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The Wingham Times, 1902-04-25, Page 10
TIDE WING11AN TIMFS, APIWL ?>, 1002. ''�'�'�N�✓virl+�w�'rrvwtw�r MINOR LOCALS. T ' • �...� AN7�ILIVT UMIiRELZAS ' f-•--Novacant houses in Wingliam. RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. r' •-•House-oleauing is now in order. THEY FiGUR91) IN CHURCHES IN THSEARLY CHRISTIAN DAYS. � � , —Next Thursday will be May day. ' * Q bake Gomparris®r's •—•T:ali,s.auc3 Weekly Globe :for $1, till'When Flat A�lorcea Uy the >rnl�l>a, a- ; uj let January, 190$• They Seem tw liave Deeit Utilized pG Solely ■►r Sun Protectorz—Once am Why, es vs Ulan as 'Ali choose. The � —Route bills printed an sort coffee �C. y, )' y ) 31:- Th, e Question o Dress at theTimEEsollice. AttrlUyi#e of xlliinity. . I'—n1C'1'r� , Ou Inake the better we like it, —The firemen of Lucknow will have a In the early Christian churches a large umbrella p celebration on Monday, May 26th. %Eusually hung over the © Intelligent comparisons land us " on to Lu, ; At this articular season of the year the priest, and it 3s said that from this act every time. —It is expected that Ontario will be custom it became cue of the attributes principal thought of the feminine world is entirely clear of smallpox by the end of of cardinals appointed from basillean t a tU New goods being placed in stoc'k'. � w Dress. Our stock of all kinds of Dress April. churches. For years the doges of A.. good AI E w" � Fabrics is complete. —G, J. Waugh, druggist, has been to Venice ,t,o ice carried umbrellas of state, and .,X (lsy Chairs with that p g ' business in Stratford for nearly for in 1283 Pope Alexander III, declared = �• !]lade -to -fit " feelingabout thein, W ye that these should be surmounted by = �. to --New Broadcloths in all the leading shades. years, golden statuettes of the annunciation.. L" Smvur 310 and. Bedroom Suites in oak and as w —New Grenadines ranging in prices from $1,25 to 62,25 —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Michael Morosinl was the first Vene- 0. C,3 1 T, flan layman to carr • = , We have some goof] linea at 617, 618, 621 end $2.), a --Now !Touch Veils, Satin Dleru. C. O, P. will be held this (Friday) Y y an umbrella, cz, �t —.New Havana Draps, Silk Mobairs, evening, which consisted of a small, flat square C,,)Our 331.00 and 0:3.00 Suites are sellol•.s. At C1Ce8 to snit everyone. of green stuff, over which was a cop- ® C F y .—Regular meeting of Wingham Coun- per spiral. Soon after the umbrella R:? 1. cif, C. O. O. F. will be held on Monday was adopted by fashionable Venetian d evening next, dames. According to Coryat's "Crudi- J 1 o a.7 BIN�� y —Hnron Old Boys living in Toronto ties" (1611), the Italian umbrella was � [ r cz Summer Dress Goods will run their annual excursion to Sea- a small canopy and was made of lcath- UNDERTAKING m forth on July 5. er extended by a series of wooden T heaps, He says umbrellas were used ,= RESIDENCE—PATRICK ST. The People's ,,,,1 F I —The TIMES and the Toronto Weekly by horsemen, Nl ho, resting the handles Ni S. Gracey's former reaidonre, Furniture —India Dimities, - 30c per yard. Globe will be sunt to any address till the on the thigh as they rode, bore them! where night calls will receive Furniture Q —Clyde Zephyrs, - 300 let of January, 1903 for $1. so that they should "minister shadow / p ontptnttentiou. .. , Store —The members of Maitland lodge, I. —Satin Stripe Delaines, 450 " unto them for shelter against the —Lace Lenos, - Roe 61 scorching sun." " O. O. F. attended divine service in the —,'Mercerized Navarre, 25c " In the Harletan manuscripts, now in Methodist chinch last eight. the FiOU0 museum, there i§ In ptanu- --- -Oriental Pongees, - 30c —Linen Bastile, - 30c " —The Tiams is very sorry this week to ' Script Aro. CO3 a crude • illustration —Fancy Muslins, in black and colors, ranging in report that Mrs. Jas. R. Woods of showing the figure of a yoeman hold- I Charles street is mriously'ill. Ing an umbrella over his lord, which prices from 12}c to 300 per yard. leads me to infer that umbrellas were —Town Assessor Wm. Clegg delivered known in England even in the early Come and look them over. Don't buy unless his assessment schedmtes to the rate- Anglo-Saxon period. %[ you want to. It will, however. give you the payers of the town this week. Beek, as quoted lit the Draper's Die- —Messrs. H E. Isard & Co. have this tionary, asserts that st the time that p best ideas of what is new and fashionable, week put in a new safe. Itis from the Stephen usurped the crown of England wellknown firm of J. & J. Taylor. (twelfth century) umbrellas were In common use among the English. The Girl —Complete returns ou the Manitoba. first mention oY the umbrella in Eng - Prohibition referendum: For 15,539; Ilsh literature is In Florko's "World of HANDSOME HIGH GRADE CARPETS against 22,031. Majority against 61,492. Wouders" (1598), where it is described a; AND LACE CURTAINS —Advertising is the spring touicwhich las a "laud of round fan or shadowing Black Catnrand overcomes that tired feeling for the run that they use to ride with in summer Chicago -Rockford Can ypu draw fun - black cat ? Take your In Italy; a little shade. Hosiery Company pencil We are showing a full range of Carpets in down business. Try an adv. in the In 1656 an umbrella was exhibited in Rcaoshet,Wis. anti a piece o e. board and draw a funny black fiat, Wools, Times. the "Museum Tradescantiauum; or. VG ools, Tapestry, Brussels and Velvets. Collection of Rarities Preserved at Write your name and addres an the back and bring it to store Unions, our Our rices are the lowest, en Gutteridge, of the Wiugliam p � ,john next week. cement file works, is salliug cement and South Lambeth. Near London, by Trndescant," which was known as lime at a very low price. See adv. in ( "one of the wonders of the arks." In Lace Curtains we can show you anything another column. In the church of Cartmell, In Lanca- We will pay one dollar for the best —Waerloo town council will make original and 50c for the funniest. you tivatlt, at from 25 cents to $6.00 a pair. sltiit•, England, there was preserved�� 7 until a Yew years ago an umbrella said e are leaders in this line. application to Andrew Carnegie for a I u be over 300 grant of X10,000 for the erection of a years old, which was We are the only agents in this town for the BLACK CAT Brand of j used chiefly to protect the host. !t� public library building in that town. References to the umbrella are to be STOCKINGS—the best in the Parket. They have triple heels, knees and —Mr. W. H. Green and his workmenI found also in Blount's "Giossographia" toes, wear longer, and wash better than ary other stocking in the market. R ITC H I E & CAMPBELL, are busy this week putting in the new (167.1) sand Phillips' "flew 'Worlde of o ��pp lights in the Presbyterian church. The I words (1678). In the first the refer- See every pair guaranteed. Prices ..5c, 35c and 90c. Successors to M, H. Mclndoo lights will be ready for use in a short I roue reads: oad f elle, a fashion of India and broad taus, wherewith the R il� M � GORDON O R DO N time i Indians (and from them our great ones) BJ preserve themselves from the befit of 9 —Miss Mabel Pearl Parkes was mar- (the sun, and hence any 114t1e shadow, rigid a£ her home in London on Thursdwy I fart or other thing wherewith the wom_ VVI;J (; l7 411F. DIRECT I M PO R"� E R. y last to Mr. Chas. W. Tyrrell. Mr. Gid- en guard their faces from the sun." GNEWS. LOCAL NE. BUSINESS BOOMENG.—Mr. R. C. Spar- eon Parkes of Turnberr attended the ,r —• + y+ The second runs: "Umbrella, a screen -------- - - -.------ ling, traveller for Chapman's glove fac- wedding against the sun's haat, used chiefly by tory has returned home from a several the Spaniards, among whom it is known IS BAX T TO RENT." �1Lh REAP IT. -1l0 waste circulation weeks business trip through Manitoba. —Mr. Rabt.:13orris, the new baggage by the name quitasole." t �q�,�I nA {gyp z The undersigned. has two nerds of land to 'in local weeklies. All are read from I and the West. Mr. Sparling had a very and freight agent at the G. T. R. has The Imaginative Dean Swift In the DRESS li1aD li"! LE lilliKLR p t rout in the Wutgltattt Town Plot. • U on the end to cud every issue, and by every successful trip and reports many orders. `mo°eel his ,amity from Listowel. and is "Tale of a Tub" (1696) depicts ,lack, nn ventiybricle nndDis n ood Inti pe.b Also sr. member of the family, including the We are pleased to note that the demand living in Mr. R. gitimnarl's house on ever resourceful type, making use of a " " goodorehard. Thisplac,+w it borenttd rensote Alfred streRt, able. Apply to 11e' Charles N. gent. parchment copy of his father's will as r P•— fo � Wingham glovg is increasing. Mr, aUiTS A SPECIALTY. A. KELLY, Wingltnm P. + a nightcap when he went to bed! and as Chapman's glove Factory is due of Wiutl- —The rr.ratford papers fire protesting I an umbrella in rainy weather. Did West end oY Patrick St. WISGIrmi. ONTARIO STATUTES.—The Ontario P I>E• P g ' hams best industries. vi orously against the action o€ the $U FOR SER E. Statutes for the past session, 2 Edward g the worthy Ilsnway take his carr from County Council in awarding the county this or from I�crse accordin to• whom a 'VII., were issued Monday. The HIGH COURT MEETING.—The High Kersey.according Having -chased • ughbredShorthorte printing to a job office ;which renders no i the umbrella was a -broad Can or cemaind �� �� Y•Folume, which has been issued with a Court of the Canadian Order of For. Buu, sir �vitlwn, wal rnlved Februarpublic service. I screen commonly used h Women to1900,•brPA h L Cilli ..D., .eswnter, I will, great deal of promptness, file House esters will meet at Oweu Sound on June f v beep Idm for e(+rv' +tin my p ises, lot Ie, 0 slit -Iter them from rain?" The last ref- At AVINGRAM E' TILE WORKS con. 1, Tnrnber • . Pedigree uta, a seen eta only proroguing on March 13, contains 10th. It is expected that some 400 del,- —Robt. H. Moroney has the cowtsract ! erenc•e. made in IT00. is the first men- premise . T rms: #1 for common ws::i'a (392 pages, of which 82 are taken up by gates will attend. Court Maitland of of supplying a number large cream vats I tion of it ns a rotector from the rain. Tosepit' e t., North. for thoron reds, witdr privilege of ret . fix] 1J if u.c(:S y. JAS. ELLIOT,'BI evale. the liquor act. this town is making a move to see if it for the Whitpoliurch Creamery. He i Later Bailey, who in his dictionary would not be possible to have 1903 meet- was at Whirechurch wcouple of days' (1737) called it it parasol, defined! it as giveutiei mli.utTWe a o'tsellinolat a'tver' iw REGULAR MI ETIkG.—The regular Ing held in Wingham. The High Court , this week putting them in position. I " canopy to keep off' the p.ice- af".1 ave kwp only thst class brttncyk,, of NOTICE TO CREDITORS g ! p p a sort of small' rano i p meeting of Court Maitland, C. O. F. has never yet held Its meeting in this rain." g ttink n`su ,ci ss ;a yon. can always rely on It ho mntter of the estate of Oliver. ( ilettrist -will be held this (Friday) evening. All I section. —The Liberal ranks of West Huron' Small, light umbrellas carne into F. GUTTERIDGE. late tht Town of Winghum, in ie Count^ members are requested to attend the receival mi nceoscion last Friday in the i fashion among tree ladies of the French hvl3ur M(STanie,dteeas( �ice is her( -- members gkvea Sunni to R. S. O. 18117, Chap. 109; meeting as a discussion will take place, IshUItANCE AGENTS.—Mr. John Roth- arrival of a hrightba.by boy at the Ite?me court in 1675, and these were carried t ��I�� OLIIA SPARLING that all pe , s having ela'afis against tiro .as to the advisability of running an well, of London, General Agent and Mr. of Robert. Holmes, M. P., Cliutou. We ! by attendants. Itic hetet tells us• that estate of ties ii ver GijFeiary,. who diol ont e - I n T C M ' or about the •fth c + , to .inhuary, 1901, are re- -excursion to Owen Sound at the time o: Geo. Hayward, of Clinton, District extend our cnngratulatious to the happy' they were made , ; oilcloth or leather quirrd of or before t ;t day of Met.} , 1.902, to I Agent, and had ribs of whalebone. A Ceutnr Teaches of Pinno, Theory and Fletcher Music send by post pr6paictbr 'ver toT. Morton the Hit;b Court meeting in Juno next. b > were in town on Tuesday fn the father, y iSictho(I, Simplex and 1�indergarten. ofthaTownoM ltam,so 'torforCatherino interest of the Metropolital Insurance later they found favor with the• Alen, I Puptrs( pa-pamd for Conservatory examina- Gilchrist, the ntinistratrix the said de - THE REASON WHY.—Every shrewd —The Youug Penple s Society of t1te,I who carried red umbrellas, with, edges t1°n`'' ec•nsed, their ' rkstiannnd snrnn �, addressees Co. and gave the Timm a friendly call. _ -- - nna destrip 'ons the full particul q of their newspaper reader readily acknowledges Presbyterian church will have a social • fringed with gold lace. chtims ti stat�ruents oe their ace nts ana Mr. Hayward is a former resident of the nab a of the. seenrities, if any, that the most important part of the real , in the le0tnr, rnotn of the church this The precise dote when Jonas Flan- a¢ �t Y, r+la bv' Ingersoll and just this week moved to I ALKEH BROS. & BUTTON them eel Hatt after the said last !net one(E news—the news that effects pocketbooks Clinton.(Friday) Rv( trim . A good programme nosy'+ who died in 1786, Introduced the datgAhe said admintstratrix wikk-proce to CiHe will be district agent of the I • umbrella into England is not recoreied tit40£RTAKERS, WINGHAM. ilk tribute tite assets of the deceased autong the. —is found in the adv,:rtisemeuts of the is being prepared. All are cordially p r'des.entitled thereto, huving re ttrd only to Metropolitan Co. and will visit Wing- in any oY the ettcyelopedias 1 halve at �o clannsof which she shall tlicnlnve notice, local merchants. The merchant who (ham every few weeks. I welcome. hand, but they all state that he was Nittht oalle at Button Block, or Fifth Dated this 5th day of A1x•ir, A.D. 1902. T. A, MORTON, advertises is a reporter. He reports to —We learn that the large first edition Popularly known as its introducer: icor tiouth of School House. chop op,/ Solicitor for the Aaministratrtx of Oliver A FINE HORSE.—Mr. John T. Me- " King," ^ With the Dutch• as with the Indian i1OsttH MlrodonIlld bleak. Gilchrist,cteceased. the newspapers whet be has to offer ' _ i of A Meteor Bing, by John A. and R is real news. It effects the pocket- Xe of the 2nd eon. of Kinloss, sold I grandees, the umbrella was first an at. Copland has br•rome exhausted, and the book of every family. If some merchant to a Moutreal horse buyer, one of his . I tribute of dignity, and well it might t Tribune Power PrintingHouse of fine team of heavy 1 be, for the 40+0♦®♦®X400♦♦♦O♦♦��OlS♦♦O♦��♦��O�vO♦•4♦♦�♦♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦ is making a great run on slides and sell- i y draught horses for � I Prices Haid for them at The g IHarristou, Canada, are at work on a Vague in 1650 ranged from $75 to $120 • ing them cheap that is uo�vs that every the magnificent sum of .350. He was 1 + J second edition, soon to be issued. each. The Dutch colonists who settled + • person who needs shoes ought to know. ' without c doubt the best horse ,ver said I + If another is offerhig special bargains in ' in this section, and the buyer who got —l4fr. Leslie Constable has enga_ed � at the Cape of Good Hope were riot « slow to insist on Preserving the dignity f PICKLES overcoats, underwear, corsets, hats, him said he was the most perfect team Mr. Phil, Wane to work in his barber of the umbrella, for Ryk n Tut n�h 1 furniture, dress goods, carpets, groceries, horse in Canada and will be used b the shop. Mr. Wavle was for some time ' e y I governor of Cape Colony In 17:,2, en- `+ Sweet Pickles, a dainty Uppelizer fir the spring coal or wood, stoves or anything family Lake of the Woods Milling Company Of; with Mr. Sebastian in his Shap her, but t acted that "No one less in rank than I + .needs it is news that merws I Al treal, He weighed 1860 pounds and shipped from Wiugitam last weekI has recently been living in Toronto. Mr. I .a junior merchant or those among the„ ` time, crisp and nice. - 25c per quart �► money to every family and the people was . !Constable has also put in another new citizens of equal rank, and the wives;, ♦ w ought to know it. That's why the ; ,— barbers chair. and daughters only of those who are or + . P y rSEEDSI SEEDS. T. A. Mills is in the + have been members of any council = Gn rki" s ♦� merchants advertise in the newspapers. seed trail, with a full rlssort•rneut of —Mr. G. C. Creelman, secretary of mall venture to use umbrellas, and ♦11 • ' Red, Mammoth and Alsake Clovers, the Fall Fairs association is having ♦ /► — Timothy, Orchard, Red Top, Kentucky g those who are less in rank than mer- " �f auc] Meadow Fescue Grasses, Bug Proof printed and sett out to the different I chants shall not enter the castle in fine These Pickles require no introduction where + E , + Dont �� Z' Lt:; Peas, Goose Wheat Century Oats and l association of the province what is in- Nventher with an open umbrella."— + 1 OC per dozen l I n tante tried. �°♦ ''{{^ the fluest strains of Mausolds, Sugar tended to serve as the basis of a model! Frank H. Vizetelly In New fork the Baby. � Beets and Carrots. at the very lowest prize list and model rulas and �reguIn. Times. � Q�{•� Divi you know you could prices. tions for local fairs. A Non•aolfer+x opinion of Golf. i i Baking Powder + givemedicinetoyourchild. INCREASED ADCERTIsING.—The- —The Southampton Beacon has passed Imagine a great fat creature who + • ren while they weir sound- arity of Wiugham s pioneer newspaper . ought to wear a turban and a Ion -# + • +i? i another milestone and has entered upon a + ly deuping Yoti certainly is evidenced by the added subscribers its fitteoutlt black robe to hide his grossness whack" 10 Put up in glass mugs. with handle. A No. F can. It is called Va o• and increasing advertising year, Th, Beacon has + •:. p g g patronai,e, greatly improved in the three years tt fug a little white ball tot miles and �, article, less than the price of the flings. 5C each � Cresolene. You put some This week we are compelled to print a miles with a perfect surgery of instru- + has been under the management of W. Inents, whacking It either with ababy- + Cresolene in the vaporizer, light the ten page paper in order to supply the de- J. Plenty, a former Wintrhalnite. tiVe ish solemnity or a childish rage, y - lamp, and pare near the bed. The nand for advertising space and at the wish our former townsman continued luck may have decided, and Incideu- + �� ��a Goods children quie( ly breathe -in the v0.por. same time give the necessary amount of prosperity. tally training an tunoceut eyed little There is nothing equal to It for reading matter. In abouttwo weeks we; boy to swear and be a tip hunting 4. Notwithstanding the advance in these goads whooping cough, croup, colds. cough, hope to have the Timrs enlarged and we loafer. That's olf.-'••II. T. W. `yells sorethro•tt, and all other troubles of will then be in a position to give our /AnPlicants �� ih I'earson's Magazine. Z the ars; still selling at the Ola price. Corn, ♦t file throatl and chest. It is eco. many patrons a better service, Mer- Peas, I.0matoes attd Beans, 3 Cans for 25C V, 120m.( 110m,( -t , !tea ant, safe qo chants who desire t0 reach the greatest , To tite Deet of tier Knowletlae. art , 1 „ (�t� overvrvhere. APPLICATre. .F( to R. vilnstono t V.:,, t eta t , t(c Vaporizeraud imuiber of the purchasing public should i y , t lady was 10olt.n„ for her husband (hakrmanLxen' tee,v;illbureeciv and Inquired anxiously of a housemaid,T r� l.a.n•+ s ,. iite r,n r, an(I a bottle of malt0 nSe Of Otll adVertlSillg OOla1nUS, C i till May Int, or ointment ns ' eeviv- +• (r s I ., t t 1 , (5 , r•4 ra s� lies of main- ' "F)0 X011 happen t0 know anything * + � �� I , SP's . !, et, t,lu trttedr:ookleeconcnin- Uurieaders will fend man interesti11 l y e7 Of ,,, jjj������fff e y g , of the 11Tnrketants to xtate whether + �!I « t tC ,c(r.ruS twt[,nr.m.,lsfrecuponre ae.,t. VAro• yOr11' master's wltCr'eabOUtS:"' � '��' a. zit ,.tat Co.. tLu Fulton 5t., New York, 1l.S.A. adVtS, in this iSSnO and they should be they will accee sealrs, or one or to°o,"I'm not sure, mum " re ll,d theno,osunte n(INl and solei byA.T,.UuniIIton, carefully reach by intending purchasers. stating salary �� n +.arug(,-ist,Wingliarn. winglram,A.). careful domestic, but I think they're +`�����;4♦♦♦#i��►O+i♦i'e00♦4�♦14�++.+.♦+♦♦♦.��♦♦+►E1� to the wash:'- ...a�..yr+wy .m ... ...�_ _ ercm in