HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-09, Page 714
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'VIR WINONIAM TIME -81 MAY 911, 19d.
> 5 3 P -3 3 3 3 3 ► whil[+ you ttre tit(, limbs, (:li:tfi0sstea. "arae of .10.4vplw° l'tYboirr. Xie wilt flee I ... a i 1 :
' N� ��NN4�ON� �� ���NO N ��N'►���*P�`N� y j s, on f, Spur biller
\rifli your pr('ca:srellecl J:!s'ars. Fru mtal)d; Sour cerif0cslte or, good .chase. i left tills Irl0VIIII g n1, 13 o'cleclt, 11,e told -'
, ter. here are Orre'e mlifa state that ' sl
Ivunid tit 1,t t 13th•[ found the cnfirt•lt• • the iltak a fi'iencl' .of lits would take
If. we two don't tend .hill], uiS imille N ;-oil have lived wItli lite Marquis (le • charge of your rooWO 11111,11 you should.-��...... �.�.-., �:.
- � I not I,evoq." Stair.tuouse and. the Count d1,: Goiania• return., Of course yotl . trove
0 0 We $hall certalniy succeed. duce rht and thllt 'au. have dust !ext the i lSkaut entl.c,tnau lvlk# roil lYlai>r*
+ + ` , • Baron de �VOrtSCllell, who, has ,Otic 1,0 „ ' • ' * • • • • �, rsr«...cx„,r.. w.r+�rba
By0,c1 0 yontire interested in tile 1' ro g 1 � I _.
"Yes. Germany. Becareful of o .ers•
ht„ q
yc l (�, l +.tit fates os,ed lu 11,, and slur. your (tress. ` Prosper was astonished. Wfnatt cot `
0 Emile Yo• r fhr Itl4t falls (l:1,y. I Irate (ilsr)tt`l• and milullet's. �vtltCll tile ,t13tU' ills' be the meauhl of one of lits fathers 1.;J
o• , o cd uuln5 huparta,tt frau. lint i have moremout>s. Above alt., don't otei 111
o _..., roasons,for stat nppeavlllg in tills. af- ::our part, It Wright arouse suspictou."
friends being In Ills vocals? Ile' did I
Y. CxabrlQa „ not, however, betray pis surprise, i
fair. No mutter tvhnt happens, i for. �lau't II'olr�y its to that, where r''Ves.. I know who lie Ls,." he said,
bltl 5.0111. rnentionhtg Illy name. if Ire shall 1 report to you?"
1110 ran u s the stairs and knocked at
sucevecl, all the success rnttst he tit• "I. will call on you every day. Until 1
S. E
trIbuica to. you. And, above all, tlau't I change your, orders don't stop foot In ; I.rs door. It Was ol)emQd by Ills fl+ :
0�0� tber's friend. Fl;e l:ad been accurately ,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Yo o s o x o 0 0 0 0 0 try to find out too lullell. Ile Hatitilted this house, You might be followed. 11, deset ibg(i 6>y the tlorter. A int intra
' 0" with what explana1,fons i give yon." anything, Important should happen,
I "Naturally you. thought that this ; Send. a note to your wife, and she will
l .It•Itlt 11 red fact, sel,sa:Il lips, brilliant -
These conditions seemed quite to eyes and of rather coarse manners
scratch was trade by tate person who inform dme,oor
Go and be Prudent." I
.you have forgotten susac;hllig. flat? euit 1•'atifsc•lot, r s4too(I 13owfut;< i'ros>ac'r bad .never seen
far did you follow the empty roach'P' took the money, Lot us see if you 1.•1 Ivill he cll4crect," he said. The door closed on kanfcl lot as 141. , Rufiu before: E E
i,`auPerlot despite his assurance blush, were right, I have here a little iron "I shall rely upon •sou. Now, to be: Lecoq Passed into his bedroom. I •'I7alighted to =,eke your acquaint- 0 !
eel nncl hang tile head. box, painted green like Al, Lauver s to you must carry flits ltotogrtilih to In the k\Ilni.lina Or 1.1,11 rye he hid ,ante, monsie=" he said.
"Qn," he stammered, "you know safe. lake a key and try to scratch gin,
judge. of i arrtills p I l" ap to1. divested himself of chief of the secret i Ile' seemed to to, perfectiy, at home.
.about that? How olid you"-- it'll , I'atrigent Is much Perplexed about Service. IIs toy% off lits fitit'Y cravat t 03]1 00 table lay a took which he had
I Without seeing through itis chiefs I and gold spectacles tlud rentolecl the
But u sudden Idea entered his Main. this e:ts0, Es slain to hien its iP it tnl:cn from the bookcase. and be sap
Motive, the detective olid as be was I close wig from h!s• ibtelc lilac lc halt►•.
IIe stopped short, bounded off his chtiir bid scratchislg vigorously Ivith the came from you alone what I have just Tito ofltclal Lecaq bads dksilplwaretl, penipd ready to do the bonora of the j
-and cried: l Shown you. Repeat \what I have dent , Ilol:se t
"Olt, I knows Son were the largo k oy. oustratecl, and 1 tun convinced that Icnlhtg lit bis place the I.ecnq \vhocn j •,1. wast eonfess, mousleu> = began
i Ttle dente!" he said after several nobody knew -a Irinc.fiome l,uw tvitlI Prosper. To Ae MILLS
man with red* whiskers. tills evidence wlIl determine Lint to re-
t attempts. "This paint is awfully hard a clear eye and resolute beariu;;. But "1•ilat you are surprised. t& End me
I,'anferiot's surprise grace so stvgular tease the cashier. Prosper must be at ,
to trove, he remained only for an. instant. Seat- here?' So I suppose. Your father In -
:au expression to his face that 0I, Lecoq "Very liberty before I can commence Illy op- ed before it dre:lsing table, covered
-could not restrain a smile. t cry bard, my larder and yet that orations." tended fntroduckug me to you, but ire
„ „ on the sate is stili harder. So, you sae, „ with more costuettc4, paints, Perfumes, was colts palled to return tills morning
Has completed his assortment 9f
"Then It was you, continued the be- Of course, chief. But must F tet I ,•,
the scratch you discovered could not false (hair unci other unmentionable to I caucalre, and I must add that be
•wlldered detective, "Toa. are the large him know that I suspect any one be-
.gentleman at whom I stared so as to have been made by the trembling hand sides the baulter or cashier?' shams than the toilet tables of it rood. departed thoroul;hly convinced, aa° !F
Impress Ills apptnrance upon Illy Mind, of �a thief letting the key slip" "Certainly, justice must not be kept ern belle, he began to undo the Ivorlc a ,.�
myaetY am, that you never took re cent
I never should have thought of of nature and d slowly,
himself i new from Xf. hauvoi:"
and I never recognized you! i\'hat an 'r in ignorance of your• intention oP fol- face. Ile wonted slowly, handling itis
that. It certainly required great forca
.actor you would make if yR N
ou would go lowingup this affair. Al.PatrI�ent At this unexPectca good news I'tosa •
to make so deep a scratch, § brushes \vith .great Cape. But fu nn
.on the stage! But I was disguised, too ryes, but Low Ivan it Bona? I have will tell you to watch Prosper. You hour lie had accomplished one of Ills I per could not restrain an excluluatiom '
-very well disguised," Iv[ll reply that you will not lose sight (latl • master lecv.s. When he had tin• of joy.
"Very poorly disguised. It is only been racking thy brain for three days, of Lim. I myself' will answer for hie y p "Here is a letter from your father COt75iS11Il Of the following varieties and only yesterday I came to a con- Isbed, lie. was no long r Lecoq. IIe u
Just to you that l should toil you sc being in good bands. which I tuns charged to �;ire you. F ,
Do you think that a heavy board and a. elusion, Let us examine together and 111,1 if he asks ma about Gipsy?" was the large man with red whispers
hope it will serve as an f3 trodvction
see to our conjectures present enough \wham L unYerlot t':tllecl to recognize.
blouse aro unrecognizable? The eye, :lT. Lecoq hesitated a moment. between us.'--FL�I��
chances of probability to establish a ,,,, "�t'ell," he said. c::siln;; a last logic ,
-the eye! The art lies in being able to y Tell hint, he said, that you-por- In the Mirror, "I have forgotten roth• , Prosper took the letter; opened it, ,
-change the eye. That Is the secret." starting point." suaded her, in the Interest of Prosper, i and as lie, read tits eyes grew brighter —cd� g� �� EARLY
g y ill. Lecoq abandoned the photograph ' ' i ' Ing. I have left nothing to chance, ,
This explained why the lynx eyed to Il c in n Louse \vllerQ sltQ can watch nuc} the color returned to his pale r•nrr a r t
and, \vallchlg to file door eouhmnnicat.. „ All my plans are fixed, and i shall l---S�..i�u i ��i�+s. S NORTH .®�.�'�0+• 1 •�.
'Lecoq never appenred fit elle police of- some one whorl you suspect, cheeks. when Lie ll:m4 finished, he
in with Itis bedroolu, tools the key rnalir Progress, provided the Squirrel � h<gk1 out ITIS hand 1,0 tile:• large -flee without tits gold spectneles, g I�anrerlot rolled up the photograph does not Artiste time." I ge titan and--A�'GE,'a OF MIDNIGHT
from the lock.
"But" said l auPcrtot, following up „ and wars joyously picking up his hat to said:
Come hers, I'nufcrlot, and fitn1,d by But hnnfrriot was too happy to .r�1y t'ather, monsieur. trill me you
,his Idea, "you have nlnde the little girl go whon M. Lecoq checked him with
m side. There very well. Suppose waste a minute. its diel not run, he --CANADA `.�F�.iLC3�/
,confess, which :Yule. Alexandre could y a gesture. are his Last friend. Ile adt[srs 1111. to •,��•�•-�
that I want to open this door and you „ flow, toA:lrcl the Pal:li4 ole justice. At j ' —SMUT 1,l � NOSE
,not do? You laloA' wIl •she learns the 1 have not finished. Do you ]crow have absolute confidence in you tuul �,- s
y don't want me to open it. When you Last he was able to convince some one (�
l follow your conntiel." _
Archnn 1.l, why she does not wait for see me about to put the key in the how to drive a carriage and manage or his wonderful 4hrcwdne4s. As to "Exactly. This morning your father � +0. 'c'0 -•---c `I 1
t, de Clameran and why she bought horses.' ackuowled stn„ that he was about to —�"� ''tG``t'
lock, II•Ilat would be vour first ins lVLy can oft n41c this of a man who " said to nut: 'Verduret'-that is any
,calico dresses:" „ Pulse?" y obtain it triumph with the Ideas of an -
,'Site is following my advice. used to be a rider in the Bouthor Or- name—•i•erduret, illy son is In great '
"To put my hands on your arm and 9„ other man, he never thought of it. It r ,
,,In that case,•' said the detective dr- gilts. is 'rQnrrnlly in prrPret {;cad faith that i trouble. IIs must he hoped out.' [ �
jectedly, "there Is nothing Itft for the draw it toward me quickly, so as to "}Very welt, As soon as the judge n plied, 'I nm ready,' and herd I am. g@�� �
0 1.1 the jnrkdnw Struts ill the p<?tier)(!!: a ! 1.a It Q� �! 11 s, URNS
•;to do but to acknowledge myself all lirc't•eut your Introducing th0 Ivey. i dismisses you return home Immediate- fcatllers. Ills hopes were rextized. If t Now the ice is broken, is It rat? '1'hcn
1'rocisely so. Now let us try it. l•, snake yourself a wig and the coin- let its go to work. What do you lit-
-ass." Proceed.,, the judge wa4 not absolutely convine- ), ,s t
"No, Squirrel. • :•aid Al. Lecoq kindly, PiulPQrlot obeyed, and the liry held plate dress of n valet, and having b y tend to question revived Prosper sium- V1 iTIz T CAI' I71::tiT— ItS greatest inerlC Ilia .:l file fact
' " ed, he a<tmtred the Ingenuity oP the
—you are Lot an nss. You merely did dressed yourself, tale this letter to q
wrong in undertaking n last( bcyontl by M. Lecoq, pulled asldo from the the agent on DQiorme street" whole proceeding. Y ;that it lS a strong,rank grower, tii'ltll a good many stickers. Tf
boring rage. [tis (yes flushed.
S lock, slipped along the (loop, malting all „ "This derides me," l f said, dismiss. "What do I Intend to dot" lie said `
your capacity. Race yon progressed I,nt - in i'anferlot. "I will file n favorable will 'row nlOrt: 11Us1]elS on poor, thin land tllari anis other bind
,,one step since you started In tilts af- exact reproduction of the scratch in "There must be no but, sir. The angrily. "I wish to seek the villain `�
ihQ )hotoarnph, report today. find it is •highly proh;ti)le , ,
fair? No. That shows that, although i agent will sent} you to Al. do Clamernll, who has ruined tile! ° in the m orld. It stands the drouth better than 6o other
"Oh, oh, oil!" exclaimed Pnuferlot in that the accused will In released to. „
-you are incomparable as a lieutenant, , "-tic is looking for it valet, his man nlorrory " i Naturally.ini[ ut h^1,e you any means
you (10 not pos.ess the qualities of a three dflTerent tones as he stood situ• having left }him yesterday." I of None. that cal?" ! same �.
ing at the door. ", Ile lic•Van sit once to A•ritr out one aP varieties grown in the . � n]e counts)
general. 1 nm going to Present you Excuse file if I venture to suggest ^ , "None. Yet I shall succeed, because '
b "D b In to understand Stow?" these terrible decisions of "Not Prov. I ISI • �
O fall Cg
'with an aphorism. Remcnlhrr it aucl that You arc making n mistake. i his whin a man derotcs ,s w to e c o •
asked 'ill. Lecoq. y b ` ell" tvhic h restores liberty, I:ut not j a t ' ? ' DI.XT--The cars grow to a good size
.let It be your guide In the future -'One "Understand! ( Clameran does not come into the mat- holtar, to the acruscd man; which says nn object he is certain to achieve it" I I, t1.L1 1JL:TLIiI�
Luderstand Why, I child could
may shine in the second rani( who ter. IIe is not the cashier's friend." "Well said, x Prosper, and, to be
„ understand it now. All, Ivhnt a ulttn that he is not guilty, but (ices not s y
would be totally eclipsed iu the first' Do what I tell you and don't dis. frank, I Pully expected that this would i and 1,90 corn in cultivation will nutshell it. O lbs c')f cars lltlV
you are! I see the scene as If I hacl hr bo innocent; , t
Never had hanferlot sten his patron I Curl your mind about Lite rest. Gia- 1 Uo your purposes [ li:lve tlrtrtCOre al• t 1 1 r'; i
been present. y wo persons were at the , , ainst'as el:ere do n(.1, r--{st iertotrnt charges t y ShE I I• cl out 61 lbs 1,,f shelled corn leaving On1V lbs for the
.so talkative and. good natured. hind meraL is not a friend of •I rosper, I a',ahi�r the nroueea, trot:+'•r rrr(om;, to put•• t'Cady begun to Chinh unci yeti far you. i i � 1� l
c eft discovered. lie hnd ex- safe. One wished to take the Molloy; know, but be is the friend stud pro- cusum of article 1,2a of or criminal rase we I have a Plater: lit the first place, you ,
1) his d c the other Ivished to prevent its being ? hereby declare ti.at we find ac[ gruunds for prose• i will sell this furniture, quit this house � CUb� l f h115 l]0 equal. �`�C have never had a cnll]l)lairit Of
pected to be ovet•whrimed with It Lector of Raoul ole I.Igors. Why so? 1
storm, whereas he had escnprcl with n taken. That is certain." Whence the intimacy of these two men cution against the aforesatd prironer at this pees• and disappear." this c„rn Withstands drouth,
Accustomed to triumphs of this sort ('T0 be uoutin eel,)
little shower that had cooled bis b1.nlu, I , of such different ages? I Must find e[1t time, and we order that tie shall he released +,; . �
Al. Lecoq Ivas much amused at Lan- I Out. I must also find out who tills , from the prison whem he is confined and set at " I i
Lecoq's anger disappeared like one ferlot's enthusiasm, liberty by the Inner, ctc. 7-�
of those Uettvy clouds which threaten "There you o off hn1E coclieci again" forge master is who lives in Paris and "j I Psi �8 CLUBBING OFFE riW C'LOUD'S EA1�I.i LtI:\T--T?arltCst of the liCa'.'� varieties,
in the horizon fora moment and then g ' novel, goes to attend to his furnaces; «'1101, it Ivas finished,
"Well," he
rte said good Uumoreclly. "You rcgarci n high II\Qt, who Calces it into his Ucud fiaicl to the clerk, "here is another of Ons clubbing rates with e ilertut !prod: ccs a large ari'tOUnt of Early green foddet per :Icre, grows
are suddenly swept away by a, gust or its sure prone a circumstance e.-ara ` those crimes which justice cannot
to live at tire hotel du Louvre in the newspapers ars: a4 fultrt;va:- ± > 1
wind• luny be accidental and at the Most : clear all -another Ifie to be stowed , a go ,, :[V( 1.1] e heinht,sOmGichat taller than rural thoroughbred. l
But the husband of Dlme. Alexandre Midst of a tumultuous, ever changing 5 1,S
only probable. away among the archives of the record Times and W, eekly Globe 4.1 fi
felt uneasy. IIe was nfratd that soma , crowd, where it is hard to watch him. „ Times and we, k] llttil 1 i� 1
thin Might be concealed beneath this mistake Thereisno dot bton labout itnot � Through you I will have an eye neon i of 11u1 Itis own Laucl wrot on CoQ cov- Tiulcs and i+ncttil ylirralcl and I f�1I. size, set low down, Bald {
g ' Y '-TAR Ll:.>,allc— Ears are of good
,affability. That 1peing the ease, Iwhnt cieclue- him. He has n enrriagc. Toa are to ! e1. of the bundle or p.1pers relating to 'F'trt'elcly titer
"Do you know who the thief isle lie tions would you draw from our discov- chive it, and you \till soon 0e able to i. Pros tee's caro the Lumber Oe the pack- Times and Wookly Sn11 i dear I ;1,111 a} S two good cars On each Stalk ;Creep gt'-ins, Strong i
asked. give me an account of his manuer of 1
cry?" life and of the sort of people with ace, "Case 11.3." Times and lilontwal'V,"tnitss
"I know no more than you do. and "Ill the first place it proves the „ vigor -(:tis growth, stalky, leafy nature, a great improvement rovement on
,you seem to have .made up your ,Incl, whom he associates. Times alxl Western Advertiser 1 ,.:� • 5 � � y � p
Cashior innocent" l t the ( 1' I Leanlin
whereas i am still undecidccl. You de- "You shall be obeyed."
CHAPTER V11. � Time, and ,'.rttrmors' Advocate 1 t } > o
cinre plat the cnshiel is Innocent and „Zloty so?" 4 ' "One word more. 1I. ole C1nutQis 1 1108PI:Ft B14,11TWI Y bad been t Tithes ancl. Toronto Daily Star 2 f0
iha banker guilty. 1 don't know A Uetli• Because, at per:ect liberty to opal] i irritable Incl• still more, suspicious, l languishingin his private � Times and Daily (1040 4 25 f
p • are right or on't T started the safe whenever he wished to (10 so, You will he preseutecl to kiln antler thn 'L—
s "1,'1 BAIL!;I --A f 1"'1
t you b g x cell for nine (laysr when one { Nye could extoncl the list, but. it is I1at 1 °� ` ' favorite ill 5otlle SeCt10i1S, t not the
after you and have only reached lay he wohe not have brought I witness s _... .. .... y 1,then he 3ntQ1,ded t0 camuiit the theYt," -""."- Thursday nlornta„ the jailer I ucres�nry. lG'o can {:ivy you c1,+1,1:11:/;::best 1,l the tnat'l:et IlOii', as it h;1S been on t11C 1]tarlyCC some 15 ,
preliminaries. I am certain of but one "well reasoned. But oil tills SupPO- __ --- Came to iufartn him that his case had j rates on any tzOtl spnper or 1,1a ;azfnc. ;
thing, and that is that a scratch was on not been proved. IIe was conducted '.Lids Timrc ! ,
sllial, the banker would also be il,no- -' CaY:; it;,.0 tI'ltll t10 special 1>]Crits.
-the safe door. That scratch is my cent, Think." before the oit3cor rvllo bird searched ,•, !� > p
In every town him whets lie arrived, and the contents l�lannanl.
•starting,Point" Panferlot reflected, and all of Ills . - -- - I .-•
As he spoke At. Lecoq took from Ills ( � and villa e of his pocket -ills watch• penknife and 9 , j X. � g
animation vanished. „ g , s~Y �, e� i 1. X. L. ---This new cora] has been ro a in Wisconsin.
i 3 several little pieces of jewolry—were FF'
-as ,,Y
deal: Hutt unrolled an immense sheet or "It is so," be said in a despairing �"Z may be had
•drawing paper. On this PIPOr Ails tone. "«'hat can be done naw?" I `r �� y , restored to hill]. Then lie tris told 9 �� i �7Cbr:t�l:1l, i�'lic i]t�lan, and IS t11C' best Of all for 'll�l t: and #oCl-
photographed the door of ill, hanrel's „ } jt•F•�r<.. <� to sign I Urge sltret oP paler, Ivltich.�9�,�',It"�;ro
P I�Ind the third rogue, or, rather, the i°:�( ��')�i l the ?p
safe. livery detail was given minutely' real rogue -the one who opened elle iy' �" he cifcl� lie was than led
across a dark C1Cr c ctrl], as it is hardy, a VI�OtOUS f;i'Oii'eY ai1Cl ill;i'.L1reS cat'ljr.
One could see the five movable but- passage and a door opened and abut l i ,
safe and stole the notes Ind who is �r . ( R Tltrtrf 2S 1 , height 1 ,
engraved letters and the ,• _ j , :.{ a` 1..73;,; ,1, 1 behind him with a ban- Ile found r n , t> Ya`i't: `�rl1C �lttc'l� Ii'il1 yrOtV 1,U 1,h(: ,lk tyllt of I ]� feet it elf 1. tVt.11 cult[
tons with the enat I 1...(11 at large, while others are suspect t,• k , < himself on file quit.
He A.t.s alone, i `'• t r 0 j 2 y ,,,ti•, 1.r t
narrow. Projecting brass lock. TUe eel." �� %G a ` _ ialrnlc't e l this rYs f' , vated. [)on't fail t0 ,et it for the silo or fodder. Call and.
N, ` de Ivas froo. E ) l;, ; "
scratch was indicated with admirable "Impossible! Al. Faure] and his s l � �, >?�1. r , r + try blit �" � 1.7 4
.exactness. ,R cashfcr only had keys, and they al- � Free, justice had coufe4sed her fn- (Utt.t(aw L SI >° ;;. ` see tit(, size of cob.
"Note," said Al. Lecoq, "here is oar » t e ,s h. li ability to convict ]rim of CIO crime of hllmvs what
ways kept them on their persons. j I ,, AA t ,t ,scratch. It runs from toP to bottom, „,hG which he Ans accused. L'rec. IIe
I .11•(Ioll me. On the evening of the ' �"�. � V
starting from the hole in the fork, d[ag- l l r s3 col:lcl \calls nlpout, hQ Coald hrrnthe tUo I'.1' h e h 1,t r 1,l kip German millet.
$ robUcry elle banker left Lis key iu the , t" H" i
orally and, you see, from left to tight- secretary:' I i MR-� 1,•i pure air, but every door would be i o c _
ifrt I; r)rlc ttud'�•- Mutt tri". -
that Is to say, 1,t terminates on the side "Yes, lint the ]coy alone teas rat suf- i 11i ws-tt;Z i :closed nvainst Ltin. 1i decision of s i cavy lifts, t r tl J�CCd.
next to lite private staircase loading to i "Not proved" hnd left him covered , ,• _
P fictent to open the safe•. Tile word also ; : , I the c cltl);t'i 111: t� • Over I i ull Itucl:l, Ile at. .
i s with suspicion. At the moment or his
the banker's apartments, 1'Ory deep was necessary." that makes your i restorattov fro liberty Pra4per 4a cruel- i priml of toil ` 'fi d 1
at the lock, It ends off In a scarcely per, �[ Lecoq shrugged bis shotilders•31n- ! ' l,y I , 11 ` -�•#� Saw Lo. y N'langle, the ver} choicest strains In tile:, marlii~�.
Im crlet horses lad. ly suffered from the horror Of h S situ• CYt?-122 CIlT1Y = z I y
ceptible mark, patiently. 011 a•. ,. i y t, . i 1 , ,.
"I see:" "What was file word?" he asked. :ttion that be could not repress n c1. of z:."i^tits till }n1'l. at, 1,t l.i'. frt Yellow Intermediate 1lanblf'.
"rte= ="` ''x" 'T .�'. rage and despair. : q: lady 1-,Ang the `1,::t ,:u ] 1hi ill!
"I all, innocent!" he cried out. "I :lite bi:cls or the dull grilidit,lp f hel' Ro�•al Giant SUar Beet, the largest, and early harvested:
"Which IS the name of the cashier's � ` " - -`
ti5rfte. jibe day you }had n man suf- k nil} innocent!" I t]tlt hil(in i no, le' vp. !ilea Ovi:
gr '_ G e Pf ° R«�� TtI a sit:t31riC1'S w110 IiPt'C P.".a�.'tl]„ stop• {}let'(? 11,1'1' } All kind of clover seed yet in stock. k
p t ?�. ,•� �a fielently intimate Ivith Proper to b T1, i3 �+ ped to look cit him. They 1,00,. Uiut far I ,l o , ," •t 3` ' � 7 y� �•+ T
aware of rill the circumstance,% Coll- I Illlllatr. Iswe..lit,.� (1']': 'ttif., i'.f't 1,...(A ilil:.t':,' �fC•CI f./c"ltS, l..f,'I.,.tiry i:il]Cl ,L.0 Via.
VVV��� vvv M', l7 GSSG SGiSddd �Y��vvv ,i++ t +} •t 1
NN ,. ; putt-lllos,., 1Llder i..e v3 -c 1.1:f'1T natit:l '
trt:7/ „tit+t„tl IPt{'.h this llnmes slid at ti1Q � Ym,,, C.,i..n .4•nc nk hrc rat .t 4hmx.hi- , I ' � :
Clroup is the terror of every mother
,and the cause of frequent deaths
anions small children. Dr. Cliase'e
-Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
brings Prompt relief to the loud, ring-
ing cough, makes breathing; easy and
prevents suffocation, It is mothers'
favorite remedy for coughs, colds,
croup, bronchitis, whooping cough ia,nd
tirs. V. W. Bond, 20 U.-tedonald
otraet, Barrie, Ont., says :-•-,,H vin:.
tried your medicine, my faith Is very
iilgh in its po\vers of curing cough and
croup. it'fy little girl has been subject
to the croup for a lona' thine, ani I
found notiiing to cure it until T gave
Dr. Chase's Syrup Of Linseed and Tur-
P elitine. I cannot speak too highly of
25 eento a bottle, atl dealers, or vd-
:marison, Latoo & Co:, Toronto.
Dr. Chi Asoos- poop
of Linsecd
and Turd rointi ea
name 1,11110 Ott it I"LiLizj ,,.Lu L1 .. 1,l ` 4 a of suicide crossoa tris intim, i Y......• • _ ... y......,.• .. ..,. .. .. -
vel fanlfly which would give hint the ";�a," t'te snId, •"not I It, nOt even I 1: Pit:'iler 01 KIli, to b.' 1tt•It {it t
privilego of entering' II. F1111vrl s
44'1, �E,P the right to kill myself. \o, t -.N.111 not ! Iii! :11 k'sL(°('.•ill 11y (', t', r ilii:Mer in ' r � 13 .lcl� and l Iulless ilarlc�*.
e1. then you will discover the t.
I. -
Chamber, S `k~+„'r,`bf (i F t 3. t„ r
: h• • . ells. until t LavQ vinditatcd my inno• ; j{jllfl tttl :T1, •1,}11,111, ctfi 111:: I�,ta r.,lc°:. r ]-+ �t;c `iet'Cl.
real thief; then the problem will be fegs%,t} �t t, - crllr.Q!" i •: T., , r,, t
} t . .
a0ltrll.rt�(K7l l,I .t,' I T)l(+t: , 1,,11,11'11 tip('
Qtt etltet'ltl� C11aPia1 StlCot lie stood ` c•,it'll 1,L f.;rund drift wul•lr+ Itl:ii ii) : Gl'Ound :.Teal.
I3gatlstieal, Bice Ill great artists, i 1. ,;', � r .
�, ., , before Ills] own door, but LiesftntetI to t 11:T11l:Tlllll"' ltll:1i,` ellt`r Iil(ilit'�' wl'1
I,ecot bac} never bad a Pupil and never �, `� I [ .l
7 v o& � , „ enter It. lie stlficrrd hom the thrid- i t:villary trtlilblo' , tvhi(A are suvil 4\11 kinds of tlli`tlll) Seed -
wished to have one. Tie hated assist• r• t s, 1 sty whicU an i1onO;t urllt always fools
arta, wishing to share n6ither the /'� n ' l:tliiC,,itll C1,) lll)iall lti fill ill(' iat'tt?.
whOu he lcnaws ho is dewed With sus- �
lticasttre of success nor the pale of ole• r� llicion. lie clrraded to volualu in the t ll tee?°wi' ,t;rtlC.
'fent. 'Thus I'anforlot, who knew Ills �� +tl���? Slt're't. Ile elitere<l. At Socitlg 111111: r'- 1,4 1,t' ' tet, t+t• :
C, 1.. Lane.,
patron's character, was surprised t0 a '' 1, , , '';. ' , T
} ,a who heretofore ! the porter uttered an exclamation of f 1'raa11 t )at.: !.._.. e bt:':1 i i 1.• te, AiA
bear him hiving ads c 1.I �'�'g�' glad Surprise $:1,1,11 ..1 cf bit"WAlo, .:u,i i,u_t, t.oc.:., l
orders. OP I'�.L'13 1,r f"'T� lead only give1,oto s. .tyi L. 11th ou here monsieur? I told ev iao y,.,.. oe:1:1to i:,ctI;:.l( +•a AN
"Chief," he ventured to say, "YOU ' y ' it f `r in 11 '] + t its" . P,`•, 1 --or.,
,`a� cry 011e you tvonlct cotnQ out as whits 111.
take a relit personal inter est $.af11'� Ill yENT „ x1,, c[ r.tl l : tit. l:.rir ti D (l +1,1111 r • '
.Seoul to to g t :its snow, and when I lead in the, l h" v s•
111 tits n1f1tA'-yon have so deeply stud- Iters that you IwerQ arrestrd itis rob- i 1 1011 2 ti 0 t lr.1G 1.1..1:1 i r el` l�eadi arters for ptire seed.
fu11 tic l l(i t., i.. s limAek t: 1 +
led it" l�f)R s beryl I said: `Uy third floor longer a I> :;c 't iti,int i'. alt'c sa T t , iY 1•ti, 1
Al. Locoq started noryottsly stud re• � a � thief? 1\Qverl't,1,1.11>, :•, cit I �t;l, 2 a t
ill? (lfrowning,. Sprains, Strains, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, The i" ulatlons'of this mail lual= ' t'.::,: + cin:} fibra f,,vs e ::1 do,sa, ; s1 1,l �o .�. �-�=� -'��• -
g 1 hp tot Ii ,
�} ,i�
"Don't be too etltlous, riTastet Squtr- Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, 1'rtts and adroit but sincere, Tmpresscct' Prosper 1:,,vt•i i iftt'r, 1,:i, lasnml. o 1,','h% t'. �1 A l A.
,, ,. ., 's ._.. - .. T {', !ta't 11.15:: that :)at.:l rhiltl (rt11e`P t�.. ,'7i•. i F/b�� • . ! b �... „d �...:.:, b•..: sxw a,r-eiEreM:Mew. Y
rel. lie tat efnt 1,1111, yon c10 not �Q too , Slings ai InsCCfs, Catsefis, Colds, Cont.at Led i Painfully, and Ile Crit then] short by i "il 2 t
far. Iso you understand n" Cords, Wicuinatism NeuraiHla Bronthitlabruptly g; d' :1 ed, 11,:1,.1 Nin ll then a cu l:r.� 3 a ::t
L'anfertot began to itnolaglze. s o ► sr aslcin�. ' t t'
"And where aro+1,n seriauts"t`) n t it.,t,a, t•, •21 e,l t 12t1y r alit tilt'J i. �; is"t
"That will do," interrupted 11. L(':• Croup, Sore `i'firotrit (Zufnsey, '4';7ho:;pin� y I •;..,•, l t It •lit t " '•
p- C'origin.'LfMYa�I�.1ia{uTil�WCJli'S. "Gone', nlonsielir. Your
i`rltllei' [�layt'C 'tl•.'ltiltiit'•.t'i 1"1, i+ tyt' s•i.Ille� 'i':l�,lc.i.: t ; z
coq. "If I ribose to lona you a bel anti discharged thein." ,e:1, r.. ti 1y, r. ;fit 1,:1 ,n 1,t a1. It;
Ing hand, it Is because It suits me to A LAIWE.` 'jEttl"CTL , 250- 1,`I gut':)ole roll havo my Iceva?"p T!!a :Jit, Znq� x 1';a. i::.,. i`.1.., ".Car:,.w.. Vat, M'
(la so, It releases we to bo. the head