HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-25, Page 6111s �. ., . y,.: '0.-S".r..',�r•rlrrrr: .. ., F ... THE WIIVGHAN TIM E,8, APRIL 25, 1902. Q STRANGE TRAGEDY AN EFFECTIVE REMEDY. _ XEND eke AAliair Slaves. �•-� ■ A Series of Orders That IteJuveaeated j�j p A correspondent sends the following MONY WELL S • ENT i i 'Bast Cwillimbury's Mystery Has story of an old Virglula gentleman: +IND some years before the war a gentle- Not Been Solved. mien of large landed Interests counted among his possessions a plantation on Is the result of a parch=.Ise made here. OND the ,itimes river, an estate of consider- . ,� ' IS IT A MURDER OR A SUICIDE? able dimensions. Other Interests kept Look over our Wall Paper and you will `t:, — him y from the old place for home be delighted with the patterns an t — u awn P d the r • ay ?s,. ..ti "'�: ,: j' ? �.�`�` etkrs, during which time there was a W „ +,,. ti ;r•.;; as There Foul flay in th• Death of figures shown on '.,; • marked decrease In the revenue. Upon beautiful colors. The g -:h William Fowler, who l/lsappeared ,r, +•,,:_ his return to the plantation he discov- While the t ,f •��,�„i:; ` : } 1S ]rotttlis Ago and U•Iisre 5kel- Bred that many 0E the Slaves were laid our Papers are beautiful, 11 small. Same mothers wear been blur Found saunas, up with rheumatism and other miser• figures we ask for them are ”" ;•C� \]o,•a,luQ I.•ert A, Number les, the farming Implements were In - .� 'ySgp� strength and of Hone W bad order and the old homestead was + s Were liroksa. ' ���urAy i patience Past going to rack and ruin, Calling patching Newmarket, April 17: The funeral o his overseer he said: Wall Z J Paper + t =r] andfu sing over their of 1Viiiiani Fowler, the East (`willim- �/,/ a 1 ape r s farmer, h d' derson, I notice a great many old buryar er, w o disappeared from = r=:;; ••. t 1'•`;and harrows about wagons, plows • boys'clothes. Poor his home on the 7t1L concession near- •,�;ly 18 months ago, and whose body the place. have them brought and ��jd +: ;`• :;: economy, we say' was Lound on Sunday morning last, piled In front of the house, and on would have taken place yesterday Monday next order all the niggers on Now, had the authorities not refused to the place to be present" For Parlors, Dining Dooms, Bed ('� hand over the remains. William Gil- At the appointed time they came. I Rooms, Halls, Kitchens 'and Ceil- �tY y �®R Y�1J leo,n, nephew of deceased, enure into The pile was set on fire and the ample- ';'': town early yesterday morning with meats destroyed. The following week ings, with ,Borders to math. READY Croner H. Wesley's burial certifi- ', • he called the overseer's attention to the ctate, issued during the progress of j:c• F::sick and Infirm horses, hogs and cattle J.:: :• tine, inquest at the Royal Hotel on TAILORED- Thursday afternoon, but something and gave the same order. when the r i :}iad apparently transpired in the negroes had assembled all the initials � �� O®SS Arl II N�T meantime, for tltc town undertaker were knocked in the head. rile I ri- e �L T illy ) ` had received explicit orders to I•e- day following the landlord again called • 'Cain the remains until after the in- his overseer. t for boys 1s so made' vestigation is concluded next Dfon- "Anderson, I see a great many sick - -_- -_ .-.- --- than continual) day' The doc'ision of the coroner, niggers around here—many who seem which shade a postponement of the to be laid up with rheumatism and are • i ^ funeral necessary, was arrived at in mending is not, goad for nothing. Give orders that on l a conference with Acltin" Crown At- Monday morning at 10 o'clock tbey all j` THE CORNER DRUG ST Sfleeessary. torney 1V. U. 11Iaw and Chief of Pol- „ ice Savage, who has the case in hand- near. in the front yard. " t ` \ Honest woolen 1 All the odicials are :anxious that the 'the effect on the slaves was magical. �+inaterlal styes fullest possible enquiry nay be made On Saturday men who had been un - i, into Fowler's death, able to walk were shipping around like lishly and dur- The report, of the autopsy on the children; the sick grew well suddenly, Garden ablyput together, prevents- this. We :sill clothing' for Body of Fowler., made by Dr. James ,and from that time on the plantation I ��A 1�TQ�e�iT�s a i b Forrest of i11ount. -Albert, has been, , was most prosperous. e 1 r e -�+ boys which does not weargr,�y Or shabby, and which retains i made public, and is causing no end of talk here. The report goes fully' its shape anA neatness. I into the condition of the remains a1- FOOD OF AMERICAN'S. Nervous energy, the one thing Seeds We honestl believe, There is n0 ter the skeleton of deceasedhadbeen lackingin the majority of people, y l<�ctter or Cheaper removed from the niarsh land to New- •1n L"'nglish woman Tells of tlta depends upon the prober nourish- clothing made than the lc:t'nd we sell. market. Thr bones of both hands and Strange Things She Ate here. Sys - wrists, the breast and right collair An English woman who visited Amer- meat of the brain and nervous sy s- `�he.5pzing showillg L% mow ready. Won't you loo atiti? bones are brolien and a part of the ica a short time ago has been telling tem. Unfortunately artificial stim- Plant Good Fresh, � latter member,fs also missing. Iia a(I- , her country women about the "strange ulants are resorted to and the result Seed and Satisfactory dition to the other defects in irate food across the water." Of course she is invariably a reaction, produoing Results are 1� K si•:elctrn, a bone in the upper right I discovered green corn, but she lead been mental depression, (or blues) inabili- Assured. As e 1 g Cs�_,,S�I©l.l� ���Cil� arm is margin,'. There is absolutely l prepared for that. Oyster crabs were ty to sleep, weakness, headache, un- We have in -- n tr c f 'n' r t +t.I 'll o n e o .alAj i lu y o e s cu. quite new to her. necessary worry, and other well Stock a full line however. Some of the ends of boraxes "They look like Foston baked beans," or soft structure show sins of de- ltnown symptoms of nervous disease. of Ga—den cay, but :these are plainly distnng- sheesplains, "but they taste much bet what is most needed and sought Seeds, pure and uisbable, the,doctors say, from tivhatt ter." b intelligent people is a nerve food fresh. ara believed -to be fractures. An •at- An oyster cocktail filled her with awe y g P p tempt mill be made by the authors- and enthusiasm. She tried It at Del- and tonic combined. Such is Iron t For sale by the = Ems 3- - for Is TO tures and the absence of several of course In England one didn't serve • the bones. aft is understood that g RIUSINPESS, ' soup in a glass; but, 'then, neither did ace and package. ties to account for the supposed t,rac- monico s and thought it was soup. Of Tonic Pills. 5c a ox, five ounce the remair.•s %will this week be sent .to .." .... ........:... ,-...--___._._+� , ._ . _ the English serve boiled shag m a -- an eminent Ipatthologist of Toronto who will be ;tasked to give his ,opin glass. One could never be sure oP ion as to how such defects in aoik-el- Americans. o L. eton inlghtt be brought about. Of canvasback duck she bas a poor kt 6 iibb�' [I 9 The Wineham Times is hanC-1- opinion, but thinks she niioght like it - Chief 5a�:aGe has taken change •of I g 410P4,AM in" its Grine. A found it atach decensed's boots, the peculiar shape T�' '�, Q°� better if Americans would have :it,cook- • ling the .LA- est line of Calendars of which afforded ample prof that ed or even warmed. As for terrapin. �•� the remains were those of 'C'i6i11ialn I she slugs 't I 5h Fowler. Each hoot has a red anark like calf's head. and she always lil:eclonthethe market. It w l pay on it, but •whetlier it is paint or calf's head. Shades of Maryland -our- blood, the :authorities are unable to mets, what a slur is there? p business menvicinity determine. 1f the outcome of -theI "All the puddings in Anaeriea sire pie yy $ is 1 I inquiry warrants it, the boots will or ice cream,", she a3y5• Blit 14 must be i be sulnnit:ted to a chemical auittivsis. rsn etom Rclatiunderstood that pie docs not moanANNOWCE. to order their Calendars from of the dead nlata are alis -game game pie. The Yankee pie is a tart � posed to accept the theory of suici.tie. 'l hey say 111owler's mind had become anti is ubiquitous, she explains. this office. .i. The Times®ffi Q.P, I -S deranged prior to his disappearance She sat next to an A.meriean man by the aieats of several accidents. who ate a lump of cheese with his ;also headquarters .f®r aAccordin • to -the stories, Fo.vl:er Iliad strawberry pie and turned a plateful of tY arm iviENT Ice mir.uoulous escapes from death. I ice steam over both, but site doesn't`r` �1 '1� i 7 Twice he was kicked by a horse and know that that is a general custom, of ,commercial prin°ting. Yoga- twice he febl from the top of a grist The oysters were good. but bad [Host \� ! s � Cc, My old customers are lookIng mala. On arwatYher occasion he wars riot I impossible names, and the cockles canget the best � 'yam a �s over by agon and had his .scalp to me to et som a thing' good �Dest 01<3 prl t g torn off, aevd soon afterwards Was (meaning clamst are excellent. On the get whole, Yankee food and cooking are a struci: by ss, glodge hammer. All t1ueae n the done at this office. P rieeis injuries alfa .o1N age, his friends sai•,y„ good, but there Is too mucic of the. ,e were more tbc;n sufficient to camtse ( on the table at one time. y�/�T/� �� _ Cri t hint to act. strangely at .inFtervals, ARM MACHIN i Ir„t„l (oa1...:.N At. t .uar='N. I Portrait of Cocker. �y St. Mary's. April 17--A sad acci- Edwaid Cocker, who lived In the dent occur' -act at ;the Office IIotel here I reign of Charles IL, is chiefly known line for them. I am pleased to tell them and everybody yesterday morning, by which one -to the present generation by the say - young girl lost her life, aha another 'I,Ing in common use, "According to interested that I am stocking up with the very best this had a very narnm v escape. Emmet Cocker." which means in accordance TO' H01'11SEMEN Langford and D.. O'Connell, two of 't Canada of ours can produce and no other count" can With arithmetical rules. I saw the oth- h y the hotel servants., were asphyxiated er day amid the treasures of a private • by coal gas in Cheir rooms during collector a copy of the first edition of make, better. the night. The ,stovepipe passing through their room came apart- Cocker's immortal work on arithmetic, Miss .Langford was .dead, when found, published by T. -Passenger at the Among the goods I purpose h-andling are included Get your bibs and route cards but .,Sirs O'Connell is likely to re- I Three Bibles on London brid-e. Only cover. The dead gil'l's parents are two, or at most three, perfect copies the famous both dead. lien• fornier hone was I are known to the boot: collector. One printed at th1S office. We at wellburn, In West Nissouri, where I is iii the British museum. This par- i11rs. Sager, tL married sister, still fully r copy, its brown morocco pita- O� Ingersoll,* a•esides' Pully faded, bears on its title pa a the have all the necessary cuts, rwo Il,rir Liv. -N, inscription, "Cocker's Arithmetick, Noxon, Winnipeg, Wan., 4pril 17.—A sad Perused and Published by John Haw - cardboards, etc. for turning tragedy occurred yesterday ,at Over- kins by the Author's Correct Cops," nwre, about �O utiles from Emerson. It contains what purports to be a out this class of work. You Fred Eransky, a farmer, and his two portralt of "ingenious Covker." Ex- If you drop in and see samples now ready, you small children, a girl aged five ann perts. however, shake their heads over an infant soil, were severely burned, the authenticity of fitly work or art. will certainly be very favorably impressed. If you sen: will find our prices as low as the children dying of their injuries There are ninny en -raved portraits of In a few hours, The family reside .ce the epoch, but there wns only one them you will want them, and if you buy before seeing lr, Par - the lowest. took lire in the absence of the par- l Coc:er: The I.rtish h museum copy as ents. b ransky returned in time tdithem you will be vet y sorry, . fO.t• I Can tell you they rescue the children, but the two no portrait, and there is too much rea- youngest were fatally burned, and son to fear that this embellishment are Swell goods. Eransky himself was so badly hurt was added by some fn-enious owner that he is now in the hospital. of an earlier century. Cocker died to Then I handle the renowned Woodstock r This Wagons, ons, etc.} 1(1?- his rare relic of the past bears g W SUBSCRIBER w'alh«1mLt+ 1ndl—T' date 1878. s Amsterdam, April 17.—The official COCltahtltt, Brantford, Plow Goods, Percival Plow Goods,. i_ .. newspaper here yesterday morning Ge•oriae's rather.Son's,` �' published the following bulletin : Auheisttne «'nshir.-Lou, the Father of B. Bell & St. George, Cutting Boxes, which are `Queen wilholmina has been indis- (,eorge NVashington, wns engaged in So Well and favorably knowli In this vicinity. posed for soma, days. Ifer Arajesty ,,, ." , • keops to her bed and o.+:periences a 17:,. UI ulal:ht- pt , iron at Aocovetk feeling of general 1sLssitude. There furnace, in 5ta/1'ord county, Va.. about Now 's a goo time to start g It would take too much Space to enumerate everything !�7 t� is an increase in her t.emperature." fifteen miles from 6 l ederieksbiug, • g taking The Times. 60 ce-- bfj Ainaterdaih, April 17. -The Nieue when his tamouh son tvas born. This I keep in stock. "'Suffice it to Say that I purpose. handling L! Van Den slag says Qx een Wilhelmina Pnrnnee hnd beton built by the Prluci- Jan. In suffering front peritonitis. plo company, eomposed of Pm-lish cap- noth'ing belt the best .goods I can get hold of, and would esteem IM11 pay for The Times to e� an . _ - ltnllsts, as early as 17216. on land owned „ t`ireti.r Conference. b Augustine Washington. aggregating ,. .�+ gra y - s• s it a favor to have the pleasure of showing Customers and 1st, 1903, or $1.00 will pay loJ. Berlin, April 17.' --!heat Britain about 1.(100 acres and coutilining Iron has accepted Glermany's proposition ore, Air. Washington becotuing this friends through my stock, which will be found up -to -slate In The Tim and weekl, Globe for all international conference to re- owner of one-sixth of the furnace prop- gulate the Ilse of wireless telOtAPhy. erty In conalderntion of the transfer of every line. ti -ill the Ist _�j",anuary, '1903. ,rho other powers to which the pro- his land to thr company. v aa, i7V V ti+t f✓�✓ position was itiade, namoly the -In Buggies, as usual, I have purchased three car loa-is t}nited :hates, P ra ice and Russia,, have not yet responded. in idly opinion the than who• kills iris from the best rakers, and if you want a buggy for $60, Or One • fellow is the hero ot birbxrism; the:. talnr:,gr l,atd at ltrtrt. man who riakd 11ft idwii Ilte ti save • THE TIMI -s #`ar $Iib, or, one Egli any other price, you will fend It hest. 1\ cv>: York, Apt It 17'.'�•'1"tts rbirininair rile llyCa of dtiidst'r lw alae 157i1j ttsll'rf th7ii ' y 4lf tine Itrc't•. 'r, rti,,'1i'itt Talmage avers a truss eltiliiattoA can honor.• Iovweeti in r3rreneveaiY r eittstsry sr- .. r1ir1F• «.»� y i rr div. The ser vi. rw at the gra�vs t vi I' CII D S'1 AN DD +�+�•� per All 1111111 elTt"" % to a>i`Il ft market.... y0"A" ToHis ROSS'' • �1 . �Kertr conducted by the Rev. Dr. J. in,�ham, " �` ' r Vntsrr�v ]Cloward Suydrtll, of Phyitarbscla, N.Y. remedlt}trt• �, � , i� Near the