The Wingham Times, 1902-04-18, Page 7.(
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trovimos, chit caSditor colt:(( not help F All. 1110nslet'r, t: ilftt edu i say
:seoltrg that this man kept ills eyes fits• I ,,,hoot tinderstand this dreadful
tened ,,porn Hiro. DI(1 lie Itllow him? ' noes myself? 1 call only refer'y
,Vainly dill lie try to recollect having illy past life."
met him before. This inan, treated T1w judge interrupted him with
ivlth all the deferenee due to a chief, impatient gesture.
was uo less a personage than a cele- "Let, us he specific. The rob
biated member of the detective corps, •ryas committed under ctrcumsta
AI, Lecoq. When the men who were that prevent susplclon from fa
searching Prosper were about to take upon ,lily one but 11. Fauvel and ,
-off bis boots, saying that a knife plight self. Do you suspect any one else
be conecgled In them, a1. Lecoq wtived , "No. monsieur."
then! aside, saying. 'ghat is strm- ; "Yon declare yourself to be Inco
•dent" , therefore the guilty party must b
He was obeyed, All the formalities FanvcL"
being ended, the unfortunate cashier I Prosper did not answer.
was taken to a narrow cell. The heay. • ",lave you," - persisted the 3'
fly barred door was swung to and look-' •'any cause for believing that Al.
ed upon him. IIe breathed freely. At vel robbed himself? If you have,
last lie was alone. Yes, he believed so."
himself to be alone. IIe was Ignorant The prisoner preserved a rlglc
that a prison is made of glass; that the !once.
-accused is like a miserable insect un- "I 'see, monsieur," said the Ju
tier the microscope of an entomologist. "that you need time for reflect
He did not know that the walls have , Listen to the reacting of your exam
-stretched ears And eyes always watch- I tion, and after Signing it you will
ful. IIe was so sure of being alone ; turn to prison," .
that he ,it once gate vent to his sup- � The unhappy man was ovdi-
pressed feeling and. dropping his mast: 'rile last ray of hope was goae I
-of impassibility, burst into a flood of ; signed the paper without looking,
tears. IIis wrath• lout; pent up, now '; lie tottered as he left the judge'
flashed out like a smoldering fire. In a i pee so that the keeper was force
paro$ysm of rage he uttered Impreca- ` Support him.
,tions .and curses. Iie clashed himself i If Prosper had remained an flour.
against the prison walls like a wild ; ger in the gallery, he want(] have
beast In a cage. 1 the same baillff who had called
In the evening when the jailer , come out of the judge's office and
brought him Ills supper he found him , out:
lying on his: pallet• with his face buried I ":lumber three!"
In the pillory, weeping bitter tears. ! Witness No. 3, who was awaiting
He ryas not hungry. Now that he was , turn and answered the call, was
alone, he fed upon Ills own bitter I Fauvel.
thoughts. IIe sank from a state of ! Although Ile bad very slightly
frenzy into one of stupefying despair. ; amined Prosper, the judge was
'The night was long and terrible, and ' scrupulously attentive and parte
for the first time he had nothing to ; in having every question answered.
count the hours by as they slowly 1 "Did you ever suspect your cas
-dragged on but the !!!ensured trend of ' of being dishonest?" he asked.
the patrol who carne to relieve the 1 "Certainly not. Yet there we
sentinels. Ile s:iffered agony, In the i thousand reasons which should
morning he dropped into a sleep. from , made me distrustful." •
ivbicb he rvag awakened by the rough i "What reasons?"
volce of the jailer. "AI. Bcrtomy gambled. 1 have lin
"Come, inaasiet:r." he said, "to the ; of his spending whole nights at
,judge of Instruction." 1 gaming table and losing immense s
"Let us „a." said Prosper, without ! of money. He was Intimate wi
stopping to repair Ills disordered tollet. ; bad set. Once he was mixed up
During the passage the jailer said, one of my clteuts: lI. de Clatnera
"You are fors fortunate in baying a scandalous gambling affair."
your case brought before an honest : ,.you must confess, monsieur," i
man." ( rupted the judge. "that you were
The jailer was right. Endowed with 1 imprudent, not to say culpable, to
remarkable penetration. firm. unbiased, 1 intrusted your safe to sueb a man.
egllallt freer froul false pity and ex- "All, monsieur, Prosper was no
cessive severity. Al. Patrigent'possess+ ways talus. Until. the past year he
ed in au emtn(;.nt degree all the quill- a inodel of goodness. He was rece
ties neccssary.for the delicate and dif- I into my house as one of my fat
ficult ollice of judge of Instruction. IIc `spent all of his evenings with
Prosper was escorted along a corgi- I and was the bosom friend- of my el
dor, through a room full of policemen, son, Lucien. Then suddenly he
down a flight of steps. across a kine} of . us and never came to the house a
cellar and then up a steep staircase yet I had every reason to believe
which seemed to have no end. Finally i attached to my niece Aladeleine."
he reached a long, narrow gallery, npolr "Then you can see no motive
which opened many floors hearing dtf• your cashier's conduct?"
ferent numbers. Summoning all his i The banker paused to reflect.
courage, he placed his hand on the I "It is impossible for me to acc
doorknob and was about to enterwhen I for It. I have, however, always
the jailer stopped him. posed that Prosper was led astray
"Don't be ill such haste," he said. I young man whom he met at my ti
"Sit down. here, and when your turn ` about this time, Al. Raoul de Lagot
comes you will be called." "Ali! And who is this young 111
The wretched man obeyed, and his "A relative of my wife, a chart.
keeper took a seat beside him. fellow, but somewhat wild, tho
. Presently a little old man dressed in rich enough to pay Ills way."
black, wearing the insignia. of his of I Tire judge listened attentively
lice, a steel chain, cried out: this, then wrote the name Lagor
"Prosper Bertomyl" I the bottom of an already long Its
Prosper arose and, without knowing his memoranda.
how, found himself In the office of the i "Now.' he said. "we are comin
judge of instruction, the point. Yon are sure that the
I11. Patrigent's homely face, with Its berg was not committed by an
Irregular outline and short red whir- I your !louse?"
Iters, lit up by a pair of bright, Intelli- "Quite sure, monsieur."
gent eyes and a kindly expression. was "you always kept your key?"
t impress One favorably at
calculated o s
y • •i t about an
P "Usually 1 carried i t
first sight. I person, and whenever I left it at Ili
"Nell," be said abruptly. "you are 1 I put It in the secretary drawer in
accused of having robbed 11. Fauvel I bed chamber."
of 350,000 francs. What have you to j "Where was it the evening of
answer?" I robbery?"
"That I am Innocent, monsieur; I I "In my secretary."
swear that I am innocent" I "But then" --
"I hope you are." said At. Patrigent, I "Pardon me for interrupting V
"and you may count upon we to assist , said M. Fauvel, "and permit me to
you to the extent of my ability in prov- ' you that to a safe like mine the
Ing your innocence. Have you any- is of no importance. In the first pl;
thlna to say in your defense?" one must know the word .upon wl
1 ..x Y 1�1, t .
Too many asthma sufferers give up
their search for cure, believing that
their particular case is beyond the con-
trol of scientific treatment.
It is only necessary to point all
such to a. new •hope. in Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed anis Turpentine, the
-one great remedy which has proven
Its efficiency not only -as a
Ilef, but also as a. thorough cure for
Mrs. George Budden, Putnamville,
font., says .--•"I feel it my duty to re-
commend Dr, Chase's( Syrup of Linseed
And Turpentine, as T had the asthma
very, bail; roult'i ;.^t nothing to do me
Good. A friend of 'mine persuaded me -to
try this remedy. I dtc so, and it cured
snC "
It lir lmposstbl- to Imiglne a -better
treTAtnent for asthma than Dr. ("hsse's
Syrup of Linared and Turpentine. It
soothes dhe cxclted nerves, clears the
bronchial tubes, rrived prompt relief t'
th•e frightful spasms, an,1, when used
tegularly. thoronrhly and permanently
aures asthma. 25 cents, all dealera', of
Edwanson, Bates & Co.. Toronto.
of Linsead
and Turpenthl^
-1 ••t ., .,,.t.,. -
TIMES, APRIL 18t 1912!
That will do, !oohs ....
to suffer for lack of proper feed and
tune bCiot`e it olio ti }>ertYl,tt�rlit, it
t� X1� r .1
I, „'�
netYspat)ers are as follows:-
M., I'atrigent was well Informed of
i hands. ououga worm !fro r tq cralrta +taiAIVAf�.AN
Sensible 11
the high standing of the banker ands
' acet}sed.
""'-'- "-
Every bnsinc.s9 s(:rinis to' !gave! It&
''A'' Ilan.
�^^- °•- ^^
almost as touch of Ills affairs as
did AI,'I+'auvel ttltuse,f.
,.ililc',s of pr(Npartty, and its timils of
Blyth. C)t1t., Nov. let, 18�Rt 1
xje asked lulu to sign his tcstltn4tiy
URING these minute 111veatt-
.tclWMIty. For tt number of yvars,
Juttudian borst•9, Met }with a rc+achy
hlaoLeod Merlic.ise titT.,
Goderich, Out,
1, ,Times and Weekly Sun 1 ?Cl
and then escorted hiin to the door of
gations of Ills past life Pros.
a•de at good prices, aril then all at
Wheil I wont to Gaderie.t Apxilla alt
his .ofliee, a tare favor oft his part.
per was in prison Ina secret
neo came a tioriod drrin lvliieh oven
]I" bc9t
uty case was considered hopeleaw, i3pF
fzotu F. R. Ullr•v+1 dr -iii stt,ee. I'ler•,
mored the whole dltiiculty prc!npf
Flve o'clock struck before the list of
cell. The l.rst two (lays had
wares ,sc,lrcoly sadeablee, and
Tering from a complication of disea"p.;,,
witnesses stlmuloned for the clay tins
not appeared: very long. He .had re-
ufoxior stuck caul,! hardly iw ,;lull+q
especially train kidneytroableanrlhetidr
I'Ytrnesfind,Dally Oloba 4 25
exhausted. but the task of At. Put*
quested ;end been granted some sheets
ryas. stata of thingli was dull:
elle, Icould slot do any work, Indeede
it1riT+.i = t)t' !'r y1,1'h•rl + it; 1 f,n til , 1111111-
t,,,r of it-itnessr(l. The
gent was, not et finished, Ile ran;
of paper, numbered ,,'ilei ho was
P T ,
argely io over-pl•oduction, th3 !4dl3-
�rimill•tte bre<:ding of unsuitable axil-
Icoultl not straighten, myself or Walk
steady. I was 6(i weak and treble tisk,
ba& rvid alone; y.•'
for his balliff, %ybo Ipstantly appeared,
And said to him:
oblige(, to Account for, and he Wrote
with a sort of rage 'Plaus Of defense
TLANO and Vw •sub:atltutltrn of cleotrio
iCaff)ctedmymemory badly.. Idotott-.
"Go. R'
bring. Cauferlot
liavts vill-wl mfr the breache+t olid
,:or, power' an Street wins. The
ed wide }tome doctors till I was llear):�e
V witlghtaiu.
at onco and
and tneworauda of justification, .Clio
T3ult \v;l-, dl,st tlo lir;•j:rlty of farm-
!;Otte, A faithful friend persuadedm•et,
third day lie began to be uneasy At
nts gra vc up Uv' breedlrr', Of harses,aand
tot try your remedies, which I diff alf(i;,
it was some time before the detee•
not selling, any one except the con-
,-'l:"%V of tbr,',. reit•) rcatin14,s in tin,
mith tiler best success. I begat, tar
Llve fn5rt'el'P(1 ilia silmmOtii, ITaNng
: downed prisoners who were einPloyad
'Ilr. t Asir �s il tr:+! �: In r(�t;arR to
improve as scion as I began then,. Took,
inet it volleagne, on the gallery, he
. ;
tit t to treat haul to
to serve tilose confined. In secret sells
•r3 t� cf. t h y 11 , h. J tiz in'-
lh,rtallon of Birch clava stallions a1-
t& itea•e of the liettOYator til GOderiCtl.
I felt tho eiiects Of that tilose till dayr
9 a
a t) tile
dtQnk, and the 1)atliff hfd Young it nee•
fool the oiler srha brought him his
u,c,lt jmwvd, and the trado b-co•tine
1 ar,(L 1(hulk Z #ee1 Uyet. Myouro bo oral
1 an
essary to bt'in him from elle little Inn
"Ani I not to be examined again?"
(I:+lna th,md, During the
,>.1st two, or tlirev y--ar9, btisim:js has
witi>, it, I Co:itittued taking our,i
nteciic:ines until I leas cured, I took
at the Burner,
lie would ask.
.,eel, gradti:illy mviving. The ;*carr-
,)nth the aystetn. Renovator and their
is it tt,at you keep people
"Your turn Is comin ," the jailer In.
elty of t;oell hOx4-!% du:: to til+ 00-38a•-
Sperifio Cure. Iowa mY recovery tai
ucc s
rw:lltlwo?" salt, the judge,.
variably ,answered.
• i r. in Ilreedln(;, caux!d a fixe in
tilt at. To -rias I ant strong and ftesh3pa
I�ailreclot bolve.d alalOst to the floor,
Time passed, and the wretched man.
v. -Io. , ,.t, l the retinlro.n:"nts of the
,&ble to work its well as ever every day..
Despite Ills sulllIng ,'ace,. he was very
tortured by the sufferings Of solitary
t ril,t� t+0ilth ,t1fi'ic:r inCr:-ao:+fl tlt.e
c.:+1:1.aR I. While this incr-Iagacl be-
1 ildt,'NrHttj)NCtett such a cliauge. I t001(•x
uveas •. , t1
3 follow till Ile totny east
collilnotnent. tvhleh gttlCkly break the
ru"L,1 Ila , affect all claw. s horses
. tile, niedielne for three mouths stead;vr
alone it rrciscov a double play that
s sank. into despair.
-id of
to a certain extent. there arc „oma
without missing '
b a CIOs(• WN. COWAN.
nti,ht lm discovered at any motlienc.
'to inlrlftge tit once the cause of jus•
"Ain I to, stay here forever?" he
.la•:9rs that;, are much mar••a profitable
that. bthers Air breeders
MaeLeod's Remed es, established bt
e :til,
tlev and lik own ulnbition ht+ tool,
The cell door opened, atld tine oilers
to raise. The
ftr.9t question for tit" breedar to de-
q - -
1688 !are Glie only medicines in Cana.
whiohhave so'd oil their merits without
groat rides, the least of tth' h was the
lastng Ills
grtttY voice called out, Come to the
clrlte is what sort o_ horse will hrirf*
film in the b, ,ucc::ss
advertising. Address MacLeod Aledioiues
court of instruction.
gat ret::: ifs. in
the tin -cling of live •.tock mrs,t • Ir.
Co., t.iuderieh. Out.
I have had a great deal to'do, he
Ile Instantly obeyed the order. But
otea•cured by the actual valuo. of the
said to excuse himself, Oland have not
his step ,was no longer unsteady, us a
pi•tducj;s, ilr,(l the profits that may !:e
tt'INGRA,u JCl1(1TION.
lost any time."
Yew days previous a complete change
derived th3rof
The following shows the stAnding of.
And he began to give it detailed act-
had taken place within him. He walls.
Tho draft hor%e, is radoubt3dly Info
tile papils in i7.. S. S. No. 8, TnrrlbeF
Count of his movements. He Was am-
ed with head erect, a firm step and the
Irli,rit profitable sort that the farxntu•
'diel M,yrris, for the tern. heginmaW
barrassed, for'be spoke with. all sorts
lire of resolution shining in his eye,
can brood. Gooch heavy homes weigh,
art'^ from 1500 upwards,
April 1st. -Sr, 4th -Ethel k'ergusotr„
Goo. Elliott, Clive Cruickshank, Robk.,
of restrictions, picking out what was
IIe knew the way now, and he walled
and of good
quality, are likely to meet with ready
Cruickshank, Flo. Martin, Rose Case -
to be said and avoiding what was to be
a little allctgd of the guard who escort-
.sale fol' some time to conic, By+ brood-
,ttora, T!los. Walker. Jr. 4th -Pearl
left unsaid. Thus be gave the history
e(1 Klin. As he was passing through
!ng 'a good snare to a heavy Clydes-
Vanstons. Clara Hummoll, Perev Hogg-
of Cavaillon's letter, which he handed
the room full of officers he met the
dale or Shire stallion, it farmer is
Rr. 3rd -Bert, Martin, Eldon Henning-.,
to the judge, but he did not breathe a
mail with the gold spectacles who had
reasonably ,sure of securing a colt,
Jr. 3rd -Lillie Hogg, Killian Mnffattt„
word of Madeleine.. Oil the. other hand,•
watched him so intently the day .he
that at five years old, will bring hire
Bertie Elliott,G rshom Ferguson, Willies
he gave biographical details, very ml-
was searched.
root, lem,s than $125. .Msides this,
Fitzismmous. Sr. 2nd -Hanna Walker
nuto Indeed, of Prosper and Afine. Glp-
"Courage, Al. Prosper Bortomy," he
there i•s less risk of a heavy colt get-
Jr. 2nd -Alba Hogg. Sr. Pt. 2nd -Pearl
d to
sy, «'Uielr he Ultcl collected from vagi-
said. "If you are innocent, there are
tint; blemished. A blemished colt of
til,) lighter breeds, be
Walker. Jr. Pt. 2nd -Eva Fitzsimmons.
Sr. Pt. 1st -Willie McKenzie, Mails
ons quarters. As he heard the story Al.
those who will help you."
eur.not Sold ex-
(sept rtt• a ;sacrifice rw•her: s ot. a
Elliott, Joint Walker. Jr. Pt. 1st -Rab►
Patrigeut:'s convictions were strength-
Prosper started with surprise and
hili s: employed at slow work such as
Hogg, Percy Martin. Crao, Clrniekxhanla.
tuns about to reply .when the man dls-
teaming, a blemish is not ,such a
Alfred lTowler. N. J. Isl3Isotwt, Teacher!
"The -young man Is evidently guilty,"
disadvantage. Alareover, if the blem-
he said.
',Who is that gentleman?" ate agked
Lsh ill pronounced, the farrncr %PILI still
-63 cents wall pay for The Timn3 till
Fanferlot did not reply. II -Is opinion
of the guard.
have a good useful animal for his
January 1st, 1903.
was different, but he was delighted
"Don't you know him?" replied the
awn firm work, and in, the ease of .a
bo canher for
that the judge was on the Wreng,track,
Policeman, with surprise. tit is
breeding, if otl isl%3
not here ii
thinking that Ills own glory would
AI` Lecoq of the secret service.
tn1y. The active lipltnnding, CI Iles-
Mr. Frank Lambie, a well known,
thereby be the greater when he discos•-
You say his name I,9 Lecoq?"
(lulu tyl)a, -such its !s found in the
young gentleman in this township, its that
eyed the real culprit, The fact was
"You might as well say 'monsieur "'ex- '
Illgltlftlid'i of SoDtlanl, is, in my opin-
reetpieut of hearty congratulations over
that this grand discovery was as far
said the offended policeman. "It would
tc rt, the nto-d .suitable horse for till
his splendid success in his first term'ht
off as it had ever been.
After hearing all he had to tell, the
not burn your mouth. M. Lecoq is a
man who knows everything be wants
gcncr:ll f ,rmar t•f 1 ai• c. The is h: r acs
an: tractable, and easily broken, and
nx"miilations at the Ontario ti etsrinarg
judge dismissed'.Fonferdot, telling him
to know without Its being told to
L�h leforawaiting %Ile
c millet on veduesp
to return in the morning,
'SI=B `r ya-' �-•-•'� rim instead of
a f n�orkc thus
P.1ying for their keep, ,which the fancy
only aY, lit week, sts subd y eotahee
11 - all," he said as Fanferlot left
(T„ he continued.)
hol•scs rarely do,
took five prize and honors in the other_
the room, "do not rose sight of the girl
,.,.,,,,-..,,-, _I .1 —
Carriage and saddle, horses of the
There were !!b in the alas and souse al'
Gipsy. She must know where the
money is and the
!ie,•;t; typs trill always hell far good
prices, both in till: United States xnd
thuse writing are studdnts of other cot -
can put us on
Fanferlot ismlled knowingly.
����� �� .T
Great Britain. We often hoar of the
high prices pit lit for a fine carriage
-leges. Here was Mr. Lanibie's stanch
=tog:-lstinbaoterlogy; istinpnthologg�
team or a bunter, but:' of courxl the
2nd disease and treatment; 3rd Ira
may rest easy about that, mon-
farmer does not get prices like these.
physiology; honors in anatomy. Hee
sieur. The lady is in good hands. ��
4outh American Kidney 'Cure
They are only got aftc+r weeks and
worked hard during the Cerin but has him
Left to himself, although the even-
Ing was far advanced, Al. Patrigent
is coerrpot ndad to cure Kid-
p^rhnps nroaths of training and f!t-
ting in the hinds of the dealers. The
reward in the creditable standing re-
continttod to busy himself with the
to that the
ney diseases, and nothing
else -It relieves in six hours.
falriner .w1dam bus the time and the
alecegsary knowledge of training kind
ueived. Mr. Lambie expects to return
to the college next kali for hie final term
case and arrange rest of the
depositions should be made. This case
South American Kidney Cure touches the
fixing np,",'to produca a finished etr-
,&tilt may then take a special course at -a
had actually taken pos.$essloxi of.- his
ivei'k spot firmly, but gently; gives the best •
results in the shortest time;; cleanses Lite kit neys
tick. Still the dealer, as a rul", pays
thu breeder a fail- price, and so Long
Chicago school. We which him the
mind. It was at tY}0 Sa><UO• tilltp•., pz- which in return cleanse and purify the blood, for
' zldng and attractive. 'ft`seem2� to be blood coin become impure only by passing
jig ho dtsr. ji i � •, 'it will pay to r rise
su. h h r e •. llle bast c rritg+ horses
+uceess he.deserves. �;,t, •
'surrounded by a. .cloud of mys{ery._
through walk' and ailing kidneys. Let Its :live •
up to the light of the doth century. Un,ploy the
are ,sired by thoroughbred, Hackney,
WL-tTZ'1L+'LU. ,
which he determined to penetrate,
Tile nest morning lie ryas in' his o&
means, and. a i'o robust and vigorous htalth. 6
tinct by Coach imd Stand-
Ord bred Stalllons. The thoroughbred
qua rlaore respected person has depar6-
fiee much earlier than usual. On this
un)(l b;; A. 1ln)uiltcn, Winghnln.
praducc ci tht: best style of carriage
ed this life in the person of Mr. Charlet
day he examined Aime. Glpsy, called
'" � • -- _
home. -9, when the mares have suffic-
, Wilkins,= who was employed with Afr.
Cavaillon and sent again for M. Fnu-
Stratford City C!)unoil has rwn,npted •
icnt :sizr, and' good quality.
J. H. McClinton. • Deceased was striul�:
vel. For several days he displayed the
Cin:net;ie'.4 offer of $13,1100 for a Public
Librnry autl chosen the site.
Military horsa:s have lately beer
very much in demon 1, but th':re is
in m itli a severe cold which dovelope
same activity. Of all the witnesses
-M Newcombe of C1In-on, paid out
""me. doubt as to tho permanency of
toto pneumonia. Mr. Wilkinson. lea
subpcended only two failed to appear.
dtle;,Ilr iii l yreltr 7i1t) its kt(lYert•1RlilK azul .
t}'tri tna .I rices which will prove
& family of three children who wer
The first was the office boy sent by
itonsidere d him.elf well repaid by the
profitable to t.he. producers. Formerly,
tdopted by kind friends after the de'at
Prosper to bring the money from .the
bank. He was ill from a fall. The
there were only two classes of horses
Purchased Creat Britain for
If his wife some vest ago. The funer
second was Ai. Raoul de Lagors. But.
-AIr. Alex. Visher, city edi or of the
Stravord Beacon. was ularlle i bn Miss
cavalry tary. purpclpes, viz: those ger eavillry
at was one of the largest ever seen '
their absence did not prevent the file
Kvie S. Myers of that city on Wednes-
and those for art.illary. Now. how-
ever, there is a third clll.s9 for mour.t-
this vicluity, upwards of seventy .
by a
of papers relating to Prosper's case
day eveniutr of lust week.
ed infantry. 1}1Ls is thr lightest class
veyauces following the remains to Bra
from growing, and on the ensuing
-,••_yriperintelldent.Jou"sof the G. T. R.
of the three, Tile animals r•tnging in
clon's cemetery., Services werecondnc
Monday, five days after the robbery.
,says tbat tho L. H. & B. line, nu which
height from 14.1 hands to 15.1 hands.
,it lit the realetence (it Mr. McClinton 13
M. Patricent l;bouaht .he held int pis
lie hits recently been snaking a tour of
Cavalry horses must measure from
Rev. G. Mc'Qnillin of Blyth. Degas
"''" """" ""�
inspection, was never in bet ter condition.
1G.] 1-'L hnr,'tLs to 15.3 a -L hands, ani!
was a member of the A.O.U.W, whit
"/MISeUCr"s: ,•
Browmal-:lite Aiethodistinow 111%ill-
actillc+ry horses from 15.'2. to 1t1 herds.
Mayos Dent, who has pureha•sed most
Order attended lit a ,body to pay the
s at
t Al� '
Rainnndscreat \ \
have noa.,ecton ' ,,r `e
harness nea,ed������,it(r
divideal c•utsa at the commnnion serv'tcf).
The s!a pr�w!(led cast shunt 3100nnd
include.% 250 =;lase, s, t"u elute trays,
of the Canadian horses for Souih At-
rie;t, gives the, fcllo,wln dcscripllon of
g r,
,last respects to their departed brother
He Wad mneh respected by all lvh(
with Eyteka filar- ++ a i,t -
thin r,ececsary qualificatirms: lies
Irtiew him.
t of
cess Oil h re-
silver pitclit. and other acce9sories.
stamp of horse required for artillery
g to
ims ih,-dm*p, .
cr soft:,rd i- ;•.; u• ,
• -Tho Bar'.inf;tnn Gazette,, pnhlished
h 4, r
V 11{r. Lel¢ In A Hrirc'i5, it tt)L'111f+r eel-
ptlrpolsts is it blocky sort of horse,
rvit:h its much breeding unci bane as
_._.- -... _.._.._
p s.
able. „. 1r;, a.: 1 aS-. jy
do not i:t-+Ir. ' �, �
No rousa, ur- \ \ \ AY,S r }
ployee of thi\ Timrs ltas recently entered
its Porlrih year 'rhe Gazette is a splen•
n ^•sihle. 7'lle cftvulry horse• is of n
lighter type, with good .shonldors, leir.
f 3��i�� ° � Ott; ,,, ...:.....•I
a „
face to ch"fe 7 . \
andeut. Tito %3, a< l\
cdid weekly stud !s a• credit to thn village
it !; Mr. Il.trrls is
art'(} neck. The mounted infantry robe
U10 ,,., tst . , e.. .,... •, .. ,,
�` 7 ;•.. ;;1
9.8 4I 3 u :x +� A
�N \
+' .harness nc: , \
onlyternv ./j,71 N. \ \
tit which. publisaCd.
entitled to hearty support.
111.1vtt c"Uke ilei tPt9 I.,. t it 'i• rrt.•11' CA n-
tile word one can open it without the
key. but without the word"-
"And this word you never told to any
"To no one In the world, monsieur,
and sometimes i would have been puz-
zled to know myself with what word
the safe had been shut."
"Ilad you forgotten it on the (lay of
the theft?"
"No; the word hnd been changed the
clay before, and its peculiarity struck
,,what wits it?" .
"Gipsy -G -i -p -s -y," soler the banker,
spelling the flame.
Ai. Patrigent wrote down the nnnte.
,,One more question, monsieur. Were
you At home the evening before the
"No; I dined find spent the evening
with a friend. When I returned home
abont 1 o'eloek. my wife was Ili bed,
and 1. went to bell! immediately."
"And you were Ignorant of what
surd there was Ill the safe?"
"Absolutely. .Afters my positive or-
ders I could only suppose that a small
sum bad been left there over night. 1
stated this fact to the commissary in
A1. Bcrtomy's presence, and he ad-
3:n6wletlded RAO he tile, ease:'
looku,;; t ke .ir :4.1.• t-tl + \�
new, pet �! \ \:��
Mena, tw1f.e. ��,,
aslonrt.vtho act?• ! ��
use of F.umka
liaruess Oil. ••r:'. -;
t, .,. u
sold 7.\1 everywhere \ \in tins—ail sixes.Trude b 7Imperial 01
I I Irl -1.1
.ufl:111 t 1a ugly 111141.1 u, till -I. t:.:,.,.+ M.- There are � a:;^N
in•„ ofti,n it ehorraesi of r..elt, ;Iieck•). 1n1
A t 1 lila, lSncir elle.
n! t 3 n til0 Pr
r •ttaII til 3
"11e y
l t e tlf illi!'~ •. Y )
r Yi>+ ..9, for �.:..Se�+
ilia•tistlie fit•stunmistakable symptom brar.ah of tilt, servioe l•eq:lired, shutlid blessing Dr. gs._ 01.4)
(If diSxil6ell 1(ldueys, an Ailment which be that of the English hunter, with : hitcher anal I ••,,.•.,_.
ao of ii call nf,pleet without Inviting Short legs, short carrion bone, good 11;S wondc+t•frl !' ,o) i
i::riy,llt's °Disease, diabetes, ihetimatianil shonlders, lrtekrib and loins, and t:he •� ( .
hurl th,•lr.,ost painful and fatal maladies. m•�re br(x.dinrt combined with strcvt- ,ack1tc11eIli(1• , .
At ilio first Sian of harhaelle ani, urinary gill the better. What I think are trey Tabluts. !jj� '61 i,� .
tilrorders use D . 'CUnce's ICtchley-Liver mast needed to produce this type, are This reineity ,� ��
Pills and you cal bet coma!,i tit prompt good thoroughbred Sires, not avis 16 bas ploveil St) _ l' ; ,
rc41t•f and cure. One pill a (lose, 25 Mnd.4 high, compact horses with I \ -,
cants It t;ox, p'ertty of bone anti action." `uee'essfill for ! IV `~+
It N highly desirable that vnne. but tllitt SLi•10118 i ) 4 ik�
::ir.TollnThompson has completed his the l"t clnas of registered stallions a11!ietialtl ilf �� /A`4
be ttsod, There are fur tow many in -
:vara: tlsassissorof C;odcrich tnwrielltp, ferior horses Jr. t.h:t country .now. and ('1'iildt'eu-lit•, /% i �
(and from the roll syr, learn that the total if our farmers .breed to grade, or wettinn-fl, ��},.' ..,.,� `c) r
.tcrcairo of tim tocvnf,llip Is 5'3,1109, of cheali purebred stallions, no improve- mot1mrs re,
which 41 4; 5 is otearetd, ',,G2i wooded, nxtnl. will bo po%sible. The big,aeund, joice t0 kn()ty �. ;b ;1,j l
31i7 waste or btoirt+n, :t,:',1J in Orohaid. ''dive. Clydesdale will probably fi}v(s t)f tb pil'41 i e :t,_ -W
„I the. best results d heavy mares, dalg enre. Tbe'rn.1)1v'-, llftvo ,ttei;gfl
,.ler,. ora 3,10'3 oozes in fall wheat. the Thoroughbred on, good strong
Thero tree 6,4:35 heart of cattle, 1,540 marros of the lighter sort. Marcs ening tint. 1 )stir• itttillc•11 + on 'I�
-deer, 11,077 ito,:(, 1,645) hors++s. Thal with considerable, warux blood are weak itrivar organs vi i1ill l',+
lssesstatl valine Of tdlu township is 31,452 . mo,d deisirable for breeding to a 11h.clt'- and enal)1p the,la to retail the.
my or Coach Stallion. water naturally.
1520, }+inntly, it is of the greatest impart- WWII°t lest our child };"(ri" tl
"• ^��' frill:: that the, foal shall be well fed, Y
11M Cu CLUBBING— OFFERS rs tire. best of breeding will avalt with this weakilej4j,% blighting 11
little, if the young animal !s allowed 1ife. Have the 'ttonblt+ +other! i
'"� '���� N.
Our clubbing rates with ilitl`erent
to suffer for lack of proper feed and
tune bCiot`e it olio ti }>ertYl,tt�rlit, it
t� X1� r .1
I, „'�
netYspat)ers are as follows:-
care. good blooding and good feed -`&p
tog must o hitnd in hand, 1f a 'success
"to the Illettllh.
I'�'� 1„+9,'°<?° '” 7IT
Times au(t treel(ly CYIt)bo ;11 60
r . r
Timesand o lily Affil iib
is to b^ made of the business of horse
brcedin ,
tllE a1FF1t.i1LiY li%1WGuEft.
Ji `ui t. Ti..r �.
V. 'IV. IIT3DSOv''+
Atm,'M. \I T.lnver, Pearl Strom "...,A er
�'l'imC9 alld ti'ari)1}v Herald rin(1
I.ivn st'.aek Voinniksioner.
villa, (Int., F:ayA, "On. Of lily el.iiii:`
� Weekly Star 1 76
Ottawa, April 5th, 1002.
that had: been suitering -um sibig ie31 ls,l
1, ,Times and Weekly Sun 1 ?Cl
- ..
l.:va reed nb,mt, Dv. Pitcher'., Bii, len•
j Ti rites and Montreal Witness 1 60
- TQ vnur lithel oil Talar l`ion's marked
lei lnev Tabie•ta, �.t,rl nroe• n)d it I'm
!'doles and Western Advertiser d 50
1111'.11(i ,
fzotu F. R. Ullr•v+1 dr -iii stt,ee. I'ler•,
mored the whole dltiiculty prc!npf
S raltti Straln+ CtrM �ounas, 4Jlrz»t�
P r s ,
' + r +
rlines.and i armers Advocate 1 85
.,t, ,
1 ! }'i -lint! of Rill -nn li,ip rnrsr•t^•rnted
That depr, ,4,,; !atilt ov, r tilt, i.i-V:t
Open Sores, Druisc.s> `tiff joints, lir ~: nnJ,
, Times an Toronto Daily Star 2 50
the ,n ew l If. Patil'a ei+u eeli nt'�V`owlstock.
s'a,•,t . h, dizziness an 1 hesdxutits r:.e.!
Stings of Insects, Counts, C:olaa, (':.:.•'.+.;+may
I'Ytrnesfind,Dally Oloba 4 25
Th,+ vPa,• 13)01 w tri ttntnlll,, ilk the
altd tu,•r:l twat/ a• gs•a•ral in%+'o:•t('+if;
Cif1f�S, IZ11CU:natlSm, x+ettrtl�ia, i31'ii:lcla:tis,
i GVo could extend thn Usti, but it 1s not
it1riT+.i = t)t' !'r y1,1'h•rl + it; 1 f,n til , 1111111-
t,,,r of it-itnessr(l. The
: In ' 'x111. 'r}.," • is rp> o;+U• r. ,11 Y""*'
inq the lnct'its of these Tablets fur 1
Croup, Sou Throaty Quir.sity, 43-m.,:X..3
I beceaal v. We call live you Oubbing
l s 0 tisk, it ustrnliau. C~anarliilu, sti+:(1 Near
ba& rvid alone; y.•'
Cot:gfl. and all Painful Swe llin�;c.
, rotx s oil ally nowtvAper Or ntagazdu0.
1 r*A11111d diviSirnts of the Prr'Awterhiu
, r
f)r. 2iitnhoe. %clache Itidnev Tat •
Tilt: Tirtr•,s,Glinn'1n
liavts vill-wl mfr the breache+t olid
are 511f', it U1,Y. 'It I'll 41'164Stai' 1,t: no
130T .: 5o,
A LARGr it lr
V witlghtaiu.
consolidated the forces,
'Cr1Lt i%at. Glia 1'r7v:utnt l;o„ Toroi'to, q