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The Wingham Times, 1902-05-09, Page 4
. -I ..7-Jt,m4Rw,..F --a•—. , •,, , , , " •... d,"`l 1"r,- s.- 111B WING1tLlt TIM(MAI 1902, •....r`r.1.:LC;.. RA ��)U A i.l'1 Y ivOxirµs ANV S;ckWUL.M. of a Prohibition party and Also of one first prondse to support Nitta, as he ex- •#sos•�Offll+tift q� �rlwg4pil*# ftp sr�• � O ��sw#�titAll�tlt�w*«q�f�q�M1MMl(t#�##�#� �� NVO lzttve not heard anything about -opposed to prohibition, and was pretend - to lose n number of Conservative t`al, Matheson in this etiwpaigu, ins; trio ltupawsibla taste of serving LR•p votes by his signing the pledAe. This ater • ..:,n:� i �`�'" � --' Tributo to Hou. G, W. Ross, Premier {masters. was satisfactory to the Alliance and they • JOHN KE C R JAS, �� KERR Of Ontario: Mr. Ross is the ablest pa.• j 1•xr- Wnt. Diatlau„h, a veteran of tugra v; era in duty bnuitcl to support their � PEOPLES Q �y RE litical leader that ever handled a party." I than fort' years in the cause o£ .Liberal- candidate. Yours Truly, •o POPULAR 7To --Sir Charles Tupper, at the University, ism is Huron, said he was reudildecl by Trairr. tANcr, • ®lli6ffOff�if®spill! lD1p¢114ifllQGltDffftil@ffOfCa@s1'ftl9fA1�tt18:1eEt�i11w1iAG!lil4f�l14S�!!�!1!lSil9@�Oaff • of ;t`oroizta Uangaet, 1800, the oratory of their candidate Of that Wo have another coantnanieatiplr ori � • k u; it one guaranteed to old warhorse of West Huron, the late this matter, but the above covers the bti absO a guely In the two or three years of his .U.C. ■ ? p y perfect. , . Premiership,lion.Geo.W. Ross has • r I I Bu�,In J...s -actor - itt est cls s, and hq was asstireclur � _iufusecl itety energy into :til bratzclies o£ ameron, t4 4 tad ed tlieitl to grautzd ,fully..--i,d Ti�l•5.-�BUTY BRl 1 Prtz`+III$.� • . the Gaverumeut tract lois gone far in that Trader tlae teaciersltip o£ Itis sou,1 �, dl tai 1;: ' Mayor Cameron, victory would a,r in be ��•.. �• c •• advance of anything the Opposition teas achieved. cents "lles tIBF.i'v, Slil;S1T�'G. p g gg y e� Cfter brief address s bDr. Bicep of ventured to suggest in the -va of • 9$`FUINGES, Etc.. Etc. • pi'o"raSEiva legislation. y Alex, S The erstill will be i;etit tp stew sub• • i fact aatythiah y(cx want scribers ill! the 1st of Jaunary,, 1003 • • in Rubber Goods, t u have , Whilst Mr, Whitney is talking about ' West Wawauoslt, tllq meeting was cies- for 60o, • �•�"1 • Sir Jolla-UcDounid discovering New od by tho chairman, who said he was • /� R E 1,,,11 P E FOR MAKIN MONEY • it tit right prices, • ! Ontario, it is well to remember that surd that victory would ttgttiu perch • , hen the Tories thought they had upon the Liberal banner carried by their* ents Golio t wrestled that lair territory front t11is Present able Caudiclate, biaypr Cameron, 85 Cl4� hell Province, they began to parcel it out in. behalf of the Government of the Ifou, . ! Favor VOr L1a with • T c B r }p among the boys at �3 per s uaro toile, Geo, W. Ross, whose polio on temper- The TIMES and Weekly (,dobe to tlE, • your purchases for oae month. At the end of that t �'� �11�U�lJ� b 3 p � � attce and prohibition ho S a veteran subscribers till January 1st, 1003,. for SGc • Dir. Whit noy voted for the first p i time COMpare our prices and goods with, what you have been getting 'tir�v Sxni;E O1,1lt Bank of Hamilton pulp agreement made by the Ontario prohibitionist thoroughly approved. _ • elsewhere, and you will be so please. with the results that you will •• C:oyerumeut in 1808. The dues thou TO ADVERTISERS, w( -re only 20 cents per cord on pulp -VOICES OF THE PEOPLE, i s •.o.�.�..o._..... ,.._ ,_ _., ere. • l+atie0 of Ch'in,Eg!'s must be loft at this woad, The tato has since been doubled, Tile faleltIlc ot;i��iignstr� uii`escl d' ucf co r fund The Weekly to Fav ly Herald and a bt'.COI�e a eI'lilallent C;uStOTl7er �% • office not latex than Saturday noon. by the Govortlmeut, �� i ttir. Whitney rats, Nut dues lie always hula the att7llu January 1st, 1005, for 860. Two prem- GOLD SOAP—Pure Soap, 11 -oz bar for .05 PRINT SHIRTS—Re • The copy for changes must be loft now denounces any pulp concession as a views ns exprevt•tl by correspondents• ium pictures with the Star. • gular 50e Shirts for 3J • not later than Tuesday evening, steal. Ta the 9ditor of the m„ h inaat Tintes• a 5213 prizes (62,500.00) for Gold Soap sizes 14L, 1,5, 15s, 1G, u 81411 advertisements accepted up Papers scut an whore in Canada or • Wrappers. Z'ver • to noon Thursday of each geek. The annual meeting of the East Ruron Marnoch, May 7th, 1002, i y • pp '� y person gets a pt ize • „.__ _•_ M TM Liberal Association will be at Bras- Dear Sir.—The East 1Vtlwatzosh for atop nested States SUBSCRIBor E° Nabove OW. s° or a premium. OVERALLS—Brown Overalls, re8ular sizes, n well made, were $100, reduped to -, - .60 • �t eels next Tuesday afternoon, comment- r°sPoudeut to rho Win -ham Advance t ESTABLISHED i8i�. iuq at 1,Z'0 o'clock. Addresses will be said its follows last week: SIIOE BLACKING.— Regular 5c box of i Tim deii�orrid b Arch, Hislop, the Libelltl ulre Stoatc Markets. • Ea lish Shoe Blackie reduced to Al = BICYCLE PANTS at IIALF PRICE • . (; `� �+ Y p, A Brick an meeting h the es was • g g, , + • ill; fi , is a candidate; Dr. MacDonald, Deputy °f ljricic and(:nlviuchurches was held Toronto, lkXny O.—The receipts to -day O • One evening • R. R, sLI,IOTT, F'rncisurit nxn Paorltia Ina g last week t0 organize in the at the Western cattle yards were the as GOOD RICE --7 lbs, for - .25 MEN'S STRAW HATS - ,05 • Speaker of the Commons; Hou. R. Elan interests of Prohibition. Some whose largest this season, as all told the had 11S • _ _ _ _ FRIDAY, 1 —'-” • court Minister of Edueatiou aiicl others. political feolin^s -veto stronger than i I?;Z 4, 1+902• I their prahibitiou sentiment threw cold carloads of lice stock here, including • COOKING -I� IGS have advanced in price GIRLS' STRAW HATS T • � - - 05 The Liberal Government in Ontario I water ou the movement and talked the 2,050 cattle, 430 sheep and lambs, 1,000 w - _ was the first on the continent of Amer- I but we are sellingat this old rice per Ib .05 westing dead. They eff..etnally killed tits hogs, 136 valves, and a Eery milch sows. • price, , . • 'Ell �M ica to punish offenders against the pur• efYortand prevented Anything that would • 1'4 O,1tEN S COTTON HOSE fast blaek Z yo i i� Plie market for good to choice export • - , - , ity of elections bath within aucl without t tc'nci to draw a ietr rotes from the on© g P • C,'IiILI S:IYTCI+J in pint sealers, home made, 15 per pair, Q5 • sido in favor of it Prohibition candidate. auc butcher cattle -vas steady and un- Qt •. its own rt -Irks, and lass always led the , It was decided not to organize "until changed, but for the commoner stuff i way in legislation to secure a fair and after the elections." Wouldn't that make (of which there was a good quantity on • THIS WEEK'S ARRIVALS-- HEAVY APRON PRINT, with border, n ~^ honstexpression of public opinion at you smile? When professedly christiau 39 in wide re 15ethe olls. As au honest p p P rile market) trade was a trifle slow nud • T , g• view ] a P govorument it and tam Branae iso ]a do not standby «stet' Ie0 Wafers 3 flaVOrs.Liberal0"andifife l their temperance sentiments, people are Prices weaker, though scarcely quotably a ' 05 %'t1NCY 114USLIi�'S, - 06, .10, ,15 and .20 a r 9 Las no peer,—St. Diarys Argas. I justified in regarding theta as insincero. changed. • Potted Ilam, G oz tits - - '.Che Goderleh Star, of which Dir. Alit- 'Chey don't mean what they say, when The following are the quotations: � Potted Ham, 10 -oz tin - - l0 M Fiaetws, vote for Hou. G. W. Ross { ( they talk about prohibition being CATTLE. a + - • shell, the Conservative candidate iu supported—its Ross they mean— ROSB q Potted Tongue, G cz tin, 05 LADIES' VESTS, only ,05 • ` :cud the most urogremsive Government j pP Shippers, per owt......$ 5 00 $G 25 • c"autd':a Vita (rt r l.zta-vn by supporting(V' est Huron, is editor, has as yet not let, who has so deceived the temperance Do., li �ht........... , 4 60 4 "r6 A Potted Tongue, 10 oz tin - lU • the public into the secret as to how that People. Such is humanity." Butcher, choim do.... , 5 0o 5 G4 • LADIES' FANCY VESTS, - 10 to •30 a the under mentioned and all Liberals ® Herring in Tomato aiiace - - - ,10 ettndl•lAteS• gentloman is to play the double sbuffie 1st. It was nota union meeting of Butcher, ordinary to • act of prohibitionist and anti- rohibition. said churches, but a meeting to Organize good . . ......... . .... 4 00 4 50 • Smoked Roll, Breakfast Bacon and CLARKE'S Mile -End Brilliant CROCHET •' ;li. t r. CAMERON for Nest Tauten. ist at one and the same time, It would NO, 8 and 4 division of East Wawauosh, Butcher, inferior ...... $ 60 3 75 Long Clear Bacon. COTTON, regular ?c, now - 05 • `ARCE•I. IIIS€.OP for East Hnrou. Stockers . . . .......... 3 00 400 • �I, i . f;1;;LBAN fur South Haron, be ii.teresting reading and would cer. 2nd nlWeeldo not think any person's SHEEP AND LAAMS. tainly help the electors of that riding in P feelings were stronger than Choice ewes, per owt... 3 76 450 • I,. Ia. TRUA:C for South Bruce. their temperance until the h Yearlings, per esvt...... 5 00 5 fie 4 WANTED. --Two carloads of Potatoes, at once. Highest market �� JOHN BROWN for North Perth, the coming election. donee on, 14t P y egrd one of g t P tt the candidates in the coming eleotion get Spring lambs, per cwt: ; : J LO 00 •• • Star, lotus sea how it is don©.—Seaforth i rice old. Expositor, a great veal of unnecessary abuse from UnXI RS ANA OALVES. •• p also about 30 bushels of Gats wanted. TUE the 2.gcs makes one of the speakers of the evening. Cows, each............ 25 00 50 00 •"�hl6@gEsl�@6,@®®®! @c3®@temf�6z8®m�lOffAffSWOCQfglA4Qtt'i000 AOf@@@®®®•!!�+@®lOF�®t➢mOm®!o9 This week the 'i'tues makes its ap- Rov. D. R. Drummond, M. A., B, D. 3rd. They did kill the effort to draw Calves, each, • • , " , . , " " , 2 00 10 00; s ,lleartcuca in an enlarge d form and is f pastor of 1�tuox Church, St. Thomas, re- iioa5. • votes from a caudidato who has the roan- e► triezted tlu our new tens. DSantlas ago ferrel to the liquor question in his Choice hogs, per ow.t.. , G 50 7 00! • • I P' s hood to came out and suppo t Ills leader Light hogs, per cwt, .. , G 60 6 76 s• A C D C N A L D BL C u K - sermon Sunda night and declared that JOHN �� R • rico proprietor of this paper found that 11' Y without tacking any Side issues to his Heavy Bogs, per c-vt. , , 0 50 G 76 p 9 JAS. H. KEH R • the Tints was not large enough to supply � the legislative part of it was perhaps the , campaign for the purpose of gaining a Sows, per cwt .. , . , .... 3 50 400 J e W E A M � gleast few otes.e think the proper time to or- now r —� --�-- 000 2 00 spa,znerea `. 'r abstain, butt his was a the that should Stags...., " , .. , ...- V _ __, • c dto worlr to emand far advertising ena • weal.er Phan themselveQ, men sllonicl gaui4e Is in the fol! when wo want to K m6Ctm4l�t3i?©lratr�6A®�6@@®�sdatDed - _..._ Cosa so rG!@6042@@!®©@fall by ©rTotouto Type Fwhich. was an adryis rtaalnd I be voluntarily assumed. The advance �°' S .. f®!l3mfbc9�9tat2049@42l96�.t'i�@@- - y ` l r Co., of the est justified carry the Referendum. tvI1�6,IiAX MAR.IKET REPORTS 3 - - the oompany has, as Lar as we can now P 3 tified hopeful confidence 6th. It did make some smile. It ® r on ' Corrected eve Thursday afternoon sap fiIltid the order to the letter. Dir. that the worldwould yet be delivered .Q �r a"9 Y C C AN C SELL SO C r + would make a lotof the same political i by P. J. Carr, Flour and Feed Dierchaut. i Jos. $ttiea•1 had char of the installing • from the curse of the driak traffic. � �� � ®�' ® stripe as the Advance correspondent _P � Wiu ham May 8, 1002. EAP of thu now press. Mr, Smead is one -f.I Reeve John T. Currie of East Waw- !! smile to see Liberals help to organize ti g Y 11 the bast cess macliiuista tlu the staff of was one of tIic speakers at the or- 1 i Flour per loo lbs, ... , • .. , • 1 65 to 2 60-- -- -- _, . P i P elect a Tory-Temperauce candidate; Tliats a good name for the Toxortn Ty a Foundr Co. Ile is a , gauizatioli meetfn held b the Liberals Fall Wheat ..... . . ...... 0 72 to 0 72 ' p Y g Y mind Tor first, Spring Wheat............ 0 00 to 0 40 y g Y g Gth. We agree with apart of this, bu Scott's Emulsion. Children P g -= 3011 aOil fellow and done his -work well. (here on Wednesday evening of last week. � F Oats, ..................... 0 35 to 0 40 i i are like ouno' plants. Some Barley ................. 0 45 to 0 60 We hope to have our new electric motor Dir• Currie said he could not blame Dir. who aro wo going to look to far prohibi- 3' a l w f Peas ..................... 0 70 to 0 ,5 This question is often asked here, YOU in position itI a Eery dnvs and then we C.umeron for not signing the pledge as tion: To Whitney, who is apposed to it; will crrow in ordinary Soil. Turkeys, drawn.......... 0 00 to 0 10 � will have our office fully equipped, presented by the Temperance Alliance, 1 To Diitchetl, who supports Whitney Geese, t0 .......... 0 05 to 0 06 need not wort 110W we do so. YOU g" g P first and the Temperance Alliance so- Others need fertilizers. Ducks, y This than swill suable us to ave our He said he had been a temperance man per pair •,......... 0 40 to 0 (i0 Y readers an additiolud eight columns of all his life and wasa. candidate for nom- � pond, Or to Ross. who has promised to The nature of Some children Butter r do ,.. ........ 0 1G to 0 16 tale the benefit Of Our Close bu ins P Eggs per dol ............. 0 12 to 0 12 reading matter each week. The present ination at Dnngauuou, and had lie re- grout prohibltiou if the vote in the fall The them from thriving Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 00 y a proprietor has been connected with the ceived the nomination he could not have is large enough, and Cameron -who is a Hay per ton .............. 0 00 to10 00 and rather ask others why they Seil so TMES for over fourteen years—nears signed the pledge. He could not see { , on ordinary food SUCK Chil+ Potatoes, per bushel ...... 0 30 to 0 35 y � P g I strict follower of Ro.s We would say, , Ave ears as ro rietor--and during the how any part nominee could sign the Tallow per lb :.......... 0 05 to 0 06 hi h• See OUr large stocles of Y P P b y b support Ross and Cameron and by tieing dre11 grow right if treatedright. Lard , .. .. 0 i5 to 0 15 � � fottxteeli years lie has seen the '1'iSiEa pledge- He was perfectly satisfied with so we will be supporting the prohibition All they need is a little fer- Dried Apples per Ib....... 0 06 to 0 06 plow fruits an 8 -page; 5 column to the Mr. Cameron as a candidate and would party. Wool .. , ......... ....... 0 13 to 0 15 pW paper, with. the inside pages printed assist in. every -ray possible to secure the Now for a few facts as reported at tilizer--a little extra richnesS. Live Hogs, per cwt....... 6 50 to 6 50 ,. election of Mr. Cameron as the re g Y ! Chickens .......... ..... 0 30 to 0 40 All , hod, of in Toronto,. to -chat we now hare, an pres- that meeting b A. B. Carr, one of the Scotts Emulsion is the right _ v s *page, 7 column to the page paper, all entative for Nest Huron. Exeantive of the West Iiuron Temper- treatment,— ,,*f which is printed in the office in Wing- anise Alliance:— `haul. This enlarging of the paper and WEST HURON, 1st. They approached Mr, Cameron Fertilizers make thingsgrow i purchasing of new Machinery means ---- -- to get his views on the temperance ques- That's just What Scott's Elxlul- R SALEN 11ir. Cameron Holds an Eutl,uslastie A[eet- tion.His answer -vas that he was afol- tivat the Ttiics Il,as received at the handsFU`JVi- *f its luau patrons 'liberal and cousis- lag at vangautton. Sion does. It makes children Y p lower of Ron. G. W. Ross as far as he t tient encauraneinent and it menus that I Dangauuou, May 8.—(Special,)—A o a most enthusiastic meeting was held here -would go m temperance legislation, be grout in flesh, aro�v In strength, , ave are detrr:naned to keep in a front was -willing to follow, but -could not crrow rich blood grow in minCl A desirable Lot for a private residence lace in the procession. The '1TnIES to -night in the interests of the the Lib- t� b ' n centre of town.. Will be sold reaEon- P lir sign a pledge to keep his word. , ���®s tsub9ori tion list was never larger than ;eras candidate, Mayor Cameron of God- o'rOtV Ila That's what WC able. Apply to - (� , P e erich. Mr. C, Seager, barrister, God- 2nd, We approached ave Mitchell, a ppb. WALKER NZRO w it is at the present time. Our job print- He said he would first have to consult make it for. I -ng plant is fully. equipped with all the erich, made a strong address, contrast with the Conservative Executive. After n Q �j Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Send for free sample, j� U 1 Cosens rofgood r material for she tech of out Ing the record and pokey of the Liberal doing this lie said he waswilling to sign SCOTT F: riowNE, Toronto, c�.d-. �J of good printing unci this branch of our Government upon ilio temperance goes• the pledge of the Alliance if the soc and ,,.or all dnisests. lrasilit�aet ix fttt atti.y' iu0reasin„ as also is p S y would tion -villi that of the Conservative art trot advertising t•atruilagc. We beg P y' � LOAN AND INSURANCE 0 thank our friends --the pub, of which had declared itself against pro- - - - - AGENT. hig td slid surrounding country hibition and against the curtailment of --for their 'very generous patrouag° the liquor traflic,.as proposed and prac- the past alid Hope to doservo a can- tiled by the Ross Government. Hoac. T. J..itl.IAGUIR.E BUTTON CLOCK �ttnutuzea of the ea do itt the future. ThomWS Bcased the Conservatives in the present ACCOUNTANfi, REAL ESTA'£E, - - --- contest in West Huron of endeavoring THE CORNER DRDG STC E INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. SIN CHAM. to hoodwink and mislead from. their t°•ttgltittktisRTBBOI�'S ` O ES LS . CL �Il LINES ailegithnce Stlme of the tempexanl a Lib= Accounts stents and Notes Collected, Con- Silk Ribbons, all shades, 4 inches Wire Clothes Line, 100 feet lou ' qf. orals. veganeing cone. -vide, 18c a yard. for 330: g' Mayor Cameron, the Liberal Candi- OFFICE—over D, X. Gordon's store. Silk Ribbons, all shades, 4 inches 50 ft, Clothes Line for 180, ri~egal�triisior� `]['he �I��'�s Garden This insidto`us ere de.. � date. -chose appearance was greeted 1tESID1:NCE-Le000irlstrPet. wide, 20c a yard. Cotton Clothes Line 10e. fact usually causes UNDERWEAR as tt sL radiating lines t8 rp•. with great enthusiasm by the audience, Ladies' eats with short sleeves 160. p,�,r with different followed in a brilliant speech on the Nervous energy, the one thin r for 60. SHOE DRESSING ,_�dtaai,p ees of distractsir., P bg3`t g Cook to Conon hoot Compound , Gilt Edge SIItle Dressing for 200. It produces !rand. policy g i people,Ladies Vests fa , g general olio Of the Ross government. Ldepen n the majority of iso le Seeds 1ol00o adlee saftired d ualhLadies° sk ' cis trimmed, for 100 ,Boston Oil Shoe Dressing for De. atti4att acrd care ayes. lie explained the clauses of the pledge depends upon the proper nourish- WALL PAPER Quick Shine Shoo Dressing 100, i+s/,ert�a ex its in rem nnrdtu gist forCooit'tttotfoo Roof Com. American 6Va1! Pa itasritt4 "t 11thattsm. proposed to hien by the local Prohibi- men't of the braid and nervous sy s- �pa.a. Take no btyftee, as all mixtutes, pills and per, the latest CHINA, tion Alliance committee, and showed tem. Unfortunates artificial atria• itnittations are dangerous. Prion, No, i al pet patterns, don't buy until you China Cups and San cors for 100. Unfortunately Plsut Good 1? Fresh box, Nb. A, rO degrees stronger,$S perts$x. No, see our stock, p that while he could cheerfully have sub- ulnnts bre resorted to and the result , 16r 2, mailed on receipt of price and;trvo 8•< ant { China Plates for 100, Seed and Satisfactory stamps, The Cook CoinpauY windsos~; Ont, PAPH ERIES China Salad Bowls 130, s s # scribed to that part of it which corres- is invariably a reaction, producing Results are lar -Nos, l and R soldand recommended ar kll Vanoy Papeteries 24 sheets t in +l responsiblb Drugglats In CanadM. + paper GRANIT '"WAnn ponded to the pledge as drawn tip by I mental depression, (or blues) inabili- A,lstlted. and 24 onvelopes, in blue and Lbng handle 13astiug Spoon for 7a - t; S Xo. 2 and 2 Are sold in Winghtim by A. L. dream, at 200. the Dominion Alliance no true or honest ty to sleep, weakness, Headache, tin• Site have in ne>nitton Colin A Campbell* R, A. Douglass 3 pt. Seamless Granite Bowls for 400 Inari. eonld subscribe to thR clause which necessary, worry, and other well ands. E. f)nvis Drtigtlista, HOSIERY 140. 4 Stock a full line _ Ladies' good black Cotton Rolm 1 t. had been superadded by the local eoin. known symptoms of nervous disease. , q ranito lance fails for iso. of Gat'den for 100. Granite Wash Basin for 170. mattes, and which weul3 have Compel' What is most needed and sought Seeds, pure and Ladies black Clashmere Rose, ektrit Clrauite Tea Steepors for 230. led Zahn to vote to pat out the Ross Gov. by intelligent people is a nerve food Is etas to turn means quality, for 250. fresh. The y i CIttOCI,ERIES r erninont, from whorl alone the ptohibi- and tOniO colllblued, Such is iron less friction, Iess frit- BRUSHES l xtraa"ts,. all flavors, for GO. 11"ZporAsiabythe tiouisfy eould hone for my legislation. Ttln1C Pills. 256 a boat, five for $i, tion In a a n s 1 e ti ti Whitewash Brush for 130. Sihituon, 5 cans for 25c. and paekage, Scrubbing $rash for to, 13allin The Cowwvativ0 party had clealnred it• wear, 4esa lvettr ra us c Grand ow er 2 lbs fol• 250, bil it nppoihed to tarohibition, o o Bli h for 20 . Gran Mogul Tea at 250, 300 olid ne .. melon means leas expense Brooms far iso. 4os a its. self as whop ' to keep in Order. " and had til pitys, opposed the tempointice 1 'TINWARE Corn Starch at 00.1h lb. legitaltttion roli0sed iced enacted at the Por sale by 17 qt. ilisli pian for 350, lb• package of Ammonia fol, 50, instance of the Liboral party. fir. Mit- As Lit H A M I LTO N.1 Separator 10 qt. Milk Pslt fez 100. W GANNETT 0 qt. Milk Paii for 150. JEWELRY •Ohell, his opponent, had, however, gwal• h tt� n +� �uu n +` s i0 qt, lVlillz fail for Ila. Stick Pins for 1W D�Y AiM ! ' "`""-= ""_ n INCHAM f 14 t .Bilk Pail for 17c. Stick l�inn for 5o, lowed the -vTiale pledgw, unci wi1#1 now , Also Sewing Machines, and all kinds Ot I q . poig a8 the ttsnctidatts at the aailx8 limo „ .. petal imisiemerttb. I Steel h" Ladies Gold Plate Range $90. _. . _ , xn 1" Rings for 500. �. g ons for ria011. .