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The Wingham Times, 1902-04-18, Page 4
T11h I INt1IIAM TIMES, AP 1IL 18, 1O�►?, ,lix– ISA Q)L1ALIT ' 1 tistiluu►nsuuuutinruvuvwuusruuuu,nruuuvvuwuvuuvulnnru r' om>Roame�omza�o gave® e�toa�ao► me�,mgciot#odectses aa►a®4�s�A��ataome�c��aaaer°� s��►taao�+a:eeetsaosn• CtSo JAS.I1. KERof water Fashion° yaw KE11R Bottles . PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE , , ��' . � � c+4e©e•soeeo�oea®ace+poeemtisese®a�+ee®ot•eoecc©m�atDaooe®�e�caese®ee0aeooeaoe®o®oaemo •, E:t rlr ono„nar:iilta�eal to , The most stylishly dressed men • be ttbSulntt-ty Rerfeut... , this year, will be the wearers of = llr�•t�Ta l3ltITSIIE�;.. i..r, M : OE SURE ATO READ THIS Ni�13lik,it 1('LOV EaT`. , ' r 'ry Storey 3t,UBBI.. $11 E lI'1 G . • slaz:�c.E,, lliu, l.te. _�::' Ready Tailored . o • In tact :titvtltiu t 'r °” ` • in Rubbea Goodsc ate have � Clothing. � • � _ • • ���n With a alp it, att right prices. '� • • i�_ 5 There is no doubt about it, There is Golin A. Campbell, ' no way to make better garments than � • those produced by Shorey. Stylish, This is one of the best c bars of Soap oft the nlarl:et. The manufacturers, iE DRUGGIST • 5 1 NEW STORU.: Opp. Bank of Hamilton. snappy, f till of � wear and economy. • � • 1n order to introduce this new Soap, and get it into every home, are offering • a - ( The Cleve"rest workmen make them the best � • TO ADVERTISERS, ! � ' • handsome prizes for GOLD SOAP WRAPPERS, � thread sews them. Material, lining, buttons, button- • • Notice of ehaiagLs must bo lef. ' at this i • office trot leiter than Saturday noon. holes --every detail -right. Seams are overcast and o LIST OF PRIES 0. The copy for changes must be left E � � • net later than Tuesdayevening, 'W111 ilot ravel. Perfect fit is guaranteed. �' • • 0 1ST PRI'zo,—For the largest number of Gold Soap centres received, - Q100 in cash • Casual iiooi aivertisty of e accepted up i And to 111aiLe you perfectly safe—money lack if 0 �, - • to noon :1'luiraday of each weak, • 2ND PRIZE --h or the . nd greatest number, $.50 in cash y you want it, S 3RD PRIZE --For the 3rd greatest number, 830 in cash r r ESTABLISHED 1811, , 11u VY -ma de TINES. AL St. ELLIOTT. PuitmsiiBit ASU Pitopitmv)R � ; Wived this week, _._ FAIDAY, APRII. 18, 1002• _ NEW HATS -Try us when look- ing fdr the newest Hats that sell i t �aeh of the next ,10— A 14.1%. gold filled Watch for lady or gentlemen, guaranteed Each of the next 10— - - $10 in cash Each of the next 50— A handsome Silver Watch for Indy or gentleman, guaranteed 'Each of the next 100 - Oce dozen Silver Plated Tea Spoons, Ruaranteed Each of the next 3000-- - - A handsome piece of S!Iverwnre (Silver Sets, Cream Jugs, Novolties, Ladles, Sugar Bdwls, Salts and Peppers, Butter Knives, etc) Mach of the next 2000- - A copy of the f4mous picture entitled " King of the Forest." (Designed especially for Gold Soap. This picture cannot be procured elsewhere.) — --- --- _ _ _____ themselves. our styles: Advanced st0 NOTES ANI) (;U,IIaI�\T�. yles and American novelties. All those who do not win a pri:.e will receive a regular Gold Soap Premium ' t � - � Hard Hats are tho "DING " Hat;• -4ohn Drown, ex-M.P.P. has been i � Soft, "PANTOURIST." 0 in return for their Wrappers. i reugminate•1 by the L'barals of North ; o � Porth. I luso Youths' Knockabouts, all • • I3on. J. T. Gorrow, ex -M. P. P. for' shades; fl cent space for iescribe.hr�h RL = a, DIRECTIONS.—Save your Gold Soap wrappers and send them in to West Huron was sworn is a; a Justice w Gold Soap, Toronto, marked "Competition," before i dew. • Nov, 15th, 1902, •with your own name and address �y a L s Loch at our win 0 enclosed. •The prizes will be sent out Nov. 24th, with a G L.J full list of the winners. You may send your wrappers ir, at T– SOAP P A. R. SnITH, CHISHOLM BLOCK 0* anytime so long as your name and address conies along °A$° 1 - 9 with each lot. Do not send in the whole wrapper, but just j GOLD i YOU i o the part that looks like this: 'ARE ®U TIE ® Address— - GOLD SOAP, TOI:f. OTO, 0'\•i'. a TO OLD - T0119E M ODS p I WE ARE SOLE AGENTS IN WINGHAM FOR COLD SOAP ` if so, ism t ,t time to cut t cord, and use up to date • • I • Prepared Paint, mixed y modern methods, which is �"�©t3Ci03mppt3tD®pees®npOmfatmpa8pp0p0®Aee00ti►®em®Oe®pmt9eepe5t�Dfa®0t�pe®S►�'�0epaee�AO®OtBtDpQ>t�. guaranteed to go r er, look better and last lon ger • than the old-time tid and oil paint?® ��� I�ERR ACDONALD CLOCK 0 f The old methods must go ! ! ! a ." W I N R H A JAS. N. KERR 4' c • HAS S THEipEADY MIXED PAIN MA� �ao t9e0®eeOpe®p®®pt7r_p0 s�eoeearaeasme®eec®eo®gee° eosee®Qsoseeeeeaiesees000e •i ®Asim®eseeo It you have not used '-PRISM BRAND" PAINT, try IVINGHA311 ni 1 AiLIi7ET Iarr�r.Ts it now. It is absolutely the Best Ready -Mixed Paint ' Corrected every Thursday afternoon made. Every can guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction by F. J. Carr, Float and Feed Merchant. _ HOW CAN YOU SELL Sn C W EAP ? Wingham, Apr. 17, 1902. Flour per 100 lbs.. , . 1 65 to 2 50 FOR SALE O'NLY BY SMITW P ET W I C K Fall Wheat . .... . . ...... 0 72 to 0 72 Spring Wheat .............. 0 00 to 0 00 Oats .................,.... 0 35 to 0 40 -___.._-------_- -- - -: Barley .... .. .. 0.45 to 0 50 handsome a artmcnts ill the main build- Air. D Pringle of Petrolia is visittn Peas ..................... 0 70 to 0 i5 This question is often asked here. You p with relatives anti friends in Wingliam -Turkeys, drawn ...... . , . , 0 00 to 0 10 ing. They were fnrnisheed specially g0.06 to 0 OG for East Huron's popnlar member and •and vicirlity. Geese, " need not wort how we do so. You Mr. Geo. H. MOOtie Ducks, per pair ...... • • • • 0 40 to 0 GO y comprise an office, reepptiou room, bed y of the Ripley Butter ...... .... I ....... 0 17 to 0 17 = room and bath rooln. Thegeiiial doctor Express, accompanied by Mrs. Mooney, Eggs per doz ............. 0 11 to 0 11 take the benefit o our Close buying were in town on Tuesday. occupied the Speaker's chair forWood , a short per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 00 time while I was is the Commons Mr, Will. Raby has accepted a situa- Hay per ton.... ...... 0 00 t010 00 and rather ask others why they sell SO tion in the Listowel •furniture factory Potatoes, perbushel ...... 0 25 to 0 35 chamber and with his robes of office and left for that town on Monday. Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 05 high,. See our large Stocks of makes a good looking and excellent pre Airs. R. J. MacMath was visiting with pried Apples per lb ....... 0 05 to 0 06 siding tfficer, her sister, Mrs. D. Bradley in Huron, '0 13 to 0 15 . Wool Hogs . , . , , .. , . ,It is not to the credit of the Gov -township for a few days this weekLive Hogs,, per cwt....... fi 00 to G 00 Miss Alice Hamilton of Wroxeter Chickens .......... . 0 30 to 0 40 All kinds ofAV AWerument that it is spending money to spent Tuesday with friends in town, i induce immigration from the United while on her way home from a few - - - !States, while it does nothing whatever weeks visit'iu Seaforth. - FOURNITUR for our own yonugrnen, who are obliged Mr. Wm. Rockie of Mt. Brydgos, a o to go elsewhere to get a living," says the former owner of $he Wiughani flour it SALEN Hamilton Spectator. It is sad to see mills, has been visiting with old friends ) I a .once cheerful newspaper like the in Wingliam for several clays. Spectator sink into pessimism. When Bert. J. Fowler, who has been visiting friends in Atwood, Wingliam and other A desirable Lot for a private residence t the exodus from Ontario was very points during the past week, returned in centre of town. Will be sold reason - heavy pn the pears gone by, our home on Monday.-Teeswater News. able. Apply to _ WALKER ���� ��®�� � ������ contemporary spoke bright words of ®f� /'p ) Air. D. B. Rudd, of Guelph, general i cheer about it all, but now, when there agent for the National Cream Separator Abner Cosensi are more people coming in than going was in this vicinity fora few days tills Furniture Dealers and Undertakersopt across the border, it is filled with week, pushing sales for this machine. - gloom because individuals are still going Air., A. McGregor of town,has secured 11-90od situation in Darham and left for LO AlrT AND INSURANCE away. How the departure of individualsAGENT. - here and there can be prevented by that town on Thursday morning. Mrs. n i McGregor will remain in Wingliamin Government is hard to say, but if any- the meantime. BUTTON BLOCK T body tries to leave Hamilton for Chicago _ _ _ T. J. MAGUIRE s or Dakota, the Spectator should wire T. REAL Thomas's the Premier to see if the Government f ACCOUNTANT, DAL ESTATB1 �1�f_;)f,3a ,)1 �fa,U J��tol��f �fJ> Sn INSURANCV AND LOAN AGENT. rYINCHA can do auythingaboutit.-Toronto Star. M■ f WALL PAPER 2,000 Rolls of American Wall Paper, with match ceil- ,c Sj Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con- inbs, choice Patterns, yellow, blue, cream, vile andgdon.NERSONALS. vegancin the Ors'10E--Over D. M. Gordon's store. olive colors; for kitchens, bath rooves, attic rooms and parlors. See our RESIDENCE—Leopold street. new designs, which are the $nest that money can purchase. No trouble to J J show goods. we shall be glad to have cofitributions to I a p r �/ thi9 column from any of our readers, If you S)f �j RANI 1 E lt< AR have visitors or purpose going away pours -if, It is earl nits earlGook's-- — - — drop in and telt us, or send ns n note to that Yr fl y, to Cotton foot Coffipbnlui effect. �f talk of spring goods. But cif is successfully used monthly byorer Amen Granite Saucers, .rrgnlar price .05, now 2 for .05 •- 30,000Ladies. Safe,eneotual. Ladiesask Tea and COifee Pots, ,35 and ,56, t, %we have made ready to ¢ your drugglat for Cosk•a Cetton Root GA- 1 " 2•quart Pitchers, hp a '25 MissMauclHanna, is visiting friends meet your wants when the NYad• Takonootller.ILSallMixtures,pilleand 1 01 No, 0 Tea Kettles, ' ,. 105 in Lucknow. imitations are dangerous. rrlee. No. 1, $1 pe „ 1.0� ° tithe comes. We're bound box xo. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. Cr. ' " Wash Basins, 2u' )t G� 1 or, mailed on receipt of price and two 2 -cent 1 " Fryiu Pans, ,U0' . t 1 i Air. W. R. Drummond o£ 1319th was to be in the forefront. stamps. The cook aompauy Windsor, ont. 1 „ .80 I in town on Wednesday.r � Chambers - - - Weare "are determined to win 'f responsible Druggists iii Cansdi►mendedby all 1 tt Slop Pails, l.zu' „ .HO Mr. CYety. SIM returned` -home from � your tailoring account on °� ' Tea Drawers, each ' .85 Manitoba on Wednesda . � Na. 1 tend 2 `pre sold in Wingham by A. L. p y ,sheer merit, I'.very f;ar• Hatiiitttut Colin A.Campbeil, it. A. Douglass TINWARE Dippers 5c each, h ea Dxawera'7c. 1 Hazen No o Steamers, Bliss Ma d Robertson of Mainoeb, is Ment we turn out is a Strong and r, E. bavis Druimists. r regular 35c, for -8c. A 1-tldart Tin Pail for 100. Flour }}11 Sifters 1uc each. Iittlf• `i0e. Graig Strainors at 50 each. visiting tvitll friends in town. bid for business. Its style r gallon Oil Can for Blyth Y Pe Tins o Lifters . C Match Boxes at Gc each, Jelly Tins at to each. i nor. S. inglin i friends birth was calling; its �rorltinanship-its fit ;� Pie Tins at Gc each. Culiendors at 10c each, 1#,ruart Strainer Ptiils at 3fie. on old Wingham friends tilisweek• !r ----its firiA:-all appoal to Is easy to. Turn, magus to -quart Dish Pau, lieavy tiu, 35c. 1 i bliss Sarah .Graham of Lucknow visit- I the good taste and ambitions 1°f less friction, less fric- ed with miss niattfo Campbell this track. T NOTIONS See our fold-platctl Belt 1'1110 les at GOC. Cuff Links at 250. p �1 of ilio carefal dresser. ties means loss Cuff Buttons 23c a pair. Fancy Stick Pins at 330 each. Mr. W. IIailit.av of Dobbinton was tC J wear, less wear Pearl Waist I astening with gold plate attachment, at iii0a a. set. The latest calling sir old Wingliam friends this melotte means less expense fad for shirt waists at 250 a set. Laflies' locket and chain i week. " to keep in order. anteedl for 750. A g0ntloman's gold plated watch chain, guaraniteed, $1.50, " CLARKE, ' Ladies large gold plated locket for 757, Ladies' small1t Sir. acid Sirs. W. J. Bower of Luck- y1 r � I or sale by Fancy fiat pins at 5e each. Gold shell rings, guaranteed, brilliant andtPearl Mow were Calling on Winglima friends 4 D �y t, Iu 7 settings, for 080. 2 bottles of Perfume anti, cake of toilet soap, regular price obi Tuesday, a Itt tli� Si1�W U��C�( t Separator 11. GANNETT, T1 50c, for 25c. W6 have just reCdivetl s ti dozen more of teaspoons, tablespoons Mr. Ales. Ross, accompluied by Iris y, � and forks, which we are selling: Teaspoons ;.i;)o a dozen tablespoons ;o each daughter,: miss pent TuesdayAlso Setvipng machines and all kinds of or Goa a dozen, forks at 50 each or 60e a dozen, ' 1 in Bracefield. Lillian,, r a0A4 � 4'' �!4C464f;4'4 >y?t'�'1:�'�'V O? .)V4. f fp '' �►' Farm Implements. A ,1