HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-09, Page 2•'7'— ;; k.. '; BVI GI[ ll' TIMES, DI Y 0, 002. - r", t, TPF4 - _. iii VARLWIllill It;P;,'. t`` t,: _ ' r.. ,STAJ3La131iEI2 1172. the ,itipp ri of this cl:ctors (•, Oi.tarin Whltut,y would lt•Lve .lAt "tbl land tio'n;i which h:Lve takcu plata in. the U�C11 ��� i'�+' } Xa LJTT'LE MART RIVER.. '" P. i F 't t7r: t+h:,'ply :it ls-tr:. Vrnril w Mess. c:t tit, ,3tualcd paplstr" to work Out p;ist two Years the Covorunient ,car- ( p� ( i � ff� j1�' a �. , , , y ., , + " , ,'- tied s^v: n, five 0t theset by acolatn(t- IiAI'TLST �'iIIUR4iI SabUa#lt s :rS:ICes tet T���{. if 11:��A o Tar Nat iu tho k]lacd of battle., Tt INQUA 11 I l t!.la .•x,!1 Ili,; r l,L.,(,.1:s 5.t' ih.Ll 1'.ttttay a it,, cert, s.tit,atit;Ix. \� Melt t<a 1,, d _+ 11 aIn aild 7 } 11,, Sunda Solloolat Not is the ratlge, of ;trite. i hv,rt i., it ] o) ox tunit for ballot k y IS PUBLISHED, I'llai.L.I[yl"C.PrlitaxinwltANUp1tortlllroll',`I]tt^t Ir: liutli,an'1 tLs the rliilWuyE m- ` 1-v:s tl:' e'tr,fid.uos at all O:ttaric 1 opportunity 2.30 p ni. General prayor meeting Not In the.11=' et':a, rattly t -_ . I, .. tv 1: t:: •: 1" -.-um.. : h; ,ri-1,. of i el recorder: I t Was sold 113 i r:tuffln� \\ lltln no polltn�, takes 11taCc, on WedlleSdAy Oveniugs. ROY, , , J, Pat- EVERY I= Ri DAY M QRN I I G1 That lnuiglc,s life Walk heath. ., 1. - DE k sell I builtlin tho roads an nwir own r1-- eidtin tithes that no wan could serve two but the failure of J;Ir. Whitney tO put terson,B•A•,pastor. W.J.Chapuial1, S,S, -AT-- t ' ell =� a, .I" !` s u > c, ndidat^., sllatvs: tllo it weak Superintendent. The Times OfTlee, Beaver Bloelt Not lit the vletor'a ,story, ' t _: _ �:.. . t,'p'!I,,iblllty tlloy lime b�tn given tutlstors; but Mr. JaLmes Mitchell, of r Mr"rilOPISTC;ivttou-•Subba.thservices Not In the fight%A ricstilt, ' 1>:.I•lic• girl. The Ii.liny River �":ell: y, �Yust Harori, is. gofu to shoal hoW it itc.:s of his party, WINGFFAM, ONTARIO.. : '' :l'I1i7C 11Li':t;:N C.1;a31'.l i( N. g ! at 11 a Irl and 7 p ilk. Sundaty School at Not for hero onxpti. glory " ; fat• esampl,.>, with lt-i pitrr,golri, s#Ivc'r. can be done, IIs pledges hinlsolf to the 0.1 the other hand, the elector is 2.30 p m, Epworth Loague overt' I%Tor,- Ua rte, thl•, day exult, ,' .A.I.LC;�•a,itfl C'I1t11uSiCstio ell-.i.'tiSlf; was, irer., , ,. ...., i 1I nprealt'd to try It -Marty, ar,d aleader,. ctayovOIllug. General prayerineotitl(•,"� Tilt.tsOy'SUilsau}x"�tO�T—,g1,1J lernntnttnln lien, •.111 f:u:n l;Lx,tla, mnsv ll.t,, it:i lohibitiunists to support uohibit ort II 1 �. , 1 r* , p, p I j \ hu^\ e 1 dcfiu'tc declaration of on Wednesday evenings, Rev. Richard advance, $1.50ifnot sola;id. No paper discon Bat Woatiw far fro0i our borders, ' lltdl.l41; Alt;,luvu oil l.ues,l:ty t -a,x n, 01 I C' r,•-,ai.^n Aorthorn an,# its fort Ar- a tie Ile is (:loeted to the Lo;tslntnt't\, tLittl l 1 ( r i - tinucti till gill ttrl.eara 111-0 palet, except littile Down o'er the burning lint`, ,hilt -weak. ill tha itlt,irust of Dir. M. Q. i tll::: : r„1 tau tI ai t\ a •�t " " Mi- =c ,. int f �'o tl a Ca tservative i policy i,3 :t doiair:El to be Plococl in Hobbs, pastor, Dr, leveler, S, S, Sup option of theintbhslter' Canadian lads teal;; their Orders ' lu 1 R 1 y .111 also pl.. tpeb h sal G I i k erintellClellt. , C LuLeratl, t11'3 L!Wral 0WI—ll'late for! .t • ,:. , .t N •' • , „ •- convention , , ,' • , .. I V) -w" — to W given office; by a 1LE ` YTE LAN CII RdII--Babb t 1 Ser- AnVEnTISING RA41ns. Legal nisd other And lvCureEl out their liVe;, lake Witte, chip -c. .t, x, tit ,tx let, with its tit cel 1. t tout <lttlOu f1a111 whom lie received Ed hxa i P SB R �7 a l ea9n81 advertisements Sc pt.t Nettparic.11iut, for '�' 04t 111'roa. Jti:llt :3'ill6.4a t of Full- fill i rcl, and, ca v3: r mince its "r. -at nomination to stand` b Mr, Whitney, leader and Lt party wha have oppos- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday first iu ertion, Be per line for eaten subsequent ..,Ott W %a 0,111ad. to tlla chair, t c"')laia- � , ,. I l . � , • " .. n. u y ed advancod legLJ.lati(an 111 the peo- Sohool at 2:30 p m,, Goneral prayer �AQvcitisemeut9 in local r charged rust cff the ,sea, just ntustorcI, ,a11 , h7l,ltt.al forests, au its ftltlla tat- who „ columns ° g Raw and ulius3(l a}x(i untl'tecl (I a 111iaa O., .,.t of the o lu+* 1-i• toes - , ple',s interests, tetra h1Ya opposed rho meeting on Wecluesday oveluugs.: Rev, loots. pot Linc for first Insertion,, anct5cents aI an t :3• i i 1,t' , littit neve- its jk1g.lma Q,nttal. ; 1 -„ l.et the thoughtful, iutellig'drnt Glee- develo mint of out% new country, who D. Porno, pastor and.S. , aupeluxton- 1)et line eilcltsttbsequentinse7tlon. They lay ox^th: vt<lt quite unfiustoret)t 4A were t,l�tn lit' Messrs. D. DEt C:tl4 1 Para t:I and the olh^r'citie, an 1 to\t•n:s p y Advertisements of Last, Found, Strayed Determined to ,stay till they died,. y E lr -tud • th;t mann in the light, ht, of I dent. :. t•(sdtl and ('il:irl:t9 $,.-ager O;I b"lull€ 0€ liat'C n a aspirations tion$ to advance, ailtl ST. PAUL'S CIiURCII', ErlsCopA —fab- first is for t3un or to tints or similar 11.00 for t 6 j 1-f Old O aCario tui ., alsa L� giten \villa n. ")^al to 1}13 clector;I upon no bath services at 11 a n1 and 7 p m. Suu- first month and 50 cents for each sul,sequ0nt Tlterc tell about \veto {ho 1lOI semen, tt,c lt;lt`t:',ts of th pruvinc'. On pi month, Mr. C•leYteroh, 1u1.1 all able tu1r1 inspntt- cl.: sstr can t c•tton tt nthh th 1 groat heal ",• da• School at 2:30 General y Ca,T}Lnaa RnTEs-ThOfollowit7gtabt0ahoa9 Tilt; tireli,is B-xir Cor_Gaur, t Ing speech was then, given 11 bfr. I.lte cna li'tntl h3 is app'9I to 1]t' great policy, but oil little trifling,side y per• Prtt a1- y I^n3 rp:ning L,p in I o north, an,1 a nma.L t with a ivannif- mooting on Wednesdaj evening. Rov, our rates for the insertion of adv0rtiscu7ents Bold ttn of yore. were the Norsemen+, ^tabtllerOtr, �tlia Cleflneclhis pc.itioll ell , th Ross Gar L t t a Las Les, telt#ch 11,Jve liths reference to F. B.S.on specified Periods:- 1'oLl;lltncd ;gird vsaisonad in war. '1, tl:vr: fcrw tlic tVEnr #te0lin girl \art,} Win, Lowe, illaumbout. I'. Shore, SS the Political questions. Ilia scatlxinh' .lh•.1;r R :ilwa m • t e built. And tctsnt roc: rel of advanced, and ativanc- t}lc bigger anti broacirsr, quasti0n•s Superintendent. Ono Coll"""......... M00 $35-0 xo. 3150. I,rn ; b i 1,1 5 5 00 $ .00 It -CP Tit its \vas the tvhi5k,�ra11 pailclaur, y A; 11-:^' It,^'1''l:ltiCn and- administration; , 1-s <r<t1CU t0 thU personal attacks th at I , , p that ._ltotlld Ila considered in rcfaxtnoo CONGRI:G,ITIONAL 7 p Ili,—Sabbath Quarter lump ..... 35.00 18,00 10,00 4.uU ,, ' , r' p i lcc:t cli:.rir.ts where rturi hes tic- South Africa ..t fierce hussar, y 11"Al been mado upon him in certain itt great i' \.Ith a live, prc� r 3siva policy - a to tl,o atlmlttistrtitio•n of t1Le ford}tort SorviCeS at li a In and 7 p In. Sunday (�uaivor iscinc ..... 18,00 10.W 0.00 2,00 p t l b t tv;alth, utst b(i tapped ;,elle + of dsvclo riL� Lha rich rc-' School at 12m. Midweek meeting:o,l Advort`aemc�lt�i with7ut s ecifie directions DIoichcd With Canadian valor quarters brought loud anti continued i by ,porter Imes. . 1 3 1 � - I pros ire_ Gf the l)omiuion. Wednescltty ovonin 4 S O'QlOok, Gtivitt will be in extcEl t•111 forbid nncl ei fic d reccottt• It, the sit trp, tlerca ,Shcul: of war, applause, and at tl}e coilolosiou of hist T'i3� re^alt of tills cite 0n tliet rt iGurczs of our naw:country, of ;set 1 � _ __ �Pllson, S.S. Snpt,�+t1. E. Prior, pastor. ;��linndvauce ntadv0rtiscnlelzts uluatbopaicl ! P Y p` tliwg lt'a arable, lan[s, and of creat- SALVATION ARI1rsf-S rvlce at 7 and 11 T1tE JOrr DEB AnTUENT is 9t0C•lred \\°1tIL aL' Likv a dwA-devil ,.swoPt from wlud+ allude the ri.niidato was loudly ap-�af t:1L'' Govern/Hent is that ntr<>:.dy it•" atrade witholdor Ontario, Which 3ioor,tt,e,iiutunce up, ainand3and8 p In n Sunda", and extensive assortment of till requisites for print- ward, I ltlattclad. Brief speeches were also nx;l, tt}:;n CO) tittles of railway aid>d ao It has been truthfully said that any ever evening dltrill 9th woe at 8 tug, affording facilities not equalled m the Down on th cline ha, ca -mo, will give elle .5cttled ltartiol of the • 9 g b colultyforturning out first class worlc. Large It<t.in-free the ~teed tuth}7ulared lxlad4 by DEessra. Juales ti O inn and by Provincial grants have been built disturbance o. cM;bven balance of health o'clock at the barracks, type and a I roprlato cuts for all styles of Post' HUwton Campbell, WIttT were SAkisliecl I I .1}.=. , ,� prow= ilia full; i+-moa.sura of Pro. Causes Serious trouble, Nobody Can be POST OFFicF—In Macdonald Block. ers,,nand Mils, etc., and the latest s leg of 1�all'ed n,s if fre,slL to the l;am3: , v $ n i . 1•lct f -:w years #n tIks northern t+ tbatVietor w0al'1 be with Cl'Ixl(1C11; , fit• frcm t1w utilizakion of the r--- too careful to keep this balance up, Office hours from 8 a m. to G;30pm. noicefancytypefortltofillerClassesofprint• I ! Y pJrlior,; of the I rt)vincu; oih^r titres g r;ourclzs of the ncty. \Vhoi1 people begin to it)so appetite, or to Peter Pisller, postmaster. H. B. ELLIOTT, Lint tits DEetfolxl b:txkcwns steady, and Ross on the evening of May .29th. ;;r; b,,i..,, rapidly eoustructed at th•� • et tired etisily, the least ltnnrudence + Steady and true, and: straight, g , MECHANICS' INs'rrrLTTLr—.Library and Proprietor And th(; galloping foo tvcxa not ready A thorough orgy}lizltioa was proc.oecl,>ct j it.e'.ent nwmmt ; While new systems I Same of the con,arvativas now tell brings oil sickness,•..weakiloss, or debility, free reading room in the Town Hall, Nvith, largo numbers of electors being' cr; tI: #n; proi,ctod. :+atttcr; axe a t that th^y are a.s much inCexestecl Thi system needs 1 touic, craves it, and will be open every afternoon from 2 to p. KENNEDY, DI. t).. M.O. P. s. O to rush in' the; facet of fats-• , r t r e a I should not be cleniecl it; and the best f,:qs o'clock and every eveilhig from 7 to el• (Member of the British Medical Associa• ,, ,. „ present f ctrl East ant. 'SS est Wattan.s.1, . g•; init ill to the v4e� ,sibl'a districts, 'In the devclopmLnt of Nwv Oatario a._ tome of Which we Bave any knowledge , tion0 Gold 1lleuullist in Medicine, S)ecial �,1t0 #t thz'nt, lards, cried Carruthers, C.,ll:orile and Hullvtt. ! r}it}e•, ;; ; in ," art• th•e Liberals, others that. to build 0:30 o'clock. Miss D2{1110 Robertson, b"inU E clap d, lambcrin� is Hood's Sarsaparilla, What this modi librarian. ren, Unicahours-1 to 4 p to : t to'9 p, i hied Al:cl the rifles an,SwEsrcd ills words, _ I ^•tel it LI must be done at tbs expense of cine has done in -flea iu healthy peopleAs the lessenint; band of blcikorS - _ _ ir_,lu `t,r:al r_ aAufactures are re- P p g CONN OouNdir.-R. Vanstono, Mayor; til.1P�s130 SHOTS. I ctivlit�T ;`n in,l): tux. Old Ontario. Thele wa a 'tirue when healthy, in keeping up the oven balance Wix}, Holmes, Thos: Bell, Robt. Me- atrhtcd for two hundred yards. Ira elle C:L9,^• tb,. ±;subsid was not sore: of them ware very much inter- of health, gives it • the same distinction Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, DR' MACDONALD, (Ccderialt 6ignul.) Y as a pregoutivo that it ouioys as a caro, A. J. Irwin, Coauc}1101-x; J. B. For- }till Lilo last fusillade fairly stopped T!ierc is ii -A the glarnt of a f1.n•l1tlug i rri'.r.ga to induce ih� private tom- E+stet: in it. That Was whin the C --.n- Its early use leas illustracad the wisdom gLLSOn, Clerk and Treasurer; William Centre Street thein, ' Cllatt:cl for a nondescript politician i to ; wz,Y to- put down ltn; tis Anil• .rails, servative Government at Ottawa as- of the old sae ink that a stitch in time Clog,;, Assessor; Wm. Robcrtso11, Col- Wingham, Ontario, ,Yllt' wheel staggered, thor, ballad, then Nest IIurOs nuless 1110 Liberals make i .1-.d altheu,h a chart: r was held for sunned that It bclongod to the Domin- saves Hine. Zalio Hood's for appetite, lector. Board meets first Monday even.. - strength and endlirmuce, ing in each month at 8 o'clock. And Johnny just said "We've stopped 371 ;, Lith+ for a road into thr. Temic- iaaioit and parcelled' out tho Limbor DP AGNS W them," it. f, SCHOOL BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairman), .. , And sank in the spot wheic he'd karat,;• dl-driet-theticastern cxticm- imil: lit ? a .square mile. This Thos. Abraham, .J J. . J. What <t{d Whimsy, the anti-prolllL#• I William Carlo . was ` sentenced by r Elliott,+ 4 ' ity cf ";lie grt'aC cis 1r;lt" of 1G,UU0- \\oulcl kava bean a ni'�ca th:nc* for the Homutll Win. M000 Thos. Belt Win. Physician, Surgeon, ole. krecled. ti•Illi s;ty tvhelllis hoard tllLt his bel:cit- Judge Doyle at Goderich last Week to ' ' ' ll0 vereto - tha indictticns Wore that iladividu;il, but a pear titin; for Lite " Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Will. oiiice-Macdonald Blocic, over J, E. Davis' , Wan i'1 West. Huron tract swallowed the eight months in the Central prison for Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. I'orRrxso11, Drug Store. Night enllsnl7s\vored attlieoilice. Twa,s victory suze, but ghastly ; i , prohiuitiun ple,lge, hook, line and si:ilc- i for yc ars to carne• ihitt totality would Provircc, or ev n fox,: tho Dominion, stealing goods from P. T. Dean's store. Meetings seconclTnel4dayevening ineach - - ---` Never a man but way hit; : e I be da•priv.'d of the •ono convenience had it been found that ill-, territory; _ month. R VANSTONE, Niro had arrived at their "lastly," t 1-' , whiell \til I m:1,L � it' the enter of a bcler,ged to it. I tom'-_ _._ --- , - - - PUBLIC SOHOOL TEAcHmts.—A. H. • BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETO. leo] ty were blcediL:g d frit. The man who tries to rifle two lion , -s, - ��t� 6466 � E « 6 Musgrove, Principal,o Miss Robertson, • p1•ivatennel Company funds to loan at lowest Nina died, but heir n' mos' •tri im- pposite `(t{rectsuus is in tllt> i va'SL 1, .p 1-1:L{tan. 1 remicr Ross and Rev. A. M=31ia : haft ]ie Per boforc . S ' ss 1,;,',Jf) �T• J �J�f... ;. J.' '¢ i• • J, y 1J J' }!, y �.� �1 � �' Y q a t t a t ; Oitl=' itt o I D21s"Re hotels DS1ss Farquharson, Mess ratoofintereat. Nocommissioucharged. ort- mortal t Ill,; c•11" gurg d.cided th•Lt the road matte a political speech, but he could not S:til3e position as the elan who is nontI i , Corny ll, Miss McLean , Miss Matheson ga ea, town and farm pro erty bought and O:= glory's immutable 1-0113, ,t•d to b hni}t, ev_ri if ih•�y had to avoid sayhm that in Mayor Camt>.ronI f auEllfissRe{d. rr�� soictt• Otnce,BeaverBloo]i.a�ingham. I Hatt tl to support li'llitnEy curl then j BO LRD OF I3EALt'u-illayor Vaustano, Par within death's aeric portal ". , , b::ild it (n their own i --tlicnsibility tis they had a e'andtciate of ability that any 1 In ,0, Thos sto We follow thtas3 dauntless souls. p:t;t' g; s hi.ase,f to support pxo,nbitiol:. , z i i", � (chairman), C. J. Reading, g- A. MORTON, :L C:1-.v=•r::'.^,r:rat. Anel on sr,LC.I resilala- const{tuoncy sllonlct be proud Of. With `phtt .star gives Dir. Whiuley's plat• I _iblli,y tit: rood !s nc\v being built. proper trod: there was no reason to be- J ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. I+'erguson, Soc- BARRISTER, &c., They could dic, but they could not furan as the goad intantiitus t,f honest I It. !, h :1-:l io fortcu�t th_ ultimat<, 1-C- [ P o rotary; Dr, J. R. DZacdaualcl; Medical Neva that Dir. Coln tu:l. tyual, not have ! l5 6' Health Officer. surrender, l Wingham, Ont, Could not .smirch CanadWs name, ~ then. It s0unda vary well, of course, I -LLlt' cf thi,a step, but th^r:; are, (Rosa a SAl,Stanttlll mfljOTlty dll election tla.y, I ijJ , i �J . last th re is all old sa lu that the racitl I .., . a It is early ,ifluite early, to g �9 rt! k� r� R�l� And wo who survive will remember irxtti ee:thin place aParliatueut-is t,'L, ,.ty ill it the clay belt wJ;l .s17p- Tha opposition had adapted a sc.lem3 to I ¢ talk of sprite goods, title atJ PIANO AND �f THEORY. ■ 'Their• dead, their death and their E. L. DIa:(LNsaN DL nLtx B OLIIEa p ! i,:.a'l :' Pt�I): 1 tiara equal La that of a:Cl slit the Liberal art but he bad ecu- f )n:. li'merl wil,I1 gootliutentiolis. O:,tario int tel(' pre,sat tiuxc. P party,!. „ we have made ready to � KISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. -John A. Ewan, in the Toronto Giotto. tideuca that no intelligent Reformer 11 T J DICKINSON & HOLITIES i1IaL1'ttY,.O€ �Ortil TOxOtltO, v:'h0 watt __ illett 'OL1C WitntS tvtlen the and member of the Associatzct Musicians of would be hoodwillkea by it. Ile refer- ¢ time eotne3. �V13're bound Ontario, is prepared to recelve a limited num- rI, •ic,.ed €rain for 1?a'ler;lli r til Uutltria _ ��-� �.. J ber of pupiLlss for iustructi; u on Piano anti in BARRISTERS, .,OLICITOIis, Etc. '� ° ' i 1 NUTL,S ANU L'O\111-1:sT.;. red to the trick of cndeil,voring to place 4J Theory. ekt the Change of Life. to be in the forefront. , >4Io,t Y To LOAN. , bec att$e of his texnpuranw prin:ip,es, , a prOilibltlJll to=" On CanS3rt atlVO �J PipeOial attention givensto pupils preparing This tryln Period in woman's life As - It is n ver time far a than,,, for g � 0 �i a are determined to Win for examinations, Orrrien: Meyer BiociC Win han1. has now been Cast into Cuter tiarkr(•8; ! ti:•• �/.;1 c:, Candidlto. Ho had occasion to be out of �v Otll la)101'Irlh aCCOntlt Un * Residence—onvositoU. C. Church, Wingham. g tally comes between the ages of forty becalua(i lie would not follow Aai:i-Pro,; ¢ 3 c and fifty years and is market, by irrita- WhitneyTh + a- 'Ito, LIL•rald, (Incl. L the town often, but lie would not fail to be , sheer merit. Every gar- , , - i� e RTHLTPu J. IRWIN, D. D• S., L. D. S. bility, headache, dizziness, irregular llibttiorl Whitney,S ltLilt FVhit,is goon ) "' ys here ou elec �' x, clay gild there teas'I jPi't''^ 1' monthlies, fit€ill appetite, forbodin sof +. 1 � Re;' 4 t.a. ^t•tinicnt lits shown its abil- ' 111ellt R'e tnl'n olil lS a Stl'On,; ,gG;iG,Ijjf;ji;; !'!I" ? .,Q �,. � �Iliott 1. J. Doctor of Dental Sul cry of the Pennsylvania unatigl, fen Leto Prohibition clnElilata Iu t another Coto il7chis house that would t ,J ' t 1 7_ I'�' !'+'lei" r > ` r `' t Dental U011egr. and Lsicentiat0 of the Ito a1 evil, Palp{tntioil of the heart and consti- it.y- to ;l-rvi•.=.•r ar,d cx. Cute `re:Lt (Minn; I I biE.l fOc businC.B, ILS s y e � ,t ;.� H notary Grttdtt 10 of Collc'•o of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Of IT patlUu. Dr. Chased Nerve r0Uc1 is ?, ' West Iiarolx. i , surely be given for I1ilt or Cameron autl' .-its ivorkmanshi its fit � � �'� 11`1,2' �., a1 ,', OL take veterinary over%ostotxce, Winglznm. � + ; itis. DEitaIL 11 tAt9 of tlto ]aE'ad o€ the izt b:l:.elf a: th:'. province, and riot y J P- J i t;&j.�ti�,,, .• ;. 0 ergo. above all a woman s mcclic.nu, because 1 11-.l: ­rAy t 1- sutrk tiros ;tz,d hold ci} to Hots' G. iV. Ro53. Rev. DIr. McIi1L —lt5 fiGisl:-tell appeal to 6 r ?a _ s", a R '1 Otlico and Infirmary Lt helps leer eafely titLongh this trying edit ri1:I cahuttll of his paper' DEr, Wlnit- s ako as nototl abaro st i1E_. C.Ltn3ron's a' �t R ,} r corner of Victoria alta I p } 9 the ood taste and ambitions :v= ryxx �uN fir` � .� � >liinuie Sts. tvin hail. ��T T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., , .re' period. It e13riC11eS t118 blood, strength- „ „_ cffic�. 3; l , ,igtt g W. L.D.S. "rt °� . ons the nerves regullltes tllo functions nFy's platform, a3 follows: %V( orgauizatiJu mautiu i1I G Iclorich last r r {� n� Day anct night calls Fxx�,,.t' , ts, ,. , l Ir. 1Siu Oat:tria had a lic:n•Iad � Of th0 Cat'eft11 dre5581, � � ,clif��' r t t�11� promptly attended to. New n70tho,lYfoi- painless cs- � of the feminine organs and tones and in. old,)ryt,lt,l.ago:)d intentions of hcIt st week. ( '••':'o' �?� traction. No Cocaine. Il `t:t, rsrhu aro I.1Q:IOSt enough t0 be iruid driwk1I.,g Elate for each 210 p::r^,aais. , `• Telephon0couneetlon' Special attention to the care and regulation . vigorates the whole body. +At ) ,. The St. Thomas 1 ,J f of children's teeth. Moderato rices and alt J' tl'_'litbl says;_l — ✓ 6 FARMERS y attcl ljoi(l t:'neuglx to be boil=est." Among � LLdex "r--ce sive curt: i.in„ ht\1's r:'.ss- ! �j �., work carefnil and skilfully per ormetl. Ofilca tl]a "goad iutautians" which Mr. lYhnt• 11111! ed by Liberal C,av^rnmenta, the: nlxm- i c`Th•:re was a time whe The Mail was � � E ' [I p Y f; c L A RK, �J in Beaver Blocic, Winghlun, Mrs. Margaret L. Sheppard, the hey "b0l.iliti iLdons" which that 110 will I of lic.r, ;,s has fallen' fie onr.- fel; each !!! known as the rit-stabbing journal. It I v� Et� andanyoue having live stoelc or outer seems to kava d( termivacl to earn the! i articles they wish to C1Cs11ose of, should newer• woman who claimed to be all ba -311111 and 0 Y:3"3 the enactment of rob{Utricle. In ; 7t1U l': r ays. a 6 pi 4l '! , t ;1 a tiro the same for Salo 117 the TI�rEs. Our large fOIiN RITCHIE, raised such a commotion in Ontario pl p title Oi1Ce again. as i P 1t M1gaS SOmathiti fj l Il til l✓ S I I i 111 fl U I4 circulation tells and it will bastraugge indeed if eJ thl f:Lrp of this ;}f1-. Dlitchell i3 more i ll::rest inriignaLian is di Played by vouctonotgotacustomor. Weenn'tguarantee GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, eight years ago by her lectures upon to be proud of, scarcely astay passes bot J)J tllatyoliwill sell. bseatise you may aslcmore 'i4balti"Clan `"honest" ill atihing, ;irdie111te (:i:n_;;rvative journals wh•^•navel' k�'!�� �itd v+3%trk�� ,��:1� �FA 6�3 for tlaearticle orstock than itis\vorth. Send C�G'ing'hanl,Ont. nunneries, has turned up again, after votes of Iralaitiuulsts. j thi•y i^:L:+r t=,• [ha Liberal Covcsrnzncnt scene public magi is heli, �tLp to ri:llenlo �J gip, ..�... ,,,, �iJ jJ i}' yl� ja). J your advertisement to the Tr�tnsandtrythis having dropped 1 _ , - .; ,,„ in its columns, tho Ti lest lllisreprosenta- ; plan. of disposing of your stock and other #, I I eel from view for some ,L, t ..._, b' 1-n i hix ty y: x1-5 in Ilr \\',_ r. It articles. — _ JOHN CURRIII, WINOnA.u, ONT. years. She is now in Vancouver, B. C., 1'luiLDING-x111 OR1.iIiIO. i; the c;;,l} g,>nuin3 grievants they h0u being re.Urfecl to for; this purpose. I _ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. giving her ftamous "Confessions of an T'h, fir',t rcqul-'ite to the opsning up ; IM vz: slobs. Uno of the Iat'ast instances of this char- ON ex -Nun." .. Sales of Farm Stocic and Farm Im )lements a . t ! atter is its attempt to shoNNI,tIxat the Min- =� , specialty. 1 of a naw car_ LLry !s rallrray eommunl 7'h=: 1,cLclan r: w; (Ind.) say :-•"'I'h� I ! ; istcrs Who went on a tri {to Sault Ste. All others left at Tug TxuDs ofllee promptly Good Heath is Impossible r, -0L n, ^,nys the. 'Toronto :'tar. Of • 0:yv:4iIion li prating loudly of politi- p ` atteudeclto. Terms reasonable. p saiblo ' ' :liarie event prepared for a liquor gamey Without regular action of the bowels. t.itHt v.:iLl^ i'] all ircu rrninc, containing r .rel c ,1-1-1,11! io:7, pal tl.i'i r to 11":t icrino, 1 I ling expeditlou. Tho facts aro si.nply ; �N `" I �^� 6 �e Lasa -Liver Pills regulate the bowels, r ':ll, milliors of tuns cf ore; X11 r-,,-rlon an'1 L;rin incldent:=, fot•giq- E. ES e ELLE GRIFFIN .-tire constipation, cl s u sit biliousness " t that the C. P. R. diuiug cars were pia- {Teledone s 1 , y,p p , t r: i. I3t son. rl'aanl o_ grttin„ tin Ih•r,l:,Iv:'s thL they ate n:rL in a, ,�" I WINGIIA�r sick headache, and all affections of the VWeil in the usual wn with lat,visions 1q -,J.,:-.- th' oI•a a1- tlta smelted product 1x's[taon to ;11-11 sten.'::' I and liquors. „ he l , tl R1 + f,E_, , I jj T organs druggiofrtigestian. 1'rice2Geents. All f" `1 c, -vara of pope:latien3 or of: I int; T)ry ltrrhihlticr.i;[ i al;p^a1- 1 of the DEiniste>,larc total abstainers, and. > � Qs•• I a TIiACHI;R Or VOICE CUL1URlr, drugo s. u,a..t v I .. 1.3 a bent of fa,mina land,, , M iltixt y 1:., . 0P pits noepared for Conservator gist— _� a 11 L: n', tro-nblo In daeidin� S it scarce, C re assert that it sought to prepared y of Music -` <1 V' :.1 0 Ugh it ecntain:3 mill}0113 of f profit'. n; ion candidutes shtill ba put. I convey by insinuatiou, ' that the others : There 1S ahs011It•ly nO Tisk I FFa�, ' ::[tiE"5 of goo;, !•Li,-. uri1:.;s thI prc:s , ,. - ,aA in ti,, Lied. .Elia diffictlEy i•a tct find' ora iutenxperate. Such' taeti s are more , a ( , ccs �� l) stir,. farni3r h,as s::mu m.-^.ts of Grit prahiT.;i{i:,ni;ts willing to be ill purChasino your watches, Place the vast fiteilities of the V�� than c antemptiblo. They arta beneath r V I O L � � A N D GUITAR �*" , p.,wiin - his prodaes to :t mar fine jewelry and silverware the ^ol I ivtccn=. Titov' of Tory l:ntcca y Telephone System at l 1 'V ithtltLt nch cominunic,:+tion the ! 'contempt. disposal of everyone. MISS CARRIE aM00 d. rat,: wcrld }„ of no u:see. ! front us. \t: a guarantee sate , RE ��/ n I:.i! .: :=hid Lim farm ]anti' are ,lust as I ;fh;s London News, (Ind.) thinks it r Arc Convenient for the use Of of London Conservatory of Music will bepre, ;.'` �~ � rD T ' SinI30:° Ileformer:. Tito prohibitionists ! delivery; vVe prepay charges l pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited mum- t v 1:1>,a: t3 the :1m3rie.tn contin_nt ' lima au entl were put t' the ,,%V11itn .y r 1 non -subscribers. ber, of pupils for instruction oil Violin and t, :: #.4'a:;s tll� etre s of Ca:LiYlLbttti.i3ut ; of �Guat Iillrou aro en;sv. They have' s - and Cileel`iul,tJ refund money Gutter. T - y 'Slander e;7lnpui.n. It fly . i Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wfn ham. t: it3 <lil'ret r,Wrneetio i tt ith ilea nut- ,ander?rd Jas, :IEiteiL 11, the W'it11oy S 1 -- T., I ti 0 da rtlt know Lha this talk of in fill? it desired. The, Bell Tejepnolle Go. of Cfalleadca g �� �„ �v ill �. _ , cantlid-ite. And .1..,. Mitchell endorses . 1 . � "'r n ,'ill i tv,rrl:i tlx:sy rn:ty ucqu#t•a a valaL'a ` lis Matt L who isan out andout o pel,ent `corruption in the llo,,- , Uovernmsnt Our handsomely illus LIMITED JOB PRINTING, I that t:all:d b3 •estilaatt:d in millions ' P` i 0iould be taken tiny tco seriously. ii '' y, ' Of prohibition. Nice arrarlgeux0uts! Tits 1.11 trot t rr r 3 Crated C:OtalObue Will assist z� •a.1 z1- -, -t .yW inclutiin& Books, PamplLlets, fosters, Bill ::it.1 I>pyxt arcat Pi,pulaii0n. y 1 ltdnxiar� -L•:Lt%en Of ell., a,.- q t -: 1-,r- - Heads, Otrculalrs, we., d&c., executed fit thobeat . a tJ: I,1ncraO,, farming land, and Hill -'truly. ' -/ * r i fairy of 0.tario leas Y.:;:n as honor you Very rllateYial'y ^and �'.-•,,��� styleof at moderate Urices, at7don ,„�.,m G ,.•.zdw3-,� I:x: _�. iv. r 6_1 rlo leo=:s .., °s s ::n ::atrnl•1llr,a,' tai t y atrs the bit; earporatiailg I nntl careful :1,3 that of any govern- . riay lie 1.2d upon app.IeatlOn. � BootcssllmrNO.-4Yoyre pleased to amlotmee �(t:t i:Y : 5t,at... of 1SCI^tion n0 p:'iCi, 1i't Yi! C:Ittril)L'. L. tl :Lbi;:1L7l)ll,trGU to ell.: 1 nl: nt tri the t.tlrld, to-d:ty. Et 3'3 not' that any BoolLa OP hLilga2lnCa loft with t19 f01• Bindtng, \will have 'our prompt attention .-t L,,.m th m. O 1 tll : u:ss- , r,•.v:•r::t'/ cf tl,•_ pirovinc' Yet Mr. `' N P.,Cc , Ccs t r Binding in any sty 4e \17'11 ho given on There is a noted difference t ;-t t ^- t1 to our credit us Cawadirtn5 to teach' ' DIAMIOND HALL, m ,, iv ilitr.^ h::', dtclan d thr:s2 times re- i ,, app icy ion to t l: r Yt: ci a Yttiu3, to ille'i'3 Ia{t!nt . 5 : OGr'S:'tYC,S to bel#eVa ti1:1L Onx I:ttb.ic t i7stabSislicd xC5h• -�'`-••'=--•�'� '1`IiE TIMES OFFICE, ° I y r:tiltvayy, this t1-. a :; ,1 c tr.i ly th:1-1 if re.turnad: to, po.w-ar ha ill^n aro Llli_vcs. tiuell' talk is merely '1 66 _ , Wingham, in the style and fit of Pants Vire t.h0 arm' now •:.I>ir " t.aal,i r:li++v;, , I carprr:tinot 1-f this 1 a , i %P RATLIrJAY TIME ES. a e that always brings peo- lrc 111 `r, ^ ., Ll. rantin cf itre,3 onsilr man. g y� Ill le ;:,.x tl 7 ill l,,•np13 cannot :tffard i g I• RUA RI BIS® � TABL !-. - __ti-�;,___-' •-^R- •, ' IL is worth rclnernb`rina th•tt aftor °f ""� t L:) , liCA ,;n lrcwn , the for' , r f (RAND 7'R1JNI� RALL'tvAY SfTSTEbI. "pr_x�•rt.4, 11.^ t ^J ycar,s' cf office it h•:.3 r.Ot L••:;On Yonge and AdalaiZe Sts., ` slit lCit�C:S O ; lJf �le hacl fOr ;117otller' �.alY. L:C:, ? Ii!'•th :i `a lh:: �L flit ;.' (.it V.-1'il- t T,f�, Fi �117T®_ ? TRAINS LZ•:AVL VO]b i c:ac�' G . ' ,'-;�,a,> a t: > y , '•huivii th•,t th:• Lib.,rnl 'faov rn1 vont V s0 1V A ' Palmerston . 0.53 a.m.,.. B.5at.nl. Then there is the low price `r 1-F •, " �.• 1 �il" 0 ' I,t1.1.1. i ref O:,titrio lvv; corruptlyr •npplivd enc ; - Rubber Tires i London .... . ....... 0.50 a,n1.... 3.10p.m. 1 w. a a9 �i.y ;.i1- '� aw m A f;>;. -yo-1-3 ... ; , th c1- O r»c- " r ,• , : I gincard3ue..li.i0 a,m... 3.10 p.m s,3Span, and better qualityof cloth put Y . dnlllr at Lae public tulr.,: 3 of ill,, nitni " 3c(•tt:4 1, C 1„c>ti .-. ct f f i ^1-c }y t13 i f I y' for all lc }! t'l d s Of Iiineal din6 .6.40 aan �Sn.55 3.10 m e erre. r;tla a ,•;ti :i in Ontario, were -Mr. 'ii, . - o a.m.. p. c. rtry. �1 'ilt'y'3 c�trzvi London. Il.l tem... 7.5. ;e V.It to a�,: 1-.t :.iter I)1-. - `vellicies. � ,,.In in then=cloth that wears t rr Palmer ton. - n.:t:r:•t,t, t:,. I.ib: '1•; 1-)r huilliulri Palmerston 2A;p r`� '+�t•• •v •' %a•ss?• t':,()el. its l,sctl, ., • . �- __ ._�.._ - _ T. SUO.'TON, t' gar c •s a1-•' a^ll t1•Id+'1-s~-`a i lI c }Il- R•� .m. ` 3.3a p.m , , 1-.1 i.h:: !•� .1 ricultur:lI Coll^,f i r . ih;s :: 'r;•1 -m n1- cutcre't intCv ill{.k] . Tiunlo r Tai res - __ SCC OtlY t1elV OOC1S and prit es. 1.' .'.sof t.,e „ .nl�, 1.1)3 !1 i I !t!e , .- O' ",` t l s A Wonderful f renarc I I cyale Ti tut,�Vfn �: ..Uri, 17C`:t:,1L.:zt::y, ttC.tt l:t gid tl:'mandtll; that; nut a cmt ll31t.}tu ,�lg"',IIIi C,ntral I'-•Jlroa,l Cam- „, .,., r, ;ineumatic C''nrrla a Tfraa SL)gham(�ANADIAN PAOIL IC RAMWAI"^.CZ::t €:_' t .:tl tl .'):+,.i::t c 11oketi C,t t t al C oi# -t+; 111,11 , whole• o ,,.•V TRAIN MVI) 0031m �� i, ,1” 1. 1:• . _ y ,•I +:1t (ill it. bc.y _nd What it actu:illy ,.1',1 ' a pi tan:i' .r1- l;: l., :curl tl :}r :r - :� 'i ="`tri'"fitly 1-c>c i:tule,uled Solid liul:l,cr Carriage lues i Toronto and East......., 0.57 a.m....3.2u ,n1. WEBSQ,:,-tPe ym!;watz e6mi,lort to cilao:asia l `` L 5 r _ 1 , sulur, n u , ht 1- .r =. .. err.,:tl is a c,%im weial tvoy. Ntrw i onr.,a c1 ,stcnl, and yet inside of two by 1t•itditi;, lr;a zdvialis. Ii r:leo is equal 7malid Cbnir'.Lires I fiecstvator . 1.17 p.m,...10.43 p.m, tar..4 r . t 7 t'a AtLuivii Irltoltr i'kt�e ,,.ilrr2c,:71s 17,iirat3 ti1Gt elle, 1Ir. �i h}tn:: i'I tall.in about seven i to t;:t.'i"", c. cul. is tli •Ill"" Tires Teeswater.. .0.57a.m...,.8,2'5pm. , c r r,ald (tcia0 not : - Y g ye:t1 1 Ile tv.i,y CCullralk++1 t.(> rata e a ' ; 't t ( t': in:. 1•I'd in ittl.�nit• `pit Gl I'alty (arringefi. Torotito and bast . . 117 p.m.. _10,48 .m, � - —` " 111- :T .i ...d t t_ x. „•• riCitltUr:tl C:r;t for th< iLrt(l l9 tl, t l LL st 1 J, I1. BEHULM, A p ,. -'..;:t :i :It 11.iaA' ,Iiiii zl :-yir11). ( 1.1,11T ;, . r, '� y p:_btiC xt.aar.t:lticn Uf hi n .11,?urrl lan-'. hits tea:+ autl =•�,,it,(,. t• con:• tillit' u:tt iI'ile bu1110p Tire Co., LilliltC(i ; gent, Rringham. ,la t1 -^t ui;& , t,.r 'tr,xcu I x. C:, st.'s I I nice t �•' hat will hiss n°ext turn ryuage. I IWIC010 (`i?I(11:�1. C' E, tt:ll give TORONT6. 1-'1' 1-x0 iflir'I Is 1 ..,! t'1 U 'id u•1 ,h r r � - it ,' ts'la S�. GO i'1 1a1"sur" r nn3 i:tl t:t. ri'cd ta'tn:iea,I,.i,:., l:i1n t:$ 1;1-:rnttorcll:xlsa�it0r: :It. t�'hilncy' 3'(itty;;`1-, r�'�n;ttulti1la-ro��.ivfy tlrc�t'at t �", Vis•, aISPi»&Ilalclt:sr 1k rich, 1 T ,i ','stn:lt,, blood. ! l ii; fart ill it th. C,;n-^rvat,i,1.3 leap- I : incl, tl 11, - ('::I:t lltit('4 to {'t,la a l t t,lE ilol,'•en53 1-•.k tt'. lt) plielt hwl: -6i ..a 1'cod i:, ;t F1,..lal: Ii I', iz':i :1`ai^mr" 1E1'. A• ��. l•ar11 :• - l t 1 our - a d<,, : t -<t ty for Lit t::u- ( ' I y W. p t :.11:iltt h tvil.g it:ten tit t t l crit of , ages. N (•. N). (' 1}Ys. t4'ol 2oc. I o Trademark T ��j ag f1-= . _-.t ':..::�tu..tt.d ar;ati[- ! i ;+11, t:' #'t c,vlac}:ll Fryatt t unlnit,s(an- 1 �••+ 2 . T , tialc by Am, t )('iy1t5 c:c;ty in iha by" .Iaetitsus \cl I -n hc. t lti 4 e.:.c1 mt. vers, and Ilia . ' - l I it, .t 1-'r, ani# h;, wart•. for good roads. is a ,,,,. i`oreal,•Ill.W,l haul y ns.UeXclvie. 1-.s a tura i tt intact:ly carr#�tl. In ltrcuf of tlrle ' j amt t.:. ,: e,:, - ivaiind. r cf the. fact that the appoint- vrild nsi.tmljll !1t• ott:ri no evhl^ace. i , ft"n, I :? to Cltre Ukase; tu.rat (:f Mr. Cl;!ulr}yell tta3 strongly —• ,. _ /� y , 11-rr' 1: r.in#y tno #,:�'•'-^i rti!,n; in Aro i.... r. �_.__ n.I 'i t;pE it7ARrcs . ltl7trultrr+c rat K. • :, u:l'-'I­ y iu I f '' 141a5e« r 1 mlcma c, , �a'crl L t.hr Opposition. tosiiian. 1 h: )lir- " rt�00d 15 T 08 i30d�i19t �'() Ct9 ii�1L 11 >>L' lI Ii�lCS. T V AD"V` .LLb ft to.r:­ -v. 1:1 t;•e, b.Utst1,, Il y lI y t t \vltich l)nM;t-{awp,,ring , h!,A beitl i � eopYruGHt3'dcC. !t( L 1' tha Syw- • cl nod a, 'F,lltll a1- CUtlr3^ Ili r;';ard to it „ ., c: na 62-84.rV9 ,k FP.', *11/. - Thr" uUderal:l'tl-A h'W` h., 1rAet7 VA'4terP(1 to Atlybne-llCnatnp, fl. l5k('{FIt a11Q iSAlICr1 ft^71'i11A:11 l l shown {.a 1rt Y _ O Curl od. 0.1+, of thb5e. ! ;gold and rea6mm6nded by All health. by shilpl6 57168114,° after Aitiroking for . 1 1. f Lilt. tru" 1-a° si C'c rneasrires , / uggigt;4 in Cantidd,, Onl . 1614• sov6ral years with a severd lung affection, and inventi nsC6rtnbl our opinion free whether al! I,17.1 l i t' 0 I ., w 1 ' tnv68tlhn Is prhbat Iv »:ttontabla. Corditnuile l ,,.'.aG. 1'lld',t. I,I1;n1, Itis bc,'n :•;'IL'�in'w i.1Ct1: alemedle'ne'dI6c6vere Stz tllatdreaddisemsColistupptien,1.an'L6hsto: tt611tlstrlet.lyeonMontinl.Iiandbh6kOilPafCIIt► ;W1- srrb and Ir-; ill r.lt' 1;. ;i, thirty years in Oatai+,. „ „, ; cfia!/e8 quldr,(ratCCd to euf6 'Cil) rnak()rtno\vntohiafellow sufferers Lha 5neana ROM free. o1+leatMoney formecarinit atenta. st to th 11- i.11,it; 17721,. a Il'� r(rj` „ ppol t, r ()i l't het r..y, , .L� .14.E i :a1 , terms of 8e±tua , yerknes3, .alt effects b! abtLse tit euro. To th64rr tvita ultvsiro it, ln(s will ahrer- i Patents tnicen rovah AtunrL k Co. rocolvb th• t6' -^t,: ln�r.-! A tit vii nluent tftllty ly burl,, \.Inilr i.hx oih r, North lVPl it 1-11-,0, !n' -Or cYca89, Ttfe11ta1 wotrgO Eacessive fls el To• fully i(CL7d(free 6fehitrge) a e0 y bf the Dre, aeatit'nbtitc, Nttirout ohar e, in tho t4xtle ttl•5 ° Ori im%di •_veal Ontario, 1-,f .StC.'4 r!L#ts ht' l v -e. c ' + - , badao, Opium or stimulants, hralled on receipt 4rripti6ri used, tvhiei7 they will ilnd a euro for + 1 i W SUCCC.11trit, ryC l C110n, till Can Srifntific #1010180 • • 6f trrlca, a»e Iraekaskte 51, bl5r, 55s Orad taall�)lCdse, Conattfnittt6rl, Aattin7a Catarrh, ilrrm6l,i- 1. Irreat'I M'A,' ir, 0 tt.:lrii), of Ontario , i.o' ,I, h r:,,,w - UVe ;tatty put Lilt n:. candidal^. ; lizwil4cuft BLnplllet9 free to at' address, tie and all throat And lurair 14AIR411lo0. He f , »r { T2l(3 'iYtsod Cbmpauy, WiVndsor, Onfw hopes all susierer4 will t1 -Y 17is remedy, as it i9 umttotn� P rtnq nc4entifl 1 i cii�til: Termntpa a ho'••J Ihc, diree.t. oL.tc,nu� 0£ Ilona Cr. W. \Vh#!(+ he i,4 at IL ,thy dot3s not {rte J 1livaluable. fih69edesh Ag tile preseriptioll, S yanr:f6ntment:hs,,tt1, 6didby611netvNdealCYlt. 1.,,,ntin. i n / I Wtioct s Plioallbt ditto In cola in Winglifrnl b which tvilicost them nothing, and may pto r(] . It....,4 'e"Ill l;:Uuti pr;llt.y 01 luilcilrg" leather of ill:. .)11po•#:i(,n Cslrlain hOtYti?61ht el,l"nm 11.,tt. A. L.,Iianlilton, R. A� n Ultws(in12, will .11lea4m 8ddreaI novv 31, . ���y�'��, "3610tacdtt�y,��4 Y(�r 1--p tll:tt l,,rti0rt cf tltr I'rovl7ic:. Din`. it i,tpP'us t13'Lt out of st'ven bye.Plee'•; cazPSla (,and,,E.11avis,DrLlg Igt9• WARD A. WIT.SaN, i3rot5ktgir, i�7etiv yorlc. T IME 1-1 �[ ttrwohopAc6p s'Rt..t74sula';'tt"" rt', � 11 p . W -11` � I M. 4-