HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-04, Page 8r
TIIE WING1A)i TIME,8, APRIL 42 1902.
-West Huron Prohibition Alliance ISS D GIA if 11 INt1 IJUp
lamwill hold its adjourned meeting at God- /
H. 4\,,GI N 0 0 0. "rich to -day. A. T. o. M. BEAUTIFUL The
q The referendum on ilia Manitobaslob Tettchr r of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Mush ** a y ® CM
Li uor Act teas defeated oil Wednesday method, Pailttplcic :roti Kitidetaarteu• ' H x l x
. ..A, Peo les I x '
b a ma•orit of over. 5,000. Pupils prepaxcci for Conaelvutoay cxatnina- N ESV p
a y' though, a few isolat- tiorts. ;' Q RENT.
_ clod saur alq o Iia
As taxi (piclemlo, small ox has ceased.
o t xa tin Untarao, RlItIM S0 1id
ed cases are stall r" orted from time to
time. Thounderstt,ned hastwo acres of land to p ,rent ill t}to wt"gnlu Town Plot. Fpoza the 0 sLAJ
A small fire occurred at ..X. Carrs preutise ti is a oud house, which has been re -Spring
eentl bricked and is in We have never been in better shape to supply your
tailor sh+'t+ na'Pe"swater one evening re y gocxl santIle. A iso zt
;oodiotrh:uxi. Thispl:ttd+wiltl11ntodreuson Farnat•aro needs In low rice, medium find high-class
FOR EASTER eanrly, Very little damage was done by able. Apply to p
the fire, bila considerable was done by A, KPIAX, Win(;hantP.O. goods than at the prosent time
nlr, c'arr'y Wia,gharta . Carr's stock. Are ln, See our
[ to anc'l water to Mr. t Elena will be Extension Tables, extending r 813,50
Great Clearing Sale of Sills, y to hear of his loss.7 WALKER BOOS. E& BUTTON 16, 18 and X20 ft; , ).Oo to
Liedroom Suits very ne%t design t
UNDERTAKERS, W}NGHAM, I well made r q c ,..
f.nclS and Odcl lints on Satt1C- I .,ive Stock si:axicets. ,holden finish. .. X10.00 to w$ :i,,10 t
day. Over two hundred yards There were large receipts at the Tor- Night calls at Mutton Wook, or 1, irth ' U I T I N G S OUR SIDEBOARDS AI I SLLLERS.-Don't buy
t ettto tattle Market Tuesday morning, door south of Sollool Elouse, Shop op- ! without seeing r' r
of plain incl fancy Silks, from Lot the t:acletta:tgoodonad"gnat of a posits, Macdonald blovli_ g what Sia can give you at. 910.00
1 t0 4 yards in ends, 'worth ! • :+i d(•nvnid for all classes of cattle, and °13.50, bevel mirror• a
frOtll CC t0 CaC, ChO1Ce Oil I and rhe prises were therefore well main- ' Before buy .i n g else -
from aiiwd. • The receipts were 95 loads, CHEAP i C E Y. Our buying has made your buying ,easy.
-SatUrday at 29C a yard. This whien included 1,6s3 cattle, 30.i sheep where. Also fia special I ® r
' ttntl lttuths, 400 holt road 75 calves. The Money to loan ou ft+ran property at PSN 1 INGa7. y 13A L tL ro
is the best thing' we have ever1f.,, Ot' toe. market was the advance from 41% to 5 per cone., with hLeral line of Ever
offered in Silks. Dont miss in tho price of sheep and lambs, which terms of repayment, Apply to ..a
seeing this earl On Saturday ttr"' noxi aa'a.in at the prices which they - R. VANSTONE, 1 thing you want in the UNDERTAKING ti
zD Y y •brought before the slump last week. wingham.
morning. Hags alyo advanced 12i90 for choice and PAPER HANGING KALSOI 9INING I'pailoring line can be 1RUsIDENCE-PATRXCl;r ST. The People's
a 25o for lights an fats, the demand be- 8. i rncey's former residence,
lug strong and flue receipts small. t had and satisfaction where night calls will receiva Furniture ' +
The following are the quotations ' r Ij
neon ptattentaon, Easter Suitsstore
tee. guaranteed. .. ,
Shippers, per cwt 4 50 $5 2G
Orders will receive r
Butcher, choice do..... 4 25 5 OU ' prompt attention.
Serges, Worsteds, Tweeds, Butcher, ordinary to All work guantuteed. R. MAXWELL.
good . . ....... . ...... 3 60 4 00 J. ROGERS
in plain and fancy, are In the Botcher, inferior ...... 3 00 3 35 Wingham. PAT\TER HiGn ART TAILOR.
Stockers ..... .. ... l00000000000!♦00000000000600,♦00li00000000000000000
latest patterns and fashionable .. 24 0 3 60 _.. _ . .._._ _. - ,_ ....... _. _
effects, made in correct styles. Choice ewes, per owt.. , 3 50 4 00 ♦ i
strictly first-class, in all sizes. Butchers' sheep, each... 2 00 3 25 Z d
Lambs per c`vt......... 4 00 a 00 Am
Bucks ............ .... 2 50 3 25
Also full range, of Spring afI'LBERSANDCALVES. MONEY WELL SPENT' + r n S
Overcoats in fine Clark greys. Calvesee ch:::..::.::: 3z oo io 00 "' $
+ More 3a El
Everything special on Satur- HOGS.9 4
da for Easter. Choice hogs, per cwt... 6 25 6 25
Y Light hogs, per cwt.... 6 00 6 00 Is the result of a purchase made here. ♦ - 4
Heavy hogs, per cwt... 5 50 5 75 Look over our Wall Paper and you will 4
Sows, per cwt . , ....... S 50 2 00 p Y Last week it was Finnan Hacldies, This week
Easter Cloves Stags .......... ....... 0 00 2 0o be delighted with the patterns and the ♦ it is BROOMS. Ever person knows hotiv ,;,,RM• beautiful collars. The figures shown on ♦ Y 1 4
01ITstxorat.-140T.Winghann, on April 2ttd, the g + broom corn has advanced In price. We managed
Fine ranryp of Ladies and .vire of H. H. Chisholm; a son• our Papers are beautiful, while the + to secure a bargain lot. Twenty-seven lbs. to i
rangf- Lucknow, on March .5th, the
Gents' new ILid Gloves List w'ifeofGeorgeAndrew,ason. + the dozen. Each broom weighs 2i
J OrrNE-In Culross, on March 22nd, the wife figures we ask for them are small. ♦ hS lbs, well
opened, in new shades and of John Cline, a son. + made with four strings at - 25e.
: BRAnnHAw-In Morris, on March loth, the + ' ,
makes,ualtt ' guaranteed.
1 wife of Thomas Bradshaw, a slaughter,
q ' t gHA:ttrLmoN.-In Wingltam, on Mnrch29th, the ..
wift, of A. L. Hamilton; a daughter. ' yy ♦ 4
1 t, theNWHwife
of F. ickEaRWR; anon. On April ^ 1 +
- New Dress Goods, 1 ZUSl•nS, Ist, the wife of F. Nicholson; u son. Y%fY. i■ Paper
Hosiery, Shoes, Laces, Em- '' i
STF.irART-MAixrtatzs-On March 27th, at - - • •'+
broiderles, Carpets and Lace the residlence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J + -- -
Ross, B. A., Mr. W. H. Stewart to Miss Ada E.,, A
Curtains, Stock well assorted eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Mainprize, all of ;
Brussels. We have just opened up a package of
DIED. For Parlors Dining Rooms, Bed +
1 CO AN -Ill Wroxeter, on March 22nd, Agnes *'
Goods shown with Measure I Sherriff, wife of Jos. Cowan, village clork,aged Rooms, Halls, Kitchens and Ceil- Z Table Jugs, nicely decorated and embossed.
about McIvayears. patterns, in three sizes, 2
baoIvFa-In C,odarich, on ]Starch 23rd, Mary lags, with Borders to match. 1 t , at oc, .5c and ,)oc. 4
McIver, relict of the late Murdock McIver,
T aged 90 years :Incl l2 clays. ;
ST> vaNsox-In Gi on March 23rd, Wm. ♦ 4
Stevenson, aged 98 years,
M. Q Atattsrn-Iu Culross, c,n Msrch 23rd, Henry t► +
H. i ® IACroll,agf d(}9yoa rn on larch .2 j . _ WINGHAI I + A eN URIM"FIN 4
M. I • Crell, aged Auburn, on Mtttth 6th, Mrs, L
Sohn Clark, aged 73 years alta 8 months.
0111 RCRat.L-ln Tnrnherry, on March ..7th, ♦ ,
I Susanna Frances, daughter of James Church- +
PERSONALS, 1ill, aged 20years and 6months. + 4
I?VRCSLL.-In Listowel, Dfarch2G, Georgennie + 1'+44+b0♦+♦♦♦+40+$4+•►0++00 ++"140+♦0+i$4+++++♦f0+i0iO+ 1
Kee, wife of Mr. Nathanial Purcell, aged 34
Barrister Jackson of Blyth, was in l Fears nrd 10 days.
town on Tuesday.
I . ,.Miss Nettie Linklater is visiting with t UU FOR ED11IC
Wriends at Lakelet. y' 4, -- I U FOR R ®ANgo 04
Miss May Bell of `t;liuton is the guest s --
of her sister, Mrs. Ii. U. Bell. Ira -ring purchased n thorough ed Shorthorn _
Bull, . u William Wallace, ved Febriaro
I ` g i
fRlr. Alex. Porter is visiting with Te- 14 U0, ht ed 1 y J. Gillies,yam
p D eeswater, I will l trip A?
fives and friends in Detroit _- I keep h}m for service o$ stfy f premises, lot 10,
Mrs. Currie of Mount Forest is visit- ! con. 1, Turnberry, PI fiigreo may be seen on -4
lag at Mr. Peter S. Linklater's. rtremises. Terms: $1 for common cows; $2
for thoroughbreds,, with privilege of returning /
Miss Della Gracey of Blyth is visiting if necessary, JAS, ELLIOT, Bluevale. l /
with Wingham friends this week. •
Rev. James Kennedy of London, is NOTICE TO;:n1TnRJQ -
xisiting with his son, Dr. J. P. Kennedy. • I\ 1 - It will require 3o clays longer to complete arran "meats
Mr. J. D. McEwen left on Wednesday NOTICE is hereby giv pursuant to R.S.O., a, My old customers are looking g
'for Wallaceburg, after a few weeks stay 1897, Chap. 129, sec. 38, tht all persons having
'in NVingliam. elaimsagainstthe estat of William Ellison, - t0 me to et something good for the transfer of my business into a joint Stock company)
Mr. gen. Linklater left town last late of the Town of Will lam, in the County or g 5 5 g
Huron, gentleman, decea ed, who died on or
'week for Detroit, at which place he in- 1 about the 13th day of Ja , Lary, 1902, are requir- In the therefore our Slaughter Sale will be continued for another
tend8 residing. ed to send by no prepa or to deliver to R.
Mr. and Mrs R. Newcombe left On ortbefore'thelitlic yofl pril1902,theirnames ` / Q
Wednesday for London, where they addresses and descriptio • and a full statement FA i' ■ /.i VHI JL
intend residing' in future, of particulars of their cla is and the nature of iii... i..b V .Li. .i 999 ""- ••• 111... ii{777 i
the security (if any) held y then duly certift-
: :',Miss Jennie Struthers was summoned ed, tend that after the sai lay the Administra-
oto Owen Sound on Wednesday last, ow- tri" will proceed to distri to the assats of tine
.ing to the serious illness of her sister.,, deceased among the parti s entitled thereto, line for them. I am pleased to tell them and everybody
.yrs. H. B. Elliott left having regard only to the saims of which she y Y DAYS
Wednesday shall then have notice,
'9[fternoon for Gagetown, Mich., to be at Dated this filth day of Mr -alt, A. D.,1902. interested that I am stocking up with the very best this
tike bedside Of her sister, glee. (Dr.)
'Morris, who is dangerously ill. AB Wingham P. o., Canada of ours can produce -and no other country can
6 Solicitor for 'Ie Administratrix.
¢Mrs. C. M. Walker and Mrs. Wm.
`ia dna vero in Loudon this week, Norm TO CREDITORS make better. All ends of Carpets, Oil Cloths, besides a lot of new
attending the annual meeting of the
'W. A. M. A. of the Diocese of Huron.Q✓_ Notiee N hereby given pursuant to R. S. O.
Mrs. James McLaughlin, who hasi 189;, Chap. i'.9, see, 38, that all persons having Among the goods I purpose haridlin are included ones ; Lace Curtains, odd lines of • Clothing, Suits, House
:spent a month visiting friends in and I ala}ms agatnst the estate of Mary Jane Brown, g
:around Brussels left on Saturday for + late of the Town of Winglnnm in the County of
+ y Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, are all included in this
Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about thf- famous
'ler home in Wingliam.-Brussels ; the 10th day of February, 1902, are required to
Herald. send by post rnropaid or to deliver to R. Van -
W. C. Campbell, nuts of Glcnannan, Clearing Sale.
stone, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before
the 18 m
tk day of April A.D. 1902, their names, maw
ingersoH. maw of the Sutherlarid Iunes Co., Limit- addresses and descriptions and a fullstatement
ed, Chatham,. Ont., has been appointed j of particulars of their claims and the nature of
foreigyn exchange CIerk iu flue Company,thesecurity (if any) held by them N0 0duly eerti- ' 0■
Company's ? fled, and that after the said day the Executors
office at New Orleans, La. will proceed to distribute the assets of the de -
Mrs. Win. Bond of Cass City, Mich,, Cextscd amo+lg the parties ant}tied thereto, Lav- AS
who has been visiting with relatives in to regard only shltnotice. Clain, of which they
ll then holic
en Mtge "". , I f you drop in and see samples now ready, you
•coil around Harriyton and Winlham, Dated this:.OthanyoPMarchfA:,,A.D.1.
left on Saturday, March 22nd, for her R. VANSTONE,
home.-Harriston Tribune. WitnghcnnP.O. will certainly be very favorably impressed. If you see
Solicitor for tho Executors.
Mr. John Darroch received word on THE CORNER D R U C STORE
Thursday morning of the sudden cacti, ! -them you will want them, and if ou bu before seeing
04 his father at Owen Sound onWidnes,' ,ja1'a111a1 ' 1 t %'}ic! y Y
day i,ight. Mr. Darroch left for Owen,
them you will be very sorry, for I can tell you; they
Sound yesterday afternoon. I , , i
'"Miss Mary Beckett has returned home: are swell goods.
from London. We are pleased to learn' 1
that sliey . In the Van a1
has fully recovered from Tier! ` ► Then I handle the renowned Woodstock Wagons, etc., `r 1C Nerves
recent illtiess and her man friends will 4
be much pleased to welcome her back ,, I , Cockshutt, Brantford, Plpw Goods, Percival Plow Goods,
_ J It is early, quite early, to Nervous energy, the one thing - When You
t 4 `
Not '
B. Bell c` Sons St. George Cutting Boxes, `which are lacking in the majority of people,
' talk of anring goods, But f1i + Think of
we have made' ready to depends upon the proper nourish- ,
so well and favorabl known in this vicinity.
J, New.i meet your wants when the y' Y Y• nient of the brain and nervous sys•
_ I o n ' t think our Va o -1
p '
Cresolene is something I
thne cordes. We're bound
to he ill the forefront,
I t would take too much space to enumerate everything
tem. Unfortunately artifieial stim-
ulants are resorted to and the result
y Q
Pu l 4 % Dru gS
t:ar , for it silt. bu ,::•.,.. !
1Ve arederertnined to win
I keep in stock. Suffice it to say that I purpose handling
is invariably a reaction, producing
i twenty years it has i
been extensively used for ;
your tailoring account on
sheer merit. Every gar.
nothing but the best goods I can get hold of, and would esteem
mental depression, (or blues) inabila-
ty to sleep, weakness, headache, un-
ilk of
all forms of bronchial and
throat trouble. Mrs. Iiallington f
ment we turn out is a strong
bid for business. Its style
it a favor to have the pleasure Of showing customer's and
necessary, worry, and other well
y /- y- • +
Ht 1HII1ltVil'x7 T
tooth said of it, years afro, that "No 1
-its wor[rmanship---its tit
friends through illy stock, which will be found up-to-date ill
What is most ueeclocl aucl Sought
family where there are child.
-its finish -all appeal to
every line,
by intelligent people is a nerve food
reri young
the goc+d taste and ambitions
and tonic combined. Such is iron
enol breath etre e. parlor, it
goes all ' arugl the bronchial tube.
!1! .of
the careful dresser.
In Buggies, as -usual I-ha rarchased three!e'ae-loads
tib p j,
Tonic Pills. g5fi arbox, five for y$1.
SOC. l'''t;ing, rttr,ntr. It's,
from the best lliW6rs, and if you wattt a buggy for $6o, car one18
ai " ° ' 3'
l is ui 1 t lite:
cilli ➢ l,l 1 Le' 11) llF `Tj..sit
; for $ ioo, or 011e for any other price, you will find it here, i
lllur q t Ica a Cates
jlla t ,t p'Iy5ICt tH4 testi'
iitbtti . t' tv 1 :C'0 -S., t V 1Fe a.itL'aOLbtiS t:0
i80 b..[C J.t •D.., tl,V keit.. Is.J.A,
In the Shaw 61ock
(T / j }
Ii- ;,
ITHE I l. O L I) T A N, D
•-_.•.. - •.• .. -
bGlIGO15T _ , . ..
-_ .. iNI LGI AM
__.....- - _. _ .-.__ eominendd'c,
and, solei by.&, L, Hamilton,
`, : •f.1• f
l f tY .11E filar ..