a limited num- - •
the firms employ. Basinass men del>tix.dent candidate in North roron- ment we turn out is a stron her of pupils for instructian on Piano and In RTgUR J. IRWIN, D.D. S., L. D. S. It has, set apart; $225,060+ to aid the
do nat treat their valued employees to, business. y Y' Theory. A ,sugar beet industr 1 .
bid for busine s Its style Y•
TAY,ING COP.PORATIONS. •'• Special attention given to pupils preparing Doctor of DentalSurgoryofthePannsylvnnia It ,started the most successful
in that way; why ,should; the people , —its workmanship—its fit for examinations. Dental Dolle o and Licentiate of the Ra a]
From 1852 to 1S96 the Dominion elec. i P ) C. Church, Collogoaf Dental Surgeons is Ontario. Orrice Farmers' Fair in America—the Live
"Als4r, to what extent is thus Prov- ido t such a g r -its fir,iSt -:x11 a cal to Residence-onpositeR.
p policy iii regard to tion machinery wasin the hands o< the !� PF ¢ over Post Office, Wi,lgltam.
inn -i- L;nefited by this bill (taxing . . y 7 ]�1 Steel: Show at Guelph.
I their ,servants. lint there is no Conservatives. The appointed the re the good taste and ambitions _ Office closed every Wednesday afternoon (
c�tfLaraLion•,)4 For the three Sears In danger of :such a sacrifice beh,g ty pp � of the careful dressger. I
r'.0;i I �during Tune,Tuly anct August, ,Ontario won a large ,share, of the
which it has been; ill operation the made; the analog ofilcers, thelr7eptttyroturnfng �ip�l�p1; ') �� '' e! chic' prices in live ,stockhorticullurc4people of Ontario knew iii J. El11iott Y■ S• , ,
treasury has received •$388,345.87. This officers, and all tlleelection officials. II t beekt.cs )less nailn 1 fllld1l1"I. %norary Graduate of WT, HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., , l ^' poultry at the Pan -a cocci thing wheni they.1ave,, it, and y1 ;!, 11, ti i % L.D.S.
Pan -
i3 six Limas as much money as til., , , They were the custodians of the ballots I ��Ii ,; � ;I � � Ontario 'Peterinary
the Ross Government is the best b �I''�I Ii,olln Naw method for painters ex. Amer !call,- Expo:3itton,
t overnownt contribut2,s for the high soil the ballot boxes. `In 1900 the con. E +� CLARKE �) II 4.., ger traction. No Cocaine.
thil;g in ,sight. 1! s 9 ; U Office nail Infirmary Special attention to the care and re ulation \o less than forty five important
d"isco"s - of the Province. It is more teal passe"" to the Libe%ral party for the I ,a„ 1 zI" j Dllnnio stof siewinflham of children's Moderato r,cesgand nLi <ie10, affecting agricultural and kin-
.: 1890 ander �) li y , 6 work carefully a g
first time since 1873E p , D 1„ y � t Day and ,light calla in Beaver Block, per Offieta dyed interests have been 1 iced an
'Ilan hili the money requited for the @!1 the Si12W 61ock ti ,„ +' romptlyattendedto. g'p.
mciintenanGe cf hcspital3 and asylums• NOTES AND COMMENTS Tory rule, in 82 ridings we find the num- �)i,;! k ' • . Tolcl,blmoconneetion. Mofiice closed every Wednesday afternoon the .statute books sins 1888.
19 our ,schools are to be mair tained, ber of rejected ballots to have been 66 hob s during Tune, July and August.
Ross, Cameron and Prosperity are t n . Mr. `'Whitney, and his
and Lha rants to agriculture and the i p y 3,049. In 1000 in the same 32 ridin,,, .loo 1 43 .. ! f)11 3.;.$�1f)..)�i�.�)?)). ) t) party have
g winners in 'Pest Hurcn p under Grit rule, the number of rejected FARMERS JOHN RITCHIE, OPPosed many of the important' steps
adnnristration of jastiec increased, It teas James Mitchelle the Conserva- ballots fell to 951. In nearly all elec- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, pro'pased by the Agricultural De. -
and 'Vete Ontario to be opened up, who _ Y ,Ak,% A-1..;.- artment for the improvement
should ba taxed for this purpos23 The tine, 'candidate In West Huron, who tions ballots are inevitably spoiled by p• - • articleand
t canyone
ne n to a inpose of, stock
oould otheadverr Wingham, ont. p g of otic
...-riculturist, or the workingman, or nominz ted h'r, G.Cameron, the Liberal some stupid or inexperienced voters, tise the same for sale in pthe Trains, Our large
,Ontario agriculture.
candidate for Mayor of Goderich. circulation tells and it wi bestran a indeed if And yet the Mail and Empire stat -
Lha ,small trader? OartainTy not.lint how are we to account for the re. . ' JOHN CURRIlE, WlxkixAat, Oxr.
s you do not jet tWocnn guarantee ed (March IO '1 "
The,ss have burdens enough to bear of It is no time for a chabge when On- markable difference between the nuns• ` , d that you "villi sell because •you may ask more LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ( , 1902), Mr., Dryderi ha,s
a loc,.l charaets r. It is to the: wcalth- tario is prosperous, progressive and en• bers rejected in 1896 `and fu 1900. It A .� vo use , for the article or stock than it is worth. Send pottered in rite Agricultural Bureau
1 : your advertisement to the, TnrEs and by this Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a without effect,"
ie: t Glasses and to the. corporations joyiug the beet of times. A vote for would be flattering teff think that four r nitieles. lan of disposing of your stock and other specialty. ,
11 All orders left at Tile Tiaras office promptly
that the (Government ,should look for Cameron is a vote for the Ross Govern- years of Liberal rule .lad so improved f - attended to. Terms reasonable. Good Heath is Impossfele
the means with which to carry on; the ment. the intelligence of :the electorate that ��� �°a „ Without regular action of the bowels.
affuii-a of file country. Mr. Whitney Hon. Mr. Rays is not ye three years there was only one stupid voter in 1900, - � (>t t Laxa•Liver Pills regulate the bowels,
p g E. �STLLe. ,,,es��t cera constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness,
causes forward its the champiot. of the premier of Ontario, duriii which the where there were three in 159;,. Con- PUbliC
WINGHA'M sick headache and all atreCtions of the -
capitalist, and with him I have no provineg has gone forwar with leaps servatives will dismiss that theory, so Our Handsomely illus- i . HER organs ofdigash�n. PriCC25eeuts. All
.,fault to find. 11-s eomwA forward as and bounds, yet Mr, Whithey thinks it that there .eau be only one explanation. ' traled 100 page Catalogue I . _ TEAC OF VOICE CULTURE. druggists,
til ;special friend of corporations, all is time for a change. Why ? What The ballots in the ''neral election of : will be sent you on appli- . ;Pupils prepared for Conservatory of music --- --
tselul e:nauQh in their way. .fare- far ? r IS96 were tampered with by the whole-, i examinations.
Sa'e, "slipping," "switchin " 'stuffing' ' Cation. 1
c vel, lit d alar ,that if he is elected g' Tele"phulme" .{
.E Y. McLean is pursuing a house to a g":�,
he N%ill rcp,al this tax. Is tbis a sug-' house canvas and has endeavored to en- and "spoiling" being the methods em- _ This ivill lace the largest
la ed. I . p b VIOLIN AND GUITAR. °esti(:Ie to the corporations to hale p y and choicest jewelry stock —
tice such Tory stalwarts Las Messrs. R.
IIiI:t to Ira CTaCted2 I3; this an a cal s , . MISS CARRId., MOORS
Grp � Acheson John McCartney and Win. The following is from last week s Sea• in Canada at your disposal. of London conservatory of Music will he pro.
'' b -
to thtc cla,s$�as against Lh. masses of forth Ex ositor:—The Wiugham Ad. g . aredafterOct, Ist to receive a�imitednum.Crooks Of GoderiCh tavvl3hip.-Clinton p o We are doin business on Stations ter of pupils for instruction on Violin and
the people "vile aro interested ,n brews -Record. t vane, the Conservative organ in Wing- l Guitar. .ire
griculture, in the imprnvement3 of , ham and a stroll advocate of rohibi I the closest possible margin : Residence-opposito R. C. Church, Wingllnln. i -d
1 Anct why shonldn t he• ? 'The Con. + g p11
our schools, in the opening up of, new I servatives are trying to persuade Liber- tion. last week publishes the following - of profit, guarantee safe place the vast facilities of the
Oitario6 I3 there not a .-mAck of i ars ra, h? `•LieenseBIns Actor Paisle deliver of Dods and cheer- TOB PRINTING,
al stalwarts to support Mr, Mitchell be- p g p p� Y y g Telephone 'System at the . u n�
` (•'fete Toryism about this declaration I cause he is a prohibitionist, and Mr. made a trip to Wingliam last week, and fully refund nlondy if you ; . disposal of everyone, : includdinCiraBooks,,ulax P �c Mets,, Posters, ill i�
poTieS 8 I ask the vvorkin,mc n of I McLean, who is a prohibitionist, has as laid charges against the hotel keepers st is of the art, at moderate e"`-- "®'•"'m"- .
p arenotthoroughlysatis/led. Are convenient for the use of short notice. Prices, and on
O tario to take note of it. 1' ask the much right to expect Conservative help. for sellieg during prohibited hours. The i ort notice.
.—Weare Pleased to nn Ounce
gv erous capitalists of Ontario to non subscribers.
-oil New Era, charges were admitted slid fines paid, thnt any Boolrs a e our net left with us for
- Binding, will have our prampt� attention There is a noted difference
takW rate of it, I entirely misander- This wonderful energy on the part of , R rte Bros. Prices for Binding in any style wl'll be given on
Prohibition can only be obtained I . y The, Bell Telephone Co. of Canada application
slap 1 their .views on questions of pub- the inspector, Oust before an elect iou; no THE TIMES'o i iICE
lie IlAlc it they h tva the slightest through the return of Mr. Ross, If Mr. - ronreandAdelaz'40Stt., in the style and fit of Pants we
Y doubt was intended to produce a favor. _ LIMITED Wixigham, y
Roar is returned, then ha will enforce able impression oil Glie tempera poo- ntAF[oNtl �'ORL111rT'0,
the lave if the people vote for it. If Mr. ' ALL, make that always brings peo-
Whitney is returned lie. will not. A pie, but tits dodge is "too transparent, Established 1854. RAILWAY TIME TABLES.
. '`witching o , and is, not likel to,, have the desired - .. ple back for another' pair.
vote for Mr. Cameron will help to re- ;, GRAND TRUNg RAIfI►V,AY SYSTEM,
turntileRo_s Government. effect. Evident. the. editor of tits�iiiiliiimve 3. l7f Then there is the low price
Time .. Nerves �" -- .yy, w 'rRAx1,8 ---- 6..5 POR
Advance Is more coslcerned about poli. � _ . • . .. _ Palmerston, .. 0.68 a,m R.6a"a.m,
•-'=�• Mr. Whitney promises, if returned to _ London ..... ........ 6.5o a:nl 8.10p.m.
tics than hale about his pet hobby, pro- and better quality of cloth put
Mrs. Driokwater, ,5 Water Street, Galt, povvet, 'to reduce the number of liquor hibition. What a wonderful support he Iiincardlno..1I.10 a.m.•. 8.10 ,)-in ... 8.83p.m.
ARYtiyM 'A'ROM ,
Ont., states:-- My great trouble has licenses. 7 ut, that wont has been 1 0- would ba to any moral reform. Certain L neon toe::;: e'4o a;m;'li io n:n q;� Flit tri them -cloth that wears
" leen with myneryes, Iwas verynervous, fttl,' on steadily. Not only that, but the r Palmerston •. ........., 8.45 p.m..,, 8:38 %m '»
had twitching csf. the nerves and could not persons had violated`,- the law, and lie- �' Woods Phospbodin9 1 See, our new goods and prices.
K t: 9 Ontario Government has empowered t eros A, STORES, Winghain.
•'„• et do sl it right. I seemed quite Cause an officer had done his duty, the The dreat Nngthh remedy. 44 DUNLOP
r i�
,worst out tend believing that I needed some each, municipality to say, annmally, Advance must, in 6# attempt to gain aZ-2
d cold Bis r can den Uel bielti D V N,I OP » CANADIAN
xIms rIO RAM Ay' Q,
�s mamt�Ckfcbrgalltouse Dr. Chases Nerve whether they shall be furtherreducacl vote for its candidate, iiupnte sinisterstible medicine dieeovere Bial Toronto and karst - t3:Ti'/n.m,.•. 3.2;;p.m. ERSTER & 680a
�'�` •' ., kOOZ i can truthfully say that this , 1 ckagcd vuaranteM to cure al) .
soil to fix the tluinl)er,pa Teeswater .. .....,.... 1,17 p.m.,,,10.48 p.m,
w ppreparation has proven surprisingly bene- Mr. 'Whitney is motives to' the official s action. Accord• forme at ozual werknesa. all •efteots of Abnee A{ 1 kinds of .kuiitvB PRo,t- -
, ,.;'' Eciflh to toe. It hat strengthened and slow. in to the Advance a inn cannot do his or excess, Mental worry, Excessive us's of To- Torout slid .., Nast6...m.... 7 p.m... , ,
Toronto and5
readied my nerves, made me rest and g . bAeae, opium or stsmulants. DRailed bn-eaeipt Rubber T11CeS East ...... 117 p.m.,..10.9$ p:m, o.
11 duty without beta densured. for it. If of price, one deka o Ili, elY, Efi. O»e totax,rotcaee, ... J. H. B1610MER, Agent, Windham,”' 'w'" ' "'y,•r EICPEIr:IE,NCE
,ir',;�,.:l,xp11Y.10llancTinifactbuiltapthe system sirs 1lfarternas hold enough tss lie y $ Ittxtattdcure, PPampltets treett)en Wdress. fops{j {Cit1C{S of
the Advaneo Was half as sincere a pro- The SVood COM tidy', Windsor Ont-
honest, artd honest enough to be bold , p Pa
'. Dr: Chalte`8 Nerve paod it found 66 ----he Glared to be a Daniel,Iand to beard hibitionist aR it pretends to be, it would - Wood's Phosphodina Is sold in winghom by 'Vehicles.
tonic far bleed and nerves, and do all in its power to assist In the on- Colin A. Ca,n . ben A. L. Hamilton, R. A. '
the lion in his Glen and vote according to . Douglass; and.', E. Davis, Druggists, X)untop Bieyele 'vires
r 1 gh t4bne two tnedluMs every organ what ltd honestly considered the best forcetrlbnl; of" the law, instead of placing • ._ w.. I'neutnatic Carriage tires j �%
o hums"" systetd is benefited. The T P A j '►
aid, dopreiasing feelings disappear intkrests of the country, tend, therefore, obstacles fit the way 4nd accusing oflg:- •.. Solid Rubber Carriage 'sires
I � citils of having ulterior motives wliea TO CONAVUPTIVES.4 TRAUIi MARKsi
iPlYett "laid Kreet rbstoraklvc Is used, and Ito is now, outside tiffs pale of C7ou3arva- g YAvAlid Chair Tires . DFaltmis .
roaevved Orgy will vigor disease It i , o .- r !; they their duty. Si eh petty poliddit 'lith undersigned having be'e11 t stored to Tire -4 for Bab CartingHCOPYRIGHTS &0L
g tvepwe
file Of Ilse body perform Are Coutetn tible hestth. ys «lmlyte nAdvd , after ffeetionq• for y e 11XIm �v tlyAnyone ertiin A, sketch and dee * ttnn ties]'
p sev ti►1 scary with a severe luno ati eetio,i, and A W AD' F41 Ik7E . e9tekilr nseertatn, o1i; of tnicn free ea�iether W
its du�nd news flesh and tit "Wizen the Lib&AIA orgaxim it is it that dread diabase toansnmt,ttn,,, Is au*setts to The bilnlOp Tire Ut Limited invention is'brobab' riyyntentAble Commenft
i i 11 M " itl,dod !,p tents s4 box, at 811 , , y a ttonseti,10 conndent[Al. Handbook OntFstentei
machine.' t;I9 (.t)naervatfves erg r make known to hi9 fellow suffer"+rs tiln means T$ROw1'O, i shot fete. tirdbst A coos for sect4rin t,a=f
Or fr ktiJAW0, $Rtes & Co,', , , of w'e. To thorn who desire it, he will cheer- PsitontsIrte,. taken c�ironah iHamt acaCo.
4111 tS ft is till right, it it, in fAet, the Vold Internally Rag , rd s Y`ellotw hit fullyAetul (free of el,ati e) is ca y of the ;8x9• ;sp,ectatwwttce, Nithoat cbnego, u4 the
olcl' `oiy attitude, liatnetlw, to deny to cure Solo Throatt, .H r$e11tos, Quiusy„ c� int m 'ribn;`v�,ttlit n oaia ri ,sin iai i IN T C b
• Iiaiu in, the Chebt, O cup, etc. ti t)d; tib r9id all threat; a�yd inti', ms•taatles. ad flue ` + x`racTbinarlr VQ` f , the�IT*"
�;,hau,,ei, "herr oplwt,enta their bit T rights. Ditt ext6millyY. cured • eumattsm, Stiff hoga•)all "Re ars will t hist remedy, lis it is A itAticlee 6lytlltictrntetl *L%6klz a,raost eto.
Liberals have their digit fights Aad *91 :Joints, (7Ontra>ated '"Cords, , �y� � ii,
.. spraiird hiohevil"cols"tliefaiinetltin nil tr y goo e t mo�Mt-ot„artmontl�b�EI a 6014Dpnil,terev dealeeree.
!"' ' exercise th�nr without affkirlgpermiafAlofia lgtiAitle, Btttild, Scalds, dots, soil ties a llle�gin , vin �11 Ae addr, . Rev. XD-. r, 0 4 �, �f 3ieltlaraadit'ay, ��t
`, oftlaTcry rreata. 7�oroatoCflobo: of'neeote: vt!a►atxa.. ftVllC,sO, Brooklyn, 11ew71arrt. 1 TI M` elUlttlaee&6get..vvaalt►i+ccP'awaD{r
'..- - - T•..$1. '-.ala ,.h d.. 1i: •.1,�'X, "I,iCT ., ..:., ., ... ^