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The Wingham Times, 1902-05-02, Page 4
A 11TE4 VQ'1G1lAA 1` 1Li�S, MAY 21 1002 in �� _ tli<,n11�brhi11t1H I ONE MAN'S LUCK. °• • s9�000+�aeoea�oaia�•gv��at,►� �•i~.., l� LT 12.7. () ' � 1, l "T�` Heaven. lint Cain i;:re � � ,......s... their opponents, as Mr. rtsee•oo•�owo�1��►r�srrf000�eoo•19osoeoo®�t®�s4•�er�w ��* • Aliml'ter had Halle." 8terrcd Into a Jltnlor Partnership•. _. -�_-�••• not j Water N 1�.ir1{'� "l repeat flt�lf I stn G1C`1{ fi1nC� tired iIIICI i►Y (t C11n71CC (7uMt pt \{'il►d, pl p � �1 YY (LV.yji p •'Speaking of taking in paTtners' : JOHN K OR i ) i JAS, 11, 1011 blisinessreuirestb mto sk0011, obese 1 • PEOPLES POPULAR STORE said a downtown business lean, "our • ®�a �bnsiuesarequires tlueImmtOAsk CalmCe6$ion8 junior was, You might say, blown In oil • froum the Governumoot, Constantly held its, and I saw him started iu our c11. � Ooi0e0etr0(PfQts�•qle�••:9>a®�tD•OOOOatOgi��Or•rsY004001f3y00®sa00QOa•Q�A®401!00®C+®roe up to the rublio as highwaynietl, Can,- rection, though I had no idea of it at 0 0 althieves told rabbHrs,"—G.o. 111.. trip tlule. r;TEA MEWS SHOES SPECIAL VALUE IN • a^.lm Ono rnal�inkepcl 111ar to Arter• "Gains down town one summer morn -0 - • W absolutely pesfegt. , . Rev. Peter Cam bell and other Tor Ing on a Ninth avenue elevated train , P y • Dont keep on using poor Tea. BOX CALF LADIES' BELTS S 1 saw sitting opposite to me a young >� prohibitionists olio use �vrotlty against • If you are u lover Of Tea Wo Hon, Gxeo, W. Roes for not holding the lean who caught; my fancy, a substan• : DOATGOLA• IIID , Cal, earnest, straightforward looking • can please you, Beaded Elastic Belts are the • referendum on the same da i;s the 38EX TY BRUSHES' . , y chap, wbose•)ooks 1 Ilk d first rate, Ile • 'TAX CALF correct style for this season. • 1tUBBER GLOVES , . municipal election will please remember was reading a m 1 •• Blue Ribbon , nsoon, black o a paper, and present] • he and D1(; RU13BER S�iEETIlti'(T , i that Mr. Whitney voted against that tore off from his paper an advertise- • and mixed, are the best pack-. Buff, Kip, Grain and Split We have them, • SYRINGES, Etc., Ete. !proposition wheu it was made by Mr. luent leaf that. he didn't want and = • age Teas on the m Murter,—Aurone Banner. threw It out of a window or tried to, • market. Leather. Beaded blastic Belts, white and Iu fact anything rt a want- - -- -- -._ for its a matter of fact it didn't go out. 0 25c, 30e, 40C and 50c per lb. black, with ornament. - ,35 iii Rubber Gov&, wo have LitsEit.kI, niistsriivc. A gust of wird with just the right • • The Liberals of Win i Beaded Elastic Belts steel and • it tit right prices, g num held an twist to it came along at just that mo- • s ' • w black, with ornament. - 60 • ' organization sleeting on Wednesday meat and bac\v the paper back, to fall q OMEN S SHOES • on a vacant seat next to him. 0 Ceylon Black Tea in bulk. Beaded Elastic Belts, steel, or- a evening which was well attended. Mr. • nament back and front, - .75 • E I .end as it felt something In it Caught • QnC own blend. S IVeai Styles t olio A Caropbell I G. Cameron, the Liberal candidate atlsfaetion Ills eye, and he picked up that part • • t for `Vest Huron and Mr. Chas. Seager • guaranteed. DOtiGQI A KID Beaded Elastic Melts xhite o which he had just been trying to throw• � � , THEt� p'f�+r p of Goderich wero present and both de- away and began earnestly to read it 0 r ,, BOX CALF heavy ornament in front, .75 DRUGGIST livered short addresses. Mr. Catucron and ended un by folding it carefully � 70C, �Oe, 40e, 30c, ;1C, Oe, r • NEW ST(tltE: Opp. Bank of Hamilton his positionon the temper- and putting it in his pocket. 0 PAT. LEATHER SLIPPEM, White Leather Belts 3v � ante question which was very satisfac- "About four minutes after I'd got In r OKI+'QI�D Patent Leather Belt, shaped .25 ` tory to all present. He "aid be would here that morning this same young s Our 'new Japan at 25c is , , Patent Leather Belt, plain 20 TO ADVERTISERS. vote with the Hou. G. W. Ross in pass- man walks lu and applies for a place 0 splendid value. Tr i• it, DOL\GOLA KID SLIPPER Voice of changes must bo left at this iug time fullest tneasnte of prohibition that Nye had been waiting for some- r r` OXFORD Patent Leather Belt, shaped, that the Owers of Legislature body to fill. Our advertisement for a • ornament at buckle- - .50 • o.tii(:o not later than Saturday noon. p g , lature would man for it was in that paper which I • • (The copy for changes must be left permit. Mr. Cameron is one of the • Our regular prices are lower Patent Leather Belt, with old not later than Tuesday evening, most promising young men of the aw, seen this young man try to throw • Ceylon Green Tea in packages g r p g y amvay, and which a gust of wind, by at 25c a liotind. than th(� cut prices of some braid - .50 • Casual advertisements accepted up county and he deserves and should re. one chanco in n m4lIon qr more, had dealers. • • .,to noon Thursday of each ~reek. ceive the hearty support of the Liberals blown back- upon him and in such a 0 _ — ' • of West Huron, manner as to fix his attention. ® COCOA ~— —' CAPS o ( ESTABLISHED 102. "As a matter of tact I hadn't liked a COCOA THE jjj rM EAST HURON LIBERALS• the young mall's act of throwing the • MISSES' SHOES Amther lot of Caps ,lust put THE WINQUAm TIMES The annual meeting of the E,ust Huron paper out of an elevated car lvindoiv. O Is delicious, nourishing, strength.. BOYS SHOES • O s into stock. Ji. ft. ELLIOTT. PURER ti M ANT) PHOPRIKTOR Liberal Association (both for Provincial A paper Maedi down and around As • ening, and easily digested. and Domininu) will be held in the Town that would do might frighten horses • C, Boys' Wool Plaid Cap, .25 r and lead to no end of trouble and lots ..osis about one cent a Cup. CHILDREN'S SLOES FRIDAY, A1A1' 2, 1902. Hail, $runnels on Tuesday, May, 13th Boys' Plush Cap, Colo.'s, 25 of — commencing At 1.30 o'cloc}r. Arrange- about everything, and he'd eut no one arn better thinks 0 We have the best brands. t Boys' Blue Serge Cap, .5 meats have been made with Hon. Mr. • --- BABY'S SHOES abort. this, I knew, and so as A matter ® Boys' Tweed Ceps, 25 � int rcourt, the clever anti eloquent Mie- spot fact I took this noting man ou the o COFFEE made to fit well, wear �veti Boys' fawn Wool Cap ,30 aster of Education, to be present and de spot on my first lmpre$sions of hits. • , and lock well. • liver all address. A. Hislop, Liberal IIe far more than made good and to 0 --- • We guarantee our Coffee to candidate; Dr. Macdonald, M. P., for due course of bine Ile came into his • 8 a East Huron, and Deputy Speaker of the junior partnership, literally and truly m give satisfaction. Dlocha and t Girls' Red Tams ,25 • L�Itliti�o! Candidates, Commons and other speakers will also blown into e a Java blends, 30C and 40e lb. FISHING TACKLE Girls' White Tarns, braid trim- a be in attendance. An evening meeting "Sort o' queer, eh?" r • _ may be arranged. No Liberal should Rods 20 feet long - ,15 Gir)s'ng�Plusll Tams, leather A CORDIAL RECEPTION. pOST19149 CEREAL g • fail to at this gathering, a !lads l3 feet ton ,10 band .50 Elactor:i, vote for Hou. G. W . Ross ! I -- -- - Tho Book Awent Got One That o 00 • and the most progressive Governinenti A PROHIBITION VIEW. Wasn't Intended For Elfin. p AND q p Rods 12 feet long - .05 Canada has ever known by supporting i Rev. D. Spencer of BrantforA, a There Is a farmer living just north O CARAMEL CEREAL Lines, from le to ,25 Men's Plaid Caps .25 � clergyman who took a very active part of Evanston and a book agent some- 80 :lien's Tweed Cas 25 • Zine under mentioned and all Liberal in the Federal Prohibition! lebiscite,and where in the cosmopolitan desert of • Hooks—all kinds. p P Life fond Drinks, They take candidates. Chicago each of whom feels that he is • Mens Fancy Tweed Caps .50 • is still a promniuent worker in time cense, p a victim of a cruel circumstance, care of the blood and nerves. Sinkers Baits 1� tc. Men's Cordaro Cas 50 • X. G. CAMERON for West Hnrou. has expressed his views on the situation Last week the farmer had a note ® J y I � .,ARCH. HISLOP for East Huron. ' from a Prohibition standpoint in a letter from a nephew to say that the boy die®($00®C�am•00000000ee000000fl000il000000.60000•o0oee0A680ft00@00e0e0CaS+000000aam0000= � M. Y. 1txr.LEAN for South Huron, to thn Brantford Expositor. Mr. Spen- would visit ,the farm on Thursday. • ter announces himself as tied to no Uncle and nephew had not met i'or Cif- a 7&. E. TRLrA3 for South Bruce. p e M AC D O N A L D BLOCK party, Government position nor clerical teen years, and the old man drove to 0 JOHN KERR • 3OHN BROWN for North Perth. place, and free to express his personal the station in bis most uncomfortable 0 d� inti u 9 JAS, H. KEi1R convictions and to follow them up by coat that he might welcome his sister's 0 W I N Q H A M NOTEti'ANli oirnil7kNTs. f action. In opening child. But the young man failed to s b he deals quite frauk- arrive. After waiting till the last pas- 0®Om000000000000©0•0o•••oea ••Coco•moe•oo•eo••se••m••o®oo•aa•0o•o•a••o•e•®00000! ',Remember Ross" ! ly with the position of Mr. Whitney and senger had disappeared the old man his followers;—---- -- '`Build up Ontario." ! "We have two parties in our Legisla- d The book agentove away, enteredinto the dra- WINGBA31 MARKET REPORTS ! 111r. M. G. Cameron for West Huron. Live Assembly. From. the Conservative matin personae early the next morning;, Corrected every Thursday afternoon ! party we cannot and do not expect any Looking over the top rail of the barn- by. F. J. Carr, Floar and Feed Merchant. �"�®W CAN YOU SELL SO 4J HEA The Liberals gave the franchise to temperance legislation. Mr. Whitney yard gate, be called, "hello, uncle.•• Wingitam, May 1, 1902. d fiumers' sous and established manhood has stated his position frankly and fully, The book agent never got such a re' Flour per 100 lbs.......... 1 65 to 2 50 -- • •••... franchise.ceptlon before in all his life. The f:t1•ni- Fall Wheat .............. 0 72 to 0 72 and we give him credit and thanks for er fluix the gate wide open, seized the 00 to 0 00 '-'The Liberals have been in poker for placing himself where we know where agent's hand and pressed a whiskered Oats wheat ; :: 0 So to 0 40 30 sears in Ontario, but the real griev. to find him. The majority, the vast kiss on the ironclad cheek. Barley .... ........ 0 45 to 0 50 ante of the Opposition is that the Con- majority, of his followers are with him "Say, this must be heaven," mur- Peas ..................... 0 70 to 0 75 This question is often asked here. YOII stirvatives have been outside for 30 in those' deliverances, so that there can mured the agent, following the farmer Turkeys, drawn ...... .... 0 09 to 010 years. i be no question that front the Tory party into the house and explaining that ev- Geese, 01 ............ 0 05 to 0 06 need not Worry 11oW we d0 s0. YOU will. Major Beek and Mr. Jas. Mitchell of ill come no legislation of a proDucks, per pair , , ....... 0 40 to 0 00 prohibition erybody at name was as well as could Butter ...... .... ........ 0 17 to 0 17 G'oderich were in Winglmain last Tcharacter. Every elector should note be expected. Not till the agent was Eggs per doz ............. 0 11 to 0 11 tape the benefit of Out' close bLlj'ing hurs- this fact careful! and remember that full of a boiled dinner and attempted Wood per cord .... , ...... 2 00 to 2 00 day. The Conservatives of town held a y to sell a book did the farmer begin to ' ' the ledge of the Conservative Hay per toil .............. J 00 to10 00 alit! rather ask others why the sell so meeting that evening and Mr. Mitchell p @ party is see a dim light. Charged with imper- Potatoes, per bushel ...... 0 30 to 0 35 Y y gave a short address. againstthe liquor act, against the re- sonating the missing uepbew, the Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 t 0 oo 0 05 high. See our large stocks of f f 0 erendum, and against all the curtail. agent explained that be greeted all Lard , 15 The story that Sir Wilfrid Laurier i meat of liquor interest as practised by elderly strangers as "uncle;' that he Dried Apples per lb....... 0 05 to 006 coatemplates resigning is a palpable. the Rosa Government up to date." even bad a few almost real. ones in Wool .................... 0 13 to 0 15 fake. Our Conservative friends may as i South Clarkstreet in Chicago. Live Hogs, per cwt..... • • 6 sU to 6 40 00 All kindS ®f � � wall resign themselves --to many years ! RETUr\ING OFFICEits.—The returning When last seen by the farmer, the more of Laurier.—London Advertiser. I officers for coming elections in the agent was still running, and wben the - - ueighboriug ridings are:—Fest Huron, real nephew does celule he may find an SALE FURNITURE - The Conservative candidate in West Wm. Robertson, Wiugham;.East Huron, electric current in the latchstring. F • o Baron, Mr. J. Mitchell will have the'R. G, Reynolds, Sheriff, Godericb; assistnnc_ of Mr. and Mrs, John Buch- South Duron, John La Porte, Drysdale; 'Igo cert .'ilea, avian, Mr. John Nicholls and Miss Wig- South Bruce, W. Al. Dock. Registrar, For the origin of "the best man at a r gins, all well-known temperance I Walkerton; Centre Bruce, Dr. Malcolm wedding" we must no heel: many cen- tva'kers• + E, Black, Chesley; North Bruce, Chas. turies, to days when it was the amia- A desirable Lot for a private residence At the last Provincial election, hold Ist i j • Parke, Sheriff; Walkerton; North ble practice of the budding bridegroom n centre of town. Will be sold reason- ' VV'�I �.KER BROS. � BUTTON TON March, 1498,' A. Hislop, the Liberal ! Perth, John Hosie Sheriff Stratford• to dispense with the consent either of able. Apply to xiaminee in East Huron was elected by South Perth, Patrick Whelihan, St, the lady or her fatber. Ile simply Nun the large majority of 493. Mr. Hislop Marys. waited for a suitable opportunity to Abner, Furniture Dealers and Undertakerse'hould receive a larger majority than - — —capture her and make a bolt with his bride. In this enterprise be found it >� Otis on May 29th. helpto bare the services of a friend You Can LOAN AND INSURANCE :,t. Thomas J ournal says: u Tha prin- who would assist bim in the capture AGENT. xnipal ground of complaint about the and keep the pursuers at bay until he `Ross Government is that the members had got a sthe putty long start. This are not Ierfect. If they were they! Lead aHorse friend was the prototype of the "best T. J. MA.GUIRE BUTTON BLACK man Of Our Oiall lima ed to ' day, Thomas's Bthen his dut[es are !tilted to seelne ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, — ! t0 Cater !Jilt you can't that the bridegroom doesn't leave the INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. WINCtHAM male him drilik. ring behind him or leave the church ' without talon- his hat with him. now �! )Easily' TireCl �, You Ca11 t make him eft times do change! vopancing crone. V Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con• EW ELRY FOR EVERYONE i _ Eyes. either. You can Stuff foot! in- OFFICE—Over D. U. Gordon's store. BRACELETS— Indicate Eyestrain. 1 Mostly Fortiaatmo. RF.BIUENCE—Leonolrt affect. RINGS— Neglect of this con- to 'd thin, malls stomach but Ilunt—It seelns StrAfl a to me to helms Icor the bag Sterling silver, Curl) Childs Ring, with turquoise and dition invites diseasrr�� 3 g ' little t , ' t Protect roar heaiti+'doesn't s you CrItiCISO our wife's refiectiozas as link, G little hearts, engraved for removing the that doesnt make hill, use it. y , „ „ � pegrlsettings, our price - ,20 strain, , harangues, In view of the fact that, in Cook s Cotton Root Campp�ts Darling, Our price ?p1,8'J, but Laylies'' Rings, 14x, carved, and We bzamithe eyes free J• Cott S E' M-Lil.Sloll call make he earlier da s of our married fife Is ahoceasfunq need monthly by oyer Saturday • • . • ........ .... . $I,,i0 o n d r e c o m m e rt d t y y fthio with settings, from 200 up. dlaases only when burn use it. Holy? B lliak- you spoke of ,your wife'g ro[ce ns the ylo,opaladtea.sate,eneotual.Ladiesas]t Ladies fancy curb link Bracelets, absbIutcty boneGcial, y rear druggist gist forCvok,sCotten tootGta g[er11ri silver a SLE Tars JENVEL11Y WI\nOW very soul at music. tobod. Take no other, as all Irtizturea, pills end g p dlocl{, our price HAT PINS— fi'' 111g' him hungry, Of course. Blunt—That's all right, too, but you i itatto A Udegrgeaacro gel e.Pe�rbox1poor 75c, but on Saturday ,..,o,, .50 Fancy Hat Plus, largeassortment, Emulsion neo she's drifted from the Italian to 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two3-event Ladies fancy gold plated Bracelets, Each , ... , . • , ' + Scotts �.mulsion makes a thin stamps The Cook Compasy Windsor. Ont. for ......... , . • . , ...... , „ 1,00 , . , .... .05 - the Waguerian school, Ma r . �"Noa. t and 2 sold aua recommended by all EEC OlJit WINDOW. 1?l© LeAf, Hat Pin, - ,1ri - �..� body htlllbi'y allover. 7 hOLlglit responsible Aruggiats Su Canhda. SEE OCR W1NI)OW a thi11 body te�.s naturally lion- No. l and 2 arc: sold in lvinghmru by A. L. WATCH CHAINS— CUFF 7lhe Only One 011gllale• R, A. Douglass Gentleman's I LINKS-- • a— Hamilton. Coiih r gists. ('tl, gold Watch Chains, Men's rolled err didn't you : Well it isnl't. Pap" Se, Bobby, you're the prest- and J. E. Davis Dru(;gists.b gold G7uff Links, � dent of your bicycle club. 'filaVs very stamped 141h, bar and patent snap. plain and correct enfls, A thitl boll is aSIG'.e —not nice. II6;'V did tht�y uta our prices :1.50, Saturday - .v0 FANCY PINS—at .20 p open to choose SE,0RET LOCKETS— 'fie Pins, . i>L ttivo styles, With ( - Ni"ol'lcill(r Doric 011 a strike. Is easy t6 turn, means Ladies' secret Locket and Cllairi; singlo stone•settilia (f'6i 1SOM geil'- L 1 b�+D Bobby—Well, you see, papa, l'ui ille The less friction less frig locket satinfinisll;Warrantedgold tlemenandladies); otirprice.10 It doesnt try to use WS food. only boy-tbat's got a bleyele.' tion means le s A filled; in two styles oval and Scott's Emulsion t4alt(S it Syear, less wear Heart; settinf; in centr©; regular F11,tley Pins, Plain stone setting; 7 A statistical teem 6f interest to tva- ' price $1,50, Saturday .... , .. , , 5 also butterfly enamelled plus; our up-�--buts it to work again men lar that today women are two ������� means less expense price ...... .................. .10 a�. -s SEE OUR WIND0IV 'ar >` lnehos taller on an averngp than they token Y inal.ino, new flesh That's the pin urger, ql;l: orR tivlvnoW yt4#C#a>n. ' vi'ere t wonty-five yea's 11go. 1! or sale by Fishing Poles Joe each, _ t3laek Bass Trolling Lint's 1.ic axast Jevl•r1010 AV . tCa�" to get fat. -- /� r u Fish Hooks, 5 for lc. t.antpwoc•i• mixed with tin' untlttc ta" S a#! oto V . G�II ETT I+`islet Lines Sinkers at 1c er,Cit. '41YiIh h�tian, Olnt. Send for free sample, t ' r , 20 each. ,. Trout Lines, 13c each, Baseball 13ats at *)e, • 5t:OTY'ffi11U'tVtitr.. "i'nmoto, Cauxrsa. a t•nnsislenrs• th:lt 1vi11 fluty readily Baseball Bats at ire. ggg' r Trolling Lines, 13c ea0t. ww, V Io nna,�l.00i attars diets, fro,u the bi ill inakes a good marking Also Sewing Machines and all kinds of Professional Balis at 5e. i Farm Yinpletueimts. .. Keele at 2oc. Ablateur Balls at 250, j�