The Wingham Times, 1902-03-28, Page 79
MARCH 281.
F� :u.
•F33'EFkL�E-33Fi1 `admlttucQ to the o2'lc. urn cox!. I ,;xrrWhen Nit H u rts.x�as.
, e - N�eN� � pelted to force my vz(ty in. Wi}l you„ 7w�i s Aiackay, teacher iii S. la, %To. 6
� �a
tell me, yes or iio, ca 3 I have trey tuun• charge ai st ruolu in one of Ilia .�nranlo ��na�s Ointttai!�tlit i ��f1'�
Uplross, lies oast ped her snhool to take Dra
ey?'a r have a thousgn O t4st1 I>r�
Al. l'auvel listened, trembling; with � � � schools. to. its Merits as 04n .absoi+srbo
auger, yet sic controlled himself. cure for Plies oniy, out k
8 "I mould be obliged to you, monsieur, Mr, John Keir, who died on the 7th cures porrttssnently +!tit il"ars
0 CASEy.,. for a short delay," (SeTs ticou n that
hestaf thellowtt at don,: was Aberdeenshire. in the Ire igh ofaSt Strath -
nor of'Skin di:feas¢>e tea,
Emile "I thought you soldAdam Brydon, of Dele.ware Ave., Chatbapq,
.. Tri. les, estrda lint this marring, deeper and beeper Into the bronchial Scotland some fifty-three years ago and Qat., is a well known man in the west, an, 4 what
I e e y tube, and is making directly for th(t he says of Ar. Agnew•s Ointment cart easily be
this very instant, I find I have been lungs, to become pneumonia, lnflatnma- came to Canada almost immediately veriiied, "I was troubled for along time wife
+o ' Gaboriau robbed of 830,000 francs," tion. of the lungs or consumption,
3r , � after, settling near Cubourg, 'whore they piles. On talo recommendation of ,our leadia>g
M. Clameran bowed ironically and tows h coughs are aom tibe s ref grey lived until c4nllilg to (:nlross about d" uggist I tried a box of this remarkable alar+
^� "� '�� said. usually bring their victim to that last mcnt, and after applying for four or rive nights„
- „ „ twenty-two years ut;o, it completely cured nee of this troublesome aitlr.
Shall I have to wait long'.," rgStill(; place, We are Called upon this week to 3 trent, and I heartily reccma(r:d ;K to all Iiligr
a N�A,N�c -6. -6
y� �c sit a*NNy �r�sN�e���tA�c�a c sy„�t ' nLong enough for nee to s+.lid to the ]fir. Chase's. Syrup of Linseed and sdf mrs.' gs cts. q�
01 U 0 bo -6. 6 ti c --iii z;c � Vii: �,� � � � � � �° ?� �+°� � a c �,°4 �;c 0 bank:' Turpentine has long been known as chronicle Ilio dgtnitaE) of itnolYter 4f Ilii+ i
Then turning his back on the iron mother's favorite, remedy for croup, old residents of Culross ill the persou of y Fold by A. T,. Ramiltoxl 1fi , r 1;ra n
CIIAIPZ'lalt I, t5i' 1he�clerltE, "who nev4 rers uny- inurer, Al. Fauvei said to his cashier: inopopuii(ts ityu e Y dnyoand iaow has Mrs. Margaret Fraser, relict of the :ate+
NN the Paris evening papers of r „
thin disturb him. Tile c h(ef has guar• Write a note to the bane: for a loan by far the largest sale of any similar John I racer, in her 77th year, tylia c]it ri
lttescluy, Feb. 28, 1866, the reled with hint twenty tinges for being of 31]0,000 franc's. Send at once. Let preparation, w tllczfy.
following announcement all- " n ; t It loosens the tightness in the chest, on March 13th, S!1() Erns her husband,
tardy, and Itis remoustranees have no tiff- messenger take a carriage allays the inflamlivttion, cures the enid who died same twenty-seven. years sago, Miss L. J. MCLstuohlin pis on Satur»
geared: effeet upon him whatever•" Prosper did not move• and prevents pneumonia, consumption came to Culross from Huron county ila day last for Yiorktou, 2ssa„ where Illi•
"A groat robbery, committed against +,-1ud with reason -he knows lie can "Do you hear me?" said the banker and other lung trouble. 25 cents, all °
one of our most honorable bankers, M. y dealers', or Edmanson, Hates & Co„ To. 1860 and settled oil the farlu where :Ile lies secured a school at a salary of ufi ?At.
,Andre l+auvol caused intense e • , getanything o%j be led lie out a the chief. angrily, ronto, died. Up till about a year ago she had month•
,cite- l;esides, hen• senior he coins any soon- '.file cashier trembled. IIs seemed n$
went this morning throughout the ,,r? lie sits ti ill night and leads a if he was in a stupor. 7� �"' a nsr always enjoyed good hvaith, whru she ZIP= Bateman liar so"d his a0 -acres
neighborhood of the Itne chr Provence, P " " „ ,+ ®�o � � s 6 EI '� . , farm, lot 11, con• 6 to Arnie Lamont
fast {ifs. lint a you noticed how pale it is useless to send, he said. ® was attacked by la grippe, wLich lett+l '
Tile robbers with extracrdinnry skill he lo+lks this n}orning?" "There is a credit to this gentleman of of L"Insepd on developed into pliquutonhi.. Sh(, for the sutra of 41,525. There are no
-and boldness succeeded in making an Tla, en:;h1•coul door opened, and the 300,000 francs, and we have less than leaves behind her to mourn her loss four buildings on the farm.
entrance to the offices, in forcing the casl,ir•r appeared before them with tot- 100,000 in the bank." PAN ? t 1 sons and a daughter. Robert lives oil The fine 100 -acre farm cf3)ouald Ores+
lock of a safe that has heretofore been , r ; AI, de Clameran evident! expected and Tug erati t`''7e , ar, lot 9, con. 0, has been t,urchased Uy
ter;,i: titcp. y 1 the old homestead ,watt in. .Cees%%a er
considered inlpregnnble aril in getting I; thbed!" Ile gasped out. "I have this answer, for he mattered: �_ _ �_ _ + Robert J. Hoover, of Westfield, fhlr
= Charles is also ip Culruss fit prevent, 111(1
.R'way hits t h baenormous
orno us. sum of The polios- been robb ar, "Naturally." vel, , f'A father not only arsons but Dan in Tudiaii Head, Assa. A1tS.Henry, I $5,500. Air. Hoover will get possession.
,000 1•r„• pet• s expression, Ills hollow voice Althou,h he only pronounced this y P , next month. Mr. C`rerar intends mow-
1lnmeatateiy tnfortneu or the rvuoery:, and tretnl)IUtg
limbs betrayed such word, his ro(ce, his manner, his face, forgbta. Do I not know the terrible the dcu giltur, lives in Toronto Jnuctiou.
displayed their accustomed zeal, and fenr:a1 suffering that the clerks got clearly said: telnptati011S tllflt in a city fills Paris Mrs. ]+'rnaur was a life -ion;;` ntruiber Uf' Ing to Stratford.
their investigations have been crowned ' ui) rem their desks and ran toward ! "This comedy is well acted, but nee beset a young plan? " There are some the Presl+y torian ch arch and epjoyed the From the Auditors Report it will Let
with success. Alread it is said, one hill, Ile almost dropped into their j ertbeless it is a comedy, and I don't inordinate desires which break clown respeot and good will of her ueighb, r.; seen that a largo ,menu-. of money is
P. B. a clerk in theblink,has been Ile was stele and faint and fell intend to be duped by It." the firmest principles. Speak, Prosper, - a ild Erie ntlb. bundled by the town, hip '.ouncil. This
arrested, and there is every reason to into •t chnir, "Oh, don't be alarmed, monsieur," speak!" receipts for the past year are given art
hope that his accomplices will be son 11 vonlpanions surrounded him and said the banker. "This house Ila$ oth- '".1vilat do you wish mL to say?" c=oDRUICrr. $38,413.8(1. Of this sum il:•,088 wasco'i-
•overtaken by the lulnd of justice." (>t ! ' ,i hint to explain himself. er resources. Dave patience till in re- The truth, An honorable man may Detective Cockburn, of the G. T. R , lected from the taxpayers by the taxcoP-
But this time the newspapers were i, tubed?" they said. `"Where? Ilow? turn." P y gk+la d temptation, but his first step
Inaccurate in tUeh• 'information. The P,� ••'liar}?" I IIs went out and up the narrow stops toward atonement is confession. Say Mari been investi;;atiug the t:asti of l)hic: lectors, l.liq expenditure for schoeltr
:sum of 3:,0.000 francs certainly ha"7 G:-adProsper recovered himself. leading to his study and at the end of to elle: yes, I have been tempte(1, daz- lug obatrugtions on d,q track, about n was 3,fiG0; ]Municipal drains, : i,747;
,been stolen from M. Andre Fauvel's :.:i I had In the safe." five minutes returned, holding in Itis zled, The ;tglit of these piles of gold toile south of Godericli. Two small roads and bridgIs, ;1,851: gravel', -$4 6,,
hand a letter and it bundle of securf_ turned u.,r horrid. I am young. I have boys were the offenders, and their your.: drains and ditches, C�6i1; ellarity cGO;,
bank, but not in the manner described. ".'• 1'"' ties. pa"dons••' prote<+ted them i'roui thq suet ru tr<ar,(- aid to wire fences:, $•10: iaallaries, etc,,.
'The following, arc the f'ac'ts as they ^irA, all -three .packilges, each con.- "I!" murmured Prosper. "I!" $824; election expen-s, .146, countk�
,were related with serupulous exactness 100 notes of a thousand francs, "IIere, quick. Couturier," he said to ,,, tllcut of the li'Lw.
Poor boy!" said the banker sadly. rata, $2,800; rash on laud 1513,b44.
at the preliminary examination: and one package of 50,000, The four one of !lis clerks, "take any carriage, A deputation of Godericli Gitizen�, in.-
2le paused, as if Hoping Yor a eoufes- r. Jessie McIntosh, rfalie: of the lata
The bauliing house of Andre rauvel, I:arl;:lges were wrapped in a sheet of which is waiting, and go wolf mon- sten, which, however, did not come. o1nding Mayor Cameron, wi:Y wait on
87 Rue de Provence, is an important papor and tied together." i sicur to 'Al. de Rothsehild's. Give him ,"Come, Prosper, have courage. Make the Government at OttawT
c, askitltr than Owen, J. McArthur, ctlu- 6, (]ltd ora
-establishment and. owing to Its large \\'ith the rallwity or lightning the this letter and these securities. In ex- a clean breast of it. I will go up a breal:wat4r Uq ooustruCCgct out in the eves
March 14111. Afr;, AI(AFthltlr
fo'-ce of clerics, prt'sants very much news of the robbery spread through- I change you will recein a 300,000 francs, stairs. Go again to the safe. I am Lake to protect the mouth of t•hti harbor. eves born iii Glengarry ro:.utE•, Ontario.
,the appearance of a government de- nut i lie bane.. The curious clerks rush. i which you will hand to this gentle- sure that in your agitation you dict not in which locality bhe w,is allitea in. niar-,
artment. On the ground door are the ed Ill. I man:' The wotion to unseat Counvillors
F search thoroughly. This evening I Murney and Knox cattle before His Hull- cattle
thirty- ois t wnsh :t;;o. in. Mr. tM&-
•offices, with windows on the street, "Did you find the anfe broken open?" I The Iron founder was visibly disap- will return, and I am sure that during or Judge Doyle, when 1 y (o s u- the tante to this township w leu Air, lvio-
proteeted by ;trcmg Iron bars, soft!- ,;rid young Cavaillon. I pointed. Ile seemed to wish to apolo- the day you will have found, if not vloce together to dlArthur purchased a. snwtuitl on. the orttt
•ciently large and s« "No: it Is untouched." ize for his impertinence. or ,otter \caF d}atuis+ed without cost; to
I g ' the „u0,000 francs, at l :ist the greater cow from it AIr. Llruigy auix uluuti:;•trcl it
-courage all burglarious attempts. K. "Well?" I "I assure you, monsieur, that I bars portion of it. And neither you nor I either party. until Ire turned Ilia attond 11: to fttrmilig.,
Faur`i's private otlire is on Cho first "Yesterday I put 3:50,000 francs in no intention of offending. For some will tomorrow remember anything The order ha:; been issivA by rhe G.T. IIq bought fifty arretN frolM thf+ late
floor over the oflives iind lends Into his ;he safe, and this morning it is gone." { years our relations have been such that about tfif`s false alarm." R. authorities for the erectiou of u ue%c rl'P)olnas H• rite rt til 188', and Celt E lost
private aparin)ents. This private er- 1 messenger bad already informed i I"- M. T! auvol had risen and was about station in this town. t t 1 3
'Ece communicates directly with the AI. I� auvel of the disaster, and tit this "Enough; monsieur." interrupted the to leave the room when Prosper arose The last issue of the Canada Gnz"tto later added the flue hunt rud nvreer bta-
bank by means or a narrow st:airease. moment he entered the room, AI. An- banker. I desire no apologies. In and held him by the arm, in the militia notice:: nrtuuauces that the ton, to ilio A1c(suirq estate. Mr. Me-
opens into The room oeeopit'd dre i+auvel appeared to be (Iman of business friendship counts for notb- "Four generosity is useless, mon-Arthur paid Nature's debt in February„
formation of the Godericli Township
:try to dead casUter. This rosea, which fifty, inclined to corpulency, ofInedi- in.;. I owe you money. I am not ready sfeur," he said bitterly. "Ilaving tak- 18fl9, Mrs. McArthur had been, ill dux-
Riflg. Ie Associatio,r, with headquarters at
"cashier'sIn the n,s oflicc,b the proorl tl„•,•inct t 11e um height, 11 like all hard woirlers, lie thadma slight have a richt t ou are demand)}essing. You what is your baveot elng, I can restore arched carefully. ttTheTlbank Goderioh, is authorized. A list of those fall developing IntoIng the past winter�lt ug trouble.pneumonia ill
-attacks, no matter how skillt;:,ly 1)'tul. stoop. Never did be by a single action civil. Fallow my clerk. Ile will pay noises have been stolen:' to whom the long service nie3alis grant is survived by one son, Peter A., iill(i
ped. Fastened in. the wall ny en(n'- belle the kindly expression of his race. `you your money." "But by whom, poor fool? By ed contains; the following: Sergt. J. threeriaag;hrers, Alis,es Maggie, Tenuia
mons Iron clamps is a sate, a :ormida• IIe had an open countenance and a Then he turned to his clerks who whom?" McMath, 33rd Regiment; Sergt.-Maje.r and Mary, Bliss El]a McL,tosh, a tlfe B„
hie and fantastic piece of furniture lively, frank eye. ! Stood curiously :razing on and said, "By all that is sacred, I swear that it S. MoMath 33rd Regiment; Sergt. 0. ]
-calculated to fill , rith envy the poo: "WUat's this I hear?" he said to the , ":is for you, gentlemen, resume your vias not Uy me." Pennington, 83rd RPgimettt ; Color• lilts also Ueflu one of i he family. 2' f;
devil who easily earries his rortnnt• it- clerks, who stood before him respect -R ' desks." The banker's face turned crimson. subject (it this notice was a faitlxfull
a pocketbook. fully, "What's happened?" In a moment the room was cleared "Aiiset.tible wretch," cried he, "do you . Sergt. A. Stobie, 33rd Regiment; Lauce-
Uorp. T. Huckstep, 33rd Regiment. nietuher of the I'rt; h1 rcariau ahurch,'fti
The sale is opened by n curious Hitt•. The sound of M. Pauvel's voice In- i of every one except those who belong- mean to say that it was IT' true. %viie, lo -v hig Lun nvc and afiibl,.. bier
Ley. But Ibis is the least import; spired the cashier with the energy of a i eel there, and they sat at tho}r desks Prosper bowed his head and did not One evening recent!?, Mr. and tilos, neighbor.
part of the mechanism. i� ive movable great crisis. 'lbe dreaded and-decisiVe i with their noses almost touching the --Charles Tweedy, St. David's street, cele -
777 • - - T
steel buttons, upon which are eograved moment had conic. IIe arose and ad- paper before them, as if absorbed in It (To he eowiuue,l) brated their 25th wedding anniversary,
all the letters or the alpllnbet, consti- vanced toward his chief. ! their work. Still excited by the events -- ^'^-^•^ -- Twenty-five years ago the couple were ���
tute the real power of this Ingenious "Monsieur," lie began, "having, as ' so rapidly succeeding each other, 'Al. v\,��\\e\\\'`\p,I tit�,�111,`\\1 �\\,�1. 1� i.111�'�`I`i� "i married at i3ipley , in Brocq conuty, anti Back
piece or furniture. ncrore htaaerting you know, a payment to make this .Andre I'auvel walked up and down the \\\\\tit, `1�1\^,i\ 1 `: 1 Ijiii i ilti'1J Providence hits vrospered them with n.
the key Into the lock 1!w letters on the morning, I yesterday drew from the room with quick, nervous steps, coca- x�t^''i' 'r i\�' oil=� ? . �U1 11In he Morning.
„- �1`'�� (�•; °, � G�``�:y q . � • �"^ t11�(illi 33 health and happiness all these yours.
buttons must lie in l:, • ex:let position Baltic of France o,at1,000 francs,' , sionally uttering some low exclanln• \\a•�
In which they wets 1,1neml when tile " Wily yesterday, monsieur?" Inter- ' tion. Prosper remained leaning against �\�:: •� ,g; e�A� � '��kl\t11lil�,l�t On Tuesday, blarcil 18th, James Al. �
safe was locked. In Jl Panvel's bank, rupted the banker. ,It seems to me the door, with pale face and fixed eyes, \�+-i, '',moi:} °r,> eF4• '' Y t it (t, Shepl}ard, one of our long dineresident There are
as everywhere„ the Fare was always that I have a hundred times ordered looking as if he had lost the faculty of to ��\�� \\�!i � ; ti1�I� fl and bE'st lt�+owu citizens, passed atany nl:t:ly pe()1)le '
closed with a word which was changed you to watt until the day of the pay- thinking. Finally the banker, after it \�u\\\ \ : 1� \ ?ys;;.ls;., t 1 � . i 1 �S suddenly from heart failure. The de- W110 field it a
from time to time. This word was meat." tong silence, stopped short before Pros- \i\\\\�� �\ „�"`�i�^ times �`� t• coased gentleman had been in poor health dif iMIlt t as I -
known only to tile' head of the bank •'I know, monsieur, and I did wrong 'per. Ile had determined upon his line \\ t1 \ \' +k+au. Il for some months, and about two months g0ttiug ul) Ill
:and the cashier. They each had also a to disobey you. But the evil is done. of conduct. t� ^'�` ,, the nioruin l "
„ „ ,4 bra f ' Y ago he returned to Godgrich after ri 88V- '�+ �' a t
Ley. There was but one danger -that Yesterday evening I loci:ed up the We must have an explanation, be I\' I\ \ \� 1 j4:;1 tiA h on. aOCOttut of a !!�
Ot forgetting the word which was In- funds. They have disappeared, and said. "Let us go Into your office," 11 i� i 1 ere illness in London.. Six weeps since
S g,11`lt1`dtiuel3ingoody��,r� ►��i Tile
tCTP11Jlq )dill .m
" The cashier obeyed without a word. ' 111 i \,`, f t thq old complaint again appeared. 1
dispensable. get the safe has not been torted. I\ ti no ton. -o y!IT
On the morning of the 28th of Feb- "You are crazy" exclaimed
At. Fau- and his chief followed him, taking the i''1'\l!,i 1,,\ji ` `1' II I-1! late Mr. Shephard was well known told sol
til ,1 ,�,11 1 IN avrosstLecillall
ruary the employees were all busy at vel, -or you are dreaming!" precaution to shut the door after them. ,'1i,�,; �° �� . f. throughout Huron, as the firm of Sheep- -•
their various desks about half past 0 "1 am not crazy, neither, unfortu• ; Nothing in the cashroom bore evt- I � )' q �i,r 4 hard & Strachan diel a large trade ()r the backthat i
dense of the entrance of burglars. Ev- \`, \ \,` 1.1 a ,oCalso� � ) g males rising `L \ r
•oclock when a middle aged man of nattily, am I dreaming. 1 am simply ; through the county in the sixties, seven-
very dark complexion and military saying what is true." y • They, ,tvo n light { , ,
p y � cr thing was in perfect order. Not ,y ,y, ties and eighties. The deceased had Painf ill 'Led
that's rich and boll- �I
bearing, in deep mourning, presented This calmness at such a moment ap- even a paper was misplaced. The safe 11 ,lltanL No odor. discOillforti31g
UimselP in the elites adjoining the safe,, was 0 1 u, and on the to shelf lay sev- , 1 \ 'litany styles. sold f been a member of the town council and
g peared to exasperate At. I� auvel, Ile i e' P ' everywhere �J was a member of the Collegiate Instituto operation. Pvt'1• li n0�. what it wII:
where he found rive or six employees. seized Prosper by the at and shook ('ITI roltteuus of gold, overlooked or -�so
He asked to see the cashier. He was film roughly. i d[sc'.::inecl U,r the thieves. AI. Fauvel, IMPRUJAz '�'�°see^"! � �a;� Boats• In, 1866 he joined Maitland `:ot'`a't2y to get out of(ibeatyou'fa
told that the casbier had not yet ar- "Speak!" he cried out "Speak. Who ; without troubling himself to examine t►xnoo, �� Lodge, A. I' & A. Al., and remained et `, , , t . lain?
t uivtlling. tool. a chair and ordered his member until his death. altun. t sereani with tl:t. 1
rived and that the cashroom was not do you say opened the safe? Answer , • )
p, car!0vi- to be seated. IIe had entirely _ -- - "" Cali't do ili1lE11 Of a (lays 'norl's,,'
'opened till 10 o'clock, a notice of which me, i ITCoverecl his equanimity, and his coup- -- 1 mr "-`� - -"� stnrtiug Off with a bae'h as bad a%
was posted in the entry. "I cannot say." I s.�
tenon ev wore its usual kind expression. i11.,, -nut fit for pleasure eitlier-
"1 thought" be said in a tone of cool "No one but you and I knew the se- '����� C
impertinence, "to find some one here trot word. No one but you and I bad i "erre that we air. alone, Prosper," a CATARRH �+�R� , e 5 is \rr ell, all tills backaPll"� at2d pant,
ready to attend to my business, hav- (toys," he&nid, "have you nothing to tell me?" i�tg p'�tills stifi}1('tis ftncl sol°e mntis COtile
The eashler started, as If the gneS- a kD' I p e�nttsb direct to ,Iseased ,
Ing arranged the matter with A1. Fau- This was a formal accusation. At ! 1 pares by the ulcers, Improved
slBlower. 111)!. (:an tl,e 1fiecir -� tri( Coed""
tion s•urprlsed 11}111. `Nothing, mon- _ Heals the ulcers, cleat, clic sir , ,
vel yesterday. I am Count Louis de least, all the auditors present so under- „ ui), raa't du t11(.ir w%)2.1 -a properly„
'Clanivran, an Iron maker at Oloron, stood it. Yet the caslifors strange i stern'. twat I have not already told you. f. \k passage5,stopsdroppinggs��th° ` `ff
ii'llat? Nothing? Do you persist in '' Cat at and ppertnanantlj cures t11i,1 x'(1112' la:t(:k floe t() i e l' for it.
Lind have come to draw 300,000 francs calmness did not leave flim. He golf- i P CatarrltandHayFever. Blower )'•l t, trV i bill or two Of Dr
a fable so absurd and ridicu. free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
'deposited in this bank by my late tly released himself from the chief's ;loos th^t' no one can possibly believe Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo T":t^:ler', I>ac'haelle Kidney Tablets-
brotber, whose heir I nm. .It is sur &}•asp and sold: ! v --•- . \%'Iiat a ehannC �-0ll';1 :4ntl eolninfv
prising that no orders were given "In fact, monsieur, I am the one ' it. It tc folly. Confide a me. It is
about It:" ine who could have taken this money" ' your only chance of sulcation. I am i TiMES CLUBBING OFFERS, "e'er Yolll �uil`li be i.ra(l to springy
Neither file title of the noble mnnu "Unhappy man." !coil,• ellief, it is true. but I am, above ase p� fr0'11 �'Ottr heel in. t1.0 ,idgP111n , itSi
fact ithe nor his le of the no appeared Prosper drew himself up and, look- ' nil• your friend -your hest and truest �6( fit' , Oar clubbing rates with different Ilvely a:. :t erieket, atlel.fe"+1 refreshecIt
1'r iel,d. I cannot forret that here fif• �/ ! newspapers are as follows:- tuts fit for your daily dtttieS.
to afroet the clerks. int; M. Fauvel full in the face. added: 'Icon years ago ,vou were intrusted to
•"I'iie cashier has not yet arrived." "Or you!" Times and Weekly Globe $1 60 ,
tn( by your father, all(] ever since that HEALS I TOUCHED THE SPOT,
they repeated, "and we can do nothing The banker made a threatening ges• i day have I had cause t c nngrntniate F1PlD cool NE5 "q�; 1 'Times and We kly Mail 1 1,5 r " ` s
J3 Joseph 1Vee'n�, lie 1 wit:!, ,:Edger, Smith's
for you." tune, and there Is no knowing what I till On i)USSeSNillg y0nt' Taithft,i ,Y0(e 6. � ,.� � Times and Family Herald and l•:tlis, says- '" llybackuao in it bad way.
••'I'ben conduct me to Al. P'auveL" would have happened if they had not service. les, it is rifteen years since r. �•++�:�N0'� oc'AND{s Weekly Star 1 i:i i tons (lesperately Ianle, :,::+1 tI18r0 wasxl;
There was Some hesitation• then a been interrupted by loud and angry you cattle to me. l was then just com• BRONCHIAL 'gimes and Weekly Sun 1 is doll ; rindin+r slain over t..; i,i"lueys. .Ala
tl t•k named Cavaillon. who was writ, volces in the entry. A man insisted j tncnctng to build lay i'ortune, Imd you : Times and Montreal Witness 16t1 times I 1,:u� ht ubtehea aJ often I wast
Ing near a window, said: upon entering ill spite of the protesta- I „ �. l Uy � h ` �� I:inlos txnd Western Advertiser 1 :)0 curry, particuuuly if I llu. l roes it stooping..
have sun it „tadually grow ste ,. ¢ •E t �I l tried first ono ehing, t::ci, :.110ther, hit%
t stop from almost notion I Cl3.2_S
•'7'he chief 3s always out at this tions of the employees and succeeded ' � to its present 7.'ime.i and Farmers' Advocatq 1 to t
{ P 1 ^L � , therew:te no permanent lrt•:,cti.• tilllbe�;nttn
Dour" in foreilag his way in. ft was AY de size. :1s mr wenitUriucrc�ased I on- C(l91c»•iSa�,N'i��a`. wkF : t 'l+imes incl Toronto Daily Star 2 50 u,int; P-tcher's Kidncv T.d lc,,,% They
'"Then I will call again," said AI. de Clameran, The clerks stood looking on, , deavored to better year condition, YOU CCILDS, � 2.3
el r
lalnernn. And ire departed without bewildered, motionless, In profound st- i •h althcll^U so our ,are the ol(lestf'< w>',Q1lt�l:E1? Tl�f r�' 4; ;X� ,��' s re -
Times and Daily <x1oUn 4 ri�.lt to the *lUeforq ever i1;•.iutq as nxu C71g
l}cf.61N'tithi ig
raying "good morning".or even touch. !once. It was easy to see that some i bf my clerks. Ateachinventory I in- < ANY r,;,T11rIe V, .F5 i We could extend Cho list. but it is not good. livoulcl sug gtislt toa%ttyouosuffering:
„ngceibary. `Ve call give you <+lilbl ln„ t
Ing his hat, terrible question -a question of life or creased your snituy, , tY i.t way to try them.'
"Not Eery pollte," said little Cavatl- T a1,E :2� �^ SOtTL K ;toy:. I rates on any uaa spaper or magazine.
,• r ,
f" death --was beim, wei„h(d by wig these Never had Prosper heart] his chtcf y.•r., � � g I Dr. i.'itchers Bar„nel,e .e4:,ney TabIot"�
1 �••' -' 1..AT ALL fif~'a,3 , t it,4'' , `. un Tnty s r
Ion, "lint here comes Prosper. men. The Iron founder did not ap- express himself In so feeling and paler- ` �tr�� ; $iOR1ea � t ' are.,;),•, a l,ox, (:L a,tidrut:�.� or bymai�a
Prosper Bertomy, cashier of rauvers pear to observe anything unusual, Ile nal a manner, Prosper was silent with rl "` -� - - Wingham, �txA Ptrcuz n ca ..'i`t:renta. On.#»
banking house. was a tali, 111111680ale advanced, his bat on Ills head, and 1 aStOtliSllnleint.
man of thirty, with light hair and blue said in the salve impertinent torte: "answer!"pttrsned A'I.I auvel. "Have ■■ �± n j� 'i
eyes, and dressed in the height of the ,It is after 10 o'clock, gentlemen." j l net always beim like a father to you? �' til GRAi�D oPrO'°�YN'TY -<
fashion, No one answered, and M de Clame- { 1''1.0111 the first day Illy house has been E
"Ali, ...'.. - Cavaillon 1 nm when be , • o •e a treated as x1: BICYCLES BATCHES rt;u
, r .
Ah, here y0a argil tiled Cava o ran was about to cot t e i open to you. You vvere t , ,, f
,,Some one has just boon Inquiring for for the first time sm%v the banker. Ile ! member of my fn,nily. ills pisco, A'Iad• t;. LI, Any OR GE, onrnT'S STYL
tVent straight to him. AV 1ilAVEST ADVEItTIfiFlIIExT, Any ono ran rastiv rnrn oho ,t three Oan111votnP. 2.1'A a
you, elciue, and my soils looked Upon y011 b i. ��, g• tno(ttl,, 111K11 Rrxd(t 1it1I'e1Ps. a 11andsoule ilo1(Gplated Wa[ch, ('11x111 aa►tl (thArI>i, 1:a.i s
., , -well, "" 1 "I con- ll '(lit grow wear of ' i .1�� I _ or Gtota styli, uud S Tq,IA of tine wimer•Dlated b'al'e. We aro givmtt aaav thuwcauua er }r•�,rno '�,
"Who? An icon manufacturer, was Weil, monsieur, he said, [i9 a llrlltllet. Y tit y r, y 1 to adv,+rtes, our lu,rrao aft goods and revery honest rrrin,l *116 sells only 20 p:lrkages of oar t,uret� ^ 7
r+ }, I .e_ + p ,,. • p + t, tL 'S•'n ` n':,'1 , Pra Sordi jthesa are tla seeds }crown astbo Japob Asters, justly, alobratrd for thrtr quick ,trot%mg, t„fihtht.r crering, find fluor,
It notT1 gratulato myself upon finding you i tt,,. I,t weft, -.f!', On d,l, - y t
N.,.ner.:,q' 7':al.ttre) tv!ti r=ogles aur. Rrnnrngs oRrr of this. Orr!;art Mob Ronde El -ole m'Ut a l.sna„,ma, t .iii • r, -T w,ptvl&
"Precisely'." - ie once before suddenly - begat to shun els. ;Ind � ( Chain and C[rat'm,E doubts titver•,]atrd 9•oa•St1nnnee,'t.-Siivrrinlstdd nnttsr l:urfn odd Sup sr Shrti, wtinu',noel,rnelNotte[Cly �a't•P ro'rsiita�,
I'i`eeisely. at last. I have been here ,van the 2at,ackngeAot arrdarorIca, jltOdon�t "k aa'a:ent, C%nd sn an Jlrar.�rllrtt,P�iw. $cndya,trikaw a d a,l'xm pin,n)r r,n'ittem
a" Thinking that morning and found the cashroom � sines thell" - � n 20 Large I"kaws ofasrda Soil.hrnrnt111C.ap wee. Thr arer,M1aytutell, whM861d°end „s,h, mrtn1y, l' aa,.nndunRtterart
tiVell, he w111 return, a this m b , a.yodco will wit the a.
t , , , i. 5oa comply with rho agar, we send to every, oar Inking adranfarr of this ndvertlsemrnt t is h.Rh emdn H ryetu and prrtrnts t"111 br Guru nh:n:rnN!r trrr,
I Would be late this morning, i At: not opened, the, cashier not arrived, rhe meinoi les of the past thus evok too want to say Thrift here that thtse nityclos Me not Toy wheels, but PI and 24 indi whrMs, to L•lue, L'huk aid Matvun cuiuis. t%Alt 411 the blft n
tended to the !natter yesterday." you were absents" d ! ed by the banker soenled too nl}f'h for fittachmlo t find boyMttuorartor,r
This tX do hnnnsr. oitrr, m,dn by an catabtinhnd house, ed [nttaluco thdr'roadsand tiatntlyntctifind is a ipleu&a of-palt: w.ty tolecnre rheas h:k*laaYtw
Prosper had unlocked his ogee and ,you are mistaken, monsieur; I was S the Unhappy ashler. Yee burled Ills' presfllrt8 vree. t?v!->tiloy:'le itlnt uni cnrc[uay reefed and packed.
n red and "► face its his bands and burst Into te'a's. 5nm 1psat reathntlmals:--
as he finished speal,[ng a tQ to my office. '� 'to �n>, sbvltitratcts�'sern liersF 're tax sflvFnrlcss Bxfin niettsis
_. .. .. ,. can,,, � - y ,. , t)rnr 1"rirnde•�.t rerrivcd y„ur gramt, prrarnM and lhrj af° ,lust Lrautlfut. t h7.Pn 1 nrnr Sitb.--i rr,rl, W run y,�nr preatniM nnX lent dsl?ghtril with 'thorn. �'1My ked
2iosecl the door behind blai, "X return, and this time not only the Os1C Can confide ever�tlthn„ t0 Ui, �,yredYuuduoWerA#sutwboWantsU)lie uLLicyc:r.. I bcautlNl Ircl,,tont.nuotoK'urtioryoaawlLnilynrtd.nevnn itrer,
NELSON wtitrt;, Ot�ntiv+. opt. . t,LLi11t DUI-t1A1N,1'eterl,ernnt.
1 '"There Ill A casbter,a' ecelatined ono Cashroom Is closed, but t am rofused father \v}thout fear," resumed Al:. I+an- Address plainly, 'olio Savereirarf Seed Houses Dept» o , 1�ar�irtp, tint..