HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-04-04, Page 1d THE W NCi AM.- M, "S Ti .7 - VOL, XXYI.-NU. 1513. NPINGNAM. ONTAR.TO. FRTileV evRn 4 iom m. .,,..,. ,,, .,.,.,..... AGreat Dissolution SALE FOR CASH ONLY AT OM1la Hth8w Sons, (J. J. IIomuth retiring) SALE TO Mar.19 START ON Our entire stock of Tweeds, Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, actually at cost and below. This is a Genuine Sale. A Bargain for everyone. Any- one needing a pair of Boots or Shoes ora Snit of Clothes, or anything in Gents Furnishings we certainly can save you big money: Remember, this is no fake. Also the balance of our Dry Goods will xe sold at 50c. on the dollar. We also offers our store for sale• one of the finest in the. country.. HOMUTH & SONS. All ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID 33Y THE IST Or MAY. a t , $1 A I EAll IN ADV ANC,X AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA }le WANT li .e Twoinore tol'enti iIAVE THE FINEST DISPLA 'entices to 1tItSEKTn'rTON, 11 Milton Shaver I y d Green. Y pp oMrs, of Arthur has bee.ae a resident u1 TAMES TOB NLAftCGE • OF Wingham, Prior tc3lis departure front For some month past the editor of i Several Articles l A LAR(ii: LAMi3.- ,Tabu CaltlteR;af I Arthur Mr. Shaver : aS presented with the T>s has foun that our apace fofr the 3rd line of Morris has a ewo that I a„ address and a cul and collar box by reading!natter h been too limited. That no well -regulated home 2 gave birth to a lain] oil lKarch 17th, the moulbvrs of thi Methodist church Our advertisers ha a been very liberal Sweet Peas G rg which weigbed nine eeu pounds, A choir in thilt place. 'he Tmws is pleased ! in their patronag , for which we call can afford to he without lamb weighing iliuet n pours( At time to welcome new regi lents to our town. I return our hearty -hanks. We have this ,j Flower QQ( of birth is vary rem Mahle. - Get your neH spring suit at D4axwall't=, l week giten an ordarfaralargerand morearlU V{►{ {rTea Salt PLOY RnPAIUS.-l)iat . nd tempered I N-EsTilx MEETINC -The annual Vest• modern printing tress and also have Sao Soap ) in ail, ornfeflblo ca eady to Sit tiny ! ry Meeting Of kit Paul's church was ordered a flew else rio motor. With ills E 'LR SHOWN IN WIl`7GI3AD1 SodaMace Plow at T. H. Rosa i hold oil Moi,c1(L evening, better facilities wc nteud; in the coarse . _ Y g„ the rector, ! C Cocoa, Coffee y•,: D. M. Gordon's Now Sprint,, Carpets: Atm. Will. ,Lowe, p,osicliug;. Mr. '.rhos. gi a few weeps, to nlargm ilio paper by t ( Starch Bluing j have arrived; also pretty Curtains and I Bell was re-appc itecl the Rector's giving an extra col Lb1i to each page, or 4 Onions Syrups curtain materials. Seo them. j Warden, and Mr, D► Corbould was to- eight columns in a 1. These improve- ` Salmon Allspioo ? ' INCREAsnvo RATE .- AG the beetle i elected the People' Warden. Messrs. meats will enable a to publish- a better Over twenty varieties and colors of Oatmeal FearlMatches of the Grand Count, 1 of the Ccanadia I C. N. Gribikli aucl ''• Swith were op.' paper slid aleprin g. in s- the g out ge- Sweet Peas shown separately .. , . , - Sardines Matches Order of Chosen Fr ds held in Toronto ( pointed. auditors, he meeting adjourn- cordal job pruit c As- the l entail Mustard Gelatine ed to meet ill tt o weeks when the i exert anti new to file, will entail t last week, it was 9ecided by a large extra heave coat to tl:o publisher we CNutmegs Sal Soda majority to increase the rates on neem- anditors report wt A be presented and hope all parties w o aro indebted to the Bird Seed Cinnamon bars who joined tHF Order prior to 181)7, {the other officers el :eted, TI= -9 for subsor•i tions, advertisin aur! Tooth Plelts Hemp Seed ? up to the rates all aged members join- i Do you waut to be dressed stylishly? job printing will,I aa•promptas•poeaibbe t ¢ Corn Starch Mustard Seed ing since that date, i If you coo, come to D. M. Gordon or in making pay me -ions, Cream Tartar Scouring Brick Felt SALE.- A second-hand Typo- dainty Muslii,s and swell Dress " ode. A. Douglassl C Flavoliug Extracts wilier in ood re I Sewing Mflehine Oil + g )sir, Apply at TxxEs ( It beats the Pan-.tLmerica That's A special of pantings•at xweli's. office. what every person sa th sees the big , Rubbers for Fruit Jars g Farm of -86 -acres for sate• . r 2v. sores Brooms Brushes MONEY To LOAN at 4?/. per cent, oil display of Buggies an Lrriages-3 car south of V ictria .+ee On 32: serfs i eas terms of re fl ment. Apply to A. loads -at T. H. Ros. Chemist and Druggist Corn D1ed and Red, y P Y pp y north of the rail Apply I White and Black Pepper i Dtilmage, Chisholm l3ipck, Wlugbam. DEnTn IN TU1MBJkRY.-Miss Susanna i Stewart, Wing;hanl. Hoitsr, RAc3ES.-''rogrammes for the I Frances, daughter Mr. Jos. Churchill Ladies' whitewear, Ic Victoria Day races to be held iii Wing- tiled at liar home in Cnrnberr oil Thurs. ties belts, sink C1111 of above articles for sale b I y shirt waists; Hid' ov from 50o up. r+W- AaENT G. N. W. Y { ham on May 241), .ave this week been ( day of last week, armed 20 years and 0 C, Pawny* & Co's , 1 , every pair guar -; C y I printed at The TIM ss office. $Soo is be- I months. Deceaser had been ill with I anteed.. MtNNA & Cb. N, A raquharsoning offered in pursta and this should ori- pneumonia. Auet or daughter is very g your an- a COLS euro a good day's ort. The prof: am- I ill. The family ttfil Have ilio sympathy HORSEDTEaf.-Before orcdenin 9, .,ij me: 3.50 class tr t or, ace, ll i Waal route bills or pedigree folders, eall ` a The Bead C p p X150: i of mau,v friends iii lteir affliction. at The Thins officep(taid aee what we can 4 ,°o CHINA HOUSE 2.28 Paco anc12.25 rot, purse 5Q; 2.13 ; Be1.•KERs ORcxe :IZE.-The Canadian l x y Opposite Bank of Hamilton. Pace and 2,1G trot purse Private Bankers' Association was or- do for you. We have a large uttinbea of y Y I I splendid nuts of various designs sued over i _ " To (lCCeSs VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV . Butter and Eggs ed, ighest 1 anizea at a ver successful meeting stoclt is:all of first class ! I ifgality... P ices t t prices paid. THE R. . CR o ER Co. I t eld for the pure a in the City Hall, right., Try ' °Force," then w eakfast food. Toronto, on MOilr Ly afternoon. There .A. Great Mistake i 7 Tr rice for Zo'c ANNA Co. are over two hour rod private batlltoh re MONEY TO LOAM -Money to loan. On ; I I the Dominion, re tresolntlug bank mil- notes, and notes diseountecl at reason- Is easy for those who are equipped The farmer who thinks that I will charge I STEP L ADDER. --Bi five dollars worth i able rats. Money advanced on Mort- for the proper transaction of business as much to se11 his farm as an agent of the Of g009a At I6Ard & Gia'a. aII(l ; lions of capital, it uch 1nore than IR iii- i eta ass 'i• r \ with r' a is is. T t, , lull i hose h Western Real Tstate Exchangeke., i.•t laboring i ' ! volved in any oil -,r unauthorized busi- l gages, ' privilege of paying at the ; who get their edtica- ngate, my should you not call, beam i fed the, Come premium of a gore they Sall gotep ne. or. I iven to de - Win ss sham, Canada. attend d the meeting, o4 i collect d end of Tl Ogee-i3eavP.r Blo k, wing- tails auciar.. Notes andaccounts tion rsimpie nldthudon is gs, will have g For nLv terms call at my ofilre and investi• Come uiCilt before the are all 011e. Yollotring • First -I do not charge $15.00ifyour I UNION SUNDAY +1100L. --A business f g g leant ROBT. MRI Dno. the acdvautage of others. We lilve in - OLD RESIDENTS, When renewing his , formation for you if you are interested farm has cond listed for two years and is not I Union Sunday Sch sol at es i school ; subscription a few ygo, Mr. Jobu Taylor, i seed EDacle with a full slortme t the of , sold. Second -I do'not receive $1.UU for every , have farm your mo n'E y to pay in*,. some Third who will not house,, Tnruberry, was held recently, ! of Zetland furore:.! na that it is 43 years Red, Mammoth and Alsake. Clowira, ' : Forest City Business College rliai ge you. 21 rrc on the sale (price when your Mr. Jno. Kerr of tc wu has been re-elect- ' since lie first settle • on his farm in Eatst I Timothy, Orchard,„ Red Top, Kentucky I Y. M. C. A. Buildin char n sold, Foiled! -I do not done, in ed as Suporintende it. A splendid new I Watvanosli. Alia_ century continuous i ant' Meadow Fescue• Grasses, Buy Proof' g+ London; OnC. cannot g for something 7 tLave not dope, and I library has been )urcllasecI and ry residAIIce oil one arm is a thing not I Peas, Cxoose Wheat. Century Oats, and I : J. W WESTF.RVELT, Principal. cannot guarantee to do. Y many are priviledpad t enjoy, Dir. , thing points to a v ,ry snccessfu easou I and Mrs. Taylor ee ebrated their golden I the finest strains.. of Mangol'd's, Sugar Wheu von list your farm for sale at my oBlce for this Sunday S oat. Tha o01 will t Beets and Cambs. at the ve lowest 1 you are incurring no costs whatever unl(•ss I wedding a few yea s ago, and it is the , L eff(K t A solo, and then I guarantee oil will be re -Open On Sunda aftecrio0 i10xt. , , priees, t fi •i ..3'g•3••a;g.. a•!:••r IIg-1••i•.. •1••II••i••fig•'1. ga y wish of The Ttac s along with their I` EASTEtL VxsLmoRs N Tower. l satisfied t0 pay ]110 the an1all COnllniaH10I1 I ANl{. Wanted at ones, of potatoes. l many friends that they may both be Dr. Mae-! 't` SPRING TERM OPENS April 1 T. J. MAGUIRE, Will pay 30o trade. HANNA & Co. spared to enjoy n1 vuy happy years to- edoualil, M.P., was _Lome from Otra va i' Real Estate Agent. for the holidays., , James Mnra Of '1' •l• Office over D. M. Gordon's stare. I FARMERS, NOTICE. -100 bags of Goose I gather. y ,1, Wheat and Man liuria Barley, at T. A. I If you want a reel buggy, a Exeter. was the g lost of his brother, •1• 4 - MILLS. bugg, ora l; buggy. John Murra.yr....C. W. Raflea A '1' Central Business College, green.-Lud blacic bit v, , g , of the.g. Who Wants a Farm ? 1 natural y 1n Markdale Standar. was in town on •3 Berlin on Fri ay la t1 attending Moore the an. 2 , 24 or25lin ch )ody1other They are all Friday... Harris rtss of Guelph, visit- + STRATFORD, ONT. I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands r ed at his rnrental 1' mP .... Robert Pat- '1" .+ for sale, in 50, i5, 100 150 and 200 acres, lots in nual meeting, of tl a 'Wester u Football i hero at right price _ T, H. Ross. .;. Kinloss, Greenock, `Bruce, Kincardine Huron I Association, being a delegate for• ?he } , torsoit of Kincardit , visited his brother, a. ' and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with , SPRING MIL' LINICY.-The season for I W. G. Patterson. , A„ E. Bradwin,wife -E+ gobd buildings to be sold cheap on easy forms. I local club. The m :sting was the largest spring millinery is again with us, The I and children, of B*th, wore, the i Also it good, blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- I and most enWqn tic in, the Histor of j milliners of town lcl their spring; mil- ' of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradwin .. , tWin. s ; .'tog• A Course of Study in this College .g A 1 otel) (dioutggg fi good business'forrsalo cheap. I has euterecl trmedi toSeries n a i finery openings (a1 Thursday of last Lewis of Toronto, with old friends in `1^ paves the way to Also a tvagonshop. A eperal storeavith large t [l I week. The stree wits crowded with town and vicinity... Messrs, Janies A. ' + 4- trade,S to 1otl ttp to criit %arfiaAtlo rntiLip • 8 -BI were ,-Wg 1 as follows; .t,Gruitp ; ladies -and gentle nen-and all appear- , Cummings, John Collins, Peter Link -1 . 4. i s p y -pian 1 ay- 2' ; ti } ticuhtrsapply to Brussels, May 21st- Br Mel. At Bly- eeI- to enjdy the display' of. millinery.; later and Oliver V:.tson, of Listowel, at; '1' . T. A. McKENZIE, i o The millinery stores were beautifully 1 their homes in t tn....Mrs: Grund `l' •B th, May 9th; V h, am, ay 10th. Y .1. Tnsnrancu Aeent, Holyrood. i decorated silt! sac 1 place put forth every and Miss Trate Fie r of Lm;know, were •1• I• Win" Bly h, Ma - 30; at Brus- , I effort to surpass a l former openings. It i meats at Wm. Ra ertson's . , , , W. Toe- I 'a ' ' I sols, June 6, 1 is noticeable that he Hat hat is still the I gibbon of Toronto. et his homA , , . Mrs. GENERAL LOCAL N +AVS. I WANTED. -Cream aFt. airy But- proper thing, but l as extended its'limits J. M. Jerome of Ti Isonbnrg, the gnosh - ter, Eggs 12o., ftlNo. I the tendency is to become broader I of Mrs. J. S. Jero , , , Miss Douglass I •H Thousands can testify that it lies gF• See Halsey i ark's at. vortise ut. { WANTED. G}rl'f i'ousework, I Pearls tare, the r e in the matter of : the guest of her bro firer, R. A, Douglass 1 4' Paid them to attend our Calle=e. ZlarLiaf;e L1coLLses T - ( Campbell's Headache ' s guaran- ! at once. Apply, 112 . H. Crowder, I ornament's. k'low s that are a wonder• ....1V1r. H. A. Vane uFr+n, of the Tara + Ex -students of six other busittess .f„ • teed to cure headache. Brockenshire Cott a. fill imitation of na ure's best work will; header, with Mrs. andeusen, spent the i'r En6er isottliftpossiblee this year. 41 Issued by FRANK PATL;nsoN, No. -3 Victoria. SALEM SPURTS ill al c ors and styles DEATH or MR N. PURCELL.-Mra.1 be worn largely. Ostrich feathers, !holidays with friend in town, Mr. Van- j + . -street. Wingham. Ont. No wituessesrenuired. I Purcell beloved w a of Mr. Nathaniel brush osprey will a prominent again. ! deusQn gave The T t s a pleasant call, •1• at Crowder Co s. net ore. Lace is in favor, aline is a y. •t• W. J. 'f - i! Wo are still a 1n 18c for Butter and I Purcell, jr., passed way at the family popular on Honda He is cry lunch taken up i ELLIOTT,, Principal. / ® p9 d p y g residence,Raglans eat, 011 Wednesday 1 material. Hats o blacic aucl white are !with Our town aL 1 noted the large 3- V9 a 4,PP e giving great values in every department favorites aucl so O1 Pa lull! luaus our : n•1ua11nG of I .......................... ""r. at D. M. Gordon's. evening. To her, eath came as a re- + r granol' diic walk and onr I lease from suffering she having been in larly friends to jug ,e its to the many I lVautiful opera hon e . , .. Rr1n S Rall of A complete line of the best Groceries I defy eompetitio as to quality, finish poor health for %bo three ears. Con- !pleasing qualities of the fasliioinable hats Toronto, spent th holidays with his and Canned Goods that money can and rice. Get -o r bu Here. Y displayed ! -The canvas rs for the Turnberrya buy. We sell at the lowest possible I p y ggY sumption of the bort is was the disease ` p yed on Thursaay. We have re- grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs• H. Ba)I. I Agrir:ultnral Sot sty mads their, rounds 3' , ,p T. H. Ross. which finally Carrie her off. Deems- calved splendid desciptious of the hats 1 ....Mr. J. D. Cant hall, princinad of the t prices. Weston's Broad, Toronto, , in the different stor.s but limit- , dtiriug the week, We uuderataud that for sale. JOHN GRAY I BURIALS.-Frot the first of October, ad's maiden name N as Georgeannie Kee. y mit- I Highgate Public chonl, visiting with i the business me have responded To ' 1 1901, to the 1st of pril, 1002, there were She was born in xford county, near I ed space will not pLrinit of us making i his parents, Mr, an Mrs, Peter Camp.! p Josephine street, north. t further comment al au this lice. We hell , ..Master ]',b and Mrs. Frost, of I liberally, 128 burials in tht WinglLam cemetAry. Washington, and elided in Wingham I g -Mr. Garrick nd dao liter are mov- - - - i The burials for the different niont s with her aunt so time previous to her may say, however-. that the ladies in; Norwood, and Mr. S. H. RowntreA, Of i ing to town fro Belmore, and will. Kwere: Otcober , , November 7, De m- marria.go.-Listo el Standard. Deceas- I this vicinity will flat its good na assort- I Toronto, were th suPats of Mr. and N oacupv the house a recently purcbasettt. D QMQ 0 B A N her 3, January 0 February S, M eh 1. I ed had bauy Erie, s in WilLghani and meat of millinery irithe Wingham stores Mrs. Neil during he holidays.... Mrs. from Robt. Max ell, situate near the resided hero so a twelve ,years ago. as is to be found in my of the cities and! Ford and Mrs. Gih, nn of Galt, were the flour will. Spring jackets; shirts, nde and top; at rices that are to -ver than elsewhere. guests of their sist Mrs• Alex. Robert- ! She was a siste of Mr. P. P. gee of p I ladies' suits. These ar al new lines, ' t i -Mr. Cnnimer s preparing to build at, Lucknow, also a l- of Wingham.itc. ` Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases 1 son, Catherine stre t, during the Easter' new residence on ale street next ta>• c and are good value and -date. j holidays Mr. B own of Kincardine,1 + p 'Capital • • • • • 2 50 nNNA Co. I bought three dar loads of buggies- of the eye, ear nose and throat. Eyes I y. I W. W. Irtglie . r Benj. Jenkins hast ' ' savant five-andibought them close for i tested and glasses supplied. O111ce op- was,a visitor in to It on Monda.y....Air, y , I the cellar dug out fur his new residemxL R CLor11TN[},-Correct styles, all sizes your choice is ! posits St. Andrews church, London, E. L. Luck of Stora hroy, spent part of I on !)iaf;oual steps Reserve $2 5UU UDD cash. If you wanjt one i the holidays with lends in town. , , and shapes. Best material, .linings and , # Ontario. Y trimmings. Good dressers patronize I here at the right rice. T. H. Ross. I ! i W, ll. Pringl leas sold his cottage ISARD & CO. Seeds -10,000 uo"c pkgs: of seeds, 10 I 100 acres of unbroken prairie laud, four 1 !Cin eopold street, to Mr. John Nichol- pkgs. W I N G H A M BRANCH miles from a railway station o Maui- M I N G LOCALS. son, of the Blnev a road, Mr. ares - G)nNTATA.-The nista, "A Dream o! for 25c. Clover, Timothy, Goose Y I „ Wheat, Speltz &c for sale. , toba, for sale or exchange for town ; son ilea sold his fa m and is note a real Fairyland, will )e repeated in the ro art . Apply -The salt bloc commenced running r Opera House on r 'aa even April G. E. KING. 1 p p Y Pp y to A. Dnlnuuf,e, real; g ,dent of Wingham Y g A BRUFsrrs W I)DING.-The follow-' estate agent, Wingham. I on Monday. I -Andrew Wils n4'lind family left this S a po n 11th, by the childr of the Presbyterian ing from the Bru eta Her refers to I EASTER VI,ITotts Buonn.-Tho fol- i ' Good Friday was observed as a holi- i week for their tie home in Chatham. LD H N ire B L 0 C Sunday school, ny who were unable the marriage of a Citing lady, who was lowing is a partial li of WiugliamiGes 1 day iu Wiugham, Mr. Wilson will nd his new home ss A General Barkin Business Trans -to attend on the p vloua evening have formerly are of Wingham and Hua I who spent the Eflst r days out of I -Regular meet ng of Camp Caledonia, I more central porn for him as travelling Banking I requested that the antata be repeated. ! I Sons of Scotland on Monde evening, a -acted. Admission ISO; c drvn 10c. many friends bore who will wish her a town -Mr, and Mrf. John Adair and" next. y' fir Sent for the Dee 'ug Machinery Co, Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and happy wedded life A quiet but pretty son, Willie, with fri .uds at Loudon and -Services will l e held as usual in the advances made on same. I See King's window 1 Buy S2 t rth of wedding was coleb rated at the homo Cif i Ingersoll.... W. J. Freer at his parental I -The passenger traffic on the railways `Catholic church O L Sunday next, by the Drafts bought and sold on all points in goods and get the Ivey that t -es that Robert Maiuprize :Thursday morning !Home in Corrie... S. A. Maguire, of ! during the Easter season was unusually ( pastor, Rev. F. H..ulou. High mass auelL •Canada, United States and Europe. Parlor Suit. when his eldest c aughter. Bliss Ellen I The TIUEs, with I is. family at Grand : ieav ' sermon at 10,90 a. m. Vespers, sermon SAVINallowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, COOK chased c000ncoats frVtt,Tas last setOm who ason ceremony married Win. SI-ewart. The Was per Tied by Rev. John i Valley Lndon Misses and Nallaceburg.. o and Mande F. Miss i and otli r est news i vis are acl cro deauout Easter and benediction wi be to en t pm. The in therl and added to rind al 80th June and 31st I take good care of s'om the have Ross, Y " Y ' of this iastie. morninp p gy B.A. 11Le b fide looked very prat-; VCralker at her hem in Ingersoll. , .. Post--Gravenhurst atepayers have carried g- December each year. advanced over 40 O.NNA & CO. ty in her travellin dress of navy blue! master Fisher ant Miss Carrie Fisher ; a by-law t raise .16,000 to purchase the TO CURE A COLD IN ONE IiAX NEw ONTARIO.- hrongll the kindness I cloth with electric line silk waiste, trim. I with friends at T Tonto.... Will. Pear. + electric light ion I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A3! A. It. Vanstone, Solicitor: GIBSON, Manage!'. of Mt. Burk, of Po Arthur, Tho TItiiES ' pled with applique After a sumptuous; sou at the parents home in Ingersoll.... ! -How s your tee? If your snbacrip• E uLg1 t 3i(ive s ei the money ri each lioicto curo is in receipt of a la go bundle Of illus- wedding brealcffl •• the happy couple i Miss McCurdy at er ]iomeat Teeterville tion is behind we would be pleased to trated pamphlets nd other literature, I left on the early tr in for Torollto,where j ....Miss M. &cg tenon spent Sunday at ;date it to January 1st 1903. full o£ informatio abodt New Ontario. the honeymoon ill be spout. The I liar home at Laug icie.. , . Mr. and Dire. I -The Young Ladies' Fortnightly BANKOFHAMILTON I Any person wauti g any information in I groom a gift to tl brido was a hand- I Thomas Phails sport Sunday with their I Club will meet oi Monday, April 7th, -SHOE 8 regard to that co !try will be supplied ► seine gold watel set with diamonds. I cousin at Belgra•ia.... Mrs. Robt. John - on writing to D. . Burk, H Manag- They have the b t wishes of a hast of ; sten and Mrs. Alex. Ross spent Good j at thThe annual e home of e. cnrsion to the Model er o£ the New O1 ario Colo nation As- I friends in Bruss Friday with frien> s in Brnssels.... Mrs. ; , c • 1 1 sociation, Port thur, O Bay WANTED. -Bo with necessary I C. M. Walker sp int the holidays at her I I' arta Ou the gine rdinP-Palmerston line O V p 1 , Y will ria ran on Fri ay, Juno 20th. V I g p parental hem© u Ingersoll ... 1liias -Mr. H. Smelli , of Southampton, a ■ You will et ills b low repairs- qualifications to learn drug business. ' p g for all makes -at old relic a Spot. Apply at oncA to COLIN, A. CAximm.L. Emily Gregory s ut the holidays with i former resident of Wingham, has open - I friends in Listow 1... , Air. John Carr, of I We Have Thenit Capital paid up, $2,000,000,00. $1,r T. H toss. Don't stop Gill you roach D. lli . CXor• , the Brunswick H use, was in Sarnia for ed a boot and sboe store in Sudbury. Reserve fund, 1,v00,00b.00. Rugs, art squares, carp s, curtains, dons for your new spring snit. Stout : a fe v days, ... ss DicLettu spent the! `The cold, dis greeable weather of President- JOLfNgxttnnT. art muslins anti all o ier Ouse fnrliioth- leen, slim men, long men flue! short' holidays at her lobo in Bradford,,,, this week has in erfered with farm Vies -President -A. G. RA -51ST. ings in good variety prices the low- fusel can be fitter} here. 'Diiss Robertson t gas at her home in God- work, March cert inly went out like a THE BEST FOR l4tEN 'DIM9011'OR`S est. Call on us to b . Carpets cul; to A SAD DEA rll.'=-A ,youug man just in I orich for the ho idays.... 11iisses Mollie lion. THE BEST FOR WOMEN match your room. HANNA & CO, the prime of life xud with fall vigor Of I Hammond and D:ng'gie 'Tibbs spent Mollie Town un it on iibil1as evetn g next, THE BEST FOR, BOYS 7ohn F%*tor. Geo. Roach Win, ttibson, M.P. "At Ho\IE."--M' s Macpherson was Health was W. I Beason!, who Passed 1 aster holidays with friends iu London ' A. T. Wood, M. P., A. t3. Lee (Toronto). "At Home" to }1e lady assistants off away oil Wedne day morning at the age , , .0. M. N'ewa is was in Loudon with and regular meptin of School Board on THE BEST FO GIRLS GeneraTMAnager-.T. Tt•Il%TBL`LL, Tuesday evaniug. After spending some of 31 ,years, 5 int-ndis and 17 days. The !Itis family for B:Ester... ,Diiss Carrie Tuesday evening. Ri Savings I3ank-Hotux 10 to 0, Saturday, to time in social chat nd conversation all deceased young nae had been afflicted I Carratllera spen• the holidays with her i Tho school wi)1 - -nprn oil Mrn)ciay to 1. De osits of $1 and u wardsreecived. In. Fiat down to 'tet d at oyster supper. with muscular 'heumatism. General 1 brother at 80 111.... MIS9 KLLte Mr - j ?text lie ne v stets have been placed P Y Y Pp At Mone - Sa yln ' terest allowed, and computed on the Wth No- Whell ample jnsti o was done to the sorrow is expres :eel by his many friends' Kenzie was visit ug in Lucknow for the ! in plsition and the -few room will be rn V 1'd 05i vemb t 4ftd 131st May each year and added to al..good things provide , a toast was Fro- telt his death. Ie was the only son of I holidays.... Dia er Harry and Miss Liz- ! readiness for the op lune:. apooitll Deposits also received at current powd, and in a fp words the girls Mr. and Mrs. T Lomas Beacom, and etas' lie Greet! spen the Easter holidays l - We lief sorry to learn that Our 1 rAtcs of interest. voiced their appreci ion of the kindness I for several year : etngaged tivltli his father i with their aunt ,d unclo iu Goderich,jtilt} seine, Fpr W. Ii. floviL, 1taR bean AL''-PAIRIX G r-wbig aloug ,your Slloosi Drafts oil Great Britain and the United which. Miss Mucph rson Fhotved them in the grocery :iusines s in town. He -Subscribe fol The T=E,, 000 ccutF 11 is the, sn i ivi al) awn larrA. WOhops We (4.1 :zglt0011;g, au;i do it rigut- StatesBought and sold. (luring the past seas ri Miss Macpher- was married to ti Miss Rathwell,datight. tic inn a 1 d 1 o a and :thee i. till fist Of Jaiina.r 1903, -...The first annr ,l tncrtin t 'I,ravetleis aronotlfled that tlie]3alikaf Ham- son Tilade a very st table and touching er of E. Rathts Al, Godericli township, t, tri the Canaria Furnitoro Vanni'aetnrors was _.. Rica •'.ia1 ifs lslt.iultes issue Chcttiar hates of reply. WIletl G1 time cattle t0 part wli0 survives i iitll two young children, a r _ ' NationalProvincial Bank of Bnlriaud, Limited, enell t`elt'tha,t the riendshi chain was boy and a girl, and his father, mother Stops t1lC cough hedd in Toronto In t week. Dir. Robt. t t .a L ash(i rvlttiou t.e r r •r 1- ,1 p whi(h c i be c K t a go o t of Tortni was Oleeted iQa1• W. J. . O E Ulo ft ntiy 1)iLrt ofttto world, ' clra4t n nEaro clod about them a►ul each and sister, Diis: Nettie, also are loft to hE3nii works bi11E t1l0 Co>l4l. Tinlgnrtr, of p W. COTWOULD, Agent looked forward to another pleasant and mourn.---Clint.0 New Bra. Decensed Laxative 11romo•QuinineIrablets euro a cold in dent to 1111 the va Tie v ent stad dry the 5 11. L. DIOXINSOX, Solicitor. prosperous seaso was a nophow $f Mr. II. Kerr, Witiglintu ono day. No Cure.no Pay. Price os ccitts, tdeath Of Air. S, Sit ei of Waterloo• f.r(nI rain•• in 'lxurLle. and Val;sec. IM-" • a t....-