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The Wingham Times, 1902-04-11, Page 1
2 r T1Tara L yAry r I t110, - the . _ q_ . . _ _ . _ _ to n eittpl ; T I. --N0, 1574, jYINGIIA , p A IU, BURY, Y, :PItIi, 11, t 2, ! YEAR IN A A C, AMMAA/►NA/1A 5'Vingh4I age y, Crowder FINEST DI" MAI►AAAA.w,M .. ... i SALrAt Szi•Y Tfi. •for eticl. Font S L ,••--A: m rp, r years old, IIVIPQR• 'AN INRUS7RY, H .'VH THE r ' Co. broke to staRle or d e harness. Qp• ---- SPLA Y' I Several f )I Articles Folturat RE• DENT DHAD,-- WOrd was ply to H. DAVID;. The produce busi ss of the late Chas. received i1= to n ricin Clinton. on Wed- Lzz=irt;ALs Ams 'TION! - (acoria • Gillespie has been purchased by the z nesclay night f the death of Mrs. Jobn will be held in Dr, acd0nalrl's Hall to' well known slim At , (xunn Bros. & Co.,hat nowell-regulated home ! hllfor(i.D eased resided for Hinny uighit (Friday) at 8 .m. Every Liberalof .Coronto. The ba 'cess here will here•Sweet has I yoara in Lowe Winghanl and also for it who has the best it tprests of his party duce after be known will he Wiugham Pro- That afford t0 be without !few years ori antes street. She was a at heart is expecte to be present. dace Co., will b ander rile managtl- ntent of Mr. Chas. J Graham who is a Flower member of the Netted}st church. We Ai;NEB osENs, Chairman. brother of the popu r G.`l'.R. agent at 777 S C Ten Salt _ ( understand tllr the cause of death was ,k. Sage soapheart failure, Get your new spring suit at Maxwell's, Ripley, Mr. Grah m has been engaged " "" J+ S Macin this line of basic ss for many years EVER SHOWN IN WINGFiAM Y r" w cels It boats the Pan-Atterioau! That's j . PLOW FEPAIRs Diamond to eyed and has handled pr nee very success- I i Cocoa Coffee what ever ill oil, ci nicable ca Ready to fit any ! y per oil says that Roes the big' falls and we under nd le is an expert; Starch Bluing display of Bugaes and Carriages• --3 car I plow,at P. H. Ras ' . pickler. `l'he Tint s is pleased to ugte Unions Syrups a i loa(ls—at T. H. RoSS'. I TunNnEnRY Pr° NR D$AD.—One of I that this business i now controlled by Over twenty varieties and colors br Salmon earlico at the earliest settler of the township of such a strong firm s Gunn Bros. & Co. Sweet Peas shown Se aratel Oatmeal Pe:zrlinp I MONEY TO LOAN at 1= per cent, on f I P y . . 1 Turnberry died a 1°t 1 , B. lines, on I The company did n t got control of the Sardines Matches easy terms of rppaymeut. Apply to A. e 9 Dalmage a Chisholm Block, Wiu ham, Tuesday of this w It in the person of business as early Onou h CO ltlalte necessary Mustard Gelatine ► fi + g ! Archibald McAliis r. Mr. McAllister changes in their bu dings for this sea - Nutmegs Sal Soda. NEW Snow Roos,—H. E. Isord & Co. II was a man who vas highly res c tc d sou, but it is their its•,: tell in the near Ic Bird Seed Cinnamon ; have changed the* carpet departineut and had a large c•i •cle of friends. He future to enlarge t alorage once pick)- I Tooth Picks Hemp Seed from the basement to a largo room over was aged 82 years Incl 11 mouths, The iuc capacity and =:o enable theta to I < Corel Starch Mustard Saco the store. This +hange will permit of I funeral takes plac . from his late rosi- largely iuerease t4eir business. D, j Cream Tartar Scouring I;riclt the firm carrying r In job larger st°cls of deuce this (Fridr v) afternoon o the ` Guun Bros. & Co. l ave been the largest: Douglass G Flavorint, Extracts carpet and it will cable them to show Wiugham ceuetel. . I individual exporter: 0f eggs from Call - carpels Sewing Machine Oil carpets to better a -vantage. Th new ada duriug the past two seasons, having Rubbers for Fruit Jars Matting,—Chis eek p race I „ n [{ n < r room is a great i rOwemelit, d alts- last year exported o 'el• four million doz- • C he'miS I a IdG Druggist Great c Brooms Brushes touters of this sto will now fold it a eight pieces of floor Ing Be dell.1 I ell f eggs. With heir Montreal con-! Corn Meal, and Red, ? pleasure to inspe the carp s. patterns. 15c to 35 . HASN aw CO. tl l tion with the fir., 0Y Gui,u, Langlois { White and Black Pepper Z I P:vats 1 Pants!! ! Paut. . !-12 pairs CL: Co., Limited, in bleb basiuess they to t rSs Sweeping red n do i every line of , < Mena, Pants, all s zes worth= $1.25. have a controlling i erest they are al- : D1S 01 (111 of above articles for sale by ing from this month pr story toremov- I Saturday sale price rowder Co, 05c. together the largest andlers of eggs in •- AGENT (T. N. W \, I ) lag from Wingh n. h1Ltr. & 00. I i Canada. NEW LEOAL 1 tru,--lir Dudley Cainada. In arddid n to their egg de- i Faipharson Rn•SIGNED.—As will be seen. from our ( partment, they are so rhe largos( job- I Holmes Of Goderic is now a resident. of report of the S ooh Board meeting, hers of butter til th Toronto once Mont- ! s cotce,; . Wiugham having t ken charxe of Mr. ' zs c, The Road G i i Miss M. Robert on has tendered her real local luarlcets sides duiug a large = J he resignation as a amber of oho beaching I E. L. Dickinson's office Iutre. Dir• export trade in this ice, 'They are also ' p `' rr CHINA HOUSE I staff. bony °f ° e readers will be sorry ! Dickinson will rets' i all interest iu the I developing an expo trade in cheese be.- Opposite hank of Hamilton. g business here once t a firrri will lt0 ltnowu I sires their local j bbiug trade. The n j I y t° learn of thi rest uatign. Miss p as Dickinson & Ho. es, The TIME, is largest portion of t eir Toronto business "% To Success ! VVI'te'vyyyVVVVVVVVclvyyvVNVVV ; Robertson leas be n here for eight years I pleased to welcon Mr. Holmes its a I ' J ' FOR CASH O N L V i ; and has been a v y successful teaoher, ; is in pork product alcl it is possible! a+'ay •" l resident of our t vu• Air. Dickinou' a CTZ•8i3.t, 1ti 7. ;, 1%G She has had char a of the entrance eines i left this week for oder}ch once l hiss I that they may sour + day be induced to AT wore( for $onto y ars aura our re6ders are , locare their pork f :'tory its Wiughalr., . I, easy for thmo who are equipped The farmer who thinks that I will charge i well aware of he splendid work i this i the best wishes o Glia TMs: or his ; They have been to the pork success in the conn y town, P packing for the proper tit: nHaction of business t1 as nn ch. to Heil his farm as an agent of tete' line, she being lways very s essful j business for the p ,t tiveutySeven yearn I affairs. Those who get their educa- 7 t iv norm nder a Great Mistake. is laboring I with her pupils. i Latest Hats.—Bla°1 all iscrat color, !stud their well k awn "Maple Lear, ti,>,u where atteatiou tis given to de- himiluth S,,ns @@" For m, torntH cal= ::t my oillec• and invests• Saturday introclucti ale price $1.20` 1 braud of liam% vi kfAst bac011, lard, i t Ll.s old s}ni},.r urethods will have Boys tweed su s. •ze, 7 to 30, in 1 Youotvin }iFiiHt -1 til pcall, b l ie a iii miif nd nice claret color, rth 0, Saturday! C' der Co. 'f ere is a househol word }u many parts I the advantage of others. We have in- (J. J. Iiomuth retiring) farm has been listed for two years and i9 not ;sale pries $2.05 at 'he rowder Co. I YDu oau buy au cud fall wool or f Ot Gauada. Wit a conmecdou like this, formation for yon if you are interested `- Hold. Second -I do not reeeive,,d.00fon ever • ! the ptediCt to bilge t fatale for the Wing- . [[:: - union carpet at D. 2. ardor's "just to hani Produce CO. Wiu Than is ver Forest City Nisinpss College farm I larva listod froom some firm who will APRIL WEDl)I Ct — At ti=p mAnse, , „ have sour money to stay me. Third -I do not Wiugham, on W inesday of this week, f suit" your room a t a price 'just to ; fortunate in hav rg such a well known • or char ,•sou 2.trri on tete Hale price• when yams , suit your pooke olt. Y. M.C. A. Building, London, Ont. SALE TO farm is Hold. Fourth -1 do not believe in Mr. Charles Mart n and Miss Mary Bur- I firm locate here, rho have gained high ; charging Por something I have not done, and gess, of the Blue ale road, were married DON'T KILT, T=tE BIRDS.—Rritil the ! reputation in th British markets. titi'e' ' J. W. WESTEFtVEI.T, Principal. Ma 9 cannot guarantee to do. - ud the return of the greeting to Mr. START ON I by Rev. D. Peru. In the eucaine+ a t coming of spring (also extend a trdial Whenyou. ou lint yonrfnrm for Halo at my offlae very Pleasant t me was spent. at the birds there is liaL--e to be a revival of the I Graharn and his amily who have come: ` you are incurring no f•osts whatever nnlc•Hs I I homy of Mr, Ch ,rtes Henderson, Blue- I practice of destsa*lug the little feather- to make Wiugkl n t it home. ! effect a sale, turd then I guarantee you will be va:1e road, by til , many friends of the + ed songsters Wit t catapults and other : i-+1 ....................... """ Our entire stock of Tweeds, sadefted to pay me the small commission I ask. I young eouale. The Txxrs joins with I weapons. 'Ther 's no excuse for this The Black ! Goats Furnishings, Boots and T. J. MAGUIrE, I the friends in w siring the young Couple cruel practice, fad we hope that thef MEETING, F RA AYEits,--A meet- i •!• business Education leads to 1 Slices, actually at gait and , Ciiice over D. M. Gordon'H store) ];state Agent. a lea weddecAlife. boys of Win had+ I ' t below, This is a Genuine Sale, happy 9 g will employ their ac- lug of the ratepaye of Wittgham and I .t. Z A Bargain for everyone. Any- I WANTED.—Creamery since Dairy But. ? tivities in proteedug the birds instead of others interested in btafning better post ! •1: one needing a pair of Boots or ! Who Wants a Farm ? I tar, Eggs 120. G. >;• KINO, i to be proud them, of it we could Sayo=that tau I oiler Chamber facilities r nill eeheld tal the Cnnm» j ' anythShoesing ng i Suit 0f Furnishings or f FARMERS, NOTICE, -100 bags of Goose i innocent bird is sever wantonly killedin next at 8 o'clock. y b I •1• ,y we teertainl can saver Yslu bgs for i c0, vor 4,000 acres 150 andchoice 200 acres, lots rill Wheat and Manchuria Barley, at T. A. I tiViugham. N: tnralists tell ns tilos( the SIiOE SUOIAL.—Z 10 E ` y gMILLS. birds are mecess r f pworth League .g• mono Remember, this is no Iiii110HH, Greencek, Bruce, Sincaidine, Huron i ( y or the existence of held a yery succes nl "Shoe'' social in •s' Provided you get it strictly first-class y + and Ashfield Townships. Gooch lands with t vegetation, ailcl tiley were all killed •II• fake. Also the balance of our good buildings to be so=d cheap on easy terrnH. ; CONSERVATIVE Urdj\CENTION. — T 11 o i a the lecture room 0 tine toheodist thatch ,i. Business Educat:,,n such as can be •1'• Dry Goods will l:e sold at 50e. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in eon- ; Conservatives of Welt Huron held their' off' Fees and sl rubs and plants of all on Thursday eve ing last. A pro- i had in the wall -known • on the dollar. We also offer n boon) ddoing oingagood business,ms Errs o cheap. I convention at Smith s Hill oil Wedgies- i stand the ds aattacld t of the insects be able 0 which gramme of vocal sic, recitations and l our store for sale—one of the Also n u ngonsho A goueral storo with Leri e (lay. 4niong those yho attended from' I an address by the stor, Rc+v, R Hobbs, , Central Business l finest in the country. I trade+, live village, Also a large amount o I Winghrim were Join Kerr, ' Win, Cle,►g, tvAulrl infest th n, was given, rifler, v}iiGh • refrfshmeuts 1 + C [Y Business UoUe G 'i" 1. 4 money to loam at o per cetit. For further par-. W F. • ti A tiStoue, Du1ti)agp; :: I'. + For Laboring ten --•A °ocl stm k °f f «'era served. The clmission Yep t hang- "l" ticulars ppl to, t ., 11 STRATFORD 0 HpI UTbI SO1cTS. + 9 T. _ : ]tic"kii ivlllt, Lloyd, C. N. _Gi'if%tn H.'O. • Bell; D. , j overfills in biue, blabelt cl white at GOC, ed was a sain egnA to twice the size• of I ; , NT. ` Tnsnrancu At int, Hoivrood, ;McDonald. Dr. T. C. isholm, Rev. AT. S. 17Gc, 90° and $I.Op, ith And `t itllout I one's sboe. The tr asury of the League i •b All AccouNTR'IL•ST I3E PAID BY i Bar•wash, Roland B attic, E. C. Clarke, { bibs. Smocks in b Worry 00e, checked was enriched by ab at $20, as axesult oY You risk noth:ni h attending tbtH T= Is'r or MAY. t Dr. J. J. Elliott, H. HeIe and Mr, bine and white Rubber lined. and tae eutertt<iunment. ; y g GEivEAL LOCAL VL (rS. i Milligan. The c ivenition was very leather covered. These are good wearers,) College, Thi- tH the school whoso •f' { largely attended al Dir. Wm, Mitchell I and. worth the money. HANNA & Co. Buy your Dress Goods d Muslim at! . gradn:c'eH are in strong demand as ,4- See IlAlsev F:trk's a(:vextisotnent. Goderiell Star was electpcl a the Candi- I i D. M. Gordon's - - o -Date Store. d• 1, touchers in husinerq collf+geH and as p. I elate for the Lenish tura. ! BUSINESS CfIAN •,—Dir, Al. IT. Mc- Stylish goods at int ouable prices. bookkeepers and stenographets for 4'• marriage licenses — Campbell's Headache Wafer " Indoo has sold his eneral store business tip, N. BARNES D dD,—tiV. N. BArtte3 I t »ninenc bnHiao.- firms. ;t'' s Priaran- I tie teed to cure headache. I Lion Brand Clothing/for Boys can to Messrs. Alex. Ritchie and Wm.wn ' I + P dssuecl by FRANIt PArr•.nzsox, No. 23 Victoria I :only be bought a M. Gordon's. Ito and the ow firm has taken' of Ontar o , s Bar the Wpstprn Section I + Write for catalogue. -street. Wineham. Ont. No wituessesreatilred. , WANTED AT ONCE, A ood girl; good Pants have doubt eats and oubi° I possession- Mess . Ritchie and Camp- , y, died on friday ! wages, no washing, elppt_y to Mrs. I knees—that means cable we I boll are not strong s to the many pat. night at Tillsonbnr from the effects of , •I• W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. `z' Dr. Kennedy. I pleurisy. The deco sed was t2 years of I , y R® IE ( ) y. i rens of this store. Mr. Ritchie has re- iwas , ......... s ............. I Waterproof Clothing.— lir stock in ! ceutiy returned frc a Saginaw, and was'oldest oldestthotema i e of uu da. known vent o 0 I DEAL AT Ho, -,,E. Siuctl -mail order this lino is tnety and n1)- -date iu style y A colo Itlte lino of tiro beat Gr°caries publicatiou5 have be ttl making it easier and CanAdittu elm an and English in I for years tvitli McIncioO. Mr, tltirt ears ago he was a i P i g driver for once Canned Goods rhos, mousy can j for people living in r mote places to ab- I make, Anything u desire the 1,ave it. I Campbell has been•.onueeted with this FOrbesystable, of W odstoelc. '`Barney" i COP., ma -ting of Cr,urt, Maitland„ bu We still AG til° lowest possible twin whatever the i it desire without i store for itiauy sears. Both these I L U 1+., with t)e held this (Friday)( q: p ( y Y HANNA & Co. ( was for over a quer er of a century a: evening. prices. Weston'S Bread, Toronto, going away from h C, it would not be gentlemen have (yen connected with j resident of St T1t0n s, and owned and for sale. JOHN GRAY, E strange if villagers nd dwellers in conn- I. PsOI;A>3LY LOCA E HEtIE.— Richard I this line °f busiues for some years and I drove (many fast h rses, DP . ast, was I Any orders for sales left at The TLS tEs: street, north. I try towns will find at the columns of I Holmes Esq., barr iter, of Toronto and are thoroughly post ul on all the require- JosephineI Iwell knots n to mA y Will sand ; cfficp ~will r,,ceire prompt attention. _ this paper are just a to order from. I frimily are now vi? ting with his father, menta of the trade and we feel sure I has attended nesse all the r s that I Currie, auctioneer. i I Thomas Hnlures, q. It is quite prob- that they will rotaii the reputation this 1 have been, held i this tow ' BANK! See King's wind Buy $2 worth of ! able that Mr. Ho les will remove his store has gained. `.he new film's Au- ( I HORSE1tEN.—Before ordering your atr-- D o I ' ION , goods and get the coy that takes that ; principal business nterests to Win ham nomicement will be ouud iet every issae ! Saturday with Pro er Co. —.12 nnal route bills or pedigree folders, Balt 1 Parlor Suit. g ' ? I ninkiug this his 11e dquarters and open- of The TmEs and a wish them uu- Mells suits, sizos 36 , all wool tweed, I at Thr. TniEs nfi2 a and see what we calx You will get the .best plow repairs— I ing in colic here f r the practice of his bounded success in heir busiue;s ven- {{ worth $7. . Saturday sale $G. 1 do for yon, We have a large number off for all makes—at tae old reliable spot. p `ture. Mr. McIndoo as been in business I A PoPDLAR TEAC ER HONORED.—The I splendid cuts of va•lons designs and our rp 1 t1 i I profession, as well s for the purpose of Capital 1, Q UCC i - T. H. Ross. attending to his ther's business acid I in Wing},am for m iy years and has I students of the fi aura second year i stock is all of first-class quality. Prices ( a h estates generally. Business will still Le I been successful in bt ilding up to large l classes inelectrici and first year meth'- I richt. R t rh gg g0P I DELEGAT>;s.—The delegates from g eserve • • • • • • 11 z 0ittlillQ Wiugham who tended the Liberal I conducted in Torol 0 slid the office kept, trade. He has maty t made np his mind i matics at the Tec tical School gathered i CORRECTED To D ,TE.—Our mailing convention at D igannotl or Monday at 7G Yonge street, where a well known as to what he will do n the future, but I on Thursday nigh at the home of Mr, 1 sheets have been ear dully gone over this were • J. A. Mor • u D. M. Gordon F. barrister is located in connection with does not intend leavi g the town at pre- !!! Frank Brown, 18 aldwin street, to rio : week and all n=oniw received on a-ilb- t 10 A r a G. Sparling, Hal y Park, T. A. Mills, Mr. Holmes, whos city property inter- i scut. He is a class o citizen that Wing• honor to their ins actor, Mr. Charles i scriptious crediced, ind we have this: WIN , gists alone will re ire his frequent at- i pain cannot afford t° lose and Nyehoop N. Peak'. After short ro ramme of week sent out a lit •gp number of ae- Samuel Bennett m. Nicholson, Hugh q q P g i; teudauce there. r. Holmes' Winghau j he may be able to re ain with us, music, Mr, Brow on behnlf of the! conuts to parties owi-,• for subscri t=oast Hamilton, Peter Penns, A. Tipliug, G. I g P A, Newton, A. Cc --ens, R. E. McKenzie, office will for the resent be at the office ' boys, presented Mr. cake with a beano- I etc. We are vers- much in need oil' SHAW C I. Q C g of Thomas Holme on Jose hine street Veterinary Sarg ons are liar all j fill easy -chair, neon npaaied by an ad-' money at the prf`mon time and we hope, Will Robertson, W • P, Grierson and , + P . ' I clothes. This wee Dr. Wm. S e, V. t H. B. Elliott. I opposite Bell's 'tory, until suitable I dress. Air. PeA.lte as taken completely our friends will be prompt in making n I I arrangements ar made for other and I S of Stratford, Se t to A. R trtith of I by sarprise, but nth de a fitting reply, i remittances. A General Banking Business Trans- 1 Farm of SG aerps for sale or 20" acres Wingliam for a ui c overcoat, i thankingthe boys 'or their loyalty to; Acted. I I larger ofiicea. 113horoy"A claire, as i e kind that A. y s y Farmers' Stale Notus Collected, and ! north of the outh of (railwaria y set, Apply too DS WANTED.—Two more apprentices to I above from the asses during or tato Globe erefprs loo , TO cvltL A COLD 1N Old E DAY R,, Chisholm bloc ells. Dr, Steele f ' advances made oil slime, ( also bud one of the a wouderful Baden Take Laxative Be.n io Quinine Tablets. Al I Stewart, Wingliam. learn millinery. Apply at once to Mrs. I a son-in-law of . 'H. Davis of this circ ggists refund the money if it fails to ours Drafts bouglit and sold ori all points in Gr©alt, Powell hats sent. r, Steele showed his towel, ! E. W. sts refund d the ntw is On each hos. 1.",e. fJanada. United States and Europe. Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases I j ,• ,, P wisdom by buyin Shoroy s stake o I SAVINGS DEYARTAI'.ENT—Iute.rest of the eye, eat,, nose and throat. Eyes 160 acres of unbroken prairie land, four I clothing. I MONEY TO LOAN.-1 IOIltty t0 loan on -- -• -- ---- - •- -- -- allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, tested and glasses supplied. Of}}ee op- guiles from a railway station in Mani- notes, and notes discounted at reason - ,and added to principal 30th Juho and 31st posite St. Andrews church, London, ! toba, for sale or exchange for town! DEATH Or Ants. RAtiAK, --It is our I able rates. Money advanced on mort- a, December each year. Ontario. property. Apply to A. Dulmage, real I sad duty this week record the death ' gages, with privilege of paying at the i FnEE DmtoNSTI 1TION.—Walter Bak estate ugent, W Ingham. of ill ab thSt of vhiC11lovpd wife of )Ace at end of ally year. Notes and accounts R A. E. GIBSON, Manager, I , collected. Ofiicc. Reav(r Plook being & Cols. pure, del cons Breakfast oe0 Taarrsr MEn Nos The Board of I a" Vartstone, Solicitor, I her home oil Frauic s streot of Monday )tam IiOBT. MOINDOO I ; wall be served fre to day and -mor. License Commisr nets Will meet at the + y ro.00 w at the stores f C. N, Il and IinspeCtor's office, Tinton, all Thursday, I mor==tng, Dacen ed had been A1111,; jLL ONLY Fiv Hovlts. It is tvitll ` John & JAs.H. g r. A out ady dress• April 17th, at 2 m., to consider the I for some time tuui last fall underwent feelings of the de pest sorrow that we eel to represent tl tea silt will be in applications for tl license year of 1302• a successful opera late for the removal ohroticle the ve v sudden death of ` BANK HAMILTON, attendance at ca i at , who will de- of An ovarioln tun r. She appeared to , 3. Last year t e holders of licenses + 1 • ' Hattie P. Fisher, rele,vpri wife of lots. t r •y F . i industrate the m, its of this cocoa, both were thirty lrokei since ttvo shops, And! be time, sit yeun i bn its}Chrisat- John A. McLean, _ ad el(hast daughter of "• d I h , . as a food and a (It nk. You are cordial- this year there are applications for Postmaster Ifish(r which ocenrred at Iy itivikpcl to call. An attractive booklet thirty ore hotels Ind two drops, the now i been ailing, Tha . dread trouble, cancer, the fancily reside tee early TupRciny W I N Uri A ■ I of choice recipe will be given each a llcaht beim S I teas tie ilnmed ate cause of death. I b pp g Pilte of tho Waverley morning, at the ng__ of try years, Mrs, r.. . visitor,t she was not-)nsidered seriously ill , Hotel Clinton,Ctfitfon}'he Board has decided McLean had a'njC.- wd her minae gaud - --- Oapital paid up, 02,000,000,00. that lio 1}cense w 11 be ranted to Any until Friday lost. Mrs. Grahaul was in health up till Mo. (Inv evening, when BOY WANTED. Boy with necessary g her 44th year and was a datghter of Jiro. early in the eveninf she was taken ill. Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00. qualifications to learn drug business. hotel which has r ay k=nee of a slot ma- l chine or music box on its remises. Stroud of Lowe Wiugl,atit, and was Medical aid ttiAs su nnoned and All that President• -Jon STVAR11. Apply AC Once to IiOLIN A. CA`IPI1Rtt,. P married to )lir. 4rahanc over twenty - G. It &:ttsv. ]Jost IIntrau Lice: se Board tv%Ii meet at y. was possible to do (itis done for bel•, bat Seeds -10,000 Go pkgs. of seeds. 10 the Antericatl Hcnel, Brussels, ail Tues- five years ago. rs. Graham was a she passed peacetui v away early 'Plies• DIUBOTOR.S pkgs. for 20c. (lover, Timothy, Goose (lay, 22nc1 nnst , ati 10 a. m, to deal with most estimable t man till(, her death day morning. Tlv cause of denth was SPECIAL. STALE OF Wheat, Spoltz &o for sale. will cause much rrow to many in internal hemorrha' . Our departed .tohA. W. W r, (1e•o, 1.) A. Wm, GTibson, M.P. the applications i t new hotel licenses. , wilt ham and vic tit Mr. Graliant MISSES' G. 1.I 1Nc,, spars assistant A. T. Woo8,1+i, i•., A. A. Leo (Toronto}, r )here were (+its) teen licenses granted I g y , friend tvtrs for n env General :1la:tnger• 4. T 71MBULL. I BANIC CIiANt1E5, r, Mort. W. Mor- last yenr, but the LAkelet Mouse was d°- I three daughters a son and other re- postmistress hero. a (1 j rtor to her marri- IatnveS will have t 6 sllncere s nl aril SHOES- tol. _gt0u, (rho has %eels ilei• ili tbo Blink of sttoyed by fire. Thus ,year the number i y P• y awe to )ter now i _ rpt,,t od hushnnd itl1 1Re o itsor', andupwards ecei red, a Platnilton here for °me tithe, has been of applicants is n hteen, Mrs. G r.Ic- Tf many friends n Choir berea,•venient. An~nit last, she rn ; i)rF reripiwtt of a Dep 1 r vc I The fuuertil took Aeo t0 t11e Win hatn , terestallottc+cl,nnd oonepntecl (A lite rn1thNO- ttansferred to the end ofllco at Hamil• Kim, of Royal He tel. Walton, . 'ing an g very handsome fire Hat frotu the bu,i- $1.25 BOOTS for - $5 eetilt9* vember and dist iFlay each year and added to tell, The Tmus ' pleased to learn than aipplicalt for a bf!i r anti twin icehse. I cemetery or Wec esday afternoon. The ness people to show 'lie bisln esteem int , - principal, this young Will fomite has received ; services At the tense and grave were which slip (vas bele ::)te 1,nsse s, d a Only 1,, pairs, sizes 11 to ~- Special Stet exits nlso r•aceltett at current Rugs and Atatts.-•---"Wo ave received a i conducted by R v. R. Hobbs. )) Ates of htterK•st, Such a promotion lid we wish him $ac- I trite. Warm, tltlacti ,ntp heart and t+ as I cess rlr his new ho e. Mr. Roborts,aiso shipment of elegan is and rugs front I til consistent as 1 u right rhn•istian tt0- , These Boots o oil sale Saturday lien Drafts on Giant ?tritoin and the t n.ted of 'this b is ne , hA, been transferred to rat. to $4.50, Lot choice and prices A special line of pantings at'Maxw ell's, main, and had .1: err large g states Bought and raid, , y right. 1i . NA & Co. friends who heawl f hcl• vetycisu lrlrtn p _ .- . Travellc a ,:r,• l.uti'tc'd ('tat tli, Lnnlrc° num Hallulton. 'he ce young lueu were g r at r with ntoour. c h m tit in and its 1lrhnrhrH is ,re t irrtrlar%att•s of l tcnctetrrl it farm —all itupper by their 1), M. Gordon elaill that his flue ' b . le 1 v 1 r v. Het hA ., a . ! n l2. ape tnr;,m In oris window. '.fit pe tilnc2 UUnds Na►ttonalPrnvrrtcm113an1 ei l nY±lana, I.tieiteti,' Winghttltt irfptids tt Jatnes Mcielvip's 1;nglish Serge SluVf men sit 111,10, re:rved Ilttsbttncl, t stents, bratlrcts find tell can be ra.,itf d to lticout '0 rnr ge or from 1 bee to a% part ooh¢• tenrrd. restaurant Oil Moi --Inv pvtltiittg, liZr, W. with wile Ir'rench.gs lm fast, Arp t 1111d R'OrXit3 O 114 CQIIt. Ftifein. At1d at1,PY t etattvprt will }lave i • EE r tr o Brucefield will fall better vatlue than6.00 tailor matte Ithe s n=tatby of 'ery rnnlly frimids in1 W. UO'1C1'ti1TLI), Afeat IA. 12tittelibt ry , I on edAy. litomlt re.uainoTublrts care n cold in I y. 1 nXeltivociP'. 1 ';c,::. , •8110 of the vacallc ps herb. Suit Ili L (alta(,a. Sed them. one dnv. No Curo.no Pay. Price '5 c•e•nts. tlt(+ir time Of vhrV ate bet eaventniat. Csarxl vials+i in flanks and 4'oti, t.& a Xd r „•...w-ut .y, ,till: '5.,, h d,,..ap„ . . ... 9 .-,Tw. - A6 a., A*4*.Wft .UR 411110 .. _ 1 - .. ... ... -.gid..,...,..,.. ... _.,... ,...,...,, -