HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-09, Page 5, �� r��� U�� � �� 5 uu�� 1 ju511 PCI�II�, 11, Creat Sale Now On ! s�l��lx�a�la�;� The Loading RENDERS THE LIF. nv rap Dlflz re I M#111 tl , 0 OF a n PEPTIC MISERABLE. EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. 9 ,�._.. _...�,,..._ What Wideawake Tames Correspondents Commuxticate -other taon 1110 •omen DTST4S`1rrVr« Melo 4 rrr•T„ Crowder f i I:SG. t):.' 1F1,.11tINt:t,n. PAIN AND 4 1 Items Clipped From Our Fsefistn;as, I -•' nrr:tl: -a:Ia: asNsys i. � t � ' •� f r �t+�w.,""J , W %RMLA•NR), 7;,.L(llt:t�'b:, l otzt I,.:ioretc,: i, Sorel, goo. ,� . lored Tho follawing is the roport, of S. S. AZr. Win. Watson %scut to 1'v',ew Yolk Of the (liswiscs actllictilix b:tI'a* aul(trtd.dy:s• epops:a is ouo Uf the %v( r. t to 4•'llclur++. Its / ��G,s .•- ,,� � ! No. 7 Turuberry, and East Wawanosh. State on Monday (ill busiliefis, i Yietill:s Lind life:+latest a burA('n. i+'oo(1 Names are arranged in order of merit, lir S. Vitt' Nornian his vrveted a nc%v I be c.)ulas distasteful; they suffer feeler Fifth Class-Oltarles MacKay, Jessie fence in (rout of lits wsideuct) %,Malt savt.rU pains ill the stutua;+ll; sotxletltna•* � - � 1 t�Y�� :r � �r�' ' ' ; � ' cloth in t xc(+�t 1vU heart p:lil,irrttiau and a gt neral Wilson. greatly adds to the appearanc' of.lris ' w.. t tr(l:ug of %asukuess 11111 ttsl)re:$iun• » ` a ,;.� r ,1 Sr. Fourth Ot:tiss -G io. Toes, Alvin pt too. i Tho!){;tz ,lila slisi:ls3 Is at>o of the most Orvis, Will. Tervit. Mrs. Adam G.,ldes of Ltuatk county (lia!ri+is:ti;, it is one which, if the proper aur Great Sale 1S Otll 1S et Fourth Class Jr,-'Xabsl Coulter, is visiting at Davit, G�;fides' this wctl,- ! rvntedy is e£np:oyer,, silo be readily y y Edith Peddle, Joliet Jacques, Agnes Clegg & Arti)stco!tg shipped agar of (-need. llzousauds throughout this r in its infancy. Our expecta- MacKay, Loretta Thom. hogs oil Tues-iav; Joha Coult s hh') "I Dr.couWil briar Pink. it to alt nevoac^y of SPECIAL r g• l Dr. �vil�iauis Pauls I'lfld as it itcvur, fetal^ tions are OverVvhelmed with Third Class Sr.--Florenco Currie, a car of hogs oil WtAut•s;l:ly. I Jn; earU. Arnott; i hriu i- lair:,. Adolphe � e q • James Coulter, Jolla Barchill, Cassie _ ( ik l ittrunsso, a will known and highly !ht f" the success we have had on MacKay, osteanloil lad) te,ktiu g tat Sorel Que. y w1n. Burchill, a -, 1ix.1"rxt, Sha says --'-For ttvq years I uuh a con• ,. (.{ our O ening days. Third0lass Jr. -Guo, Jacques, Win, (;r ® rf , l) 3 NO o y •.tart sufferer #rant bac, digestion and 1 l+ b Reid, Bertha Thom, Earl Reid, itay Me- Miss Niutt B. Lorhliart has ontererl i R nccomp;ulyfug symptoans. 11rb be. , .� p 1 . it r This week we are adding Donald. upon rduties its teaeher in the Blyth camedistastrfulttutIIgrow ve weals. �.Ii`aO} +'Flo AT i t + • / �' �-•�I Second Class S.,.-Horblo Baroaiil. public school. I suffered )ttctch from pafn.3 i ill«3 skotu- A•Jit several 11eCv lines of Clothit, twit and hs -id. I could im obtain rist- --- - __...,.- ,l _ g Second Class Jr. -Etta McKay. Air. S. H, 0i:lley has sohl his re i,lonee fol s:t ep and 1)rotautn an , for all lienee £ `^ y `a� at ridiculous CICeS, because Part S3coud Class-He1311 Wilson, on, the corner of Queen tool Dr;unuunid %vgrli, T triad sa erlQ ediciues without I� 35c Union Carpet for 26c, 'j �,- +'1 p Geu. Tervit. streets to Mr. Jolla T. Iiatniltotl for fiu(liuR the hast slit and I eolitiuuall� 3 loses good C: a^)t+t, 1:c%v patterns sari coin in^• erre yard the lines are broken and we First Class Sr.--Fernis Thom, w1200. grew worse uut t u (lie end I wou!d P fi t P h�:, ,pTEli vomit cveiytitlu uta. I had abzlpst wide, good to wear, rog, urtee 1353, our sp. t :tt 1):i>e - - Ei want the room. First Class J.r.-Mag ie Reid. Mr. Amble C.uupbell went to London g giver a h) e of ever Lein • wail again T recent, ,. €, p p b f' G L. H. '�.tNSTONL+`, Teacher, y at.tl spcoesa.nily passt•tt the � when one clay I ra,tcl of a cuaU t•f•nil.u• to .Jr(f}C`Ti Tapestry Carpet �C=�1 Q.. Also 21 Suits Travellers' Samples must be sold at once. The - necessary examination for it South � aline t.,irod through tJic use of Dr. Wit. Z;44e new pattern Tao(rstry C:irpct,;;o01 calt)rs, wilt 1va'tar well, reg0• l !;aura' P!tilt P.IN. I rletormined to l;ivt rice will be one-third less than regular. Rittging i,: ti,a r.,ttK. African selrlfet'. O.) S.etncdsty nfG;rzl3on, rlicst+ pills a trial and am. happy to -clay lite value 5.)c, on. salt) £it This is an nufailing sign of Catarrh, April he l.ft for Ii.aliYtis an i eta a � tint I rlid so, as by t1w tithe I had takt,tl p g and if not checked will ultimate, result few days will sail f n• South Africla. I r•f�lrt ur nitro boxes lit•)• hteen'.. .l', 5 C JapanMattingfor Y Y ' h had re-, I :SPECIAL 3o DAYS CLOTHING SALE.— Everything in deafness. The simplest reined y is M)ty he %vin I:Lalr4'l3 6n tilt) fa old of battle j` tni'£)ert, rho pains t+ilei h£i:l so long Gioa stroul- Japan Matt!", -,new pattei,it, crttaiz warp, roe aLr Catarrhozone. which it inhaled a few I rack(34 ate (lisuppeared, my stomach 1- _ 1st as advertised in last week's issue will be continued. times daily, prevents the Catarrhal and return, to his native village a hero, i %veal(, cit gest food properly au [ I Karl price 153, sale p:ivo Boys' Suits, worth $3.75, specials sale $3.00 condition froni spreaditiCatarrhozone Cully rv,::iied my old time health, asci 503 Union,G Carpet foo 4.03- Youths. Suits, 3.75, 3.00 quicxly stops the ringing in the ears, have) not siuee hal any return of the Men's Suits " 9,00 `t 7.50 bead noisl)s, gives permanent relief to F..»'c tv"Lvir.vxOsit. trouble." 50 yards Uaiou Carpet, ufee iiew pattern, good colorings, one yard Alen's Suits, 41 8.75, " 5.75 catarrhal deafness. For Catarrh in any Air, G.mge H Bury, wi old an 1 vas. i Dr. WLliams' Pin Pills ars a purely wide, ragu:ar 50u, special p,ico - - - - •40 part of the system, Bronchitis, Asthma, • tonfu nu., icine unit unlike all purgatives Pants, all sizes, '' 1,25, .90 Lung or Throat Troubles, Catarrkozoue pasted rasid-nit of L tst W.vvalw4-i, (lied ! do ntot weaken the systerat, but give live � 5f; Dutch �2 t3ilZ � a,�Jzl,Y_'�jC� �r�j' � `� is n specific, and is guaranteed to at the rasi(lauoe of his s )n fdi-law, Air. atul e)i(+t'i,,v with every close. `ltivy are s l ���TSx F�RlB��f1��IA1t7+ Ipermanentlycureoryour money back. E,lward AloD.)we:l, o•i April 30.h.iac•rrtaiu cure for rhean)ntism, svfitCe, apiacer,iticenewpattern RovcsrsibteDatell Ile+mpCarpet_ono yard, Largo size, $1,00; trial • size, 250, Bright's dismie was th t c ins) of (1%'h• t irvligestion, partial paralysis, St. Vitnh %%i.le, regal it vatae 2,e, on sale at - - .10 ,Just Arrived; A large- range of Alen's Shirts (Salem . Druggists or Poison & Go„ Kiugateu, dunes sail Ciao t'u:rctunlat ftilaaculs r..hai Out. Intarmeut was made in tho Wastfiold brand) for present wear, in all the latest colo. ings, , ulake the lives of so many wo:u;'n ata 253 Japan Matting fel' 203 1 Dr. Hamiltons Pills Cure Constipation cemetery. almost coustaut sourc:, of Luis r S ifd tucked and plain. Every Shirt guaranteed. Prices: y' One cern b'mvy Japau -Nlatti:ig, nese )attreu, one yard wide rogul.ar a Mr William D )bbs, a former raft,:lent . by, deab+rs in tuedicin••s, or sent post p F_ ! ! g t - - - ' ^ ^' from $1.00 to $1.25. IVROXETjar. , p, I puri tit y 0 cones a box or six box-, fur va.ue . )4, scs.0 price - 0 of Blambard township, diefl tit his horne [$2.50 b, •uldr,'asing Ovi Dr. Williams' , r z- CF �� � _ k of Bi John Black and family othe B. line in Golden Valle Muskoka, on Thnrs- ! Me,liciue Co,, BrocJiville, O:,t. 5Ov T a p3,3t y Stall GOODS STOPPED IN TRANSIT just to hand, cc,m Y, " �` " -� prising the following lints, which will be sold at priegs i of Turnberry was the guest of John day, April 17, aged S2 y ears. Ir. Dabbs a 27•iu;h Tapestry Stair• C.trp )t, uiUU p::ttarii and oo:ors, reg. 533, now ,40 Robertson on Sunday. left Blanshard, about 2i y � onboard of before in Iluron County. years aoo, U ! Thos. Appleby and family of the 10th moved to W.twauosh, au.l a fow years a:tMESTOWN. JOS Wool I it%?'�73i, for 75- Silk Underwear, in six colorings, worth $2.00a suit, sale price $1.00 ! of Turnberry were the guests of Mr. later again moved to Muskoka. Mrs, Rev. Air. Pest of I3:aevale conducted Knit Wool Undershirts, light weight " 1.00 " .50 ; All• :wool two-ply Carpet, elvAce pattern, 1 yd wile, reg 93.,, oil sale tit . 7,i Flaunelietto Shirts, - - ss ,25 .t .1c3 :and Airs. Thos. Appleby on Sunday. D,)bbs cliect about 13 years a r), but four; services in, Victoria Hall last Sunday Black Shirts, Colored Shirts, etc. " .45 = Messrs. 'Wm, and Geo. Kaake went to sons and six dau.-liters, Mrs. Geo. walling. Balbriggau Underwear, all sizes, two -thread, worth $1.25, for .80 Aiuskoka on Monday, where they have Bradley, of Blaushard; the family all i Mr. and Airs. ITall Of Ethel tinct Air. STEW .LACE CURTAINS Socks, 4 pairs for - - - - - - 2U ; secured situations at the carpenter live in, AIaslioka. Tito do ccaserl man and ;firs. Will. Johnston of Mortis were A fine rang(, of pitterm to uh:mse from, all siz •a, prices titrts: 25,, .JUST ONE MOMENT, PLEASE, HATS! HATS! HATS! Oommeneiug' trade• was a native of L:u3olushira, L'aoiaud: � viait:)rs at Geo. Ecknni-o's on Suudny. . � 33c, 50c, 75u, 11.00, l.k!i, :;:.00, ,52.25, $2.50, $3 00, t4:(0, : S.0:t, etc. Satnrdtty.we will offer for sale a large assortmens of Hats, in, Felt, Fedora Messrs. Wm. Rutherford and Jos. I Miss Mabel llenzies'lit Brassals was t and Christy Stiff, at about ouo-quarter off regular price. Cowan of this place and Will. Irwin of visiting Miss Mary Lina over Sunday. tsLUxSa .1 t . { Sea other people's Suits at $10,00; then see•oars at $7.00. Gerrie were in Brussels Tuesday on I Miss Auaia Scott of Moleswgrtn is CO.1112 ham business. Air. and Mrs. I. Crowston and famfl ' g , S., t h her sister, Mrs. lie Ea Y s?3uclin^ some ti£:re with Is""ARD The R. H. CROWDER O. g The Quarterly Board of the Metho- of Wingliam have Mover, to Blnovale i r and gra living in 0. Kia„'s cotta •e. Copeland Stokes, t' t o paid eProduce dist cllurell toot a. Salem on AIoucln m 'Vlr• Q•6$ll� Bank Q'�(�tilllitllll1�f16SY �lilit� c l i tY Dressy Young Alen's Headquarters. - Colin A. Campbell's old stand, y - Mr. L.)rua Ah•K)lvay of I3asri ton '� The members present were Messrs. McDermott and family of l3russ0s have r :.K= BUTTER AND EGGS• AS CASH. - ,- al:euG .,nada} under the parental roof. fes-=-i-ra;�`•; '�' �"'���,�'7 wag Hazelwood, Hall, Higgins, Gallagher, nlso taken up their residence here anti I ` Bolt Lucas Tremble Hemphill and pyin„ the y Goo. Conew and Jas. Cott have - gra ossa � 10 3lgnse recent, vaCat- Brethauer. After the usual business, ell by Alex. McEwen. It is plotisaut to + rpilassel ed new wheals from A. Cousl3y, U 61 Ll il WN bo.O. Hazelwood was ole^ted delegate see the population of tlt� ltoiglaaoriug l3rncsels. �'f ai �r3 ^ Airs. (Dr) AlcLzelvay and Atex. of I' Nil® to attend the. District meetiu- to be held towns flocking to Blaevale. It will soon+M • ; "° tit - Brussels tvgra visitors at Frau,. Wright's'. , � a y `THOu be lila clifri3alt t3 sec;ue a ha'nso Mara. last Monday. TO `�' �5�� ”' in W in„ham in the near future. q• . n Thos, Walker of the 3rd of Turuberry Miss Annie Swann, who spent the win- Daugal Strachau will leave shortly for has sold his farm to Peter McEwen at a ter in Fergus, returned home last week. If so, isn't it tiwe to cut the cord, and u=e tip to erste .� Orangeville %vllore ha tut(cs a position in, ! - %19' E N ®. good price. Mr. Walker had a paralytic We are sorry to learn that Me. John a ol,eese £aucl batter factory. He took Prepared !'sant, orated by modern mettiods, %wt,ietr is„ _ T M�, � stroke three years ago, but has manages, Duaeut Sr., is not improving in'health. , )ori standing anit�' in, his exams. at thetooDiary ' guaranteed to go farther, look better rind last longer• his farm n to rho ia$3ut, He has sold Mr. Harry McHartly left for Gorlerich g ) P P' School, Guelph, in this department. Wo than the old tine teat. and oil paint? c'o his stock and has the )rivelo a of re- last week where lis will spzn.l the soot-, \. Its old customers are lOOlatlo' 1 g wish him success. The old melhcds must go ... My a mer as usual. ,paining in the house for five years free � • Misses Maggio � � Peter Scott of Turuberry was the loser to me to bet Something good of rent. Mr. Walker has been a hard g o McLean and Minuio I of two fins colas last %;•eek. �f� �, t�• Hits THE working mail and a good citizen and is Higgins of Wingltaul visitod Mrs. J. READY e i � 6 � X E D PA f N in the -- BAARKET respected by all who ]snow him. Johnston .this %weals, FARM``jj��%%jj'' }��//�� ��11 -�•�- 'p Messrs. Alex. and Wm. Gibson are Miss Mable Snell spent a fow days fttund,ed for h -A week.) •� �lYJ. 11►l�tJ��1tl�L� erecting a wire fence on the north side this week with her aunt, Atrs. T. J. =i fe%v of one farmers have fillishen It you have not used PI1151[ T3I�A\ D " P..yI �'C, try of Church street. Joseph Barnard is I Watt of Windham. sending, it now. It is absolutely the best 11eady-1.iised Paint, doing the work. Mr. and Airs. Christopher Thornton of Mr. Innes has pur,•,hase3 a new pad- made. Every- Can guaranteed to give perfect east -faction line for them. I am pleased to tell them and everybody Mrs. John Bray, we aro glad to s:a y, Win -ham visited at Jolla Gardiuer's on, riling wagon. Ile thinks now he will Sunda draw a 1•otter trade. SAES � �a is tibia to be up and oceans, again, y' J E interested that I am stocking up with the very best this Edward Barnard is still working at Miss G xietha Coomb2s is visiting in, his house. when it is finished, he wisl Craubroak. Canada of ours can produce —and no other country can aett•a:ts ittt:t siceploss. I Mi,, Aliic M;.Kelvie spent Sunday --� -- have one of the best housos on Sander- There is just one cure and that is d.yy with her friend, Miss Lizzie E.;k- make, better. sou street. plenty of food for the bloni and nerves, The Weigh Scale Co. have their build- which is bast supplied lit Forros3ue, than mire, and Miss Mabel Weight was visit- t}ivt�nnranntultuvtntln ing about completed, which is m3de1 in, which uo bloo,i builder, uervo tonic, or in, Miss Elsie Straah:as. t. :.. Among the goods I purpose handling are included strength producer is better. Perrozone Air. and Mrs. G33. WheelerspmitStill- every respect. promotes healthy digestion, which re-, M tet, day with Rat 14l.. Swann in t,lu va e . xhP famous Mr. and Mrs. Wendt of Aiildma,y cal- sults ail improved nutrition. 7.'hn. bl•)od r � • led on their son, John, our popular jew- grows rich and red, farnishm stability t3 - �• , ` ' eller, on Friday, the entire system, and the store of nervy At a low estimate, this year's grain force and ener,;y inor3ases daily. A r il••= Noxon, of Ingersoll. neDavid Wfatters of Wingham was re- rebuilding of the C )astitntion, nate ' crop inKau:tab.t and tlt3 North Wast - hEll wiug acquaintances in the village on, spirits, health and strength, all shuts will be over 1,003,00) bushels greater € Sunday. from thb use of Forrozane. Thistitan last year's. marvelous renovator is sold by Druggists I ' J. Brethauer was in, Wiugham last ±.a s np for i50c. a box, s: hoxas for $2.50. By i t Tuesday on, business. avail from Polson & Co., Kingston, Oat. �s` tapS 0t � s ;U:t ; I>f x r If you drop in and see now ow ready, YOU - C. Reis has all the electric lights again Sold by A, L. H%luilsau. . in shape. He sustained quite a loss •nail d 6i•.•ar k s o. t`tte C0141.�i will, certainly be very favorably Impressed. If you see = LasativeBranat)•oaiiain©Tabletsonceacolliin y r from the effects of the recent storm. erre claw. Ko Oto e.no Puv. Pcioci 2`a canis. s ; GL1'N.i vN.\N. S them you will want them, and if you buy before. seeing David Henderson of Michigan is visit• _! tug his brother, Thos. Henderson. Report of S. S., No. 3, Turuberry, for w . them you will be very sorry, for I can tell .you they Thos. Sago is taking orders for several the month of April. Namos in order of Pare, th3 noted crock implicated in t' rile Na au•'o bau'r robber died in tiro � r ��• Fashlula Facts* P; The most stylishly dressed glen k this year, will be the wearers of ' s i Shored eddy Tailored e .are swell goods. good books. one of the nu111ber is "The moll . ' 1, y, ., u: - g Life of Rev. T. De Witt Talmage." 5111 class.-JohuTlattnl. pslntentiary at Kingston. on Satufday x�. �� P11erC 13 110 Clotibt about it. There is F Sr. 4th class.-B.assl3 AUkelt, Pt)tor of ga-agrone, throo clays baforo his re- * r , Then I handle the renowned Woodstock Wagons etc. ' S uo t; ay to Itiallc better gar..lellis tliali ' ' -Route bills printed on short notice Afuir, Chester Dunkin. j lens, which was dui T a;31:ay. allose l)1'OdticCtl by SI.OTey. Stylish, Cockshutt, Brantford, Plow Goods, Percival flow Goods, 'at the TmEs office. Jr. 4th class.-RoyRatborford, Bert II « :� x _ -�+ - sna. full of wear azul ecotloin *. of Elliott, Maggio DIatr, �i'ldie Daul.iu, t :.'. :c. p IFPS > � � B. Bell &Son's, _.__ ,_ _._ ,�,et:l St. George, Cutting Boxes, which are `� - `"'- "� ` Charlie Aitken. �i�i,�,li . . Sr. 8rd class. -Mary Aitken, Etta - Q The cleverest worknicir mil, e tllelil, ills best so well and favorably known in this vicinity. Scrofula Elliott, Mabel Elliott. C dirt ad sets thein. AlaterinlS lining, buttons, btatori- Fou r , Jr. 3rd class: --)y Elliott, H••arold - IIS have catarrh, wl•y ' waat is commonly inherited It not don't you try t0 et rid t•f holes—ever' detail right, ht Scaills are overcast and It would tale too much space to enumerate everything Hutton, walker Ratherford, Willie y - 1 y ` g r acrotula but the scrofulous disposition. Caseiltore. it? The first thin(; }oil will not ravel. Perfect fit is guara.titeed. T keep in stock. Suffice it to say that I purpose handling This is generally and ohlefty indicated by know it will go down into cutaneous eruptions; sometimes b pale- 2nd class.—James Aitiolal R)bbi0 And to ,,lake '011 perfectly of .— r ' " p y p � _„ . your lungs or stomas,) ant] j I) ,� s e liio.ie� i.aCl,, ll . nothing but the best goods I can get hold of, and would esteem ness, nervousness and general debility. Aitken, Ella Elliott, Andrew Wallace, �. your= serious o trouble.. !alio t The disease Afflicted Mrs. K. T, Snyder, Aggie Wallace. , Oil tValit it. It a favor to have the pleasure of showing customers and Union St., Troy, Ohlo, when she was � R • Th-,snod Use � q ens said o le sant, p � Sr. Pt. 2nd.--L..o B 11t, Ag,:ao Raithsr Tai:, cure is so easy 4nd s0 pleasant. ,Mends through ny stock, which will be found up-to-date tri eighteen years old, Manitesting itself by a fort,, 'Tillie Baird, Ethel Casomore, Yon 1)ut sone Cresolene in the vaper= c y 1 bunch in ber neck, which caused great pain. was lanced, and became a running sore. Willie Marshall, Helen Rutherford. � jz2r, light rile lata)!! beneath 4iid For safe by every 11118. Jr. Pt. gad. -Ada Elliott and G orgy t)rcathe-in the vapor while atteping,. It afflicted the daughter atries. J. 11%' Jones. Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old, Castimora. - (equal), Tuomas Wallace,`�nllace, that's ;:11. "I'hc healing, soothing t*aper, Iii Buggies, as usual, I have purchased three cat loa.Is and developed to rapidly that when she Annie Hutton, Wolter 1111*lte, Aiib31 goes all til through the m6sc, gtiict.ng tins 18 she had eleven running sores on her inflan• illation and restoring t11d parts tn'a. .from the best makers, and if you watt a buggy for $Go, or one n The tid about her cars. not n g Bator, itobbie ?Ciitlr, T3a11a E tdte. lleaJthy condition. Doctors tirestribc ir, so Sufferers word o be a ted by •, + professional treatment, 6tit, as triey �►011tn• ,'�' r. 1't I$t.•••�-G3,�r t3 Rnt113rfQld Iilmer p . F e rarrywfirrC!. i + �'., � r:rrs�lenn is s •13 by drnFs,st ;for,$ too, or one for any -other price, you will find it here. carafe sgay,ion went cam lt, b cured b Aitken, Maggie Aitlten, Alice D lukin. !a V.rpo-t`r.rn. aut8., in.l, d=u� t.:a�rapanz, sand i) 9 Y I.nm,, trbtch sit ni I list a 1tfe+•ttmo, awl a i.att a of %O.,rs �.. (+ _.N_ .. _ r /. - Jr. Pt. lit. -Willie Elliott, Vholuls Cr s�i•np.estnnl,t+, r:S : e rtis„pp1E,•s,fCec5o. ii od s i.larsa eeril6aj iz+toa,r�nessntSuares I,In<irsertr nNl.ec Fa,iti. _ ,_ - � . Ead1e, StaulOy B:11ter, Bertha Marshall. tn, •)hy re'nn tes•imnr•i is frrtnpn i Y• anent.. TAT✓ OLID S'T'AND CjjCj : . , rectei the scrOhllou9�dl�posittoittianti iAtl • Average attendance 91. Cat:sot+iv:� Ca., y o liulta t . t., hr.%� Vo, 1. t .�.,Y. , Near the market.. , . , To H. � • call ndpermanentlyi! h dl ...e 13. PnAuoov, Teacher. n'C3mni rttiti•lyaarx loll by+ 1, ..rti mtltati, CH149110 y a cures the sear , , lrag�lat, tt'ingltana. , ' ` ._••.'P ••W _.i«..a, .r...1.dr,iy�,,�.,w_"'. :_ �.- ..Y Iiil�il0 .,i _--I THE WIN tMAM TDI ES, 1W 9, ),902, Sale xnmenc;t;d May 3rd ; finds ,Tune 21adIR a P , �� r��� U�� � �� 5 uu�� 1 ju511 PCI�II�, 11, Creat Sale Now On ! s�l��lx�a�la�;� The Loading RENDERS THE LIF. nv rap Dlflz re I M#111 tl , 0 OF a n PEPTIC MISERABLE. EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. 9 ,�._.. _...�,,..._ What Wideawake Tames Correspondents Commuxticate -other taon 1110 •omen DTST4S`1rrVr« Melo 4 rrr•T„ Crowder f i I:SG. t):.' 1F1,.11tINt:t,n. PAIN AND 4 1 Items Clipped From Our Fsefistn;as, I -•' nrr:tl: -a:Ia: asNsys i. � t � ' •� f r �t+�w.,""J , W %RMLA•NR), 7;,.L(llt:t�'b:, l otzt I,.:ioretc,: i, Sorel, goo. ,� . lored Tho follawing is the roport, of S. S. AZr. Win. Watson %scut to 1'v',ew Yolk Of the (liswiscs actllictilix b:tI'a* aul(trtd.dy:s• epops:a is ouo Uf the %v( r. t to 4•'llclur++. Its / ��G,s .•- ,,� � ! No. 7 Turuberry, and East Wawanosh. State on Monday (ill busiliefis, i Yietill:s Lind life:+latest a burA('n. i+'oo(1 Names are arranged in order of merit, lir S. Vitt' Nornian his vrveted a nc%v I be c.)ulas distasteful; they suffer feeler Fifth Class-Oltarles MacKay, Jessie fence in (rout of lits wsideuct) %,Malt savt.rU pains ill the stutua;+ll; sotxletltna•* � - � 1 t�Y�� :r � �r�' ' ' ; � ' cloth in t xc(+�t 1vU heart p:lil,irrttiau and a gt neral Wilson. greatly adds to the appearanc' of.lris ' w.. t tr(l:ug of %asukuess 11111 ttsl)re:$iun• » ` a ,;.� r ,1 Sr. Fourth Ot:tiss -G io. Toes, Alvin pt too. i Tho!){;tz ,lila slisi:ls3 Is at>o of the most Orvis, Will. Tervit. Mrs. Adam G.,ldes of Ltuatk county (lia!ri+is:ti;, it is one which, if the proper aur Great Sale 1S Otll 1S et Fourth Class Jr,-'Xabsl Coulter, is visiting at Davit, G�;fides' this wctl,- ! rvntedy is e£np:oyer,, silo be readily y y Edith Peddle, Joliet Jacques, Agnes Clegg & Arti)stco!tg shipped agar of (-need. llzousauds throughout this r in its infancy. Our expecta- MacKay, Loretta Thom. hogs oil Tues-iav; Joha Coult s hh') "I Dr.couWil briar Pink. it to alt nevoac^y of SPECIAL r g• l Dr. �vil�iauis Pauls I'lfld as it itcvur, fetal^ tions are OverVvhelmed with Third Class Sr.--Florenco Currie, a car of hogs oil WtAut•s;l:ly. I Jn; earU. Arnott; i hriu i- lair:,. Adolphe � e q • James Coulter, Jolla Barchill, Cassie _ ( ik l ittrunsso, a will known and highly !ht f" the success we have had on MacKay, osteanloil lad) te,ktiu g tat Sorel Que. y w1n. Burchill, a -, 1ix.1"rxt, Sha says --'-For ttvq years I uuh a con• ,. (.{ our O ening days. Third0lass Jr. -Guo, Jacques, Win, (;r ® rf , l) 3 NO o y •.tart sufferer #rant bac, digestion and 1 l+ b Reid, Bertha Thom, Earl Reid, itay Me- Miss Niutt B. Lorhliart has ontererl i R nccomp;ulyfug symptoans. 11rb be. , .� p 1 . it r This week we are adding Donald. upon rduties its teaeher in the Blyth camedistastrfulttutIIgrow ve weals. �.Ii`aO} +'Flo AT i t + • / �' �-•�I Second Class S.,.-Horblo Baroaiil. public school. I suffered )ttctch from pafn.3 i ill«3 skotu- A•Jit several 11eCv lines of Clothit, twit and hs -id. I could im obtain rist- --- - __...,.- ,l _ g Second Class Jr. -Etta McKay. Air. S. H, 0i:lley has sohl his re i,lonee fol s:t ep and 1)rotautn an , for all lienee £ `^ y `a� at ridiculous CICeS, because Part S3coud Class-He1311 Wilson, on, the corner of Queen tool Dr;unuunid %vgrli, T triad sa erlQ ediciues without I� 35c Union Carpet for 26c, 'j �,- +'1 p Geu. Tervit. streets to Mr. Jolla T. Iiatniltotl for fiu(liuR the hast slit and I eolitiuuall� 3 loses good C: a^)t+t, 1:c%v patterns sari coin in^• erre yard the lines are broken and we First Class Sr.--Fernis Thom, w1200. grew worse uut t u (lie end I wou!d P fi t P h�:, ,pTEli vomit cveiytitlu uta. I had abzlpst wide, good to wear, rog, urtee 1353, our sp. t :tt 1):i>e - - Ei want the room. First Class J.r.-Mag ie Reid. Mr. Amble C.uupbell went to London g giver a h) e of ever Lein • wail again T recent, ,. €, p p b f' G L. H. '�.tNSTONL+`, Teacher, y at.tl spcoesa.nily passt•tt the � when one clay I ra,tcl of a cuaU t•f•nil.u• to .Jr(f}C`Ti Tapestry Carpet �C=�1 Q.. Also 21 Suits Travellers' Samples must be sold at once. The - necessary examination for it South � aline t.,irod through tJic use of Dr. Wit. Z;44e new pattern Tao(rstry C:irpct,;;o01 calt)rs, wilt 1va'tar well, reg0• l !;aura' P!tilt P.IN. I rletormined to l;ivt rice will be one-third less than regular. Rittging i,: ti,a r.,ttK. African selrlfet'. O.) S.etncdsty nfG;rzl3on, rlicst+ pills a trial and am. happy to -clay lite value 5.)c, on. salt) £it This is an nufailing sign of Catarrh, April he l.ft for Ii.aliYtis an i eta a � tint I rlid so, as by t1w tithe I had takt,tl p g and if not checked will ultimate, result few days will sail f n• South Africla. I r•f�lrt ur nitro boxes lit•)• hteen'.. .l', 5 C JapanMattingfor Y Y ' h had re-, I :SPECIAL 3o DAYS CLOTHING SALE.— Everything in deafness. The simplest reined y is M)ty he %vin I:Lalr4'l3 6n tilt) fa old of battle j` tni'£)ert, rho pains t+ilei h£i:l so long Gioa stroul- Japan Matt!", -,new pattei,it, crttaiz warp, roe aLr Catarrhozone. which it inhaled a few I rack(34 ate (lisuppeared, my stomach 1- _ 1st as advertised in last week's issue will be continued. times daily, prevents the Catarrhal and return, to his native village a hero, i %veal(, cit gest food properly au [ I Karl price 153, sale p:ivo Boys' Suits, worth $3.75, specials sale $3.00 condition froni spreaditiCatarrhozone Cully rv,::iied my old time health, asci 503 Union,G Carpet foo 4.03- Youths. Suits, 3.75, 3.00 quicxly stops the ringing in the ears, have) not siuee hal any return of the Men's Suits " 9,00 `t 7.50 bead noisl)s, gives permanent relief to F..»'c tv"Lvir.vxOsit. trouble." 50 yards Uaiou Carpet, ufee iiew pattern, good colorings, one yard Alen's Suits, 41 8.75, " 5.75 catarrhal deafness. For Catarrh in any Air, G.mge H Bury, wi old an 1 vas. i Dr. WLliams' Pin Pills ars a purely wide, ragu:ar 50u, special p,ico - - - - •40 part of the system, Bronchitis, Asthma, • tonfu nu., icine unit unlike all purgatives Pants, all sizes, '' 1,25, .90 Lung or Throat Troubles, Catarrkozoue pasted rasid-nit of L tst W.vvalw4-i, (lied ! do ntot weaken the systerat, but give live � 5f; Dutch �2 t3ilZ � a,�Jzl,Y_'�jC� �r�j' � `� is n specific, and is guaranteed to at the rasi(lauoe of his s )n fdi-law, Air. atul e)i(+t'i,,v with every close. `ltivy are s l ���TSx F�RlB��f1��IA1t7+ Ipermanentlycureoryour money back. E,lward AloD.)we:l, o•i April 30.h.iac•rrtaiu cure for rhean)ntism, svfitCe, apiacer,iticenewpattern RovcsrsibteDatell Ile+mpCarpet_ono yard, Largo size, $1,00; trial • size, 250, Bright's dismie was th t c ins) of (1%'h• t irvligestion, partial paralysis, St. Vitnh %%i.le, regal it vatae 2,e, on sale at - - .10 ,Just Arrived; A large- range of Alen's Shirts (Salem . Druggists or Poison & Go„ Kiugateu, dunes sail Ciao t'u:rctunlat ftilaaculs r..hai Out. Intarmeut was made in tho Wastfiold brand) for present wear, in all the latest colo. ings, , ulake the lives of so many wo:u;'n ata 253 Japan Matting fel' 203 1 Dr. Hamiltons Pills Cure Constipation cemetery. almost coustaut sourc:, of Luis r S ifd tucked and plain. Every Shirt guaranteed. Prices: y' One cern b'mvy Japau -Nlatti:ig, nese )attreu, one yard wide rogul.ar a Mr William D )bbs, a former raft,:lent . by, deab+rs in tuedicin••s, or sent post p F_ ! ! g t - - - ' ^ ^' from $1.00 to $1.25. IVROXETjar. , p, I puri tit y 0 cones a box or six box-, fur va.ue . )4, scs.0 price - 0 of Blambard township, diefl tit his horne [$2.50 b, •uldr,'asing Ovi Dr. Williams' , r z- CF �� � _ k of Bi John Black and family othe B. line in Golden Valle Muskoka, on Thnrs- ! Me,liciue Co,, BrocJiville, O:,t. 5Ov T a p3,3t y Stall GOODS STOPPED IN TRANSIT just to hand, cc,m Y, " �` " -� prising the following lints, which will be sold at priegs i of Turnberry was the guest of John day, April 17, aged S2 y ears. Ir. Dabbs a 27•iu;h Tapestry Stair• C.trp )t, uiUU p::ttarii and oo:ors, reg. 533, now ,40 Robertson on Sunday. left Blanshard, about 2i y � onboard of before in Iluron County. years aoo, U ! Thos. Appleby and family of the 10th moved to W.twauosh, au.l a fow years a:tMESTOWN. JOS Wool I it%?'�73i, for 75- Silk Underwear, in six colorings, worth $2.00a suit, sale price $1.00 ! of Turnberry were the guests of Mr. later again moved to Muskoka. Mrs, Rev. Air. Pest of I3:aevale conducted Knit Wool Undershirts, light weight " 1.00 " .50 ; All• :wool two-ply Carpet, elvAce pattern, 1 yd wile, reg 93.,, oil sale tit . 7,i Flaunelietto Shirts, - - ss ,25 .t .1c3 :and Airs. Thos. Appleby on Sunday. D,)bbs cliect about 13 years a r), but four; services in, Victoria Hall last Sunday Black Shirts, Colored Shirts, etc. " .45 = Messrs. 'Wm, and Geo. Kaake went to sons and six dau.-liters, Mrs. Geo. walling. Balbriggau Underwear, all sizes, two -thread, worth $1.25, for .80 Aiuskoka on Monday, where they have Bradley, of Blaushard; the family all i Mr. and Airs. ITall Of Ethel tinct Air. STEW .LACE CURTAINS Socks, 4 pairs for - - - - - - 2U ; secured situations at the carpenter live in, AIaslioka. Tito do ccaserl man and ;firs. Will. Johnston of Mortis were A fine rang(, of pitterm to uh:mse from, all siz •a, prices titrts: 25,, .JUST ONE MOMENT, PLEASE, HATS! HATS! HATS! Oommeneiug' trade• was a native of L:u3olushira, L'aoiaud: � viait:)rs at Geo. Ecknni-o's on Suudny. . � 33c, 50c, 75u, 11.00, l.k!i, :;:.00, ,52.25, $2.50, $3 00, t4:(0, : S.0:t, etc. Satnrdtty.we will offer for sale a large assortmens of Hats, in, Felt, Fedora Messrs. Wm. Rutherford and Jos. I Miss Mabel llenzies'lit Brassals was t and Christy Stiff, at about ouo-quarter off regular price. Cowan of this place and Will. Irwin of visiting Miss Mary Lina over Sunday. tsLUxSa .1 t . { Sea other people's Suits at $10,00; then see•oars at $7.00. Gerrie were in Brussels Tuesday on I Miss Auaia Scott of Moleswgrtn is CO.1112 ham business. Air. and Mrs. I. Crowston and famfl ' g , S., t h her sister, Mrs. lie Ea Y s?3uclin^ some ti£:re with Is""ARD The R. H. CROWDER O. g The Quarterly Board of the Metho- of Wingliam have Mover, to Blnovale i r and gra living in 0. Kia„'s cotta •e. Copeland Stokes, t' t o paid eProduce dist cllurell toot a. Salem on AIoucln m 'Vlr• Q•6$ll� Bank Q'�(�tilllitllll1�f16SY �lilit� c l i tY Dressy Young Alen's Headquarters. - Colin A. Campbell's old stand, y - Mr. L.)rua Ah•K)lvay of I3asri ton '� The members present were Messrs. McDermott and family of l3russ0s have r :.K= BUTTER AND EGGS• AS CASH. - ,- al:euG .,nada} under the parental roof. fes-=-i-ra;�`•; '�' �"'���,�'7 wag Hazelwood, Hall, Higgins, Gallagher, nlso taken up their residence here anti I ` Bolt Lucas Tremble Hemphill and pyin„ the y Goo. Conew and Jas. Cott have - gra ossa � 10 3lgnse recent, vaCat- Brethauer. After the usual business, ell by Alex. McEwen. It is plotisaut to + rpilassel ed new wheals from A. Cousl3y, U 61 Ll il WN bo.O. Hazelwood was ole^ted delegate see the population of tlt� ltoiglaaoriug l3rncsels. �'f ai �r3 ^ Airs. (Dr) AlcLzelvay and Atex. of I' Nil® to attend the. District meetiu- to be held towns flocking to Blaevale. It will soon+M • ; "° tit - Brussels tvgra visitors at Frau,. Wright's'. , � a y `THOu be lila clifri3alt t3 sec;ue a ha'nso Mara. last Monday. TO `�' �5�� ”' in W in„ham in the near future. q• . n Thos, Walker of the 3rd of Turuberry Miss Annie Swann, who spent the win- Daugal Strachau will leave shortly for has sold his farm to Peter McEwen at a ter in Fergus, returned home last week. If so, isn't it tiwe to cut the cord, and u=e tip to erste .� Orangeville %vllore ha tut(cs a position in, ! - %19' E N ®. good price. Mr. Walker had a paralytic We are sorry to learn that Me. John a ol,eese £aucl batter factory. He took Prepared !'sant, orated by modern mettiods, %wt,ietr is„ _ T M�, � stroke three years ago, but has manages, Duaeut Sr., is not improving in'health. , )ori standing anit�' in, his exams. at thetooDiary ' guaranteed to go farther, look better rind last longer• his farm n to rho ia$3ut, He has sold Mr. Harry McHartly left for Gorlerich g ) P P' School, Guelph, in this department. Wo than the old tine teat. and oil paint? c'o his stock and has the )rivelo a of re- last week where lis will spzn.l the soot-, \. Its old customers are lOOlatlo' 1 g wish him success. The old melhcds must go ... My a mer as usual. ,paining in the house for five years free � • Misses Maggio � � Peter Scott of Turuberry was the loser to me to bet Something good of rent. Mr. Walker has been a hard g o McLean and Minuio I of two fins colas last %;•eek. �f� �, t�• Hits THE working mail and a good citizen and is Higgins of Wingltaul visitod Mrs. J. READY e i � 6 � X E D PA f N in the -- BAARKET respected by all who ]snow him. Johnston .this %weals, FARM``jj��%%jj'' }��//�� ��11 -�•�- 'p Messrs. Alex. and Wm. Gibson are Miss Mable Snell spent a fow days fttund,ed for h -A week.) •� �lYJ. 11►l�tJ��1tl�L� erecting a wire fence on the north side this week with her aunt, Atrs. T. J. =i fe%v of one farmers have fillishen It you have not used PI1151[ T3I�A\ D " P..yI �'C, try of Church street. Joseph Barnard is I Watt of Windham. sending, it now. It is absolutely the best 11eady-1.iised Paint, doing the work. Mr. and Airs. Christopher Thornton of Mr. Innes has pur,•,hase3 a new pad- made. Every- Can guaranteed to give perfect east -faction line for them. I am pleased to tell them and everybody Mrs. John Bray, we aro glad to s:a y, Win -ham visited at Jolla Gardiuer's on, riling wagon. Ile thinks now he will Sunda draw a 1•otter trade. SAES � �a is tibia to be up and oceans, again, y' J E interested that I am stocking up with the very best this Edward Barnard is still working at Miss G xietha Coomb2s is visiting in, his house. when it is finished, he wisl Craubroak. Canada of ours can produce —and no other country can aett•a:ts ittt:t siceploss. I Mi,, Aliic M;.Kelvie spent Sunday --� -- have one of the best housos on Sander- There is just one cure and that is d.yy with her friend, Miss Lizzie E.;k- make, better. sou street. plenty of food for the bloni and nerves, The Weigh Scale Co. have their build- which is bast supplied lit Forros3ue, than mire, and Miss Mabel Weight was visit- t}ivt�nnranntultuvtntln ing about completed, which is m3de1 in, which uo bloo,i builder, uervo tonic, or in, Miss Elsie Straah:as. t. :.. Among the goods I purpose handling are included strength producer is better. Perrozone Air. and Mrs. G33. WheelerspmitStill- every respect. promotes healthy digestion, which re-, M tet, day with Rat 14l.. Swann in t,lu va e . xhP famous Mr. and Mrs. Wendt of Aiildma,y cal- sults ail improved nutrition. 7.'hn. bl•)od r � • led on their son, John, our popular jew- grows rich and red, farnishm stability t3 - �• , ` ' eller, on Friday, the entire system, and the store of nervy At a low estimate, this year's grain force and ener,;y inor3ases daily. A r il••= Noxon, of Ingersoll. neDavid Wfatters of Wingham was re- rebuilding of the C )astitntion, nate ' crop inKau:tab.t and tlt3 North Wast - hEll wiug acquaintances in the village on, spirits, health and strength, all shuts will be over 1,003,00) bushels greater € Sunday. from thb use of Forrozane. Thistitan last year's. marvelous renovator is sold by Druggists I ' J. Brethauer was in, Wiugham last ±.a s np for i50c. a box, s: hoxas for $2.50. By i t Tuesday on, business. avail from Polson & Co., Kingston, Oat. �s` tapS 0t � s ;U:t ; I>f x r If you drop in and see now ow ready, YOU - C. Reis has all the electric lights again Sold by A, L. H%luilsau. . in shape. He sustained quite a loss •nail d 6i•.•ar k s o. t`tte C0141.�i will, certainly be very favorably Impressed. If you see = LasativeBranat)•oaiiain©Tabletsonceacolliin y r from the effects of the recent storm. erre claw. Ko Oto e.no Puv. Pcioci 2`a canis. s ; GL1'N.i vN.\N. S them you will want them, and if you buy before. seeing David Henderson of Michigan is visit• _! tug his brother, Thos. Henderson. Report of S. S., No. 3, Turuberry, for w . them you will be very sorry, for I can tell .you they Thos. Sago is taking orders for several the month of April. Namos in order of Pare, th3 noted crock implicated in t' rile Na au•'o bau'r robber died in tiro � r ��• Fashlula Facts* P; The most stylishly dressed glen k this year, will be the wearers of ' s i Shored eddy Tailored e .are swell goods. good books. one of the nu111ber is "The moll . ' 1, y, ., u: - g Life of Rev. T. De Witt Talmage." 5111 class.-JohuTlattnl. pslntentiary at Kingston. on Satufday x�. �� P11erC 13 110 Clotibt about it. There is F Sr. 4th class.-B.assl3 AUkelt, Pt)tor of ga-agrone, throo clays baforo his re- * r , Then I handle the renowned Woodstock Wagons etc. ' S uo t; ay to Itiallc better gar..lellis tliali ' ' -Route bills printed on short notice Afuir, Chester Dunkin. j lens, which was dui T a;31:ay. allose l)1'OdticCtl by SI.OTey. Stylish, Cockshutt, Brantford, Plow Goods, Percival flow Goods, 'at the TmEs office. Jr. 4th class.-RoyRatborford, Bert II « :� x _ -�+ - sna. full of wear azul ecotloin *. of Elliott, Maggio DIatr, �i'ldie Daul.iu, t :.'. :c. p IFPS > � � B. Bell &Son's, _.__ ,_ _._ ,�,et:l St. George, Cutting Boxes, which are `� - `"'- "� ` Charlie Aitken. �i�i,�,li . . Sr. 8rd class. -Mary Aitken, Etta - Q The cleverest worknicir mil, e tllelil, ills best so well and favorably known in this vicinity. Scrofula Elliott, Mabel Elliott. C dirt ad sets thein. AlaterinlS lining, buttons, btatori- Fou r , Jr. 3rd class: --)y Elliott, H••arold - IIS have catarrh, wl•y ' waat is commonly inherited It not don't you try t0 et rid t•f holes—ever' detail right, ht Scaills are overcast and It would tale too much space to enumerate everything Hutton, walker Ratherford, Willie y - 1 y ` g r acrotula but the scrofulous disposition. Caseiltore. it? The first thin(; }oil will not ravel. Perfect fit is guara.titeed. T keep in stock. Suffice it to say that I purpose handling This is generally and ohlefty indicated by know it will go down into cutaneous eruptions; sometimes b pale- 2nd class.—James Aitiolal R)bbi0 And to ,,lake '011 perfectly of .— r ' " p y p � _„ . your lungs or stomas,) ant] j I) ,� s e liio.ie� i.aCl,, ll . nothing but the best goods I can get hold of, and would esteem ness, nervousness and general debility. Aitken, Ella Elliott, Andrew Wallace, �. your= serious o trouble.. !alio t The disease Afflicted Mrs. K. T, Snyder, Aggie Wallace. , Oil tValit it. It a favor to have the pleasure of showing customers and Union St., Troy, Ohlo, when she was � R • Th-,snod Use � q ens said o le sant, p � Sr. Pt. 2nd.--L..o B 11t, Ag,:ao Raithsr Tai:, cure is so easy 4nd s0 pleasant. ,Mends through ny stock, which will be found up-to-date tri eighteen years old, Manitesting itself by a fort,, 'Tillie Baird, Ethel Casomore, Yon 1)ut sone Cresolene in the vaper= c y 1 bunch in ber neck, which caused great pain. was lanced, and became a running sore. Willie Marshall, Helen Rutherford. � jz2r, light rile lata)!! beneath 4iid For safe by every 11118. Jr. Pt. gad. -Ada Elliott and G orgy t)rcathe-in the vapor while atteping,. It afflicted the daughter atries. J. 11%' Jones. Parker City, Ind., when 13 years old, Castimora. - (equal), Tuomas Wallace,`�nllace, that's ;:11. "I'hc healing, soothing t*aper, Iii Buggies, as usual, I have purchased three cat loa.Is and developed to rapidly that when she Annie Hutton, Wolter 1111*lte, Aiib31 goes all til through the m6sc, gtiict.ng tins 18 she had eleven running sores on her inflan• illation and restoring t11d parts tn'a. .from the best makers, and if you watt a buggy for $Go, or one n The tid about her cars. not n g Bator, itobbie ?Ciitlr, T3a11a E tdte. lleaJthy condition. Doctors tirestribc ir, so Sufferers word o be a ted by •, + professional treatment, 6tit, as triey �►011tn• ,'�' r. 1't I$t.•••�-G3,�r t3 Rnt113rfQld Iilmer p . F e rarrywfirrC!. i + �'., � r:rrs�lenn is s •13 by drnFs,st ;for,$ too, or one for any -other price, you will find it here. carafe sgay,ion went cam lt, b cured b Aitken, Maggie Aitlten, Alice D lukin. !a V.rpo-t`r.rn. aut8., in.l, d=u� t.:a�rapanz, sand i) 9 Y I.nm,, trbtch sit ni I list a 1tfe+•ttmo, awl a i.att a of %O.,rs �.. (+ _.N_ .. _ r /. - Jr. Pt. lit. -Willie Elliott, Vholuls Cr s�i•np.estnnl,t+, r:S : e rtis„pp1E,•s,fCec5o. ii od s i.larsa eeril6aj iz+toa,r�nessntSuares I,In<irsertr nNl.ec Fa,iti. _ ,_ - � . Ead1e, StaulOy B:11ter, Bertha Marshall. tn, •)hy re'nn tes•imnr•i is frrtnpn i Y• anent.. TAT✓ OLID S'T'AND CjjCj : . , rectei the scrOhllou9�dl�posittoittianti iAtl • Average attendance 91. Cat:sot+iv:� Ca., y o liulta t . t., hr.%� Vo, 1. t .�.,Y. , Near the market.. , . , To H. � • call ndpermanentlyi! h dl ...e 13. PnAuoov, Teacher. n'C3mni rttiti•lyaarx loll by+ 1, ..rti mtltati, CH149110 y a cures the sear , , lrag�lat, tt'ingltana. , ' ` ._••.'P ••W _.i«..a, .r...1.dr,iy�,,�.,w_"'. :_ �.- ..Y Iiil�il0 .,i _--I