HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-04, Page 2T11h WI1GRA11 TDIES, APP111, .1. 190'24. 'ro WIN, DMECTORM 3EST&:BL18H2D 1872 W, G. T11 U. PLATFORM, DoulestIc i the custom 0 ttrOlvi rice ;it the, -irting lt� and Igg dep brl( deg 'HEALTH IN SPRING! Mental sausion for the ninn whi: BAPTIST CuLmeii—Sabbath services at TnE WiNano Tins, .room is. ES. ' Moral suasion for till, man who drinks, 7 P In. Sunday School at IS PUBLISHED a. •;1.1.11)•,°i xxl) Imil-iti wilolt �ajd to I* C �NATURE REQUIRES ASSISTANCE, Legal �xuision f%w tit v drills 1,arii. matter, 1) in. General prayer meeting Green is said to confuse.� tb<, Prison snasion tor the..;Eauto bre:tker. Oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pat- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING , eye,. )tit! u'A I'. kPR! I� .1, !*)02. DURINQ THESE MONTHS. terson, ,pastor. W.J.Chapissian, S.S. more, than any other tint and the -Met Cims ht ld in Chi,41iolia's Hall, first and Qlipet- teed( t. color is likely to ree roval. i k' in it An The Times Office, Beavep Block 110, HELP THROW oFr TILE 1114PURITIES, cordial invitation is i-xtelidtil to all jntvrv',t�d I METHODIST 0111-MCH—Salsbath services WINGHA ,ONTARIO. Its cocking a fowl, to nixertain THAT IIA'VE ACCCUICLATED DJ:RIXQ In the suppress%lon of the drink traffic. I at 1.1 a in and 7 p in. Sunday School at Wher. it is 1done. put a skevver into; the Tho rill;;, hol - on th+- 10 It cou., which I L1:30 p in. Epworth League every Mon- breast, and it the breast is tender the. THIA WINTER MONTHS—PJ7ALJ.k_ PRO11111ITION' ANI), v;O'31PB'NSATION- ilay evening. General prayer ineethig a a,w( wus repeatly 4ilit'll tip ;t; "th", alig agaill. i TERms or Sul%scn1pT1o,.%_*1 00 per assimm. in fowl is done. I WIVES S1101via) NOT BE r-SED III his speech oil prohibition the Prem. oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard dy till 0-60 if not so paid. No paper discon i The low on tit,- w1lich was I tinuld t 1,all arrears ire paid, except at tile i Ilot water, a cording to a cooking —IT IS A TOXIC TILILT tar left the matter of compeusatioi� open, Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. option o t iti publisher. ii subo uutl��r water except 11 Sup- It, e oriateudent. teacher, makes an Omelet more tender Is _ NEEDED. i but declared that the purchase of all the AuvEnrisiNc. RATL$. — Legal ani: other than when milk is used- The )rule is *4L 11'a coutil. of Na. lir1,;g,,. I i Pl1r.sByTsuLtN CHUR011---Subbath ser- casual advertisements Ne perNonpariellino for Tho aritu reaper passud over the 8th' In this climate there are many reasons i interests involved , -would be a cheap vices at 11 a m and 7 p in, Sunday first insertion, 3c per line for each substituent a tablespoolsf ill of the liquid to one prim, y people fell all out of gear its. the! price to pay for tile ,cots. -oil 1-.'.n::drty li-ruing. _'llau ch .23rd. I sprim, months. Perl abolition of the -mthool at 2:," p in. General prayer Advertisements in local columns are charged rend vitriol o' � t-ii - of thee inost proinist- 'lips the chidf Of m liquor traffic, The bill -which will be isteetilig on Wednesday evellitIgs. Rev. 10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents Of 140 epileptic patients in London ,meseis,holcatg hours in imperfectly: D. Perne, pastor and S. ". Superinten. per line for each subsequent insertion, whose histories were carefully follow.. flic s, submitted to the p4uple is not absolutely I Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, ed up, 90 proved to be descendentsil of. ,011E6 U;4n-, Of tile township in the per. ventilated o it e Shops and lionses; dent, 41i)u Of Mr. If:-11IT Arkell. He had near duriu.- the winter months. You may prohibitory, as it does not touch Farmtenth aiti or to Rent, find similar. $I.W for i t, ch ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL—Sob- 1lrst and 50 cents for each subsequent alcoholic Parents — a proportion of ot ly r_­w:hed oh;� oriel t t it titn,, of Ii I. fell that there is nothing serious the mauniticture. Hence, the question of bath services at 11 a in and 7 p in. San- month, per cent. el b"'19 I matter; you are only-n little tired after coutpensation is not so formidable as if (lay School at 2:30pm. GeneralprWa withiii two munths of three score �r CON111RACT RATIES—The following table shows our rates for the ' rtion of advertisements To clear water pipes 'when frozen and haps your appetite for spetifled periods:— add plenty of .salt to the hot waterl.so. I slight exertion, or per. the parchare of breweries and distelleries meeting on Wednesday evening. to:% yearn of a_,e. Por rllv tmst, two years 'is fickle, Or little PiLixples or eruptions i Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. Mr. _kzkell had not 6eelt, at all well ow- oil the skin show that the blood is not were iuvolvt:d. TL4 only persons w1h) i -.4uperintondent, I Y". 0 310. 3 ito. I yo �cosmmonly used. This, when poured, One Column.........,#90.W jco.w i35.(h) $15.W 46 W down, will free the Pilswi more quickly] its pure as it should be. If you feel this could claim full con�!peuaaticiu would be' 6oNGnEGATioNAL CEntcn.-Sabbath Half Column.......... 35-00 18.00 10.00 4 ingtoaconiplivatiou of diseases. Haj to the -.,;�rvicps at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday Quarter Colmall 18-00 10.00 0.00 way, not only your comfort but your i hotelkeepers, and these only than plain hot -water. England, isuallbea-ft'), demaiids that you take proper I School at 12 in. Midweek meeting,'qu. Advertisemess ts without specific directions A�Xltne to Canada nbull'. AWEY-iour years !ate 3 to cleanse your;elf of the blood lextent, of their bar business. Tra-)i-liers I . Gavin will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- Many people complain that drinking Wednesday evenings Sts o'clock G ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid )milk itl-tva that are responsible for would still require to pruvi,letl with vs upsets their digestioir.- ago. For thrvo years he w%,Yl.t.(! tit or'ituptirities Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. B. P pastor. form advance. The reason i4 not that the. milk itself 11 your condition. I Prior, stlear Guelph helm V voisan" EU Cal You need a tonic, food and blielter. SALVATION Amey- Service at 7 and 11 TSE Jon DimARTMENT is stocked with an ts not whole-some, but that it has been ru,�s, � blood purifier, nerve streugthener It is that the attracts travel- a in and 3 and 8 p m. on Sunday, find ext tensive assortment of all re4itisites for print- I taken too, quickly. oil whichl, ing, affording facilitiesequalled in the' ,nil general up-lifter of the entird1lers, y evening during the -week at 8 county for turning -he died. For twoyears lie. worked the Dr. Williams' Pink Pill and that its profits are so great that t"ver � out first cla.,Lpvork. Large o'clJok at the barrj�-_.ks. type and a roprfitte cut.,; for all styles of Post I If People, Would orly accustom their Hand P Pills rooms and appropriate etc., and the latest styles of lUE199 to receive constant instainiental place awl erre xvitted it for at pwicid Of: for Pale People meet till thesz re Po.,T OFFIcE-114 Macdonald Block. fassey type for the finer classes of print- of f resh air, there. quirement, more perfectly than tiny I'silealsat it small profit. Na doubt. ii one i Offloo hours from 8 a in to 6:30 m. in would Lot, be half ten years, mtmruitig to Craelpli to net as other medicine. These are tonic Pills, hotel had a liquor license it would have I Peter Fisher, postn*ster. p g H. B. ELLIOTT. nor a tenth of the, susceptibility to foreman au Che old atone Farm, now the and not violent and weakening like MEmOLvics' INsTrruTE—'Library and Proprietor and Publish,, chill ard catarrh that now exists. Provincial Mudel Farm. Ina advantage ower rival whicti could Atthecloseof pargativemedicines. Nature does not free reading room in the Town Hall, Colds are more easily prevented than the vast yearn lie. returnee to Calross, require a violent measure in spring, but with will be open every aTternoon from 2 to P. KENNEDY, C. P. S. 0. cured, ar.d th not provide its customers fSen ere is no better proven- where he tins duce itiadehis home. He alielping-hattilto throwoff the impurities intoxicants. But where no licence in 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 'J" (enitter of the British edical Associa. tive thay.. pure fresh air from the tion.) Gold eaallist in edicine. Sgecial I which have accumulated during the issued there cass be'no such advan' aga. 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, attention paid to diseases of Women and Child great out of door'. A close, stuffyi took all active itirttiest in told formation winter, and so toning and strelighouilig librarian. ren. Officehoura-Ito4p,m.:7to9p.In. 0-tinaspbere. is 41, very hotbed for ail- -of South Bruea Farmers, Institute, or every orgau and function that a condition The traveller must, 4go sumeNT11're, awl , TOWN COUNCIL-R. Vaustone, Mayor; sueLts of the throat and lungs. Do not which he was a Airectur until it short of perfect health will prevail. Everyone the noed for accomnio,.atian s not Win. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- R. ACDONALD, be afraid of Light air. -old and young—ought to take Dr. diminished. Taera;is no injury to his indOO, J J. Elliott, W. F. VauStone, D time ago. He albo served the Institute I Williams, Pink Pills in the spring. There general business of providing board and A. J. Irwin, Coaricillors; J. B. Fer- Mix three- parts of ordinary garden ill the eiittpa-Aty of President and 'Vice- is no other medicine will yon so much 0 . gusou, Clerk- and Treasurer; William Centre Street earth with oLie part of sawdu�,t, ancA lodging. The questiou. is narrowed I � Pour over it, I kettle fol of boilir4q- President. Until lit3t. year he was a good. Mr. James Salmon, postma-ster, C e Ax, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Wingliam. Ontario. judge at every provincial fat stock show Salmon Creek, N. B. says:_,tLast down to the profit on the sale of liquors, lector. Board meets first Monday even- 10- ivater in which hms been dissolved, a I spring I was feeling decidedly unwell. 1 and even from this the license must be ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock. --- , little lWashing soda. Pack a fire. , ft which was held ill Ontorlo. He was I was weak, dizzy at times, and I deducted. SCHOOL BOARD.—H. Kerr, (chairman), DR. AGNEW, IordinarY household coal well with' Palsoadirector of the Central Fire In- continually felt tired. My appetitill Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. this mixture. After ithag buri.edfor- vurance Co. for ytiars and tit one time was poor and I was losing in weight. I I Moreover, the right to compensation Homuth, Win. Moore, Thos. Bell, Will Physician, Surgeon, etc. two Or three MiLlItC3 the cake dust Office- acdonald Block, over T. E. Davis- ive:s Outg a great glow of heat, and( -was President. Every movement which I tried several medicinei, but nothing did is affected by the fact that the hotel- Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wnl: D g8tore. Night calls answered at the office. burns away much slower than large Lad for its object the uplifting- and ad- . me any good until I began the use of keeper, under present conditions, has no Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson, al. Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills, and a few absolute right to the renewal of the Meetings second Tuesday evening in each vauftllient of his fellows along any lin f VANSTO'.NE, e boxes of these made me fell like anew! month. R 6 Quiet and warmth are the medicine,. ,of life had his sympathy and active sup- Person. I would advise all who feel license. Nor, only may the reue ival be PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.-A. H. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. of the four-footed philosopher. if a, port. He -%vas a lifelong Liberal and a ;run down and out of sorts to take Dr refused in a particular case, but there 'Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Privateand Company funds to loan at lowest dog is ailing he r6lls himself in a, ball iWilliams'Pink Pills.- be a general reduction in the Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, rate of interest. Miss NO commission charged. ort- In a- warm corner, and Bat's little or taithful member of the Baptist church. gages, town and farm PrT i Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are also Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson rty bought and nothing till he iia, well. iHe leaves a widow and four children to © in the care of all diseases due number of licenses, and those who are sold. Office. Beaver Block. Ingham. Many tinses. &nourn his loss. to poor, thin, watery blood or weak cut off are not regarded as having any and Miss Reid. xe,st is the only medicine needed br. BOARD oF HEALTH-Mavor Van-stone, A. ORTON, the, Pick , oral follow this cx-*,, ,nerves. Do not take a substitute for! ground of complaint. Between the (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- J ample. The biped fumes, frets, takea- these pills-it is -I waste of money and! passage of the Crooks act and last year ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- BARRISTER, &c., I gIvlr,9 out a great glow of heat, and rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Good Heath is 1111possiale amenace to health to do so. See that; the number of licenses was reduced from 1 9'v"Is no chance -to the eLperative WWaout regalar action, of the bowels. I the fall name -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I Health Officer. Wingliam, Ont. -forcei Of nature. Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the bowels,. for Pale People" is on thewrapper, '4,793 to 2,621, although the population care constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, around every box. Sold by all medicine had lar.,&Iy increased. A good: breakfast is the physical idek headache, and all affections of the !clealers,or postpaid at 50 cents I PIANO AND THEORY. E0 L. DICKENSON, biasi-s of it day's work, and, depend _=s I)iseit Prohibition Prahlb10 uV=- it, there L% ,something wrong cTL_mnsOfdJgPsti.,)n. Price25cents. Aillbox,or x for $2.50 by addressing MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. BARRISTER, ETC. -druggists. ;the Dr. Williams' Medicine* Co., Brock- "Prohibition," Sbuthasuptou, writes: With a mar. or his habits if be, cannot I and member of the Associated Musicians of Solicitor toBankof Hamilton. Moneytoican., bring in, appetite to the first meal ville, Oat. -Somf; of the croakers bavd-'been saying Ontario, is Prepared to receive a limited niam- Offiec-Meyer Block, Wingham, f pupi for instruction on Piano and in : of the day. A man who works utihigh and are saying to-day: "Prohibition bT'Vr.ory. 1, tension all through the morning houlw About ,[-tatoes. I doesn't prohibit. There will be as much Special attention given to pupils Preparing 'without this substantial foundation is Dr. -'a-le'Kelvey has definitely de( or examinations. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. decided Re.,zidence-opposite R. C. Ohm-ch. Wingliam , working entirely upon his nerves.That What is a potato?, For centuries the. whiskey sold its ever. Give us a good Doctor of DentalSurgery of the Pennsyivania m8ans disordered nutrition, and soon-- to locate in Brussels and will have his average mortal has been under the 1 license syAtem, etc.', Now what does Dental college and Licentiate of the Office 14,)r or later bankruptcy and collapse,' College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office I ,r Fterguson & Co's. store. 'impression that it is a root, or some-: a license mean? It means permission to ,offlee over W. H. McCracken commenced garden-; over Post Office, Winguans. f STATE OF OHI thing like a root. created by Providence sell, and the mail who has lie license is J. J. Elliott, V. S ing on March 22nd. He has onions and Honorary Graduate of 0, CITY or TOLEDO as. to supply a large part of civilizationwith !-not prohibited from selling. Does the, Ontario Veterinary T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S LUCAS COVNTY, imaugolds in now, and the farmex that college. W. L.D.S. Frank J. Cheney makes Oath that lie is. Infirmary -method for the senior partner of the firm of F. J. La its 31ack out at the fall fairs this year food. and capable of being cooked in a i shopkeeper who has been deprived of the Office and Painless e., great number of ways, from plain boiled ishoplicei:se go on selling just the &-line.? of Victoria and traction. No Cocaine. swill have to get up early. Cheney &, Co., doing business in the City, Minnie Sts. Wilightim. Special attention to the care and regulation oW Day and night calls of children's teeth. Mode of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, to scuffle. But It ` , as this is the We know he does not, because he dare al F -1 -rate prices and till aiss S. T. McNabb has purchased the I beginning of the twentieth century, we not. On Sundays and on election days Proiltritly attended to. work carefully and skilfully per or�;&i. offic, P. Telephone connection. in Beaver Block, Wingliam. c and that said firin will pay the slim of lwuge and lot, corner Queen and Albert learn. that the honored "spud" is not the bars are closed, but why close them if ONE HUNDItED DOLLARS for each and streets, from Henry Haist, pay 8,600 for' every case of Catarrh that cannot be : a "spud," bu' . a disease. The dis- prohibition does not prohibit? It doesl FARM ERS 4. JOHN RITCHIE, the same. q cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. i coverer of this important fact is M. prohibit, and it prohibits along other! and anyone having live stock or other FIIANIK J. 0HEXEY. The in3tial number of the Maple GENERAL INSURANCH AGENT, Sworn to before me find subscribed im I Noel Bernard, a French botanist. Hi lines as well. A teacher must be -articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- Creek Signal, edited and managed by I tise the same for sale in the T=s. Our large , says that the potato is no more a qualified before he is permitted to te.e ch circulation tells and it -will be stran e I d ed if Wilighans, Ont. my Dresence, this 6th day of December, Etshrains Downing, formerly of B lYoudonotgetacustomer. Wecanl�=rentee A. D. ism ru-'�Mls: lepitimate part of the potato plant than in our schools, a doctor must have a I that von will sell because you may ask more JOHN CURRIE, WINGnA-4, 0,.,T. ! •� ­ A. W. GLEASON, - und 'a graduate of The Post, has come to I the Oak- apple is a part of the oak. It is diploma before he Practises medicine for tlie article or stoc% than it is worth. Send S E A L � band. It is a tidy eight-nage newspaper I your advertisement tb� the Tn 9 and try this I I Notary Public. a disease a sort 4 cances of the root, 'and he is not allowed to enter college, Plan of disposing of your stock and other LICENSED AUCTIONEER. and will no doubt be generously sup-,' articles. Sales of Farm Stock- and IParns. Implements a i Hall"; Catarrh Cure is tauten internally ;*Ortel. I caused by a fungus-the fusarium so- 'uRtil he has reached a certain standard. ! Maple Creek is in the Cypress rani—which flourishes abundantly on 'specialty and acts directly on the blood and. attendee- to. Terms reasonable. P, mucous surfaces of the system. Send -disease potatoes, and is found on healthy i to say, ­I know it is against the rule of . for testimonials, free. Hills locality between the South Saskat He would be foolish, indeed if he were All orders left at TRE Tntps Office prom ,chewan and the boundary. I ITH E P 'RhESSURE � plants also. So serious an accusation this university to admit me before I I F. J. CHENEY & Co, Geo. Brown has let the contracts for E. ESTE 43io erection of his new hotel barns. iagailist such a Pre-eminently respectable "have passed so many examinations, but ,AILE GRIFFIN S 0 Id by all Druggists, 75c. Toledo, O- tho cannot be accepted without as prohibition does not Droibit I am 0 F B) U SI N ESS I GHA-'Nr The different contracts were let as fol- 1 4 Hall's Family Pills tire the best. , proof. M. Bernard is ready with what: going in." Does the law against murder y IS GREATLY RELIEVED TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. lows: Stonework, A. Lowry, Brussels; the says is proof: He took sixteen 'prohibit murder? Mast certainly it does i_,rickwork, John. Adams, Wroxeter BY THE USE OF THE The oldest man in the neighborhood. of I tubercles and planted them in flower a; carpenter roofing, J. 'Wilton, Brussel and, although it is committed once in a Pupils Prepared for Conservatory of Mu--c'Hamilton is reported dead. He was 14 examInations. i -work, D. McNaughton, Brussels. The pots filled with fine silicions soil. Eight! while, the law-breaker pays the penalty i years old, and has used tobacco the last !hundred years of his life. soil of which a few, hibition of slave�y abolish it? it did, 4cementin- contract has not Set been let. The other eight. in a with his life. Did pro- 'LONC DISTANCE' �� pots were put aside under a glass frame. of the crime On Saturday, March 22,d, the Town I chips 1 VIOLIN AND CUITAR, I of potatoes bearing the fnSarium. although with. much blood-shedding. I Hall was packed to the doors with both I fungus had been sown, were placed in •,There is none so blind as he who -won't, TELEPHONE I MISS CARRI1,; MOORE town and country people to hear the I of London Conservatory of Music, will be Pre- another frame. Every one of the latter see" is a saying, and the man who does You reach yoF enstomer in a Pared after Oct. 1st to receive 8 limited num. crial. against Mr. Win. and Mrs. Oakley, i few seconds, land mumu can ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and I produced fine potatoes within a couple,"not see prohibition prohibiting every day -, Guitar. of Grey, for whipping the little girl, be accomplished at cost of Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wilighism. 1, of months, while in the former were must be blind, indeed. We do not see. LITTLE time ; and trouble. ElsieVandyke, who has lived with them, found five pants, with fine long Toots, the liquor seller on the temperance plat- 4' 1 for the past year. The charge against but no tubes M. Bernard says that the form allyceating the referendum bill, � The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada joB PRINTING. Mrs. Oakley was proceeded with first, reason that potatoes are grownincluding Books, )?amphiets, success- do we? If there will be as much Posters, Bin! and after several witnesses had been ex- fully almost everywhere is that, soil has whiskey sold, and more even, some say,,t LIMITED Heads, Circulars, ikc�, &d., executed in the best I mmined, G. F. Blair, on behalf of the style of the art, at moderate Prices, and on I become thoroughly " infested" with the' short notice. � when we have prohibition, then all xteaused, pleaded guilty of the offense, fusarium sola BOOK11r]NDING.-We are pimsedtoannoun, III. but it was not so wh Ill co en 1; engaged in the traffic should be fore. B, that any Books or Malazines left with Im for! U "vin 1�4vip our prompt attention ad ;r Binding any style will be given on 4 where upon the magistrates imposed a,the plants were first brought to them! No license to pay and selling as, lop ps�,cc�. I fine of $20 and costs. The charge against Europe. most in the fight. What a "snap" for. 1%. Oakley was withdrawn, as there did 1 "Un on to THE TIMES OpiricE, i mot appear to be sufficient evidence to Sonie of New Tories 400 much, if not more, then before. Come 3 SOLID RUBBER Winglaula,! convict. The costs will be in the neigh- Mrs. Adella Octavia. Clonston, a -,veli, out, all you whiskey men, get on the I torhood of $100, owing to several out- I known antlfore_vs of Rochell Park-, N. , temperance Platform and say that you• RAILWAY TIME TABLES. There is a noted difference 0 . I C Car. r r ES side doctors being called. 'Y., spent a few days in Ingersoll last, want prohibition, as it will increase the G RAND TRUNR RAILWAY sySTEM�. ': in the style and fit of Pants we 1 week- and gave the Chronicle a pleasant demand and make your business brisker_- NS LEAVr. FOR 'call yesterday- Mrs. CbmistiDn has You darenot do it, for you know better, Tires Palmerston .............. TRAr. London ..... 6.53 a.m.... 8-55R.111, make that always brings peo. ..... 0.50 a.m._ 3.10P.m h��cn engaged in literary Work for a Kineardine..11.10 n,.m ... mo p-m.... 8.38p.m: Many School ChIld,en aro numb.-r of years and comes. naturally Children Cry for Will carry ficaNly loads and Hincardine ARRIVE FROM . ple back for another pair. At 6.49 ii.ns.. 8.5-7) a.m.... i.iq p.m I Pale withstand hard service. i London.... ::.7 .. ....... lijoaja .... 7.55 P.m Weak and Nervous. "by her g*.ft�_,-, as h-±r father, vva-s� a Palmerston.............. 2.45 p.m .... 8.,N P. clergyma.m, who, when living was p.m Then there is elle low price An ever-satisfactory. easy- R. T. BUTTON, Agent, Wilighain, CASTORIA. MebIlItsitted and 1�xliauxted In Mind PXCumnent in church work in riding wheel fife. I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. and better quality of cloth put and Body-Dr. -1 TRAINS LEAVE FOR Chase's 'Nerve road York State. ff�r -worksi are well Every set guaranteed. I Toronto and East........ 6.F, a.m.... P in Surprixingl3r Berielicial in. in thein—cloth that wears -for known. in the east and hava, brought A Wonderful Preparation -3 Teesivater .............. 1.17 p.m .... 10.43 p.m.: Childsteits. "Rok-co Cereal Coffee," pure, whole. Can be fitted to any wfieeL I AnRIVE FROM The severe and ever-increasing s her quite am. int�,onise. ­.Som�- of -New' sonl(-, • nourishing, highly recommended Teeswater... .. 0.57 a.m.... S.Z. p.m. Sec our new goods and prices. train 'York's 400." which has reached its I by leading physicians. Rockoisequal! Send for Catalo,;ao. Toroutoand East .. .... I 1-j p.m....10.�!!3 P.M.! of competitive examinations coming at J. H. BEEMER, Agent. Wilighism, a time when every boy and girl A:wenty-fifth thousaiLd, and which s)x-- to 40c. coffee, lbut only costs }tie price DUNLOP TIRE Co. Is undergoing trying physiological is iaow introducing here. was avvard- and is used -.it meals instead of poison. VEBSTER & COB chances does much towards making ous teils and coffee. Byeonstantuse'. inental and physical wrecks of sc. the first: prize by the Amerirnn;� wsno\-� 0. hoot ed ROKCO OERE AL C013.PEE will give M 0 W"Ce t VC1711 Set guaranteed. Can le fitted to any W'lae _.ad for , _t_l. 1)!JNLO P T IRE C,. children. Run down In health, with Humane Eduvat; S you vine, Oil-, vitality, energy, health. 0. Oil oc-ty of Boston, vigor, the blood thin and watery and the per- fm. worts system exhausted, children have •for the b,st st-ory on crueeiti-as of faz­ and is a positive cure for 114T PAYS into chance to escape the many ills that h.,ua• dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. 10c. pack- beset a feeble body. There Is no treat- ages. 15c. lb. or 2 lbs. for 25c. For - arnont known to science that so natural MrS. C161114tonts licbloy. If h0by it age by, ALL GROCERS. ImAy b� ca iled, is. her, ly, and thoroughly restores strength and great devo+-Icis For ,al,, inWingiLlyI 4 Ja McKolvis'. VItality to tit(-, nervous �4ystem ng Dr. to an*,Mai:;. Tl,, -n-oaring, of birds and Chase's Nerve Food. It srseleg par- wlm^�s in 12,11S and banw�ts, tbf, eru_�l 'JIL"(111 ADVEPUISF, "tn 111iPPY by bringing back thp 4,olur Before. After. to the faces and the strength and Pm-ctle�' <,-f "(locking" horzes, driving Tocid's Phombft@, 1 TO COX-SURPTI11TES. TRADE MARKS The Brent Bil ymmady. Dr,=Ns lelasticltY to the bodies of t%eIr Pale, With hiWh ehf-rk rAil;;. t he hc-w.. I rt.at. Thn undersigned braving been restored to 12 Sold and recommended by&U. health 1)y -ftnplp means, after r cuff(-rip COPYRIGHTS &M Mrs. spilding it MM c-b and deserl wuny children. druggist0i InCaraft, Only reit- 17Wnt of d(;--, vats an,4 eannr:(,!�. the' �Avvrulyearsuith as,-rcifit c ti Von Taal, ang MT e ,, !1(.),r, quickir aseertitin nur opinion free W ethef a# able ssled.elni� d'ScOvered. Sit 1 that dread di,.�(-4.p Cong-umption, is anxious to invention 14 probably Patentable. com littio grauddaut�ljter, ninis,! lnr­c�iS_3ity Der Ill,- hum-me edisention tnorms4of8etax 'kisIes gugranfeed to curb All the means,' IN TME tions.-ittlet ly ei)nadeall-al. Ilandbmk on MPAIZa VOrtrX oll, wast pale and weak. she had �4 of all tja.,,S�! ,=I r �:ku.,A`Pskness, 9611 effects of abase curp. spnt tree- oldest itecticy for seenring patent q. rio appetite and seemed to be gradual- 'I �Ineh more orex", Mental w6rrp. Ex0.sqiv,,, ustofTo- fullysmd(frfocifeliarste) a eony (it Me pr(-; Patents tfikell 1hrmizli 3junit 0, Co. receTg Ir growing w�?,kkpr. Dr. Chase's Xirva Rre' worked fillo th. intercstivg v bliew, Opium or StimnlAtift. mafledon�cceipt , uged, whiell they will Ewl a cure for, 4)"tiat"Otict, VithOut thartze, tatbe '6f price, one r#"kw $I. six, $5. orse m7pilftwt Consunliptfon. Astlima4 Catarrh, Bronchi. hood PrOV6,1 inva luablq� In her va��P, Tp- referred to ilb:)w, in a very v2p v� , 11ft wM et". pamphlets free to any siddremd. j, tig and till throiLt and lung Afalailleo. lie storing health and 4rolor and making The Wo4d Conspany, Windsor, 01116 hoptq all slifftirers will try- his reme%iy, ii.,; it IA JIM ber stronst and w(,11.## i ser and unl4w? =inner, wlai,e a rcman- 1 Ainvaluable. ThmedaAring tit(- re:4e.rlpt onlation of anyvomoly VI(Ife"ItIft" I.,., Terills. $3 a IrIfty rent,4 P116.4r+.4X1hqe i�4 sold in IT• !Aor llt,4 0. box, at all dealers or 'tl() lovi� affair k(,T(1% th,- reader's at- Inaypi lodmanson, Bates & Co., Totonto. t IC114 t totlici end. L- Hamilton. M A. will addrr_�q, Rev. ED- (',list A. Vampb0l. A. 4,, T I M E S Douah�s. and.r. H.. Davin, Druggi_,;t��. UUD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, Xe%v yqjrk. g' York i A