HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-11, Page 2THE WINGRAR TIAMES, APRIL 1 l p 1,02, T • FRO51 ' After thin olio years is the baking .. : �Ii�1�:��I�i1�tS rl��l�I �Illia y, ii d i busness in (Ioerich D. Cantelon has x ,.� ... �...wl,+J'.7�A,L1<-:.,.,�:•.4±..,a�..,.:,�+•iw•.-�+�F,,..fJ�lli'r. SANCTUA 3111,14.. retired and has sold his business to D) J. r , Carrie of C Mitten, who has toeless charge. hat is ( To -day's Business ParagrapS from our Exchanges. There are now 1170 Young pl'ea's Business James Qtuipboli, clerk and treasurer Christian Associations in the United f is but a drop, in the bucket and268,477, \' unless we can make a pleased of 1llillett township, has been added to States, with a tiiet.ibcrship of r. Customer of you Dile i4ustiiess is the list o£ T. P's. nn increase of over 13,000 oil thb figures a failure and unless the slices we of 1900. y � A Air. and Mrs W. H. Cole, after a resi- : sell you please you. in, every (ieaail -a , , no amount of newspaper adverti�.ing dance, in Mitchell of nearly forty, years, . Children Cry Y fo & 1 could make up the draCicii,Our moved to London last week. y.patrons are our g;eatest advertising � � _ medium, pro or cot Hence our close C h i ld re,n Cry fox' . r! i atteiitioti to det I s. Perfection is Rev. J. B. Taylor of Blytbi passed coni osed of detail , Heuee ouxrecom- away to his reward oil Tuesday of lass ��a€tea meunling Sovere?gn Shoes to you. CASTO R IA� F Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a They are "detail'1 shoes -excelling iu week;, in his 79th year. Rev. Mr. clay. ' a°oma points, p y j Mossrs. Thos. 1 IcLau:;hliu, J. C• for was a Prebyterian minister but had • b be minor Dints rc'babl list a little llarm.ess substitute for Castor Oil Pare ori(', Drops more style -probably just a little more comfort or Mose, Geo. Willis and Alex. Young left been on the retired list fora number of and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,service, all showing tenizitig care in manu£ac- Fordwich last,week•.for New Ontario, • turing. Made in all thesarupopular leathers, light or years. 11:Ivrphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is Pleasant. heavy soles. For Ladies or Gents price $3.00,$4.00 Thos. Kelly of Culross had a success. Miss Blibabeth Chalmers, residing on Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 111111ions of or $5.00 always stamped on the sole, ful sale of farm stock, etc., last week. Athe boundary between 'Moruingtoli and year old Dnrhairt heifer sold for $112. 11lothers. Castoria destroys �Vorlxts and allays i'everish- Ellice, committed suicide on April 2nd, Mr. Kt•11p hiss sold his farm and is mov- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria Sold In Willgllam b�• W. J. Greer. � by hanging herself in her roam with ing to Topswater shawl straps. NO rea5ou can be giv(-n relieves Teething eething Troubles, cures Constipation and r _ British Troop Oil Liniment is without for the rash act. Deceased was about Flatttleticy. Castoria assimilates tlxo Food, regulates exception the most effective remedy for N years of age, the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving Outs, Wounds, Ulcers, Open Sores, Rheumatism, Bites, Stings of Insects, The breath of the pines is the breath Healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's etc. Alarge bottle 25ceuts. of life to the consumptive. Norway Panace•t—Tile Xother's Friend. His many friends throughout the Pine Syrup contains the pine virtues and county will regret to learn that Mr. Cores coughs, Dolor, bronchitis,lnoubl( Castoria. Castoria. less, and all throat "and lung trouble s, Robert Purvis, for many ye•irs Reeve of which, if not attended to, lead to con- s the township of Kinloss?, and ex -Warden sumptiou. "Castoria is as excellent repeatedly of for at I racoma is so well superior to children chi]drest, itiotbers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre - Of the county Of Bruce, is at present I John Rossier, a well known resident of its good effect upon their children." scription known to Zile." very ill of Colborne, died last week aftera rather Da. G, C. OS000D, tones, .Maas. lI. A. Aaciit t, If. D. Brooklyn, N, Y The Typewriter the World was Waiting For. Adam Beek, Mtyor of Lencloli, has long at the Iipe old age of so THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF donated $700, which is itinouut 0f his years. The deceased clad been an invalid ' salary as mayor, to the several charit- for matey years, and his long life skewed This is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS in able organizations of the city. The sum that he must have been gifted with a habitants of the world USE it. is to be ilivided among the different strong constitution aid well cared for. � organizations, according to the work He came to the county about 20 years Now manufactured in three of the great countres, viz . done by each body. since, from the vicinity of London. Canada, United States and Germany. } Wor-res affect a child's health too t 2oc. QA The Canadian Pacific Railway have over, in use seriously to neglect. Sometimes they DR. A. W. CHASE'S E S "The know a GOOD thin cense convulsions and death. If you _ CATAR.%H CUHPIE They g suspect them to be, present, give Dr. is s-nt'direct to thc�S[seased APPEARS ON EVERY ERY di+ RAL�PER■ Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which parts by:thc Improved ]slower. SOIIE OF ITS ADVANTAGES : destroys the worms without injuring the Heals tt�e ulcers, clears the sic passages, stops droppinggs in the TNC CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT HURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. l Child. `'Pelee 25C, a _ throat and permanantly cures >1!_ i*`•;x�:Llr#tr��sx��5trs 6' t1Y�a Mr. S. D. A. A. Stebo Of Cl11rOSS and Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower Visible writing stars to finish Portability, weighs only 15 pounds. h ' ' tree. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Alanifolding, beats then all. Alignment, positive and permanent. family returned from the Old land Medicine Co,q Toronto and Buffalo Durability, hardened steel parts. simplicity, 600 parts as against 14001 recently after a three months' visit. Miss Ellen McKee,, daughter of Samuel WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company here to back it up. The voyage hone was a rough One and McKee Of Tee"§water, died recently in %ETT,A1\ D. On Monday evening, March 31st, nearly every person on board suffered i Detroit and her remains were brought The following is the report of Uniou Thomas Hawkins, P. M., of Port Albert, 1 'LY $60 from that terrible malady, sea sickness. home for interment. It iM only a little S. S. No. i, for the mouth of March. passed to that• bourne from which no . On board the vessel were about six more than two mouths since Miss IIIc- The names are arranged in order of traveller returns, at the age of 78 years, hundred persons who were going to Kee went to Detroit. A few days prior merit: 5th class—Charles MacKay, 1 month and 5 days, after a short illness. y P Jessie Wilson. Sr. 4th class—Wesleecle y YOU W ASTF, that much ifyou BUY any OTHEh, and you DO settle in the North west. to her death she underwent an operation Leggatt, Geo. Tees, Win. Tervit, Alvin The deceased was a native of the county, NOT UET SO GOOD a machine! I Rev. J. and Mrs. Maxwell of Kiuloss, to have a tumor removed but she did not Orvis. Jr. 4th class—Jobe Jacques, of Wicklow, Ireland, and emigrated to and family left last week for Alliston, rally afterward and lived only two or Edith Peddle, Mabel Coulter, Loretta this country with his father, the lata where the will reside for a time. Mr. d Thom, Agnes MacKay. 3rd class— John Hawkins who first settled in Lou - where three days. Florence Currie, James Coulter, Millie ' TEE WILLIAMS MFG. Co., Limited Maxwell is recuperating in health and Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders Peddle. Cassie MacKay, John Burchill, dou, afterlvards moving to that village ,O' -Write to -day. MONTREAL. P. Q. expects to take a charge in the fall. We contain neither morphine nor opium. William Burchill, Forest Wilson. Sr, in 1840. where he became engaged in the t are pleased to note that Dr. Gordon of They promptly cure Sick Headache, 2ud class—Wm. Reid, Geo. Jacques, milling business, which Thomas follow - Neuralgia, Headache Headache of Bertha, Thom, Roy, llacDouald, Earl Lacknow, is treating Mr. Maxwell with g + + T ed for some time, afterwards starting up Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies and Reid, Norman MacDonald. Jr. 2nd such success, he not only having beeu class• Herbert Burchill, Etta MacKay. business as general merchant and be - Headache from an cause whatsver, r y , Price l0c and2ric. y Pt. 2nd class --Helen Wilson George came postmaster. This lie followed till 6treated in vain b several other doctors + L TIM and also spent some time at Clifton Tervir. Pt. 1st teas-, H. fe Thom. about two years ago. He was the eldest On Wednesday, 'March 26th, the resi- Avt ret e atteudanC(l zEi. L. FI. ti Ai,�rosr•., G Sprin>;s Sa-dtarium without effect. m a large family. There are left to a deuce of C. E. Jervis of •the Cut line, Tei:che_•. mourn, besides his wife, eight children. f CL'illldreY1 ,(fry for Goderich township, was the scene of an '• 'Yst �tti� exceedingly prett wedding, when his Medical science Aat u,eea ,� s�� T� estimable delights, Miss Nellie M., and Ir iti trot more than half a c mtury ag') A few days ago a rather baslifnl D. J. Curr of tli same township, were that physicians cousidpred a surgi'al r , Curry e, , p operarion with its risk, expense awl Youni, NvOlnau -,vent into a Tara store Mr. John MacKenzie, formerly of the jollied in wedlock's bonds. The sere- pain as the only cure for piles. To -day carrying three chickens. She inquired 5th con. Culross, but more recently of , mony took place at G p, m., Rev. J. H. it it only tile out of date doctors that the price of chickens and at the same ar ;- Kinloss, has rented both of his farms for Husser tying the nuptial knot in the think of such treatment. It is crn.el told time put then on the counter. The �r �g �+p ® one year to Messrs. Ackert and McKin- presence of a large number of relatives extravagant to operate for it. disease ®LD FOGY ®®V TO p which is far store certainly cared by the clerk(lid not know the chickens' feet . non respectively, for grazing purposes. and friends. C application of Dr. Otiose's Ointment, were tied and asked it they would lay FAMII',Y Doctors are all right as general practitioners,- Mr. MacKenzie left for Calgary on Tues- You ilia• be skeptical, but for roof you but they are not specialists. The sexual organs coni -a Y p P 3 them She bit her handkerchief and prise the most intricate and important system in the.;; day last in company with Mr. Campbell are referred to tens of rhoilands of cases ducked her head and Said: i'No sir, a human body and require the most skillful treat ' 1A c,� that have been cured b this famous W You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair your• who was with him last winter buying `a,Dwatch, as afamily physician to cure Sexual complaints. prPpartt210ti, y I they' are rCOSterS.We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30POC&t0ea. Mr. Campbell is taking Outyears, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and have:= 500 head of cattle t0 Alberta. Po Infants ani Children. every facility known to medical scienceto cure them.,Every case is taken with a positive • guarantee of9Phs faC• No Cure—No Pay. Fur (l-ar Sixty Years. simile "' s9 0>t Aff BLOOD POISON—Whether us Is eli in acquired, t WYa t9 a is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from a An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—lists 11ga0s=u19 pp/e• the system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases Wins ow s So(thiagSyrup has been used cured by us 25 years ago and no return;,best evidence of a for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers Lot Us cure. DIMBILITY -and other complications,, j for their children while teething, with The Wiarton Beet Sugar Co. ran up 1 sttch as emissions, drains In. the urine, varicocele, sexual I perfect success. It soothes the child, against a big snag a, few days ago, but weakness, etc., are cured by our Now Method Treat- • softens the gums, allays all pain, cures has Come out oil to Two persons " snout under. a positive guarantee—NO CURE--RO PAY. P• WE CURE ALL DISEASES -OF MEN AND WOMyiN. I wind colic, and is the best remedy for dropped out of the Dominion COnstrueyo DwIdn - Consultation Free. BoA3 Free. Write for question blatia for i diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste, I private Home Treatment. Everything confidential. Sold by druggists in every part of the tion Co., who had the contract of put - world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its ( ting up the factory; but two others took D M AN DRS. KENNEDY & K EAG AN s value is incalculable. Be sure you ask their places and th6 work is now going AV 148 SHBLBY STREET. DETROIT, MICH. i fir Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and merrily along. rralonThee are fiftymen at t the no other kind. i . f work now and the -factory is to be tom - Four years ago Dawson was a place pleted by November. The acreage of Aff unmarked on any map, a few tents, with the proposed Walkerton and Cargill � ina goldseekers alone forming the place. factories have been taken over by the AV . , qmww Now it is a city with an assessment of Wiartou comoauv. ; ! ' i $12,000,000, electfic lighting, telephones, public halls and "handsome residences what Causes Fain? o Ripans Tabules j,` Most pains and; aches Colne from S r O Doctors fins ' And what is most Satisfactory of all, it excess of uric acid poisons in the blood, A flood prescription : ; is claimed to be the best behaved cit in a i p y due to deranged kidlic:ys, rheumatism, For mankind. j the world. N4gliere, says Mi. Wade, backache, lumbago, pains in the sides the public prosetutor, is Yaw and order and limbs accompanied by bladder and Ripans es are a common sense, e Ri Tabules s urinary troubles,are warnings too serious p curt; more strictly observed. These facts are i and painful to be neglected. Dr. Ohase's for dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn, headache, con- ) I powerful' advocates of the of olency of Kidney -Liver Pills act dirjbtly and stipation, dizziness and all disorders of the stomach, : the system of administration inaugurat- .specifically on the Kidneys, matte them liver and bowels. They are intended for the use of i ' ed and carried out by the Dominion active, vigorous and thoroughly cure Government. " ( these ailments. One '25 cent box of men, women and children everywhere, and have this great Kidney medicine will do you proved beneficial in the majority of cases. It is not1 Used internally Hagyard's Yellow Oil I a world of good. claimed that they will perforin miracles bf cure sore Threat, Hoarseness, Quinsy, ,ut some o� i Pain in the Chest, Croup, etc. Used —During March tiiere were 761 horses the cures which they have effected amount almost to i externally cnres Rheumatism, Stiff shipped from Canada to South Africa. that. Ess to take and prompt action the have Joints, Contracted Cords, Sprains, It is expected that 800 will be shipped Easy p p , y Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, and Bites during April. Since his arrival in Can- When no rival as the best remedy for the every -day ills of _ 3 of Insects. I ada last year, Col. Dent has shipped al• humanity,Avery pretty wedding tools place at together to South Africa 9,111 horses. a F& working on the Sabbath the pro- You I the home of Mr. John Lane, Belmore,on . A MEDICINE WHICH PROLONGS I.iFR. t prietor of the Bruce Herald, of Walker- " I have used Ripans Tabules for a number of years and would not be without them: Wednesday of last week when his 'I toll and his foreman have been fined $1 I was troubled with indi�esticn and constipation, and have noticed since 1 have been using them I daughter, Lizzie, wag united in marri- ° and costs by the police magistrat?. The Need that i ain setting rid of those terrible bilious speJs which confined me to bed on account of the � ii r0 rIEGCr x IaipB the were pressed b /� �l�p dizz,ness. Uf late I have not had any, I had lust got over a bad spell of bilious fever and was 5 ago t0 James Stokes,'1 Of Con. 10, Turn• l) p P y p Y sitting on ti:e step, when a neighbor came tome and r?marked how bad I looked. 1 told him 1 • work, anti inadvertently Continued .. _ had +.est got over dIp fever and that 1 vras afraid to eat anything on account of indigestion, � berry. This bride was attired in stiffs, �vorliing after 12 o'clock on Saturday fmrn which i had suffered since I was quite young, He advised me to take Ripans Tabules. t ! I gz 1 I w .uid try tm d ng I fi3 5h with a Tabuhem, and front then 1 haven't been without them. Iran eat anything trimmed with lace slid carried a boquet night.f prole #istead of dessert. I feel very thankful that I have found of white roses, The Ceremony was per- _ _•_r W _ -�. _ ._ .._..... _ _ ._ s„^ -e. l ng tial vs:i"- yrol:,ng mq PPfe." F ""� formed by Rev. A.:C. Stewart of Bel- ��D EY-11®��Y Bel - GASTRIC IC TROUBLES. 1 I more, after which the guests, about -tore i hundred did justice to the turkey _ °i IF:a] .nd cid c- tee Veers at id a ice. aerie troubles. I could net sleep at night. ! > > y find When the Kidne s fail to 2Is v z 3 _ d and s7 feet w 'azd be tc".d as ice. Liq tnwela were net regular and I ch di have ! other good things, and proceeded to en • I Y pep c�•"<x a £r m Kasen f^ttri g ,n riys+drriz,:Pi that m wcuid faint away. I was in such distress � , II form their 'f1.1t'1CtiOfiS para L -._.I tP.,= live At3a't three months ago I was suffering and felt as if joy an evening's amuseluent, which f ! r y l ', r9 n t ,:sa , a. Efv F tI er re ori tended Ripans Tabules to mc. hty husband iii eCtly you mai?zr y know that s'-:• - 7 t". F r r > fr- tLe m� are< d .:g s e and I woutd'not now be mithout them, They with dancing find games was kept lip the tension 011 the health f,n tatses sir fir ml in r r ssnr ach and they Inovt my bowels regularly, , , , 0 until the wee sma hours o the morns . it's for c! � s l z4 ?rpu .knit, p ys rr a' - e ttr 1 f=at:ennmore gases,myboweia move regularly � ( sCalJle Is t00 great—and It s I !. e r t wry i� `yt3` ec rive l et,I fePI ss 1,;M I M s tele air which i el I breathe *nJ The young couple will make their home ? " tir"a to ICM 11. halt. Ago, q f; a> of pain and suffering" I On the David Harkness farm in Carrick. relief I I preve American Kidney Curd wasps the strata a y C o t:r ti. r.3l.ave saved mea reit de i prevents eiican Xiorry--anti will put theta to voives I ' Good Ilelttt iii linpossi ale f frights when they are worried. It is the one nccli. r s 1 y ' 'tCitlitiutrei;ulara(:tiouof 2ilel}owets, Icinbnwrxssxtjrwh�enkidnwytreatmentisretfvired. , because it cures an form of Kidney diseasw. E SHE ' "a ragRla + Lai:a Liver Pills regulate .tie bolvels, i y tv t oRc.•t . r sirs. The PliwCe nt a cera t t)nSti i Purely and solely a Kidney Specific. Thousands eAr Abd a. ••, ttii Lkettaerindgttfortl>1 pntion dyspepsia, f' Sia bili usllPhS Anti.ftsyp,,,.- +iRthalrnott, nrdinaryoceaatoil. Thefamtt>Mittte, f ' s p . ' e have tested it—and Owe their lives t0 it. It sloe: heariarhr tn(l 111 �tfpoetiona of #leo ` t t o , intiew 11.1. P..� ti.S make it to. tY3we:its, contains b tugply for a yeax. s f i i, 1 , • r tgiGVEs iu Six hctirsk Sii 1 Q+ a' . • urgall o (ig(:sti li. I rice �� cents. All; �b � druggists. i Bold by A. L. Hamilton, winghain. 11 Pill Heads, Statements, 'Envelopes, Memo Heads,,,Note Heads, Letter Heads, Wedding Invitations, Visiting Cards, Shipping -Tags, Circulars, Business • Cards,* Dodgers, Posters, Books or anything in the printing line, leave your order at the home office. We are constantly adding the newest faces of type, have good workmen, anfl we can satisfy you with our Printing as regards quality and price. TIME. ES, ntario i I