HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-09, Page 6T1IF, 1 A 11 TI N lit i MAY i (.S FIR), 1T.. or I'Natherstone of Liao (1 lilt, X 4,4A.At:. Jt. kL11,4�I T111i', 1�.SSeSS k� e� T •E 1�. ri►J ' ' i t 1' '� ' ., UPPI EMEN TARIt , ,�� , . , .,t, , , , {;lets t11Cit tOhY11 a p ap:ilat1011 [)f �,iifil. ►,. _^�••'["�+�•�>'t••-�''�iMif�i9�rt'"*•�' k.'--�-•'� -%Y ;,1'Xr ATYTT ;t { 1.. A.1I Mr, J. J. agltir,, freight Oltlk at ■ ' ' • �'ayl P' ' 'rn u Cli:utol), lifts beeu Appointed station P alit M ..,�i, �J� I"5 iValStl4r�! illil l'ar>li'aps>'orCl our E;tehauRes. , , ll $ Exp maws of the ! oronation. and �.,..,.,- nt t.,hat#:bpenre, a is s41'1tn1110l:8 al! CQllt his footwear. Clinton'sassessor" gives that town n1 AI r.I�. L,(1.4i1S'aj:, COtltt'aCtOr (Il'tt ilii` Ok the QQ1Qn1a1 Conference. �, �`� ��a� �`\• �� �!��',\li! '• P � tka Requiring l.r.11ai: of local' r. .2134. • r.,,,, • .. .:� 1 r:y •t' lx)1)nlatiol) of fo.•(l, was lcillccl at iltlx retic, fl derrick --r---- , t Quality G- I:'' t% alItl SU1C to f•t:illtt ` (Ct.p a bl't.4ltCin„ Clad lahealy It list[ 1 ki.., i• 1ti, ; �� r " x 1 `11x0 first etllkio)t of ktlo Llberfttor, t11tt �} 1$� 25� MORE ASKS!) FOR t L i f 3 the i'(•t1iil:C? :`H daily t111tS', H:hili"n prohibitionist orgna, which leas iesneel ingt nl)':n llinl, i' ! g t o It is ox ot- d tlxat til) nine hospittil tit ' t kill tla. tc a .� snZlal ttaliti s of last 5+eek, oonsistecl of .0,000 copies. I p,x. t,) ^ Y. ' �=i fit r ;� ,• j ,,, ° � ,, , .. i.tlrriH 11•il1 be ('o2nplt'te(l by Qo[t,brr*9,00f`,544 [%itur;;uutxle to C)apistalltlilteti j $€ila:a.,, iilsux. a I: Drltish Troo) Oil Liniment Is without : „1 I t:ellila.i.r SS'111C11 1 , The total COSI Of it 51'1.),. l) . 1',' 00, C f 1•ttntt aatl >bil t17�,:104 to C'+► ictal- , a • (;, t - _ , n 11 exception thH 1nUSt tiYt'ktiCt 1'enlody for '�' A a I1 •, t atRl tat tt, �luut Un rrovlttetl Ituws-- ' i . t , ', ,; � • A f v.r I t ' - (�n1s, '�'V01111(1:3t, hfleE9'S, L)pP11 ,c.']t)rtiS, � 1CltlClx tii),CGQ is Stl.l. to be n ll i- %./ 1 � '�\ .•,��.�:. .. ,►.. , ... \ . , . ; �' . , J... .;.1 �. lion., •p -n it-lh,;Sov`erC't,.,o',i"a��llik"a? Rhou)tiat•le*11, Dites,t-,stxll:is Otlllsects, J W. fall ilaS <Qllt'(tCtl $i11,G�1Q 1, lxlrxudl4Utrtt <:ou4leutt'ti 1\')tit eto. Alarl,ebottl• .15veilt4. Chu lnatallot1on at 11'trolPsa is hin fa:•orite. Xie:+lull;; llitix rice ill i vastolu dutiea during til.) pat rn, Castor'ia is • for Infants 4t,ud Children. Ca:stori,a is a ry r{ ,tr N()G1viGh5t:lUclillg t13e facility will# mouths, which i.•4 fir in excess of V o S ute:t atilt)'' Irariilless substitute for Castor Oil, 1Paregorle, Drops !: ' all tic..thers. S.tvil. him from that .I ",• i' which divorces fire• now Fteured, 213 tiretl frclin'r at I 1;'l:t. �Tatle lit all previous year far Ultelltlt. Ottawa, Way X. -Supplementary es- ;tinct Soothing Syrups. It contains neither OPlum,. � ,A .,, 4 i persons committed sulcld,^ ill Michigan i lYor:'ls affect a chticl'a ilea.tll too tiluates for tiro Current year auloullt- , . the 1:ol�tli..tr ,t atl.era �vitlt heavy or 14ast year, 5eriou>l to n4' deet. S x:st+Flint• tut ink' to 83,190,_ -5 were presentetl to Pxorl)ltino lt><or other 1�,niCotic substance. It is Pleasant. ,. extra lieu•: y : e;le:x. l?rice 53.00, Wt•itt•r & Son of Formosa are suing the cause o Convulsions nod (hath If yt, the House last night. Of this ruin Its guarantee is thirty years' tiro by Millions of -:?�,t?{l 5,C0 st -til ell ozi file Sole mnitici a. councils of the townships of .aspect the"' to be prH,cl.t, give Ili,, �3' 05 521 is t'1,0 e1 bre to ocapit d- T1lothcrs. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish - Na y , p p ated fund anti I., -,J0iS to capital, . , LOW'S Pleasant CVoI.11r tiyctlp, �v .io, Calross and Garrick for 1nuiJer Ilse(. for destroys the lvornls lvithuut iii uriil = t1u while ,y'311,39r1 is to Meet unprovid- ness. Castoria cures (Diarrhoea and AVIndColic• Castoria told n1 lVin't hani by it=. J. Greer. side w•+lit, 11 Ilse 1i114ti;e of FJrinosa• chjld,y Trico 250., � cd Items. The following aro some of the chief items : relleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and ,,,•,•-, - ,..�.•.-..----.•..•-....---.- There dird at the 1101130 Of his father, Al, (t, G r loft ona Of the Old-st st t• To provide for the expense of the F Intulency. Castoria assilllilates the Foods regulates Air. HughMdutosh, lot ucesa 17, coioli tiers of Cloderieh township, tried at hi., Priule Minister in connection with the Stomach and 13owols of Infants and Children, glving 7, Kinloss, oil Sunday, April 2ith, Hugh' hove in Boissovail)Manitoba, on,Apli the coronation of his Majesty, $s,- xlf -0-17MacNab McIntosh '1 •ed ears, 7 mouths 000. lxealthy and. natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's + b y lith• Mr (lHrdou Settled iu GHdcriuh , F4tinacoa-Tile Nothe s l::Iend. 1'o nlcot expenses �f ATinjsters in ..r , .• ' ��. �' and 27 days. township at the tlule the Canada cons• connection with the colonial confer- . ��-.,'..�' .;•, ,"` '•Y �'S¢'•jJ' 4 1Fi r. J, Thomas tvrs nrrestetl at pauP of out d tali tlxat part of the country. c11ec in x ondun, $12,000. Walkerton ollFriday, April':<tth, un tho lit 1,654 he sults' his farm in CTuaericil h�5sl�ibitions at St. Louis and osa- CiLStoria. � CiaSG01'lc,, % r t•r tz , ! i pa. $5,000, t. u - + A+� churg,e of s.; aling several articles at towusaip find went to Miall -tuba. Castotla is au excellent ntediciue for ; Castoria is to wa;i adopted to children (:ori: and itiolverhampton Txhibi- children. ltlothers have repeatedly told toe that I recommend it wi superior to an Port Herons Mich. He was taken back c , p y 1 y pr" 111x, D;tvitl 1.11r1 o:v, R ho Lnelrn.;w tions {t=ovex•11or-Lt etleral's warrant), of its good clrect upon their children. " i scriptioa kitotvtt to 1ae." to that point 011 tho fullowing day, Ht.' last October, and who kept a little stux v 8110,000. Da. G. C. O$coon, Lowell, .1fass• ! 11, A. ARcHrr,'U. D. Ilrookll•u, N. Y d wits pitcher for the Wftlk^rtoa 11moba;l back of the stations (tied very suddeul; Site, etc., of branch postoinco in The Typewriter rite. file World was Wallhig For. team last year. tit Wh t � Bluff, TLuuts,e, shortlyafter west end of `Toronto, $15,000. , .: .�, ��.���..� t �u�- -� .�,.���..•Children Maintenance of Torontopostomlee THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF �.,. h i ld r e li 0 i'y fol- Icawiug Ito know, There j; a mystery locwnoliiles, $5,000. t ; BUSINESS a sthrrouutlintr Ili; death, and from letter.• Construction of iilarconi wireless This is PROVED by thQ fact t""t t.lt' U [i S 1 ti, ESS in G �;�� � � t ioceiw(I Ly friends at Ltwknow it look, station, Glace Day, N.S., $70,000, habitants of ill C. �l'UI'ltl j >r 1t. � '� rx 1 •., n To pay the Canadian Dan1c, of Com - very Air. Robert Wait, for inally -cars Pert' uxacll tl5 iY a tuurtler hurl beeig nieces for services in the Yuko)., allay Now manufactured k1 ihr::C of t11C; � mitt CULintrc:5, V17, ..mechaniealsllpaintelldent of lite Roll- coultnitte<1• '� 1st, 11)00, to April'"=1th, 1902, $53,- l:rinaLlgi, United :it<tt°s trial Ge r:t]iinN-. I ald Pre engine works, of 73rnsael., 115, 4 Ai:uta,1 JJIldS, 1:elorgci wife of John 16?• 4r x "�,Ci'��� `� � ��s���sy��✓eFJ l :. ) ••" a•• ,_-.� Over 1 i joined the stailf of the Canadian Fire; Love., jr-, died at her 1loute in Elina, Purchase Aihct fitting up steamship The .,.anadian 1 acit'lc Railv,at• h e Ove 200 in Use . ,� 'Pvrlan as a cable vessel, purchase of They iii:01'3 a GOOD tllitl� Lu hie Company, or Lutiaori as their. from typhoid fevrr, oil tiunday April _ 1; p 1 1larcot i instrimimts, testing; his sys- , `' (general snporjlittn ie'ut, and Hs family _1701. The body was Lroag;httoiiii.tuhell tell), :�.p0,U.1.i, APPEARS C'I'A EWE RY VIRAPPER. I are ineving from Toronto this week. and buri.itliu tha family plot. Dec +as,d Expenses of Chinese and Japanese .4JORE 0F ITS A T A N _;a$a .s» Airs. W. `i'arsonof Kinloss, 'art wCst'wa ct slaughter of the late Robt. JJntF, CC'1'1111iSA1011, ,�-r,000. a rwcce , uneeniennv, r�M, nnv n�r, cVYORK l- 1 Purchase or the steamer Kathleen; of the Gih sou. of Cnlrtpss, tiled ou I''ri- ; ex %vardon, Hila was laghly respect, d for Orosse Isle quarantine service, �'Is[bla wr.:ilxg tnrr to finisit a*,.rtiti,iriri. ,ro3rl: only y .3I•uttntts. 4nd 1 pa••es a Husband taut. saiall family cl n Or;O bianifolditte. beat., •them all. _ ligtnit«r,t, Iv,sitivt til:,t 1�( rnie Ct•lit, day, April '6th, at the age Of 53 .'ears. i I7nr:tl,if)ty, hardt rt 1 ctt•p•I r:n tv. him;•lu it 1 Fair. a� a.alr> t 14001 She leas a sister of uir. McGregor who to u1u ru her loss. I•'t:� ter atuiunt required for con- ; WkirlrAlrTI:A ipy a ewrildtrnnxt C:1n:,•tirn Ct,::1'r+:, herr t t•::t!t is a ;•. was accidentally shot sora wet•ks ago! see s tjngt s and general expenses cl- - W �� d �� Yei;t � �� for conn:ctiou tt•ilh immigration, inclucl- at the same place. About that litue She ing ;}eclat printings and advertising ' , � . ! iwas ng INsalke(iitten y a horse flutl bloo;i poison- T^ I Am it1IutrtilerUnited awount1 r�C,uirf d o annu„ i� � l ._. �a9 a dt 11l ftn] mus 0. e -t v i i dxt ! 1, ronl tho assessment roll of Uillttoil, S C . W. Ahthur, the 17 -year -old -son of Rev i the take the following st ttistics: Taxable clothing zti and stores, $200,000. r �� _ , , -.z�_s c-:-r,..y x�.• _: n �.,� • -- YOU 1i. ASTE, that mneh it you BI. Y any O 1 IIE and Z ou DO 15• .1 • Arlin, pastor of theHamilton Road . • penses of the Canadian ! ' ' Methodist church, Loudon formerly. of ! income, x",900; real proparty, $591,367 militia attending the coronations NOT Csi��T' SO GOOD a reaciliae. l personal property, $3•,753; population, $30,000. f Is the result of a purchase macle here.. t Brussels, met with it very p,tiuful asci- :. t I i w- t 0 484; number of irons, S3; steam butler,, Capital ex••enditure on the Inter- , _ _ I dent recently. The boy wits playing in ; "' n colonial, $373,700, including $217,- I Look over our `Frill Palter and you ..Will 1•l; cuing of town Ball and scales, $1�,- ! THE i'�t l���lllt'l'af 'Co., 1111�1IvCiiagame ofbase ball, antl while running;0,10; fire engine and equipment, $3,500; 0,00 for $49,000tfortaddi- be delighted 11•lth the patterns and the fel'-Write to -day. DIONTRSAL, P. Q. after the ball, he txipp :I autl Yell heavily iu l ou his left arm, A dislocation of beta ; , 10olle.-iatu Institute, $3,000; publiu tiul)al tools and machinery, and $70, beautiful colors. The fi il yures shown oe.lioul y, 13,030. 000 for rolling bones at the elbow was: the resuit. The : ,.3,000; public library, stool:, �, � Oporatiou And maintenance- of the � Our Papers are beautiful, while the fracture is a vuly peculiar one- thq first 1 ble. Frank Atlhuier who stays at t..e Illtcrcolon!al Ilailway, $1,000,000. 7711`11,1 f, of the kirul seen by the D:. lvho was 'r Commercial hotal, Mil(ltuay, has Working expenses of the �rukon fi lll'es lie asl: for thein are small. Th, e - ✓� called-tbe bones being; forced outward i discovered a procoes for the u.nuu• Telegraph system, $140,000. factilrin'•of steel b which common Improvements Collingwood harbor, - ? at the elbow, instead of backward, Art's . � , y - ,? old Brussels friends hope he will soon be cant iron can bo converted iatu a l;ocd Dredging Collins' Inter, $9,050. i .,R' o'�'- -, ,°- •r, „ t unlit Uf Steel ill 5hfirt 5 aCe of 3G ' ^ a � k1 t•7-•�' �� � e r tright side ftp, lvith care. 1 y p Dredging Couevich harbor, $3,000. ��//���FFFF111 dt ii- �' '- = J = t I 1 Imuutes. Mr. Atlituer is a native of Imp, ove11te11t catrance tl in„ston Milburn's Sterling headache PowdersC Holl:wd. He is ugly ill communication deck, $2,000, • .-•- - - - •�•�-�-- contain neither mohphine our opiun). hroci vine arm hall, $2,500, They promptly cure Sick Headache, i with the Carnegie steel worlis and otht r Iinpi ovbinents Lo)Idon postofi'ice, Non.rnlgin., Headncl.e, Headache of i lar; efirms. $2,1(.10. rte, .. _ rye,., �(Grippe, Herdache of celicate laches and T11e breath of the pines is the broall: 1Velland Canal, including comple_ For Parlors, Dining I\oo1nS, Bed < , ,yf ., o a i : M Eta 13ealache from any cause whatever, tion of west clocking at fort Pal- �. .. �' 1of ljto to the consumptive. I�OISway b Rooms, Halls, Kitchens and Ceil- �5,..�®� � D. PriC3 10a and 15P I Pine S,tynip contains the pine virtues end housie, $11,000. 5+�• cures coughs, Dcepenin and widening entrances 7 If yoxevar contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never cafe until the, Mrs. Maria i1CS 1'C11L't of the late e , CO1t d bronchitis, oubIc • t; lugs, Wltll Borders t0 matf 11. virus or poison has been eradicated from the system. Dant be satisfied with a ' John Wiles, of Peel, died at the residence cess, and All throat unci lung troublt s, to Sault Ste. ilIat ie Canal, st20,000. 1 10patchup" by some family doctor. Our Nav7 Metiaoci Is G Tsar aatead to _. i which, if not attended to, lead to con- Pontoon fol' Sault She. Mario Cau- Caare or Me Pay. t n�'8o Naming U,5;r 1 lvitl:out :'Yrltten consent. -► of her son, Mr. J. S. Geo at Listowel our surnptio.l. al. $`?,i500. "°'-- ctso ed !�.'�,h OFA aIP ns Ise Failed � Sauduy evening April 27th, aged 801 Enlargement I''Arrow's Point ran- �[ 9 •-�" `� tt , o , n I,.,Cl1t'ill Garvie, BrliSSelS. has just al, `0'26,000.1 3 ,r - x Could hive my curio life over, thin .e^timou!a1 would not ba y ears. Shc has been ill and failin for l w.r / - �'Y 1 N ll A1� t ✓k nc:xssary, thcn:[h I was no more sinful than thoussnda of other i b patented a very useful and convenient (, athering information in regard t0 ALEX. i young men. Larly indiscretions, later exme ors, exposure to . the past four years. Stiles her home ! article that the fanning community has Railway Connnission, $1,400. contagion diz-eases all haloed to break dor,-n ia,y aystem. When was burned She has InadO her ho1n0 with! • , Further y.� Icommcact:d turtalizemyconditioulwasalmostfraatic. Doctor _ ' been waitin,-, for, viz-, a fruit picker, It alnottTit required royal after doctor treated mebutonly gavamerelief-not aeure. Hot her daughters In Listowel. The •"Military College, $10,580. ___• ,__...-...r_..w T _.___. . ' - Springshelpedme, but did not cure me. The symptoms always =� deceased ai4laria Sanderson 'was a Cats the StOme, takes the frait downiand 3 returned. Trlercur and Potash drove the poison into my aystem Medals, $8,000. instead Cif dxivin� it out, I bless tho day your New Method deposits it in barrels or ell tilt' ja*r0an[I a9 a native of Yorkshire, the youngest anti �' ♦- Treatment was recommended to ma. I investigated who yon ; wished by the individual. It wi:l pick no2iUS FOR S1111.111JILI)ING, L ka4w , were first, and finding you had over 25 yearn' experience and re- last surviving of a large family. She' sponsible fittanc)all I gave you my case ander a guarantee. fr0111 to 13 foci and will hA11d10 three V9 t \ ',`>i• You cured me permanently, and in six years there has not been a Cauto t0 York County, Canada, when Halifax CarrIea it Ylebiso to to Givo 8100, - sore, others m tsmoftheblooddisease." Or four times AS 1rittC11 in a day AS by 2 Y y P quite young and was married there, ; , 000 Tovvurtl I'rnj,et. `!) Ynro to Detroit. 250,000 Cured. Al. A. COPILEY. - , lanai pialting,. We treat and care Varicocele, Blood Poison, Nervous Debility, Stricture, - tafterwards living on a farm in Peel Halifax, A1'ay 1.-A plebiscite in -� Impotency, Secret Drains, Kidney and Biadder Diseases. a „ I The residence of Councillor Jelin N. connection with the pro osetl steel township where her husband dial in p p Cansaltation Frea, Quostien Blank for Hcr„a Troatmen; and Books Fres. BroSan, of LucknOly, hAd a nflrr0lP es• shipbuilding; industry; was taken, ®p� 1874, and she moved to Listowel with [ DRS. �� �r� a l ! V y U r cape from fire on Sunday night last, and the ratepayers yesterday, by an her family. almost unanimous vote, decided to lt4a t3i3EL18Y tsr>ai,aT. DETIiCSIT. MICH. shortly after the congregations had left give a cash bonus of $100,000 to- the different churches. A wood box that 0 1 F��a � I ward the a shores of of a ship- was left too close to the stove took fire yard on the shores of Halifax lar - and very soon the blaze seemed to en- bor. The returns are not all in, but �t��� . F _ Ox S1ilart$g 5,654 Children. ndedoand the brigade quickly us -.0 7 far is: T'ol bon- ®'- F � velop the the vote recorded so ting was sou '' 39:, against 14 °.DO faC• ;responded, but the fire wfl9 SOOn got 1 ho Shipbuilding Bonn.. .• - _ eilaila I is to Ottawa, May 1. -- The shipbuilding; y 1!eaattue 2� ���eC��/ every f nutter Control and extinguished with delegates met Messrs. Alulock, Suth- t7sa4DeE. , Ripens Tabeles ' • water from pails. erland and Sit- Richard Cartwright in Bill Heads, Statements,, - • Ao Doctors pr sc prescription, _ - From the Seaforth Assessor's roll we Used internally Hagyard's Yellow Cil. the office of the Minister of Trade For mankind. Ohre Sore 'Throat, Hoarseness, Quillay, ttnd Commerce yesterday. They ask- Envelopes, Memo - 1 _ '- gather the following statistics: Total pain in the Chest, Croup, etc. Used ed for 10 per cent. on the contract value of real property, $561,966; total iI externallycures Rheumatism Stiff price in the wav of a bonus. H. At. Heads Note Heads Ri alts 'Papules are a common sense, effectual cure; J ontracted Cords, sprains McDonald M.P.P. p value of personal property, . 9,0'u0; tax- .Joints, , and Ii. Crowe for dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn, headache, con- able income, :10,700; children between 1 strains, Burns, scalds, Cuts, flud Bites represented the I�ovtt Scotia ship- _Letter Heads Wedding of Insecta. builders and the other firms repro- stipation, dizziness and all disorders of 'tile stomach, = the ages of s and 10, 281; total number bunted were the Pelton and Bertram . liver and bowels. They are intended for the use of - of persons on the roll 2,127;number of ( The House of Refuge committee, con. , Invitations, Visiting p- of Toronto, unci the Longs of L,ol- , men, women and children everywhere, and have dogs, 72; Cattle, 45; horses, 13; steam , Sl of Messrs. Warden Patterson, ling;wood. The Al!nistoi s promiseil to the 20; number of birthiednring the and R, Miller and • J. Fergason, of consider the representations matte to .,.Cards, Shipping Tags, proved beneficial in the majority of Cases. It -is not = year, 18, and deaths, lo. The town i Howick, H. Chambers, of Ashfield, W. them. The delegates asked that, claimed that they will perform miracles, but some of property is assessed as followed. Town p y something be done this session. Circulars Business • i Lane count clerk, of Goderich, and � - the cures. which they Have effected amount almost to building and weigh settles, $15,000; water inspector Coats met at the Refnge xuitY PAPFIL A110roGIZZ1% -Cards, Dodgers, Posters,. that. Easy to take and prompt in action they have = works, 113,000; hose, reels and other fire I recently. A number of matters were When ,� appliances, $2,800; weigh scales at the! dealt with, among which was a new strons Statement lir the Ottawa Citlzett Boos or anything in 1x0 rival as rile best remedy for the eve da ills of y y `fence to grace the front aloe London ret«aetea. 1x11tIlariit _ station, 1200; public school, $9,000; Col- g y m legiate Institute, $12,000; public library, I road. The committee found everything Ottawa, May 1.-•-A few days sinceVOu the printing line, leave :W A MEDICINE WHICH PROLONGS LIFE. $2,000, total, $54,000. in connection with place in a neat, well. The Citizen drew attention to the change in the Provincial lase under "T hive used Ripens Tabules st a numbed of yearn and would note without then. kept and satisfactory condition and the which the Local Master in Chanceryyour order at the I was traribad4vith indigestion and constipation, and have notized since I have been using them '_ Mr. F. H. GlHrgue, in speaking t0 the ' that I am grttingrid of those terrible bilious spells which confined the to bed on account of the = iiorah townshio ebnneillors recently, 76 inmates all well; they find Mr. was substituted for the County dirtiness. Of late I have not bad any. I had just got over a bad spell of b'diona [ever and was and Mks. Preneh capable and efficient Court Clerk as a member of the Need home office. We are Atfri; on tho step, when a neighbor came to me and remarked how bad I looked. 1 told hien I said Ile was Confident there would be a hoard Of I2C latral's i1r Ottawa, Ilbtlt I lied )cat• got over the fever acid that I was afraid to eat anything on account of indigestimt, officials. g y from w not I had suffered since I wag quite young. lie advised me to take aipans TahuI" City of 200,000 Inhabitants on the Cana- tlfficiG.la tiappCll to be Liberals, but constantly adding the I said I would try them, and from then I haven t been without t- em. i Fran eat anything than side of the Soc rjver in a few ears Cu 'Wednesday, April 23rd, occurred The Citizen indulged in some very tpav titifir I finish with a Tabula itstead of dessert. I feel very thankful that I havt [oust{ y ' ,g - newest' faces of type, smmtetkitig that tail prolong my lite:' that the steel lvorks would employ � the death of Sarah Wilson, wife of strong Ian ua o over the matter, and 5000 men, and 'would be the largest steel George Edward, at the age of seventy- alleged that the zhange was made for GASTRIC TPOUBLE.tS, plant in one location in America, that four years, The deceased was one of party $purposed, the Clerk of . the have good workmen, I e t bad suffered three years at least from ggaastric troubles. I could not sleep at night. Count Court bele too fair-mil:ded ytoastacht.laedmyfeetwould lietold aslee. My bowels were Motrtgolarand Iwould liava theproposedtube workswould employ the early Settlers of Goderich, having ,t, man to be allowed to remain. Mr. ciast•pa from ,gases foehilnir ort my stomach that i would faint away. I was in such distress another MOO eventually, and that in Iris been it resident of that place for Seventy IV, L. Scott the Local waster there- and we can satisfy you. I would havt sar,ner died than live. About three morigis ago I wag suffering and felt as if 3', " i, lamawatt tied nr inwardly. My brother recommended Iiipans Tabules to me, My husband •nd tnent 25 (100 men Nvould be needed Years. She was born in Carlisfe, Eu -• upon brought an action foe libel ` mnod some for me from the nearest dru store and I would not now ba without them. They g ' ' n $ against The' Citizen. Ydxtotday -with our Printing as k', tut rof all the fain gauss Shat iontte in my stomach and they inov0 my is wels regularly, - t0 operate indlratriea Owlled 1)y elle allied land, in the year 18.47, the daughter Of wifth l had been faking ptyslea all the ume, I have on more gates, my bowels move re nlarly , nf.orm that raper publishes tin "awi•ehtadathesandcan sieepwslltinfact,lfeel asliithtas the Orwhichihreac�pe,anti companies, or attracted there by them, GCorke Wilson, a11d with the family flntylOgly and 'e»tlMtv0ld t0 explain regards u�,lii�j spud 14 yinx a good deal fora woman who aeigba igo pounds. I am aorty that I did not copmnen e€ Mr. Clergue' further stated that floe a 001,Me to'Canada in 183;2 and nettled M that it never meant to reflect upon g q Talaules a year ago, for they would have saved me R grat dill of pain and suffering; w• •p foot of the miles of land note owned by Gdderich, She saw the little community, bar. Scott's character. price. One (y+� Ci► � � �r 1 the dllied comDauies was held for s cu "then in its infancy, grow from what was �i, \t+ I lei 71eur ti4'sr wv«Ia. on. All of it would be heeded for little more than a clearing in the wilder- Ottawa, May 1.--1Iou. William Vu. . Teti -.. _ to th leading town n in It Ul n industrial pnrptlaes. I•Ie added that the nese a ea g ow pop o a lticka atter tlid t�ortlinittitln dci'vices, w A'ad thor, At fete. 11 ala ili.L' 117$ =t ?A"*. rit•lNvs rent. a�b rnotttthtortas allied companies would $ive free sites to and wealthy oonnty. In t5ctober 18b7y trill t'tliftlplete a tour oi' 'tile ivoryd, ' n«Ittnrtiro n. Tit* a Hyiotros, t bar it k+ 111 Int", oatlpao a supply u y . ; other rnannfaetorers, -and there Would sbe wail married to George E[lward, who rtenl°nl gid o Canada by irg r is. r �... dli �n i�►�. y� '�y y ��y� h he no rent or taxes to pay. snrvivoo her, .. . ... - 'W'i�xgh m, A w is r' W V nt t111n has t . .-aea �..,... : ��...td. .s... aw,.....u- �•�,.._.-.. _. ..--- w •j`�r�'_-2..,,. 1_'w✓,.�.' .. 'i- 3s.sh i .6 �. ,•ryLfu'.: Jilr.`amili'' , r tie! `- .I