HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-18, Page 8I
THE WING11AA1 TIME' i, APIIJL 18, 1002,
�►r►^"w+* .�,►�ttsrw * w.�► TO RENS'. OUR
'1ht ttnderAimzcd has two tyres of land to Gl"1 1
rent zn the Wiugiislu `l`owa Plot ]leen theE,TIFU,
prenziYel; is ii oat% ltausc, W isle iz Iuty been re 1 ' 4 (j�, q I
RRHIE & CAMPBELL, � Anti] ur< burti�.1his placewv k b s i entoa m 'cion N I! Make `C� o a • i tt•�' o R c�,
.rntl brie].( <<tua fs( in e
ablo. Apply to Q
• .A. K1LI,Y', �vznghant I',O.
Why, )es, ay many els You choose, The
S. more: you, ma e the better we, like; it
Sale s_ ^ !Q I (ttelii(i Ql1t coo it so ' " t 1.w
Great o� __,_ r, i l ns land 11S on -op
HucinbppnrchatedatdzarourhbrodBitortltor3t •tL; f:�'L•r�` t1111i:, "
Bull, klir W itlia:n pVpiiucp, 111111b i Fobtuar�* "
100Q, lire d by J. Githes, M.D.. Tmeswater, I will Are in, See our �« i + Q;
kocpnifurservlce an niy pretnistis, lot 10+ +• 1,11 1 \Yf 1V f;clCTcl3 being placed in stock, A W
OF�annp con. 4, Tlnntx+rry. P(digrec+ may l,e seen ou ° Y,
Qflll'NG 1,re►ni�eN. Ttarzns: #lY�>r conirnon catvtx: #� �+g 1 Q and A(L tl.r7tl aSS01-truent of ,i'asy Chairs with that
for titernitghbrtxls, with nirilet o of retut•nin 6 1 A `I 2 V
it necessary. JA13.RIALIOT,Bluevale, made-to,tit f6eli11:g about then, I w�
Ready -Made Clothing
Having purchased the stock of M. H. McIndoo
we are prepared to give the public a grand
P opportunity to save money. Our stock in this
and Suites in out, and ash.
line is most complete. The material, the style,
the fit and the individuality of a' first-class
Tailor-made Suit are all characteristics of our
Clothing. Commencing with Saturday, we
make the following reducti.,,ns for one week
r'Rt' 831.()0 find $list 00 suites are sellers. Q '
B ]+ten's Fancy Brown Worsted Snits, worth
estate of the said Qliver Gilchrist. vita (lied est line of PANTI N N s Every"
or nlwut tltn 4tdt day oY J:Inuury, MA, aro re• t
$12.00, for $1000
'� R �+ ♦ �' .
9 Men's Brown Tweed Suits, 7.50. for 5.25
5 Men's Bine Serge Suits, special, for 3.50
1 7,
lxilchrist, the aauiinistintrix o£ the said d(s• Tailoring l]YL$ can Me
6 Youths' heavy Blue Serge Snits,
worth $8.50, for 6.50
and descriptions the still ptlrEienlars of their
quints, the statomcttt( of their accounts and had and satisfaction
the nnttire of the He<;nrttics, if auy, held by
8 Bays2•plece Snits, worth $2,50, for 1.25
Clearing Remnant Sale s
15o remnants, from I to 4 yards in length, of
Dress Goods, Silks, Muslins, Delaines, Print,,
Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtings, Shaker Flan-
nels, t:tc. V1'e offer you these remnants on
Friday and Saturday at a price to sell. From
25. to 5o per cent. off the marked price. �d
Our stock of Dress. Goods, Dress Muslins, it
Carpets and Lace Curtains is well assorted.
Come and give us a trial,
Successors to M. H. Mclndoo
MISS D E LIA S PH LI' `G AxGUs.—Ile Win ham, on April 15t1i, the
A . T. C. 'Bl.wifo of Frank An> els ; a dautrhter.
LGC,K1:itInGF.—In Lower Wingham, on April
(Teacher of Piano, Theo^c and Fletc•hpr Music 12th, the wife of Robert Leckeridee: it son.
Method, Simple% cl••d Kindvigurten. MirrEtt.—In Turnberry, on April 9th, the
Pupils prepared for Cons exmnina wife of ,THP, Miller; a son,
tions DRtrnt`rOND.—In Rlptl, on April 01h, the wife
of Mr. John J. Drunlnlond, n daughter.
MCLIGAx—In Wroxeter, on April oth, the
CHURCH NOTES. wife of Mr. Adam McLean, a son,
SmALDON—In Grey, on April 8th, the wife of
rev. Dean Hiliroy has peen parish HpnlyStnalidon, a son.
IN, 41 it—Id Morris, on April 8th,, the wife
'priest at Stratford for twenty - eight of A, Procter, a son. ,
years. MARRIED
HaxxEs—A11rExs —At the residence of the
Rev. R. Hobbs tonic the pulpit work of bride's parents, Wingham, on April lsth, by
Rev. Richard Hobbs, Mr. Neil P. Haines of
Rev. R. I1T• $netts, at Brampton, On Owen Satlud to Miss Marie Caroline, daughter
1 of 31 r. Robt. Aikens.
Sunuay GrnSUN--Wrx;UiLr•—At the Methodist parson -
ace, Blyth, on April .'lid, by Rev. Wm.Anhall,
The Rev. John Gainer, of Hanover, Mr. Walter Gibson to Eftia, ,genuses( daughter
one of the pioneer ministers of the of Mr. Janns Winmill, till of Wcst lYawailosh.
Methodist ehilreh, is 'dangerously ill, DIED.
with Tittle ]tope of recovery. WTLr1N8oN—In East Wawanosh, on April
3rd, Mr. Ctfarles Wilkinson, abed. 43years.
McLEoD—In Wroxeter, of April 3rd, John
Rev. T. De Witt Talmage flied at his brcLeod, aged 27 years and 3 months.
ROCH--In Howick, on April 8rd, Martha
home in Washiugton on Saturday last. bpabr, be loved. wife of Mr. Nicolas Koch, sr., {
Few American clq ymen enjoyed as aged s? ycais.
wide popularity as the deceased.-
The Salvation Army week of self: WALKEB BROS. & BUTTON
,denial has surpassed all rec=ord. The
exact figrres of the movement in all UNDERTAKERS. WINGNAM.
lands will not be known for some time, Night cafis at Button Block, or Fifth
but it is now certain that the total door south .of School Houde, Shop op•
money raised will not be far short of pOatta MACdnnAld hionk.
X5. .
Rev. R. N. Burns, B. A.. of Brampton, RESERVED AUCTION !E
occupied the pulpit of the Wingham —OF—
Methodist church on Sunday, the Farm ock, Implements a House-
•OCCasiOn being the Sunday 8011001 old Furniture
; I
anniversary. At the morning service the The nndersigi d hag been i strctcted to sail
scholars of the bchool occupied the front c1 li 11tejtAiiub ii tii�oaiiitrer ondlo effects
S U a T I N G S
1 �1 See 4311' S10 X12 Ped]'C,orn }
and Suites in out, and ash.
11 e have+ errgtiC apps] linins at ,�17, X18, •�,:1 end v:•'%-',
In the matteroLthocstateafQliverGilchrisL Before buying else"'
late at the Town at Winglulnt, iss the County
r'Rt' 831.()0 find $list 00 suites are sellers. Q '
of kl+iron, Jrfcclutiaic, de ceased. Notiet+ is ]tare
iven pnrsnunt to 12. s. p. 184,7, ()hap. 131,, where, .Also a special
dial; all parsons uavittg ciahns u6ainut rho
frypLt R
estate of the said Qliver Gilchrist. vita (lied est line of PANTI N N s Every"
or nlwut tltn 4tdt day oY J:Inuury, MA, aro re• t
'� R �+ ♦ �' .
quir(a nn nr beftro the 1st day o£ May, 1002, toYting you want 1n the
send bP ,%I p1•(! esti Ur dehvet• tU J. �.. MUi'tOtt
LJr 7
1 7,
lxilchrist, the aauiinistintrix o£ the said d(s• Tailoring l]YL$ can Me
p, Q
111:5IAlNL'I—}?.trttlC:li The scale J I +.1
and descriptions the still ptlrEienlars of their
quints, the statomcttt( of their accounts and had and satisfaction
the nnttire of the He<;nrttics, if auy, held by
+. Gtacey's former resldc•neq
ivhert+night calfs will recerco
I:flrlllttlr '
them, and (hut niter the ,hit
date fife seta adtniniPtratrix will proceed to guaranteed.
lirwnPt attention,
' Store Q
distribute the nr>fiiets of the dt ceased alnong the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of which Hhe shall then have notice. y y( !
Dated this 5th day of April A. D. 1410». R MAXWELL.
Gilchrist, rdeceas A<Umuistrutrtx of Oliver HIGH ART TAILOR, , �
♦44bIr♦�0�� � _. _..-.�_.
� ♦o+o♦ov�oao ♦goo♦os�oeooi♦���►o��
Is the; result of a purch lse made here.
Look over our Wall Paper and you will
O VO The wondr~rful Antiseptic Soap, cleans
be delighted with the patterns and the
paint work, serges, cashmeres and all i
' beautiful colors. The figures shown -on
wooden and cotton goods, like new. .z4 and .15
our Papers are beautiful, while the
figures we ask for them are small.
Floc the FWPMerS. Alicante Mats. '
i"1' a
the only correct. chins for. the of your -
buggy. Price, each .50 �I
For Parlors, Dining Rooms, Berl
Rooms, Halls, Kitchens and Ceil-
ings, with Borders to match.
in the
AMM' old customers are looking
to me to get something good
am pleased to tell .
line for them. � . I .. .
` 1 then] and everybody
interested that I am stocking up with the very be§t this
Canada of (Dur-, can produce— and no other country .can
F®Il ball fladdleS Another lot of
those choice Fish received, A trifle higher in price
than the former lot. Per lb., - .08
t ►�46fi64i4oPt+O♦i4.i♦•FO♦'f•d•♦ 4 �
e4Y'.,6° ' , , t' u I �; > etc � � 'y�•', .5
s a :wfi .f• :,,,�% 5." `fir t � ,s, r: xa
It will require So clays longer to complete arrangements
for the transfer of my business into a joint stock company,
therefore our Slaughter Sale will be continued for another
make better. . All ends of Carpets, Oil Cloths, besides a lot of 'pent(
Among the goods I purpose hancliirig are included ones ; Lace Curtains, odd -lines of Clothing, Suits, House
the famous 'Clearing
Boots and Shoes, are all includes] in 'this
Clearing Sale.
HunXon,of- Ingersoll,
centre seats. Both servi••es were in- I B,Ta nberry.tni If you drop in and see samples rioty ready, you
strnctive and irtereating, and the , RIL 22 .
thou;htsandsnggestinns given out by joeti�'nlichch�;oxlt`°nri�d�letiic>;lvp well certainly be very favorably InIprCSSed• If you see
the speaker should prove of practical i steer 2 yeat:s old: 3 tears yea ofd; 13 sheep, chap] )'pu will want (ilei]], and if yell 17! 1 V before Seelnm ,
Isonenfthrmtrit11an1hPi( tot;°gotxlPotirs� "WER R� THE
benefit to those engaged in this import- about 3 months o : a numbe of hens; lumber t b B yr qqq GGG ���YYY STORE
t�fiwon• demoer t buggy: air trucKs: pain
ant branch of the work of the church. bol')'.lelghs: It rack; si y rake; tnoivet : them you will be very sorry, for I can tell you. they
Rev. Mr. Burns also addressed the school weed drill, ne lv n •.v;vhl plow seL /
iron harrow. ; type bar ow se double star- are swell goods.
in the afternoon. MISS IV Ppt A lute Ila ne.. ; wl11fl ees, forks
npcltvotu g ](aide a c.. f olvel a if llaiture. � �
strut, sats ttyueutti of household elrtllttite' Then I handle, the renowned Woodstock Wagons, etc.
—Farmers in this vicinity aro uuw I tip to cam ipn(•o at 2 ri etre T -
busy will, their sprint; work. 'Vrina of ]rale t :tsh forhay, stent( and all ' y
t sumso )5.0(1 and under; on ether a n.4 ull CockshutC Brantford Plow Goods Percival Plow Goods,
mon( credit will be •well on purehas s Pur- ' t i�iervoug energy, the one thin
a tltnhi C iepl>tovetl join notes. , byi 1; ;
r At ht sseu:•+time unaplaee, the farm '(•On- Bs Bell & Sons, St. George Cutting Bows which are lacking•in Elle majority of people,AnhAn%ds
/ Your tai ng 91 aerew. marc or levs.will hr. a red George, to t ���'
r . , fo sale, : hivet to a reserve bid. Thera zsrp , depends neon the proper nourish-
1 u )dbuiidu,e;s on the place, a good orchard 5Q well and favorably known In this vicinity( Itlelitof file L+casts and liervotts S
J. -m-ato a d aboal 1'a or id aeras of gout hardwoor� ys-
1 uah. 'let nts and conditions of sale will he
par -les can't go b,rk r r tem. L7nfortunately artificial stun• Plant Csood Fresh
n 1 nado known (al day of Pale. I t would take toe) much space to enumerate everything tilauts are resorted to and the result
e: n o n i; h; spray's a o n t i J. CURRIE, Auctioneer.JV 1 g Seed and Satisfactory
" I keep in stock.. Suffice it to say that 1 purpose handling is invariably a reaction, producing Results ai•e
teach deep enough; but the I
Ai- you hteathe touches I g mental depression (or blues) inabili-
� •;..� i � Assured.
every putt. Then why not , nothingbut the best goods I can et hold of, atld would esteem ty to sleep, tVenkness, headache, un-
� g We have in
put some heaiin • w.-dicine c w '3 necessary worry, ails] other well Stock a flit] lino
in the Air and set diem o moil r •Il . � '{" it a favor to have the Measure of sllovi�itllg CtlStltmeCS and ltnawli symptoms of nerrotts disease.
of Garden
together, 1 hat it what eapo•t;reso , r tilt"`*�`�,. '� friends through nay stuck, which will bt found up-to-date in ' what � ost needed and sought Seeds pure and
lane is for. It puts the 1leairlg meth- G
` + rrtiery line. ( by int4lligent people, is a novo food '
Cine ti;:llt on the places that most i.+(n fresh.
anti tonic conibiuect. Set 11 is Iron 1+'or Gale by t1iE9
need it, You now see why it so ) (Conic Bilis. ��e a box live for $l.
-quickly cures, sore throat, broil y a In Buggies, as usual, I halve purchased three car loa-Is1 ounce and packllge.
Cllltls, llc•strse►.ess, r�htloF;,n�"•caa h from the ].lest makers all if you Lvrlltt a bLl�tiy
t - • fpr $60, or one ( .�
!(+. �.. ' , .,. rl{ q.;t, i... •,..n. •,;Ig I onret5'1•PrC. t ., ;, ..:�+ �r� !,^I'.,dia ... .i � )r r •
fc $ I oa o one for an other price, oil will find it here,
r u-•_ f u•• ,.ne C t,,n,4tc L�S.So;. Am L. HAMILTON,
r r '
1.,11lti'.(trd ,•• .el 3ad0}+, p,t51t tit$ test!• ..50.00 REWARD + t+ * /•� t�� i�^++ y4�t ���
aw.li:ultoa .,WWINe e.ju+sc. U.S.A.
TIII: OI,D `.(ALVrI #t.1/141I � � , nn p
allo t• 14 fie St., 1le.v kuzk. S.A. ( , (�,,,/� ... _ .. _ = {F ASI
For . tC1 'return of Stirton K Dorn. Ell- _ `� _ .�
llee(Anluendf-d and sold by A. L.IThrailton, C1tli tri; JAS. Mcit>;I.VII;'S. j +'ar the; market.. . .. • � �
druggist, Wingllalu,
- - _
.1/►,...: . w a•...,L, .. - � � � , ... - - - � �—.ems. ; S►1r .,.„�,�
I I 111 Ill uutl nn I III VIII IIIIIllunllll