HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-03-28, Page 6u THE WlNIliIAN TIMES, MAR011 88 1.402. 4^('l,•4..(AAlS1V5l) Ire [[Montreal a young; lad named (`1 (\� " {* t', uSTAiiLifillkI) 1S7 No)rt>F'utoAt» ` �Yifl DECEPTION AND �.flSSt lU�'11 lali�G1UIY. ) , mn� F ny �* t Michael Gol,ibarg, it cripple frauT: xr (� y T il. 1). C gal:l>, stall tnarh[nrta, ?l h u4 s I IMS, I' rif � A TI t'. s. -. ;a It I,a* kris rcg;airo dtl]e. fall use, of his - - F - BJPTIST CxluRpxr :Sabbath services at gran, nu.�:le of ti n+iirv,; bill limos by wa operation termed "forced $ee That The Name 11 a in and 7 I� in, tiuildity School at LS PUBLISHED >h::tts. +,es•N7+1,1E)'3T.PaaltsilFUA7uPaoRzrleTott „ 2:30 p n;. General prayer meeting," at. J. Woodward, eDntbination, cable, correction. Had the Christian Scion. DIAM014TD DYES on Wednesdayeveniugs. Rev.J.J.Pat. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING dr,lling swivel and chump. .1102. tl%ta had a hand in it, het might have AI O11 2; , terson,li•.c�.,pastor, W.J.ChapmAn, S.S. --Ax-- J. A. Ultrix, grain gt.ju liar. xt,iir�z been on his -way to Chicago ante this IS PA Irver� I';`ltikaSR X'Utl k'tlI'- W. IT. Iftard, ra J tiTl'4 G S to . Superintendent, The Tii11e1S Ofliee, i?e&vex' I#Iotpit l ' Y'Iig aI>n tr:tt AN1 tiara to join D I'mir army as a livings . bWruolxsTCllLuca--Sabbathservices tele �, Pat. ,,� rl l . )Jg3J4.x%lS. example of a "miracle" performed. -, _ at 11 it in and 7 p m. Su„ day School at WINGIiADx, pNTAItIO. Thomas, and W. H. Nicholl �artridge� TkJa reYtt,al of the Xiiii-iter of .jus- A blue boob;, eoutainiimr t1w business ,�.01no prgftt loving; merch:znt:; bey 2:30pu1. EpSYOrthLOagueQY@iy112on- ,1'187(6OG`8II79S(TItTPx1eN-�1.QAper (ttttittniin loading machine. 11i t, to commuto the sentences of Dr. which is to come beton, the bfethodist package (ayes to supply their oustomors ouyWeeen oda Genera 1)1RUY. R Chtugl advance t 1.60irnotatiopaid. � No paper thee.. R; Z, 1IaJr,ill lzcltuck Jt� ria drill, 41,4i'b(lttle has caused considerable Geieral Conforeino it it.'J meeting; in with that are so poor and -weak that it y o Option of all ► ra ,e ittid, except at the chuck for ioc1, drills., r requires fully three packages to give the Robbs, pastor. Dr. Cowl@r, S. S. Sup• publi4hcr. 4trrprise. It was naturally expected �L inalp 1 lit September next is being scut@ depth And richness Of color G1,aG oruittaudent. AvvJsnrrstxG RATrs. - Legal and other tll.t, in consideration of his age, and p Pursl]XTERxA?; Cuuncn--Sabbath ser- ramal adv(•rtis(+lnentstioper�ignLz7ttriklinnfor Itivurucn lit 8#tcltig(ut prepared by the Secretary 1 t t try of that t . is Obtained fro In Olio pack lge of the first insertion, tic por line for eaeJt subsequent Lanni •e•cpentrireties <is well as the persecu- body It; is to be made: up from the Diamond Dyes. These weak dyes- vices at 11 a nl and 7 pin. Sunday invertion. ng, idicb,, bSarch 13.•. -The di_ lion lit- bad infored, that a portlaW of inerno is s a td oilttr (locunitnts Hent deRx at any price -ter@ sold to t Onsltulerfi School at 2:u0 p m. General prayer Advertisements in local columns are eitargeci voree record of M.ichlga a for the year - 241 term at least would have beew de- r 1 i meeting oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. ler liner each You dense ut insertion. and 6 cent" 1901, is sometl]i M at ten cents per packet, striae price its y o per line for call[ 6llb6e(lltent fnvet'tgori, �,. of a stulrltex, al- (R1t,ote(l, in by tlta carious conferences, and ler- Des.. Porrio, pastor and S. S. Superinten- thou, 11 it is n [feel lrrttex than, that Thore are, says a corres ondeut of thR the full l woman Diamondstrength � ho ismlDly,.',ed by it � Ams for Sale of Rent, and similar sri ar Previous year. Ti# arts to M4- r:tngzed in uhrir proper order. Copies An terse. Elinins for Sulu or to Bent ( of eget r@ y ,p. x ) p uC this book will be distributed to the merchant to buy the weak m,lid ST. PAUL'S CUUILOIZ, EPISCOPAL--Sab- firo,�niouth and 00 cents for each aui,scquont Secretary of State from every Gauge 4toodian Grceer, Over thirty canning, adulterated dyes referred to, should ' built izarviees At it a nt and 7 p lit. Sun ty except Eaton show that 2,396 di-, k0t,ories in Ontario, besides those in dtltg;.,tty �}ht.t, they real[, Winnipeg. p clay School at 2:30pm. Goneral prayer Coxritnox RATP,fi—The show" voroes, were granted dor} the {squtly refuse to be swindled, {Joss, otrrates for tho insertion of advertisenlonts � past 4 �ttclbeo and the Maritime Provinces, and This :system is copied from that in use I trouble and irritation of temper eau be meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, for specified periods.— year, and that only 45 vera refused, CPU a down of the well-equipped fac- in the. British conferences, where it I avoided by always using; tits Diamond Wm. Lowe, incumbent. P Shore, S. S. "PAOX. 1 yn. o],lo. a Pro, herr+ 250 applications WinT withdrawn. tutiei could e.tsily pack satlieient to has worked moi -t: satisfactorily. An- Dyes. Examiue each package; wheu Sttporuitondtut. OHtallf�l(oii�imii::::::,::: u 1 $10.00. 81000 I10.00 15.00 I4.uu At t110 baginnin; of till year there• i upply the Uauaclian ivarket• other change which i9 expected to be � Yoa see the name "Diamond Dyes, ' you servicCOWGes F.l#A1 a Ia d 7 p in. QuarterColumn ,.... 18.W 10.00 0.00 2.00 uT!; $,8x7 yearappli3,79 list on fill, and are fully protected, services at 1�1 a m trod 7 p m, Sunday Advertisements without specific directions duTiltg the year 3'796 new bills were• Ore! thing cannot be denied -- the beneficial is tilt. direct appointment l)y Diamond Dye Mat and Rag; Patterns School at 12 in. Midweek meetiug.on willbeinsort(xttill forbid and chargedaccortt- gil'W, elle'• num-bel' on record at the liocernment of Ontario is a good tela' corfertnees of their deleg;at(as to richly colored on til@ best quality o1 Wednesday evenings at8oclock. Gavin foeiipn(ldvnlou�+utadvort#sementsnnlstbepaid cease of tlzt" year being 4,{}3¢. In the (Vaal strcnK+'r to -day than it 'walk On plate:%CIn- thL%general conference, e0111. Scotch Hessian, can be OrdertA by .gall. Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. N. Prior, pastor. TrfF Jon Di:PAnTxrsT is Ntocked with an year 1900 there were 39 1C�.Y divorces. mittees. These will be named in May SALvi.TION ARxY-Service at 7 and id granted than. there were last ear. Send for free sheets of designs to Relocst extensive assortment of all requisitesfor tint- Y ,be eve: of the last general election or June, and when the larger body front. Send your address to The Wells a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and ing, affording facilities notequalledin the itaur yeart. ngo. Mr. Bass and his meets talo lists of committees -will ha � Riehttrd6on Co., Litttited, 200 Noun- every everting during the week at 8 typi�iinidbuitio rtatdettesYo ullrxJtOrk. Lame-ymoeks in Lake X:1Ie a.>soeiates .:ave* dolao good -work for completer. The work whieli N to be o'clock at til@ barracks. Sand w'ilLp gists of Post• tial, bees Montreal, l . Q. t+rs, ,etc., and the latest Ktyheat Through t11a lee on the west: side of the p::upti of tlta province in the in- . signed to each will boll in such shape POST OyncE-In Macdonald, Block. clioicofaneytype forthe ffner classes of print, , kerval, and rh,'. recent bye -elections that business zany be commenced al- ---"�- Office hours from 8 a n1 to 6:30pm. Ing. lore Stanley ltu,rbyr CuIL be. even ua• `show that the electors are not un- moil as soon, as the session, opens. G. T. It. I uprovemencs Peter Fisher, postmaster. H. B. ELLIOTT._ less than fiva wrecks, tonl would •upp,(•ciatgve of their .services. The MEonANics' INsTITUTE-Library and Pront•ietorand Publviber think from their app mance that they ,outlook for the future, is bright, in, - -- - — --� � Thr Grand Trunk Raibway have dc- free reading room in the Town Hall, -_---_ had cnly bn%m in the water a short , g*a. ���1� ��� SAVED ciiird to make cattmrivo inti>roventonts will be open every afternoon from 2 to rT P. KENNEDY M, D1. M. 0. P. S. 0, times Instead of years. No ow. around Y I fill !. i to their. propo y at Point Edward 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Zo.) (M ber ofnllhiestBritish Med ial A-p-inl tho village, hasi ashore, y id the en- these This cart r promises to b: an creep- I incl Sarnia, says, tlth Observer, and 9.30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ti<,:tat oa:a in the twitter of immigra- - work at til(* •Clan,• will b> cominoneod librarian. ren. OBieehour$-1 to4P.m.;7to0V.in. .any. Anelwr chains can b.� traced, tiva to Canada. Tit,.!. Parisian sailed + t. forthwith. Already at. £ores of ruen TowN, CoUfiCIL-R. Vanstono, Mayor; to the, anchor hundreds of feet away. Grateful Mother gurgles, About itri •at work at tett,. G.T.R.t levator RR. MACDONALD, g `" t, arc:'r,J. Liv:�rpoo► yesterday with ,.full � Wm. Holmes, Thos, Bell, Robt. Me- 1 J Gan s, of men werkin� taking ou The Rescue of Her Child, tlte•re, putting in new foundation%and Iudoo, J J, Elliott, W. F. Vanstone, (,t:cue,• from the differeat wreeks,other- r•.omplam"a1t of Englishmen w•hoha-e inakingt extensive ,alterations to the A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. For- nn s getting J;xc ,v.r,•d that Canada offers better interior of the. structure. The corn- Centre Street c g g gait the chains )tI]d an- 'oppartunities than; any other conn- - vray also purpove, rebuilding their Clegg, Clerk and Treasurer; William chars. The ice i,s vary clear and per- Cieg,I, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- SVillghJnn, On4a1•io, fectly safe, being over seven inches try in t11. w-wN. Th,- great craps in 1 wharf from Cromwell street south to lector. Board meets Egret Monday even- thick. Thea whcla of one boat: can. bet la.a West last year and the favorable. , klpni the• present freight shed.AtPoint ing; in each mouth at 8 o'clock. seen from bowl to stern.; part of the• ,r: ,t; mad; of thea country at theTaiu� ' k Gdwarcl the wharves wiTi bz t;tirttt - 8011007, BOARD.H. Herr, (chairman), DR. ACNEW,deck is washed away, and the centre v'w-Tt of the royal party have shown tivued and put, in shap:i'to ba used Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. Ph b::�ard can ba teen. Site leas loaded 4"..•partant 1' -suits in the matter of for ore handling. The presentfreight ysnald, surgeon, oto. Triumphed After A Physicians Homutlr, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. Office—Macdonald Bloolr, Over J. E. Davis' b tlui pallid uOp,t'ancinthQre s no rusr chain t ri:igrat aJt at (east. sheds at than Patient wil-1, ba enlarged Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. DlugStore. Night calls answered at the oflice. F a i I u r e . thixty-five+ feet in width throughout Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. _ __._. �__ _ ,- _ _ onit. Every link is stamped, onone The Saint Jahn, \. 13., Globe, con their entire length, some 650 feet. Meetingssecond Tuesda Tuesday ,n each side, 'P.rovc(i,' the other 'R. Tinnier ••eludes a lcm gthy article on "Ontario ' , n The G.T.R. yards at the Point will al- y g � V ANSTONE, t Mrs. G. Stoup, of Loa„will@, Ont., I � y` mond]. � � BARRi$TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. ni..;, sight ih tae, well w•ortlt looking 1i- bums,' with the following para. 1 grateful for the rescue of her little' o b' remodelled. PUBLIC SCHOOL TrAOxEas.--A. H. ;;geaph: "Till o[t;ervation may bo iboy from death, writes as follows: Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Pr#vateanaCompany ftmd.4toloan atlowest .• Miss Re Hold” Mise Far uharson, Miss rate otinterest. No commission charged, IVIort• P laying Autehor anade that Ontario, with a Govern-, 1-Ithink it my duty to inform you Of something About Fait Cures. y ' gaffes, toq*11 and farm 1)ro�1)�ort bought ort- _ I' laying which bas been what Paine's -Celery Compound has ( Corny., Miss McLean, Miss Matheson "agile Office, Beaver Bloc c. W ing�am. g (:ashes., ti.Y., arch i7. - I laying practically a (lone for my little boy.Ho became very ' What agreat variety, of faith cures and Miss Reid.. thel role. of a cow, because hi4 6-year- ,,=ntp pr:c:a e.£ about 40 lento, the yard. 'ill and had the attend", of our � theremu6tb@some have faith lit so-called BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone, r A. MORTON, old brothl}r, : nibitiou•4 to "ire a hut- thirtal Government for the last ' divine healers, others in certain doctors abairinnix), C. J. Readiug,., Thos Greg- : V . eber, .like papa," told him to, almost thirty years, is tilt Only province physician, but no good results -v@r@' ( , BARRISTER t apparent. Tile dangarous turns to and still others iu the, medicitees they cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- > fie•, east the lift. of the 4 -year-old} son: of. sedf-h has Proved itself capable i df , j use. Every person who has tested Dr. retar Dr. J. R. Macdonald Medical I Charlc,3 Ilaners, who lives at Af%rsh- lsslf-government by the best test : which my boy was subject became uio]ti , Y; + I Wingltant, Ont, , ; frequent, and always in winter. He 1 Chases Kidney -Liver Pills has faith Health Officer. lazed, near I. azker,% Glen. which can bH applied to it -the abil- would become pale as death, feet and in them, but faith or no faith, they are __.._._ _�_ ..___ +ity to keep out of debt, to keep 'ex- hands icy cold, and vomiting; always just the Raine for they net directly and rung p by he wits unconscious,. " J ~ PiADO AND THEORY, L. DICKENSON, ,adtrt,ng• up by the heels alongside tL •penditure within income. s eciRcall on the kidneys, liver and , . 0 reefritl Blau hterod aniulai an followed. H@ seemed to be powerless, I P � y Y" Y s , d Tho Provincial Secretary, replying to 'and for days could not lift his head front bowels, and make these organs healthy, HISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.N.1 BARRISTER, ETC. just about to be skinned by the en - Judging question in til@ Legislature, til@ other the pillow. Alter trying various kinds active and vigorous. Jud€;ing from the I thusta,stle youz.g; workman, who had, p 3 gb enormous demand for [baso Pills there and member of the Associated Musicians of ; Solicitor toBankoEHantilton. Money to loan. asked his ]nothat. fora knife. of medicine we decidedto get Paitle,s Cel- , Ontario, is pre aced to receive a limited num Offico-Meyer Block, Wingllem. xray, detailed the classes of goods made ery Compound for him. One bottle must be hosts of people that have faith ber of pupils for iustructian on Piano and in ; The boy had bwn a careful ohs!ttrverl in Ghent. of !tins father',S methods. Ile had often at the Central Prion, and gave their .rade him -yell, and since that time he Special attention given to pupils preparing ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. watched hien throw a 'rope, over a• values, as follows, for tho years men- has not been ill. I have every reason for examinations. R t0 believe lie is permanently cured. Residenoe—opposite R. C.Clnrreli,Wtngham• ; Doctor ofbontalSurgeryofthePenns lvania beef, knock it. senseless, string, it up. boned: 1897, b9G,iGu; 1898, p98,026; p y „ Good Itoads Dental College and Licentiato of tlleI, at to a beam in the slaughter houses, and In face of such testitnolly, who can 11898, $W,615; 1000, $85,774; 1901, $05,, 1 deny the fact that Paine's Celery Cam- According to the .9i. tl, anneal re- q i'11'i jj;j1'I'•ii 1' overegrioat O cenitivinggiianly of 01'tar#o, Oi ce prepare it for f with t. '9„6, The Government had contracts pound saves life? Hundreds of such � l � , e� J. � Y S. Sits wase filled with Ills umbitiat>( to p , port of 111x. A. W. Campbell, I)rovin- II��� , '-.,, • r,. Elliotts Itmclata his father, and energetically with 'brooms a first for the manufacture of letters as Mrs. Ston@ s are on fylefor the tial Commiss}oi er of 1lig;hways, On- �jll( I�i�'i ,; •..yr ,Honorer . Graduate of a I�III I y�' Ontario Veterinary W T. HOIJLOWAY, D.A.S., ln,ssooed his little brother. Whorl and ,cadge Of that nature, and iuFpectiou of dtoubters. ratio leads the, good fonds movement, Il;f��'rt ,w 17� College. L•D•S• t the noose tightened •about his neck the[ avid] anothFr for til@ manufacture of When your alrilrlrett are nervous, fret- is the l7ominion. Good progress, i' � c: yt New method for little chap- trttg;ged ,submissival elan - pi 1 Office and Infirmary painless ex- rorda+,e. The cost per diem of inmates fol, despondent, sleepless, weak, run- he avers has been made in road- ki t''i corner of Victoria and. traction. No Cocaine. 1 y along art 1897 -vafi r9-10 cents, and in 1901, down, have loss Of app@tit@, slow ntstkin^ the asst year. '1'he commis- I o,t,fro''' '';;' Minnie Sts. Wingham, special attention to t13o care and regulation tet [rind his captor axetil elle ,slaui;htei`. ! a P y I,�,r yS�+ Day and night calls - of children's teeth. Moderato )rices and aP Rotifer:; wa s reached. df.47 cents. The cost of clothing, coal circulation of blood and decreasing in II,sioner ,says that the present expen- ;;,'i s .?% ,nom a attended to. ' work carefullyandslcilYulgynortlormed. Oftiee uud provisions was much higher Inst wee ht, give them Palue's Celer Com- t n t.�l`i;,y,, s,� i promptly in Win ham. There his elder brother took to p i+ g y diture of $2,000,000 Searcy and Telephone connection. g small iron bar and d(Iflt his captive a ,year than in proceeding; years, hence the pound for a week or two, and note well 500,600 half days of .statute labor) -- --- — -- - - � blow that knocked 1]im]i senseless, Than increased per dlsm cost of maintenance. the cheering results in retnriting health ha,s not been applied to the best ad- F'A R M f° RS fOHN RITCHIE, he fastened the rope, round bit ankle.!. anti vi Or Wo sGron 1 ur a ills el The report for 1901 of the superinten- immediate use of the eat medicine for 8T kation Lack of gams and specl- ficatians, as well as defined instt•uo- +dents of neglected and dependent child- all sickly and weak boys and girls. tions for buildings' roads has been zen of Ontario has been submitted to largely responsible for this. York the Legislature. During the nine years -'Gild Time on Mountain clop and Simcoe are among the countied that the Children's Protection Act has Cookson, I. T., March 17.- gemmed which have taken active steps to - `yard; the inauguration of a county been in force in Ontario, nearly 2,000 in by an impassable circle of fire, with ,systems of roads,and how the various .children have been taken charge of, and all. the kinds of anima.ls.botn -wild and Grenville have made a Good start at is no exaggeration to say that but for tame, to be found in the Indian terri- towards a similar goal. The report. ithis Act full three-fourths of those 3' tory, for company, w�ais the lot of a party of picnicker,% on Movnt Cook- deals at length with ,the sar}ous system of roads, and ho -v the various children would have developed into -,son, a circular mountain, rising sal- towrsh}ps and ccuntie- should go paupers or criminals. Vases are cited of itary in the valley of the Illinois about adopting the ,system they de, children being sent by their parents to River, four miles north of this place. cide. upon. The question of electric flog;, and if unsuccessful at begging;, Almast a perfect abcle, its base is be looked railways using the highways % dealt i stealing would upon with equ- nearly two miles in ciLOumference and with. The, commissioner says that auimity, and the question is very pertan- its slopo covered by a thick forest, where an electric r llway is parmitte& I tuely asked: "Should not those parents extends gradually upward for nearly to use the highway, there .should ba a 33e punished rather than the children?"1,400 feet, where it ends in a perfectly { defiLite understanding ars to whore 'The entire report reflects great credit on- level plateau, entirely denuded of tim- the responsibility will rest for teal - Mr. Kelso. ber, of several acres in extent. der -ti of all arising out: of tilt Owing to the loo continued drought Sometimes there is a great deal in a tf S g forest fires have become common oc- use of the road by the electric cares. ad by came, and sometimes, too, a good deal currences. Early the other morning; a VIOLIN AND GUITAR, alt a letter. At least so seem to think Party of young Cherokees, consisting +;loo ro vard, $loo. of half. a dozen laden with baskets and the good people of Tilsonburg. A bill }tampers, ascended to the summit of , Zile readers of this paper will be leas been passed by the Legislature this the mountain. pleased to learn that there is at least one ;session to change the name of the town ! Shortly before noon the, party dis- dreaded disease that science has been zl€ Til3onburp to Tillsonbixrgd . It seems covered that the woods below were on able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the that the founder of the town, Mr. E. D. fire. Hurriedly they sought to escape from their picnic grounds, but diseov- only postive tura known to the medical Tillson, spelled his name with the Bred that they were, trapped, hemmed fraternity. Catarrh being a coustitu- double 1, but somebody dropped an I in by a broad circle of fire. 'their only tional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Balls Catarrh Cure is talcen Qnany years ago in writing the town refuge was the broad and barren pia- internally, acting directly upon the name ,n an official document, and it had ,lever been thought worth while to corn teal' ut• the t.ap. Soon they saw they had other dan- blood and mucous surfaces of the sys- rect the error until recently. Mr. Till- gens to contend against besides fire. tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient son died a fety weeks ago, and his ad- The latter, extending; entirely around the base, of the mountain, had caught strbngth by building up the constitution anirers determined to make the town commemorate his real name, and to do this it was necessary to get an act of : ao in it net all -manners of creeping; things and beasts. Over the mountain and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its Parliament. top they came, mustang, deer, wood curative powers, that they offer One wolves and wildcats, with tails crccte Hundred Dollars for any ease that it and fiery eyes, maddened with terror, fails to cure. Send for list of testimon- I Realizing their peril the picnickers ials, �eadfr g 6 aaePains.i fled to an Indian temple.. Fort.- Address, F. J. CurnapY & Co, Toledo, b, I nately the door of the .stronghold was CoUld Not fieS$ or Sleep. I of thick wood. The ar.}mals outside Sold. by tell Druggists, 75c. had no water, and began tck grow ir- Hall"s Family Pills are the best. _ ritable and .savage. _ 4 V. P. n. Condurtor•(3 Sufleringx- Pandemonium broke loose; panthers �-- Ile is 'Now 'Well And Givelt Dr. -waivers and wildeat.s seemed at once I A Wonderful Preparation Chase's Iftdriey-Elver Pith Credit to rei;airr their ferocious instincts. It 111tokeo Cereal Coffee," pure, whole• for the Cure. was Daniels Inferno with trimmings. some, nourishing, highlyrecommended Mr. W. E, 13erryman, Conductor on At the :sugrg'estion, of Johnson par- by Pearling physicians. Rocko is equal the C,.P.R., St. Stephen, N.B., writes:--� "Y sons. the little art knelt a d pro ed P y u u p Y , to 4t)o. cOfT(.e, but only casts } the [)rinse have been railroading; for 23 years, j long and earnestly for rain. i and is used at meals instead of polwon• and for ten years suffered from a severe Then a miracle happened. As if the las(=. of Kidney Disease and Backache, windows of heaven wero opened, ons teas find toffee, lIv (•On6tiLnt llSe a e1 trouble common to railroad men. after flood of water 41PSeended on the smok- used me all up to-tat]C, and alter ROX100 C'E'REAL 0010FE. , will give you vin], Vigor, vitality, er]erg;y, health a ;valking. up hill I would have to lie Ing mountain, the Ems xvero extin- andstrength, nild is a positive euro fcir, down to get relief, my back was so guished, arid weary, blistered and dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. 10c, pack - bad. bad. I could not sleep more than half worn out, the entire Harty were sue- et;vs. life, lb. or `L lb;y. for '),ic, For the 'night acid then didn't seem to get carred. t sale by ALL GROCER& any rest. I had used all sorts of medi- ) � cines and was pretty badly discourag;eti I when I heard of Dr. Chase's Kidney. The estate of the late Lord Dufferin is i'or sale lit W ngham by Jas, G1e.Keli ie. ]fiver Fills. After using; two boxes of valee(It,t.C108,548. 'T w a._ this treatment found it was helpin„ me and fico, boxer have inade a runt- The last general election in Great Pvzwe. After. o vrood Phos hoaite, "Y b70k i:• ..t.lr-.T ant". tlu,- r,l•1 trouble pfete cure. I not, rest and sleet) Vimi, Pritain acid Ireland Cost ,6l,J7,180, 1:1s,moom4 s rile Great Xvgliah Remedy. lives ehurol +tisuarDe-arodi. Alany poo- 11 fele[(rj2,t));,,9:1lj. TheAv(aragecost ofSold and reeommendedliyall •Isle to wham I have rc eoinmmilled these each vote polled -vas ,is )d ($1.4'3'). have 1.yen tured. Anyone wish. ble med#eine daeavete Slk epens Ing; furthm, particulars'write,n�" An old sharp advertised ('Book -keep• a°vye" .9ieJUdr&1 &ea t4 cure The sale of Dr. Chas3's Kidney-Llrrr ]lel,* tat)glit in one It:?,son; terms, Orae or excess, Mental worry. T,x6enive. us^ofTo- 'ilis far e%veeds that oY any similar dolittr." Ile got a large elass oil t11@ remedy. One trial iss enoutrh to coo- o Opiuta or Stimulanta. mailed on 4('_ceipt # bape of ne, One package si, alas S5. Otte 2biCt 7teaa , vine arignim t that this Is dere g;reatost opening night, and after they were seat• f'amilq medi"ine that money will bust. lattoill cum. Pamphlets free to any address, '7flte' odd ling?asy,Nindsor,0itt. ed and the dollars rnsited ill he said: 4)ite pill a date, 25 cents4 a bole, at :111 �� ' dealers or rdwanson, E:otes &- Co., (i'o•• The whole art Of book-la•f!Ppin,'+, hinges Wuud s Phovt>]tncliuo is gold itt 'wing [loin br 0 lin A. Cama )bol. A. L. Hainilton. R, tt'onto, on threra tvord4-1](,.v(•r kind t1win!" A. Doupla,,F, and.T. I.1. Davis, Drug;giq+. and anyone having live stock or other articles they,vish to dispose of, should adver- in GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT and hoisted him up -by means of ar windlass. A few moments later he tise the same for sale theTruits. Ourlarge circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if Whi ham, Ont. appeared in the kitchen whore his. I Jnother was at work you do not get a enstomor. We caret guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more JOHN CURRIE, WING)T&U, ONT. ."i "Gimme. the, knife," he ,said, "'cause for the article or stook than it ie worth. Send your advertisement to the Tyres and try this U ° LICENSED AUCTIONEER. the cow Is kilt and I'Inl gain' to ,skin' plan of disposing of your stock and outer articles. Sales of Farm Stock and farm Implements The mother aecompanled the boy to, specialty. All orders left at Tan Trims offico promptly file ,slaughter house to. see what he I meant', and wase horrified when he g ¢9, e ® gt $BH�j 1@<�C ®!® j��tdi T' attended to. Terms reasonable. _'•bowed her, with much sai.isfaatibn,. p + E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN I what he erect the cttle ,;he lowered the little bay to the OF 60 5 -VINGRA3t j floor, apparently lifole.s4. She work-. ed over him for two hot -.s assisted by, IS GREATLY RELIEVED TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. ' a Physician, and at thoLexp}rat}ant of that time consciousness;returned..Cho BY THE USE OF THE Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Allude boy`s injuries will not prove. fatal, but the amateut• butcher' is Ingeh disgust - WNW ®I S T A I q�anlYnatlgll". _ ^^ - ..� I cd xvith tilts interference with hid. � Plans. VIOLIN AND GUITAR, TELEPHONE j' MISS CARRIE MOORE You reach your custo7ner in a of London Conservatory of Music will be pro- ared after Oet. 1st to receive a hinited num- I , few seconds, and 3won can bar' of pupils for instruction on Violin and GResidenee--opposite e t be accomplished at cost Of R.C. Church, Wingham. I i LPTTLI; time and trouble. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada JOB PRINTING, ; Pamphlets, �-�, �6b" including Books, Pam P Posters, Bill; -'711P' n r D LIMITEHeads, Circulars, a�0., &c., executed in the best � ' ' 'y style of the art, at moderate prices, and on i short notice. ., sty,.:, .>= . ,,....,.:...• BooickrNDnvG.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with tis for ! '% Binding, ,will havo our i,rom ,t attention � Prices for Binding in any style will be given on t� application to THE TIMES OFFICE, , SOLID RUBBER Wiugham.? ` RAILWAX fiIHE TABLES. Where is a noted difference r 13•¢r� i ag, %-c-3t, GRAND TRUNK RAIIAVAY SYSTEM. j in the style and fit of Pants we - Palmerston M-1 '11% LEAVE FOR , yy y t Palmerston:......,,.'.,. 0.53 a.m.... 8.55a.m. ; make that always brings peon 1 d4 `+� S London . 6.50 a.m.... 3.lOp.Jn. 1 Kincardiuo..111A rn FROM •m.... 8.38p•ru, i ple back for another pair. Will carry heavy loads and $incardine ...0.49 a.m.. 8.55 a.m.... 8.10 p.m withstand hard service. London .......... ... I... 11.10 film.... 7.55 p.m Then there is the low price Palmerston. 2.45 p.m.... 8,38 p.m ; An ever -satisfactory, caS - = R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingham. "y� q I Titling Wheel tin¢. CANADIAN PAS LH and better duality of cloth put RAILWAY. j TRhrNB LEAYF. Eon. EVery Set guaranteed. TorontoandEast........ 0.57 a.m.... 3 >5 p.m. in then,[ --••cloth that wears Teeswater . 1.17 p.tn....10,43 p.m. , Can be fitted to any whzel. ARRivJa PROM See our new goods and prices. %i eswater... 6.57 nan..... 8.25 p.m. I b Toronto and EAst ... . 117 p.m. ... 10.43 pan, Solid for C'atalo :to. J. H. BEEMER, Agent. Windham. .OP nlsr;<l.a» ries off• - _.- -__-__ TORONTO, «a �., yyf,, t xl e p v v-IF. I .a' : � 0r_-- .M PAYS I , "1.7'() ADVERTISE TISE TRAat: MARKS t)K51ePhtt3 M E g A 1Jnn(tsMr,oTq flln:�tratnd tverrtcty. I.�:,,c::t etr• War I f0 .)r aaq nti, $1, t; t n•y ,,. 'i'rr)ne. 5ta A w � y � vyo�,tr.pfaur mnaths, fit. . (.t t t.y..T • ewsdeairrry. I l9iut�fl U�«SG11 roadv:r,Y. °' c� York