HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-18, Page 6P
111: W INtxllA.11li ti1l;ti, NPRII, 18, 11.0(
'e"n". ... -.i.+Y.M,M1�Yw.'�,TMM.MMMw.+4,w.rw,M!rew+e„+,�n•16•Mwt,.!,nu�ARk,M. .. tete - .. .,. ... _ tete tete .. .. _ . .__._ . .. tete . .. P'7!�"lw'+nu,,.r-.r... n.,.... ..c -w.•r.n+ewr ., �+r.
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1.011t tillu,rnule fi;;br 41141 it,'nev tilt r.' \lt 1L ,.,. tett ] . .
rs _ �` bo fill Litt, L'itiro ue:esA,, tit tilt' 1••111). }� a R� (� 1 / i ,
x r•i: . ' ��A� y r1�U�'4N D���1aC'1'U1'�.' , r a373'1'iLIaI'•:;b ND 187.0 • '
int. WITHGAIRLS -itra.t .f �r t ligt o � I d 1 j;� rpurrelti ole Ole t o.,.4 g;Uvernint vbellig fill � JaArIlsT � llLlitCli[— �al)lltltl7 8,arvices at+ ��A., �1� lt. eiXaSf� � �!{>l�jr�
( i A .2. ti Y li.� IES. 1 -•. 11 i, in and 7 tit, Sunday `k..Cltool at : • S ;. .'+ •:l k .
+i1,1AC)•l4`. +'•1'IS1,4t+11,:i: n :!t F't<nelitr,'a•ult tht+ alerr, Ilial g ivilig stir. Mulwattl ntlitt'ci i -"^- ,r•,I !) is-1111:.1.1;JUND
"""^"^'�^�^---**-•-- ltilsteudlnslusticauppurt 13rusrll3l'(aat. IIOYl TO OBTAIN BRIGHT EYES ^.�0 p Ill. (aontra2 pxriytl nieotiug 13` ter t'5'«, tvllat nr:t?
Oil Wo(blesday evenings. Uov. J. J. Pat- EVERY FR I MY MORNING
rli1l11Y, ;WilIf. I), !V01- COltn1111; on Sir lttel.ard (,•art- AND ROSY C1iEEKS,
tiar:tterson,I3..('1.•dntstlor. 1' P.J'.Gllapinan,S.S.T- 4,t t'y►thc•r', ��
tvrifhL's stv:rclt O1: Ch;: butlg;1, Tile( Superbiteudent. The Tillie$ O1Siev, 110IbVel' DloClt Itrl:-lit(slC
XuTij3 .ixt) l:1)ld6:l:�'l'.•. AI4x,Lreu1 1st -1:1111 saps: `1'ha ::lxtccll rI.AL±. .10%AM I0 ANllnASILY TIr.UD (11I .:i blT•,'rIiaDlt±lClitTltoli--5allblttll,3t'rvi0os Uv.•r--)�,(ot.
' , at 11 a in and ( all. 8laudtl School at WIN(xliAN. ONTARIO. Click olc;04--
llou. a. 1.Itowiu, 11•im. )lilt i okTENPAl.1.aPIit4YTocUNScnrilluN, p Y ��
V. , , • wc4s ri�,h'Lly acctuiltlefd ua tl e sp;eelt ; ;.t:30 pit'.• 1'.ptturtlt I�ea;:no every 112oa- �1r.atlt,•r klruck,
ill tttirt)bat al.+nr,o *� (';;1 :]v ullo(tttiu • of the .y� ssior.. It was far morel tl►an In yotaug girls we look for abulldttut day evening. General la tlyttr lueotittg •l t:ltn s c,t"st;tsertlll+rlo:t-�1 ,w per alnnun in N r
a t ,� ,t• t 6 health. fault strength, rosy cheeks, bright .olt'114ednes►la ovenhi a l Oil the floor,
that, hotwevar, It teas all admii.;able i y Ys. 1vOY. RiCltttrcl thau'd fi l oil f riot r Ira(-. No paper c1lt th
dues Ihnrtiniuu spa.+,,l l t(•ci; out •Fxidtly, tied eyes, firm, plunlp, fresh tlu(t aoustaut Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Slip- option tilt all asset'•. fsrf: paid, exeopt at the Limier the, tablo,
aliiu., li,iilert.ta,;urs, prc):it file lriri sates presentation of the larger aspects Of altcertaluess. liay" often, howover, we c;riltei.dent, opti�viurthe;a►auU:Ql.,l'' Aro you ably,
tilt+ present political situation, and a ; "teat young) iris wilt' scour prE+lnitturtllt" P;tLSiiT'cEItIeN p11UIloII-- Sribb;lth ser- A natatN(a Itnmra. I,efial and other i'cr turn and twist
'was gw,000. p 1 casual adt ertisementH Sc PerNe)1 mriollinr for
stirring vindication Of the pulley for j olci, ieeblr, pale, list•lusa, Lhi1.' trod irri• vices at 11 a rtt unci 7 1) til. Suuday fit'st hate -tion, Ju per l4 , tor,caei: subsequent 3.i lre a cont ortiouNt
The Totolttl) titer says p,1r. Wli trey is which Lha ].1be.:t1 art of Gulluda leas' table, 1'hes•, abuormai and dangerous. School at 2:30 lite General prayer Insertion. sills Ila ln.al r Ilett R-blff l
Cpld .alld p: swiistie. "-Twit !.e will not � y . conditions art) (1110 to. Lt gouertll wegkuess llleetin$ on We eslltl ovenings, Rev. � cilallnnH fire ehargf-4 t �'a9t a whiff,
y n 10 eta. per hno for fiant insertion, and G cents ,
t1b forPruuila: Of Outario What this contended driving a cluttrter of a Con of the blued, dual should be (cured just as D. Perxio,pastor and S, ,7'uperiut0u- per line inncash,ubrvealueutiInsertion. i'11•et>'—wlr:•rc!
Lary as ji stifled by the events of the" prolnptlytll,poss tile fir the'whOlelIto 0 the dent. A(1Fe"INelnentH (if Lost, Found, Strati•Ml, In tllr• all•--
3('rnviueo de:uuncls tui t tvhll have is a past five scares. It' the tribute paid j patient will ill+ r'tiilxtcl, if, Indeed, decline ST. PAUI,'b' i71IU1tCTI, EPI3C4PAL-Sub- h'ttrnas t'or Efate fir to F.trnt, Mall similaar $Lalli for Oh, nly-
-Antin cf faith and optimistu. Stich is tits by Sir Richard Cartwright to the j and consurulitinn do net speedily follow, bath services at 11 a n1 and '7 p til. Sun- tin►<uciuntla nod 50 oualts for cutch Hubscclueltt In the eyO !
"Mut' front bliddlewm," :lou. G. 1�' . � � Dr. Willimus Piul, I lith furl ala People day School at N,,30prn, Geuoral prayui' CONTItA01. Rmerai-TI),+s'ollo- ing table shows, i Down again -
memory, tht, character and the wise , aro the natural, logical and sure euro for meeting on Wedltosday evening, 1,i,ay. 0111 Tutus for the ll.sertlon of advertisemc,lats ! i Crawl-:ipratr 1,
Ross, foresight of Alexander Mackenzie "tweak girls. Thesu Pills ulaku rich, red Wm. L" otve, incumbent. F, Shoro, S. S. fug• specified periods:- Let it fail -
Thera are no 91. 1. 1 .'.s in Ontario there rung dui the strong note of leer- { blood with evel,i close. Tboy strengthen Superintendent. srarr/. I rt'. a>uo. 9 A0. i ;tin i'ranee. chance,
tlow. khey must all h--leserlbod by sonal satisfaction of the rove110
ssal, at- ' eha 1lyCwe3, set uptfit the whole system CONGREGATIONAL (71IU1tOiI.—Sabbath One
C Coll mil..... la:txi 18.W ilu W 5.00 fa w �lur.ep-hwllp,
the prcfes ox. The 1, �islature was a sad bdug hettith, strength andhappluess services at 11 a Iii and 7 p in, Sunday quarrorGolturan tete, 18.LJ 10.00 O.W '1,W !west your tt'rist
tttr long years of aha ver;dot passed i to those who use then)• School at 12 in. Midweek meeting on AdvortiHomests without s,)e,htic directions
�Tlp t(lp-
dissolved by effluxion u: time on upar. Mackenzie by the generality of Mrs. Hiraut Riulder, Suttrh Pulliam Wednesday evenings at o'clock. Gavin will befnHerted tilt forbid (anti ehargmtaccord- Niplalty snap,
Sattard:y. 'Thr• tttlfle:ltna''tnl;slit's£ the mt'n in the ycurs succeeding 1878. This ; towusbip, Wellaudcouuty, Out., says•- Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. B. Prior, pastor. f�iri iadvan o rltaciv(r.i mentH muitbepaid N(`ver ltol)
state of the' elections sway 2•e. looked for s lerdid speech cannot fail to make � 1G is with pleasure t11ut I glue this SALYAmox Artxy--Strvice at 7 and 11 TRE Jou DtCPAltTat):�T is stwked with an ` lisp—!)ol)-
p tribute to the health•restor'iug virtues of a m Aird 3 aild 8 p m on. Sunday, and oxtensivo (as..sfartmeni of all regnisitosfor print- Now you knots
any day.a deep impression upon the country, Dr. Williamb' Pink fills. When my every evening (luring the wool: at 8 ing, affording facilities non ealmilhd in the s Sum enough,
Thc• Montreal 4:'::'tiv-3 rightly and more eslxcially upon the X,dberal, daughter, Lena. begat► thea use of your o'clock at the barracks. countyfor tarnin�6• out first clal+s work. Large ( IL's hot. ,stuff -
type and u1s1noprfatte cut»fur allstylea of Post•
warn, church board; and other sec- party, a portion of whom have of late ruediclbe sl.e was in a host wretched PosT Orr1oE-In Macdonald Block. ers,3inn(t Bills, etc„ find the latent st lesof Iced hot whiz-
ieties -who pegs resole::? -ons repuddat- shown signs of being led into error by ! alarmed lest t:hondidon. In o migwe wore ht not muco seriously
Poter Moura from 8 a m to G:SO p m. 3II1eic0fanuy type for Lilo finer classva of print � rhal-',j -what
lag*, ]w r.fcrcndum. than they arc da- tlu: very .success of the polis they so'rymptoins wore itf eling of butguor and Ie11'LECHA MECHANICS' STITUTE-"Library and Proprietor and a I'ing pori is! y^_
iLg all that in them 1.: in direct•cp-I tares, have supported. Nor is the ea- weakness, graduallygrutwiug; worse, free reading room in the Town Hall, _ _._--_•,__..._._...___. _._ __.
vosition to the cat. •• t!uy prelered ' posul-p of the census -stuff in -,of 1891 j She beculcke pale, lost flesh, bad little or will be open every afternoon from 2 to T P. KENNEDY, M. L.. M. C. P. S. OMT A PIr'1. Dlit;•:A1I
no appetite autl was appamntdy going in. 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to r (Member of the British Medical Assooia-
to udwcaate. the least important of rho topics to a decline. Finally the trouble be- 9:130 O'clook. Miss Millie Robertson tion.) Gold Meaalh-4t lit Modicine. special (Asterisk in Saturday linht)
J A. Ruddick, chief -tZ the govern- ' touched upon by Sir Richard cart- Came complicated with a parxistltt)t sore librarian• ' attention plaid to dtaenses of Women and Uhild ,
.. , ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. tit.: 7 to 0 p. in. "That'- ha t'- a queer story the In, are
mmr.t dairy departmar,:, :Las called a twright. That part of his speech will throat, which leave her great difficulty 7•owx Couxom-Ii.. Vanstone, Mayor; tellir.- abut smuggling Chdnamen
rc >vy the mora, careful attention. It •
in swallowing, She was placed under Will. Holmes, Thos. Bell, RObt. Mc- g ,
cail'erenee• of tilt the d•litwlnen in the l` theeare,of a doctor who said her blood Iudoo J J. Elliott, W. P. VarkStone R. MACDONALD, from 4t:Ladet to the+ l:nitc(1 Stat.�s in
Dominion, tit Ottawa, E;.r April 291h reveals a state of things existing in I + + � the garb of nuns, remarlwdi, the Oc-
+was poor ltilcl watery, and her whole A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Fcr-
a 30a.h The obje'et :i•l' the confer- that year which was a disgraeo to the system badly run down. The doctor's guson, Clork and Treasurer; William I Centre street ougitr:,al Contributor,
1'arliamant and Government of Can- treatutent (lid Itot help- her much, and Cls Yeri, but Ws. tin cld ane, I said. It
exce is to discuss prov tiidug systems I 1 - Clegg, Assessor, Wm, Robertson}, Col- �'dllglutnt, Ontario, ha,4 don» duty ,several tim>ea before."'
ada, and of which more ought to be; then acting on the advice Of to ueif3hbor, lector. Board meets first Monday even- _ _ "Did „
-of Inanufucture, and ;11 o to arriwe at I began to give her Dr. Williams' fink fug in each mouth at 8 o'clock. ..t ever sidles you, pursued
M more, unsform metho.l of dairying; m::dc known, before, at all owants, the (Pills. 7'be aonfidonce with which this - ,_ � Lite, O. C., disregarding the gratuit=
revert to lh3 s stem under which for + t ,�0HOOL BOA.RD.-II, Kerr, (ehairnlau), DR. AGNS W, ouv information, "'that if mankind:
tt•ltich may be carrt:-:t in future. y imedicine was urged upon us was not Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. Physician, Surgeon, achieval rami of tho mechanical tri-
ty thousand p- oplc countad as in this mis )laced as I soon noticed a distinct Holnuth Win. Moore, Thos. Bell Will. g, , etc•
The Mall Fuld Empire �ays that ''lu,- rotinca of Quebcc. lord taken up Ii inlprovelne•nt in illy datighter's couch- Button, O. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. ORteo-Macdonald Blook, Over J, E. Davis' rgccssarye for p(Ch nument�to 1 disguise
Soo square miles, or to il•=,000 acres of I � . I tion, The use of the pills for some Robertson; Treasurer T. B. Ferguson. DrugStoro. Night eallHanswer(dattheo13ice.
heir hanr.., in the United :hates. a ' tllesinelces to evade the immigration'
worth accordip>; to the (tine- j weeks completely been at ci her, )ltd from Meetings second Tuesday Duelling ineacll V - -- tux L•or wbuld smu glens have to run
pulpwood, ' I that time she has been et cheerful light- , month, VANSTONE, ' 8
I1eC price, �i1,00D,090, have been givin „ , , �. the gaitrilet of the Nott1 York or
?, lit:It.1)IY+(r Irl' O1 TA1t:[O. heartod girl, the very picture of PUBLIC SanooL TicAcimins.-A. H. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Sw3pvusion 13:lclge officers, nor could'
;away gratuitously to syndicates." Is j These Dills never fail to restore health I, grove, Plznoipal, ]yliss Robertson, all the cal rsotls in creation keep tab.
Privateaud Company funds to loan at lowest
1liFan11oneSt statement'? The Ontario, On Dt'CCIl1bE,T 131St the Prurill(e rti find Strength in Cases like the above. Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss rate ofinterest. No commission charged. ort. or. Mtclligenee sent through the oth-
`1'urotlxh their action oil the blood and Corn ) Miss McLean Miss Matheson ga es, town and farm n'otort bought and ex?"
Government collect 40 :,Pts per cord' Ontario had at its crc(:it over all habi.i• yi , } y s
nerves they also cure such disposes as and Miss Reid. so d. Office, Beaver Bloc t. Ingham. „
on all the pulpwood cut, or more if they j ties $.,500,000 iuterc+pt bearing assets. I rheumatism, sciatica, St. 1'itu,' dliuce. BOARD Or HE -Mayor Vaustone, "What is. the nttlrt t f Sam Illll aro
Cmd the value of the spruce warrants , Not another spot in the world has sneh inch G stion, kidney trouble, partial you diy, ire fit nowt I u.skcul.
g y (chairman), C. J. Readiilt;, TI.Os Grog- i' A. MORTON, • "Wit ,lest iilrec things-" said m
it, a showift;.-Iiou, Mr. Stratton at � paraly sits, ere,. There are many so call- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- t� • caller, "air .ships, subinarin:+ beats
,,g Peterboro. ed tunic pills, but they are all mere rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical BARRISTER, &c., ar,d wdreless telcgra hy. And there's
With the Gaming of ::p:i_.,, and the imitations of this great medicine. Be Health Officer p
r�+turn of tile. birds thers is liable to Talk of direct taxation! Thanks to, , , , Wingllalnt, Out. no doubt all tllret: will courts salt to
tela Liberal efforts today t Pure that sun get the genuine with the
be a revival of the practice of des- y ve own 100,000 " r + practicable deve land have this most
T I full name Dr. �S lllitui.s Pink Pills for get ., p Y' a,�lta2rishing de.velopmr.nt. The human
ir0ying the little feathered songsters square.uilesoflhewOntariotherevenue�Pale Peuplu oft every box. If your PIA �0 AND THEORY. E.L.Dlcrtssos Duir,EYHonutts ir,:tellect In;lster5 avrp problem in!
of «•bill. will !leo that Province front denten clues id keep thele they twill be HISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. mechanics ar b
Stith catapults and at.ser weapons. p physics sooner or latter.
direct taxation for 109 sent post $2. ut50 cents s Lox or ltix. DICKINSON & kOLMES Santos -Dumont, Alareoni and Holland "
Titers is no excuse for tura cruel prat- years to come. hoses for 52.50 by addressing the Dr. and member of the Associated Musicians of
tier, and the haps that tae boys of 'In- We are developing New Ontario by Williams' ZJedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. (O,c;r of o, i irrfurred to
fists iv en liPinnomited
are the
nl� 1Qr. the of ans of it new d era
%u,,soll will employ t'heec• activities in solving the transportation problem. We Theory. MONEY To LOAN, imagination fails to picture. Marconi
aro furnishing means t0 et Special attention given to pupils preparing . I
>proteet:ing the birds, ins••ead of injur- b g people ni A valuable Trade foroxaminations, Orrica.: Meyer Block, Wing;umt, aid Holland have been wonderfully
ing them. It would be ,•samethlag; to and to carry their pru(ducta; out. The re- Residence -opposite R. 0. Chu rch, Wingham. .sucocssful in their experiments. Who
suit is seen in a settlement of 150,000 Thr total value of the product of A RT,HUn J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. could have dreamed of .such marvels?
be proud of if we could, .-ay that an the fisheries of Canada fbr the last , ; i, .l�a m;�y�� , , t7e r . Even the achievements of Santos,
?nnoaent bird is never t.antonly kill- persons where a few years ago there fiscal year, according to the. offirial j ui�ll�lli:�,:tic.• ti. t♦ C Doctor of DentalSurgeryofthePennsylyanis DatnezA aro astonishing, though he
t;la1�'V;d'i'e'' `t �' �' E11iot1, �' ,' Dental College and Ulee'takto of tiles Ro n) has nOercotn•s its close to (tamiuercial
,ed in IngerselF•a- N•atur.:ld§ts tell us vera but 1,000. Aud the firs keep- report, was $21,557,030. Of this ,` ,, „�hr�llgll, A4. , }ionorary Graduate of Oolle a of Dental surgeons of Ontario. Ot$ce
in" their trade for Ontario. -Mr. $10,720,353 wa,% _exported from the ;���� J�1^p' Y � Oui�nrio `Veterinary over �ostOMCQ. Winghatn. success as the other two. But hc(wdlk
that the hir(ls are n-cessary for the Dominion. The, distribution of pro- . 1f, + v College. triumph - or, if hei doe,sr,'t someone
existence of vegetation, and if they Pattullu c"t Peterbtfro. ducts by provinces was as follows:- Office and Infirmary � � clic trill. 'Cho great. comp: titlorni to
^p7,8U9,1Ci2 ,,;' v!t~;y,s �` `Minute Stof yic`v i�(a,-hank. yy .TLn.SLOWAY, D.D.s., r ,� take plain at the St. L eui-3 air,' oug''hil
�.wexe all'killed off, trees and shrubs - Nova Scotia ...... ...... rfi^5�
unci plants of all kinal3 would scarcely Tii7: I >;3ULn IN PIA\ITULA Prrilish Columbia ... ... tet e.. 4,878,8L0 �t', i;, �t �1 {, �, ,� Day and night calls Now methal fOr ptiltless ex- to give aeri;.l navigation a big lift
New Brunswick ................ 3,709,742 �gal!'h!t4 -�wg�% promptly attended to. traction. NoCocalne. on ills road to ,sucet93. Nnw. if .thcs0
be able -to .withstand the ottackhs moi The referendum in Manitoba on the � Quebec ... ...: tete.. 1,989,79 `- Tolephameeonnection. special attention to the care and regulation three inventions aro destined to be
the insect§ which would infest t Liquo. Act has -resulted in the defeat Ontario ...... ...... ...... . ...... 1,333,..84 /� ��j �"� workcarefullyandRlMlfull perrate ormZ4. OmcE practical ownmurcial .;+i:ece.sses, think
`1'he WoodstackSentinol-Review says: of the prohibitory law. Thew is >L Prince Edward Island ......... 1,OB9,193 in Beaver Block, Wingham. tvhltt it will mean.. Why, it must in-
p si�raigh' majority Mar,dtoba and Territories a... 7.18,159 valve the bredk-dotwr., of nearly all the
--'At resent much of the discussion J y against it of over and anyone having live stock or outer barriers 'to trade and oommuuication
li p 5 articles they wish to dispose of, should ndvor• rOHN RITCHIE,
o the temperance situation seems to + tise the same for sale in the TIMss. Our large, tl Low existingas between nations. 80
Thtt vote polled was not large. The circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT soon as man can navigate the depths
�]AVe degenerated late attacks, for the p ST1TE Ot' OIIIO,CJITY Or'1 OLEDO i 8s. oudonotgetacustolner. We can't guarantee +
total vote an the plebiscite in 189. was LUCAS COUNTY, tlutt you will soil because you may ask more Of ocean and the beiRhls of air, what
moat past unjust and unreason able, on a ,35,000, and in' 1898 it fell away to, 15; Frank J. Cheney ulnkes oath that lie is for the article or stock than it is worth. Send Wingl)om, Out. becomes of frontiers and customs
temperance Prearier anti a party which 08• This time the total vote was the senior partner of the firi n of F. J. Year
O v mise lent of your to the ,6t�o s anlldd try this ot ler hoses, of tariffs, and the whole pro -
?has certainly b"n sympatheti•1 and about 24,000. In ten ytarss Elle popula- Cheney & Co., doing; business in the City articles. JOHN CURRIE, WINarrAzttr, Oar, tectionist system? The tt-orld, for
tion has largely increased, and thus purpasm of communication, •tt•itl be a
ii¢lpft.l towards temperance and le. -Isla- of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. „
Pots ,should have been much larger -and that said fir)) will pay the sum of L'niC.
tive.raform on the gt.astiun. One of the titan in 1892. r Sales Farm Steak and Lhrrn Implements A "It's a pipe -dream," I said.
oNE IIL'NDRED DOLLARS for each and speciultq, yes, but -stranger pip. -dreams have
most carious features of the Provincial The reduction in th3 veto was all every case Of Catarrh that cannot be All orders left at TRE Tntus ofllee promptly " ger
situation just now is the systematic or. the side of those favorable to pro- cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. attended to. Terms reasonable. come- true, retorted the Occasional
telfort that is b3ing mxda by th3 opgln- hibitim, " Fit t%ii: J. OIIENEY. Contributor.
Twice as many voted agaiu$t pro- Sworn to before me and subscribed in OF D D S' N ESS E ESTEl.L� GRIFFIN eutsof the Ross Government to draw hibition nos Wil so ten years ago dry my presence, this Uth slily of December, IS GREATLY RELIEVED Mr. J. C. Clarke of Shelbourue, has
away the attention of the country from Mal.itoba, and',even times as many A. D. ,1880. WINGIiAII
t;1te great political Issues'that ars before tis did set four years ago, while Only; •A. W. GLEASO\, BY THE USE OF THE J laden appointed classical master in the
itr and on which the people must decide half as many voted for it as did so CEAL i Notary Public. TEACHER OF VOICI} CULTURE. Hi;;ll School at Listowel, to fill the
Ju, this party campaign now begun, and let.. years ago. �~ „) vacancy caused by Mr. Stoddart's re.
This very poor showing is to be esu Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally LO N'D DISTANCE Pupils proper+ d for Conservatory of Music
to excite the hostility of friends of plained by the fact that many leading; and nets directly on the blood and esumtnutiona, movf>1 to Clinton.
temperance against a Prime Minister prohibitionists urged temperanee poo- masons snrfaces of the system. Send ����D � N � VIOLIN
iiia GUITAR.
*li6hasdoneso much for their causa.'+ pie not to vote at all, on the ground for testimonials, free. Y�011f� Ai�ly
that the lair• having been enacted in F..,
South Huron is already in battle array llke- regular way, should go into effect Toledo, 0. Yon rend) your customer in a t •ni
Jotrtbe coating Provincial election. M. in the regular wayo Sold by all Druggists, 76c. few seconds, and :ai ou can MISS CARRIE MOORE 'fh �t1
of London Conservator of Music will be pre- / il
Hall's Family Pills are the best. be accomplished at cost of tared after Oct. lot to receive n Limited num.
t / t
Y. McLean, of Seaforth is the Liberal y LITTLE time tool trouble. her of pupils for instruction on Violin and
standard 'bearer, and H. Eilber, of 4, ItAILWAY COitIUIsS1ON — --• Guitar.
Crediton, Who has Ii:I,ILSC-ated the rid- Prof. Maclean, appointed by the Patronize ]lien You Know. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Residence -opposite IL C. Chureh, Whtghnm.
iii for the past term, is in tha field its Dominion Government to make a. re-
A recent
the Conservative candidate. It will be port on the question of railway, reg- Caralah from London re- LIMITED JOB PRINTING, -� !' � ,'•: j '�"^
ported four arado0 farmers had heen �ar,��'" � . � y--- ••�» �
a *arm contest but Mr. McLean should illation in. Canada, has done so. lie fleeo_-d by two men xepresenting them -including .. including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
reccrrnmends the appointing of n selvt s as travellers for a Toromto �Hea s, Circ lags fie., &C., executed in the best
win and will if South Huron Liberals do
001111111135101i with the following pow- steel range concern. It is stated that short notice. Prices, and on
their, duty. He is well acquainted with er.q :- t
these follows teen through t y town- D'ff 17 •� to atanyrNnnva-We are pleased wi h usfoo
the riding, has been n member of the 1. To have transferred to it all -ship aslonsibly to sell a very desir- Dunlo Binding, will have Magazines left with us for ,,,,.' ! ..- .f.•
Legislature for four east, and has atvide nagulative ztvcrs in regard to rates able style of stove. or rar, o. When Binding, will hn I our prom I attention
y p• g y is 5 O L I D r U B S E IZ Prices for Binding in any style trill be gluon on
experience that should 'fie Of value to preferences, discriminations, rebates the farmers, declined to buy, the application to
and secret rates possessed by the a,gests made- a proposition to each in o THE TIMES OFFICE,
OU4' on his return to tile' llonse. lair. railway committee. tura, offering them tit first $2, and '�"' "re. a winghanl• Tilers is a noted difference
Etaber is an active politician and will 2. That power of .'Auprrvisior. in re- ther., $2.50 as day, to drive them C n "' � � �+�
(;a.r(i to through rates atd through through the country. They thought o RAILWAY TIME TABLES. in.the style and fit of Pants We
- routers ;should be possessed by the thi,-j a golden opportunity, and an
r� s _
Dr, Cha�e s Cil3ai Dl t agreement being produced, each sign- G make that always brings peo-
3. That . the commission, should be, ad -it, The document signed, however. --r " TnAlxs LEAVL ron
A Food far the Skimempowered to sothat equal fneidi- was not an agreement to drive theft '79,111 Carry heavy loads and Palmerston .............. 0.58 atm.,., B.G5ft.tn. p]e haCii for al]Ot}lez' (pall`.
ties of shipments are Obtained by all, ng'ents for astated sum, but an agree- withstand hard service. London ................. a.Go near+... 9:i0p•ta.
c K!ucardiue..11:30 nem... 9.10 p•n1.... &9tlgdn.
subject to differences in regard to tner.t to pay $04 for natecl range. Artnivr] lrnoar Then there is the low price
ttlL AntIieeptic iYcnlrr rtv1(ic11 rrompt� 'perishable freight. An ever -satisfactory, easy- 7 ineardino ....(1.49 a.m.. 8.55n.m.... 9.10 p.m .
Ir Aliletye ltelt:no etad nurning 4. To have. regulative ' w ,onden.... ............411.10 a.nl.,„ 7.63 .til
general regt.l ttiv(s ron- i - -- __. __.. riding vd11¢et tire. Palmerston ............. 'a 40
sma Thiaresualar Curer luvery trot in regard to traffic a rocament. ' Agent, . • x.9:1 pan e still better quality of cloth put
R. T. BUTTON, Agent, Winghnru. y�
S. To assess supervising. regu- „A Wonderful Preparation Every set guaranteed. ANADIANPACIli`IC RAILWAY. In ; tfieni••-cloth that wears
I'or>n of Itching l4Lln Dlxcaatc. p P nand rc u- Rokeo GS recti ( ollve. tart•, whole. . Cal be fitted to an w:l•.eL C
laiiVe powers Iri regard tO erassingEl. 1 y VRAI2{a8 LEAVE Noll
If the eittraardinary value of Dr. (f. To .lave pl, wrr to investigatC aline, nrfaal'I illinir. 111¢;lllt'1ea•rillitllpftSle(1 Toronto and Past........ 0.57 a.m.... 3°,P.M. See our new goods and prices.
b leadius; 1+hyiri:n,+. i:nela+ is 'c teal lead for t ntnlo,ao, 'Teestvater .............. 1.17 ti•m.... 10;491pi.m. p - ..
Clt9tse a Ointment were thoroughly un- serious accidents. 1' 1
r grstood there would not be n famety In 7, To have general gupervi.sion of I
Lai 4an•, r„ti••.•, tint inuy e,,.•,ty ,I rho price r Annrvn rrnoar
will is 1laail -•t na.-As ua•Ir],,1 fit trlls4m. i�l�dfy ! DUNLOP TME CO. Temwater..... e.G7a,)n ., .9.:6p.In. WE
Canada that would be without it in the safety appliances and of flit matters nna ta'iiP an+i n•nY,•r•, lie r•,nvlarnt stye r 1 rrlrrra. Toronto and East ...., 117 p.m .... 10.49 0 m;' BS'T'ER `�, Ds
I fuse for a, single day requisite for the maintenance of the p 1.8• BEICyfttIi, Agent, Winghanr.
public conveni-neo anal safety. 1{Uli(:O KA 1. (al! 1"i':) twiilryiwe Vim/ � irntrvra.
In ills first place it Ila a food avid p a". A(lvisor r wonn; . t ttalitw. i an: t henl►1;
:beautifier for the skin, and fa so pure y power, .subject to aha gy,
liuld pleasant to use that no lady will final action of Parliament, on all null tt,•, �f! .:t,:,l r.:,'t t,. curt' 1'nt i c� •'
$play ill applying it. It removes plan bill-] relating to raliltvny lrrajects. (1tYt„ i+•..,, p.,r . hf' n•,1, : `o, l)nek• i w,�: Ea.. •��' '_ �t..r'f 1:r,,iVICE
1 , e at;'e ., d. ,•. it+, ul- X 1; s. t4n. .Wc, For
i )pips, u,aClritt ttd9, and :ltd sart9, ar disc 9. `l'0 }Llwe, g,*eL..TSI COr1tr01 of stack
ag're,'.3ble afad diJ112uring' skin diseases, and 'brand issue. sale hit' ALT, (ti;tu •;;lti, � �
:fn the soverest elts(s of eezenift, salt 10. To linve potvar on application Forattleira Ti ingltant y a . yIr•Ketvie. j ' A
l rheum, fetter, seald 1•load and other of either p-trty, to act as arbitrator
YErdtittg 'rltin e>!ruptions, 1)r. ChIiBC'9 it. Cul? Of disputes between railways
]intnte•nt atYar(ts instant relief b3r al' and their employeee. Ttejbs•t. Ajrer.
lay1lig tho burning, stinging sensations, , VOWS PhoBphadins ' -
'I!(D COI\1TSil MPTIV7JS• ! *,rot 111 A�nVr �" ;I� t�RDIESI, MARKS
It 'to atrstvrr exurb quest dans ►n re 77ic Great ;ttt4zith 1le»sed . ,
>atud wilt .permanently i`urc if applied railway bill9 pending as may be (li- v Ole undo l ilaned ]laving Dern rmtored to , COPYRiGHta i�tc..
]telEdtrl xrly. parliament., '5 Sold and recoinlltended by all 110alth lay Ainkplc! menus, after suffering for I 7lnyene eondlnq a aketrh and de16 nt6 &d.
r n rooted to it by 1hN will - I druggists in Canada. Only reli• :xevoralyears with a severe lungatCeuttuaf, tool • q,;t lets ascertain Par notation free whethcr.�
Ttr. (_'ha, ta•a ()lira€til. tit I.: the st,.AuO ri . •able medtc,ne raiseovereoi, 81e 4
ointrtn•Irt the world over, snit is na mar- Dov ^r .simply at:eh features as may ftV* fluarttrtie(ri to cure all tllntdrtsxl diaenso (;oneutnpw(ut, aft Itnxioac to . fno�,ncinn ta.probnblli�tttrntable. Cotnmunteq
have name in thr• preliminary invest!- nutico known to his follow sufferers the means I •�- ttonestrictly conndentlal. ilandbookon Pate ea
V011(a .sly silt evssful all ill flip Sul'ltafi3 r+^1 t1 oY. of the m f4 ' f.1. a Se7tt (al Nrhknee$, alt efteets of abaaa of Pair(!. To thos1, who dC41re it, 110 will ehf el•• ' bent tree, Olrleat Agency for securinftpatents.
hill ri : all. A k sot)• tt,-ifihbors about it. a co m sion. or excess, Mental wordy, TiteptAW, na i of To. fully Rend(f .o of charge) It aiO ty of tho pre• I •,��
t Ll� THIP,Patonte taxon tizironall litttm ac cos reosirl
Thor,! ids not a sinr(le (samn.untty iu 12. To maki: general investigations baecO,OpiurnorStinatilants, Malledon.eeMPI w-ripticiftus:uT,tVlliclltheywill9idrla ettra for sp&fatnotIts, wltbouteharate,inth0
Canadat bat 11,14 soma+ f i l,•3 tt'herh tills e.9 EYa.rllamr�Yat lYlay Yilr('ct. of price, OPD 1aa01t6pfre S1, Silt, $ r. Ualdaoitr9�(ee, l:0nsalnptl0n, asthma: Cntn><rlt, ]sro)letti-
Yr+rtne.(1Y Itss 'ivarr•kt-,i reursticlble curoa. 13 To au%wer .such questiot4s in w,- �fxttlatiCtThePWood C m� y,W radeoryOnt. tin
upr,l�,lxu�ernrit9ll}ryull�sreuenilytaa 9tliy
60 cents it box, at111 sl-s,llers, or bid•• q'ard to railway policy, aq May ba � , . Invaluably. Tho,4edesiring the preseription, c lhntbm° Yeanylne On ion lwf�rnr�. Terikko
AitsOn,. I,.ttes 5' Co.,t Tt't onto. Wel d s Iylta. ph(xlen( rs auld fn Wtttt burn 1,q whieh will cost them nothin , and may prove x+�(r r fear months, LI. sold by all netvedratere.
sul)rnlfttRd 'tea It try the DltLister of Colin A. Cam )bell. A. L. Ilanliltun. R. A, a 1,11"i4at r, will lea ,e aid ITy-s,, Iter. En. TIMES
• • 1�II�I�1 q AO7 A'1�r0�nrbRailways ar,d Canals. Uotarlass, and.�r. E. Davis, Druggists. WA'ltD A. WIL OX Rrooklya New"Y'ork.I 'lltiRN & 11 2010randtr_ ,1! W 1r 1!
Breach Orlfce, r,1.i p Cin vJAsBiar;wa.1), .