HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-02, Page 7I
THE 11INGRAM TIMES, 31AY 2, 002.
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Starting Saturday morni^g, May 3rd, we will hold the
biggest Sale in Huron County, in everything a man
I wears, except :Shoes. Every a.tt'ucle will be marked in
I �
,L plain figures, .and so arranged fear you to inspect that
` buying will be made pleasant.
21a during which time
This Sale will last until June g
�(l we will offer SpeciXIBIarga's in every department.
These Goads were u' cash, which means a
big saving to the b
110eciai 30 MOW% �s Sale
a Boys' t-wo piece Shits at $2.50. $2.75 and $3.00.
► Boys' vbree•piece Suits, in tweeds, light and dark color, $2.95, 53.50 and 84.00.
P- 12 only 011ildren's Sailor Suits, in dark tweed and navy serge, worth $3.75, sale S.00
► 16 only'G-rey Tweed Suits for men, sizes 3d to 44, 700, 1, 5.19
► 12 only Dark ,Brown Tweed Suits, all wool, sizes 36 to 44, - 875, 11 5.75
I i Lel onl,v Men'•s.and Youths' all -wool Serge Suits, black and blue, 8.50, " f 50
0- ;) only Alen's 'Black Serge Suits, double breasted, - goo, 7.50
a' 30 pairs Men's Pants, nice dark tweed, - 1.25, " .95
W 22 pairs Alen's Pants, nice dark tweed, all, woul, - - 1 95, 1.40
� 24 pairs Men"s Black and Blue Overalls, heavy weight, (i9
17 Suits oniv, Men's and Youths', sizes 36 to 44, all wool, 9.00, 7,00
21 Black and Brown Fedoras, worth $1.50 and $1.75, sale 8125
HATS „ HATS 1. 1:' only Alen's Black Soft Felt Bats, - sale price .45
Arf 16AKU &, Uk0
A two weeks' Sate of NEW GOODS at genuine MONI+IY-SAVING 111110E1,:_ dote veli
what you can save in buying here. Spring stock is now complete, and is bigger azi;
better than eyer, Bring this list with you for reference.
Forty two Men's Suits, tailor made, nice patterns, bought at a
great sacrifice. We're going to sell them out quickly at less
than wholesale prices :—
Reg value $1.00, Sale price $4.50
Reg. value $9.00, Sale price $7.00
700, " 5.00
" 10.00, is 6.00
8.00, " 6.00
" 12.00, " 9.75
Japan one yard id(, new pat
LnePCurtstins new nate+rns,nieesiao,
n P ' p1 I 2 C
regular rice Me„ s mein! ,rice .�
price' SEx;,tts[tl• ,pr��e• regular 12 I2
W pairs Ladies' Shoes, Po like, Oxforels,
Cotton Sheeting, 2yards wide, heavy, 5
new too, regular price $1.:5, s}>eciul •95
regular value w'!)c , Salk' prier
price ..
Special to clear outm Il end of Cotton, ai
12 pieces Gingbam. in plaid or checks, 0
feat colors, rc•,ular ic, special at 5
'C9 c, jc, 6C, c.
J 4 %
ono iece Latlies' fine Suiting Serge,
bla ok or navy, regtilar $1, sale price • / 5
Ladies'Leather Belts, patent or plait)
leather, reg. 3.5c and 40c. to clear at .2 5
Men's lie,tvy Blue Denim Overalls, 45
Men's Tweed Pants. strung, well 5
made, regular $1.•25, hale price
regainr vuitio 60e. sale price .
Lace Curtains, 131, „ yards in length, choice
new patterns, regular valueI
Mpn's Colored now patterns,
fast color:+, regular 75e, Face. price • 50
$1.50, sale prier
Ten Tell dozen Ladies' Black Caahlnem Rose.
regular price $1.00, snie price • 1 5
ribbed, fast color. seamb;gs, reg
ular value 35c, to clenr at • 2 5
Heavy Union Carpet, yard aide, new 0
Boys' two-pieee Suits. all -wool, well lined.
Itegular value $2.50, Sale Price: ,
$ 2.00
pattern, scgular 50c, sale pries
Fancy cbsoh White Apron Muslin,
rtl,•ttlar value 10c, sole price •0$
One piece Plnid Dress Goods, wide,
nogulnr price 25c. Sale pricy • 15
wiut, r amara- Lnder
s'urt,. nieol� mad+ iviti+ dust
th, ver lm psi. good Valu r
at $1.:25• Salo !,rive 5
20 dwe i Ladie�' B)a+vo ltiurhtw?. Hose
ht eoL,r. ,•ize, V. His 11, '91;
r, gular prei 15c 'sol, price 10
regular vaia • 0 sal. prie•
Ib dozer. Lnpn RuPlr ,Tu%ei: irinveu.
cunei vain,• at Me hal- prie . 10
Sadie Dong;ov. B,iot:, i,ut•tune-1 or
laped, r,•;ntla* vala•: $1.5c. I. ;
Sal, • prick
Flv, awev C•:rs,•ts, 40e>'' main.
all size•, r••gula* :a,. specie.
Women'- srr„ntr La --e,' ?cunt: haav;
Jr.cregnlar vain• X1.'1 I.00
10 pipe.•; iiia.• upon war:. ,•n,, roiderS,
regala*vaia•, ,,• Sad tic Sal • . 7. (� �
prie., ., .. .
Blach Russe, Cioth T' nu, rsi„rt i ,fu 4 in,
niade t„ wear cvel:, re;alar ] .00
valae $1:2,1, sale pri•• .
Buy: Top Shirts. b}ti w)t. white
sprit, regula+• valu, 5u, sal-.
prick. J�
Unbleached Table Line:? 5
regular value 35,•, sal•, prie
� y
JUST OUR LUCK TITAT'S YOURS.—Our buyer by chance happened to come across a large -4 Opp. Bank of 11am1lt0111. liiAheSf IQhi(iE: P81(1 wlt1l' Prl1CfllGe
consignment of goods the other day that were stopped in transit on account of the party to whom .4oo they were shipped having got into difliculties. lie offered a price to clear the lot, which was ,l
l►„ accepted, so we are going to make a noise with them to let you know how we sell goods
► 14 j wROXETE 3.. night like it was, a whole village might last and was largcly a,ttendc-d.
► 4 doz. Men's Flalluellett�e Shirts, worth 2:3e, sale .19 16 dozen pairs Men's Black Cashmere Socks,
v(Ii)c Shirts for •45 worth 35c a pair, sale price - - . 54 4 Mr, Jas. ];£lrbT and sun were in Bel- have been swept away, as Mr. Gibson's Miss Diary Aitcheson is recovering
1' 2 doz. Men's Mack Shirts, all sizes, " 60c, `° .45 17 dozen Men's Shirts and Drawers, light weight, . I more on Muuclav on business. premises, a glmrter of it mile distant, from her recent severe illness.
2 doz. Men's Snitted Shirts, blue, per suit, .3:5
" 65c, •45 x,1.25 Snit Underwear for 80 4 I The quarterly meeting of the Metho- took fire several tinier. Miss Nettie and Mr. Russel Grainger
D black and white,
� 2 doz. Men's and Youths' Blue 7 dozen Snits Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, a dist church Will be held in tine church Miss Maggie Miller, who has been and r. Hartley o �oie;ivorth were in
Durk Shirts, " 6o0 " :113 ; worth $1.25 a suit, sale price 80 (t( hero oil Suudsy nest• assisting in the Huwick insurance utiico the village on Sunday.
s15c Sociis for 8c.— ! j 1 Ashton Morrison is on the sick list at 1}ere, lest last Tuesday i'ur Toronto to Mr. John Burgess was 'adding up"
► 10 doz,'pairs Men's Socks (union),VERY SPECIAL -4 � present. keep books for her brother Richard, the Foresters' books in Brantford last:
regular, per pair, 15c, stile, N d k of groceries week.
le, 3 pairs for 5 ,
lac Black Socks for 20c-- 50 dozen Mens Ribbed Silk Underwear, sir- eoloring,'s, -1 Louis Kalbiieiselm and Peter Lusemore who purchaikod the stoc
1p.> h 2 00 a suit, sale prices ppr suit, $1.00 : of Mildmay called cin C. Reis, the for- from his uncle, Howard Suell. Miss Mrs. McAllister of Turnberry held an
0. all wool, worth 25c a pair, sale price .20 We have the best Brace in Huron County for - •2V { titer's brother in-law, 0111 Sunday Millar was escorted to the station by a auction sale of her farm stop's etc., last
► .4 [ Goo. Calder has secured a situation number of the young ladies. She will week and has removed to Morrisbank to
suis a Chicago Plirtrttit Co. be much missed by many friends, who reside with her daughter, firs, Jas.
Miss Wendt and Miss Swaln} of Mild- wish her all success. Musser.
0. '4 0 D mit were the gaests of the foruier's t A ear of hogs was shipped from this
► - br, tiler, Jrhu Wendt last week. ILUEVALP;. Mr. Jas. Bur station on Monday.
► - a I
.4 Miss Ei&e Guodfolluw is on the sick gess bpent a fell days its
y = -K list. On Friday, April 25, occurred the Woodstock last weelt.
Arthur Robinson took a trip to Wal- deudi of L+'lirabeth Yeo, beloved wite of Miss Hattie Reid of Wingham sang
► H Cm W E CON 4
4 - 4 kertull this week. J. J. Denman. Mrs. Denman had been solo iu the Methodist church on Sunda
Butter and eggs taken as Cash. �(�� '4 Mrs. T. F. Sunders, who has been ill but a few clays with a severe attack morning; in a vt ry pleasing manner
110. 1. Colin A. Campbell's old stand. • 4 visiting in Detruit for some time will of pneumonia and although it was known Miss Reid spent the day witu friend
► .4 return this week. that she was very ill her sudden death here.
►AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Mrs John DavidaOn will leave for came as a shock to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson of Moles
- �- will remain in the Old Country all sura- Robt. Yeo, Sr. of Turnberry and was 45 worth visited friends in the village o
Hmvio3., Scotland nru Thursday. She Mrs. Denman was the dan„hter of Mr.
BEL/}lLA\'l:. I BAti'r iVAiVA\OdFI. Sttrlflay.
VOICES OF THE PEOPLE, Mr, E. C. Conites of Bluevale wi
Mr. William Watson went to Shel- I Miss Syhilla Wettlnufer of Blyth was mer for the benefit of her health, years of age at the tunic of her cletlth.
The Editor does net hold hinisetf responsible' R. Black received a ear Lad of Maui- She was Of a very Iciud and amiable dis- teach the Entrance class of the Win
for the 00iolis expressed by eor,'t:spond- bourne on business this week. the Sunday -nest of Miss Sadie Walden. ham public school till the holid't cot
tints, luior dues lie always hold thv Melte Mr. Chas. Vannormau went to Varna I Miss Mand Robiusou of Marnoch tuba wheat last week. position :end all those who came in cou- P y''
views as oxpressed by correspondents. on Tuesday, where he ]5 g0ii}a 111(0 1110 V1Flred Ol) the third h15t iveCk• mellcin • Un May 151.
F. Taylor, loth con. Huwick was iu tact lilts her will feel the loss of the b
Co the Editor of the Trxus: hotel business with Mr. Blake. I The school in No. 10 is closed this town this weetc. cheerful and kind hearted wowau who Muss Lotti„ Coad Of Tro,vlridg;e
Dear Sir,—I consider that the firemen Mr. Wm. Phillips left here tin Wed- ( week, owing to the inability of the The weigh scales are now in readiness, has passed away. But how very much vis! lett at. Joseph Leech's.
did their duty as well as possible at nesday of this week with his wife and trnstees to seenron teacher, but the grounds have yet to be fixed. more will this be felt by the sorrowing Percy Patterson 1 • t on ivednesd
Friday night's fire, under the existing family, for Goderich, where they will Mr. Thos, Kerniek lost a valuable A lady who represented herself as a husband and motherless children who morning for Milverton where lea h
circumstances. First, they hull a long reside in future. Billy will be greatly horse recently. book agent gave our town a call last have been deprived so soon of the love secured a situation in the choose factor
tun and drew their carts through the missed in Bel -rave, especially by the Mr, Will. Toll left ore Tuesday for week. and care of a wife and mother. Mrs. He will revel in curds and whey un.
Winnipeg with a car load of horses. y g y the autumn.
jand by hand, and secondly, the tar on horse dealers. P Mr. W• J. Dutf of Bluevale was in De11auuu leaves it ou11 fait of six Tlx: butter factory will be ready f
the inside of thu new plain corroded Mr. Hugh McLean left here oil Wed- Mrs. Alex. Morton spent hast week town on Monday and took home with children, three Girls tend three buys the work oil Monday.
.and pieces broke Off these being furce,1 nesday for Manitoba. with friends in Wilrg l)nm• him two new wagons for the Bluevale eldest of whoa►, Albert, being it clerk in l'►ie weather on Saturday made
into the hese incl blocked up the nozzle, Mr, and Mrs. John Owens left here on Mr, and Mrs. Michael Robertson visit- Creamery. Halstead's bank, Mt. Forest; the others long; ter those beautiful days last win
when sonietiwes two rigs w, u ld pass
thus a good stream could not be Pro' Tuesday for Algoma to attend their eel friends in Ashfield this week. Mr. Wade of Fordwieb was in town still tit hose. Uu Sunday afternoon one at'tvrnonn.
duced. This town needs a hors,, 11:1 son Jolun, who is seriously Ill. Mr, and Mrs, Robert Cowan and and shipped a car load of potatoes this I one of the largest funerals of recent Mr. and Mrs. Milton Winson of Su
their fire appratlrs as it tuckers the ft •e• Mr. J. C. Ross of Blyth is visiting in family, formerly of Essex, who have week, years testified to the respect and sym- shine speut Sunday at T. Scewart's.
mien drawing those heavy carts it lulig the village this week. been vic•iting at Mr. Rob Henry's the S. B. McKelvie was in Wingham last pathy of the community. The service -
ilistanee Seel also delays pruulptm h, u -id W. K. Whalley gatherel 1560 dozen past three weeks, started for Seattle, Tuesday on business. was conducted in the Methodist church
increases clamaxes. eggs last week. Wash., on Tuesday. Our village had a severe electric storm by the Rev. F. Swann, who preached a
Crrlye'S- Quarterly service iu the Methodist Miss bland (,mm�hell and Mrs. John ver appropriate sermon and then many k';1' ,�•�.� t '+
Q y last Friday night. The lightning struck y 1 G d �„ , ,.....
church next Sunday morning. Prolli• l Beecroft vi,ited friends in Morris this the Esty house and on Sanderson street availed themselves of the opportunity of > {
-Of.�� Vose bition sermon ru the evening. week. it struck iu three places. It shattered taking a last look at the face which ltry Rev. Mr, Little of Toronto is taking Miss Mand Robertson is working for v,inclow panes and tore up earth at ! cold in death. The remains were inter-
That is what you should breathe through the pulpit in the Presbyterian church her cousin, Mr. J. Murdock of Goderich. Donald g'usher's and next to his place it 11'ed in the Bluevale cemetery. Among,' tj g ,.\ ,• it edici, , ION 111 01
-not your mouth, during Mr. Hastie's absence. Miss E. Nicholson, who has been in struck at the foot of a balsam tree and those at the funeral were:—Miss Fro n- z41-Iffin
� 1 t•;1 r. hili•thta vet setL'ut there may he times when your ca- : Clinton for the past two months, has re• left a cavity and threw earth onto the c):1 Yeo of Windsor trd ribs. Robt. ly-ietpluL' You vcva
tarrh is so bail you can't breathe through it. turned to her home on the 10th, sidewal!c. Next it struck foto J. Bre King of Toronto Sistors of the deceased, �can. It is r 111 t, VBreathing through the mouth Is always A boiler of the Rodd & Culllen 14lilliug bur. Hugh McLean started for Maui• f%aur's little gate and hiugie, part of the I Mr. and Mrs. Joh 1 K•rr, D. M. Gordon, ` C, esole1:C. Y o : 1 1,1 t
bad for the fun and it is especiaiiy so Co., Stratford, blew up and eoulpletbly toba on Tuesday. A. H. Musgrove, J. R.I£err W. F. Van- Cre-ukta- in the vcc o,lrcr 'lyl
demolished the boiler -house and all its big gato and into a pusA at the. corner c g' P + ' M "
when their detteate tissues have been weak- Miss Mary Agnew of Wing;liarn spent very,
stono and Ar. !surd of Witig hatu, lane ,ici }curt: near Chu 1 ed.
rued by the scrofulous condition of the contents.
his dwellin rise shuck was ver p. " 1
Sunday at Calvin. 6 + ci il„ren c uie 1 hr1:;i eo--n the v
blood on which catarrh depends. heavy. Mr. Wardrobe of leesivater condtu•tecl t 1 Y '
Alfredj,'- YinHsc, Ilocrncrstown, Pa.. ,The remains of the late Mr. James I V We are pleased to hear that Mr. the services im the Presbyteria;r uhurob Tl)erte i5 nothint; c glial to it
suffered from i:atarrh !or vear9. His headbell, I George Henry who has been very ill, is Air. Orr. Inspector for the Waterloo , wlt<1 itl cou * t ' of , Ctlltls, ctl
felt bed, there was a rinrfttd it1 ties ern,. wereCamitex-R, i'leasaut' cweme- Ina. Co. called on J. Brethauer and ad, 1 au Sunday. p g I- ' " �'
and he could not breathe through one of i 7:eeiiiug,'tiefrl+r. • • sUrethroit, nuc'. r,tt:.t t1 :•hi,'
hie nostrils nor clear his head. ter Loudon, oft April 22, In the 50's justed'tlle loss'oi :liusiedPiluli»: Uiiiu� 1?ueuluol is?:119 �JePll very prevalent i+s tl.a tl•r•+at at:+i i t It. tt is
Atter trying several Catarrh si)e tyles he tory,
a mill at Woodham, � to the numerous losses lately the in- this vicinity during the last month or nonlical, pla,i.. n , �.
from Which tie derived no bene ;axon county. Baby's cold maybecurediirs,nightbyuntng s eotur was not able to get here sooner. two. The doctors are kept very busy , , 1 by t,•..� i< nvety
completely cured, according; to his own I Va1po-eresolene, which has been extensively p p`
complete by I in use for twenty-four Years. -All drutvgists. However, the loss is adjusted scltisfa. - attending to their nnnuernrts 11atu+nus,
arlll� ,..,, .. „d a �,
torn null Mx. 1'truliu will have his me„t of thf}se un liluevnle, howeverart, "t• i ', ).• +pobt> 1,t
�OI�CI s },Sarsap �00pl§ the cough _.....�- _ y
Amy orders for sales left at The Tusurs ehelluo befog, long;. How f fie firi+ orifi• now oil the road to recovery • 1 ' kir tc,
This great medicine radically and per- , ,: .u,.::. t 1. ut•, t�1,, .
Cures catarrh by cleansing; the Lill/)< \1'011`llitai O]11F tlltie �,011lll. , olliuo ill receive protirllt attention. J. inated will roulai.0 tl, atystlsry, Saul it is 11 The quarterly communion service way �-f-on's” u o, + \eta Volk.
mnttently Rerommenderl .nil ,uhf b, ... ,t •,).
blood and building' UP the whole systelil t.axative llronio•(�uininoToblets euro it cold in 1 blcss:n it Wcrs 1111 iv.r,s.. J iiiud5 held ill the Methodist church Oil Sunday , druggist, Wingha n.
p'b Ytr.1 s Seethe tatorlle bathettto. , one d tv. Nu cure.uo 1'ay. l: rice 1:3 cents, Currie, anctiuueer. g