HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-09, Page 3I
, " .1. . I ,qqw. ; ;, . ", . —
� . I A � . 7� , . I
. , THE WINGRAN TDIE.S, MAY 9, 1, 0 02, - 11"
I . - 111 I I I , , - , - . 11 � 1. I . I . � .1 . , , I . I
-___-_---_1 I ; � I I-, 1. ` .�_� ': I .1. ' : .;' - " I I - . � _'., ,,, I . 1. 11 . - 11 - I
An old, ftukl well-Unowo resident of CANADIAN PACQN . Vtot Sugar. An FUtrAordinary I I �N , . .
E xetor died, last week, in the person of Tb(A Alwrlo;m lvet suivar faotoric,s cu", I I A '01,44'OUS FISUIES., "'
RobW Spoitoer, aged 70 yours and 4 Every or.n i-3 familifir wl0l, th% Ili%. NATURE SMILING. havin- __ I I
I , finhilr'd 1,116;� calap-lign, tW I ' I I
moJIT1,4. He, was anlost exellipliary and tory of' the wouderful dovolopiwmt of W Sugar 'Trade Jouraii give -i tho follow. Droinore, 04t., AuS, 181;4 THEY ABE NOT ALL. CONFINED 'To . ,, ", , , I
-t bacilt. trad I , " 1 �,
upright man ill till bit, don i thc, csp�n HILE THOUSANDS SUFFERO big table of rf�,ull,�, for tiv.i,iioason, Jil THE 6EA6 THAT ARE C-AI.TY, r , ; . I .
� . Ilugs, high 11 ,..) lo'Canado, (lug, V1 I MaoLeoillModichie Oil.,
jrlg l,bQ Inat ton or tvnnlve Years. In Godvrl(:Ii, Unt. ,- ..
the opte.om, of till his acquaintances awl 189() out- t!xP:)vt of bacon, lard,"Aianw, - , tow� of 0,240 1 L-., i, : ; I 11m now getting to be an old mov. .__ ."', 4 . , , � � . -
deep in. the affeOliqu of Ilia flitlilly alid, r,-Jll,*, ete., aino"I ' states . '33., :A t 9. Sugar. clesooncoyo.irsoffigo. Iwasttsaffvr
� itted, to 1wis tharl fi,� I Y.ho Alligator Var 1,4 Ono FrevIt Wn- . , I , ,
-30 it I! d rij'�ll to. . .� ,I-!,- 'ir . -ears . P '
friends, lie waslicenso cominissionor 000,1109 lb',; in 18 It PAINE S CELERY N �iv Yo , ... ... .,i ... 42,, ) k 4.019' or for 11111i, 3 front what 1 could im. ler R;1VrIV,4 Irbitt 14, Irt-ni I
for wauy years and. 'be nborui, 106,00,0A IV,,, The Province of, " i Wl,--e:%,.11a ... � .. ...... ............... 5.000 2, 5 9 0 deseribo unit did licit midt:rstaild" aud I sollt!4�A Nrstm-latlts :mt?ol�'Ll,tlivt,L"l�ll,".",",Ot - , .
� discharged t J: I
Ontorlo litu lit -on, 1.1w chlof oxporLor, 1 25,000 3, 12f) $lit.. Joijough Me doc t ors I consr1tell faillVil 1.414100118, at 5110ilgwl. Lal;e� I
4uties illip Ice Willi but th�t tinin ll.vj o:;mI, wlv�n )va may ; , .. ... ... ... , � .. g
COMPOUND, O!""', S r fl. .
ertaillill" to tile Or ! Vl'higz ., ., ... ... ... ... �.,12,082 .J!J,(,9:,1 llot�ollooftheln 111:1,1,j t Illy a Im ul - I
Q, (in , .1 ! �
. � -- �4q()7 2,155 1 wits that wonk for thrme, years I cO1.X:d So f.,11, as ally (1.111gol, from tbo gul-40 � ,
entlro mthiftiction. o". et to mo a ollange in thib� res*p�!ct. The �Grea,t S,prIng Hoaltb GlVel� �; Xhtne-v)t-t ... ... ... , .I ". I
I N d rwilm ... ... ... ... ...... t'2.()40 �
- lw�"!l of Quelne, N.,w 13rugirnvick,Novi. M,;i%os Siek People, Well, IJ,669 noz H4 it pail of water off taa ff ).-r wur, is concernes'l, fresil water A;,b!11g 11w," . I .�
, .
. _��� � __ ,Sootia, ou,l Priaca i�,award I-iland is - Cc,lurado ... ...... ... ... .. %SD42 10,077 Ipaldforit. DtiLl'iligt)lol,i,;��fol-,r,N(-..ii-.,i - Are la, See our '� � .
� � —
�, - admirably adapted to dairying, a . I,Xth, .q ... ... ... "'. * ... ... It 7�20 32,711 my skiii turned blue, the ii bla,�Jf I war, .. , :,,vays been loolv.,d upou as .about as .1 r
�-A R p vp 4ranch of farming which 1-3 rapidly 17lion sprtog comes with its gv1A!ojo..r-,-,�ial ... ... ... ... ... ... I 22,5 ,I) 0 1 1 ,I) -'V) obliged to covtr Illy hands ill t iii pri s. ft".as Ally slwrt In Owl world, And tile �
fl . i ""
ox1vivIlag, from Montreal eastward, .9howerit, its baltuy air, its bright sun" ! 1V,;,..hlllgi,,;n ... ... ... ... ... 8,,0 1:57 wco of ktraugi.r� nco I lit rr( . 'kh. watee i'_qll litis gonie 01) rocol-11 as I
. , . _� ",
I sh . Lo find bursting buds, it too often I e,olif.ornia, ... . ... 1 fl, I , 211:4 Uao fily f $16, V 8 and $1,24 1'.
w3 well u;3 Oatarlo. The dairy dis- tilt .. ... .., 'tk(l uso of ' nly ll!ac-',� hartnJoss and glqui-esistant. But illere .
� . - 84,'.3 fo;)o, 7 �' J be�I; Nvay I could, beca i I , I
ASSURU I E tricts, lyroduc.) the. olal,:i of hog, ft'011a brings to our homes scenes of suffering f Ill,. footovy ,a .N�cw 1q,.x coo did not ,QkIn. I could not gt�t aijytl.,ilig to &.l nit. . . A
' , �
. actory good, I Spent, and wits wlljug, to sp-114 I *.�
whiell -the, finvist, Wiltshir.) bac-m is filid P117siOnI dectlY, I Wolh. duril't, 1:11H ."ea -all. Tirt f, tire Instances now and then when tilt, . .
de, ane in thv.%) (119trIoLs hogi ar,i The Eeeds of discaso which were iiii, I ill Puldn' III', di%10ntI'_-4 11-i mal;lng trioro hundreds of fli�llars in trimtinow lls,j turim tbe tables, The Inliabitnuts 6U ITINGS, .1 I
,e will- � 1.
I put oil iho, nvirket ab a,i low, a co,,jt pore, .ptlbly gorniiiiatiug during the Of il,V9,117 from L',�.'-ts, Irivir, Inon ro- 1111,1 doctors, inedicillo, w1wil 1 6 j" i of Orccu!a coulfly, ).1,101., Wilt) live In .
11 wi, p '�untl a -z in anyseotion of, Qa.n;ld1l. ter luoutlis, have developed wid planted modelefl. to reproduci plueo,1, .,it I t lie tl)fttAltx. McDogal I was curkl-I('Ii',; Me livIgliborbood. of I'ako George flu -
? Vviloral, dalryll'-', an.j hog grolving iu.tllO SYStell, (141loors that now demand b��4�1 i grown for it this .s.,ason wer�j not belJOTO that 110 coulil be curcd—I la!anfl Water about three 1111les J�il�. Befor _
SECURITY, m ., " " i M o, b u y i u g olse. '.i
,,bould go together, a.,4 noltbor will our instant care and attention. ' Neglect workL-d up oI-v.Iwh,.kr-i, principally by [bought sure I could gnt sown go,xl ajly� pro "llillost sulwritIllously afrold of 11 ,
__ reach it:.I 'high.'Nst paylAg conJition I and procrastination will Only (10013011 ex- th,-, factory in Vre:mwnl, Ohio, No way front -what cured him. I lq,,t a bot ciq-1all, 1181, tbat Inbabits 111lit lrll:o� N wliere, Also a spccial �
I skirr, and !sting perils and lead to doatit. � O L
without, th,3 otlivr. TIri B'a sugar was manufactur,,il in Indixna, tie of.your Sytsteln Renovator fro -m hill), In . .
. Genuine ,1ecLiqII,i of olltalio prctIttal Before the advent of spring, yoa must na'the foctory projat-,d by owt knows wliat r.ort of fish it Is, a lit' 'lin ot PANTRUS, Every- !.
I No I I. I I,,- I- r. ' I . thl Con- it nutdo tile (Inito Fick, but I continneii i e
it I)... I ter cl;wi' of hog tivir� ,th3 earn havo noted symptoms, perhaps of rheu- tury sug" V Co, wag Y,(;t collip], Iflou. locally Is (livk1ed as to whether .
VtO(L but t-Wilgit, Igot rincilhor andperselve I 01),
I " L% T bell, �f NV,!,q;-.Irr4 Ontnrlo, or ill othor Y diat conip-iny ill it ov , 'd I thing, you want ia the ".
r , niatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, kidue Lilt-, lic-at'i growr, for I It b., a giant muskellunge or a stur-
on if it ilill siel;oll lni�i, ,,:31(l lh(� i KP 0
IRI _F wcr&s. the ,WctiOct of Oahirio v,bich disease, liver complaint, functional were worked at tit., fnetory irk Bfilton resuit was when I Ivul. takon four buttleo gecin-
, zt--"' 10 irregularties or nervous disordors.
I ry , I,
I I C a., .:*1 t 0 * more nc!irly ro!-ainblvs Quebvo and 0 I 11arbar, Afichig,in, and ,,,,)(,,,.I,)- parties had ,low and then, Tailoring iftio can be ,
� th� out -turn I was strong cirtou,ph to work. Then my 0 '
If you bavia experienced pilins in the ervillited to ilm latior state, Th,� to- hands was in pt.rts wbito and in rol)ortv - I
Maritime llrovirxol in Clign-it.) -and , , d seelli- a vel'y large Jbill with.
;,!I: ii,rk,dttot% produces thct best joints, muscles or limbs, 11100ratilIg Pailis till production 61 ,ziwror by Amorican parts ,'Ire. I was f a--snea I beii out being ,ible to strike, It, but no OnV had and sati,sfactio-u ..
wii of bacon. 'Lit scmi_�, xcsr&iots in face or head, stonincli, dearrailge, bell; sugar factor!-!" Clllr'nf� th':t I)re- it Would OUTO 1110. It ") . 1'0 -ave credtqJoe to t1w lah's 11111:11 ollo I
i L 1"t t I e Ll' V e Ir P 1 I 1. ss. '-'r I too. -,:i rr ..
the., --o provinces ar-a batter ,wll.ed than inents, bilo, dislike of food, pains in back vi,,-,,- campaign Of 1f;N-1991 was 76,- worth bevoro I wa,4 cl.I,mv aw"I Nsilite ass I -,,),,-,It g wateed.
,evo,al I.rosa,. 11 uo r
Oautrio for thn d,?vcilopineat of thig and lions, swelling of hands or feet, fro- 85D t orw. The in-ro!si t4k) sealson before. I havo Folne ec,lor 1,0.,,�-, . . .r. 0. ivilt,ll 11 I)afty ..10 4 1
Must Bear GiSnOt' CLUO Of ir.du,At ry. Land 1s; 'generally oli.i:,p_ quent urinatbig, with highly colo cd is Illy I of k;pOrtsillell froill Chleago lvelit oil tilt, �
i . (Ili.- 10170-11,v to tile, normal conditions blood inust havo 1141dergollo it gr -it i 11"he speal-Ing Iu ellarge of till Olt] resi. � 7 ;,
(.,I,, p-z-Auroge stivir, an(I roOL'i and urine, loss of energy, torpid liver, voinit- of wvathe-r which finally pmvail�,d in change it) turn Illy skin wbito in. th-tt R, 1,11OXWELL '
" �11,911Y raig?d. lilt I am quite well evcr ,ixico I stop. 1! I
other cror-14 . ,or impure blocid-noy of these are California aftor thre � Yvar-i of drouth. tifee. that ullowd Arinstrong. - 4 4� . I .10 I
Ir, ordi!r tlx-i.t we ni-ty mialu the., Warnings of disease, There aro six lww factories contract- ped,eativelland NNoik bal,flev(Irydoy, ! Armstrong wits ill(.- oiily one that re. 111GII Alm TAILOR, 1�
� .
I /�"� �,"_,_���' market that Ivi-A btxm ,sccurad int En-'- Takewarning sufferers! Delay not ed for, to be built in th<N United States .1 Nvould have givell thousands of dollars ! turned to tell the 'AOIT. He Said tilt' � . . I �. �
I- , - -S , - "" . .
. land, caly nuiform good.; of higlimt another clay; hesitation and indecision tile coming season (1802'43)_ and now for the reinedy tbat would have recover- I Varty wits spearing In shallow water -L��;.___�.� 1. _. - ,
# Be* Fac-Simlle Wrapper Below. qL-ility, that will wh-.al.' tc-jt:�d (it th,i oil yourpart may forever seal your hite. I well under w-ly, of NvIllelt four al%, in ed uiy natural color again. I �ive the when they Saw All enollinous fish t1lat. -1 G1,-,,ZTJ r-, JIM[% I I
.1 � . - �, , .. - . . ._,_ l3rlli�;h ularkvi, grad.� wiLli th% lx.,st If iou have already wade offortq to ban- 1 Michigan and two ill C,vioraklo. Four praiso to your Renovator for ii 3, cure i .c., Y a � r�'�
I very OMAII nmil Vs easy Iriih and Danish baa -.n, mud b� turn- 11311 your troubles by the use of other factorivis -are ba,ing built in OnLarij, all -) soulhIed ,Ili overgrown pk-livrf-l. Two if I were on, nd you Nvera I, ,
to tak-o Z's 5.0ga-_ . ed out. TO, turn Out thl-3 CI -M, Of Medicines and the treatment of phy, I yway. JorrN W�`I-$O'-'�, I Of the Cblongo inun Nvero stnutlIng Ili I Xurama, - A I
� : AfaeLqod's Romorlies, cstal�l;-Ii(d in ; �.
� . grod-,i p I , , ---.-. 188% art, tho oiA3 I - ineflicluoi in 1. Om af I , - 'In(] .,It fil'st suppe!oed the tish You'd be allowed the crust of pioe ,
F05,11 MADIMIZ.. .arfloillar attention mu.41; ba sicians, and these have failed, Nvo couu- - I I tile bON% , ,
, givOlt to thti,-iort of pig grown, and sel yon to put your full trust in that � ';. � to be a log. Then oue saw his 1111-�tako ; I Mamma, I I ,
: CAR111118'�, Fa,fi '61,lyumisi. . Digestion Wltllottt iL Stolu, whioll liRvo sold on their alorits witb,u Ar.d nugltr, too. And if high- I .
To liever-failitig disatiso banisher, Paine's ach. , , " ,
th- nx,tiv�rl of fcoding, the, .tinm,.-. fldvorrj�hur. Address Mac -Low .ucdi, I and struck. withall li�. ndgpit. The 11,;h You lihed to. play, or kit5% to, SP7 - I
1 I-FT4 ,,,� FF8 F" SILIDUSHESM lirc-4uw, th�! highest grade of WiLl- ColeryCompond, Itsusoforawetilc or The fact that poollo live and digest el I - IT it dart that Illade the boat jullip � fly. - �i
I . . ,,, 0 lie Co., 004ul:101, Out, ,a I'd like th,�m, or at lew3t, I'd try; ,_
, JIV ,, R IM11 T091PID LIVFT4,. ,31iiro. %Iil,�s, ill- packers rocirive, it two will conviucti you that you. havo food after the stonincii has bee), leilloyed i ,I-, though a Foam engone Nvvre oulliti-I .
- . -ovos th, " 0 A,* I IcAsons should ba by-and-by. ":
0 lej.q, d�ovp, .!5111001.11 J)ig, vcq�o-,�slng a truly commkinced a new existence; it p, at the intilorta it ParD of fflges- . It. If tile mail had let go of the spear,
1� . I . I'm. sare You wl�u' In't ever- cry :
: pg. L 5. FOR C6N8T-'PXr1Q;1- li-lit litad awl .shoulder3, awl civen will assurodly give you the health you tiontilkespliwain fl,loilite,trilles. 11��,I�e - 0 I "
I . FOR SALMIJ HUI. 1, SUGAR I'M= JiMPRI1131EN'T.S. I all would have been well, I -t lie lit"W If I were 'you, and. you woro 1, . .
.. 11 11 I'll ack. not too broad, but well cover -ad need for the enjoyinent of true life. Mr, it was that Dr. ChasiI.'s lCidnov Liver isli gave a In!;;hty full to . . �
. I '. FOn THE MPLEXION wit.l. firm flesh, r. -t tot; at the R.aml A. Dahmault, St. Ilyaclutho, Quo., Pills wits WOII(10111111�1 successful in our. � Th- 0 Aaria Departra-3ni; c;r Agricul- 1 oil, alid tile I : , Xagnm:,�, I .
.. - . ,
V-.?= Mu Little ]I.,- mil.st not bo a "razor back." writes ni follows; ing chronic digphtioll and dyspepsia. ture, ba% arrail-Qd for sugar-lo,vA ex- 1 right angles Nyttli the bont. The Illall I t I . .
211-ii`6 I Iptirely vea.=111TS"�11MI:V=11M� ,;I E you were, I ard I woro you, 1
Collis �,� � The ,sides fro -in ham to back of ,dioul- "I desire to Fay, that had it nob been They not direcoy oil tile kianers, live,, ix-riments thi.s'Wqncn at .1�1.. Cath- : still held to tbQ `11)Var, with the 1-0 lit I .
-1 __,1,.__..r1',_"'�-,_-,W ' der mtv,tt be, long and dcap,. the under- for Paine's Celt,,ry Compound I would a a i es 1, 1 e Ice y, ari:.-.i, Brus.i.-Is and Markh i I Xammli, . I � 4 .
I CURE SICK HEADACHE. line,,Araight and fre3 train flabbincis, not be living to -day. Five years ago I active and SO lusnro per. got.1,Aian-i aro ill prG&re,ia ..%Ill. N,.-- I that tile boat eap-slvvd, aild tile men I'd as); you -what you wished tot do, .. t. � .
� � . lit rogar�l ! round theniscives .sintniing in inud and Xamma, � �, .. - ,
� _� " I ran -c- I water up to thell. wtil.sts. I . �
n't""in , ia�in" 'I, "' i , 1",
1�m feet di -es Vigorous, it I(' ,
N tho hitin sm3oth and tarxiring, with was takell sick, kind suffered fr . 0 tie, an(I p,ompi; removal of to, vxrzIrlinnit,3 :tt Ilr,nfrow, O� a I . .
imol h On 1.11-3 dys epsittandeatarrh, Forthroc years Poisonous NY - Azad if your game was not quite tlirtt I
-- ---' - - - - - - --- --- tho. groate,st. , ilit Of ties p nsto ivat,(r. vlil�� nwl Guelph, but not yet 0.-Jini7 i ,rhe light went citit whvii tilt, boat ill)- i W ll,rl .
11 � it I, .d-tIm:1 otala,l - lad'.eJ iO4 "
I ont,side. The pig should b.,i licall.11y, Iwaamiabloto work, and woalld Ics,c, ty ,ettted. The exp.,rimcnts thii year J t till(], tliv night. being ilark and I 1,1`11cl- "' I . .
4 V � I SV I I ..
4 igorou.-3 ax.1 it goo -1 feeder, waighing consciousness several tinies it (lay. which aro in s-ime oas-ts carill..'A olit - I .
4 Mn -1
Constinat: * whoi. rewly for mavkat from 1.75 to tired of life, and could realiza that deat Ill Tile IaNt �vor(l% (If oreat ,me - 1 ( 2, .
JV * � n. al. pAnt,3 from which I -W tippli,, ,loudy. not olle or tilt, p.irty 11MI .-Illy I CO JoL y��n wall. E;lal.l, �I:ly a f4 ,,,,X :
( 201 ll,,.i. It is Vr.orally conc,adcll that was my only deliverer frqiii sufferaig. At Uor.3 weru n;cclved too 1��(,J -site(] Ill Ntcv ticy-4 I'd-ive y(;u, bvlgllt;��n--
. 1..�t 1 Won of the (111-vetloll to bo pul .41 iiely, , ,
York-illlrv,s A-krodiloa tit � greatest pro- thattimoo e of :- I A .n'z 1, - lvwi.-int, toc, I
I Ooes your head ache ? Pain u my friorlds urged me to Oa the ,,jubj,,ct of Ceell Rhodes' last year. will be und;�r the .supervisicit ; reaching shore. The shallow water oc. I I hin` Y011%rill:
I ? Bad ro,)i Lici, of pig,3! of this typa, -wilh thii -use Paine's Celery Compound, its ,ill I word -s -,SD littlu dom�, ,so much to do- of Prof. ltuh.�rt Ilarcoart, cheini,st at 1 cuples a ]argv part Of tile lake, and It ycil Won) I and I vt,t,ro yen, . . :1
� Aw th -I Minn. I
J bacl� of your eyes TariNvurtivi t&xt. X .ick, fat, other w.edioiqes had failad. .After the Loridolf "Truth" says: "Alr. Rhofts' the Agricultural Uall:t-3. About 30 ! lll(�y co-lij wantler lit :itiy direction 71
', taste in your mouth? It's Anivi loan or lard' breeils arn not want- use of six bottles I am as well as overbo- I wa,s not given to li"gh-flown talk, fa,=rs ,111 raise Lx.,ers at each point. i witi!or, twing able to tell whvilivi- or -Car:11n.v MvCorm�ic'.,, In tilt% Dr��w� I
I e 'or ,0-1 b:k fed fore in my life, and call do a full day's I I ,suspect the story of 111.,i and This is Ili-, third tsuccossiv� Yl�lr Pf I not jbi,y vi-cri� w.,ni-Ing t0wre. Arm- -.�r, Mir.p.,r's Ma,gazir.i Z�)r April. ., z I
your liver I Ayer's Pills ar ed by p!t"!- -"- Pigs slict 'lisL words' .
good -whulc,scime ir.d carAnIly soloat- work. Bly friends say iny curelsEl. iti-ar-b-vot vxperiniaras in Oatari.,. I ,,troll,, mald nl'wrw:11-1I I%at 1101111111" . .
liverpills, They cure consti- va Viod - ,skltntn.�.d -milk, pot-ato.-!;, miracle, as I wits surely ocinilemue,cl to is it fiction. �'Fyclnvy $mith observed Tl' � .
. IEI rosults li.)retofora havo b,?nn , ' .
1 "s noss or tile (Ixptl- ",
root,i, greon food, barlay, p,!as,,ct(,, in (lie. I thank you for your wonderal I te that it seemad a r.ccessity that every very satisfactory, and an effort 1, i vo,uld equal tile awf"ll. I
patioll, heada�he, dyspepsia. 't prup,.�rly balar,cLd ration, -Aviihotit giving inedicine. 'I i - I diStiL91111shad man should (lie 'with 11 1 I'li.,114.1, dint ff"llowvd. They Illadc thell. 01,01dren Ory 1b, ? �
: . li,n�. niado to, asvrt.ain how ,.rnn-
� 25c. All druggists. any unflue*stuffing. If thei Enrninvs erally th.c.,soil is arl.�.ptvd ter this ; way In ("no dlr(�(-Iloll aftor rilloill(.11 aild # St,7:4 :
I Azn, 0"1--i M,, '
I 1111, Lot int.0114 rol �,';wrV3 tllse3i.� colidi- lKettli it Going. %orne �Wr_oro-a; and quotabl:.- saying in root. - i wandered romid aild round, gollig half IC. Te F1
bg�ntororur motistitche or boaril a b...Utill I I
In ,ell blitelt? Thon itse tiens. they hIrl. bel,Lar loavo tho blasi- his inoutli.1 Mr. Vitt was 6u.ppostd to ------.. ___ � wny to their kut-es In ulud nt every , I
By 11 for the ne.,s nl,�nt�, its othorwis-c-, Lh,Iy nrn only Chninicey X. Dopow. have ,expired exclalmirg 'llow do I I %tep. I 0 .
BUCKINGHAM'S L Whiskers rvI--,rdin-1 tile effort!; of otil-Ir Cana- Shakespearedied at fifty, and I am, leave my ocuntry!l It was afte d
, r,war 11 , To IlInkc, illaltert; Worse a COW, i An Adver'llring 11o'nter .
600TS. OFORUWIST3, ORR. P. 14ALL & CO.f NASHUA, N.H. ' Tri o Economy 1,040 R090134,10; st". v, (1rIZZI:*,!, ralli Ill'g,111 to fall.
i I dilln-, Avila, are striving, to illac-I our sixty-eight, with the conscionsuesi ol cstablisl�ed an cjnelui:1v3 *.videnca I blit , 'I J,
bacor. (In tli,.� maykol; in. till high-:I,it hN real last wonli woro, 'I fancy I I 'I'livy woro sooll nuin!) to 0c, Illarrow. A tn:�rolltint ,wha lind twn !-Acres ill .
I - pn,,%-_4lbI,, c!)'-ndit.ion in conip,.IL1tion NvUh firiner health, faller powers and keener I could cat on,- of 13:tilaniy's meat pies., Iona, I vi I -.1s, ti-i.Id itt- exp� r:mdnt. Ile �
. o C with, sbm�, bo- I ntit. it bar-nin, c.nin�tn- in each 5tore .
tit('. ITi.h. an4 Danish prGdLUCL�i. ilk. good , enjoyment of life that ever before. I be- Mr. Fox wa,s credit I Homom I Thon ()Ile or tijt� sportsitivii (Iroppea i I -
I I , I
deal of IIIG.lcy has Inell lost (Inrin-gl, the lievothatSbakespearadietl tit fifty be- coiniu�,, Observation about lyublio ,if- Jout.a Nvo.-tl, and 111) one Avvilt to Ills i ii-II.Laining- .tile �.�uu,- ardel.s at cir,act. �
hist. year on hogs, the English limt-k-ot ' fairii, wh, I w"i .
. G., 5.1 . cause lie retircid. from business.' I -Io had creas liis lti.-;t wc,rds ool.W y0d Ill 11 . hi'll. 1.111h, by 1:14,lil Iliv thi've Ill -It re- I ly tho -, ima privas. In ill �. now�puper
. � ell regnllltcd homes in city aud.
not ju-41ifying pricv,i paid ill Canada. � It request fnr barley NN"Iter. 1-ir Robert I 111,1111lod Ivere st-panilvd. ArinstroUg i of one Vill 1w, cidvorti,_,od his.-peel.;tl � ,
g j for, a ctonionstrated for the glory of the human I.,c,cl wo I I
For in,;Uinw�wo h,iv.-. had pi . stated to hay.a. died after ELL � country tbero are many avenues open for "'Irs Ili% hllmAdl, bevitn'to uneonsclum, � or, -.ntcr. I*lp;�
. I ,s . Elio practice of economy, but none so .. I 11 aepap,ir of th.1 ot,bor vil- .4
. . wholt! year ran. -Ing 'in price frain intellect that Inlyraid minds' could be ejaculation about ill(- bl,2sqing,i of . . Mier n thiie, mid renivnilwi-, noth. I 1:ec liv did m,l: advartlyi an:!, ,solif
. , simple and satisl'actory u6 tile i ' 11 I
� 51.5t; LD $7.50. Sue"N ,it .conditioly! of- housed lit one brain, and then retired to cheap broad. In reality he awoke for I ." l I
.. - - -- � tiffairs wns riever lwfor,3 k . Diamond Dyes Ili rent! wing for Nmill MO , big ill -it 11:11mollvd vil"ll he wns roti.wil g .v&... amounLin, to $'Itll.
� nown Ili tile a few minutes, after so-veral hours of ; " .r. .., lie villap
I I , Stratford to live at ease. I have observ- I -osses, q -s ,es 1 bv feeling sol!tl ,n-ound binivoll) IlLi �tr " tl,- s =3 Xu:)ntIl in the villa .e
.. a� and faded di . hirts, bloust. , erl, . ,`- ,ry Ji, dI:1 niiv-3rtiu.t lie 9 AJ gonds I
0 . I. ro (7 v. Tilt, farm^.r.3, h 170$ hownVer, sleep, ,said, 'God bless you a�l,' and � r; �i I re,vt timi tincling titnt tbe w; I " -1- '
i I (I I ricoh,p(l tli.-.i banefit, and the packing Od that health, and longevity ,,ire intlis- died. Lord Beacon,32,,Id wjs J,chets. ribbous, shawl.z, ysi' i�;' tit. lit:[,, Was
- ' . , irx.:,.,..ting to $1,724, In c,-;ntmt,ntir.q
I roportool . f-,ntliers. The husitand's or boy's snit llglft. Shallow 111:11) It had Ile( Ili,
comi�uilv!:; have ,-uffi�rc.l, i.argrely bu- soltiblyoonnected with work. Work to have exoIninl2il, ,.- .
i I �ny li-.�wd in the � , -, " i (%, th_', re.-�ult; of his tnqx,rinl�mt. JIIAI, ,
onws,: they Jima boon climbing over furnishes the ozone for the likugs, the I Gazette?' with hi:J ht�t broath, -w h,?. r e 1 now Of color and appaloutly , kvpt On and I'ttll III)o.1 the shol-P. I lit'll i m...rcb1.rlL Pays:- "Poolvl:i Ivilo, got ,
I call be dye(l n. ric-h and fast 6la!
i or,v anoth,Ic to ,-at pigrs �rrcc;pccti I helmod.' I oil liands lind k.nvv" Ili, Crawlvd to !
� , We etite and the diggesticat-which sapport I fas lie muttered, 'I loci overv.- blue or dark seal brown, practicall., -.1... I , iho vilvert-1---nn.ni, woul.ol pnss by one �
; of co7t, doing .no ciAling, and taking app I calill) and "'.1ve ill(. alarm. S(nirch Nvai 1 of my �Aores and driv,.� ten mil,a,� to .
I . 7 I ing new and ,ktylish garinents. I -
I I 1-tral.o.-jirabla brewls, just as quickly as vigorons life; the occupation which . I at onve, luntlp for his cullipallion", .11111 I 1.11.,.. (Ahir for NA -hat Or -Y could hav,�- �
I they would f. lit lr.st.. This keeps the brain active and expansive. For O -r Sixty Years. The Diantiontl Dyi s are tho easiest to . .
it " U.'
I. I
,� I M,
. et Lheir dcor," I
-y upwards retires, An Old and Woll-Tiied Remody-Birs Illeul. No fttilllres Or disappoilitultnt,& I I
- itself jn� cour,ve When a man from fift use; a child call dye etievessfully with : their bodle.,; wert, reeuvt-vil. Binvo tit t ill,., t-m-ic- prlc-:� at my .store.
of the discascs that afflict sort of thin- will right time ttv big J!"ll with :1 $(.411. oil 11 I
I bumanity are caused by the of tini�,, but r�Dt btIfor�, the packing as he says, for rest, his intellectual Winslow's Soothin,,Syrim lins been nsed wbCIl tllo I
; -�. -� . , the very Eilnple directioLls ure back has twict, oi- thrict, hi -vii ,ven by I
1101, ,vs lo�, a lot of nionly. l for over sixty ypars bywilliouscif mothms follo� ed. , spear -Mg parties, but tbey bave Igissod All English writer eahulatea 1hat �..
117. W. IlODS02"Te � powers, become turbid, his circulation V
accumulation of impurities in for their efiffilroll. �vlihtei t,,�ethimr, -with Thousands of ladles .ire now maning . I y Av.icrictius.ireluresti!,-aiiftjii,iip.I sum I
. Live stual-Commi%siom'r. sluggish, his stomach a burden and Iiis perfect sucee,,s. It soothes the child, up pretty Mots and Rups front Diaitiond it) cre Is One Stivoles of tl,:,I,i Ill
the blood. coffin his home. Bismarck, at seventy- softens the glillis, allays all paiii, oures Dyo Alat. aud Rug Pattzma. Th I tilt' ;o! $43),000,000 in Europe, mo.kily in �
. The. patterns south that Is ft'arvi.1 Only little I-'; Eaglisb ia�curitlos.
6 . ,Illy wind colic, and is th(; best remedy for ate f avorit.f,s all ctver Oil na (let. "Lli(etsof
five, ruling Germany; Thiers, at e,*g I
IThe ,greatest of all blood FAUL 1PA1318' .WRYTYAL . Gladstone, at eighty-two, a power in diarrhma. It is pleasant to the taste. designs showinN the various sizes made I thall Its salt water coil tellipurn ry tile I
(Taranto Glol>a.) . i Sold by druggists in every part of the may be obtsio'cd from Tho Wells & I slitirk. This Is tile alligator gar. It _____...__.______________V.
purifiers is . Great Britain; Simon Camerou, atiworld. Twolity-five conts a bottle. Its Richardson Co., Lind wil, 20 Imullil I ;till I 9"ONYS to enormous gize and lim, a b:Il - I
Al- important ,step for the roorgant- ninety, taking his first outing abroad value is incalculable. 13,3 sure you ask ,St., Montreal, p. Q. SQild yourtiOcIrcss. I hard and bolly and llitiell broader than , To p-ove to you th-&b Dr- - 4
, vitticii and rejuvenation of the fall and enjoying all the fatigues as well as for Mrs NVinslow's Soothing Syrup, and tile bill of tilt- couillioll gar of norillern q-rl Chue's Ointnamt is a ew!;�4t. -
fai;%S Ions jmit bnn unclortaken by the , piles - anti absoluto cure for each I
BURDOCK BLOOD BITTTEHS. take no other kind. I and every form or ite:i'n,-, -�
appoi.r.tinent of .51r. G. C. Creniman to the delights of a London season, illns- i TO 1_XS11JWr CIIHAII 113CILS waters. One wilt) got's out upoll tilt, 14111> blecillngand prouluiling: 1,ille.3.
tilt! ll-,I'W P3.SitI0n of SuperinLondent of tratedtherecuperatiTe powers of hard lak0s Of 1,011IShIlla and Ark'1112141-8 Will the me,nufacturers have guarantood It. See tas.
Agricultural societica. I - Mr. work. Such men as these never cease Revenue r,rom Cori) ora ti a ns. Mr. Areli. Smith, Suix,riLtendont of see them juiupliig and splashing like tinionials in the dalir press ard m -k ytiurreig".
It cleanscs the systcM from bars whatthey think of It, Youef,nuscitand
CrL,oliiiun already 01-3 the pcisition of year [lie Strathroy Dairy School, aLd 1?1'0f. enoril,ous trout. '!Ileh' usual fO0d Coll- get your nionev back if not eurc(l. (Ino a bw�, tit ..
Suporil:.:iendont cf Farmom'fns�titutesq, to exercise to the fall extent of their During the past tile following J. W. Ilart. Superintendant of tI-0 sists of fish, and they not only ninhe all dealers or ED3tA.NS0N,I3ATZS & Co,Toronto,
� 0 1
,the crown of the head to the amounts were collected by the Pro. Kir,gqtton Dairy School, hava be�in ap- onilless troublo for thost, who go fish- DrXhasels Ointment "
; whore ho has dorm, admirable service, abilities, their f acuities in their chosen I
soles of the feet.' and of Scor8l:ary of the Fruit Glro,%ver,? lines. vince: - F.-Inted for Lbe l"OspCotivo. section.; .
As,suciation, to )vhich lie -was appolat- . we-I,t and ,Last of Toronto to ilisp.-tt. Ing 11-Ith 1111111lows. but have boon
ed �a '-few, month,% ago, , Ona object I Insurance companies ........ $94,067.03 andin ,it simila kno-tvil to round till and tear to pivees ... .= ____ - ______.___
:7 th cronmarie,z, - -
I If you are troubled with held it, view in making tha selticLion Curious 171tets. i Banks ........... ........... 43 40.82 ' " - -tions bass which tile sportsimin has booked. .
. jwr give export instrut, ii,i n ti: I ,
spepsla, wMeh -was made in common with The number of persons born blindlTrnst companies ............... 4310.00 ter inaking. This work Wis be2n 1.13albing Ili the lakes ls considered dall- I - �
. I I I
i Boils, Pimples, Dy ui ur,gvnt request of the Canadian average 60 in every million. 1 Loau companies ................ 26,7020.8r) r.��-i-dvxcaken. -with a view to giving gerous. i I - I E
� ,.
1 In'digestion, Coi�stipation, Ariscciation of Fairs was to unito in - 2-t) ot; Wlder in-itruction of a -,-viiabla oliar- A negro was sitting In file stei'll of n I i�
: In 1871 there were 1,208 'busses in 'Railway companies ............ 33 �1
. `�onlc* ... 2a,-=3 th-3 work of the lnstitu� : Street railway comp4uies ...... acter, and by keaping it clo�sor touch boat oil n lake near floleni, Ark., Ivt-
1; Biliousness, Headaches, te.-3 and the fairs, and, to devolGp the London. There are now 3,200. .7:1 lol*.23 oil ',I limited number of ch,-(Is�.- file- t1ug his foo " I M
t hang over the stern, when
I Scrofula, Eczema or any trouble ll'tte' alo'n.1v eilucational. linc,-3 rather - S,,ing cotton and pocket knives are. Express comptinies .............. 4,400.00 � torio!i it is hoiy�d to f arm 11 gar grabbed lilin by one log. The "I I I " . L��
than in cireli-s fcaturi�s, its has been 0 . Sleeping car companies ........... 878.54 1 s=2, reliable conclusions for presen ,
. . the only British -made goods that now -3 .
I incy of IoLc years. I _ . c� I inan hung to the boat until rv,sened. Oplulons of Lexiiing rik:�.ilclans.
51.10.311 tatici,i tit the, Dairy conventions n2)
arising from disordered tha Lcmd, . Gas and electric light companies 7 i . I
Under tho pro%ent law. the Govern- hold their own in Brazil. . 11. t t r. An imparLant conference of I but his log was horribly gashed ']'hit I I hm-t- u,vii, W. 'I'. 8trong's 11.w Rotakly in
n Telegraph companies ............ 1:242 24; wit ek i
i Stomach, Liver, Bowels or inl-L ulvus- annually sc.ni� 476,000 i Itisacurious factthat a negrohas � d; IT-,' inStrUCtOrS from all over Can- fish have been kilown to attil in Illet- .1ly i)t,,t,�ti,,.,,L,,Nvillimo.st�4titl,-Incto.,%* re'u"s", d
t;$1 to the agricultural societies. Telephone companies ...... .... (;,312.50 L ada, will tak� placa tit. OitlMft, at the manner negrovs 'wbo went swinuning .on c, c r , ly leconlillolift it,
Blood 1"an been known to tame an elephant � instvnce of the Dominion Department in the .Nilssissippi below Now Orle-Ill.-I Price'*100. Fors'lloby-drug -ts,- �
Blood, give .Burdock They wera originally formed, th. act never .N-. til D
I or Iv n':II �'
. so y s, to, hold mectinigs, for tha discus- or any wild animal. Total .................. V238,113.93 � of Agriloulture, or. April 29th and 30th One spring tile writer wits visiting a ol it rett .Ipt (it prIeV. - gi, . .
Bitters a trial. We guarantee Refunds ............... :, 007.104�nd May lit. I . W. rL� bTRO.NGi Manufacturing Chcm W, ' ,
; sian: of agricultural subjects, to offer Of people with all average fortune of � rice Plantation on the "lower coast" or Lotdon* .
V I it to cure or molley refunded. prizer, for essays on agricultural and : L I I _�tnrio. I I.,
t ,, ere are 160,000 in i the NlIssissippi when all Old littgross . .
horticultural ,subjects, to conduct _ -025,000 or over th . . $237,500.83 came walling to tile house and stild her — L — . . �. L. I . . �'_ I
parillionts in 013 growing cf crops,lind Britain, about 700 of whom are million- ': Each of theso institutions was able to AUTUAL "T()1.1-111 AN08, .
to hold annual fair,,j. In practice the : tive-yonr-old boy was dead. Ile had .1
aires. pay, and the provincial treasury got Mor.etary Times: A jud- Of tile been playing at tile ed -e of a bayou ' I
; guient
. . fir,%t t -.v6 objetts have b,en a irried out a ,L valid-
% Varintm-.' ltt�titutcs, tile third . I
The new cable wbich has been laid $287,506-83 in 1001 to assist lit paving Court , 1, affirming th and was lying on the b`nk estending I
by the I pp" . a
I by the Experimental Union at Guelph, across the Atlantic weighs 650 pounds to I grants to schools, farmers' institutes, ity of OtfIc�_.L,Ord',A Day Act of Ur.tarlo, his arms Into the water wh Womeds .'
1 ,9W 1 and the. Inat named by th.3 agrieul- the mile. This is the bi-est of all the I libaries, asylums, hospitals, etc. Th;s will, if sr-itairled. by th,o privy Council, came with a rush and, grabAng the I .
. atn, have it far,roaching effect. It -%Vill I
i Lural ,societies. itioney bad to be raised from some source prevent trolley linos from running youtigster by the arm, pulled ilin Into !
. B D AIr. CreelmarA, ,said yesterday that cables. ,4
I URN his fiript duty would bal tho propara� Switzerland's stanip designs are open or the grants to the objects named above car,s oil Sunday, unl"s in cases whero; the water. A yonu- uegi-o wit i it shot- � .�,Iolments,
I MIL 10 ,!air, .f'l, model se, 61 rul",, regula- reduced. th,oi� charter endows them with� the gun was standing "near wate Ang for ! - _7 - ...
i tocompetiti-An. For two new postage exceptional privileges; excursion riecibirds. lRe ran to the bank Tile I . _� � 1. Women are eoiin�
. ing to, undevattrid
I tionts ,and prize, lists for the guidance stamps there have been sent in 490 de- And still there are some people who pteanlers on. the lakes wouldl -not be fish found it had undertaken a 'bIg I " ,
IHEART of fail fairs qperating under tile agri- think the corporations should be exempt able tostart on( Sunday, evell if they ger I I � that the, 11 6k I
, I cillLure, and arti act. 11c, willalso ar- Signs. . from taxation. could complete on, that day a voyage task than it eould well maname, and it I , " I . IRftilAebes, Tire
. AND' rarge; the. f alr,% in circuits. .so that, ex mice and its neiihborhood hold the I � begun on Saturday, ice eream and wild struggle was In progresso between 1 . __ I . .11 I I . Feelings uEl W"
I . pert judgets can, go from ons, f�o the garand the dying child. Tbenegro I - . , ..., .
anotbe lictliday-traffic. The average ter could be got. ox.ly by the a . Spells from M `
. �r to 'judge the live stock, and, record for soda -wa �.
E __ � , tfiey aufi�r �iu*
ERV 'PILL Illewdre of 011iftnents lor Catarrik tlint compallatively rich. There is sure to shot the fish, but the child died before . 1,6
where poasible, give their reasons in is 2,800,000 arrivals in the tourso of a . Confikin Allereury. be. tir. appeal to the 'Privy Council, It could be talien from the water. . __ to wrong mition
I Foil each on,,3,a. Th -3 recent short course yoftr� ,
� th k'd'L tr. '
whose. decisiov it would be useless to I e im -Y&
... 1 for Judgea at Guelph will provida good as mercury will surely destroy the Atierapt toL foresee. The quostior.� is 11 L L -1 _P0J.4N%, I
I Forty years ago Japan had only coast- 1�. d I . � no W
men for this work, and aii appiopria- sense of smell and completely de'kange .; I .11,
I tion ot.$2,00o wa,s plissed by tbell�egis_ ing vessels. Now it lifts several steam- thd whole system when entering it cm, ori which the, pilbl to is divided. into Tho Right of Defense. .. I
. . two I. KIII11"'dLy'Of
; LL oramps,, one of which desire to re, Tn the course of a trial an Engllsh ate the- Ost relik'ble vtmeAy f6i any . . . . .
lature to IlA,sist. 'Tilt scol �f 9 lialtre,
I .11 P,:to o th�_ ship companies, the largest of wilich thron It the mucous surfaces. Buell vive aett enforce, in it large "Me. judge Is reported to baVe said: "The I �
i fairs w 611 1* enlarged, iso as tot include Owns 88 vessels. articles shorild never be used except oil the Jewish Sabbath , the other 'holds . of kidney complaint. They dtive ,, ,'
mally of the educational foat�rea so prescriptions from reputable physicians, that Jesus, made. it niniv% dispon laws of God wid man both give the '
I satian. � thin.4 anill aellea, niftkd lVellien healthy
.A .
popular at the j-,rovincial Winter , In trial by jury in 00111011Y It Vote Of as the damage they Will do is ton told when 11.3 plucked toarv,of corn. on the part,* aJ3 opportunity to make his de- i ry bid to tiftJoy life to the full � � �,
i Theie pillit ourt, ii,11 dNitteil ind 'die, V air. There: will be demonstrati on's tight to four 1A neciessary for the convic. to the good You call possibly dcviv8 from Sabbath, and gove to Ill,% 1)isciples to, fellge, if he bits anyi I remember to Ilk , rnoft It. clillosplet M Brititio $ "
oull lit apple grading and packing; drier - at. John N.A., my. e �
stdore arising, frolin weak heart, worh a. , �%ad 'tion of the prisoner. �1 six to al, vote them- Hall's C1141TIl Core, inanu eat, qnJ said that the, SAllath - was have heard It observed by A Very learn- I , in iM. t�,
merves of watery blood, sueh,ai Palpit po,ultiry will probably be, added to the f Flotutdaby V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, maide, -for man, not fov the Sabbath. ed man upoh istith an occaltilon that I ,. I Q s6vibro likbq ttovl�i � ,
*0ftj Skip goats, Throb prize li'sts; grains in tho straw S01111 blIbAUS acqttittal. O., contains no meroury, and, i I I doctoro.d' wit turAllor "; �%
bingo Sinotherhago be �Sbojvn; exper,,gita I Ili ilits dividedatatt, of religious ,opiri, bVen Ood lilmself dld not pass isell- ..
,,Ito, gt.
bitzhiess, Weak or Fiflit Spells Aglittim all, ,)lots . - � I taken internally, acting directly -it - i pkysielaris Ili a , , . b%b .
I , poll ion, the eft,se, is eminclitlyi one !Of tobed tipoh AdAm beford be Wits tailtid ftlilof. 'ff"ring � I
Neirvoulness. S10I)Iestitt0s, ilrain rag' wilt be 9tOWA' Gh I'llt gtOund$ ', Ath"I the blowl ,%lid mucotia surfaces of the tile . . . I .
5 " - , exerelso of matual tolorai.te. 11 �
"' ,. I
I V, I I
Fn : I
, I
I I "
I S "
M S :A�
� I
9f The Standard. Oil Company in twelve systtga., In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure I L I
4kiiiersil Debility, and Latok of'Vitality, children, will bi�encoxtiloged tot exhibit - I.. � . . � I Upoil tci Make hIs defense. %dkm i ' r
Tmy,orti 6 trus litatt toillo, ilerve food wild f l,)NA-cr.-;, f ruits And gra,ss", wbile years has distribitted $315,600,000 ill be sure you got the gennine. adys God, 'whord iitt thou? 11st8t thou WUI,a. 106t .Atoti - to ' - I . I
indr'S'Litntl Woffit it is .
*ad b1o6d onddher, buildliog up iind I the Far kil '9 Institutes dividends. Mt.gdokfolleea Allaire ill r taken, intArllallYi, tifid made ill Toledo ' lid- ' &Told __ . - I
, lectureA 6n 1.o After 28 year a' service Nvith the publio #41tell of thip tree *horoof I comMa J �tikhm lu� �,*- . I
IF4*9*1ni all sho *6ra out iki&d whattla. will cc�qpovat._ anci liarritsh Ohio, by V. J. Cheney tS-, Co. Test of 'Tojonto, Inspectot od J,hee thikt thoU ilhouldlest not eittv '� tultrak v
stesuds of thO body tild r4rjt6Plb#'P6t&dt agrienitural topio�% 'and givei dMon- teii years heis been $100,000,000. King monWs free. school board I Xitthq , . ,
health. PrIeW 50s. 6 boto Of I fof $1.95, stratimis ift (1011104tic science ,and but- Solbihoh's !nine$ Wore poor pr6l)erttet Sold bT D1199"StS. price 156, par bot �, MeA to solid ln And tho lathe question fto put to Zve t60034 I ,
tle. James t. Ittighes has & - I . .
Let-makitig. ; . , oompoked with the m6aoft ol Al"14 , '. ...... _ .__ ..--. _... _.... . 11 I :, � -
46 1114 1008*11111A. I il bosifiess. Hall's Family Pills Are the boat, his fesigntition. .. , I 1; �
. I
, , "
. I L .- ! .1 � I. 11 - .
I _11"1FrWW__111T1W_133%PWqWW%,W1 T�
TV , .T,_7qrr_15TW - __ "J"W-I.WW"�--,--,WMITW.4w,-T�"-Pr-70rtm — I I -"
MrW—.--T__,, , - --n,-r,F-,— 11 . I . 11,101111111111111111pl!pslpll—,,Tw"p,T -TTM,�M