HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-05-02, Page 6I a THE WINGIIAN TBI E S, MAY 2, 1902. 0 WIM AN OVkRWQRKED `PHRASE• � BAD DAY FOR FIRES \D Tie Esprexiiion ]HIM"He Took Ili* Lite In expression nd." -_ucti MONEY WELL. SPENT INV' f� s ha ds' always be took his life in jjryry,, 1�— � � Its hands' alwnss struck me as 13e1n1; A Very Destructive BIaz9 at % very' foollsh," said a bright young gen- North Augusta Ont• _ tleman, "and h have often wondered '' why hang persons p iu' using Is the result of a purchase made here. It when they want to speakak o of estrnor- VILLAGE NEARLY ALL WIPED OUT REND dlnary dangers. Now, extraordinary I Look over our Wall Paper and you will is �'` •:r.,.�i, 'i::;t' banger is one thing sand the simple, be delighted , ted with the pane •li=�:,. "' ,, commonplace thing of taking one's own The ,• patterns and the ' `•�'' •' ;:;.:. Su$.reu in Yes ]:>.11 5trultr—The } a "� ; .,;; �., life iu one's hands Is an entirely differ- Losses will Twai 1140,000—Grist slut beautiful colors. The figures shown on '.i::• ent thing. slid tither Buildings at Netrburztt "I work in a big building, There are our Papers are beautiful, while the t+.;,. ";ti; a. •.�, : ;:,.;: Same mothers wear Destroyed by Fire—Fire Fires a steam engine and a mammoth boiler figures we ask for them are small. "'sy (---t strength and In the basement. Whenever I enter is the Vicinity of • gPEj that buildlug, if they are running the Chatham. ] P P g' enbine in the basement, I take m life g p �• ��ar :.•,�, , patience atchin ,. in my hands. I get y North Augusta, Aril �4,—About and fussing over their on the elevator on yesterday [Ire broko out in the Wall the fifth floor; I no u0 Paper ;,;•, ,; , take my life in my north side of the village, commencing '•",�,:: boys' clothes. Poor hands, I go out of town; the car at the residence of Charles (lulbrailh. a,l� "•' ;; may tumble over a trestle -somewhere. The residence of George Davis was economy, we say. 3 =. I wall: along the street; a sign may next destroyed. From there it clean - 1 Now, fall on me. I make my way across the ed out the residences and stables of :'? '»;:;•;;i:' thoroughfare; who knows but what S ]] Norton. These were oil the For Parlors, Dining Rooms Pied - "'v: i';• a street car or a vehicle of some sort road to Bellamy Station. Two ' SROREY S blacksmith shops, one occupied by Rooms, Halls, Kitchens and Ceil- r;�;.; may not run me down. I cross the riv- Chas. Galbraith and one ennpty, The l'1 READY er; may I not suddenly find myself in ingS with Borders t0 match. e swirling stream and sinking for fire then took the following oil Vic- t 1]. th :;: •:� ye,: g toric street : The brick: residence and the last time? If I walk along thed,•ivehouse of hr. Waddell, the frame TAILORED street, may not a brick or a loosened residence and shoe store of James .• " '''. i� icornice come crashing down upon we? Langstaff, the brick residence, carri- CLOTHINGThere are a row and a shot or two on age house and stables of 1V. 5. Can- ALFX. I20SS •• WINGHAn the corner; may not a stray bullet wing non, and millinery store Zf Aliss '�\ for bo ys is so made' ane. And soon. Cannon. This house was owned by S -re sialism? No. Logic. That's all. 1V333• Steacy, Athens. The bions than continual It just shotes the difference between Hotel, nine out -buildings, owned by �-- taking one's own life in one's hand A13S. J, B. Davis, were +:'lnplc sly � mending is not b dertr0ycd. The general store, owned and the matter of confronting extraor- --� necessary. ' . These risks are ordi- by '1'. I•., Warren & Coq:+ai+;;. inch dinar +c.• Y : y danger. g Ilei) Telephone gilieo, ;,it8 R)ped THE CORNER DRUC STORE �,�•---�— �� � � tliu•y, plain, old, everyday risks. The out, out, also his new uut•I;uii:liugs, Honest woolen fireman who dashes Into a burning barns, drivehouse and residence. material, Sty- building to rescue a child, the fellow Tho new residence just belt, cri'teted lishl -and dug- lube grabs the bridle of a runaway by Dr. Dunn and his 0111ce, hicluding S horse, the hero who will plunge into a verb valuuhle library, was consum- Iy put together, prevents this. We sell clothing for the river to save some person who Is! an Vei-y little stsfurniture was gaited �Yle Nerves Garden and none of the stocks of warren, boys which does not wear re or shabby, and which retains, al'out to drown—these are the persons Langstaff & Cannon. A horse of y grey yr who confront what I would call ex - i 1�orlou and three cows of Dr. Dunn its shape and neatness. traordlnary dangers, and the worn wore barred to death. Nearly all Nervous energy, the one tiling platitude of saying of one of these `he had some i3loss bei, except Dr. wad. Seeds We honestly believe there is no better or cheaper tool: his lite in his hands' would not dell, his loss being about .Wad- lacking in the majority of people, nothing made than the kind we sell. fit the case because there would be in Total loss is estimated at $40,000 ; depends upon the proper nourish - the act an element of heroism which insurzkuce about $12,000. The fire ment of the brain and nervous sys- `rile spring showing is now ready. Won't you look at it? would place it much above the com- cleaned ok erything north of the creel:, tem. Unfortunately artificial stim- " mon plant Good Fresh lace.- I except the two churches, three resi- P i ulauts are resorted to slid the result • , donccs and the English Church par- Seed and Satisfactory is R,j�'tj �� [,.I: soruc,•e. Host of the pcopie have left is invariably a reaction, producing Results are 1 1 g Y, CHISHOLM BLOCK:y®yT'S JOKE qN M'KEE. ! only the clothes on their backs. L. mental depression, (or blues) inabili- Assured, E, lvarrel3 saved his books. They t716 -sleep, weakness, headache, un- We have in were in a fire -proof safe, and not the Iaow the Playwright lana a Bit of ; necessary worry, and other well Stock a full line . least damaged. fire was supposed Fun With Ills llnnager, knownS m toms of nervous disease. to have started by a chimney burn- y p of Garden On one occasion Manager McIiee )ng out. The wind was raging, what is most needed and sought was watellin. a performance from a b les Seeds, pure and 13iC Fire >3L Newburgh. - y intelligent people is a nerve foods • fresh. box, where he was seated with some and tonic combined. Such is Iron friends. Newburgh, April 24.—Another fire, For sale by the a During the first net an usher came with a gale of wind, not unlike the Tonic Pills. 2115c a box, five for $1. ounce and package. BUSINESS g him with the information that n fire fire 1887,to has visited this village. = gentleman was waiting at the door to The fire started in i tl, and f l Mr. I 13au•moy3ne's grist mill, and ill a ve3;y a . „ see Jilin on most Important business. Short time completely demolished thea i i a "Tell hint I can't come out—I'm very ;rill, together with three large build- Ao L. �r17�ILT0N busy," was the auswer. ings belonging to E. W. Stickney's The usher returned in a moment to Agricultural lvorks, in which were D'pf�n �+ � Then-: say that the man Insisted on seeing I stored considerable machinery and DRUGGIST,—� ~'- --- T" Y9r�1+lGifiQltl ��'99 ingham Times les ��•`and_ Mr. McBee, who again sent out word ! raw,niaterial, as aveil as nearly all that it icas tnil5ossiblo to see him, I his patterns. A factory belonging io la y..l g l�'the finest line of Calendars The man outside then sent in the I ,I. Farley, also a large pile of lu3n- ¢. message that he was an author and ber belonging to Robert Paul, Inet o� '0,3 .e market It will pad had a play that he wishes Alcliee to a ot similar fate. insurance $ loss was ° a3' read immediately. about So,000; insurance 53,000; Bur- read +royw*s about $3,00(); supposed to Lki,%u�'. h iii 4"s men in this vicinity This incensed the manager, who said l © insured. Farley's loss was about i � ' ANNOUN01 � o s to the usher: $2,0'00; insurance $3,000; Robert I ,ry �+ "Tell that fool out there that this is Paul's loss, $x,000; no insurance. I to elder their Calendars from no time to bring a play to be read. Fires -Near Chatham. i�•�,,..- ,,,.,,..... Get him out of the place—I won't see Chatham, April 24 —There was a e �, him. I won't read IIs play." series of disastrous fires in this vie - this office. The Times of ce ire M's E NT,.- a A Pew minutes later the usher came tatty yesterday and Tuesday. John also headquarters for all kinds back and informed AlcIiee that the Cooper's Saw and Stave Mills,oil man man utterly refused to go without see- the. 11th concession of Chatham, and 1\ t rci Ing granted the ad' I ` ' ' in him, and that he must be adjoining village, known as � � Co � � of commercial printing. You an interview, also that he was quite Cooperviile, were totally destroyed I Co fly old customers are looking sure that the manager would not only Tuesday. Bush :fres were the cause. • y to me to et something good read his play, but be would also pro- Messrs. Benoit incl I,ucier of Big g � g can gest the best Job printing duee it, and added that he would bet Pont, Dover, both lost their resi- in the denies and contents Tuesday. Chas. $1,000 that Hoyt & McKee would be E. Scott, a farmer on the 8th licon- 'j�'� done at this oce. Prices only too glad to get the play. cession of Chatham Township, lost McKeer ERY At that McKee became furiously ]lis' residence and almost total con - FARM MACHINERY right. angry, and, excusing himself to his tents. Yesterday afternoon the fine party, left the box with the intention brick residence of 1Villiam ATills, on of personally Inviting the persistent the 4th concession of Chatnom Town- line for them. I am pleased to tell then] and everybody author to begone. ship, was entirely destroyed, th-e fire "Where's that Idiot who Insists on starting from a chimney. interested that I am stocking up with the ver best this. seeing me?" he asked of the treasurer Piro In Hungerford. seeing EMEN at the box office. Then the treasurer Belleville, April 24.—A dwelling in Canada of ours can produce— and no other country Can pointed to a man standing In the sbad- Ilungerford, owned by Robert Coul- 10,,..HORSwith a roll of manuscript under son of Thomasburg, was burned yes- make, better. his arui. terda,y. It was Hoyt, hath his newly, finished I.TIcaL POINTE! & Among the o'oods I purpose handling are included play, which he handed to ASciCee, who POL_ a P P said to those present: -Mr..?. T. Fraser of (,ore Bay has the famous Get your bills and route cards "It's on me—wbat'll you have, boys?" I'ren nominated by the Liberals to as 1 contest the Manitoulin constituenov Printed at this office. We � in the election. Noxon, oOdor■ ThatPermeate FOodYtttli*. T. L. Pardo was again nominated Ingersoll, A ti,h dea]er les one of the most sty) -by the Liberals of ]Vest Kent at have all the necessary cU.tS � j Chatham Wednesday. J i h ports o[ i\ew York was deeply hurt i 3n Andrew P. and badly worried one day by the com- tullo was present, and spoke. - cardboards, etc. for turning plaint of one of his big customers that At Delta 1Vednesday the Liberals of aline salmon which he lead scut to the ( South Leeds nominated C. E. Brit- If you drop in and see samples now react eu out th�.s class of work f ou, house for a big dinner had proved to election. n. contest the riding in the local y, Y Mr. Brittt non asked tea will certainly very be favorably impressed. If you see be entirely uneatable when served ow- days in which to definitoly decide. } y Ing to a most enetrating taste of creo• The time was granted, them -rill Ai nd our prices as low as sote that pervaded It. The fish dealer r. 1). L. Ross of Enibro, wOli will want them, and if you illy before sesta you was the lowest realized, although the charge was not I some weeks ago tendered the nomin- then] you will be very sorry, for I can tell you they made directly, that he was more than ation for the Legislature by the Pro- suspected of having sold a stale fish hibition Assoclationl of North ox- are swell goods. that had been washed or brushed with ford, announced Wednesday afternoon an antiseptic preparation to tilde its that he would run as a " straight Independent Liberal." Then I handle the renowned Woodstock Wagons, etc.,. condition. He knew that the salmon Representatives of the 'Toronto So- SUNSCRIBERS had been perfectly uzzll when les sold�� cialist Leagues met in Itichmond Hall Cockshutt, Brantford, I low Goods, Percival Plow Goods it, and for days he puzzled in vales over tVcdklcsday night and nominated the the problem. But suddenly he remem- following candidates : East Toronto B. Bell & Son's, St. George, Cutting Boxes, which are• tiered that on the da -y the fish was sent' •James Simpscm, West %pronto— on`t a tank wagon fall of creosote had •I'ohn A. Kelly, North Toronto—Mrs, so well and favorably known In this vicinity, stopped before his pluoe and that lila Darwin. No candidate was placed cart, Into which the fish was being in the field for St'uih Toronto. It would take too much space to enumerate everything "o is a good time to start place* was directly alongside of the P Died Brom itirinjnrles. I keep in stock. Suffice it to say that I purpose handling powerful stuff. That appears to have P P been enough to perntente the delicate Toronto, April 24... -William A. h taking The Times. 60 cents Lackey, who was thrown from his flesh of the fish, bicycle about six weeks ago on Dun- nothing but the best. goods I call get hold of, and would esteemdas street, sustairing a severe frac- ' Will pay for The Times to Jan. Wooes Morrtiea. With Piet"re. tulle of the skull, died about 7 it a favor to have the pleasure of showing customers and ' ��•;•�' (� �� �+ "I have found a cure," said a physi• o'clock last night at his home 29, friends thro ' h m stock. which will be found up-to-date in, gi°f 1:903' f or 1•O`r mill �+asr for clan, "for a person who isn't chronical• Czar street. Deccrtsed was 28 years y ' 1 ly afllldted with Insotnnial, but who Of age, Ile is survived by a widow every liIle. The Tines and Weekly Globe temporarily cannot sleep. It is a curt- and three children. till• ouil thing that the pidture df h. person seven Hen Drowsed. In Buggies as usual I have purchased three car loads• the lsta January, 1903. yawning win almost liiiarlably lndude ' ' �✓ a Newcastle'. P7nglaltd, April 24.—Oft sleep' trio 'Pyne, yesterday, a new steamer, from the best makers, and if you Watlt a buggy for $60, or ono, `Try It yourself ddt0 iftt& if you the Dilkera, df Adelaide, South Au- • , tome across Auch 6 1p4 4004ltitph. bbr for $too, or one for an other price you will find it litre. the life of you rot c's�la'lt U010 yawning, straits, was on her speed trial trip, � , �` when she ran down the Norwegian THE TIMES} after a motdo nt, wd4' ##Watellt gaging ere oteamer, Rt.1ilit, which Jbinilial. , at the sisepy hold �P/M shfilist fnevita• attlly souk, drowning seven, -of her TIMI: OLD STAND IIT `� bly and you to fhs touch for a nap."— crew. 'I'e1Y zlien wars rpsctle¢ by lir . 1 i hen Ont1aY'14 cr., Tork xll�elk DliktxaT, Near the market..... .Ar1 . Ro%-Moo ,r,.. -..-:...+.w. mn nrY�.n3ii.n�ile,wnnnannnui i II ,. . .......��.-,.__,.,.. ,�„-.._..•...z,-�... .._-...__... , ....>-._.._. ,.�,..... _ .,. ...._ .. :f t. A.