HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-04, Page 6TIN WINGIIAM TIM, A•[TIL 41 I002we .Acme Poultt Netti ng I 1it 11.1'LS FROM THE, G• K, Cranston, Y.S., of Clifford hap A r jT {4'T T opened all office in Fordwieli, ROTE flPage is closomeshed at boitotn end asst not require rail Rr SAN CTUM MILL board. support at edges, haviltK strong straight wire t I a 4'r Henry. ITuth !less sold Ilia blackslnitil G4owC: 4, t21o. l2 gaage) at top, bottonh and in centre, cannot sag Bull Is easy to erect. The "Page Acme„ netting is of tthop at Lakelet to Mr. McNeil .of nnnmiununamllnonttMmpellratanin,ttirgn --- :..., neat appearance, very durable and cheap. We also Paragraps from qur Exchanges. raaannin r, AT , : a,alw fpriu and ornamental fence; gates, Raile and - Winthrop, BOTTORts staples. The name of Pogo is your guarantee of quality. Thi Page Wire Fence Co., Limped, Walkervtlic, Ont, 5 The Blyth flat: mill has fiuishedopera- W ul. IJoherf of Clinton nviitrfbnGed SEE " tions for the season. f#,00a to the building fund of the new The Listowel baseball club has been Dir+thodfsG Church. ' After in Blyth for nineteen 1111 , reorganized. J. C. Baker is the Y x rxli y ?eche, Mr, and sirs, Alex. Lowery have THAT H nlanakcr, removed to Sears Mich. where the at i r Mr Thos. McDonal.l of the 1st con- i ' y', ' will reside 111 future, cession of Kinloss, least week t o d his 100 , ill -- _ FAC—SMILE Mr. Dr rlou s barber shrub b 11 , seri• farm to fir. Little of Kinlost3, for Hon y barberry +u00, provides a penalty of $10 and costs on i „ ,,, , ,. wrtyuue who bhall hereafter plant, oil- egefable re arationfprAs- SIGNATURE British Troop Oil 'Liniment is without p , 1 • , ; ; ; p val ; or sell tsps barberry shrub. th FoodAndRegula- ..,7 %fk ptirut rho most etf'tthve 1'etlleiiY for . sthe Stomachs andBoweLsof-OFr C„4's, Wounds, Ulci\4's, Opou Sores, Mr. Alex, McLeod, of the fourth con- t, 1 4 Ravom irisin, , Stiogs of Insects, c,essioti of Rinlobs has a nineteen A ala,. 13tte -i HOW rsc• ,dYf e;i-e t etc.. Alargebottle25couts• moitthb' old hHavy dlanglht colt that s1► 11:Ai1ui11i. iVl Accordutg to the statantent of several turned the scales at 1220 pounds, shapes of fent, low insteps, high insteps, crooked feet, straight . Estax couuty furuters, the fruit trees of . Jmo. D. XoNeil has purchased lot 25, Promote5 DigeStiOn,CheeTFu1- 0 o feet, q of fpcl toes, tn:lder tons, corns, h,inions, some a Chero- that ewwry have wintered well and a Von, 13, from S. S, Oule, of Ethel, nessandliest.COntainsneither p lists pa -.t lise--}tut ho v m cif er.• ct feet—Nature dirt not eve good l,eacit crop i . exlit cted. OpI11Rl,i OrpYliri 11Or 11iC1cil. is ON TH „ y p g' at >^,3,100. lG fs an unimproved lot frons • all taesr. do f t'mitirs. _You sowed the seers w1Ien you wore those G•co. bleKlty, colt. 4, of Tackersinith, which considerable timber has been NOT Oi 1BCQTIC. shoes that pi •ch,d a little. or fuel not feel just right. Don't repeat suld ilea W mare farm to Guy Colwell, taken by Mr. Cole. I ' the experiment. Wear a shoe that fits you, fits you all over. Tuvkt•rsmith; the price received was 'Three of A. At. Pulley's livery horses rpea101<lllrSlM EPJ7G8 li' «e know the " Sovereign ” Shoe wif r take good care of you, t%%X1, which is considered a good figure. were killed on Wednesday of last week, "" " S.r d- ivin you the ease you desire hidind'an deformities, still car -, W&nrw+ in the Style of fashions latest productions. Tor Ladies or Gen i 1:i;i l"e "v I'ji IC?ia by a freight train at Goderich, Mr, R.ols%&&r— or EVERY Pulley has jest completed his 40th year 1 f}n +seSrodr wear %;3.00. 44.00, $5.00. Price always stamped on the sole. ^ in the livery business in Goderich. Br Ca+dcrralcJa'rr' bort seed - B0 .L I JJJJ O Sold in Wingham by W. J. Greer. A quiet house wedding was celebrated W_ WNA", W. D. Yeo, a resident of Exeter for at the home of Mr, Win. Copp, God- _ some years, died on Monday of last erich St. Seaforth on Wednesday March AperfectRemedy forConslipa-Al ' week. He was a luau full of activity 26, when Miss Mary Copp was united in ' lion, Sour Stomack,Diarrhoea, and only in his 30th year. He 109VOS A marriage to Mr, Samuel Little, of Mc- Yortns,Convulsions,Feverislt- • widow. Gregor; Man., tress andL®ss OP SLEEP. ,__..- 1 A The directors of the Westetil Fair, A convention of the tenij'ie"W11166 blest, L $ignrlture ef', London, have decided to make the date ors of South Huron was held at Hensall, e of the big show ono week later than recently. A committee was appointed °NEW ' ORK. Cattoria is put up in one-mbe bottles.only. It usual. It will open September 12 and to wait upon the candidate of both poli ...,..+ is not cold In bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell close on the 20th, deal acdes and ascertain their attitude you anything else on the plus or promise that it, Worr.s affect a child's health too toward prohibition. 6 t polo." at as rood" uGal anavoz every pnr- Y 1 seriously to neglect. Solnetimtes they i i Thil f qty' 0co that you got 0-A-6-T-0-&-I-J. till 1 pewriter the world was Waiting For. cause convulsions and death. if yuu Mr. S. R. Brill, TeeSwater, received Th11tuh , q1 -+-• suspect thecal to be presaut, give Dr. from the Directors of the Pan American E ;ACT C07f OF WRAPPER. elaiia / Low's Pleasant worn. Syrup, which Exposition at Buffalo, recently, a diploma dgaattu°MG%,JY ' every J h 5 l.. • h fl,- destroy. the worms without injuring the •av/',• °f • etspp°t. "1 h i t ! .. (• ' l ;17 ., t t.. c fact cit the c' B L1 S 1 N E S S l n 7 ut` honorable mention for his exhibit of, , ti. ,.,as, lt,• y- i tilt riJ child. Price 25c. butter. The number of points taken by habit, il.lr t rl i e d U -SI lt. Mrs. Margaret Malcolm wife of Mr. l - • r, g , the exhibit was )r,Z,i Now nl.intd- i uzri-d in three of the creat countres, Viz . Geo. Malcolm, 13.A, of the Collegiate . Used internally Ha. -yard's Yellow Oil ..Cailadu, L ilit•. d Suat•F and (Tri ill8ny. Institute, Stratford, and formerly a tea- aura Suru Throat, Hoarseness,(yluiusy, 1' Ile . 4'l ll. i l i 1.1 l l PRC. ! 1 C R -III V ay h. t ve over 200 in use I cher in die Mitchell High School, died 1',tin it, the Oftest, Croup, eta Used Tht•y know x GOOD chin recently after an il]neSS of over a year. exterually cures ltbiiuulatism, Stitt Joints, Contracted Curds, Sprains, Mrs, T. Neilaus of Harlock died on Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, and Bites ARE 9>! OF`C E F 1T ADVANTACI ES : Wednesday of last week, aged 68 years. of.Iuseuts. Mrs, Neilaus wits of Scotch descent and The Toronto Star says one store there YOU {'11411114' \vriliu • ,u:rt TO filtiSh Portability, weighs only 111 pounds. a staunch supporter of the Presbyterian t. 6 y p took in over $25 worth in counterfeit 11surin idinl;.:be•ats ilwinnli. Alignment, positive and permane„ t, church. A grown up family .mourn her DEAF Ilorabiiity, 1-,tt•itt•urd steel Aar*';. siniplielty, (0pnrtr ns against 14001 deini14e. quarters and dimes in three days and it 'WARRANTED by a well-known Cunodian Company here to back it up. s is passing froth baud to hand through 1 Chs I d reC f th it Tll coin is n e 11 ilG o 1- ANY HEAD NOISES? SPAM" 4'y or e c y. e a see e cul ALL CASES OF • terfeit and is with difficulty detected. ONLY NLY $ CAST®RIA_ Mr. Win. Dill's three year old child I DEAFNESS OR HARD H EARI NC Mrs. James White of Walkerton,form- Gordon had the misfortune to, break his I /ARE NOW CURABLE YOU W AS I'll, that, mach if you BU Y ' an v 01" FI ER, and you DO erly of Burgoyne, died suddenly on Sun- arm oil march 25th at Seaforth. He was 1 g, standing on s chair at the window by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. NOT GET SO c;00D a nlacnftle! day avenin March 16th, at 62 home of g HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. " Walkerton. Deceased was 62 ears o! watching his fattier leaving for work when he lost his balaum— and fellheavil ' age and had been a resident of Walker- 3' F. A. Vi'SRMANI, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: to the ,floor. Il.\ ai'moun, "%ld." rareh so, Igor. T,' -IE S% lX,%T A?1II MFG. Co., Limited ton for four years. Ceritiexiett: —Being entirely citrecl of deafness, than --s to your treatment, I will now give you Perkins,u'e day recently two little boys, sons a full liistory of niv case, to be used at your discretion. f/'Write to -da'. 11i0NTREAL P. Q. Messrs. Evans ani I kio£ Mr. Hetherington of Culross, went to s p + ,. +About five years a 4 viv right.ear bcg.ui to slug, and this kept on getting worse, until I loot water, shipped a car of cattle last week. my hearing in this car entirety. Ten brott ht in b Mr. Wm. Balla'h the bush to watch their fat hep fell a tree. I tuulerwent n treatment for catarrh, for three months, without :tuv success, consulted a num- - . - ••—• r g y R her oC physicians, among other,, the moat eminent car specialist of ibis city, who told vie that 020 ands The tree fell directly on them. One boy 0111\' an opc,ation could help me, aad even that Duly tenitiorarily, that the head noises would weighed 12 , seven fed b Mr. r :; r,} s Yk, a \ ; _ r, ;3 yry e +; _• ,. res +' • ` • r ` / g ' y had his thigh broken, and lits little thea cease, but the hearittC.in the affected ear would be lost forever. g , , Andrew McKague tipped the scales at ` I then sa\c \'oat' ad\'tTt1se11tEllt aecidetuatly itt a \ca Forl: paper, and ordered your treat - brother had his leg broken in two places. znent. ntte•r I had ur•cd it only a few d:n s according to }our directions, Ute noiscsceased, and ® 8,860 pounds, and two supplied by Air. to•dny', a fit r five \rcet:s. any he:u iulr in thi• diseased ear pus beau entirriv restored. I thank you They were bots. severely ,injured, but ltral'tt1\' Atltl bc1, to rt utaiu ferti truly yours, FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners, A, McKee weighed 2,630 pounds. r•. A. wl rllrnr, ";o s. it:oaa\vay, nam;more, Md. hopes are entmrtuiudd for their recovery - 0M, not specialists. The sexual organs com- Milburu's Sterling headache Powders 0M, tr'errtinelat does not iu.ter fer-e vvlth,,yoirr rr,grrrtt of.cillm(Wora. prise the most intricate and important system in the Mrs. Mary McIver, widow of the late , human 1-6dy and require the most skillful treatment., contain neither morphine nor opium, lixamitistimt and t/ylt4! t1lt {191(ii / 11 GtC! A'j jllljy j't a,!(owius/ wYuu atch,-1 afamiti11 physician n tocureSean 1 omptaio r- They promptly cure Sick Headache, Mnrdock McIver, passed away ou Sun- a.l\•icc free. YOU CA CURE YOURSELF c7CL A t i71v1 a fj w• t d s physi of these disxu for over 30' Neuralgia, headache, Headache of day, March 23rd, at the ripe old age of IN lERNATIMM. AURAL trl.G€l.'M, 59S LA SALLE LE A`, E.. f:iP13ARD, ILL. r e Iave ma e a p ...- y jean, have invested tens of thousands of doliarb and have I Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies and 90 years. The deceased lady, like her - every facility knowu to medical science to cure them.; .:;very case Is taken with a positive guarantee of Headache from any cause whatever, late husband was born in the Island of -- — No Curc—No•Pay. Price 10c and21in. Lewis, one of the Scottish groups,' and + nt 4'_p Dn i►e'oISON—whether inh,rited of acquired, ► is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from the system so no danger of return. Ilundreds of cases by and return; best evidence of a The .50 acre farm of Andrew Sharp, , E. half lot 26, con. 7, Grey has passed into - with ler family emigrated'to Cape BretMIF on seventy-five ears since.. ht 1854 the Y' y mff cured us 25 years ago no cure. ► possession of of Robt. Dilworth, whose family moved to Goderich, where lhus- 14t8RTOU%'D08ILITV -and other complication, such as emissions, drains in the urine, varicocele. sexual farin adjoins it, at ;1,700. Mr. Sharp band and wife died. The deceased we tkness, ctc., are cured by our Mew Met Lod Treat. t has purchased W. A. Michels 50 acres leaves four suits. 1 uanaae under a positive guarantee—NO CURE -AO PAY. West half of lot 23, Con. 11, price being WE CURE ALL. DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. , • Eansuitetion Free. Books Free, write for question blanc for • i private home Treatment. Everything confidential.. $2,bU0. W. J. Sharp has leased file farm from his fatter and will move to it. To n^OPe tb Fon that 7)4'. Pj y Ch•tsa ointment o for each hA95011116 H +moi and absolute euro for each MMElik mz lrouv DRS. KENNEDY & KERGANr, The sttdden death of Mrs. Catherine The and every form of iteh ng, blc^dingandprotrudinapiles, RJU • 14t! 6$` ir.8T $'iii2ES:'L+. DETitOIT, MICH. .Smith, wife of Win. W. Smith, tie manufachlrerq have guaranteed it. See tea - • init.nialq in the elaily imess and wzk Sournuigh- ' ' `t' " i x "*'tl' '' • ax+. , 4•.. nsrmaster of Clover Yana and only P y, y hors what they thinko'it You asn use it anti !)ors your money snick it not cared. sac a box, at -.,t, ,, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Blair, of call dealers or RDMAN,9ow DATES Sc Co.,T oronto, Huron township, on Saturday, March Dr. Ch2 s&s ointl1'lteflit 22nd, was received by a large ofrcle, of Two more of the old and respected Ar"B""or"WAr"Ung 7 friends with deepest sorrow, she having residents of Seaforth vicinity have been been ill only a few hours. Deceased removed from the scenes of this life was 34 years of age and had been mar- recently. Mr. Daviel" Branson and Mr. ' Ri ens Tabules 0 o s Rcturs find i tied a few years. William Finlayson, of Egmoudville. A Rood prrser(ption : t Mr. Manson died" oil Saturday, March For mankind.22, a v 3and Mr. Finlayson on Monday, March Ri ens Tabules are a common sense, cure; "' a`a 24. sir. Manson was 76 years of age, p He was one of the pioneer settlers of = for dyspepsia, biliousness, heartburn, headache, con- - - For Infanta and C iaren. Tuckersmith, and only retired from his stipation, dizziness and all disorders of the stomach, Tnesaa farm there about two years ago, and r liver and bowels; They are intended for the use of Aresidence ; Y / uCrY• • evil? took up his esi<teuce in L+'gtnondyille. tlaetnre vrap;ob ;lir. Finlaysou was also a farmer in ' 1 -nen, women and children everywhere, and have = i - Tmckeratnicll, but he has resided in proved beneficial in the majority of cases.. It is not It is with regret that we announce the Egmoudville for a good many years. He = claimed that they will perform mikades, but some of i death of Mrs. Wood, -*ife of Mr. John was but 63 years of age. He has not en - the cures which the have effected amount almost to 1 I Wood, druggist of Lucknow, which took o ed robust health +for a y gg j y good many ' ce at the family residence, Outram years, but he lies been better this .fast that. Easy to take and prompt in action, they have. pla 140 rival 85 the best reiliedy for the every -day Ills Of = , I street, on Friday afternoon, March 21st. year than for a 1'olig time previously, humanity. The deceased lady, who was in her 86th and his frieuds were beginning to hope year, had sufferer] for nearly a year past that he had recovered when his last ill- A MEDICINE WHICH PROLONdS LIFE:. with consumption, and spent last sum . ness overtook him. Mr. Finlayson leaved You '• i have used Ri ane Tabula for a number of ears end would not be w1diout them I wse tram ,bled with indigestion and conetipa ah, and have noticed since I have been using ti,etn i mer at the Sanitarium in Graveithlhrst, a widow and dllut hter, and MT. NlailsOn than l am L«tting tid of those terrible biliou+,ppellswhich confined me to bed on account of the In the hope of regaining ]ler wonted leaves several of a family, all of then. dirz.nesr:. Of late r have n+it had soy, I d just got over s bed spell of bilious fever and was i sift;n K on the step, when ii neighbor came tome and remarked hoir ball I looked. I told him I health, but the fatal disease could not be grown to the estate of manhood and ' j b td lust got aver rhe fever and that I was afraid to eat anythingon account of fndigendon, i skaken off. Besides liar husband, MTs. wOlTlaahoctl. inns which 1 had suffered Attlee I was quite young. He advised me to take Ripans Tabules. i mid 1 would try them, and from then I haven't been without them. I Batt eat anything 1 Wood leaved two Children. (irnvidin; 1 roisb with a Tabule fistead of dessert, I feel very thankful that I have fount - -- -- •— sunned ing that will prolong my life." On Sunday, March 23rd, the spirit of GASTRIC TROUBLES. William Stevenson took Its flight. He PATIENCE AND a' I had suffered three -years at least fres sastrlc troubles, teonitl not sleep at hight. j thea at the homestead, con. 13, Grey, at (, My 54':+d :sired and my feet would be. cold as ice, 1Nly bowels were not regular and l would,have i the advanced age of about 100 years. PURSE GS O Na eoeh cramps front gases forming on my stomach that I would faint sway. I vras in such distress j He had 1J en Confined to lied for est five drat 1 would lta•e sooner died thatt ltvc. About three montlit ago I was suffering and felt as if p And still suf Bred 'tile/ untold isufXilr. My hadv •as tf' riP irundl iie nca b`otdru r clef ae d T Weald rine nowlbs without themhu4band i'hey i years from paralysis of the limbs. The Inglis that ALPS a part of rorno of relic ed .um y y y g y, old gentleman was born in Kintyre, -' relir-i i mz nt all .he'fnni ga<es that forme in m etomnch and the move m hrwels re ulnrt the More rrlolent phares of Kidney _, fir w.deb 1 bad been'taking physics all the time. i have no mere gases, my bowels move regularly) - disorder. Dbator,r eottidih't sure— I it r c ho saute lies -da, hes an, t to sleep W. it : in faet,l fee: as lith, as the air Which l breatlic, il"! (-,9tland, and came to Calaarla when a but South Ameriamn Kidney C+upq trrRt fs •;tyirKn gnarl deal Irma woagvn wF.bwetltfia rya pounds. I am sorry that I did not rnmmencr yc6g man. He was married to Sarah 10ht him 1&0 rightgs akin r me Tabules a year ago, for they would have saved the a great deal of pain and suffering.' Rennie, of Prescott, also pre-flrileased Adam Soper, of ilurk's Falls, put., was for }!4'r • e Forth 4'i great sufferer from a most aggravated Qr l + tf1 gives L 1 i him 17 years, aged 72• years, DetonAed farm of Kidner discist • Ti Ase his own words: i .ice• 1 7' t• lived for matey, yfars ire i; wy ,toivlidliih ,r X dccidcd tarry 5otnr/riF ilteliatrht alCdicines: I was recommended to 4... South A K'd and retained his faculties to a marked nej Gure. I received reat benefit frons OrNi 4'.d L..tlL, 'rhe ln*o.c itt acket is esollr for ail e.i degree. Mr. Stevenson was a shoemaker bottle, and five bottles completely cured me—and A,,; t ,•• hPlctao , nrdtaar orto oh. TAsfuntlytattlo, there hits Bever been a symptom of kit '•ey dis• , 3..I p t ? .:< rAake it lie, f 0 dente, contains a supptyAw a 7011•. In 1118 earlier yearn. there wore Dight order since that time," 85 1 r.•, tar, • W1i1 1rYa. children six of whom are living. Sold by A. b. Iltanilton. ingltalel. , RAW Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Memo Heads, Note Heads, Letter Beads, Wedding Invitations, Visiting Cards, Shipping Tags, Circulars, Business Cards, Dodgers, Posters, Books or anything in the printing line, leave your order at the home office. We are constantly adding the newest faces of type, have good workmen, and we can satisfy .you with our Printing as regards quality and price. - THEAt aret,iAf►r•, TIMES) - - Ontario