The Wingham Times, 1902-04-11, Page 7i
- . C aboriaa
. . .. _._ - _ __.
*0 ,A stiroMltsiatewe"t. sallisrectopy 111ewollsR
♦ At When a mother puts a thing emphatically Mrs. Hunt, Dumfries, N'. B trays ;-.4
it is because she knows what she is talking am glad to say that 1 have used baby's Ov
about. Mrs. J. I,'. Ilarr an Huntingdon, Tablets wit tt satisftetory results,"
Qua.. says ^" I llAYe LLtle lla�by's Own 'ab- . _
I lets in our house fur over a Yeai,st�d Ic"at+/
say that they are all that is elaitped,1 r Free to Homers only.
them." o every mother of young cli'mron
Will send us her name and address plain
etr4lac ct►aorsatteet.. written on a po=stal card, we will send fn
0 htrs, Walter Brown, Alilby,• Qae. •— of all char e a valuable little book on tI
"T sve never used any median r aby caro if in ants and young. children. Th
th did him as much .gqood its Ila Y'S Own book has boon prepared by a physician wl
T plots. I would not be without tbom." has made the ailments of little ones a I!
study_. With tha bogh wo will send a fry
���IY A nother'N coatrert.
o "" I have found Baby's Own Tablets r
#*"******* *0 °0 feet medicine for children of all a,ge�s,11wr
.0 Q .° Gov. a Lars, Ii 1I. Fox, Orange Ridge, AK? lt. "An• .
MhoAld nett bl witho=ut i to b b thod'housp.
_.___ -
V_ I . I
_ - 1-1...
It its reported that W. I'. Stewart Uw
disposed of his farm laud east of tlf o
Xaftland to James'Burgeae, whose farms
adjoins it. There are forty acres in the,
Clew purchase and the price is said to be
$1,400. This will give Mr. Burgess at
11ne farm.
Realizing the corre�;tness of the Scrip,.
Lural injunetiou, "It is not ,good for mane
to be alone,'" 11. W. Farrow, formerly
of Brussels, and son of Postmaster I`as�
ruw of this plaeo, madu Bliss Mary ''
Johustou, otl.j of Palls;erston's
daughters, his brides on Wednesday
•content ana power or dissimulation to 1 Vanferlot had resolved `o obtain pos- er's friand'u y d com or o a y an moth- A wrest Imelp. s►a.TZrsmlap. I morning Of last west The bridal ktaofli
-affect this imperturbable calmness and ' session of Prosper's note, which he '"I - e found Baby's Oavn 1"shies'. a Mrs.william Fitzgibbon, Steenburq, Out., I WM neatly ftastetled by Rev. 4, John -
•presence of mind at a time when his : knew to be in Cavaillon's poek0t. To Oast The Thins for gassy, groat t fur my little ones," writes Lir::, says:—" Aly little baby, sixab months old allow I stop of Woodstock, brother to the bride„
lathes Olaf% EO Conw^ stroet Montreal very sick. I cavo lt[m'13aby s Own Tallow in the 1
honor, alis Futuro bttPpiuess, all that he ' obtain this written proof, which must Airs. d. Jones, 55 Christie street, Ottawa, 1'and I thiols so much otythem that [ would and wau surprised to thud the chance they presence of ueitx ralatiVes of ti,a
.held dear in life, were at stake. And be an important one, appeared the mays:—"Have it -,ed Baby's Own Tablets advise mothers to 1;espthem is the hCttae an made to him in a few (tours. I r,hall telwayo contracting parties. Miss Stafford oft
lie was only thirty years olds hither . easiest thing in the world. Ile had and hod them jest the thing for baby." the time." Iceop the 1'abieLs ill the hens e;ifter tf,is.'" ( Palmerston, and Fred. Johnston of Orlll.
from natural deference or from the ' simply to arrest Cavaillon, frighten lia, were the attendantb. The bride andl,
hope of gaining some ray of light by a I him, demand the letter and, if neces- ,,u,ri, r ttnrerio>; suowea n1s note. t. otne, monsieur, let us go, anti 1 prom- tv,��vitN°sit' bridesmaid wore very becoming cost -
•private conversation the commissary nary, take it by force. "AI. Prosper charged me,to band this Ise you that before sunset lie shall be Council met according to adjournuneut tames. After er heart congratuD,
determined to speak to tho banker. I Y'anferlot began tilling with an oP- note to madame and wait for an an. tree or I shall be iii prison wltlt kiln " on Marek 25th. Members all presvii.t. F y y
"` " flee boy and, after a few apparents Minutes of last meeting couttrinedl. ations the wedding breakfast was served
There is no doubt, monsieur, be y swer," Alme. Glpsy's,�project was certainly •treasurer's statement showed balance on and a short program of toasts of or4edt
Said as soon as they were alone, "this idle questions, bad discovered that the laudable and prompted by the noblest hand of si 491.12. D. McDonald was a the expression of complimentary wordEt
• Co a In, and I will let madame
young man has robbed you. It would Fauvel bank bad no outlet on Victory know you are here," :sentiments, Unfortunately it was im• pointed operator of road [;suer. TI H P I �,
he a gross neglect, of duty If I did not street and that consequently all the Tile name of Prosper produced its Of- )t actieablb. Besides, it would be going clerk was ordere.I to adverdem and good wishes, Mr, and Mrs. Faxrartt
.Secure lits person." clerks were obliged to pass in and out feet. 1+'anferlot was ushered Into a lit- counter to the plans of the detective. for teams fur grader, T h e left on a wedding toter to Ottawa. Thea"
This declaration seemed to distress through the main entrance on Province tie room furnished in blue and gold ••Wfiat will you gain by acting thus, following bil►F were u,ered to be paid a'i'l make their hon=e in Obatbam,as Afar_
ttbe banker. "Poor Prosperl" lie said. I street, From this moment the task he situ damask. But lie had no time to lay dear madame?" asked Fanferlot: on motion of Cameron and Taylux : ,h'arrow's mail run 1w, now from thins:
Prosper was now called in with Fan. had undertaken no longer presented pursue his Inventory. One of the door 4'�othillg. I can assure you that you Jas. Lyons, lamber, $3,60; A. McAllister, i point to Sarnia and return. Mr. F�
ferlot, whom the lysed much trouble I a shadow of difficulty. Ile rapidly work. on W. boundary, .$2 L0; B. DoLto• I
Y curtains, was pushed aside, and Aisne. gave not the least chance of success, repairing ig , $3.00; J, .Atchesui, row and bride commence, married lift
to awaken, and with the most com. l crossed the street landag took up his post- NIna Gipsy appeared. Aime. Gipsy 111, you will compromise Prosper. Who grave! .2bride ' with the hear o
piste indifference listened to the an. ,tion under a carriage gate. � , $2.72; E. Haines, culvert all B. I ty good wishes of a widlli
nouncement of his arrest. After awl,tle Cavaillon appeared at or, to speak more correctly, was, quite knows if you will not be suspected Its boundary, $3 25; D. Rolf, R, Maliol ., circle of relatives and friends.
the door of the bank, but before step• young, small and Graceful, with a his accomplice? Al. Bertomy express ly and M, Sproule, work on W. boundary,
Ill response t calmly said: brown, or, rathei !ti colored clad- forbade such a course in his letter. $1.00 each; J. Girviu, repairing culvert ;
"I swear that I am Innocent" plug on the pavement he looked up q Altue. Gipsy remained thoughtful for on W. boundary, $1.50; A. D. Beaton, " �"
M. Fauvel, much snore disturbed and and down the street hesitatingly. He coon, complexion .1 the hands and su plies to Mowbray fattlily, :145.35; U� Hlgrt Press Days,
,excited than Ills cashier, made a last soon decided, entered the Faubourg felt of a child. She eyed her visitor a moment, then a troy of light seemed su Henderson, suppliesrata Muwbr„ .35; ,
+ with the most disdainful surprise. to cross her m:nd, and she cried:Y Y Men and women alike have to worllt ,
:attempt. Aiotltmnrhe andtivalked upl�otreDame �„ P "Ole, I undeirstand nolo! Fool. that I iLti.lf4, J. Gillespie. services re Mowbray incea•santly with brain find baud to kola
.. „ street so rapIdl utterlyregardless of "What do you want. she said. , t family, : 5.00. The followiviv path• their own nowadays. Dever were thet
There is stili time, poor boy, he g p "I am charged, Ili; dear madame," was for not seeing it before. Taut masters were app„futt•d: (:. Girviu, S. demands of business, tlia wants of that
-said. "In the name of heaven, reflect!” the rumbling passersby, tivbotn tic el- y where am I to go`" ,
Prosper did not appear to hear him, bowed out of his way, that Fanferlot he answered in his humblest and soft- ..Did not Al, Bertomy say, my dear !)err, sA. i outiedge, D. Wilson, , W. fawAy, the requireufeuts of seeisty,
Pound it difficult to keep him in sight. est tone, by Al. Bertomy to sive you t. titalk,rr, W. Symmiut,tunt, more numerous. Thu "first effect of then
IIe drew from his pocket n small key, „ lady, to the other end of Paris—to a W. Bailie, J.
Elliott, W. Oliver, W. 1I.
y Beaching Chaptal street, Cavaillon this note. „ praiseworthy effort to keep up with f,ll
tivhteh lie laid on the mantel, and said: I•`anfetlot slowly drew Prosper's note b°nrdIug house or hotel? Wilo-uu, A. Rinse, D. Puultlu. J. Fluul(e r, these things is commonly s, euinttweati
"dere is -the key of your safe, mon• suddenly stopped and entered the "But I don't know where to find A. Fregau, J. INichols"n, W. Ryan, J. ailed or debilitated waditivu of the,
[ y' sake that you house numbered a0, IIe had scarcely from his pocket and with a bow pre- D. Sm •lie, R Hender.�ou O. Brown, W. nervous s stein which results in dvsa,.
•Bieur. 1 hope form tiny.,, y , y ±
taken three steps Ili the narrow cord- sented it to gime. Gipsy. Campbell, Thos. Finnigan, R. Plunkt•tt
'will some day I convinced of my in- dor when he felt a touch on lits shout- "head;' he said, Fanferlot seemed to be reflecting, but D. Laddy, H. Taylor J. Wiyhtmaly nepsind brain, e` and iutte•srremeb both
t hat IIe, and I hope for your sake der and, turning abruptly, found him- At a glance she read its contents. be hoci ;rent difficulty in thatconcHain- J. Woods, A. P e iit I n u d , I. complete nervous prur tratt0u, It ist
that it will not conic too late. Then, self face to face with Fanferlot. She turned very red, then very pale. lits delight at a sudden idea that flash- M Roberts, I.3, Fowles. H. Thotnpsatl, elearly seen that what is nee•ied is whtut
.as every one was silent, lie ndded: Ile recognized bila at once, and, taro- She trembled from head to foot. Her ed Upon him. IIIc little black eyes A. Johu.,ton, W Thompson, W. Me. will stlstaitl this systP, n, gives visor anrx
Before leaving, here are the books, Ing very pale, he shrank back and y, and she tot- fairly danced with joy. Allister. G. Brophy, W. Ledily,'C, Robh, l toile to the nerves anti keep the (ligestive►
limbs seemed to give way, ,
papers and accounts necessary for my tered so that Fanferlot, thinking she •'I know of a hotel, be said at last, J. Uhauiney, Thus. goods, H. Ryall, J. and assimilative funetiotts healthy aildi
successor. I must at the same time looked around for i.ucnns of escape. "but it might not suityoti" Dnrutn. J. Crdnston, D. Murtay, J. I active. From personal knowledge, wee
p But the detective, anticipating the at. was about to fall, extended his arms ( „Where is it?" Sennahmi, G. Beadle. J. P,,rehau, G. can recommend Hnnrl's liarpaparilla foil:
inform you that, without speaking of I to catch her. Useless precaution I „ Til -dale, J. I;
the stolen three hundred and fifty tempt, barred the passageway. Carate- I On the other side of the river, (Inst , • Edwards, H. McGio:,tle,• 1. this purpose. It eras on all. the vitttlt
Ion sate that he was caught. 1 .)line. Gipsy was one of those women . Woods, D. X -Donald, Jtls. Du wit, organs, builds up the whnle system, and
'thousAud francs, 1 leave a deficit fu ..(Nkat do ++ whose inert listlessness conceals in- I St. Michel the Archangel, kept by Thos. Jnyut,. W. J. Furehan, Will. fits men and women for these hinra•
-cash. There Is a deffeit of tbree thou- you want with me? he Aline. Alexandre." e
asked in a voice tremulous with fear, domitable energy—fragile looking crew- Taylor, Thos. les,G.Gaytj X. Smith, E. pressure days.
Band flee hlln(il'Pd 1'1't1nCS On my cash „ n tures whose powers of endurance and 1 Aime, Tina was never long making Hain,�s,J Eowles,G.Gayuor,Ll U');attall-
You will be hind enough, my dear
.account, which has been disposed aP .. I resistance are unlhnited, catlike in I Up her mind. lin, Tho+. Miller, J. Guaut, J. MuPhtr- • --
In the following n)anuer: Two thou- monsieur, said Fanferlot, to excuse "Here are writing materials. Write son, D. McKetimo, A. Purilun, Th .s.
the great liberty I take. It is only their soft grace and delicacy, especial-
Band fatten by tnrsrlY in advance of any about a triflIlig matter, and you will I ly catlike in their nerves and In I your recommendation." �� Taylor, J. L,tirllaw, J. Martin, J. Juynt, TIMES CLUBBING OFFER
salary and fifteen hunched advanced f ITIth these three lines, be said, P, McsMillan. G, fire+er, J. Shorrif3', A.
to, m fellow clerks. This is the last overwhelm me with obligations It you i of steel, ' handing her the letter. "you can make Anderson, D Gillis, W. Webb, H. Oar ulabbin? rates with differezA
day of the month. 'Tomorrow the sal- will do we the honor to accept my arm "Explain yourself! What does tyle Alme. Alexandre do anything you Patterson, R. Thompson, J. Eaglescoue, e
and step outside for a moment " this mean? I you know anything „ y J. Gnant, A. Sproule, H. Horn. Cull„- newspapers are as follows.—
arses w he paid, consequently"— wish,
What could Cavaillon do? IIe tool: about the contt:..,s of this letter? Pros- oil adjourned to meat on Tue,dav, April (Times aII<L 1VeokIy fTlobe $16% -
col tihiss:lry Interrupted him. Fanferlot's arm and went out with per is to be arrested, accused of being "Very well. 'Now how am I to let . 16th, at z o'clock. W. S. MaC1to5TiF, Times and We. kly Mail 1 c'a
"Mere you authorized," he demand- him• a thief?" Cavaillon know my address? It is he
,ed. "to draw money wbrmever you „ , who should have brought me Frosper s Clark. 11 i Times and Family Herald and
"What I wished to say is, my dear Yes, madame; he is accused of talc- —._.-- --- ..---.--- Av eekly Star 1 "r3
tiv"No, b to make advances'.0' " in 350,000 francs from the bank safe." letter.
"•\o, but 1 knew tbut 11. Fauvel monsieur."began the detective, that I g i6 D� Times and Weekly Snn 1 �
-Al. Prosper Bertomy threw you a note s "It is false, Infamous, absurd!" she "Ile was unable to come, dear ma'
•would not have refused tnP permission P rc ' cried, "Prosper steal! It is absurdl (lame," interrupted the detective. "But g Times and Montreal Witness 1-6'4111
do oblige my I'rieuds. What ! did [s this morning. I am sure you will be 1 Why should he steal? Is, he not rich?" I will tell him where he call tinct you." � 7 ® li'li C N S Times and Western Advertiser 1 5%
done everywbere. l have simply fol kind enough to give ft to me. Believe Mme, Gipsy was about to -send for a Times and Farmers' Advocate 1 ss -
" me, nothing but the most absolute ne- 3 "Al- Bertomy is not rich. Ile has L`ermer,tatipn is the first blow 1n the Times and Toronto Dail
lowed my t,rt•dE t otis,or's example." „ i nothing but his salar. "' carriage, but Fanferlot said he was in shattering of mental and physical y Star 250
The banker wade n sign of assent. cessity — i a httrr and would scoot her one. He force. Dp, von Stan's Pineapple Tirnes and Dail Globe 42S
This , answer seemed, ,ceufouud Y Y
"As regards that spent by myself'," "Never!" exclaimed Cn,aillon. Arftd; seemed to be in luck that da fora Tablets will ward rt off and prevent
•continued the cashier, "I had 11 sort of believing the moment favorable, he Mine. Gl psy. �, cab was passing the door, and hail- the onslaught of disease. We could extend the list, but it is not
"But."she insisted. I have always g Trace the trouble to its source ane[ in nines ltnet•ssnry. We can iv
right to It, all of my savings being suddenly attempted to jerk his arm seen him have plenty of money. \ot ed it. nine cases in a huu.lred where mental anci phyi• ! rates on any newbpape • n you
-deposited iii this bank—about fifteen from under Fanferlot's and escape. j rich—then"— "Wait here." lie said to the driver cal wreck is the climax, you'll find food -ferment
thousand francs." But his efforts were vain. The de -ii -was detec-the starting point. Dr. Vor.Stan s pineapple . Tim Tums,
••'!•hat is true.'• said .11. Fauvel. "lI. tective's streu„th was equal to bis i mat Fnnfe lot'sShe dared t and they Undfinish. But erstood titter' fortcllty little brtmette who is pact. keeptabletthe stomachtall issprecursor
eM r or .keep bthe nerve Wingham_
Bertunly has at least that Amount on suavity. ( each other. ing lice• trunks. If she tells you t0 rentres well balanced --they stimulate the diges- :t
-deposit." i "Don't hurt yourself, young man," .,No," she cried, "I regret to say that drive her to Qnni St. Ailebel, crack d"wnti,eorgans.storf yo' dihewille with
ieLb oken
'!'his last <[uesfion settled, the com- be said, "but take wy advice and Prosper would never have stolen one your whip, if she gives you any other tablets, 3s cents., g %. Here is a wail from a hen-peckeslk
miss, y's errand was ended, and his , quietly give up the letter." , address. get down from your scat and gold ht A.L. R�mil ton,Wintrhnm, ' Owen Sound editor: Thera is gladuese
report might now be made. Ile au- , "I am in your power," said Cavail- cent for mo. One can understand a '
wan who is trusted robbing a bank arrange your harness. I will keep in to her gladness when she's glad, there ist
nouuced his intention of leaving and ion, then suddenly drew from his pock- i for a woman he loves, but Prosper sight." (:ni,,Y sadness in her sadness when she's sails
•ardered.the cashier to prepare to follow etbook the unlucky note and gave it to i fie stepped across the street and
him. Usually this moment, when I the detective. Fanferlot's hand trem- ' does not love me. He never has loved Tile Sharp a0 acre ,farm recently but the gladness of her gladness and tri®
me. Dut I love him, and it is for me stood in the door of a wine store. IIe bought by Rol -t. Dilworth has been par. sariness of her sadness is nothing to ilex
stern reality stares us in the face, I bled with pleasure as he unfolded the to save him! I will see his chief, the had not long to wait. In a few min- ,
when our individuality is lost and we i paper. Tet. faithful to his habits of ' miserable wretch who dares to accuse Utes the loud cracking of a whip lip. , chased by Robert MuIiay, Wes=t of mildness when sires mail.
feel that we are betrig deprived Of our i fastidious politeness, before reading it ' him. I will vrove. that be, is tnnocPttt prised him that lime. Irina had started ;Ethel, at w1,850. _ .
he bowed to Cavaillon and said, "With
liberty—this moment is terrible. At :fol the Archan;e!• James Lindsay sold lits farm, tut 9, c
Allis fatal comtuand. "Follow me," your permission. Then he read: ______---.----•-- --- ------ i ••_,,lint•+ said be gayly. •`I bold her, at con. 4, to Richard Pearcou, fur the s;um 1 .t �om s�
which brings before our eves the Dear Tina—On the receipt of this note talce ev- I ' N ! any rate!" 1 of 41,800. Tliere are no buildings of Raibrcaid LW -en s
yawutrg prison gates• the most barden- erything you have to the ,rouse, nbsot'tre every- le I 1 value un the place.
-ed stoner weeps and begs for mercy. i
ber�eei of ParisisltDoonoc appealf r in but I t . , John Doig fusel wife have rbmoved to ii�`ackachoz..
But Prosper lest none of that studied I, CI3APTi;it III. 1 r
1 conceal yourself as much as possible. Dfy dlif! ' t 1 -ITC -Valla t I tits SamC b0ur that Aime. , y>� I'urdcvicb where tbC will mas=s their
. . _-..
A's tixporl Xvilhe r,
I "'Iamthe motherofnine ebildren,"writes
I Airs. John liaulan, of Macke _'s Station,
Out„ "'stud have had dtecasion Yo use mucks
medicine for children, and 1 can truthfully
say l .have never found anytbing to equal
Baby4t Own Tablets. Thdy are protons in
their action and just the tiling for tittle
t A !are for con%tionclaw,,
i Many little ones are troubled with constt-
s ,Zplon • it is a dangerous trouble. Airs.
, .Toter, inf, Sylvan valley, Out.•sayo:--
: " A by teas been badly troubled with
s c ation and I have never found any
clue to equal liaby's Otrn ',Tablota,
ley soon put baby all right."
s •
j1hlPgm which the commissary secretly may depend on your obedience. am accuse o ( �,, \inn Gipsy went to find ref- ; fi buying t n +,^cn, it!":' ,
prOnOUTICed consummate Impudence. ( an immense robbery and am about to be arrested. .f , home. Mr. Dui is etignged in bu m i ly Men W it ar
You will find JO(1 francs 1n the secretary, Leave alieS short rOa(i i. t"*, age At the Archangel.SO live SrOCk for shipping purposes. lie " �t't)riL 011 th@A
Slowly, with as much careless ease as i your address with Cavaillon, who will explain i r highly recommended by Fan. FP ^ P P
If going to breakfast, he drew on his what I cannot shy. Be hopeful, whatever hap- ! " , , disposed of his 50 -acre farm, 7th coil., I <•1' . rail r o a cl
overcoat and gloves and said politely:f pons, Goodby. i'aoseM., ! � t'erlot the entered 1 t the qper
.. ;i1 was being entered on the jailer's book to his brother Robert, who will suave W wlletltet• in
"I am ready to accompany you, mon- l Iiad Cavaillon been less bewildered r •ct", 4 al: the police office. There he had to it. The price paid wits $2.7735. . , file ca;llteit
•sleur." 1 be would have seen blank disappoint- y amu'' I , , of engineen.t
trait two hours while the commissar Peter .SCewnl'L, a one time resident of +,
The commissary folded up bis pack I ment depleted on the detective's face I rid light loads. went to receive orders from higher au- the 17th cm., died at Pitlochry, Scot. = t'uc"11 1p '—firemen, Ina
•etbook and bowed to M. Fauvel, saying I after the perusal of the note. Fanfer- I ; thorities. When it was announced t0 , i -�- e' I 1~�-�
! I laud, oil Puhrnury 16th, aged 7l yetug, , `1 gilt c11it1isiS LTE'
to Prosper: Tot bad cherished the hope that he was , • ""b ' him that a coach was waiting for him ,
Pro us : I about to possess a very important doe- ' li was unmarried. It is 15 or 20 years 11 t, JJ t r a e k Ili a U.
with a dis- i ument, and who knows but that it (: at the door• he got op, but bot'ore going since he sold his farm, now owned by — 'I¶ i v 4. . ° 1'rtul that tltt'�.
They left the room, and, i out requested peril)isslon to light a ci- �. ,K „P' „
tressed face and eyes tilled with tears would clearly prove talc guilt or luno• ::, gar. which was •,tlsntcd. it teas ma i Will. Strath, and ratiirned to the>, land of ,� Iqp „ ` ^ir 118t.;y lvoll
-that he could not restrain, the banker , cence of Prosper. Whereas he bad • ood for everything g` f; :• his birth. His mental make-up was not Il ( they du anal
uificcnt trcnthcr, tl bright spring, morn• t}l� es o-sttY�
wnteha(i their departure. I only seized a love letter written by a that runs on wheels. Ing. As the voach u•eut along Alont- ' very strong at one time but ct bother he P
I man who was evidently more anxious f1i etre street ['rOsper kept bt,4 head recorerecl we di<1 not learn, ) e1jange of jveatber and temper �a-
"Good heaven"" be exclaimed. "Glad• about the welfare of the woman lie Sold Everywhere, out of rile window, smilingly complain. On the 10th ult., Mrs. Oliver Smith, ure v,.:ry hard oft their back aur!"
Jy `would I give double the sum stolen ( loved thnn about his own. Vainly did , ing at being Itnprisoucd on such a love- ; who makes her home with hvr sun Jolu, kidllers.
do rogain my old confidence in poor , he puzzle over the tetter, hopin; to I Made by IMPf:trtea. OIL CO. ly day when everything outside was so , Snaith, Oth con., celebrated her 87th There. are few ra;lroadinvn • lot
Prosper and be able to keels him with I discover some hidden menning, It ; . ,t,,,,W,;,=, ,,, , .. „•• . do not E�<lill llitiu of l=itine' trouble►
anci'• ' proved, nothing for or against the ' .. __ _ __ I CUnny acid pleasant. birthday. She is bright, with good 1
. - . _ - - -- _ writer. The two Words "absolutely i I "It [s singular," be said. "I never Bearing and sight and htkes a good Ileal in some fetus.
everytlling" were underscored, it is ' �,,.0 1�1 felt so great n desire to take a walk." of enjoylueut ant at lif,�, Mr. Smith Dr. Pitcher's T.util.itulle Iridns
,- =:� "' To the court clerk while he was go- Tablets havv proved t.imllnselve;ti th-h
� true, but they could be Interpreted in .. passed away many years agd.
+ i4 .. Ing through the formalities of the conn- rr('atest fx•tiot:tetc,t v of esti dth:.s t,s s)f'
so many whys. Ihhferlot fuldltd tip „ a :,. .4!^t. , 1 , Wedding bells chimed merrilyotr Wed• � . ,
Wh the note and slipped 1t into his pocket. - „� - n. nlitstlent I tosli r replied with haughty
PP l �fwt ; brevity to the indispensable tluostions nesdtty evuuiug, 11IuruB 2tith, at the 'lltliotlfl 7�1t:11. '1 Itcy give t:,t-so t*
i� � ot �� "•A thousand thanks. monsieur. for �, . I fi� , tii1 e> a, t� zlchin rare httca cltttr till t.l.
�0i't s, n t n,� a,4ltcd ]tint. spacious and comfortable residence of ^' , 1 ' t i
the information, tend to rotUn'tl, iP y0n r r F;`�r b"+r f i.••ua�I'o-4 a :rine, rellE•Te lbs si-m : iniy all, l�
IC !s alt anxious time Por mothers I please. 1 will relieve you of the trouble 'i � „t xt� ,as f.. /� t4 1. , ., ; But when he was ordered to empty .Tutu s and Mrs. Cusic, 15th con., when
• •, -_::__"f Wit;;, ,,,`) ... Ill: pockets oil the table and they be John W. Tay tor, whose home is near turning,and itnl):art llety liter tti1.11
,when the little ones get theft, feet cold OP executing ;our commission. 1 will I
. and wet, and come home hoarse and I mysele take this ntlte to Aluhe. lriti.a ; �\ `ahl�llil'ir s ft�;t+iu,►i ij,t�,111;;' y 3 i gaff to search hilly Ills eyes flashed (;u•.ilp i, all l Aliss Sophia R., eldest itnlity to the ttl'lll;tly orgiili;.
coughing, or awalcon In the night vle- i Gi s I will also give you tt piece I i ��_ ;. 11 with j with indignation, and a it, slug -le tear daughter of the host and hostess, enter. PLASTERS NO GOOD.
tams of deadly croup. Then ft is that P y l �iI I .r r ,s,,•. 1 stropped upon 111,4 flushed cheek. In an firs. Alar Wilson living, �
mothers turn gratefully to Dr. Chase, of advice. If I were in your place, I `. may 1 . , c , e:l into a matrimonial alliance with the y on AlbelAt
t%� /4 ',, instant be had recovered his calmness street Sarnia Ont., haw eonfidenvo iii. 11x,
mho, through his great I.eelpes Book and would return quietly to business Ind ' _ jqj ,�+t „t - , aid of at marriage license and thn services ,,iteller fi B:tel aut,3 Kicine Table:s�, IIe.
famous family remedies, has time and have nothing more to do with this at- I i>fr �j ! and stood up tlyotiuuless, faith his arms y
wain saved the little ones and older „ i Y `'� _, lk, '✓ ' +' I raised in the air so that the rough crea. of tree. D, li. Dtlelaae, of (rali.brook. -nn E;ca g�,il. emploved As: s marhini,4t orfs I
1 fair.
Imes, too, from suffering and death. ' lie (irantl Trunk It.It m. been c:, 111 oli ''
7t Is truly surprising clow promptly The Boor fellow obeyed. Slowly and i �.� •':.._ tures about him could more convenient- - +
I seaPCll 111n1 from head t0 foot t0 riS- ppii''/n1��ff �t TESTIFIES
� `� { �1 ainbago by using them. Airs. ti itso,a
]fir. Chase`s Syrup of Linseed and 7'ur• with swelling heart he returned to Here's people free front pain and -che � DiliJ4lW�ai� 1 ES 1 i�1�6� *til: "Dr. I'itrlter'.,s I, t,.:achy I�:;l:tPy
I)ehsooe bringsIrritated, 1 hes the Cid Is I Notre Dame street. He asked himself ! byspel)sia's direful illy. t sure themselves that he heel th anent- tablets 'that I brought, my san frons
tiht a and, , I cions object hid under his clothes. Here's ash honest statemeent iearj v sirs:;; atoro has; vare.l hint of tike' .
sigh: in the chest, and the cough pain- 1 holy he could serve Prospers warn , It is because they always tale ,
Yul and distressing: it allays the In- lion:, (>t sy arid, above all. be lecen i d.he investigation would liave, per- •from people who are in •the •.ansataut !):tin fusel lattmut•. ill (]it- 11;anis
flarnmation, heals the sore and torn P $ i ra. r�,,a " i leaps, been carried to the most Igno- best posllti'on to give an tan• that C. 1 Ilial tit(• ,01•.•,•te,t n,lL. 1'%% Il:n
•nembranes, soothes tits nerves anci I ed upon this odious detective who had Laxaet Liver fi r,,,; n I minious lengths but for the interveu- biased opinion t f any wont In.t.l tries,l !,"suers and urlu r ren).• •�, lutist
+dears tl:t? air pa:sssiges, just made him suffer Buell cruel humil3• •l keys little )itis tvs+rk tvhilh v,ns s,i, ,..., i tion of a middle aged man of distlm edy and they in the stron ;est n:rhing r tor. him it:, ,tern:.t:• • r. lief
People who itnnw aP the singular ver- ntion. Ile tied no sooner turned the 1 h 1 terms yield the t
tneq , f Dr. Chef+e's Syrup of Lbi.sPd ct , , tt lthc,ut n #;ripe a+r r+in, rr ri,,:v liar, 7mr, ..
• �Ulsht d appearance, who wets a white y palm to Dr. a )t Yim•'1 front tlkP� 0 'I'• �e t. ',' ttho",i►
r corner of the street thali 1'mtfe r10t , ctm.•i,.ttit,n clvcr•r _vitt. ntis.;cr a .:,•, i Agnew)! Diintx»ent as at oar• 1ti,ii. tut: lu:m ,d1Tte• .11• .,;,.--.A 1 tv?tlt
and Turvrantine do not thhlk of ac•�e, t- s ' cravat ftnd gold spectacles Bud was
Ing the chap s)nbstitutns which hinny+ went tato the house, gave itis tlalue tb j and making you f, et better ill tis•- im1..,:.,g, sitting by the tire. At sight of Prosper in s=ure for all aiiitneati3 oi� • i; Litt• :�, s,.,).i,:tnvin;; ttit tit+1• w steel lark t>i
drugz;ists offer in its i,lace ; :':5 •cents, i the porter as Prosper Bertomy, went I , ,-• g the skin, c'n"'..v. Tic )lay uo 111%.1.101ei n r i i hf eel
Up stairs and knocked at the first door i he started with surprise and seemed i r:rabin. 1„tr i� s tri soil, t 4s, rt'• . t 1”. ,.' :. E .
I , 1-i C et I o it n d : musts agitated. Ile stepped forwntd Thi: Eureka Drug Company, of Alauch chunk, „ ; .til bout,:l� 1 �..•..;,;,�,.,. t...,,so '1'::l ' ' n
I ° pts► 1 ale came to. I DR. WOOD'S .S ,; Pit., writes:-�•'•I'lease send at once ttto at,[ea , ;
D . Chaos a 8�it � , cotllesth„Inn' :; sled seemed about to spent: to hint, owns havilv;- ttr•.- tronT,Io •frith their
A young servant dressed to Lhe most NORWAY PIP ants cures t ii e ( then suddenly changed his mind and lir, Agnew's (7inmicnt. Tt has g;ven great 10 S.
1 it* i fanciful livery opened the floor. , . , r I ratisfaction in cases of shin disee and pitCs, fir• Pitslterc Rae+ltstrltr 1�ielnd!z 'I'alTetsrt
c ME,,%%u e t „ . ,r worst Mmu5 c,, sat (IOW11 11Caln-. In fmt`0 Of IIIA 6WIt and is one of the best sellets in that liar ue ever
Is 1Tme. Gipsy at hOme? I .SYRUP. . handled." Price, sg cents g5 ' e:.0'.. a t,.r.. at t,:i (11 -:1 4,'i.,is 01 11. I'Ailf.
IS1r. n. rr, rt,*.,lk i The little gloom hesitated, S`colnet I Coughsandeol4s. I
,a, d k Ur j'.0 Q11n0tl ,•s, J (�.o be continued,) ,toll I%v A. Ii. Ilantilton. Willphant. n � i a• Yw%lx Putin u t;o.,'turuutu. tat"
L u.
— '°"illinn.nmirirnuiurn nun inn