The Wingham Times, 1902-04-11, Page 6.- -.- .... ......... ...,.„,-..„. ,.... . 1--f7-__111- _. ,..,,.. ___-1__-_ . ••-,- ,ry ..,, , _+ .... .. ... _ . F ......
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/ � � , '111E WINGRAM T1111'81 APRIL It, 1,402, -
�x�tar.j'14:10 19.d 1 _ __ a-... ;t t
THE ..- I SENA"iIJR Ms^MUI,I. N 1. 11 OWN I.�.�.�14ECTORY.
����� �Qe� �'�� Grli�l Spectre ( F.,STA,i]L:e1Iii;La 1x72 HOW T� MAINTAIN soli,
{ p, x{ M�+c DANQUETT D t� y ----S' gg r Air r �+ 4 FERTILITY
Id.\GRAN TIMES. � � � �Q��Q1R tQu �i�t� T�� �� q�S BAi�xlsx CIIu]:alz--•S,tbbatll s;rYlcc$ at Ta �Y I1'I�II� O TIME& - -- -
'I- K ' ' l,i11F,R Atvn PRaRRz> xoll 11IRu111 k•baest, April 3.- The Marr 1I a m and 7 p m, Sunday School at "Wit call knot, that it i•.3 very desir-.
en °j��y e9 2:30 ) ill. General IS VUBLINKIEU able: to have a ferule :,oil ill tcllitlh
�jclalt)T7,]*nrt1C.4 .. lic ,services pf Ron. ,lames 111cutillen Springtime p 1 prayer irletatitt�"
were Atting ly recognized by a Will- � 1 e ? on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pat• EVERY FRIDAY MORNING to 'rpt, craps," ,says Ft. ,i), Pvok, or
l AIDAA . APRIL 11, t-002. I
plintentary banquet tendered hila , •--•-- terson, B,A.,pastor. W.J.Chapmau, S.S.-As,•-- Ui ) ,gan, "yor ,sueces,s in farm'r 2 de-
--- - „ here Last night, It wlas giwetl by i 9 -__. hpad
Superintendent. The Times Office, Beaver Block I)e'nati ltlrgrly nn the ferilllty, the
his old political frielids, the :Liber- ku7
ATI:'fHODISTC1WItCH--Sabbath services WINGII.4.M,,Ia. land*L';vt•ry ane kno s of livin once
ivoTk;ti ^+as LcrOZAx) �� e, Ills of ?Borth 1%ellingtou � at 11 a rel and 7 p In. Sunday School. at fel til farms which ani slot nor, pro-
Warns w atk o � trod wit. a i 2:30 pal. kpNvorth League every Moll- ducin,t half what they shuuid-••suar-
e. tris nearly dila, and the nui4t sltcressfuL t1tTtlir. rho u 'ra- i day evening. General prayer lueetin Tinuits Oir,GLti380,111"TIa.t-,t',1 JJ per annum in eely enou h to a to r t It labor
43enevcllenee of t1:k+ Pennsylvania barons ` Sion was intended to celel•rate .tri•. ' Defeats the Work. of Death b , ,. y g advanpo-, $1.00 it not su paid. Nr, )n ar iliseo, �.. S pay .. t l neu-
Allt * a0 t:Nuts ntf the Clea of coal A1cJiullen's appoiutluent to t11a , �' oil Wt dtlk4(lay evenings. Rov. Riollard tinned till aIt arrears ale paid,) sept Its tout t-s,,,.tl y to produce it crow. it is, inot'e
0 • p' Senaty, and the glen who hoed so hemOVln„ YOu.I' Te]rlble I3plibs, pastor. Dr, Towler, S. S. Sup. oj,tiunofthepublisher, 1 rofitabit• to futm so :]v to maiutalu
is really touching. Burden of ,Disease. griuteudent. of im )rout) tllu ,Soil ligan IL is to rob
loyally supportett hila during Ili,, At)vwnuslNp RAmlls, - Legal and other 1
The Farmers' swl says: Mr, M, Y. long; career in the house of 1.'0112- P=S)3YTX31A:1 CUU1tCFI-Sabbath sor- casual advertisements 8a per Non1lariellincfor the sell of 114 fvxtility, and in tila and
1 tonus "let to folulnll Are Salt still in suffering, misery an(1 vices at 11 a In and 7 p in. Sunday fimt iii%ortioil, uepor Iino Por atoll subsec]uellt brink' rrin to the owner of the fat -tit."
Xci•,entl, who ani been Nominated for l 3 extend coy- dtt•poudtiic , Due, the glinu epectlo Selioolat 2:30 p m. Gellgr(1l prayer Adcertisorilentsinlocalcola ns Haw is this to be clonLI I be+lievo
,, g•ittlllatiolls llpoll Ills elewatian to „ m are charged
'aIle Leuislature t-; the Liberals of South { the Upper Ilouse. "h Deatll follow yell closely as the joyous Illeetiu., on Wednesday evenings. Rev. 10ets. per line for first hlsertion,, and 5 cents our grvatr,sc lass of fertility is this
i e bal)elukt Wils aprillgtime brings happiness and bless D. $eerie, pastor and S• ", 7'llperillteu- per lint, fel' each subsetiueIltInsertion. t(bS9 of 11UmUS. A soli without humus:
iEinrpll, TepreSet]Ceti that (011atituenCy at i llel(1 .it the C.'tlylle 110115e, till' din illg- inns to others around yua? Are you still delft, Advertisements of Lost, Fotlricl, Strayed, trill xlo t tlal'1' ' a r s
Farms for $tile or to Rent, and similar si for S tl ap suc:o(,s, fully
orontp, in the Parliament before the I muni of which was prettily decorat- clinging; tenaciously to false theories ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPlseopAL-Sab- tlr,t month rind ,iU cants far =]t u i;'h n decal h, A cls so]l de:vold
+Due thathasinsrr•:,pired. Hewnsa ood ca. Tile guest,, who „nlnbercd u, s.Usequont thrcu y
abc)tst 1S0 of physiginus or fi3tllas who persist ,in bath services at 11 a m and 7 p ill. Sun- month' of Lumus will be lumpy and hard, and
4041 of an iud„poaaput, and frequently tables and tile
5tatud tit four t133uring you that time, care and the use (lay School at 2:30pin. General prayor CuN'rlteca RATr.•.s-Tllefollowv]itstableshows Will nut retain moisture for ver long.,
vota(l,'lath the 'a•ttrons. Although out L f sooting capticity of of your present madiciue will eve) You meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, oto hates far the+ insertion of advertisements W+ all know the effect on the oro )
g the room ryas fully taxed. t g b , g' forspecifielperiods' and Lha groat amount of labor ro-
new health' Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F . Shore, S. S. SPACe, 1 xtt. Quo. unto. tale
*)Xpublic life ellt,ak, latlS, Air. Mclaeall 1Ir. Thonitls 1i:trtin, President of I Be assured your present condition is a i Superintendent. One Column ....... „„$00.00 9t15.0u '15. yt c]nir+'d to pre])ale ,such a pleem o
Legis, through .",i,:::tatvspaper, the Huron tile Liberal Association, occupied the ; perilous one. 'file contiunauco of the i (.IONc�REGATIONAL CHURCH. -Sabbath Half column.......... 35.00 i8.011 �10,f 0 t4.uu grt.nlyd far a Drop. 11enc: aur triol
Jvxpusdtor, exerted a wide nittrienco upon I (•hail•, and at the beds table were ! medicine you are 1108Y Using; is IL folly; services at 11 a ill and 7 p m. Sunday (,)RalterGc,hin111 ,..., 18.0o iQ,00 Q,QQ ;.'.UU 411(rald 1H, to farm 'so 11S to produce
1jou. Jt12neS llcllllilell, Ilan. J. at, Iyon fire simply trifling with life and School at 12 m. Midweek meetill :on AdveInsertea.ti tfort d A)ecif]a directions rind leave ay much hunlas in the
Liberal opinion 1u Westarn Uutitt'io• (;:ibson, Hall. John Drydrll; Messrs. � " , l will be inserte(I till forbid anti aharg(=(1 accord-
7'he Liberals pt' liatlth IIaruu conics not I••, so Ron. Galbraith, Guelph; George wvagtiug, precious time. Wednesday evenings at o'clock. Gavin ingly. Tral)fiiellt advertisements ulnar be paid ground as pussible. This is the best
h I You should remember that while Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. f9rinadvance. aceolnpldrllled by it rotation of crops,,
nave chuseu a ?:••star mall -as their party Bilinie. Ssuth Urey; Jolla Anderson, I nature clothes the field with fresh grass SALVATION ARDIY—Service at 7 and 11 Tab Jon D411AnTMF.nT is stocked with tin and cm: crag in the rotation should
.clucdiduto, Arthur; James 11cEwv,ng, Drayton ; and flowers, ,and while the trees with it a m and 8 and 8 p 1n, on Sunday, and i to aiiordi ion Pec t of till renuisitesforprint- Ili, clover, which is our greaLe,t soil
Mayor 11'illiatn (.lt,c.t, Rcv, Dean Istrong; life are showing; burstiug bucca every evening; during the week at 8 1. utyfortu tin outl3rtitilaeHuapit l�a�he renovator. We ,should aim to food
+lf the tetupe:rtl:ce people of tills pro- ()•( Ouncll, liew, 14, G. 1launa, Rev. and i.ew foliage. that human beil3yS•--old o'clock, at the barracks. type and ttI)rope• este cuts for allstyles of Post- everything;, or nearly evarything
s4uce ua,lre to Cytol on lila referendum on C. II. 1:lnersoll and �1r. James aIle- and young -drop off= in thousands in PoSx Or•.FICr-Tu Macdonald Block. "I's iHand it 'eta,, and the latest Htyles of produced on the, farm, sail it the adds
ecetnbcr 7th ti: v should unit moving Call, Mount 1'urest.. The assembl- springtime. I Office hates from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. ing, t cs typo Pot the find classes of print, a. little bran or concentrated feed to
resolutionsagttiu-,t it and vourting; de- age was most representative, and in- Xowis the time for prompt, decided Peter Fisher, postmaster. H. B, ELLIOTT, 'tile ration of each vnimal, and care=-
c•luded neatly sturdy Liberals who had alnd 1 ractical action if t0 be saved. M1:CIIANICS' INSTITUM3—Library and Proprietor and Publishe- ' tlly ,save ilIld apply all the manure,
1f(,at by expre.iAug; their (doubts and full.ft)-It the battles of the party in Prejudice and theerroneons theories of free reacting room in the Town Hall, ---.-----.------- . is easy to sec, that wwe shall main-
Ceara. It luo:(a ,;1t;.e it bit ai if tharo was this district for years past, and who evert lnedival mels should be cast aside will be open every afternoon from 2 t0 P. KENNEDY, M. 1J.. M. C. P. S, O tale. aucl proba bly add to the fertility,
a strong desire to datter or stab either looked forward with couildence to the when the hand of death is upon you It 5:•15 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Tn,) t Gold Mea lei Blitistt edi inn, ARgsecia- of the ;soil,
+ ,Qliticai party,iii. now than euconttt;e political strng;gles of the future. matters not what yourso(inl position be; 9; 30 o'clock, Miss Millie Robertson, attention paid to disc seg of t in Medicine,
nudChiid] Many advocate tY.c plowing under,
, t nator 11c''Milien was cordially I thu uledtCltio that saves rho hluublest libralzsLn. ren. Of]ice lsauls-i to 4 p, m.: 7 to Q p. In. of ;green crops, but unless a farm lg
gieotrLb t0 go filen the fight tvitll all their greeted, and thruug;hout the evening," man or woman is surely the one adapted TOWN Couxam-Ii.. Vanstone, Mayor; very much rau down, I would not
3leart. W'zat i6 hiekiug," in the ranks of till enthusiastic• tone prevailed. At, for the needs of the rich and those in Win. Holmes Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- 7� • practice this, Unless it be to bury a.
File temperance pvopli is it :spirit of unity excellent repast was served, and an 1 high social positions. Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, alR MACDONALD, •
seeond crop of clover, or a clover
-oil the question note before them rather extensive program of toasts was ' Paine's Celery Compound has arecord A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J, B. For- crap •sortvtl to protect the ground dur-
than the divisions atia biekerlugs evident begun. Many ].)right speeches weee 1 of life saving; that no other medicine call g uson, Cleric and Treasurer; William' Centre Street Ing the winter. A cover crop ,should,
made, acid the visitors brought. corn- 1 ever equal. It has rescued rich and poor Clegg, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Wh)ghun), always be sowed whenever a piece of
tit;sonl eouvetttions find evidenced from ,., Ontario. r
e{ , Plimentary messages to the guest of from rho grasp o£ death tvheu physicians lector. Board meets first Monday even- ground remains idle during, LLo fall
oine sermons, addresses and press cum- the evening. 7tr. isle lIulleu, in ac- land their most car•efllily prepaxed ing ill each mouth at 8 o'clock. and winter. Many times we have a
anents. 'There tw::l be hard enough bat- knowledging the' kindness of his I Prescriptions failed in the work. It the SCHOOLBoARD.-H. Kerr, (chairman), DR. AGNE W, piece of stubble whichtwo intend to
,, friends, brl; tl,V reviewed ]tis course in suffering; men and women of to day Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. plant to corn or potatoes. On this
,'tics to fight t�it..out file friends of the Physician, Surgeon, etc. tv ecan gra wa cro
Parliament, and the efforts ire had could but see the happy faces and hear Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. g p of rye or peas
ause warring; anion" themselves and c Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' and barley, either of -which will make
In ground ( government ad in the cause of good t Tile kind ttords,poken by the tens of Button, C. N. Griffin.' Secretary, W Drugstore, Night calls answered at the office. (t large growth ana will be plowed un -
e are a littlo stirPrised, at t'ie , thoutsilds who have been made well and Robertson; Treasurer J. B. Ferguson."' growth
ket1 Ly Som.+ persons. -Brussels Post. Letters of regret at inability to at- i Strang; by Paine's Celery Compound, Meetings second Tuesday evening in each VANSTONE, '-`- der in time to plant to corn. This
, tend were received fronn. . Siv Wilfrid i' it would soon dispel their existing; doubts month. ��,. adds larCely to the hu'lnus of tile soil;.
I Mr. Marter, form:-rly Uppositipn lead- ' Laurier, Iiou. Geo. W. Moss, Hon. ! and fears. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. BARIiTSTYR. SOLICITOR, ETC. ,Intl will tand to array the crop thru'
Paino's Celery Compound is the one Mus a drouth without injury,
f it in rile I16�1Slate?3 q, is unable to agree R. 11', Scott, S•ir Richard Cart- i Y P y grove, Principal, Miss Robertaou, Privalea, Company funds to loan at lowest As T :said, it should ba, our ;lien to•
with his leader, so will run as an Tlule- I weight, Hon. J,smes Sutherland, I medicine that reaches the roof of disease; Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss rate of interest. No comm�is�sion charged, ort-
nntlelst. He formerly resided in Mnsko- Hon. William Paterson and others. it is the only agency that call remove Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson s t �s'pfi°]wc.i ]3eavfulm lc Wiuttiainught and Elinlslf'orltlleaplurall pos(sroflk�o ,gealy our,
your terrible load of disease. Unsolicited and Miss Reid. g ping all,
1ta for many years, and he sees in the I testimonials of cures pour in every day. BOARD OF HrALTH-Mayor Vaustone, the fertility"of the farm, and I be -
policy of Hon. Oeorge W. Ross, which I 1 Y onng,'• and old constantly bear witness (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg;- • J A. MORTON, lieve it to be mor eprofitable to sell;
I that rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney o1y, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- our product in' the form of butter,,
Kr. which i y for
condemns, ( Hurt1 to matriculate BARRISTER, &c., beef, pork. etc., than to loll it in the
which is for the welfare of Uld its disease, liter complaint, dyspepsia and rotary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald, Medical' rough. I believe aur
(Philadelphia Timess.) I blood diseases are banished permanently Health Officer. NVingllam, Ont. g produce foil to
ell as New Ontario, and so he indorses Mr• roixto, lodge-keepar at Girard 1 when Paine's Celery Compgnnd is _ __ good ,stock, will bring; us more than:
College, prides himself on his intimate !faithfully used for a time. Begin its use �1 n p , twice what it twill ,seLl for on the• mar -
}t. For this, he :::ay expect the opposi- knowledge. of the regulations of the to•=say poet sufferer delays are danger. iandmember
PIANO AND THEORY. L. DIOKENSON ket. For example I can feed a cote
ou of unreasoning partisans, but he institution. The other day a bright- Oils, - _ . E• for 12 1-2c per day, and hav: her bring
yfindshimself inextrewelygoodcompany. ' lcwking young hoodlum of .some ,seven I MISS SARA 1,61SE MOORS, L.C.M. BARRISTER, ETC. in 25c pe+r day or more for butt -or
ears of ago,, • " of the Associated Musicians of . aline, rind I believe the ,same to be•
the Canadian i4Tttuufacturer, a non- Y • be> carrying, a telescope bags Telephoning from TrainsSolicitor to Bank of Money to loan. true with till other kinds of stock.
and with a cigarette annul Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- i Office --Meyer Block, Winghan).
political journal, for example, thus corn- g jauntily poised Several New Yorkers Tasked With bee of pupils for inatrnoti�n on Piano and in lTt
in his mouth entered the lodge. Theory. Many advocate the use of commer-
;ttlzents ss AIC. Whitney's opposition to ",day, I want to come to this school," Trains Out of Chicago. Special attention given to pupils preparing • cial fertilizer. Of course, -the basis
the P,OS5 policy: -'Only the blindness of ,said fhe visitor. Yewv York, April i.- A trial was for examinations. � ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S,, L. D. S. _ - iartility is the' ,inicunt of
partisan prejudice and the mistaken idea "You o -can't come here if you ,smoke made yesterday between; this city and Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. , Doctor of Dental Surgery of tliePennsylvania ntt, "ger potash and phosphoric acid
that thing," an.stvered Peixoto, the Overland limited train of the Chic- :Dental College and Licentiate er the Royal a .soil contains. When wo consider
that by apposing, everything the Govuru- "Weil, I'll throw- it away," wtis the ago and North-Western Railroad over.1NI�'�i1191:'',1`'. Collo of Dental Sur,cons of Ontario. Omce that an ordinary Crap of wheat of 25
anent undertakes the can somehow gain i read reply, ] y' I I h JI, I�I, ' , ?, J. J. Elliott, S. 'over ost Office, wing tam, bushels 3 P y telephone wires which at the Western ��V. per acre removed about 58.75
political capital, could have induced a "Is your father living?" asked the end here installed an the train in the , """I! I � HonoraryGraduate of' 'worih of thew elements from the soil,
art which formerly made the develo lcdre-,1.^r,cpor. North-western station in Chicago. The ,I'�IiiIlt` Ontario Veterinary W T. HOLLOWAY, D,D,S, adn a oxo of corn pearl
i y y p- I P y as mvell,• Ave,
F' "C'ourse he is," answered the bob . telephone here wa,s in the Broadway ' `; college. L.D.S.
ameilt ofllome industry the leading plank � .�' OPfleo and Infirmary i New methodforpainless ex -A149 can readily .see that when it soil is
n their platform to otter the violent and We dant admit pupils whose fa- offices of the company, a number of n r.': Corner of Victoria and ,traction. No C ocaine, exhausted of these elomc,nt.,it is quite
P thexs are not dead, only orphans." newspaper men being present. Ile n ; t "' l Minnie Sts. Wingham. Special attention to the care and regulation expt.nsive to replace them by using
zurettsouable objections to this .agree- "Gee i was the resporse, "Then to ginning Monday the Overland will glgti,(/ prpoinptlq attended to. t calls I cele carofnli tend sldl °`lontto prices find all commercial fertilizers. Now if we
anent made by Mr. •Whitney and his Det iL I ve g;ot to kill the old man, have. this telephone equipment in use . mt,�de, -.' Telephone connection. in BeaverBlo k, WinghnmYperPormeci. Of],ce feed our crops on t:he farm•, we can'
;followers." Dat's tough!" - for the benefit of its passengers to the I return about 80 per cent of these ele
Pacific Coast, and passengers will be �/� RM F� inent.s to the soil in th:t manure, and:
Imperialla)n in Education able tcv call up aryoae they please FARMERS R JOHN RITCHM" tit Value of m(u. time produce. twice, the
can astir let
New York Commercial : It will be Handsome Designs Senf Free wherever the ordirury telephone tier- and anyone having live stock or other GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,
it strict con:san.anee, with the charac- vice reaches, �': cllout leaving their articles they vishto dispose of,sliouldadver- .see, it is more profitable to farm so
ter, the deals, t:1e aspirations and the I seats in the car. The *eneral eastern tine the same for sale in the Trams. Our large . Wingham, Ont. as to improve. our soil, than to sell' our.
I of Cost to any Address t' circulation tells and it will be Wee. 1 indeed if
. crops on the. market, and at the same,
breadth of tl.•ts z~an if it shall turn 4 agent. wsLs in charge of this end, and 1youdonolgetacustomer, wocan'l;guarantee p
cut to ba true: haat the bulk of Cecil I y g v y y farne be losing heavily in ilie fertility,
in Canada. had no difficult • in gestin into com; that yout 1 sols because than
it may ash more . JOHN CURRIE, wnvazreat, ONT, of the soil.
�•Zltodes gees.. ::rtune ha,s been lett � municatioa with W. B. Kniskern, wvho � for rile article or stock Blau it is worth. Send J
+ your advertisement to the Trams and try this LICENSED AUCTIONEER. I would not advocate the feeding
,to his counts , . lr the promotion, as , with representatives of Chicago news- plan of, disposing of your 'stock and other . g oi'
it has, been, dv.icrdbcd, "of a vast im- -' papers and rile officers of the lino in I articles. ; Salesof Farm Stock and Farm Implementsn wheat, but ♦r cold ,sell it and purcha;so
p(iriad plan of lwducation.°' It would DIAMOND DYE MAT AND RUG that city, was waiting in the train. specialtS. brae. or cottonseed meal, which is.
lye. a»ntiallr us:ke him to have de- PATTERNS ARE THE MOST _ _� Allorc ors left at Trio Tums offieo promptly worth more for feed than wheat, and
POPULAR.ITHEPRESSURE attended to. Terms Ieasouable.
'wised his mangy for any purpose that The Indus duns .luierIoan nen hats about: Fdoubie the manurial value.
:did riot compr-L-nd vastness, benefi- , If I sold much wheat, I would use
.file hers in the United States were
r,erce and ultimately power; to have The continued and increasing; demand industrious during 1900 ,according to E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN commercial fertilizers freely, for it ig
liisL'ribixtrd is matter hot, widely i for the Diamond Dye Mat sad Rug a. report just issued by the, C(:>;sus p l' BUSINESS impassible to keep lip the farm, and
and beneficent' -y, a,s such things are 1 Patterns, is the best proof of their great; P j WINCUTAa[ sell grain without their use. If we
,generally uaew stvvd - would have popularity. Bureau, havirg laid nearly 16,OCO,UOU,- r grow all the, forago crops we car, and
I 000 eggs during the year, as compared IS GREATL'i RELIEVED TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. feed them on the farm, carefully saves
Geer. only to take from it the force 1 The fascinating• art of Mat and Rug; with about 10,000,000,000 in the year BY THE USE OF THE
''iilat: comes cfb magnitude and com- making in the home is note cultivated r < r i - p atnd return the manure, we need -have,
lig (Ittess. T!, ke, ep that fortune in by women of every social rank, There. 1890. Of Tho J,a3J,�a7 farms in The examinations. for Conservatory of Mu but little fear about- the fertility of
hulk, to be 4,mployed strictly for one t is with many ladies a pride pleasure in United States 5,096,25 reported pool- ®N DIS A N i:he laud. '
xurpgsu tht, intellectual betterment being able to shot, nice specimens oP try, the total number df fowls threo — -- - 'L'. W. Hodson,
P Chike old and over being a follows: IOLIN AND GUITAR. Live Stock Commissioner.
sof the B,rltisll• t:s,:, wherever in, the �andi�tvork. Chickens, including guinea fowls, R ��
world the "Uniyl Jack" flies, together The Diamond Dye hint and Rag 133,5L�b,CRS; turkeys, ti,599,367; geese, TELEPHONE
. with a faster !r - of thea imperial .sen- Patterns combine beauty and simplicity. 5,676,863, and ducks, 4,807,•358. MISS CARRIE MpORE
4.1inent - th rimes about as near After securing one of these patterns, any The value of poultry on hand June You reach your customer in•a an ed after Oct.Conservatoryo eceiivve a: imited guru -
;perp; tuatln� , work and. the in- lady can easily hook it and produce a 1, 1L'00, was $85,794,966; the va]ue of few seconds, and ]tUOII can bee of pupils for instruction on Violin and Rot' .
11ence of th<• , t -n himself a,s can valuable and attractive room ornament. poultry raised in. 1809 was ,9136,891,- be accom 1lshed at cost of Guitar. �� i
des,sily Ira 1m•:_," :d. the manufacturers of the Celebrated 877, and the value of a n, P Residence --o ositeR.C. Church, Winghnm.
gbsl produced LITTLE time and trouble. pp r;;,,, .
It had, nor t,: - been impressed as- Diamond Dyes are prepared to send to in 1899 way $144,186,158. The total ,
ion flim many ,may, and tvitll increas- I any address free of cost sheets of pretty ircams derived by Tho farmers from "` , e ',
er6 force in ,L(, _e," than) fifty years and suitable designs to enable ladies to The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada JOB PRINTING,
L.,, this poultry industry in 1899, Copra -I ' "
%:viii: he Iia ci, L apposiLian to his select from, Address The Wells & Senting the total value di eggs pro-' LIMITED including, Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill t
%vark and aim. ( ^ame largely from ig- 1 Richardson Co., Limited, 200 MOan- duced as well as the poultry raised, Heads, Circulars, &e., &c., executed in the best �l ,, r t` i 1 . . '
,plexance - fren the inability to meas -4 St.. Montreal, P Q. was X281,178,033. This total, the re- I style of the art, at moderate prices, and on r
um the tvarl.l Lits' forces and pos- short notice.
4sibilitim as Ill, s1d - and thus that port says, makes the poultry industry -�`��" th At any Booits or Mo are pleased to announce
one of tiro largest connected with lig- Binding� gazines sept with us for ,�� i
dueatlan alcr.; t'r31inG3 suggested by The Chaese Trade rieulture. f, trill have our promlt attention
$his impel,ali- le, ideals would make stacks in Eng- Of the 15,525,830,231 e' �� 1 Prices or Binding in any, style will be given on
ca Slee the tt cell f those on whom his The .shrinkage of g_ eggs laid Il: application to %jam ` .,-
artartle might :,qli. lard is beginning to tell, the total 1900 'the ileus in Iowti, were Tespon- THE TIMES OFFICE,..
R t, quantity held it the Commercial Road Bible for 199 "13,840, and Illinoissec- 50LIu^ RUBBER Wingham.
So, though "bodes be dead, his soul Depot, Landon, an ;4xarclt 1, being on- orad with 17'L,b05,340. Iowa leads also • r
artily be, chili ed and his great work ly ,some 65,000 boxes, 113,000 in the list of states with 18,007,673 ; ` RAILWAY TIME TABLES. There is a noted difference
azrldy be continued in the employment; boxes a g p 1 g again second - �.arri a � GRAND TRUN1? RAILWAY SYSTEM, x�1 l,ia fortun :the. training of "em- i5 also a3 corresponding Js rinkage ala with 16,600,728. chickens, 11
ar d Missouri Vf
infer -builders." . s11PIA1cs, and the + y , g ; • in the style and fit of Pants w�
. Pitches at the leads in the number of ,Marko s Navin � TRAr>\s znAvE FOR
` English country .markets lire eorres- 648,671 and '466,GG5 xGspectively. Tho A �� ���` Palmerston,..... 063 a,,n,,,, g, ,,,,,,
London .......... ... 650 cm.... Bio nt, male that always brings peo-
@r`4f0U�' Depression ponding sma,L Now Zealand poultry of Iowa on hand June 1, 1900, 3 - Kincard1no..11:10 a m... 3.10 p.m .... 8.38p m.
cheese 1% arriving, but not in suffie- wa,s valued at b 535 404 a figure can- 1 eRnrvz snpu le hack for another air.
y ' + Y 3 V�iI1 carry heavy Loads and 8lneardino ....Q.40 a m.. 8 GS 3,10 p,m 1p p
„ lent gixanti'tics to begin to com ri- sidcrabl it advance at an other withstand hard service. London 1110 a.m.,,. 7.56 p.m
and �3de`�y Weakness. ,sate for the total fallir.V off in sin 1^ (state, except Illinois, wits, an Palmerston 2.45 pan.... 8.35 p.m Then Chert' 15 the IOW price
stooks. Advices from Lor.dort state, agraregaLo. value for poultry of $6,- ; I An ever-satisfattory. eaisy- - R• T.SUTTON, Agent, Wingham.
,%Another Woman -%"o dais Sonora that there is a marked reductior in 415,033. ' 1 riding wheel tire. CA14ADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. and better qualityo f Cloth ui
the offerings of finest qualities, andi _m -- - - - - - a C TRerata rrsevn xort p
aaenatnr Strength nn(1 Vigxor in tli0 consequently a better demand has {i, Wonderful Preparation . tion TRAINS set guaranteed. Torsoytofi dEast .` 17 pan.,,, 3."f p.m. to them --Cloth that tl'cars°
Use of Dr. 0111800 Nerve Food. beer., experienced for fine and early •• Coffee," Can be fitted t0 an p tn,,,,]0.98 p.m.
, makes of Caradian. 'The,vale is re- RokcoCereal(,ighl pure,whole• 1 Y wheel. e.57a.m rrnou SC(; Ot1T new tsOOClS anti rices.
�'O women c :;l,neially Dr. Chases some, ntnlrishing;, highly recommended - Teeswater... ,. 6.57 can.... 8,26 p,»,, � P
xy'erve Feed iti t"A-111 to be a very ported l)y last mail• of a lot Of .wr11- by leading physieitlns. Rorko is equal a Send tot (:atalogae. Toronto and Bast
H1tEl... 117 p.m .... 10.48 p m,
great blessing;. do many women are kept Jtmc cheese at 509, e.Lf. London, to 40c. colfee, utonly costs f the rice l DiJNLUI''1'lit_ GD. R, Agent, Wing,ilam.
Weakened and tl.l)ilitated by overwork, which some time ago would only � - `� - -- - ... -- ��,�5��,� �, �o
worries or die, saes peculiar to their fetch a birl of 42s. Jud,;tr.g leant - and is used sit meals instead of poison. _ t,18lrTFD, - _ ■■�� RI 11
sexy and need Me, assistance of ust Ons teas and roffc•e. IIv constttr)t use _.-_ - _.�_.-......._.-_--
such a restorativ,.. as this j prt',sert ap.Pearances it tvoalyd pat ROICCO CH'ItEA.L COI:"IP, EC will give - Tono-`n'o.
Curd. great food' be, at all surprising to sake finest Can:1- YOU virn Vigor. Vitality, enter health " s'
diar, elleese ,selling up to 57w or 58s. S + "g' y Sy` I' '.,1 t,�,-,•1", tr-V ;,. I,:tdc:E
Air -a. 11f, A. W4,1 "r. a, Tory 1I111. Ont.. ,cr tlac, other sido. The ,grr1a11 slaelts ilnclstrrng,th, au(1 I i 7L positi-t° pure for = I T � � Y � ,� )
'!,rites: --.'.lis :;y°t to was all run down (Iysl)("psis, itl(lig estion,ete. l0c, park. - 11 1
to Cnnada •mill count far little be- 1�
when i began to ss::a Sir. r"hf>"se'fr I+1'erve ages, l�,t, lb. ar 2 iba. fur 'ltie. For � i�q
13`o»d, I wa t n„ lt'c and very nervous tween now, and the tillio when the. sale by ALJ. GROCI.11.8.
Mild felt so Crt i ,tad worn out that I new makes will appear On the• in,lLsh I
x<)uld scarcely Ir.ig rtysolf about tl;., rne1`10t: to any exLeri';. i{eg;arclin� : Torsast•inlvinghnrn y as.lYlellclvie, _„•
finuse. It stem •1 linixissible sal• erre to 1 actual Lransactiou.v On this market, a - - I Cdibibb4lldt Mr,dtl ft esi
TG. �,t
get rest or 1alt•p :t°. Twtht, and I felt lin:, of about 1,000 boxes• twere'sold a A'L -,- ,lftw. r ;- _- �1` "`-DVEM�,��,+8F' 1`RADh` 11I1ARKS
thAt I was gr.(,J'.A,ly growing;' weaker fewv dsys alio at 10 1-4e, the, rqualitydF9XNF'aP`Go� S �109pT1Cli�lld� '.f1'O , CONSVRIPTI V'.ES. Deatenst
And mare the i usf :hurl irritable. �llnee Of tvhdeh wa,'i below even ,wecands. 2ric deist ]Eiifjt%h 7telncctg/. The undersigned having been restored to COf+YRtc3H rS deC.
7:eginniug; the ns:• of Ur, (!haq•r's ;.,cryo Anatl)er lot of about 500 box(.,s of !� flruggiatpiiiCen dsnOn,byreli lie, by Sim le means, after suffering for art n tt teh c* tit10H tionm.
I+"tYod 11v UI altaf$ '.'.11 ^r iffa trent. It luso f irttvt 1:asta+ens so1r1 at 11 1-8c 3i ( snveral years wplt}I n severe lung tlfPcetials, and Itmyeno pe g a c e e x i
Wradteally stlell.,th,nlo(l nil" nett r y anti 9 , il 1 a able modlelne disetivere Ob that dread disesse Con4a,mpttom,-ie anxious to lnlll,eeirion erte habl r pat ni hf retlC tech eict v�
incl Off 534- c,l,f, from the (;they karyck 6t�arahked to cure an mal:eknowntohiafri,owsrilferrrlt the means �T i� tinnpatrlettrrnenaaenyt�al. Ilanabootceneatent4
ihlrrit ftp MV av,t• ne won,]{,rflUiv. 1 ;"aide fora sof, of fat[C VPc gteT ♦ •, Povrmeo seztttL Wrrknesp, ase pftocts of tthnsb of ultra. Ta those w1)O dt;giro it,.11etvi11ellrer• 1111 cont tree. Oldest a encs for acruring patentp.
,:irt•p tta 11 note, lr,l azrtl l••i►)g; ttr,trcugh• Y zt las rezde9t#, Mdntal W6rty�, rzeeppive usmoPTo. fully send (free of Charge) a eoi,y of the pre- Patentp taken t{irou it Munn t Ca rde41Te
iv i^er.crrr•tI to lr,alth tlh,l str,•n;t�i. I ltrrruerl t(awvn. Illagt of L'lle I3riti511.i�eCo,OpiuinorAtimulants.Mailedon.edelpt roription.used,whichtheywillilada Cure fer4wrkctnotke,rvkhauto�iarrtc,intLo
+tieliove it iii �-'W 1,•i" nt-di(•im, to be markets ata 4trong' with pio,U,s tend. ofprlee,6rleVrl6]rtt $1,41z,E6. 011y0r"011*aaet 'Conp,ttmptiotl, A1011ltta Catarrlb,Uroitem. %� g� �1`t
i1_a'7 Cor the mit o•• t." ) ing upwar(lq un(l(,r nn -improved do � U� Tho Wdeds����,i�� ° WiPldiot"�Oa!) Iip ne1c1l all
ltfer r � and Jung Mniatueer. IIS sc� otic J ■9161 t an„
Dc. ('114"Wr4 :�t"r' •-1 Food. rfi eents a Toat d, the milder weath[)t there I y 1 op u v l try�• hie rcametiy, As it is
- A'hamdsomeit tilnkrate.d rreelcly, 7,tiraost dr.
invaluable, Those dosiringi the res,eription,T rttletton 'oi any Cion+Ica ti.)t,rnat. Terrnp, Ls e
d11C,it, (l boxett for .,,, a[l, e t all ,Tvalerz, or )r " racer f:r vurtlbl(': for Ccnvurr] Llan. , Wt al zx i�hnsp]:arlian is laaltl {n VPi»gltam i),v which will east thc•In nothin66", andp nilly prate par • four Mat tt ra1
Iy (,i,litt A. 'Camt,ite,l. A. L. Ilamiltari, R, A. a bserwiri •, wilt pleas ad rt,,.,.,; Yie:. Ys'ri- I ` 1 Y nr.ire, fSt. Fold t)ya11 e(rptl aro.
Lt can'vn, i:I±^. ,4c CJ., �L'0rerito, 11 'I'ridt: ilttlletiYl. IDouglass,and.l.I..Davia,Drugg~istq, tVA,UD tri. WILSON, Prgaldyn, XoWyorie. MON,t, & C0i3f1`I•,3dwd],y�al' York
• AI'aae11 We. 9."a � (,t.. dvac.)1njton. b. c.