The Wingham Times, 1902-04-25, Page 8THE IVIANGHAM TIMES, APRIL 25, 1902. - WSHED 1872 11..%?.111Jt1.111.1r41XS Aev:irdin­ ta tit-.- 11rintford m;ni73 1 ;tsIotr:,r. --tiiiii , I Thi, appointineut of u ►I)rovinclal TOWN DIRECTORY, I or the• vott- r. -oit to ettrr.N, ilif- 'I. 11111hielixtl auditor. 11. T. MoGrath. t1ditor of rho Even. 'I'llI.Or !Let l-, A.)t t1ulti- so lnrgoi TuE WINGHAA Tires. ' I lil 4► m4 lo:A BtrTxsT Cuunon—Sabbath sorvic( lot; Ilierald, .1;t. Jolie 3 N,i%f it tland,, axin- of ar, , 0 Tile ations. 1*11 41,W I I a m land 7 p in. Sunday School tit cortribulvq to the (*Tll,�L i� rtiole -rally I:- •%'I% stat::!. It �aytl blishinput of -it western 2:80 p in. PUBLISHI)p M P y hall th• vot.-i lt..114�4 in 189S. Including 1!-Ir.N :]Cool. General prayer meeting on Marconi"i worli: which tilt. yi1vomtor !our- Irilf the vote (;( the cityc of Ottawa111t. e-itliblishlix'r.t of apionoer dally on Wednesday evenings. Rev.J.J.Pat- EVF_RY FRIDAY MORNING aut,houlicati-s lit it prefatory note. 19*. AH(Ill 251 1110a. 1 farm. it-. order to test tilt- agricultural tersou, B.A.,pastor. W.J.Chapivan, B.S. —Ar- Tilt., wri0t: Westerii, On- Sir 'utendcint. The Times OMee, Beaver Block It­n- twa Ar-inbortaro ret nrued f roin. a "In cat, of our many tallvi tit the St;. i htw ). rds of laowsT Onuitou—Sabbath. services Johns, station, Mr. illtre III gave me thi> c.w. ecustitit'nley, and Ono half (lit' taflo 11ort Arthur unit Rat W1NGUAM, ONTARIO. P Moril"111 Shu atIlamand 7put. SundaySchool at this dige9l: of nis concluolons; vote pollett, 11i le,91 ill the. coustititene. Val I age, �-')Opm. EpworthLeagueevelymou- '41 Le wlrvl-�,n agency is JIL081; offee- It oust. viiuvarttivoly lItUtt to pro- le -i of South Bruce and Prescotto8here, TITh cent inuat !on of tile, office of ", Comnilstsioner of Public Works. do) evening. General prayerineeting tivi+ oNvr the snarlr.ce aren,q. The un- -Auctl wn% ti ivth bills nowadays, and there, were acelantatiows lit 1898, is On Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard advance, $1.150 If not so paid. No paper ditteou broken .surface of tilt- ocean r.-nable.st � The, land grunt to ilitN Algoma Con- L t 11 all arrears title paid, except tit the distances to be obtal ' 'to keep obt, ilrt.-� bill-; in, circulation 212,00. t W. Hobbs, poster. Dr, Towler, S. S. Sup. tiall(w] A% -d and results I Leal it, R ty. option of the publisher. achit 'is on. injivaiw,- it) Lim, public. The must be polled !a order to satisfy tll,.A The doveloplueur of tile pulp illdus� orintendout. AnyLUTISING RATES. - Legal and other . wed which car.nrn lya approached *Mr.ks,shoo M, rem..,dy this evil without requirvinents of the referendum. Ir try. PuESBYTHRL'i.-N CHUROXI-Sabbath ser- casual advertisements 8c per Nonpariel lint, for or, land. Over low-lying country two. vices at 11 it, III and 7 p in. Sunday first lusortion, Sc per line for eacilaubsequeut thirds of tit(% disitanca can b� roacbed, Avoiripellil.g. •-W-Ussloli to Ill, tarried tilt. prohlbitionist-i poll in J Rvilway -iubs! di' -s for the develop- Schoolat 2.30 p In. General rayer insortion. but over tracts where the usual diver. aumit. of New Ontario. : p Advertisements in local columns are charged sified topographical fvature.-.-, tire OL that some. indion-ition, next; the %:tuit� proportion of thn. re -1,4- It has been notlesd that sincri Mr. on Wednesday evenings. Rev. 10 cts. per line fox, first Insertion, and 5 conts R11151teint e, pastor and, ". Superinten- per line for each subi;c(Ilient insertion. D Pere, found this potency of tlii vibrations is. teled vote a., Ayaq polled; by thel; it. Ril"s spoko cerLain of till) Conservative dent. Advertisements of Lost, Found, 8 reduced. to one-half what it I, ;it scao nt�wspapvrs den that the Opposition it- 9 ed' The vibrations seem to reach slightly Some Jolunprauce people Say Hon. (�. I the plebiscito of 189-1. they; will poll ST. PAULS CHURCH, E PISCoPATc-Sab- Farms for Sale or to 1:Wnt, and similar $1 for were ,tat in fa first month and 50 cents for each suUZ4aent farther In fog than in fin,). wouther;, "AV- RUhS ILALk the Jtber,ils stlo titt be �009,000 votes, so that. it will be, iiecT. vor of some OZ '11'e" bath services at I I a in and 7 p m. Sun- luenth. measures. It, a few casob, they may day Solloolat 2:30pni. Generalprayer atmospheric conditions do not serious -- 1;LtIghttt Jehhtin. Wt -11, .111111IA4114 tile that the har.dieup, placied upon them have withdrawn their opposition, but CONTRAca RATHS—The following tableshows 1. ?20.-,'ou is;:I%wl bow .p(-edily Mould DIr, by tilt, Ra% -4 refercrAllia, asks them Lo tlic. general attitude taken by idle meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, ourratc�s for tho insertion of advertisements 3•affect them; electrical disturbarwas, Wlitti,ev aii(I iiis follow( 'Jouse do but little beLter than' they did in Conservatives in regard to these Inat- Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. for Specified periods:— nm their only foe.. Mr. Afarconi's -rs in tile 1. Superintendent. SPAOF. 1 ra. 0mo. $me, Sero later experill1011ti appear to Indicate- un-Avi; prvlat:�lnl if they took olfice?1189t.' tern jitstiffei Olt- Proinier's formidable bie; CONGREGATIONAL CHUROU.-Sabbath H0'.'(1'f S .0 11' 1; 05.20 ll"Ir8".00 $1,3.00 !'tiro that it pole, 200 fMA high gives tbo imlictment. These thing.- have had 00 10.W Coo Mn y -,v. I I I (I t., G tv. 11 tote for its enact- 10. best results, a4 the wiro susIxic-ded ar� important. Waring on the improve. services At 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday Quarter Qolumn ..... j8.00 00 0100 2.00 meat' of tilt% Province, 'School at 12m. Midweek meeting on Advertiseniciatti without It from it 00111"'i !LtO 001100t with suf- lueur, w1wit were trier!.—Brussels' A D111WICULT TASK. linli as the ecille directions Preinler said, if Llivy ware elimir.atedi Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin will be Inserted till forbid anT charged accord. flelciAly varied atmospheric at,rata,, .Font. (Seafort'll bxl ositor. i Wilson, B.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. ing17. Transient advertih;eillents must be paid while. at the sailm time it cant( bo made. it could be how tittle would SALvATioi'A1RMY--Sbrvice at 7 and 11 form advance. thick enough to receive it substantial b:,nator ;2.trlc Ilanna, has received i 'Mr. James Mitchell, of Goderich, has he left unit how wcali; tho effori.s. of TnE Jon DnPAIRTArr.NT is stocked with an a letter a coustituent, who is ill,, Governravnt would be to main- a Bl and 3 and 8 p ru. on Sunday, and extensive assortment of all requisites for print- electrical influonce from the radiat-v ibeen selected Conservatives of ing ether waves which are caught by lair. the standard of till Province.- I every evening during the week at 8 Ing, affording facilities lot equalled lit the . countYfor turning out first class work. Large it. With 40 feet or so, ilm wiry must -org%:r.izin.i a rompany to dig Nnah'9 i, West Huron its their standard bearer in St. rbt)AltlS Journal. o'clock at the barracks. typoanda ropriato cuts for till styles of Post- Aric out t,,' �.row on toll of -Mulint1the comin.- election. Onr old friend,; PosT Orr,= -In Macdonald Block. ors, Hand 1%, etc.. and tile latest Styles of W very slight, and thiR ce-asolu..,it, hway. I Office hours from 8 a in to 0:30 p m. choice faucy type for the finer classes of print, hag or the, upholder also interfore.s, Ai;,rat. 11. ::.Z! -U&., to %Wllbit ch�,- ark i Mnjor Beek. the hero of many, contest$, I 'Peter Fisher, postmaster. Ing. H. B. ELLIOTT with the rvccq)tion. of definito signals. at tilt, St. 1_owk World's fair. "LL Will has been laid oil the shelf and must be IYour Decision This Day Is All- TEOH&XICS' INSTITUT9-1., rar and Proprietor and Pubtfishor Strangely enough, it horizontal aeral IbQ Ll,,, biggv­t attractior. at the fair," i content with re-election as president of free reading room in the TO 1, - wire is or no value, and was long ap wrttes tit., it. tit. '•-%.It I Avant is a little the, Conservative Association. Person- Important. will be open every afternoon from 2 to T P. KENNEDY, M. I).. M. 0. P. S. 0 disc:`lrded. :for is it an, advantage in dimmolal helil." ally, Mr. Mitchell is a first rate fellow, 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 0 a (Member of the British Medical Asgocia- inarina Signaling,tll SSL up ttio pole or. '9: 30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, Zion.) Gold MeanIlist tit Medicine. s' I I kite on. a high )till. attention paid to diseases of Women and 8hildi' "Proximity to the sea Is dosirabla, Mr. U. G. Cameron, of Goderich, who and the worst thing about him is his librarian ren' Oltido hours -1 to 4 1). in.: 7 to 9 p. in, wevalod t1te Ubt-lal nooduatioll for politics. He has ever been an unreason- 1 Towz; bouxon.-R. Vanstone, Mayor; and a low-lying spot near the ocean is 7We't Ilatolt C Nvet!l.,has #low tiefillitely able and unreasoning Tory. But this Win.- Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- the Imst. Another less interest.ing I �q kp= Indoo, J J. Elliott, W.F. VauStone, R. MACDONALD, formations pain'z U It circumstance, geologioal D .T-tald that lu. 's ill the It I'l ro stay until %v4s not the reason for his selection as, A. J. Irwin, Councillors'; J. B. Fer- or(,, porversa; others, are responsive, the last. gull I., fir(.d. Mr. cantero'll ft,pls I the Tory candidate. He was selected 'Guarantees a Freedom From guson, Clerk said Treasuror; William Centre Street Signaling from one headland a dis. 1 because it wns supposed he could lead Disease and Sickness. Clegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- tance. of 200 mil" may be roached; ,cenk-itt, inning, AlLd Ile Nhould. i lector. Board meets first Monday even- Whighum, Ontario. from another the range may be only lie i, It youll", all able! the Tories and temperance people side by in each w month at 8 o'clock. half that. On -shi Ing the aerial wire -debater, and, N-st, of till, bri oil the eight side. He is and has been a strong tem- �1 INDIFFERENCE AND CARELESSNESS SCHOOL BOARD. --H. Kerr, (chairman), DR. AGNEW,.. is suspercled froin. the top of thel must, sle,e. -Seatort !I Expositor. perance inan and a Prohibitionist, ns; LEAD TO PHYSICAL SHIPWRECK Thos. Abraliain, J. J. Elliott, J. J. hanging loosely down among; tliestayal Tory. This, we fancy, wast Homath, Win. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win. Physician, Surgeon, etc. and rigging. It is compoiaed of copper hit-. Wisn., '. the Ueor.-itin Bay Canal well as a AND THEGRAVE. But N. Griffin. Secretary, Will. Office, -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis, andsteel, and will stand considerable Button C. ieilinp,tnyl� ,iiwiior, says that the the main roason for his selection. Had Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Drug Store, Wight calls answered at bliecifLati. stTlItin. It enters the operator's room, cont of ill.- o.,nitl 1:eehgbty million ;he come out as an independent• temper- Tho weak, ailing, sick and diseased Meetings second Tuesday oveninguil, each tit the di-cl, and the mechanical fea- have now more than, ever before month. ]R VANSTONE, Cureasimilar to those of any ordl. lance 0 1 under their control their physical coudi- PUBLIC SCHOOL TLACHERs.-A. H. BARRISTER. SOLIOITOR, ETC. nary telephone office." idol! -i rs, an -I f his would give it twenty i . candidate, he would have had a, ft)ot depth I i.rough from the takes I right to expect We almost solid temper-; tion. They are free agents, and almost Musgrove, Principal, Bliss Robertson, But, coming wholly responsibfor their future. Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, MISS' rate of interest, No commission charged. urt, to the ryn., E Aipuient. Only 441ance voteof the riding.Private and Company fun(tst to loan at ioweat :mIlvi Ai ov.11.1 i,equirc canalling out pf i out as the nominee of the Conservative When the brain isle not affected, and the Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson gages, town and farm ro, lerty bought and For 0-a,* Sixty Years. I party, he is not likely to accomplish this mind can discern between right and. and Miss Reid. sold. Office, Beaver BlocT Winglialli. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs t1to 495 m;J­.- *it all. The canalis would object to any very dangerous extent. In, wrong, a daty to themselves, their BOARD OF HEALTti-Mayor Vanstone, Winslow's SoothingSyrap has been used 4;,, nat IE-,;:; t:ian 100 feet int width. frienus and country loudly demands a (chairman), C. J. Reading;, Thos Greg - his address at the convention, in accept- marked decision -prompt and determined _lr A. MORTON, for over sixty years laiinillionsof mothers. lit no other State in. the world, has I ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- v - for their children. while toethiviz, with i Ing the nomination, he is reported in his action when health is impaired and life retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical BARRISTER, &a., snel. a yiremtage of the value I I Perfect success. It soothes the child, I own paper as "promising to do his ut- I is in danger. Health Officer ;of the natura, resources of the coup- It is the part of wisdom that true decti. Wingliam, out. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures ILIT been into the public Lroa- I most to deserve the confidence reposed I si t be made to -day; to-inorrow may be wind colic, and is the best remedy for s=ry, ar.d w -whore else has the idea I in him, and to carry the Conservative zoot late. In thousands of cases the PIANO AND THEORY. Duprxy Houm diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. standard to yietory. He paid a high checking and banishment of disease de- Es Sold by druggists in every part of the thal. ill(,, I ixi,'Ynr air.1 mineralu of a tribute to the ability and integrity of ponds upon instant action; an hour lost MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. world.. T-wenty-five cents a bottle. Its LMES country aro the property of the whole frequently means the snuffing out, of .1 -and member of the Asgooiat2d mUSiCianS of DICKINSON & HO value is Incalculable. Be sure you Ask Mr. Whitney, the coming Premier, I Ontario, I.,; prepared to receive a limited num- for Mrs. Winslo-w's Soothing Sy vacpitt �slgnally exemplif iLd as some precious life. 'bor of pupilsfor Instruct'= oil Piano and lit BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etv. take no other kind. rap, and whose general policy deserves the sup- i Few people in our country are with- I ThcorT. to this I)rov'hiez under Liberal admin- i I MONEY 'to Lomi. istratilDn. pert of ev,)ry honest citizen." How he 0 Is knowledge of the wondrous! Special attention given to pupils preparing Ornur: Meyer Block, Whighum. expects to blend the policy of Mr. life-giving virtues of Paine's Celery Com. If or 0`11m"lat'Ons. Railways 111141 JixcurAlloiis Fn Chath-vin they are debating ill I es re-. R(ttidenof,-o,)positeR.C.Chiireli.Winl,,Iiani. c i Whitney with prohibition and temper. pound, a iredichie that guarantees ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Societies unit club-; who, propose q,ucetion: If i man's assessment is ; lease from the diseasas common to life. once we do not know. He might as well I your decision be to -day, lell 1� A." running excursions this your are Doctor of Dental SuiTery of tile Pennsylvania likely to receive a bit, Dental College and ic aniscrl $30f1 !,,-cause his wife buys 85 .,.y LV ALUX oil and watts. His success in pX2,a,ffrVpr? Will you give Paine's i4iXii Il J. J. Elliott, V. S tittle better treat letaltlate of the Royal !neat from the,- railway companies Honorary Graduate of College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. office watched with con. Celery Compound the fair and honest U. Ontario 'Veterinary over Post Office, Winglana. tll,,n wa;%; the case, last summer. Their .north of pi-ihit and decorates Lha front this direction will be 1, 1 door and v: .... I Ada, -Fow much increase siderable interest. testing that others are giving it, with its the ]lan-American Exposition was on, College. iol asscssmcnt would the painting I certain reward of health, strength, vigor Office and Infirmary - Of But politics sometimes make strange I and bappiness. or will on remain In- cortior of Victoria and W T. HOLLOnAY, D.D.S., and tile. especial train -,service that the back door involve? Another $500, 'bedfellows, for we notice by the same 1 different and careless, content to pass Minnie Sts. Wingliam. 6, L.D.K wais 1-L oil between Canadian: points Day and night calls, Now method for pain and Buffitiu. took the be.,it of tile. arc should m-iy, if that wily assessorour few days or weeks in misery, agony 1vZ1 . . . . . . less ex- Ort "Mn."MHenry Eilber, who has so thFV itromptly attended to. traction, No Cocaine. and wretchedness until the dark grave Telephoneconnection. Special attention to the care and re rolling stock of the railways, so that aches up his mind to go aroudd. The bply represented South Huron for the regulation themk were complairas on the part tatssessment Inw acts as a fine on the claims yon as its victim? of childron's teeth. Moderato and all past four years, and is the Conservative It is almost needlebs to enumerate Beaver and sld1fully81Ze,101`l-1.C=. Office of isdine excursionists that they were industrious man, who employs labor ;candidate in the approaching contest, the blessed results that flow from Paine's FARMERS in Beaver BIoZtk, Winghaill. not given suitable cars. Moreover, I:o make Iii,., surroundings attractive 'addressed the convention at some length Celery Compound when used promptly and anyone having live stock or other an agreement Nvas entered into by, articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- JOHN RITCHIE, the road,; operatiLg in Canadian tor - Ill springtime, as you and your friends e and lets -the Ltzy chap off easy., on the issues of the day, etc. tise the Baltic for sale in the Timm. Our large ritury that nosociety excursions wero * have a knowledge of them. Of this You circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, to, Ix- run to Niagara, Falls, usually One of Mr. 'Whitney's candidates, Bilber discanting so eloquently in favor may be assured; the seeds of disease are youdonotgetacustomer. We can't guarantee Lennox, of Worth York, said in his of Mr. Mitchell, the Prohibitionist, is one banishing, the system is fortified, the fortyill sell because you may ask more. Wingham, Ont. a very popular centre, and, as a re -4 for tile Siticle or stock. thanitisworth. Send suit of this, excursions'llad to W. held speech at Aurora, the other (toy: "If of the things calculated to make the blood is made red and pure, tlae nerves your advertisement to the Txmzs and try this to 'other points. This year, however, braced, digestion regulated, headaches, plan of disposing of your stock and other, fir. Whitney is returned to power, and angels weep -for joy. sideaches and backaches forever dispell- articles, JOHN CURRIE, WINGUAM, ONT. tbem will be no such rem-triction. becomes Premier of this Province, I will LICENSED AUCTIONEER. tbc. railway!{ agreeing again to, carry . ed, and sweet, restful tit sleep takes the excursions to Niagara Falls. There. see that he sends it (the Provincial Re- IN UNPROGRESsIvit, uPPOSILTION place of insomnia. SpSales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a %vill not, though, be any society ex- ecialty. formatory) to North Perk -Newmarket' TH E P R E S 8 U R E: An orders left at TuE TIMES 0111co promptly cursions arranged for on public holi- In his speech at Newmarket Premier 'attolidilt.. Terms reasonable. qDr,Aurom. I stand in pretty well with Ross pointed at the various measures Division Court. days, except Civic Holiday, the roads canisidering Chat tit their rolling M. Whitney, and he It ill do utmost for the good of the Province which the Division Court Statistics for 1001 OF BUSINESS -stock will be required to handle the -anything I wish, because he knows I Couservaltive party him endeavored to Bruce County are as follows: E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN 1%voald not ask him to do anything that defeat. They olVosed: IS GREATLY RELIEVED cx�ra business that devolop3s from Was not right. And Mr. Whitney, (I The distribution. of the John Sand- Walkerton ........ Sults Entered. Claimed. WTNaIIAyf BY THE USE OF - THE the lower paasenger rates. The rates', field Macdonald surplus. ....... 157 $7468.72 to societies and clubs this year will vho was present, didn't say nay. Mr. Vote, by ballot. Teeswater ..... ......... 26 111842 TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. be the same as last, there. being no I Kincardine .............. 83 2981,00 chtLga in that respect. Whitnev knows what a pipe-drdain is Trial of election petitions by Judges Pupils tnt of the School of 1ir,(, red for Conservatory of music Limself. The c-stablisbint Paisley ...... ............ 32 715'.29 LONG D I S T A N C E'examilm I Practical Scierce. Port Elgiu ............... 68 154729 .Arrang,�iut-nLn are being made for The making of the Agricultural Col- Underwood.... .. 11 240:13 tile holiday onurse in manual training lege, more efficient. Tam .............. ..... 52 2551.24 TELEPHONE 1,� be heli in Ottawa• with the. approv- I The, ,separation of ill^- liquor traffic Wiarton .... . ...... .... 176 7174.03 You reach your onstomer in a VIOLIN AND GUITAR. I from municipal control. Ripley ................... 38 182252 MISS CARRIE MOORE al (if the Minister of Education, dor- Its-- appointment of a Minister of Lion's Head ............ 97 3601:95 few seconds, and mucia can tir.v the, month. of July, next. The -it Ottawa and London. Lucknow ................ 58 1702.77 be accomplished at cost of of London Conservatory of music will be The o9tablishment of Norma]S�hools Chesley .................. 123 3881.27 LITTLE time and trouble. paredafterOct. 1st to receive a limiter! ni.lrei: I icrtur�e -w , lit 1w hold under the auspices I Gultar.lit"Pils for in"truction on Violin and ef the Maraonald Manual Training Education. During the vear 1901, according to the Reside .. ce-opposite R. C. Church, Win ham. The extension of the franchise to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canad 10ur.-I and continue. for a period of 'farmers' sons. government report, Mr. 0. V. Parke, sheriff, received a salary of $2169.35, Mr LIMITED JOB PRINTING, four -week-, (V.realne.-;diy, July 2nd to The building of colonization, roads Wedriesdiy. July 30). No fees will be ire many of the new districLs. Thos. Dixon, Crown Attorney, $1958.72, inoludin -�osters, Bill Books, Pamphlets, .1 changed. iii'hz brancI103 taken will be The establishment of a reformatory Mr. Matthew Goetz, Local Registrar, Heads, Circulars, &c-, &c-, executed in the best Style of the art, at moderate Prices, and on for females. County Court Clerk and Surrogate short notice. %voodwork, c,trdboard modelliug, and The, extension of surveys of Crown 3300KBI' NDING.—We are Pleased to announce iclay modielEy.g. Reque.sts for pros- lands. Registrar $2,539.08. that any Books or Magazines left with us for liertui; and form of application should I The, erection of now Parliament A return of all business transacted by Binding, lilt have our prompt attention I btt addrcv;�?d 11o, :'lir. Albert IT. Leake buildings. local Registrars, Deputy Clerks of the Prices or indinginallyatkiew lbegivenon I Tha assertion of the right of the Crown for 'the year I ending December application to ME TIMES OFFICE: I There is a noted difference Director of BIaoDonald Manual Train- Province to property in river's and WinNam. I 0,01 31st, 1901, for the County Bruce, shows: 44 1 1ag Sch "or Ontario. Ottawa. fatreams. I - in the style and fit of Pants we 1 1he contention for territorial rights 1,wrlts of summons issued 51, actions DUNLOP RAILWAY TIME TABLES. in the, greater parts of what is, now I entered 80, actions tried 8, judgments RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. Poisons in the Blood known as row Ontario. entered without trial 0, amount of such All kinds of 1. G imake.tbat always brings peo- I The right of property of the. Prov- i . TRATNIs LEAVE WOR BrIng Pain and Death ince in thit timber and minerals �i- the judgments, ments, Without cost, $3,079.65, Palmerston .............. 6,58 aim.... S.65a.m. I ple back for another pair. 9 Rubber Tires London .................. 6.50 amen..., 8.10p.111 disputed territory. amount of cost $269.27, number 01 judg- Hineardille.-II-10 aim... 8.10 P -m .... 8.88p.m: Then there is the low price Urle Acid (ho Carse of Serious Or- The Provincial cont'rol of liquor meats over $2000, one. for all kinds of ARRIVE FROM Ignuic (31.1133gen, Batty Ilearto Kincardine .... 0.40 a.m.. 8.55 a.m.... 8.10 p Dright'r4 Dineume, Enlarged Liv -1 An er. and Brain Diseases. Remonstranc(t ligainst tll,� action of 1 Vehicles. London .......... ....... 11-10 nim.... 7.55 p.m and better quality of cloth put I I Palmerston.. 2.45 ) p.m..,. 8.88 P.In Foul poisons left In the blood by de- the. Dominion Government in taking �&*AVT;H­ Agent,Winghaill. fictive kidnvys form what is known as control of Provincial railways. I A Wonderful Pee0afation Duniop, Bicycle Tires R. ON) 0 1 in them—cloth that wears xirle acid. Ito presence may be detect- Increased representation for Algoma 111tokeor Cereal Coffviis." pitt,46. whole. Pneumatic Carriage Tires CANADIA-WIPA&M-0 RAILWAY. i UUMS LEAVY. roic Sec our new goods and prices. iA by such ailments as dyspepsia, asso- in IM5. onie, nottritibing. highl y recommended Solid Rubber Carriage Tires Toronto and East...,.... 0.57 a.m .... 8.25 p.m. ciated with irregular bowels and Improvement in the separateschools by lml4illg fillyXivimm '.11ocko islul�lltl Invalid Chair Tires Teeswater .............. 1.17 pan .... 10.48 p.m. There Act. to I trocar *1canty, highly -colored urine. Vie. voiree. but only costs J tilt- pi-wo ARItivil: ,are pains of a neuralgic nature In the The creation of a wparatc Depart- and Is 11.44-dat Ineillsifilstelld of poison. Tires. for Baby Canieges. i Weeswater,.. 0.57 8,25 p.m. VEBSTER & GO* back and in the Joints, sleepless nights, ToroutolInd &ISt ...... 117 p-,.•..16.48 p in. ,dizziness, lir-ailache, depressed spirits merit of Agriculture. ons tells And poltie. liv emistunt us(. The bunIOP Tire CO., U1111ted J. 11- BREMER. Agent.Wingham. -and impaired memory. Expenditure, on immigration. ltolc(110 (11111HRA 1. poPr lin, will givt. TORONTO. "�+i, heart, � .1 1 A � 'rho, teftAhire of breach - German1 5*011 V1111, VigOt'.� VitflilltV, ell(Ill-gy, health I J car, ropsy. apoplexy an I heart diseasso are the usual termination in the. public and separate, schools of and strength, and N a positive cure for If uric avid I.,; left In the blood. it Is a the. Province where the language of l0c.paek. iscrious ruattor to neglect these symp-th,, locality rendered it desirable in ages. 13c. Ill. or 2 ]Its. for 250. For Our f Tradcmark torns. Tho home treatment prescribed i or4or to the, better teaching' of Bng-m; sale by ALL GROC *' RS. 4)y Dr. A. W. Chase has proven one. 1301, For suit- in Win ghtim, y aq.Xcxclv1a. IT PAYS vlessful in Ineny thousands of cases. !Ar. A. W. Parson, Martinville, Que., The appointment of a drainage,ro. a suXerer from kidney forf-A2. I ,disease and bladder trouble for 13 years, The building of the asylum ,it Brock- Rt, bre. Aft&.MFOOft noopto .land had a constant desire to urinate ville. atnel --TO- 66viVitreVIEVIC. S. VO ADVERTISIR, 1 duties Great glirsh Re , Y. The undersigned Living been restored to With its avi-r-Alpanying weakness. Medl- Thn pnmagi� of th(� succession 1%0 Sold rand recommended by all tine pritmerilwil by a skilful physicIttri aV The; 't. health by alm,40 means, after Auffpring for 4anlY gav!.� rnfy temporary relief. druggists In Canada. ill r6li, several years N%, tit a severe lung affection, end trouble would rpi t., at very awkward I The appointment of a,supnrintondent able edielne discovered. $12 tlifttdrea(ldiF;eaaeCtwustiml)tion,isnnxjolLqto P,:1, 0 eftagodet gueawranfeed Me 1111111 inalce known to his fellow slifferpris tilo means r-watlell to Irv- Dr f nvglveled and dependent children. forms MoSexuakepknes.4. all effects Of AbtIA6 nf our(%. To those who desire It, lie Witte heer- Iobiftlneri Tile. protoction of forie9ts, by th(� III)- or excemd, XenW Worry, gre6asive tiot6fTo. fully Rend (free of charge) a c�37 of the. pre- IN r—r-11. relief after on - do w. an'd 1)�4ore 1* had polrAment of it superintendent, of for- Istacit, Opium or Stimulaitto. Mailed on A-celpt seription used, which they will nil Ill jure for of price, one Sakai entry. 'r ftl.�;bp(l tit(, fivet box folt b-tter than 1 10.81146. ftatbillpleako C6114111aptiolk, Astlinta Catarrit, 11raftelif. ;had for inany yeare.11 Dr. (1haseln XCId- Ita tauz cure, Tamp 108 free to any address, tis and all thrix -lit, and lung IvInIftille& He I'll(- establishment of a Normal Col- The W*6d Company, Windsorl On& hopm all sufferers WNIII.trf ]its remedy, .114 is trey -Liver 11111";, one. I)III a dose, 2' cent$ Ivgr. Invaluable. These A I ft box, tit all deal(�rq or V&4�11( r ng the rescription, County Council reform. Wood'HPlimphodin, Iqttoldin Wingbriiaby which will eoqt them nothinat uni? n p ow Matm & Co., Torcuto.ilii IfIfilin A. Cault A. L, Hamilton,, r R. A. it blessing, will glentle nil resq, e RD- The appointment of a good ron 9914ts. ) 'TIMES Douglam, and.T. E, Davis, Dfu WARD A. WIt ON, 194rooklyn, York. MARKS a A k