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The Wingham Times, 1902-05-02, Page 10
TIDE WI?TG11AX TIMES, MAY ?, . ►err �rw+r . >k.�a nr WIN(fEl.Ah[ 7.I 1+;lI LS. SPItIN'GS IN THE SES. j A meeting of the Liberals of RITC C I E CAMPBELL. FRESH WATER STREAMS THAT BURST � � Wiltfhani will be hold in the FROM11 THE OCEAN'S BED. 9 Dake Gomparissons : � } committee rooms, Macdonald = G>a., block, On D10IId:iy evening next, The Origin of the Underground illy- to commence at8o'clock, Every err That Have as outlet Under the 4 Why, hy, )es, as many as you choose, The Perxlan Gulf Ila■ Never Been Satle- ll-- , more) � oil Make the better we like it Table Linens i Liberal is requested to attend fautorlly uxpinined. � � ( Cid i this meetingas matters of much Cl LU Along the shallow bottom or the � init~lligent comparisons lixnd us " on top" LU importance are to be discussed, ocean, not very far from the land, a egg cvttry tulle. This Ccore. has always had the reputation for keeping' f�f uumber of openings have been dlscov- 77�� ,a - good Linen ' Linens. We sill) hold it, and are (ting*t0 Five i CHIJUCH N0Tkti, Bred In various parts of the world UJl New goods beim placed In stock, A til you L=6i ' of the rest values heard of for many a day. j The annual meeting of the Loudou through which water as pure and fresh a Mood assortment of Easy Chairs with that JW 1 Conference of the Mathodist Church will as that of any bubbling spring mingles L7 1mkde-to-ht " feeling' about them, LAS --40 yards tine half bleached Table Damask, ; bo held is Sarnia from June 2nd to 0th. .with the salt water of the sea. Anoth- �' W - heavy make, �guaraneed pure linen, The Wingllam District meeting of the er remarkable class of fresh water L" Ree to 70 ipche:. wide, reg 65c a yd, special .45 iMethodist Church will bo held in the springs is those that sink out of sight Cl.. eeeour X10 and sl: Bedroom Suites in oak aid ash, 1 or perhaps never come to the surface, cc I We have snlue goorl lines at $17, $1$, $21 end 0,22. a Wingham Methodist church on Wadnes• but follow hidden channels under the t9uC w�l,UO and $33 00 Suites are sellers. --40 ,yards full bleached Satin Damask (day and Thursday, May 21 and 22. , Table Linen, choice design, Irish laud and under the sea until they final-' make, a 1' ouches wide, good value The regular quarterly services will be ly come to the open air on an island. at �1.'S, special - - X1,00 1 held in the Wingham Methodist church lioth of these types of underground %� tZ ` on Sunday next. The sacrament of the ZZ livers are perhaps most remarkably il- ...J y'11r • 9 t� • Lord's supper will be dispensed at both lustrated near and. on Bahrein island, UNDERTAKING CZ morning and evening services. ill the Persian gulf, a place that is also Linen Towels � petrel as one of the chief sources of Rev. F. E. Nugent, ex -President of = The People's 5 ' g � pearls. ,� IiESlnl:xre-PAT1tIC'Ii ST. the Hamilton Conference. died at the Balnein island, the largest of the S. Crnce.'s former residence, !Methodist parsonage in Plattsville on Group of islands bearing that name, is whereniglitealls Hill reooivo Furniture We have a line of Pure, Linen Towels, colored �► �, i I . C= Saturdaon t of borders, good large size. You can y• y ailing Arabia in the Persiangulf... -. rt'om rtattention. ... � 1 w0 tri paralysis.Decbeen stationedased had been "bout tweet miles oeAs the is- Store ' have them at a snap -a pair for .20 recently land has almost no rainfall it is a at Listowel, Mitchell and other places, dead level of sandy desert relieved only by palm groves and patches of vegeta- - - - For O-er sixty Years. tion where water rprings to the sur - Lace OUrtains I An Old and Well-TriedRQmedy_M,•s face from the mysterloils underground i Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been iised channels. In many places the water for over sixty years by nillionsof mothers does not reach the surface, but is found Bow for their children wlule teed1ine, with by sinking wells, the water being rats - end Draperies 999 perfect success. It soothes the chile, ed to the surface by donkeys and billME - I softens the gums, allays all pail], cures locks and poured into the channels a 9 wind in d cooea. and is the best remedy for from which the date palms and other The rem']inder of our new Sprig., Lace Curtains • pleasant to the Last©. These will be sold at startling reductions. Fine Brassels, Sold by druggists in every part of the crops are irrigated. 1 hese springs can - world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. irs not possibly be derived from the island, Net, White and Cream Applique, Heavy Notting- valve is inalcalable. Bi sura you nsk and it is no more likely that they come ham, Vestibule Panels, etc. There are only one, . for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and from the sandy wastes of neighboring two and three pairs of a kind left. Come and be I AF take no othar kind. Arabia, TLe Arabtan shore .as far as1!9 �RM ffest , f os®epv 4 one of the lucky buyers, can be seen is low and devoid of water Black Cat Brand except at El-Iiatif where similar Chicago -Rockford SMELL -In East W.etvano.ih,on April 2;101, springs are found. Hosiery Company In Me Wosald the wife, of Robt.shiell; adsnghter'� stabs say that these streams Come .I Kenosha.wis. Our stack is well assorted in DRESS GOODS and `� MENZIES-In East Wnwanoah, the. wife of 14LSLINS in all the latest weaves and shades, Jolui Menzies, jr.: a daughter. I straight from the Euphrates river tbrouzh an underground channel by ,Is nolle too good for the average boy who seems to take A Dress Trimmings in White, Cream, Fawn and Cort .-In Gorrie, on 18th April, the.wife of which the great river, er, iu part, flOR'S Ute Z Mr. , great delight in Wearing out his Clothing. No, 15 in the PP Bhick Applique, just what everybody is looking for. neath the Persian gulf. Geologists, a 0 HAMITmoN.-In Howick, on ldtlt April• the i however, have dismissed this theory. Black Cat Hosiery is the hest goods in the market for t $ wife of W.J. Hamilton; :Tr.; a 6son. •• Though' the origin of the springs has GLOVES and HOSIERY, WitAr.-In Tnrnherryon;?2ndApril,the"i°o ,trot yet been satisfactorily explained, this hind of a boy -L wears bet1ter and washes better than of Dir. Jolm Wray, f,th con., a son• the most favored theory is that they an other make. Has ` I:b11;H0IIiI.R1t:S, LACES, F.te, j plul) y as tri le .Hees and triple heels. Is i� I � come from the well watered slopes of i0 p j DFSMAN,--.11iBluevale; ou April 15111 Eliva ( the Persian mountains far to the north. Tilade Ill such a planner that It Cannot fail to give the We pay the highest prices for Futter and Eggs, beth Yeo, e-ife of J. J. Dlutcaan, arced to years. If this theory Is correct, it means that 0 i CAMPBMT,.-In West Wawanasle, on Aprilthe rainfall sinks into the earth's crust UtmoSt SatiSfaCtion. Once a customer, always a customer. i '1st, inigald C tmpbell, aged 710 vears. until It reaches impermeable rock I-Ht'.rTua.-InCraubrook,on.Apritlsth,Eliza' strata along which it is car'r'ied for a See that you get No. f5 when next YOU purchase RITCHIE CANBP�ELL■ iherSist reliccof the late Francis Hnntor,in Meat distance to the south yout unaer II )siery. We are the only agetas in town for this famous °herRlstvear• tLe. sea until the rock, sloping ping a ward, NiJOENT.-At the Methodist Parsonage, again brings the water near the sur- brand. Successors to M, H. Mcindoo iPlattsvilte,on April 25th, Rtm. F. E. Nngent, face on Babrein island. Some of the ex -President of Hamilton Conference in his wells that are thus supplied are cool•- ��„1�b4►�d��1r0Rbl�tilil�lti�4��� 60th year. mous, and one of them, the Adar!, -- - - - --- .-- serves for the irrigation of many miles BUTTON!, p �• �•n�e of date palms through a canal of an- - _ - -- WALKER BROS. DU 1 1 U1� Lori dent construction. The Adari well is Own MINOR LOCALS. -Ti,t> G and Weekly Globe for $l, till one of the great sights of Bahrein, be- _ 1st January, 1003. UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. 1 ing a deep basin of water 22 by 40 -Only four weeirs till electirnl clay. -Dir. Jas. Hamilton has purchased Nicht calls nt Button Blciok, or Fifth i yards in size. The fact that it comes m I from Dir. A. Gingrich, the house and door south 'f Sehool House. Shop op. from a far higher source is shown by Gard6ning operations are now in two lots on Francis street, situated Lext posits Macdonald block. the force with which it enters the well. Bra order. to the school-house.p -- Divers, driven back by the strong cur -"d -Horse cards neatly and promptly. DtL�A ����L�NG rent, are unable to reach the bottom. printed at the TLNu, s office. i --A new planer was placed in the There being no wells within miles of Union factory this week. The one that I A. T. C. -f, some of the coast towns of Babrein, -Tho Dingley House has been given a has been in use at the Union will be rd- Teacher or Pinne, TlWory wi d Fletcher -music: they obtain water front springs that AW m 0% L `j, ING,( Method, Riutplex and Kindetgartort' issue from the bottom of the gulf not fresh coat oY paint this week. I. moved to the chair factory, Pupils Prepared for Uuuse rvutory examina• -Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, t tion .- far from the shore. !`hese springs of -The members of the Wingllam Soc- -- --- - - -- course have the same origin 'as the S. O. S. on Diouday eve^lug next. ial Pedestrian club spent a pleasant even- TO RENT. wells. Divers• xvith goatskins under -Mr. Jag. Angus shipped a car load ing at the home of Mr. Robt. Maxwell — their arms, dive through the salt water Is sellinc fast. 'There is an increasing demand for it every of potatoes from Wingham this week. on Monday of this week, rc nh I ut'ill t1L �mtw ;eh?m Toto aereg oL'land t and fill the skins with the cold. fresh -Regular monthly meeting of the Iprentisesisa 9-d houtie, which has been re- liquid at tie bottout. The water oh_ week. Sensible people appreciate a good thing. "These -An adjourned meeting of Court Gently bricked hurl is in good shape. Alco n tained in this way usually coutnius 'Town Council on Monday evening next. I good orclar(1. ThNplacewill be rented reason a slight admixture of salt water, so famous Suits are made from this pure all -wool Cloth, sewn Maitland, No. 26, C. U. F,. will be held able. Apply to -The De Verne Sisters, celebrated this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock. AllA. KELLY, Wing-lianlP.O. that the mixture is just• a little brack- with linen thread and finished the same as fine ordered. entertainers have been engaged for the members are requested to attend. I _ - - - — isb. At some of 'these openings at the �p sea bottom water head of ater entering work. Pants have double knees and double seats, taped 2Ath of May concert. -Mr, G. E. King; has soid his driving MISS BAXTE=R the sea is so strong that when hollow seatnS and made to stand hard wear, and they cost so little -Last week's Clinton New Era con- horse to a Mr. Trotter, of Brandon, Man. bamboos are pushed down into it the pp g p p �q�y�p �Ia MAKER wafter rises through the tubes, deliver- money for all this goodness. Buy a suit and be convinced. tained a verp good picture of Clinton's Mr. Trotter is shipping a car load of Dilis.)AND MANTLE MAKER lug the fresh water directly into ves- proposed new post office. horses from Seaforth to Brandon, seas that are held by men and women -The Tums and the Toronto Weekly -We are pleased to report that Mr. SUITS A SPECIALTti. who are sitting in the boats that r Globe will be sent to any address till the N. A. Farquharson is improving and brought them from the land. Tile 1st of January, 1003 for 81. we hope with the warm weather coming West end of P:oriel: St. . Wrnc.TrA%i. force of some of the streams as thev Mr. and Mrs. Jas. DTcCravin have this that he may be able to be out again, - _.._ come from the earth is so considernhie Gordon that it pushes back the salt water, and Ali week moved to Chesley, where they in- -The Young People's Society of theCement the spring is not mixed with the sea -tend residing in the future. Presbyterian church held a very success- a n 11 d Lime water for quite a space around the � �;r��t Importer �( ful entertainment on 1+'rida, place of entrance. po ter rr -We are pleased to learn that Dir. y evening At V INGRAM CEMENT TILE WORKS It has been practically determined Bert Chapman, who has beau indisposed last. A good programme of songs, etc. p ' p was rendered. Josephine St., North. within the pa.t few years that the wa- BIG PRICES TOIL TRm)E. for some days, is now improving. tern of a small river in west Africa -John Wilson, V. S., and Mrs. TlTilson Parties recittiring Cement or Lime sllonld which disappeared in u fresh water -- •--- -•- - -- - - - - --• - - a Mr. Will McLeod, of Seaforth, the give Ina call. We are selling; at a very low swamp that has no visible outlet find - affable comedian, will take part in the mvxted a number Of friends to their new Cries and we keep only first-class brandy of I home on Monday evening. Lemont avid Lime, so yon can always reiv on their way by an underground ehaunei y l+00♦++NN+AOO++++t♦♦+�0++��OAO♦+++♦+��rlO♦+0+1t♦ A concert on the evening of May 24th. 3 g• It was a getting; a fit:srclass article. F. GUTTERIDGE. into the Atlantic and mingle with the 6 house-warming and all presout spent a sea. through an opening In the bottom P a -Mr. Geo. A. Stokes, the new G. T. very pleasant evening. that has been discovered a few miles +� R. agent will occupy the residence short- �► x 1 to be vacated b Conductor John `Dir. R. A. Newton, a former pro from Cape Verde. A channel has been s Q y p oaI and food found on the sea floor which, appar- ` t mirk• prietor of the Alliston Herald, and who eutly, was cut by some fresb xvowl, ♦ .l + visited in Wiughatn a few months ago, Sweet Pickles, a dainty appetizer for the spring n some soundings that + + g + stream. During (lied at North Btty recently from pneum' were made in ]SO,, fou' the purpose of time, crisp anci slice. - 2$c per quart I onia. He leaves a widow and five child - finding and raising tt broken cable the �♦,, _ ren. ve,4sel engaged in the work was sur- + {g We have naw n hour' ,1('a' L" , a Pounded by swamp vegetation that was + r"V • ;� . •... r �. ... u -Beattie Bros. bus team made thiugs ! large stoup of oth Call and Wood, continually risiu^ to the surface. It + + r lively on Josephine street for a short + o O ^•= "°' "r -' Orders left w us will receive was evidently brought through the un - r " .ror 25 v—s I h^ve never time on Monday morning. Thev ran derground channel from the swamp. + These Pickles require no introduction where • away from the G. T. R. station. The p'oin attend n. + i cussed t-i!dnj .,ler s Sarsaparilla ;the breaking of a cable cix the mouth + once tried. 10c per dozen C. -r-.. rp:'�g. It cleanses my bus was not damaged to any great ex. _ of the Rovuma, river 1n East Africa + i ms.:.^a rle f.21 stro:lg, and tent. has Bern attributed to the destructive • eoos me rood in every way."- w2tio-t of a strong current of sweet + • + John P. E; odnette, I;tuol(i; n, N.Y. -Messrs. Ephraim Downing, J. H. water entering the sea level several + " P� d �, Worsell, Jas. Yates, rhas. Blake, I . malas ,.rmn taie. land. Another remark- Pui'v and rich blood Sineeth, R. J. McUaw and G. Acheson, �oU ° and ��� able a amplo of a submarine river Is t.Cf Goderich, were in town on Tuesda touBai to foe nortl of the city of Arica l. ' Put Up in glass Chugs, with handle. :a No. I carries new life to eve ♦ i = taking a look at the now Methodist I on the} F'ecific coast of South America. ++, article, less than the price of the mugs. Sc each art of the body. You = church, ascertainin A river from the Andes that is grad- + ++ l% y _ >5 particnlltrs in con- !!ally swallCwed up in lite c+and has + �. �. are invigorated, refreshed. - nection with the building. The Godericlt + Methodists intend orecting a new church t This is the place to buy your been found to make its way invisibly + �.gp n e d Goods ood c +1 - You! feel anxious to be Y itlto {ax, sea, with which it unites some C➢R rr .7 i in the near future. I Flour, Feel, ' Ilay, Seeds, etc, xdlev irrim the land. + + aEdlVe.�CotibirColilestrong, _ SEEns! 3Ei•;])s!-T. A. Mills is in tile, + Notwithstanding the advance in these goods > _ We will be pleased to fill yc,ur g I+ i f . stoady,courageous.1hat s ' seed' trade with a full assortment of I orders. 33raln weight. we are still selling at the old price. Corn, �- f Red, Mammoth and Alsake Clovers. It ii 0., cod by an authority that the + ) . . r whit Aya s Sarsaparilla Timothy, Orehard, Ii:erl crop, Kentuck • I ' . Kentucky 'Phone 3:>>, vel«l,t (if n wag's brain has nothing to •► I <.as, I. olll:ltoc.s olid Beans, 3 cans dor 25e • ('': for 'b;l. - and llieadow Fescue Grasses, Bug: Prow ! �i.t :* ilii itis l'ilcutal poxcot'. ]t is a tines - Potts, (o.>se Wheat, (,nntury Oats, tuncl ! 'tion of ellinate, not of hAellect. The +, ♦r ft.t10 : tattle. All drvge. . - the iinAst strains of Mangolds, 5uaar l ! ♦' ,, . ,• ' �••�'-.»�° Beets and' Carrots. at the very lowest (rdai•-r 1 t (:litaiatt�, tLa. „tE..lter the size �*� � ♦� Act�Vr,t:rlurtarwlathatt,trkaesfAytlr'• r• + ��(3,RIFFIN.6 w HA,;I. a,.z.d ]icknotvnaltbirk4edager's //�� ori tLr hraill. 1hG ltlrgE:a hait(l,i of cit oU f^r9ita t!odlree. FO.lorlaLlaQrtctl std I ` 1.1 J/ SELS1arc, tiw,':e Cf tho Chug at"liv�i, who live 0. ,.aw:ti aelltc.«gel i �ticl,Mass. = itE)lxte bills printers CII glIiort notice fV jn' F(1� Cp S v(r,V far tgurtL, and urrt comp the • .' rY a.ca� Ar °tl co t e timlKdraAm: at tile')C'nas office. a lgr ld:� E3Y lite I_ 1pl'G• ♦ r++4♦++1•+?+.+Oil+++�++++++♦++++ +i++b♦.++++♦+f 1♦+4 i n A. l