HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-04, Page 5I
No Old Stocks Here Everything Bran Now Mr. C. 11. Shluderson, one of the most WHILE PARLIAMENT
scantly killed by s10i'velloolelcot'ryll1c, iig`h11t1`w11re" is in Session, Ottawa People
last Pritlay evening about 6.16.
13 M LU was i The Hear of a Marvellous Core,
wires were crossed and Mr. Saudersou
letting them loose,
when the wire broke, one end dropping pp!ng It IS a Rescue From Suffering And
into the river. Mr. Sanderson, thinking
T S F " the act of 1
the wire was dead, took hold of it to pull Death Effected By
it out Of the water, when instantly the I
force of the current of the wire kil
Commencing Saturday morning we start a Will. Dr. Tuck was quicirly Eummol
but medical aid wits of no use. Deceits -
ad was in his 412udar, and leaves a
widow slid a family of three to mournTHE GREAT 5PRING
his loss.MEDICINE.
a --
10 DAYS INTRODUCTION SALE Dealt riorget Abottt Year Corns MR.. BROWN, SAY4.
If they give you pleasure and you have "After the Use of Paine's Colery"lk
thein as an adornment don't apply Put- Compound I am Now in thi
In our new store, when we willput on sale a large assortment vam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor Best of Ijealth.11
for in twenty-four hours they would be
of entirely removed and their beauty de, The greatest of modern physinians,
stroyod. Now this is known to nearly prof. Edward E.Phelps, MD.,LL.D.,
everybody, including your druggist; ask after ion;; pracitito atia cloye
READY - TO - WEAR CLOTHING hili if it is not so. scielity1falsItInd'y" gave to suffering and
4 diseased men and women his marvellous
GLENFARROW. life giving prescription, with the
MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS' SUITS Mr, and Mrs. Win. MacKersie, oil conviction and pv8irivo knowledge thut
Monday ei-eiiing last celebrated their it had peculiar virtues and aitil le, powers
30th wodding anniversary, Some fifty. to cure, after Coo ter ible verdict
PANTS, HATS, CAPS, TIES, ETC. five relatives were present and after a "incurable" was uttered by the mudical
sumptuous hot supper had been served, practitioner.
the ev Icunt g was very pleasantly spent Thousands of the strongest
At introduction prices. We want to have you call and pay us with
speech making, singing and games. testimonials from the best. known and
Some of the relatives present were Mrs, most reliable mon and to oint-ii of our
a visit so we may become acquainted with you. We are here Howell of Preston; Miss M. Leathern of country fully sustain the t lailus made
to stay, and we do right by you or we make it right With you. Wingliam, who was bridesmaid at the by Dr. Pnelps regardit,g his hicompar-
marriage; Mr. and Mrs. J. Leathorn of able Paine's Celery Compound..
Wingham; Mr, and Miss Howell of One of the most vulniti,ilig proofs
- You can buy here at less than bankrupt-�tock prices. Be C,pelowil; Mr, and Mrs. Leathern of furnished, comes receialy from a gentle-
Bluevale; Miss Howell and Master Pat- mail widely known in tbo Capttal city,
not afraid, because we have tit, old stock. Everything sold on ton of Bluevale. Rev. Mr. McKelvey of we refer to Mr. Alfred Blown, 91
its merits. See other stocks, then
.0 Wroxotor, made an address appropriate O'Oonnor St.. Ottawa, Ont. Mr.
ee ours. Shorn of f space, to the occasion and it few of the old Brown's letter fully demonstrates the
so just mention a few introduction specials neighbors gave short addresses. Mr, fact that the greatest snfforer may e>�iit
and Mrs, MacKersie were the recipients of his or her burden (if disease Bud
NO. pairs Men's Pants, nice medium weight, color of many handsome presents, become well, strong and liappy. It
grey mixture, all sizes, herringbone stripe, proves too that the great medicine
maintains more firmly than ever before a
worth 6190. Sale price .................. $1.45 1111kell"lat][Slalva Constitional Disease. its unrivalled place in the estimation of
The pain and localized conditions are people cf wealth and social standing as
NO. 2-12 pairs Men's Pants, nice dark tweed, all sizes, mere results of constitutional conditions well aswith the masses. Mr. Brown --3
worth $1.45. Stile price .................. 1.10 Poisoned blood sends its evilinfluence to says:
various Darts of the body, and to cure "I acknowledge with ihaiilfnlupss
worth,,,A1.90, Sale price .
NO. 3-12 pairs Men's Pants, dark grey tweed, all sizes, permanently you must treat it con- and pleasure the fact that I have been
' ................. 1.40 stitutiOnallY. Nothing so completely cured of a -very painful illuess of eight
dispels these poison,; from the systema, years standing by use Paine's Cel(iry
NO. 4-12 lilen's Grey Tweed Suits, sack coat, latest cut Forrozone. It makes new blood. It Compound, I lion, dnrin 4 i, the V a
. a rs of
pants, heavy lining, well tailored, sizes 36 to imparts vitality and vigor, enabling the my illness tried illuit -8r. till the a6ndsetl
44, worth $6.76. Introduction price ........ 5.65 system to throw off the poisons that medicines %Nitbaut dt,rving any good
engender rheumatism. Ferrozone UISO TOSURS. I wits also tr awd by sever"}
NO. 5-12 Suits only, Brown Tweed, linen thread sewn, fortifies the system against the weaken• of the bvst &,orors of tili., vitt', hopint,
made in down -to date styles, sizes 86 to 44, ing effects of rheumatism, and cures, to find that i'me them at least would
worth ;B7.25. Sale price .................. 6.75 not simply releives as most medicines do. understand my ease.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 1'I was getting worse, and was told I
NO. 6-24 Suits only, in Black and Blue Serge, coats 71. was incurable. I Wits illflet-41 in M critical
sacque shape, latest New York eat, pants with X01t][1.1s. condition. I could not go from the
spring from knee, lined with heavy farmers' Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mason have got' house alonp, as I -was liprole to sudden
satin, sizes U to 44, worth $8,50. Sale price 7.00 nicely settled on their 200 -acre farm on collapse. I tried bospital treatment, but
the 701 line. no relief or irood results came to me. I
could not sleep; anything that I ate in
Win. Michel, 12th con. has sold his 50 creased my agoilies; I was extriiniely
With every purchase We give you our broad gunge guarantee acre farm to Will. Sharp. The price
wits $1,800. weak, restless, tired and despondent;
was obliged to walk about .with rny�
of your money back if you want it. Last week Misses Minnio and Belle hands pressed firuily into my left; side to
Bewley started for a trip to Wolseley, I
Assa., where one of their brothers I ease my pains; my feet and lian.19 were
m residti. cold continually; hnd inclination to
g in
The following is the standing of pupils vomit, had profuse, cold sweats, quick
THE na Ho C"B"I 0 WDE R D0, Wh"'ha S. S No. 7, Morris, for the month of breatbing and would be, racked with
March: Pain for hours at a tinier . Fifth 011ISS examined in enclid, it
HEADQUARTERS FOR CENTS' FURNISHINCS geography and history; total 865-W,I,.,- After the regular use of Paine's
bister 247. Senior fourth examixed in CCery Compound for FL. time, I am
a itlainetic, geography, literature and now in the best of health, have good
appetite and can use any kind of food.
Colin A. Campbell's old stand. Sign of the White Light history; total 535-A. Isbister 436, S. Thank God I am my old self once. more,
Scott 410, H. Bell 349, 1. Brandon 826. All the
the use of Paine's Celery
Juniorfourth; total435- thosemarked
ST WANVAN.0811. PROMOTION EXAMINATION. (*) were absent part of the examination pueu
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Henderton spent -E. Isbister 867, * M. Hopper 08, M.
Good Friday with the latter's brother in Cabemore 64. Third elass-L. McGuire.
Hensall. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd. To remain in Senior second, standing according "LUEVALE. Arth
Mr. Gen. Quinn spent Easter with his room V till midsummer. Pass mark promotion examination; total 615, pass ' Rev. W. J. West, M. A., went to R 111 l�
son, B. F. Quinn of Brantford. 318. -Pearl McIver 556, May Moore 526, 307-R. Brandon 480, M. Scott 367, J. Woodstock last week to visit his father rdi
Mr. Win Rahoe held a very success. Jessie Waxde 516, Minnie Sherk 513 Gray 852, W. Hopper 315. Senior part who is in failing health.
I Tuez,
ful wood bee on Thursday afternoon. Hector Mutton 507, Emily Mann 501: second, standing according to merit Mr. Archibald Patterson attended the
Mr. John Rands and Miss Thirza Gertrude Sutton 49.0, Sterling Kincaid marks -T. Isbister, M. Golley, 0 Bran- Grand Council of Chosen Friends in
Walden spent Good Friday in Goderich. 488, Willie Galbraith 48(S, Alvin Hart don. Junior part second-S.'B;andou Toronto last week.
Miss Kirkby has resigned front the 481, Clarence Blackall 481, Sadie David- C. Hopper. C. UALLm.tyTeacher! Miss Aggie Herbert spent the Easter
Blyth public school staff and accepted it Bon 477, Vina Davidson 476, Ruby Kerr; 0 . holidays in London., I Foi
position on the Clinton model school 476, Hilda Wokes 471, Harry Lamont 443, Miss Ethel Knight, Of Ripley visited
staff. Miss Lockhart, who is at present May Willitanson. 436, Nettie Vanalstine Miss Mabel Coultes last week.
teaching in McGowan's sob . ool in East 406, Una Robertson 404, Lizzie Gilchrist Council met in the clerk's office, Blue- Mr. Curry of Brussels was in this i Ili
Wawauosh. has been secured to take the 400, Jim Gilchrist 30,3, Maud Fryfogle vale, on March 31st, 1902. Members all Vicinity grafting trees last week but thu
Tacaticyin'the Syltb school. 300, Chrissy Rintoul 88(;, Olive Cart- present, the Reeve in the chair. The onslaught of wiucry weather has put uo. vast
The following is the report of S. S.8, Irene Vatinorman 363, Fred minutes were read, and approved on end to his work for the present. are v
INTO. 11, East Wawauosh, for the month Brig'' '
Davidson 355, Albert Small 347, oharlie motion of Mos. -rove and Lovell. . imr. Percy Patterson was organist in Dian
Of March: Senior classes. 5th class Haines 846, Blanche Bennett 344, Herble Coupland-Mitchell-That by-law No. the Presbyterian church oil Sunday last Lit
examined fil history, arithmetic and Dore 343. 5, 1902, be passed, appointing John in the absence of Miss Herbert. I
grammar -Elgin Cnrrie,' Oora Carrie, F rom. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd. To remain Rutherford, Thos. Aitken, Thos. Guy, Frank Greenaway of Toronto visited "" c
trainGreg. Shiell. 4th class, examined in in room VI till mrd -summer. pass John Robinson, Sam. Vatistione, James i the piirental home last week.
composition, history, arithmetic and mark 807. -Freda Vaustoue 491, Emma Elliott, John McNaughton, Peter Scott, The infaut child of Couuciilor and �;rarm
grammar -Annie McBurney, Robert F orsythe 469, Edith Canary 461, Jessie Win. Homuth and Robert Leathora, Mrs. Shaw of Morris died last week and I
McBurney, Gordon Shiell, Allan Patti. Stein 447, Erwin Adair 428, Ethel Wood fence viewers ill the township of Turn- Was interred iu Bluevale mmeteiy. utiall
berry for the current year. Carried. Miss Rowati of Walkerton and Mrs. sit(
son. Senior 3rd class, examined in 416, lianra Rush 404, Fred Guest 896, 1
composition, history, arithmetic and Ruby 394, Chester Page 391, Bertie Coupland-Mitchell --- That by.la%v No. Hamilton of Tand g
`Para spout Easter with the aro u
grammar -Edna, MoBdruey. Edmund 889, Gretta Kennedy 881, 6. 190o9, be passed, appointing Juhn Lit. Misses Blactc,
Irwin, A. Naylor, Elsie Shiell. Junior • Gordon Young 378, Adeline . Welsh $77, tle, Ralph Metcalf, Geo. B. Scott, Hugh Miss Lizzie Johnston and Miss Saults and i
3rd, examined in composition, history, Caro Runciman 875, Gladys Matthews Tucker, Allan Fralick, Henry Wheeler, of Goderich visited at Mr. John John. and a
arithmatio find grammar -Mina Carrie, 871, Clara Beemer 365, James Showers Peter S. MoEwen, Peter Scott, Leo. ston's. arely
Alex. Shiell, Clarence Shiell 352, Elam. Armour 351, Susie Crowston Orvis, Win. Nettertleld, John Diment, Mr. Will Stewart has gone to Grand ,
mi. Harold you
Lmu& Mm,,N , Teacher. 346, May Montgomery 320, jr. and Win. Maxwell, pound keepers in Valley to engage in building du dug the Dian,
White 32t. Recommended. -Maisie the township of Turnberry for the our- summer. I The I
Lediet, William Gibson, Roy Thornton, rent year. Carried. Mr. Robert King of Toronto, formerly 200
,Hou,.-A;�W. Ogilvie, for many years a Elmo Sanderson, Leanord Rush. Mosgrove-Lovell-That by-law No. of Bluevale, visited relatives and friend. I 7,V
senmor,,. died early Monday morning. Pt. 2nd to 2nd book. Room VII to VI. 7. 1002, be passed, appointing Ralph here this week, maii 1
EW VaWboin in 1828. Pass mark- 100. -Mary Johnston Sio, Metcalf, John Weiler; Wni.Aitkin, Geo. Mr. Alvin Dnucan has returned to
Pearl Cartwright 313, Mary Gilchrist Bryce, John Little, Win. Mitchell, Jas. Grand Valley after a pleasant visit to
808, Delight Hobbs' 2)88, Robert Murray Stapleton, Wm, Homuth. John Tervit, his old home here. 1\4A
285, Gladys Carr 281, Eva Delaney 261, Ruuben Stokes, John Metcalf, Wm. Mrs. Robert Maxwell of the Blui vale 41tu:
HaW, Weil MacDonald 258, Elmer Constable Baird, Jas. Porter, John Porter, August road visited her brother, Mr. R. N. 11olidi
To 241 Russel Fixter 231, Clifton Aitolieson Homuth, John McGlynn, Alex. Forgie, Scott-, of Galt. `�Mf;
231: Allan Knechtel 214, Nellie Coutts Robert Weir, Thos. Haugh, Frank Car. Albert J. Denman, has been promoted I stirs t(
209, Annie Lloyd 198, Stanley Mitchell ruthers, Andrew Whellans, Goo.Taylor, to the ledger keeper's desk in t he office Uell
196. Recommended.-HazelDrumniond, Allan Frtilick, Eli Bolt, Paul Powell, of J. A. Halstead & Co., Mutin t F uri-it. Mrt
Gain Flesh tAl
Ethel Beckwith, Orvial Brock, Ward James Powell, Sam. Vanstoue, Rueben Mrs. Adam Cleghorn and Aliss Jessi.; days
Orowston, Tom Hit;ks. Sanburn, Richard Gilkinsou, Ja a Holmes who have been very ill witl Brow
Persons have been known to Pt. 1st to Pt. 2nd of 1st book. Room Elliott, Alex. Hastie, Jos. Lovell, Robert Oil
gain a pound a day by taking VIII to V1I, Pass mark 150,_V1 t Hupfer, Win. Wright, John McEwen, dire, illnstn�tod by will 1;., T( -it Y-810 at ptement, 11t,4
ole -Int IM-YAUXI `k
Borden 287, Nellie Nicholls 285, John Peter Scott, 01 )VOtile). J3
Chris. Moffatt, John Mes- lit Victoria Hall by Rev. R, �S. G Aisder- 01, . . t. for I'llikerton, is hollit. .,acting
an ounce of SCOTT'S EAUL- Mitchell 283, Clara Mitchell 282, Lillian ser, Philip Thomas, Chris. Briuker, son of Wroxeter. The Wroxe vi- P e4. Ri',` Nt"- is will praeti-ing the
SION. It is strange, but it often Ross 279, Frank Gilliespie 1.174, Oliver Henry Dimolit, The$, Jenkins, George byterfau choir will rk _'-dor a. musica: (1i tht, -111a ui League foo t..v. enter.
to Wit (111 Ft-itaw fw0wig. The
hent1i, it iit* 1)v trvatt4i to a
Campbell 270, Edna Finley 270, Edith Renderion, Jas C. Anderson, Charles T- ki k
happens. Wd C IN M 1, f n,',fortune It-,t,r af
Somehow the ounce produces "r `ra right arin loroken Ii.-tw-pii 011)(ts roul,11--d to It(.). honto in Olen
Shork 261', Frank McLean 261, CoralGamiett, Geo. Yeo, John J. Moffatt., Stokes had the
Kerr 259, Mary Adains 259, Willie Frank Anderson, John Mulvey, Richard ", I - . ' N"Jil-mlit, ul, ;M(W u vis;� with her
1- *1 the allonhier
Haines 2158, Harry Coutts 252, Mablo Palmer, Earn Markley, Peter McTavish, and elbow, U11 W (t1w."14ity Nrn, 0 lCobt.
the pound; it seems to start the., . I was very poorly and could
Swarts 2.13, Mary Currie 289, Cecile Robert Miller, Robert Moffatt, Thomas I I morning, by beiag run o,, - r by it wagoil
digestive machinery going pr Homuth 236, Brownie Swarts .01.17, Netterfield, Thos. Lind. John Stroud, I atidly get about the house. I was I lutd of Irty. He was driving out or til'i I
tired out all the time. Then I tried barn, nild the jolt its the N\ heels ). fr I lit. 1
wly, so thit the patient is a Maudie Kerr 219, Earl 0ro%,ston 200, Abram SAnderharst, Win. IsTetterfield
Arthur Wilson 192, (i�oldwiii Hamilton And Win. Sanders, pathmasters in Turn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only bitru floor friditened the horapp, fu fl
4o _d, o and absorb his ordinary167. berry for current year. Carried. i took two bottles to nialig, me foci I Dysdoepo- +_1
f( 3' Tenders for township printing were perfectly well."- Mrs. N. S. Swim . theta to run awvy, and 'Mr. stol_s -I, I
)O�!Which he could not do be- sustaining 1,11tiliful l"JuvY. It is nli',111 11'rom foreiwa words Iflivitiling bird rook.
laid before the council from the offices ney, Princeton, A10. I tntiatt) in the spring, but eve 1101- 'At- 11 has come rather to signify birti w7parh; for
fore, and that is the way the gain of the Wingliam, Tin= and Wroxeter i aooll "itt-11(hille"I th -r h- w-11 bo avona the 11lost col,1111()t, cat,"
of the dj�ea_e 1.
Perfect Caro for Bronchitis. This Star. It,, till 11-f lr.� I pap. W, 4 s 4
is made. disease can be treated only b I Tired when you go to predisposing want of vigor and tania in
y it remedy i Coupland-Lovell.-That the contract SaI1111111 'I'lli-11011 14 Ill )"P11 IM, %%-oh
A certain amount of flesh is carried to the Affilcod parts along with for printing be given to the Wingliam bed, tired when you get tt1 tilt- hirm I ir. 1, ci3p., d 11Y M malls that organ.
necessary for health; if you have the air breathed, for nature intended Truk% as their tender is the lowest. UV,,,,tired all the time. (11, No disease flakes life more miserable.
these organs for' the pasasgt, tif air alone, Carried. Andr. w Man;i i.4 1,omo froin Lm611 Its sufferers eertaInly do not the to tat,*
allot got it YOU can flit it by and sprays, atomizers and internal The following accounts passed and ? Your blood is im- L f r tilt! lit t% r holidays they sometimes wonder It they should
medicines it t ter] y fail. ButCatarrhozono cheques issued: Jeff. Musgrove, gravel I tilt to live.
'akin doesil's fail, for goes wherever the 11,00t, $2.30; Win. Foxton, gravel acct, NV. A. X119011t, 11ellville, Ont., Was -rPittir
,g pure, that's the reason. I
air breatlitid goes, and its healing Cnlross bldly, $4.72; Ilugh McItintion, You are living on the troubled with it ?or years; and Peter 11.
antiseptic vapor is sure to reach every township's abart) drain and tile, Culross 0 -1 () tj v Dr. Jamieson spent i;jo Elvs.r 41 quare, 1,!.Iu ('1111re, wig., who etas 46
Flip 11�101 affecte.1 pnTt. catala-hovola) is i b rder Ift e f erve ex (lays at hi-' old 11011111 ill ) i.1 1.1 i •40�0 aillit-ted with it that he was 1;uryg,il.
�,A'1111104 Arliilvd a.t r 11 less, and actnally :tick most Of lilt;
-till rilialed Wd'v, $2,50. John Short, cleanint., cul.:
at the niouth and after passing, through I vert, 7.-;c; F. ridgp, culvert tile, haustion. Take Ayer's
every air cell of the breathing organs is 1$3.75. tPuRlanfl 111,Sf %% tit t, bott.,. I'll - .1 obtained no relief from intdielne.9 pr4cs-
Sarsaparilla and be other People with lifin to t" bit I
slowly exhaled through the nostrils. , Coupland-2 Mosgrove --That this I - I a boa,,. They were cotlil)letely cured, as others
You will fifid it just as useful in suniniet 81' (10110"'. They ar.- b.,und for Al.ol 1.1 1
Ciltrtrrhozono protects and heals the'ing do now adjourn to meet in tit() quiCkly CUtOd. have been, by
At III winter, and if you are thriving upon inflinno(,isurfaces. relieves ecilgestion,; clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, May sail V � Wish thele SuV(V!--4.
_.k.q T, 4 it To eft_
4 doni't stop because the weather Is wann- allays inflammation, and prefectly cures 20th, - *1 Ask 1611f do(lftr Wh%t be thin'kii Ayer's ffe iere is no trnth in Out rnfiini to flip, Wood S JU
all bronchial affections. it 10 Oclock , . in., for jencral Agaipartils. He kpo*% fill vibo Willi graild P et that A. D, Beaton Mild sold bij ; IL rsapartua
ons $r.00, A I drtgaistg, Price W. Small business; as a Court of Revision, at I itldfathilymedieffie. rollow hi's advice hfid D ' - nedordrig to their own st,,iteraet.t v6l.
0C0TT&,8oWNs, Toronto, caalda. size .15o. Druggists or Polson & (Jo., oclock p. 111. Carried. 'W6 will be isiltistled, business In this 1)laeo. Air. eaten i untdrily mittle. This great nie(llpine
Itiligston) Out. Jolm 13vwmss, Clerk. J, C. Alta Co., 1,6*611, Mass. wishes us to state that lie has no inten• strewfthena the stoinneh and the whole
� _. . I tion of selling taid Is prepal I ftoestiYo system. Be sure to get hood's: .